Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Aug 1909, p. 9

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is just another name for Uric Acid in the blood. Logically, the way to cure Rheumatism is to prevent Uric Acid from getting in the 9 S Effer- vescent is regularly prescribed by physicians for their woos LAKE ONTARIO. An Old Tima Resident, Now in Toronto, ©Calls Attention to Five of Hingston's By Gone ® Verse Writers. Toronto, Ady. 4. (To the Editor): St, Lawretice ! Omanda's mighty son') With brawny arms uplifted wide To grasp his t, fairest one, To make her bis beloved bride. He bids Ontarié, from her ho To drift adowh the stream rn, With him, in all the years to come, So his' worthy and beloved wife, Though lithe of Mmb, though strong of a 0 Though 'winsome he in all his ways, Though delectable his many charms, * Be cautious of his freakish plays. oo HE is Unstablyg wt jthmés, fair maid, He breakeths out in' playful rage, No one dare then him to upbraid, 'Tis the woe birth of his heritage. Though absent in the flesh memory will ne'er forget thee. This is the paris DEAR OLD (NESTON WHERE ST. | LAWRENCE Represents perfection in the art of brew- ing. Bottled exclusively at'the brewery isa guarantee thatevery bottle contains the purity and quality for which it ob- tained the World's Highest Awards. EVERY CORK AND CAPSULE BRANDED. $2,000_Double Frame+Dwelling, new, B. C. $1,400--New Frame Single Dwel. . ling. : 4 . $1,900--Frame Dwelling, stage, B. C.; nicessituation, ew Double House, » with brick front, B; C., in good situation. i i ¢ Dominion Brewery (a, fe = - TORONTO. situation ; { $800--Single 7 rooms Frame, easy terms. : Rheumatic patients. It ing feeling of a Kingston old boy. : *e . Though some live in the future, in certainly does give my present condition, I am living in the past. Kingston has my attention, relief. because there are some things in cof- » nection with dt. that I cannot. forget. The moods in some of us are rhany sided ! 1 may ¢ punt mine and be sat- isfied; and yet may count them and Te uns aisfiod. In"yuiet contempla- tion I think the thoughts of Israel's bard, "We jqre feasfully and wonder- fully made. ' Royal | Victoria "In one of ey ots, I am invited to a sweat. Away to the right of me, Rigney & Hickey, Agents," qin 2 Full particulars at : D. A. Cays 57 Brock St. NO HONING -- NO GRINDING Always Ready For Use With Ordinary Care Will Last a Lifetime , You need no witch hazel, hot towels or v facial massage to allay the irritation after shaving with a Carbo Magnetic Razor be- cause--there is no irritation. _---- to Carbo Magnetic Razors are made of extensive specially prepared re-carbonized steel x ANTIQUE oe --tempered by electricity. By offering this process the greatest hardness and dur | Aw or Provan abilgty without the brittlencss of fire your home. Send. post tempefing is attained. ' For Sale wherever cutlery is sold, : Less ' y { Oor. Princess and Chatham Sta., Ask your dealer about our perpetual guarantee and our special proposition whereby § i Kingston, Ont; you may test one of these razors for 30 days without obligation to purchase. =~ . Firm of A. L. SILBERSTEIN, 41 Common St., Montreal Sud il Kingston by WA Mitchel and McKelvey and Birch. elle ne EB elrieleelo le leeiiof ie 1 Stars the City nn 0 lh, at a forty-five angle, the lighthouse College ~ Montreal at the head dof 'Long Island is all : *l ablaze. THe moon is tinting the sur A residential hall for the women stud-|face of the water . with its reflector. ents of McGill University. + Situated on |The scene beyond is about where the Bherbrooke Street, in close proximity to {shoulders and the arms of the St. the University Buildings and laborator- 3 . fes. Students of the College are admitted Lawrence are closely related to cach ar?" to the courses fn Arts of McGill Univer-| other, and which entrances in felicit- . - ry a Cd § iT Sity on identical terms with men, ghut|ous woeihg' Lake Ontario. LORD CHARLES 'BERESFORD. mainly in separate classes. In addition . 4 "pp i nis " ¢ +k ¢ salty 3 p 3 Ah iy It Lie paudition When seated I am told, "This is _ First Loxd of the British Admiralty, who comes te Canada for RAZOR . and Lecturers of the University, students | the breakavater."s Of course the fresh the express purpose of opening the Canadian National Exhibition at are assisted by resident tutors. Gym-|ness of the air is very inviting for one Toronto, on Aug, 28th. nasium, skating rink, tennis courts, ete.