Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Aug 1909, p. 6

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, Fitba?! Kbdtist | 5 1908. NEWS OF NEIGHBORS ard camping on the on s of Silver BOOKS IRE ON SIE (lake. Fhe literary entertainment, on : ING CLT 43) ABROKE | Eriday evening, took the form of ol 43 Aili) del Evening With Moore.' Several selec. NE a' 34 . 1 - WHAT WHIG G CORREST 0 ND | tions from Moore's Irish Melodies THE NEW READERS FOR ON f WAY Fk ENTS TELL Us. | were rendered, various readings given ati {irom his poems, and a very pleasant TARIO SCHOOLS. The Tidings From Various Points | and profitable evening spent, The in- -- terior of the church is to be re. in Eastern Ontario--~What | Lpainted. MeMillan, of Sydenham, has Patriotisni, But Not Jingo . People Ate Doing And What | the. contract. Miss Jewel Sigsworth Dominant Note' in Selections-- ALASKA-YUKON PACIFIC EXPOSITION} They Are Saying, fine returned from hy visit to Peter- Books Are Inmjprovement on - oro. Several huckleberry picnics were Old. Beattie, Wash, Jute Tot to Otte 10, Lake Opinicon Items, enjoyed lazt week at Oak rlats. Visi Iroronto World. Round Trip First-Class Tickets will be Lake Opinicon, Aug. 5.--Farmers are [tors : Mr. Lake, of Kingston, at 1. J. wold until September ow, 1909, to We coo C all's. | Four of the new Ontario readersare VANCOUVER, B.U, nearly done haying. James McLean |Lake's; Miss Hill) at H. Campsall's; on sale to-day, and the primer 'will and E. Stokes helped A, Ubdegrove at Miss Sauls, at E. J. Sigaworth's; B. be ready in few davs--in ample time 1883.90 haying last week. Melvin Hughson and |W. Babcock, at Kingston; Mr. and [7% the OH Aad or hor ne PORTLAND. Ore: John Linklater have gone to Glen- MraN Taylor, Rev. Mr. Folkes and Mr, lth. The delay in scning the priwer fan FRAXCISG 0, Oal o ' $09. 158 |burnie to do Mes. Hughson's haying. ulkes; a = Revelle v Wiss Keith is: dueto he government not having )8 aime a sD. J. Hughson hapreturned from Co- | Purdy, at Sharbot Lakes nirs. OR~ . ve sacks Oct. 139 1909, . n £ Ki? the plates ready as soon as expected: Wed. 10, rulvira willl Os bait. Man, M Ubdegraxe and Jue man, of Moscow; atvd: Bowker's The four on vg first to ov . . G. amblin, were in Kingston last now issued; will be#r all 'bat © the Next Homeseekers' Excursions week. Tov DC. Flatt and Miss B. Death At Colebrook... |... 4. heosrbbitioal-esaniinationsaln Will leave on' Aug, 10th, 24th Sept. | Enos spent Monday at A. Whdegrove's. | Colchrook, Aug. 4.-The funeral of {py earqmon pupae, tupey. illietrations 7th, 21st. Tickets good for 60 days. Mrs. Jennie Grifin has returned home, Thaddeus Babeock, an old resident of and: binding they ae most admirable RY bn Oe, Ontario i A 80. after spending a week with her sister, | this place, was licid Thursdag: 'after 4} when ole refleets on' the price, 6, . ' * at Keclerville, \ noon. "He had a stroke of paralysis 19 14 and 46 oly. thei F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent Nast' Satuird td. died Taerad 4 an i obnts respeetively, their : 3 San. : . aturday and died on Tue-day § sugdnetion appears marvélosis, oa BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY Suctessful Social. syoning: Wellington Brown has moved De Toit er fs Se ey Head] . Chantry, ~ Aug. 4.