Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Aug 1909, p. 6

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PAGE SIX. They Help Your Stomach 0ut | CANOEISTS . ARRIVING! b hl Wretchedness a. [FOR THE CANOE MEET AT) SUGAR ISLAND. A stomach that cannot digest a gond | ---- . { ménl is cerfainly a sore trial. It has |A Serious Runaway Accident-- | seen responsible for almost everything Kingston Grocers' Special Cup in the way of human misery, up to 2 suicide, ' Appreciated By Bdgar Cum- mings the Gananoque Boy o> stomach and other digestive organs Jack vigor. Not enough of the juices necessary to digestion are secreted, nor floes the stomach work up the food | properly. The worst of it is that there is not sufficient nourishment taken out of the food to restore the system's vigor, and the trouble goes from bad to worse, The stomach needs help. "Little Digesters" meet the need exactly, One "Little Digester" after each meal will ensure perfect digestion, provided, of course, that the food is good and wholesome. 'Little Digesters" are guaranteed fo cure Indigestion, and Dyspepsia, or your money will be refunded. 25¢ at your druggist's, or by mail from the Coleman Medicine Co., Toronto. 27 For Sale. » - pe 2 -- ---- $2,000--Double Frame Dwelling, new, B. C. $1,400---New Frame Single Dwel ling $1,900--Frame Dwelling, Single, B. C., nice situation. $3,300 ---New Double House, plastered, with brick front, B, C., in good situation $7,000 -Fine Solid Brick, mod ern hoine, large grounds, nice situation $800--Single 7 rooms, Frame, easy term Full particulars at D.A.Cays H7 Brock St. If Sick Don't risk even one single penny! And I will tell you why I say this. It is because every package of Dr. Shoop! | medline is absolutely free if it fails. No one negd risk even one single penny. Just think what this means to the suffering nse, nothing whatever un. | . For 80 full days, and 'without the apirifle penny, you can use eithér of my t nedies--Dr. 8hoop's Restorative or Be' P eumatic Remedy. Ny Then why take any chance whatever? Why purchase any medicine whose maker dare not back it just as I do by this remarkable offer? . And besides, 1 am no s i a No 100p's Resto ery drug store in the land. T sald, "We take #0 chance whaWvet here. For twenty years Dr. 8hoop's medicines have becggne thoroughly stgndardized all over America. And I havefhol and respons. village every. yours: These an ny Medicines with © antire risk is mine alone But write me first for an order. 1 have an agent In almost every commune ity --but all druggists are not authorized to graus {he 30 day test, So drop me a line, please--and thus save all Misappointments and delays Besides, you are free to consult me by letter os you would your home physician. Do so freely and fully--if you desire. My advice and the book below are yours--and without cost. Perhaps » word or two from me will clear up some serious ailment. I have helped thousands upon thousands bi my private prescription or personal advice plan. 5» Besides, the books will open up new and Jhelpful ideas to you. They tell of my 30 years exe perience at the n homes and in Hospi. tals. All phase fp 1egs nnd relief are told of here. They { § "inside nerve" no larger thn ¢fsilkén A t gives to the Heart its impulse. How the Stomach and Kidney each have their inside or power neive. How these organs surely falter when these controling and rebuilds, tone and powe help you--if it it within the power of medj to do so. My best effort is surely worth you ple request. So write now, while it is fresh mind; for tomorrow ever comes. Dr. Shoop, Box 12, Racine, Wis. } Which Book Shall I Send You? No 1 On Dyspepsia No. 4 For Women No. 2 On the Heart No. 5 For Men No. 8 On the Kidneys No. 6 On Rheumatism Msffofofofefrbofofobefebbefofeffefeit Not o Strangers in te iy oe While In our city take a few minutes tq call and examine the extensive and beautiful collection, of ANTIQUE FURNITURE and OLD FASHIONED = ARTICLES, J which we are offering at a low cash price or exchange. I will buy any part or all' In your home. Send post card. L. Lesses, Cor. Princess and Chatham Sts. Kingston, Ont, wofenorfosonfoeforforonielonffofenffonfenfende International Portland Cement Adamant Wall Plaster Cuclinh and Renfrew Lime Y --AT= P. Walsh's, Coal and Wood Yard, Barrack St THE PRONTENAC eh LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1883. President--Sir Richard Cartwright Money iasued on City and Farm o perties. Municipal and County Deben- tures. Mortgages purchased. Deposits received and juterest allowedy 8. C. McGill, Managing Director, $7 Clarence streety 4 | | { The trouble in most cases is that the | Runner. Gananoque, Aug. 4.