|to take a seat and a rest, and a few Scholarships and Exhibitions awarded : : : 2 ---- some of the , more thoughtful Kings- When it is so inclined breathings of their freshness into the For further particulars, address toniang, afd%as: a® consequence this By words from others lips lungs, Toone there is a change here- | last to ond his days i The Warden, Royal Victoria College, rough amd eréckédrold water front is I have a book of poers before me MADAME PATTI AS A annually. water front hag had an impression in Unsatisfied becomes the mind (Non-Alcoholic) LEMON SYRUP, LIME JUICE, \ RASPBERRY VINEGAR. D. COUPER, Dealer In Pure Food Groceries. Rhone, 70a, 341-3 Princess St. She Always Obtained From a am not ashamed to own myself a Instruction in afl branches of music in The o Ue ' the MeGill' Conservatorium of Moor abouts. The rough and rugged old | labor MONTREAL. straifihtened up into, what, evidently | that promised well to the then edi MONEY-MAKER. f he ( i Monthl I } is to beedme a pleasantly beautifulgre- | of the Canadian Monthly, who in hi sort for the pleasure seeking ones, and introduction of the _poetess said, 1 w for the wearied ones pent up in their | am b ld to claim for these produc ] ° super-heatéd'slipmes ahd dusty streets | tions of Mrs. Maclean's muse a high Manager the Largest Sum He : 4 of the City of Kingston. Looking back | place in the national collection and a Could Possibly Pay. over me up at these two rows of trees | warm corner in the national heart Pat a fered fr ; : "ten years hence"'--I was thinking of | Mrs, MacLean is proclaimed King Bill never a rex Xan t e 'man the additional span of my life, If | ston's poetess, . Thu nother no lal timidity of a JanysLland. ot these trees are strong and vigorous in | table personage of interest to King- | Only was hu a supreme Vocalist, but, : | trunks, and limbs and foliage; and | stonians as well as to Canada na ws Col, lapleson remarked, no one Ganong' s Bitter Sweet G. B. Chocolates. then I lookéd tat ithe water Line em- tional heart. Where i sh t av wer approached her in obiaming from * Th fi th it [ St Margaret's College bankment, Where it is properly filled | Thouch the editor of the Canadia a mana o the gerartagly posite sum ¢ finest in e city. . in and sodded, wand lives a healthy | Monthly gave her a wiprthy send-off, | he could by dny possibility contrive to 3 TORONTO life ten years hence, how great will | some of her words are ominous of ne i ake 4 : : : pL i be the change. glect. The. poetess is a jovous sin 0 musicad miracle was the spoiled A High-Class Residential and Day School B 1 i hv ae va pA Aw Awd ier ciias Residumtiol sod Duy Sch Notwithstanding the century mark fet, vet we sve a beautitul and sym. | darling of hue day, and sho never fail . FEATHERS / 2» nearer 1 3 a- | pe tic sadn in some of he 1otes 1 to obtain exactly what she want- N i 3 - . Geonox Dickson, MA., (formerl would be nearer it would be a plea- | patheti : : 1 : cess rinsipas er * onan Tmerly leant event to see the change human | She:hopes and yet she fears the fu: fod. 'She was first engaged in London S200 » Increase Your Efficiency . . : : n Toronto), and Mas. GronrGe DICKSON. thought, hvmanedabon, working with | ture. . in 1x61 by Mapleson to sing fom q . a Miss J. B. MACDONALD, B.A., Principal healthy nature may, or can, make in | "Oh poet of our glorious land so fair lights "on approvdl.,' and in case ol Phone 58. . \ingston Business College, Limited Large Staff of Teachers, Graduates a few years in your breakwater. But Whose foot is at he oor | ; he aif weess to obtain £40 a week. of of Cad and English Universities. your breakwater, front could | Fen so my song shall melt into: the air, I'his contract was not fulfilled, how- em $i IS He Ea tales Head Queen Street. Motel Acad emic Course for University afford another row of trees nearer its And, die and be no. smote. r, for being hard pressed financial hi : Bl nie : : : Danada's Leading Business School atriculation with highest honors; 8 Pos heater 218 ave, t 3 SO Aig Music, Art, Domestic Science and road frontage to take of the