--Miss Minnie Al- | into the' cottage recently built in his are. atl that ean' be desirgd. Perhaps tation, Ontario : tetas ry Maar ally (Sunday ssogpied) ford, Lyn, is at present visiting her pine rove, Nogerse Hams Beeman it arly fad i to' be found it ks i, te ho on d aif points ne north. many friends here. Miss Hazel Sco- and lay . . Oo - Ww ron | 24 Jen omission of some of the older writers, onto, Bannockburn an Pp "| field, is visiting friends at Jasper. Mr. | Sunday at A. GC. arner s. Sab {ys iy ehildrenwill have little to guide on Ak. and pointe on Cs Bens and Mrs. - Sherwood = have returned | Sandy, of Montreal, has roturned home a : Pui ; Bm a any Al fter spoiding. his holidays deré.. Miss their taste or to stodk' their minds Dutario, routs your shipments rom visiting: friends in Oswego. Al- [a s ns ve AR IEE with literary treanares hut what is to i 1t h f B di BH uinte a 7 "Bick BOR, Pavone, bert Johnston has returned to Smith's | Helon Wartman gntortained a' lew fy eng in: ghese volumes. Milton's is i u a n lars . Falls, after a three weeks' visit here. |iriends «last week. Thofirst waggon | apo, ONSET OR etable EA 1 Phone, 4 8. "i a ' ' . Allegro and Penserosa are regretablé A The social on Friday evening was a [load started this weck fugy hut lgleber- omissions, and though the semet "ta A nu ri us. f or young i BRE Pig SAL BLE Be 4 decided success; proceeds amounting | tics cand returned with scviwal pais. Lic Blindness' 5 appears; "Glofious GRAND 11: | LCS to $60. Our cheese factory is making yrus Sutton is able to he out again John Pryden" and A her Goldsmith 3p : d Id SYSTE good headway and, it is hoped, will | after his recent illness. Mrs. Norman | ceem to be missing. But no. donlit the EA an pe) a SEASIDE EXCURSIONS, be ready for operation in two weeks' [Boyce and Mrs. Ira Balsbury 'have difficulty of chaiee Was very great. In . . 3 8 , Rotind trip 'tickets will Das sald time. Hay making and berry picking returned from a three wecks visit al lg pagder ithe pupilsy have tachi inter Give COWAN S io dy 'August 9th, Jou. 21th ANd 13th, good |are the orders of the day. M. Sher- | Brockville,«Lyn 'and Alexandria Bay. {stad as well gs cultivated, and. the { i a Trim Rn. Jou on wood is spendifg a few days of re | N.Y. Miss Anna Grey had a fall that | pracent series: is: well caleulated © to d Charlottetown, 2p. E.1, . 5 | creation out on the Rideau. 'wid 'her up. for a few days. Mrs. fhold the: attention svhile ivhuing the YO Ur. C hil ren Halifax, N.S. . Sem---- harles Wartman, of Centreville, and eholars with the indifinnble and clu- . Kenvebinkport, : 1 Echoes Of Elginburg. Miss Matilda Boll, of Winnipeg at | give quality of tastes j. drink it ourself. Olt Orchard, Me . a Elginburgy Aug. 5.~The Templars | Mes. Wilber Wartman's: Born % Mr. Tenvvhon is "swell represented H : 4 y Portland, Me, .. ' 18.80 | 1nd friends had a very pleasant out- | and Mrs. Stanley Bonn, a son. Mra. i fike "Gl ih i i "Let k E- Sle John, 2. B I naar » ing at Kingston Mills on Tucsday seorge Shangraw and infant daughter Breath ile a as Hagle Sone." : THE COWAN Co LIMITED And to other points at rates in pro-| The W.M.S., of Kepler, mot at Mus. | visited at Tamworth last week. Mrs, Shakespeare ph ntl only in ¥ fou 2 * y portion. IN. Graham's on Monday evening. Af- | Eckhard! at Stanley Benn's. Everett} port quotations and the dialogue be TORONTO. Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition. Lypy the mecting Mrs. Graham served | Shangraw and. wife, of Marlbank, bigion Brutus and. Cassius, > yo lound: trip frtzelass tickets wil be 0% | freshmnto. Tho quarterly hoard met | pent Sunday aC. Nu.Garrisons. [¥Tha promiment note in the hooks is return until October 38lst, from King- i the chiroh on Monday ovening. Mrs Mrs. Edna Curl and young son, of | hagriotism. At is not a jingo patrio ston to Thomas Bearance is visiting her | Verona, spont Sunday with her father, { tiem, but a natural love of native VIGTORIA, n, B.6: daughter in Brockville. Mildred and | Nelson Walker. Meg Sandy and two | and. Kipling's "Recessional" and SEATTLE, 1H; 1$83. 