is just another name for Uric Acid in the blood. Logically, the way to cure Rheumatism is to prevegt Uric Acid from "getting in the blood. 9 S Effer- escent is regularly prescribed by physicians for their Rheumatic patients. It certainly does give relief. Royal Victoria College. ~ Montreal. A residential hall for the women stud- ents of McGill University. Situated on Bherbrooke Street, in close proximity to the University Buildings and laborator- fes. Students of the College are admitted 10 the courses fn Arts of McGill Univer- sity on identical terms with men, ebut mainly in separate classes. In addition to the lectures given by the Professors and Lecturers of the University, students are assisted by resident tutors. Gym- nasium, skating rink, tennis courts, ete Beholarships and Exhibitions awarded annually. Instruction im all the McGill branches of music in Conservatorium of Music. For further particulars, address The Warden, Royal Victoria College, MONTREAL. st. ; Margaret' s College TORONTO A High-Class Residential and Day School for Girls under the management of Groner Dickson, MA. (formerly Principal Upper Canada _(ollege, Toronto), and Mas. GEORGE DICKSON. Miss J. KE. MAacpoxaALD, B.A. Principal, Large Staff of Teachers, Graduates of Canadian and English Universities, Full Academic Course for University Jutcienlation pith ughest honors; sio, r omestic Si Physical Education, ciency: and Write for Booklet to the Secreta Margaret's College, Toronto," ys ALBERT COLLEGE Belleville, Ont. SCHOOL OF FINANCE 1s now one. of the leading schools of practical education of Canada. ATTEND- ANCE DOUBLED IN LAST THREE YEARS, 7 pays hoard, room, light, use of baths, books and laundry, longer period at tuition alone for year. A staff of experienced specialists individual instruction in five distinct courses. An evening class FREE for all registered students in this department. iraduates ' holding the best positions. Candidates prepared yearly for the ex- aminations held by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario, and for Commercial Specialists Special attention given to Matricula- tion, Teachers' Courses, Elocution, Fine Art, Physical Culture. College reopens Tuesday, Sept. 21909. For illustrated Calendar, PRINCIPAL DYER. M.A Belleville, tuition, electric gymnasium, all but for twelve weeks-- reduced rate. $30 pays the entire scholastic 7th, addres D.D. Ont. Ottawa Ladies' College A First Class Residential School For Girls and Young Ladies. Students should enroll now for session 1909-1910. WRITE FOR CALENDAR. Address "The Lady Principal." "Rev. W. D. ARMSTRONG, M.A. D.D., President. And Conserve. ONTARIO fez LADIES' "Whitby COLLEGE Ontario (Trafalgar Castle) Palatial buildings, ackmowledged to be unequalled in Canada by those of other Ladies School or College ; ideal Joestion in a Colk tr town near Toreute, giving to those who desire it «a as to city concerts ; magnificent College ¥ embracing adred Acres, and having a campus Be ratly large to ¢ e all students to play at the same Sime without interiariig with each other ; gymnasium, 40 x 80 feet; earefuil lone and social training that will be likely to fmpart the sssentials of good manners under mors! and tian Infinences ; dast, hut not least, the recognized leaderin stall, equipment and courses of study. Take note of the fact that teachers of Dominion reputation are atihe bead of the varios dopastuents. | In b 2iil pay Fut you to consider the above special advantages and dar to the REV. J. J. HARE, » PhD. Principals With Maypole | @ cake of soap that dyesand washes at the same time. A housebold Maypole world in England. No mess, no trouble, Soa p nouncertain results, 00 Streaks, The tired women's best friend --an Econewmsenl diome Dye. KMAYPOLE SOAP 68 roc. for Colovs--rsc. for Black. Frank L. Benedict & Co., Momiveal, sponsible for The trust the ma j would give Jieasure seckers DEAR OLD KINGSTON WHERE ST. | LAWRENCE woos LAKE ONTARIO. meen An Old Time Resident, Now in Torente, "Calls Attention to Five of Ringston's By Gone ® Verse Waiters. Torontt, A 4.~{(To the Editor): St. Lavwrette ! ada's mighty sot} With brawny arms upli wide TS grasp his est one, To make her bis beloved bride. | He bids Ontarid, from her home, To drift adowh the stream of life, With him, in all the years to come, So his worthy' and beloved wite Though lithe of limb, though stropg of arms, Though winsome he in all his wiys, Though delectable his many charmg, Be cautious of his freakish plays. He is Uristablg mt timés, fair maid, He breakeths out in' playful rage, No one dare then him to upbraid, "Tis the woe birth of his heritage. Though absent in the flesh memory will ne'er forget thee. This is the part- ing feeling of a Kingston old boy. Though some live in the future, in my present condition am living in the past. Kingd¢ton has my attention, because there are gome things in con- nection with 4. that I cannot forget. The moods in séme of us are many sided !