--The canoeists {are -begirn ng to arrive here from all over the 'province and from across the*line ta be in readiness for the | opening up of camp at Sugar Island fon Friday | The Garnosk-Frontenac baseball |game postponed on account of rain Hast Saturday will be played at the | big eampus at Round Island.on Wed | nesday' afternoon. | Master Willie Robinson, son. f Mrs {Wiliam Rebinson, King street, who has been in Kingston general hospi Ital for a severe surgical Hperation, was successfully operated" on last Fri- day 4nd was brought home Monday mich improved. | Quite a serious runaway ac sdent oc curred yesterday The horse owned by J. Thompson took fright at a passing auto, ran away, and in the mix up bad its leg broken. The buggy was badly smashed Fdgar Cummings, the fourteen-year old Gananoque runner, who took sixth flace in the five-mile road race in hinzston, at the retail grocers' pic nic, has received from the management a beautiful souvenir cup for the | plucky" race he ran The cup is nw on exhibition in Clifford Sind's window, and the lad is deservedly well pleased at the comn ittee"s hand ome token of appreciation. Another full house greeted the Ca noe: and Motor Boat Association's jig midsummer carnival last evening It is expected that the carnival will he continued for a few days longer. Mi Illa Stewart, located for the past two vears at Sault Ste. Marie, i pending a few weeks' vacation ith her "parents, Mr. and Mrs Har ey Stewart, First street Mr and Mi ltdwin Warren, Chicago, are the nests of the latter's parents, Mr. and My DD. J. Gordon, at their summer residence, Tremont Park. Mrs F W. Duclos has arrived here from To ronto to spend the balance of th ason wrth relatives Arthur Ro monager Bank of Toronto, Dor ter, Ont., has returned to hi dutie after a two weeks' vacation here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ( B. Rogers, Stone street A. M. Purvis, Toronto, a forme resident, has been renewing acquaint ances here during the past few days Mi I'larence Scott; Peterboro, ane Ma Raymond, Toronto, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. B, 0. Britto at the summer resdence, Tremont Par} David Moore, Montreal, anc Mi J. J. Moore, Charles street, left vesterday for Kingston to spend ¢ hort time with friends at Ports mouth. I'. 0. Middleton, located for the past fow vears in Cobalt, is' hol; daving here with his wife and family King street Mrs. Cecil Sherin, spend ing some weeks here; with ber mother Mrs, Hugh Welson, Pine street, left yesterday, for home at Pelican Ra pids, Was, David Waldie, Watertown, NY spent the past few dave with relative town id Heln Kimbalt -has- re turned to Iroquois after spending the past month with friends in town. My and Mrs. W. J. Beatty, Vancouver, B and W. | Latimer and Miss Pearl Latimer are holidaying in. Que hee. Mrs. Hudspeth and son, Miles Church street; spending the past few weeks at Tadousae, have returned home Miss Chandler, Nutley, N.J. is the guest of Major and Mrs J Donevan, Victorian avenue, for few weeks Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Shan eman, Tanner street, are spending a week with the former's daughter, Mrs Grant, Cape Vincent, N.Y. Vernon Parke, spending a few weeks vacation here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs A. N. Parke, King street, has return ed to his duties in New York city I'he steambarce Aberdeen, from Pie ton, brought in a large load of fruit and vegetable to-day which were promptly disposed of to local resi dept the price being chser thar the usual town prices Mrs. Jovnt, spending the past fev months with her son, Dv. Joynt, V Ning street, has returned to he home in North Augusta," Miss Anni Tulloch, Prince street, 1s holidaving in . Syracuse, NY, Mes Franei I eve River street, and Mrs Mul hn Rome, N.Y., spent a few day luring the past weék with their sis ter, My P. Bolger, 'Lansdowne. Crow Lake Mischief Doers. Crow Lake, Aug. 3.