90 ldna Stover are visiting in Kingston: | laughicrs, of Montreal, are speshing a |" pPack's, Song" Gia "land. of Our pS Mrs. W. Smith, and boys, Messena ew wecks at Mrs. Joha Shangraw's. | Birth" represent this in an imperial Going Via any p 19 peturiing | Chave returned home. Visitors : Mrs. | Miss Gertie Jacksban,. is visiting at way. 3 Roberts' "Canada," F. GQ. via same or any other regular direct |W. Moore and children and Mrs. : dydemham. Mrs. Hunter, of Belleville, | Scott's. "Hymn of Empire," Robert route. | king, Kingston, at S. Bearance's; Mi s at VF. A. Wartman'« Mis Pearl | Reid's "Song of 'Canada' are Oana fay FR CO AT OAL. | $99. 15 Jailey, Kingston, at J. Letherland s Amey, of Bicknell's Comers, is at | dian; Tennyson's 'Light rigade,' Choice of routes to San Franéisco, re- Kiedl, Smith's Falls, at home Joseph Boyo's. ' Macaulay's 'Armada,' also strike the turning via Portland, Oregon and any | ss KE. Lake, Kingston, at Mi -- national note ar direst Tovle: thereltom or . Vics B 8. THE WHIG'S FASHION HINT. Each reader has for a foreword a For full particulars, apply to J. P. mt p-- page of cxeellent sentiment. The first HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnson and | Whispers From Perth. = [book has four lines of Browning- ; | "The Year's at the Spring. The Day | Perth, Aug. 4.--Civie holiday took { the majority of the people "out ol town, there being a regatta at the 5 ; Right With the World! Ihe econd Quebec Steamship Company Ferry. Quite a number took in the ex 3 Sale pre hts i Staiag > ai Na cursion to Kingston, to-day, and als 5 : ' ona nee, he 1 Ll Earl Have - LIMITED, the one to Montreal. There are plenty i 3 B passage from a Rpesch. hy acl Gray . : Miss : 3 S on npire Day.) The fourth reader of raspberries eoming to town " Pb quotes Deutronomy: viii., 7-10 (R.V.), at the Morn God's in His Heaven--All's Katie Furlong came home, Saturday & Il Ly i 3 ver & Guif of of St. Lawrence i from Montreal, for her holidays lin Joie wh {hey ho -- '6 Bitt $ t G. B. Ch at id she er mother are spe ie 3 3 C8 1S:never Jus sug al: and orery . 2 Or fF gimér Cralaes In Gool Latitudes i she und her mother are spending a : Jase Wyeee JlluSigha of gd arury anong's Bitter Swee ocolates Only 506 Per Lb 1| $2,000-Double Frame Dwelling, jrew- days a . 0 wan, 3 Sa the impending vitality of a great | The finest i in the city. adh new, B. C. beefed Arnprior. Miss Fdna Berlangette is country. #8. "Trinidad," 2,600 tons, with folidaying in Montreal Miss Anno 3 & LE Old electric lights, electric bells and sll Charlton went to Maberly for a week y AIL SFHOM MONTREAL ON MON-| Mr. and Mrs. Frame-vetdrned to Ot DAYS at 4 p.m., 16th and 30th {tawa, alter a Sol i visit. .Mizs Edith R y ory jes Be intifitiuce, 3 haf ry A J ES i | i : by for Pictou, |, pg or Mills she ivi ; & » called purse i e lore is no CessS : . 3 August, nud 13th Sep tem bin) Bay, [and Mrs, JH. McMillag spent civil y od \ forgotten either, We have KE. T. Seton olde 3 66 I rin $1,900--Frame Dwelling, Single, nursery traditions are not lost : : $1,400---New Frame Single Dwel- sight of, and many of the best nur- +f | ling N.S. calling at Quebec i r an Smith's 'Falls e. P. Me Yerce, Grand River and Charlottetown, | holiday in Smith's Falls. Mrs. P. Me and Charles G. D. Roberts and 8. T, B. C., nica situation. PEL [Jarry is spendibg a few days in tht dg TE Wood in this line, while Jea¥ Rls p r BER M U DA connty, Wi ens ; 4 ett's "Orchard," Sir TD. Kdgar's k hone D8. ; Summer Excursions, $20 td $40, by | : Fo pe "Camping Si and ¥. ol W, shefefefefofofufofufefoofofefuinioolofoiol dgeofefe sfiofofeiefofolotafuielejofafafadug $3,300--New Double House, the Twin Screw "Bermudian," 5500 Lines From Lyndhurst. i $s X Campbell's August Reverie" are plastered, with brick front, B, C., § § 28} 3 ke Ry ¥ i " y sin nny tons, at '11 am. "18th ind "1 Lyndhurst, Aug. 4.