| 1 mad cpunt mine and be sat- isfied; and yet i may count them and be unsatisfied. In"gyuiet contempla- tion I thigk the thoughts of Israel's bard, "We are Teastully and wonder- fully made. In one of jay noods, to a seat." Away to the at a forty-five, angle, the lighthouse at the head Pof 'Long Island is all ablaze. THe moon is tinting the sur face of the water . with its reflector. I'he scene beyond is about where the shoulders and the arms of the St. Lawrence are related to other, and whigh entrances in ous wooing' Lake Ontario. When seated T am. told, "This is the breaksvater."'» Of course the fresh ness of thé air is very inviting for one to take a seatr and rest, and a few breathings of their freshness into the lungs, Lo-one there is a change here abouts. The rough and rugged old water front has had an impression in some of the , Mose thoughtful Kings and tas a consequence this and erookédsold water front is st aiffstoncd up into. what, evidently is to heedme a pleasantly beautiful re- sort for the pleasure seeking ones, and for the wearied ones pent up in their super-heatéd'sliomes ahd dusty streets of the City of Kingston. Looking back over me up at the we two rows of trees 'ten years hence"--I was thinking of the additional span of my lif¢l If these trees are strong and vigorous in trunks, and limbs and foliage: and then I looked at the water line em- bankment, Where! it is properly filled in and sodded, and lives a healthy life ten years hence, how great will be the change. Notwithstanding I am invited right of me, each felicit- closely a tonians, rough the century mark he nearer would be a plea- to the change human humamadabor, working with nature may, or can, make in a few years in your breakwater. But your breakwater, front could afford another row 'of trees nearer its road frontage to take of the old feel- ing and lick up the dust of the wick ed automobiles. The old days amd tha new days will intermingle. The old days of King their honor marks. Though vet spoak theough the Charles Sangster, through hig poem, "Lhe St. Lawrence," was one of thé first that gave me an impreksions 'of the wonders of Canada. His, later work, "The Sag- inaw,"" nd 'other poems, with his first work, "I'he St. Lawrence," have done to arouse the attention of to these rivers and and later to the sab beauties teeming throughout Canada. It is fifty years that 1 was interested in Charles™Sang tors poetry. To-day his works forgotten, Awo years ago, | quired for' Ta$ books of poems at the Methodist Book Rooms, Toronto, and told thdt Sangstor's works ro out of print. Though 1 am of lish birth. I have been disgusted English offidialom and English ors for the little sttention they, carly days in dKingston, gave eat an heritage as' Canada. In thos: days Camden's wonderful I and sublime boautics Were as blank in Great Britain. I have hetoks mo pn size, qodinary, or no "The Thomas of mountain the globe, southern thought whilst to Lawrence their in- sub lines In of it sant event thought, healthy see ston have dead, some memory. noswables = much their resorts, lime over ago o B16 on wi Eng with writ was 1m my {to 80 carly Ource a complete book ly, eight Gallery Of Milner, overy hig of double hundred pagesiealled Nature," by XRav. M.A.,- FsR.G.S., fhat. talks known place of 'river and and other scenes throughout excopt In Even the continent. of is more fully deseribed anada, other countries Mave placed thar service." The noted St. with its 1,692 islands, with phases of beauty lime wonders, have only tw of roading matter to their credit. lines of brevity and English writ rather Canada. America than ( pau and Ive tevestany clone these little attention given hy there is anvinfatuation an honesty Tove for the beauties Canada onteidé of the Niagara I'he everchanging scone of the reminds an elegant writ Islands in "The Vision tribute 1 doubt But Charles Sang greater tribute in the beauty ers than of Falls St. Lawrence er of the happy Of Mirza,' the St. ster 'a 10 to Lawrence. deserves the what he has written all lovers wlan. Kingston may thought-work of tho sublime interest of Can writers outside of mven of thei: towards the enrichment and of tho beautiful inter tion Kin scenic in ' other have of Though Canada, my is stonr ward and its notables in tn- another , notable eo 1S Heavyseg whose work 'Saul' has an somehow pression of mv early davs King- remember reading Monthly, of the date { ston, 1 mn the Dominion treal Witnes vt and Mon and firm, in sixties that his work it onnect with King- my impros- and the author of my mind Kings od Heavysegoe ston. However, sion has the Saul' resides in of may In aan as a personage ton at date Mel'all, t Ringste table {carly Evan he Scottisl t, 1 1 bard was a nm Pox of LORD CHARLES 'BERESFORD. First Loxd of on the express purpose Toronto, Aug, the of opening *8th. British Admiralty, the Canadian National Exhibition at who comes te Canada for [ the of am pla wa Mir sto tal I'he Mo er, pat w tha ag ing ma my son tw | doi Mas stre imj ane an Mis nun tions le stonians tional some | glee She ture, "Oh poet Cove labor Whe it the introduction b rm aM ns Pe u nthly of t. yet hetic hose Even so my And die am journeyman ca t was os. Andrew ou 1 old rda mate nil y. oth wa ny 1 1 floor Iressy i h was Ww er aro nadia? Nat for Mi W hay sto hor sto Ki the the mite ML Wi a ale tur pa mi fai it Ca ir 1 ] Thi Win Kas, there Kingsion ars that he resided counted he lef poor old 'at 1 five hee: crea id of n the atisfied becor ni words book. of omised well Canadian 'of to cla Mrs nation corner acl PO mn an is te rsonage of as well heart. the a W hie editor her eless rave her w Lhe: pe Wi a mn of our foot is at and be not ashamed quite a nd Will Farl But he has bench le who wa Kingst A ers ol nes is so inclined from poems before te Monthly, the f Maclean's 1 \ the proclai Thus kntero a are the mind others lips. ne then editor who in his aid, '1 produc muse a higl collection and a mal hes hing no King o ( Ia ng y Thi poetess nati rt m at i ie to-day ® of the worthy anadial d-ofi omi of ne rpenter in King number Davids mates, beautiful her ol glorious land so fair the song shall melt no more. door ; into the air, to own myself ton. But of then ars liv my hen the way including my hirst Thoma Ve Mm was Ww Will bencl Machay { ther natona Mach man hy wm om n AUS n 101 who ted n i best NG Hot y pa Ow one ) femal C Doctors T Thi rem Mg ein 1 i tare am 1Vvs aint not hes 1 ION Peer London, Seotlhish pet of Ce nt ise riam ercr HRONIC Rec omny BOY. ; hat Pravants carn with the tended of und ut C 1 is slowly d have beer cies for in a Crickk BRONCHITIS. New and Cures. breathed, for perfectlv only ginning Remedy MUSICAL ~ MIRACLE MADAME PATTI AS A MONEY-MAKER. Always Obtained From a Manager the Largest Sum He Could Possibly Pay. She finan- Not but, no one in obiaining from the greatest possible sum possibility contrive to wer suffered from the t of a Lind. she a supreme vocalist, Col. Mapleson remarked, poroached hex na I Jomny was by any the spoiled never musicad miracle was f her day, and she fail } tly what she want- firstyengaged in London Mapleson © to sing fou and in case of to obtain £40 a week. + contract was not fulfilled, how r being hard pressed financial had borrowed £50 from a rival , and her receipt proved prac contract. This was the be- of a career so dazzling that CSSIV( are simply rcasing bank she obtained in night, lain exad was by hts "on approval," steps a notes, London 200 insisted on Nilsson, She sang later she nce she than Christin £200. yeat mo ving Then night ! ontrfct wided that her at aw rece ne Week. $5,000 go Ami should to in the two o'clock, op the day a drawing-room and vas to ally built con lamous sing money v, also car V he espe ervate ferncry, leposit pavinent ten performa Patti's She thus rece what Mario with rther, the to be S50.000 for nee fev ice. Ved {wenty tim and rot i rivale I « ly, silver cost bath car, incidenta ontained, a th to Patti Voie 44 loors 00 piano. ont r ho ) drawing capacity " an example, of £1 4:000 Tne he Irexpuent music a orer ticket 1 cach hea an for twenty of-them overstayed hi entire ticket. computed, hearing mathematics by [ nots by Semiramide'" Patti each noth; this 1-10 at fi imber sung ents a writing Unclaimed War Medals. Aug. T.--A number of South Afri I for Feommis nd men whosserved w gular awaitin emg lL. 5 on these wld S in 1 variou in South latmants Corp: rations deputy di fare {medal Woolwich, ac certifi ol ordnay Royal Arsenal, nied harge of ate serviee with Slackness. It was reported innaial of the English of Master Cotton Spinners' i=, in Manche of countries de likely Trade Aug. 7 ting Cotton hoster, met ter, yesterday, important short © time had upon, and two ided to fall into line: six the most nitel 43 Years A Chorister. Aug. 7.