--Rev. Mr. Crows preached an ologquent sermon on Sun day last to quite a large congrega tion. Huekleberrving is the order of [the day. The woods are full of pick ers, Miss Pearl MeGuinnis is spending her holidays at her home hese. 8S | Middleton spent Sunday with hie | danghter, Mrs. William Marsh, nea: Newhoro. Some of the young people | rot up a dance on Friday night last {On their way home they thought if |eute to throw down bars and take | gates off their hinges and cXposo the farmers' crops to whatever might get in their grain to desiroy it "They also destroyed milk out of their cans bv throwing it around om the ground | Visitors Thomas Swerbrick, Miss | Flora and Ethel Hamilton at S. Me Ginnis': Alonzo Kennedy and Mies f Irono MceKiver, George Swerbrick and [ Miss Myrtla Hamilton: George Hamil [ton and Miss Pearl McGinnis at Mr jand Mrs. 8. Kennedy's; Mr. and Mi {R Hawley, Mr. and Mrs. Wiligim Kone wdy, Rev. J. Crowe and Miss F. Me { Kivers James Hartman at J. W napp's; Mr. and Mrs. W! B. Thar | wott at S. Jones'; Mr. and Mrs. John | Hicks at W. B. Tharreit's; C. Stoness t W. L.. Barker's; W. R, Barr at tol) Lake: Frederick Loomis at | harles Knapp's | | | | | Admiral's Court In A Barge. London, 'Aug. 4.--The annual meet ing of the Rochester Admiralty court which has jurisdiction over the fishing' in - the Medway fram Sheerness to Hawkwood, was held on Saturday, ac cording to ancient custom in the hold of a barge moored in the river. The mayor, who is admiral of the river presided Frank Cooke can supply you with gy hind of tents __ ----=m... I THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST MONTREAL PRODUCE MARKET. NEWS Of 'NEIGHBORS -------- i The Prices Paid For Various Pro-| {8 e @ ducts. Fotomate ' Montreal, Aug. . 3.-- The demand for | WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND: | cheese during the past few days has ENTS TELL US. \ been rather quick, and orders from «i i Great Britain have been few and fer | The Tidings From Varjous Points between, The small amount of trade in Eastern 'Ontario--What passing may be due {o the fact that veople Are Doing And What the dealers on the other side have | Thiy Are Saying, | not yet returned to business, the first Monday in August being recognized as | bank holiday in England. As a re- | Notes From Morven. sult very fow cables have rcached here | Morven, Aug. 2.--Mr. Clapper has from the other side, and those that returned home from visiting his broth have come in all speak of the holiday er at Huntington. Mrs. E. M.: Smith spirit prevailing there and the general and her son and daughter are visiting Jack of interest inn cheese: The out-|at her daughter's,, Mrs. G. Valleau, . look, however, is for a steady market | Sharbat Lake. Miss Sarah Ramen, and wo can eount on full prices being Winnipeg, 7s visiting hor sister, Mrs. paid for cheese in the country this W. Cummings. Mr. Crab haf bought a week, provided the present duil spell house and lot in Belleville. A cong does not indicate a' complete falling off | service will be held at th>' Brick church in the gencral demand. There is no [here on Sunday night. Mrs Joel Kel- occasion to expect this, however, as fer and her brother, M on Smith, sides of the Atlantic |from Brockville, were visiting their stocks on both mother, Mrs. D. R. Hicks, last week. are in small compass, and considerably less than at this time last year. The total visible stock on the first of the Reports From Plevna- month was over 100,000 boxes less Plevna, Aug. 3.---Hubert Elkington ' than last vear. The «mall stock © of | has left for a time again. Messrs. Ost theese in cxistenee, in view of the fact | ler and Kirkpatrick report a good | that the supplics from all sources is | time while camping at Bula Lake. Mrs. fully equal to that of last year, would | Ostler gave a small picnie at and indicate a larger consumption of | Lake last wok. Mrs. W, McCormic at cheese this year, and of this is actual- | hee brother's, * B. Godkin, Fornlagh. ly the caso, we can look for a steady [Miss J, Gilmour and Miss M. Wat market throughout the season, with | kine, Ardoch, at Mrs. J. Godkin's, ! very little fluctuation in the course of Mrs. R. Dawson, of Ottawa, at Mes | prices. G. Ostler's; also Miss Maxwell, of | As was generally expected, the prices | Kingston. Miss Muriel Prooks gave in the country last week advanced to- | her girl friends a tea party and a wards the close, and the markets on [very merry time was enjoyed. Miss Thursday and Friday sold at slightly | Kathleen Ward has gon¢ to spend a higher prices than those at the begin- | week with her grandmother, Mrs. Wen ning of the week. The prices ruled [sley. Rev. Mr, and Mrs. Lyons are from 11fc. to 1136., a slight premium | sponding their holidays at Portland. being paid "for colored cheese in al-|D Albert's second gon, Sidney, most every case. offi a fonce and gave his arm a sever This weck's markets will probably | wrench. rule the same, although an advance nay be looked for if we get an im News From Fermoy. proved demand from the other sido Fermoy, Aug. 2.