old feel- |. | . ! K; i yoo | ly, she had 'borrowed £50 from a rival 8 and Eveni Physical Eduoal : We : on ourneyman carpenter in Kingston. But gol. cal) ir Day and Write for B. ating, Ho ing and lick up the dust of the wick thats uit number of - vear nanager, and her receipt proved prac- or Booklet to the S \ As 1 Yas dquile an 4 y UES : ; a ro ' . A _ Mamererietiahe Yocmtary. St. od sutomobiles, Lt ren Davidson was they Ti. | tally contract. This was the Ix Our Big Mid- Summer Sale of The old days amd tha new days will |; and Will Farl was my beneh J zinning of a career 'so dazzling that Sm-------------------------------- intermingle. The old days of King- | | But he L x the Wa if Ssiv oy steps are simply a F it Sti 11 -- iy . al mt he has gone 1 way O 1 3 ALBERT COLLEGE ston have their honor marks. Though | 0 (11 bench mates, including Will | series of inercasing bank notes. urni ure 1 + Belleville, Ont. dead, some yet, speak theough the | Chverdale. who s my first bencl 1 2 she ined in London 200 PAE A FELIPE EPEE Ie SCHOOL OF - FINANCE memory. Charles Sangster, through | bite in Kineston and Thomas. Nichol- | zuincas a night, since she insisted on ooming. Is now one. of the leading schools of | his poe "The awrence,""' as | p ( ec Nilss practical education of Canada. Ho TENT his X tn, The Bh : hiasweeru wa on ar d Samuel J mo Bs then chiistin Sh $ Rot lr Sy. IA a NE Chi FASHION ANCE DOUBLED IN LAST THRER | One ot iho irst nosables {38 gave | two others fa as BCEMIVINDgG "U0, 8 y i 2 \ 5 at--Fancy uffets, w hina YEARS, me an impressions 'of the wonders of I wa ent to woek., Then years later she Lg Closets attached. Brass and irom Beds. | Cleaning & Pressing $57 pays board, room, tuition, electric|(unada. His. later work, "The Sag ) ne i 4 hot he ot 85.000 a night ! v 4 weg " 8 Ostermoore = Mattresses and Marshall Nght, Use of athe, Gomnosrons ail Fue ada. t oh 2- | doing i Ma : > Sav : . h y 3 5 Sanitary and Pillows. 3 Done in shortest notice. 'Phone books and laundry, for twelve weeks--|inaw,"' &nd other poems, with his | Manse, co of Que nd Marre or famous contefiet to sing in Ame i, 685. longer period at reduced rate. $30 pays| first work, "The St. Lawrcuee," have | street vent in the bacl nti ¢ ica provided that the money should : : 2nd Flat--Fancy Parlor Setts, in 5 or * - tuition alone for the entire scholastic dons 1nvuch to" arouse the attention of on "Ou ot: a i o paid her at two o'clock, op the day 2 \y " bs 3 1 fetes, Tapestry yl Jo ches, JAMES CAMPBELL, Tailor y A stafl of experienced specialists give Jleasurerseckers to these rivers and } door was MIN a you \ he my, also a drawing-room and Ay = : 4 and Wilton Rugs. 109 Brock Street: individual instruction in five distinct |%their resorts, 'and later to the sub ress and ap ently ready to ) ear was too ha osnacia lly hails " > y Ladies' Fanc Ratt bt courses. An evening class FRIEE for all], - I ' Aadies ancy Rat an or registered students in this department, |!IM¢ beautics -- teeming | th Rockers. Children's High- Graduates holding the best positions. Canada. 1t is over fifty ¥ kers ; also Cots and Mat- and Easels om sale. Candidates prepared yearly for the ex-|that | was interested in Charl aminations held by the Institute of to's pootey. To-day his wa FEE VIII Special Bargains Each Day Monday, Aug. 9th Thursday, Aug. 12th Tuesday, Aug. 10th Friday, Aug. 13th | catable fokever ato, then ba « box ~~ Wednesday, Aug. 11th Saturday, Aug. 14th | " a SJ NOTHING OVER I5¢c. EACH. r "i ? n or Fruit it affords a decidedly rare flavor able dish. Therg's no describing the taste, sates it. Special attention privy to Matricula- quired for. Wi% books of poem - wing EST y : College reopens Tuesday, Sept. Tth,| was told that Sangsior's wor Phi y Ga Halr Dressing Three Chair. Quick Bervice, Your paws double size; qudinary, or near aki { N ies Me woes pl | ] Rev. W. D. ARMSTRONG, M.A, D.D., President. other countries Mave pag ple | : ON FARIO And Conserve | {csting phases of beauty 1 ttle attenti given bs COLLEGE Ontario | iii; inion gin by Cox (Trafalgar Castle) Joeation in a Colligiats town near Tareute £Iving to thows Falls. "The virchanging scorn tly large to vhab So play at the same Islonds in "TH Hat Wieties; lax ar 8 the Sto<bawrence.. But Charl head of th " ™ It will to