--Farmers are : kindred strains. Modestly signed "D mmm - - -- 2 in good situation, ust, and ever 10 day& thereafter g 5 ho . Aum New York. Temperatupe cooled by about through haying and some have B.," a well-known' hand contributes sea breezes seldom rises above #0 dé begun to cut their grain, which they an excellent little reading on Cana Be. nest trips of the 'season for S0y is a very good crop. A number i jae St dian fossils. 3 : Made {0 Measure - 3 i $7,000-Fine Solid Brick, mod: a, nb Ae from here took in the picnic at Delta, gn There is an imménse amount of very ; HE : ern home, large grounds, nig ARTHUR AHISRN, Secretary, Quebec. |.nd also a number went to Ottawa to- ? % : good poetry. Robert Louis Stevenson a : i ' situation. os Uskerd ane Satorooms _aphly, to day. Gi. 8. Rooney arrived home, 'on . : 1g well represented" in the "early vol 4 i A o RICK, Ticket Agents, Kingston, Ont. aturday, from Calgary, and intends umes and Eugene 'Field Jishin the sec- to- stay for a visit. Miss Etta Me gn ond. There are many Cadadian writ- stil 1 sit] 1 Ing, ere 1 ny ta i ; Kinley, London, Ont., spent Sunday ers, including toberts, Campbell, | Mrs. J. McCutcheon, : ¢ Scott and Archibald Lampman, C.F. WHILE YOU WAIT, is not idle Thousand Island and St. Lawrence. with her aun, nes. Iphone Seon Hamilton, Isabel Eccles Mackay, he- talk. The Goodyear Repair Outfit | Ly . : : . | tending: ia : ards 'Athens. Mish 4 sides. I recently installed enables me to Rive {i Steamboat Companies | Fy oe le Jou wile A then at Los d b A delightful innovation in a school- | I do work promptly and at les s cost than ordinary shoe repairs. You {aunt's, Mrs. R. R Tate The Lynd: L _. hook is the introduction of some gen save 15 per cent. in getting your work done at "The House Of In connection with the New" York | hurst baseball : tedm played with PHOTO COFVRIGHT 1909 BY REUTL NGER™ uine humor. Mark Twain is here mn HY D A & Central and Hudson River | rockville, at Delta, and won the gami EXCLUSIVE COPYRIGHT. NEW YORK HERALD.CO, the third hook with the "Blues Jay "4 ® ays R. R. Co. | by the score of 17 to 9. It intends tc | Apricot Colored Cloth Dress Embroidered story and Tom' Sawyers fence paint- " ' oi {play Brockville again in Lyndhurst on inv Silver, ing on Rothe hewis Canale You ® cl OO 57 Brock St. | August 11th. Miss Adma Grahame i Dickens' Bllap Na hv Winkle uc eds . } - Yeave Kingston dally, except Sunday, Bn a 'rari : P Besgunt of kat- hee NTA Rak NE ga $5.00 a.m. and 2.00 p.m. engaged to teach the junior room ir AN AMATEUR ACTOR. ing aud Copperfield andthe Waiter PHONE. 537. 286 PRINCESS STREET. FHA SISSIES $800--Single 7 rooms, Frame, easy terms. 4 » Full particulars at S8bsy : THE FRONTENAC | LOANAND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863, President--S8ir Richard Cartwright, Money issued on Oity and Farm ros, perties. Woabe! 0d Oounty Debens Particular buyers purchase Toye's Cakes, i tures. rchased, Deposits received Hay res allowed. ) 302 King St: 8S. C. McGill, Managing Director, . "Ren ing his uncle, John Forrester. Charles | 'ther attenipt 3 tomers tell us that our prices are | . 