--Raspberries aro fhe demand last week was compara plentiful in this vicinity and potatoes tively small, as witness the shipments, | promise to he a fine crop. Most of vhich amounted to only 75,000 boxes, | tha farmers have commenced haying 19 compared with 110,000 boxes the | 4nd report. a fair vield. Mrs. Derby week befort. The receipts are keeping | ghire is having her house remodelled ip well, and if the reports frome the | hy W. Trudove and son Mr and country are backed up by actual fig-| Mys. F. Knapp, Newboro, are spend- wes here we should have a decided | ino a few days at "her father's, B nerease, in the total' receipts of cheose | Botting: Mr. and Mrs. Butiteral and nto Montreal this month. Up to|w. Brae at Mrs, Derby shires; late * we have been running almost | paor. Burridge at BL Botting s; wok and neek with last year's figures, | A ]owic and Mrs. W. Truelove at but from now on we should show a Quinn's; J. Hannah, Westport, at air increase Kish's; Mies Mary Botting at "1 The demand for hatter has fallen off | Barr's, Biirridee; A. Kish, Cole Lake, wd the market is slowly but sioadily | spent Sunday, at home; James Brash leelining Last Saturday at Cowans- | 34 Mys. P. Crozier's, Burridge; Mi ville the offerings were all sold at Knapp and Mise Il. Botting made a 2c. per lb, and the highest price | fying trip to: Bediord Mills Jastw aly, vaidh at St. Hyaeinthe was 213e. Other | yjic Ella Derbyshire has returhed ountry markets are going to-day at i home after spending a wook with Xie. to 218c., with prospects of ever friends at. Bediord Mills. ower prices towards the end of the -- I Godfrey Happenings nent in the demand cither from Great | Godftpy, Aug. 3.--James Coulter Britain for export or from the local | hipped" two carloads of vattle hepe traders \ no . | saturday, for Montreal 'market 7 Finest Eastern Townships creamery, | wejjs K, & P. agent here, is doing to-day, is quoted at 2 with o | relieving work # Kingston. E. Bert linavy finest at 22¢, to 22fc. per lh. rim. Parham, is taking his place here Dairy butter is very scarce, and is R. Watt. and party of youmg men from swelling up to 19¢. per Ih. for selected Toronto. ate camping. On Thirteen I stock. . land Lake. Mr and Mvs. M. J. Haney' Toronto, came down in their automo ROLLERS FOR LOCUSTS: bile last week. Miss, 0. Godfrey ac- : -- : companied them home. Mr. and Mi Myriads of Insects. Devastating! join Chisholm, Ottawa, spent Sunday Crops. : here, it being several years since Mr Vienna, Aug. 4.--Myriads of locusts Chisholm | left the e parts Mi have made their appearance in the dis- | Freeman, Toronto, at Wesley Free trict of Nagykoro, in Hungary, where man's. Miss Emily Gregory is renew they are devastating the crops ing acquaintances: here Miss Eva One htindred and eighty horse and Craig has gome to Watertown, N.\ {steam rollers have been 'collected from on a visit. Miss N. Fraser, Mountain 'ar and near, and are being driven | Grove, is spending a few davs here cross the open country, crushing | Miss Maud Hill is vi rtmg---tlarting rops and insects together, as this hls | ton. Miss Payne, Portsmouth, is call been found to be the only way to ing on friends here. Warner Switzer heck the plague | and family, of Latchford, at G. W When «the insects first made their Giles'. Mr. Switzer is improving, at appearance the farmers applied for ver several weeks' illness, from ty- help to the ministry of .agriculture at phoid fever. Budapest, and, as they did not get] -- hat they wanted at once, they sént a | Lavant Station Jottings. large case full of live locusts to the | Lavant Station, Aug. 3.--Misses minister, . [Clara and Elsie Lee have returned ns mmm | home, after a visit with friends in Three Sets Of Twins. o| Poland. Mr. and Mrs. Little and Mai- London, Aug. 4.