--H. D. Abbott, ist res from the choir CF ipel-in the-Field Congregational iter forty-three seen four min- ministers come who gned of church. "Norwich, vears' membership, has ¢ nd five assistant viewpoint court court. man 8 rt is divorce might if other ertained. | 3 ; \ ' Represents perfection in the art of brew- ing. Bottled exclusively at the brewery isa guarantee thatevery bottle contains the purity and quality for which it ob- tained the World's Highest Awards. EVERY CORK AND CAPSULE 'BRANDED, - TORONTO. Rigney & Hickey, Agents," 38 Princess 8t., Kingston. Always Ready For Use With Ordinary Care Will Last a Lifetime , You need no witch hazel, hot towels or v ' facial massage to allay the irritation after shaving with a Carbo Magnetic Razor be. cause--there is no irritation, Carbo Magnetic Razors are made of specially prepared re-carbonized steel --tempered by electricity. By this process the greatest hardness and dur. ability without the brittleness of fire tempering is attained. t For Sale wherever cutlery is sold, Ask your dealer about our perpetual guarantee and our special proposition whereby you may test one of these razors for 30 days without obligation to purchase. = Firm of A. L. SILBERSTEIN, 41 Common St., Montreal THE Jo Ma gnefic | RAZOR ¢ Dominio brewery Co, $2,000--Double Frame+Dwelling, new, B. Cc. $1,400---New Frame Single Dwel. ling. ' $1,900--Frame Dwelling, Single, B. C., niceesituation, 300--New Double House, with brick front, BC, in good situation. ; $7,000-Fine Solid Brick, mod- ern home, large grounds, nice mare | StH $800--Single 7 Xgompy, easy terms. Full particulars at D.A.Cays 57 Brock St. While in our ei minutes to call of "ANTIQUE 'FUR and B OLD FASHIONED ARTICLES, \ which we are offering at a low rice or exchan 11 buy any "or all in oF 5 home. Send post card . Lesses, Cor. Princess and Chatham 8 . Kingston, Ont; - Sold in Kingston by W. A Mitchel and Mckelvey and Birch. Acadian Only 50¢ Per Lb. v : Ganong' s Bitter Sweet G.B. Chocolates. ~ ; The finest in the city. - A.J.REES, 166 Princess St : Phone 58. wjebfeforioe] slenfefrints Our Big Mid-Summer Sale of Furniture Still Booming. 1st Flat--Fancy Buffets, Closets attached. Brass Ostermoore Mattresses Sanitary and Pillows, with China and Iron Beds, , and Marshall' 2nd Flat--Fancy Parlor Setts, in 5, or 3 Pieces. Tapestry and Velour Couches, in great variety, Tapestry, Brussells and Wilton Rugs. 8rd Flat--Ladie Fancy Rattan or Cobble Seat Rockers. Children's High- Chair and Rockers ; also Cots and Mat- tress, Screens and Easels om sale. Phone 147 for Abulance. The Leading Undertaker. SEALE L000444400008000084 ~ JAMES REID, Sbhbd eeesssssasseses iDon't Bake in Hot Weather ! Buy your Oakes and Pastry at Toye's. save money and comfort by so doing. our large assortment. : $ 4 & € 4 4 © 4 Yo ou See FEVER REVERE 4 ¢ Particular buyers purchase Toye's Cakes. 302 King St. received and Three Chair. ronage solicited. (Non-Alcoholic) LEMON SYRUP; LIME JUICE, RASPBERRY VINEGAR. D. COUPER, Dealer In Pure Food Groceries. 'Phone, 70a, 341-3 Princess St, LEELEAEEEEEEAEErRas ee Increase Your Efficiency - Xingston Business College, Limited Head of Queen Street. Danada"s Leading and Evening Olasses. : Bhorthand, Typewriting, Books ing, Tel 4. 8 1 ora; Any heipl English br PHEEEF FES EEPEREFEI EI FBISIISISISIISICISICISISIISIIIIN Cleaning & Pressing * =e in shortest notice. 'Phone JAMES CAMPBELL, Tailor 109 Brock Street: > THE FRONTENAC LOANAND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863, President--Sir Richard Cart ht. Money issued on Oity and Farm perties. Municipal and } Dounty Debehe tures. Mohgages pure ite nteres eased: 8. C, McGill, Managing Director, 87 Clarence streets M. P, KEYS Antiseptic Barber Shop Dressing and Shaving Parlor, Quick Bervice, Your pats 336 King Strz:t Next door to Wade's Drug Btors: famous--if It's easy to become you THINNER ESI SISSIES z Here' sa New One-- - have the right kind of a press agent. m-- EE ---- EE -- Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes. yet the tongue instantly appreciates it. Try it yourself, to-day, and be sure you get 10%; TOASTED COR THINK of the most delicious eatable you ever ate, then buy a box of You'll find that with Ice Cream or Fruit it affords a decidedly rare flavor, --=makes a wonderfully palatable dish. There's no describing the taste, Over 37 Million Packages sold in Canada and United States in 1908. Hasina -- Hollyzs N FLAK