4 1000 Islands- Rirgsion Shue Colling, Rochester, js visiting frionds The Swan has eooned, ery moderate. SEEPS SSIES IIPS 87 Olarence street. Mg nn had haf gin ny here. Howard Konnedy is visiting: his Again the wa 8 trembled and the 5 Canagoque at 10.30 a.m., daily, except|grandmother, Mrs. Peterson. Mrs | Mage manager said, in a Voice that S---------------------- RSE o - rns ss -------- Monday. Returning, steamer léaves at 5 (joorge Irish and children, Kingston ould be heard all over the house pau., for Hay gf ulate Ports and Fort] visiting at A, Irish's. Miss Mar | 'Come off, you doggoned ool. of eae AY saves on Mondays at|garct Rose is visiting friends at But tho ambitious amatour refused 6 pit, for Picton and intermediate Bay | (Orono. Mrs. Trimlett and daughter, | 0 surrender, and in a rasping falsotto : of Quinte ports. . Hilda, New Yor are. visiting frichd 18 he was assisted off the stage, he . » > § @ Intends, u- py ' ------------ hve. W. H. all is visiting at De | creamed: "The coon has sweoned. : ABERN ET HY'S Full formation from troity, Windsor; and Essex. Buy your Cakes and Pastry at Toye's. You save money and comfort by so doing. See Iaave Kingston, Sunday, 7.80 a.m. | this school. Vincent to snd from all points in New ; Oe: Shai Or. | Pupils, and Tom Faggus and Ris mare 5 b 85. yates r thea Don't Bake in a tliaing Blonaoy. $1.05. © Hill made a flying visit {to Bath at A setformancos that were, distinguished preceptory passages from the Old and pee local advertisements. [{own, has returned home. Miss Mo a ; 4 ay: he queen has swoonad. Allows thor v a! our large assortment. Co., 4.imited. [N.Y., who has been visiting friends | hanks, he faced the king and said, in ably seconded -the department. 8 § ¢ S re ( T and 2.00. p.m. iin Created Quite a Stir When He [2d Sercoge andidiny Tim. - -- i Cleaning & Pressing * C > ©: Vine 3ath, Aug. 5.--Miss Fox, Napanee, : J York State, Through sleeper Lape A APA 1 he Shakespeare Club, of New ! 5 : is 'taken from Blackmore. : JAMES CAMPBELL, Tailor Z Sunday, returning Monday, $1.85. ] ) . a Heulyidid os ers ry oc ry sage . t HH t WwW th aa) McCangheoty's. Mrs. 0. "Ball, --who | nce a social celebrity, with a gor New Testaments. are included and | 4 0 ea er ! erg tit or, Ottawa, who has heen visiting : : ' the department of edu- wo stepped forward, his friends ap- STEAMERS here, felurned home on Tuesday | * YOV high-pitched voice : "The A passage from: George Elliot places cent, to New York. and Mrs. Lasher, Morven, are visiting 00 Brock Street, ARIES 3 x fons t Brockville and A Ss Oo x § , y ec g+ For excursions 0 Water reous costume, as one. of the lovd great good - judgment is displayed in Lae W. E. Toplific's, returned home on \ y >" |eati has seare SUCCOSE, 4 Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte Steamboat lific's, raturmed home on { 4 EE owe 1s |cuticn, jus soured sncsnse, and th : . | night. Mrs. Rodpey Johnston and | Woon has queencd." bier North King & Caspian; Rochester, are viseung friends There was a Fou of laug Her, but Loose leal and. all. other kinds. of here. Mr. Forrestar, Guelph, is visit: | '© waited patiently, and made an- binding done Whig oflide. Cus- ti at Oape isitors i i EO . os Making «direct connections Visitors At Bath. Spoke His Lines. Maggie Tulliver before the third hook casas Er ¢ Done in shortest ndtice. 