--At the baptism of | ter Ellis arrived from Calabogie, on the twin children of Mr. and Mrs. A. |Saturday, to visit friends here. R. H Gillingham at Kirkham, near Preston, Somerville, student, went to (C'alabo- the father's twin sisters acted as god- | gic and exchanged pulpits with Mr nothers, and the 'mother's twin bro- | Little, on Sunday. Lionel Barr, Po- thers were godfather {land, was the guest of his cousin, re bm : [Norval Lee, from Friday to Sunday The man who never has occasion to Mr. and Mrs. Lattin have returned to buy an umbrella' is one kidd of a | Montreal; after visiting relatives here hustler. : nd at Lavant Settlement Prof Nothing would please our neighbors| Knight, Queen's, spent the week-end more than to see us get what we de-| here with his son; Cyril. James, Simp serve, * son arrived from Kingston, on Mon Love will find a way--if the old man day, to visit his uncle, A. BE. - Jack, s willing to supply the grub stake, son. 1. J McFarlane is suffering from a very sore knee. Miss Mary Thomas . ; i and George Thomas visited at James Grew Thinner Every Day McKinnon's, on Sunday. Ne and Mr J. Bingley expect to return home to Appetite Weis Poor, Dizzy, Faint Reston, a Tos week. Harold Rob- Weak, Continuous: Cruel ettson spent the week-end with his Backache, father, at Robertson Lake. Another Case in Which : Desert Lake Doings. Dr. Hamilton's Pills Saved a Life Desert Lake, Aug. 3.--Farmers here That Physicians Despaired Of. |,re nearly done haying, and cay the What a pitiful sight it is to see a|yield is much better than anticipated handsome, - able man being gradually Miss J. Wilson, teacher, is spending robbed of good looks, health and abil- [her vacation with friends at Collins ity to work. Such cases are frequent|Bay. J. N. Abrams is recovering from "the one here described being that of his recent illness. Miss 1. Timmer BE. P. Lascelles, a well-known Printers' {man, suffering from a broken collar Supply man, residing in Hamilton. | bone, is doing an well as ean be' ex- 'About six months ago 1 began to no-| pected. Little Florence Smith has re tice a worn, tired feeling coming over|turned home from visiting her grand me. I was unable to shake it offi. It|parents here. ¥. Walkft cut, with a was not the fatigue that follows hard mower, a field of hay containing work--it was sort of an unaccountable twelve acres, onc day last week, for C laziness that assailed me. -1 was anxi-|[Orser, Mps. Wilson, Glendower, visit ous fo work, but didn't have the en-1ing her sister, Mrs. W. Snook, for a ergy. Something was dragging me few days, has returned home. E.R down, robbing me of my health and [Snook has built a new drive house and spirits. 1 got tired of taking prescrip-imadé extensive 'improvements around tions that did me no good and used his barn and new stone stables. Mr Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Their action | Page and her sister, Mrs. Poters, who soon proved to me that I was suffer- | were so severely injured by being ing from a terribly congested liver and [thrown from a waggon recently, are acute indigestion. Dr?" Hamilton's improving slowly, though still in a Pills brought back my appetite, cured very weak condition Berry picker the heavy pain in my side and back, | report hickleberries a good crop, but gave me a new grip on life. 1 gained raspberries have been scarce. The late in weight and now I am strenger, look|rains have improved things to a great better, work better than ever before I'extent, everything growing very rapid was taken sick." {ly at present. Mr. apd Mrs. R. Smith If you want to get back the vigor were at 0. Snook's. on Sunday. FErn and spirit of youth, if you want the 'est Freeman, after a very eritical oper sparkle of robust health on your ation, at the Kingston general hos cheeks--use Dr. Hamilton's Pills regu- pital, is improving nidel "James arly. They cleanse, purify, tone, |Abram& has gone to Kingston for strengthen--make the sick well, give! treatment in the géneral hospital, and this grand medicine a faithful trial is much better. 250. per box, or five boxes for 81, at| ( a all dealers, or the Catarrhozono cem-| Go' to Frank Cooke if you wan; pany, Kingston, Ont, Lporch curtains or the material, voek, unless there is some improve 4, 1900. ---- -- It Leaves the Skin Tingling With Health There is a wonderful difference in soaps. Have How to you ever noticed how one kind leaves the skin soft R- some Infants' Delight into a tub of hot water and and white while another may leave it red and rough? os I ae Both soaps looked alike, perhaps, But the dif- Infants? 