oon: of the vartons departments. Jo outer ada. Though other writers ou of tho sublime and of the beat THE FRONTENAC . ! Chartered Accountants of Ontario, and ir Abulance. tion, Teachers' Courses, Blocution, Fine |. Chil apdiy 'Rooms, Toro President--Sir Richard Cart 1909, For illustrated Calendar, address | ut of print., Though 1 am portion." iw ~- PRINCIPAL DYER A ie ae. lish birth, I have been disgus received and aged irchased: Deposit cm------"-------- 1 English "offidiadlom and. Engli 8. C. Mog, M Managing D: tor, ors fon the little ditantion the 87 Olarence strests Ottawa curly days ington, gave - weat an heritagi¢ as Niric lo ns J [oy ings Cams wonder it Toye's. You ® M. P. KEYS ources and sublime beautics v so doing. See Antiseptic Barber Shop f ronage solicited. A First Class Residential School ||, undrisl pagesy galled "The Gi : 336 King Strz:t For Girls and Young Ladles. [Mature by ev. Thomas ' q Stra. or Girfs and. Young MA., F.RG.S., that. talks o King St.} Next door to Wade's Drug Store: > x le : oR : hd Students should enroll now lowe, place oF iL Fred nt It's easy to become Tannaue iT ya scenes througho for session 1909-1910. and of ef a la 2 Er th errr have' the right kind of a press agent. exeopt in 1 va. att a WRITE FOR CALENDAR. continent of America is more § ¥ i A ---------- w-- . ] deseribed than Canade their service. The noted St. 1 5 10 A N D 15 STOR E tory of Music ||; 0 wonders, have only tw ' . than an honests Tove for the Palatial taildings, aenowiedged to be unequalled in who desire it (any aconss to eity com ; maguificent College time without interisriag with each otber ; gymnasium, 0x80 | oof the happy mipment and the Shove spacial advantages aod sud to te | what he has written in the int Kingston may have given Canada, my intertion is K for Commercinl Speciali forgotten, 4A'wo years age FAIIBG, ae Art, Physical Culture. htdeiddndidddddd Money issued on Oity and Farm i ? Il : comploto blank in Great Brite - Ladies Co ege I have hatoke me a big b an aving Parlor, Address 'The Lady Principal." fully wilh its 1,692 islands, with LA DIE S ' and noth of reading matter ta their orl : , N Liu ttontian won bn il WEEK OF AUGUST 9th, K t Ont ot ' ingscon, nt. Oanada by thows of Wool or Conoge sues | 0f Canada onisids «of the BOLI Sbrae ing on huindind ani having 8 campus St. Lawrence reminds an elega able all stu iropart the ssson tials Of Mirza.' ' a tribute no da waft, i that tenchernol Dominion reputation are atthe | oi (Jeserves the greats tri REV. |. J. HARE. Ph.D., Principals [all lovers of scenic beauty 1} thought-work towards the om ward and its notables. Heavysege i ys } Maypole | @ cake 'ea c Lith of soup that dyesand whose or} Big e M, washes at the same pression o \ arly oe aypole time. A household ston, | remember reading 'Sa Soap yori in England the Dominion Monthly, of th . oo * = . 3 nouncertain results, treal Witness firm, in the sixty 00 Streaks, The tired women's best a that te 1 : friend --an Loonemagal dome Dye. somehow vt : h 0 ia 8 Heavysegocand his work wilh MAYPOLE SOAP 68 ton. However, it may be my 100. for Colove--~zrsc. for Black. sion has the dav and the aut Saul" resid in my mind ai Some of the specials to include Sweaters, Dresser Scarfs, Tinware, Japanese China; Auto. Veils, 3 yds. long ; Table Oilcloth, Box Paper, Hardware, Waste Baskets, and numerous other big items. You Cannot Afford to Miss One of These Daily Special Sales. We will not anneunce in advance just what each day's bargains will be, but WE GUARANTEE EXCEPTIONAL VALUES FOR EACH DAY We also offer for entire week or until sold: Over 37 Million Packages sold in Canada and sure you get United States in 1908. uns Hellozs. ORN FLA table personage of Kingston - date i 1 oil he Scottis Our mistakes McColl, the Scoth sponsible for ow Kingston poct, o oes his par An vo that he resided there g The man who de : trust the world to left poor old Ringsy ALL SILK RIBBONS NEW VEILINGS Full Range of Patterns Any Color, Any Width, from Dotted and Plain 2 yds: 5c. to 10c. yd. 2 yds. 5c. to 15c ya. LADIES' VESTS + WASH CLOTHS Short Sleeve or 'Sleeveless Full Size Asst. Patterns { K Special 160¢c. each! D for Ade | aiid ALLE 15c¢. yd. | | LADIES' GENTS' AND | CHILDREN'S HOSIERY

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