'Phone 6 > Week end round trip rate, Kingstom to, Fdward MeCangherty's. Thomas 'eans, used to give amateur theatrieal A number of the finest narrative and "h d Islands, has been visiting. friends at b Ogdensburg and thé Thoudan By : a n-waiting, had only four words {fo the selection; Saturday. George Rochester publishers, the aton have | at AL LMOOOLLAALS dius doin pe The Tempestuous Petticoat. E. EF. HORSEY, J, P: HANLEY, ! © Lotidon. Punch ved General Manager, 0. 8, KIRKPATRICK Maberly Matters. - "Fashion a erls predict the impending \ 4 . A Kingston, Ont. JAS. SWIFE & QO., | Maberly, Aug. BFhé pichic up the doom of the directoire mode, and the : ; 1 h Agents, Kingston. |g had to bo postponed,- on Thiirs: [revival of ampler garments, with the : tv i oh) J" " a 5 . do day; on acepunt of #he rain, Mist | "'empestuous petticoat. Vera. Flaberty is visiting friends it | Gossamer petticoats = frothy frivolities, : : cine nisms meg teen GGT Ba Mabenly: There %as a very enjoyable Thrilling with pleature we greet you again ; party held. at the rectory, on Thurs: Long have wo Eaisad your ebullient A day evening. Mrs. H. Black and qualities ° WN : daughter, North Bay, are visiting af | While at the top of the cupboard you've ah pe 2 a ih ( 5 Mis, John . Buchanan's. Mes. J. A. 3 Jain : RR . ? rs * . .s . > . Ruches and rucks, .. : Buchanan was in Perth on Thursday. Gathers: and tucks, : Mrs. John McVeigh is very much ime | Dear to our ankles your sorcery still is; ' A " , Satunday will likely Satta will cer tain- 3 Je Les xtra large feet , dk * Ent jproved in health. A load of kl Brag ake Jeet. «ont y 5 be. every Man's last | ly clear Jut al To clear out ovr whole --_ erries was brought here from Arden | Framed by your fluttering tumult, of Ff chance to, procure a mens 'T x 'and stocle "of Boys' G and sokl at a good pries, Jrom hey trifes. "i pair of Tan, Patent Patent \ § op "B ys a n : N 3] RL . Ye ig . : * : anvas o0ots, on Sat- STR. ECELWAT , Jo 80c a pail. The show in the RoWn | ojos Have done with the 'eult of the Calf or 'Hid Oxfords. at $1.98 iar $2.50. urday, we offer all Boys' staft régular trips to Kin ston hall is drawing good crowd > JJ ohn sinuous, Regular $4 and $4.50, $3, and a. few: $3.50 ¥, Er +4 June 12th. leave Orawlford's| Lavender is leaving this section and Struggle no more to be straight up bi . ' ' » sizes. Regular €0c. and pe ! : eet ea a Sm a eg i. Here is a Bargain for the Boys'. of Princess street, , to 1 . : a if d family on and down, ~, » : leave 2 p.m, will move is, wie an IY © Of | Aim not at figures austerely continuous, . For Saturd $ Return fare, 250, Ohiidren hail] Tuesday. Mre. 'Mellikin, Perth, is vis' | "Curveiess in profile from' slipper Lo : Satu ay For Saturday For Saturday iting at her father's, Robert Hughes. crown, . CAPT: Li WHALEN in: | Hiss Maggie Laidly, Perth, ut. howe, Baris. dectiites 2 ' . Mrs. G. W. Buchanan, at. Perth. Skin-fitting toilettes, 'in weight a few : : ¢ > Eg . . ounces. i . . C. Granting instead Hartington Happenings. i Garments that spread ie M - Hastington, , Aug. d-Bdley Camp- | Fringed by a flutter of filagree ounces. | ¢ k : any other Bargains. Many other, Bargains, Many other er Bargaing, ? sall last. a valnable, three-year-old coli -- eu mit eam The grat Lt hy this moriing. F. Conway also suffer. Snaps In Panama Hats. gt! hn ed the loss of a fine mare by accident At Campbell Bros." cleaigng sale of : 9 pein} Cyoes, a few days since. A severe storm of | summer hats. 3 ; I dry + hail did a considerable amount of ------------ ' Ty on receipt of o8 pamphlet, A damage to crops north of here last] The United States senate passed the = Pa Meine OA. TORN AT. or mer bn Feo, Saturday; Some of the young Iadie§ tarifi bill on Thursday afternoon. .

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