18 18 80 pure ference was in the material, Let us tell you what te An a han I Ae will Sud a and remain in the ve. Then immerse your ther tae tho! ly with --rub it right into the skin, for it is s0 pure bath is finished, we put into Infants' Delight, then decide if you most pl can continue with common soap. al Ceylon is an island in the Indian Ocean, jSnd from there we bring pure cocoanut oil 12,000 miles to our factory. Then we go to France for vege: table oil, and often pay double what we might pay. But our oil is pure enough for your table. / These oils are doubly boiled and then milled by our own special process, after which they fall like flakes of snow into endrmous bins. Then they are crushed under a weight of 30 tons to press out the moisture. Next they pass through granite rollers and come out in miles of . gilky ri . Finally they are dried eight times 'and th ped into cakes. Could yc: imagine a more delightful soap than this? It lathers into a rich, creamy foam. It wears as thin asa wafer. It leaves the skin as soft as velvet and as smooth as satin. It is the very utmost in perfect soap. The perfume is the delicate scent of the roses. We pay $100 a pound for pure Otto of Roses, but it requires 3.000 ounds of rose leaves to make a single ounce. The ia simply €xquisite--it brings the breath of a million flowers. se a single cake and learn how delight- ful it really is--it costs no more than the common, so why not have the best? wv Cents a Cake At All Dealers - Calf, for $2.50. Blok Headache and relieve all the troubles fricl- dent to a bilious state of the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after eating, Pain in the Side, &c. While their most remarkable success has been shown in curing ~ SICK Headache, yet Carter's Little Liver Pills are equally valuable in Constipation, curing and pre- venting thie annoying complaint, while they also Ache they would be almost priceless to those who suffer from this complaint; but fortu- nately their goodness Hoes notend here, and those whoonce try them will find these little pills valu able in so many ways that they will not be wil ling to do without them. But ACHE 28 the bane of so many lives that hers is where we make onr great boast. Our pills cure it while others do not. . Carter's Little Liver Pills are very small and very easy to take, -One or two lla makea dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action please all who H A we teks, £3 SRDICHE 00 NIW TIE The finest in the city. " MAYPOLE "'I--thal's the name of the -- cnkeof soap that makess ul dyeing ot home cleanly, successful, safe. The colors are fast and brilliant. It dyes to any shade. No streaks. No mess Or MM: trouble, Give yourself & YPOIE [oa picasant treat with Soap cleanly * Maypole"! roc. for colors. se. for black, Frenk I. Benedict & Co. Fasily remedied if you care to greater than you ever figured on Our canvasser who call wife comfortable and happy. May we not Why not talk the matter over anyway This 1s t-- your home, and the wonderful saving e Day & Martin's Latest Shoe Polish "Just Out" far ladies' men's and children's footwear, Get a box at your dealer's, 8 CHAS. GYDE-- Agent lor Canada Meuntreal. A D price of the Shoes were, they will only be that are regular $1.25 to $1.75. Remember the age limit is 6 years. Many other Ba JOHN TAYLOR & CO., LIMITED; TORONTO, CANADA. pecial for Men Regular $3.50 Oxfords, Black Calf and Tan Regular $4 and 4.50 Oxfords, in Black Calf, Tan Calf and Pat. Colt, for $3.25. Regular $5 Oxfords, in Black and Pat, Colt, for $3.95. These are all good, natty lasts. See Our Window. correct all disorders of {hestomach stimulate the Liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they only @ . os aries HEAD e1 . Calf, Tan Cah ha Ganong's Bitter Sweet G.B. Chocolates. A.J.REES, 166 Princess St 'Phone 58. a J 2 J 2 J J 3 sfeferforiof efecforfoeforfecfufonlonferocfoc] foro forfonly "HOT WATER WITH A COOL KITGHEN. Do .you ever suffer from the heat with that hot coal fire these fine days . live the new way. We can supply you with an abundant quantity the putting in of the town and we will endeavor to tell you all about flected by the use of gas for cooking. Kingston Light, Heat and Power Dept. C. C. FOLGER, GENERAL MANAGER: iday. Here is the chance of a lifetime, on THURSDAY and FRIDAY, we will tween 1 and 6 years of age with any pair of Shoes in our store, at 98c. Ne matter 98c. On Thursday and Friday. Bring the children with you to be properly fitted, the styles are : TAN, BROWN, PATENT, RED AND BLACK, IN LACED, BUTTON AND STRAP, ALSO BAREFOOT 2 Days Only---Thursday and Friday. ins for children wearing. smaller sizes, t 25¢c., ABERNETHY'S. ~~ Acadian Only 50¢ Per Lb. saving od upon you the other day has made your neighbor's vou are down ipes to 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR BABBITT METALS WRITE FOR PRICES. ' The Canada Metal Co., Ltd., Toronto, Can «, Children's y, 98c. Thursday and Fr

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