YOUR INSPECTION IS KINDLY INVITED TO OUR LINES OF BUILDERS' H.W. MARSHALL, Successor to A, Strachan. White Canvas Shoes, Regular $1.50 at 9%. "712 Pairs White Canvas Pumps, with embroidered fronts, leather ® heels. 24 Pairs » White Canvas Shoes, with white heels. 18 Pairs White Canvas Shoes, with leather heels. Cut Price, 99c. . JH. Jennings Xing St BALLS L4444444444884444 piste Lo Of New Gas and Electric Globes and Shades. New fmportations of beautiful Electric Gas, and Combination Chandeliers, We invite you to view our dis- play. Quick in exeenting Electric re- pairsy Housq Wiring a specialtyy i. W. Newman Electric Co, 79 Princess St. | Phone 331 HESS PREPS T ETE FERRY TO RECUR E RRR YEE HAAN 'Automobiles To Rent. Terms Reasonable. Open. EW. J. Moore & Son, Always "Phones--Garage, 815a, Residence, 815b. © ton Dynes, Storage Batteries, Spark Plugs, Canhrelrs, Ee. * TRY OUR DRY BATTERIES. Tm etic My. LAUNDRY $ Best family washing, 40c, to $ 0c. * First-class work guaranteed. : * Goods called. for and delivered. Send postal card with name and address and we will call prompt ly. A trial order sqlicited. HONG LEE LAUNDRY 8b4 Princess St, [SEPP 0000000000000000 UP-TO-DATE SHOE REPAIRING Repairing dono while you wait. All work done by hand. No half soles put on by machine. All work guaranteed. J. GREEN, 291 Princess St. Bulders and Contactors Use Sashweights made in King- ston at Angrove's Foundry, Special prices for large quantities. Hens sem ietaie X ae emai ~ WAH LONG'S LAUNDRY REMOVED From 78 Clarence Bt: to 155 Well. ington Sti, between Brock and Clarence Sts. Best laund in the city: Goods ealled for and delivered. When ordering your Cooked Meats for funches or picnics, don't fail to order some of onr Pickles or Relish We have H CATHIE STOMACH TROUBLE For Four Long Years He 8 Then "Fruit-a-tives" Bro. Relief. Stratford Centre, Wolfe Co., Que May 11th, 1908, I have been completely cured of a frightful condition of my stomach through this wonderful medicine, "Fruit-a-tives." 1 suffered fo- four long years'with this t=ouble. My head aghed incessantly. 1 could not eat anything but what I suffered awful pains from indigestl 1 used every known remedy nd was treated by physicians, but the dyspepsia and head- jxhed persisted in spite of the treat. I was told to try "Frult-a-tives." and I sent for six boxes, and this was the only medicine that did me any £00d L am now entirely well, T can eat or- dinary food and/ I nevér have a head- ache, and for this relief I thank thi: wonderful remedy "Fruit-a-tives" My case is well known in this vicinity and you may publish this statement. ) ALCIDE HEBERT. IL a box, 6 for $2.50, or trial size 26e. If, for anv regason, your dealer does not handle "Fruit-a-tives" they will be sent postpald on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tivee Limited, Ottawa, i TO MIS MAJESTY. THE kane: SirJohn Power & Son Lea. ESTABLISHED AD. 1791. THREE SWALLOWS IRISH WHISKEY Famous for over a century for its delicacy of flavor, Of highest standard of Purity. It is especially recommended by the Medical Profession on account of its peculiar "DRYNESS" MISS ROSA McAHAN OF BUTTE. How Aiter Two Years She Found a Remedy For Dandruff. Miss Rosa MeAhan, of 211 Qartz strect, D Mont., "Nerpicide has thorougnly cleansed dandruli, with whigh it w entirely covered, and it has failing hair. I have iried : ilferent preparations in the past two years, but none took effcet Newbro's Herpicide Dandreaff i# a germ disease and Horpicide is an "Des West says : my scalp of stopped mv many ' except infallible destroyer of the germ trov tho cause vou f remove the of- fect." Kill the dandeufi germ k vour druggist for Herpicide. It is a delichtiul Iressing itching; makes the hair soft as'silk, Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. 81 bottle guaran teed. G. W, Mahood, special agent. allays EVERY TEN CENT PACKET OF WILSON'S FLY PADS Will kill more flies than three hundred sheets of sticky paper EVERY WOMAN It tells about the cleaning and dyeing SHOULD HAVE of fine, gargont & opera' cloaks, Wais OUR BOOK. SITs and ne loves, laces, gentlemen's clothes, ete. fi ells of the cleaning of the Sjuperies and curtains of the home beautiful. The suggestionsit makes will save you any a dollar in the course of a year. 'rite for a free copy: We pa¥ express charges one way on m out of town s "My VALET" FOUNTAIN THE CLEANER 30 Adelaide St. W., Toronto, Settees and Chairs Cemeteries Lawns and goods of 1 Kinds, Manu- ured by ridge & Crescent Wire » King St Opposite Hospital! be- {Farm Journal. oa Gips : For ; he Farmers BY UNCLE JOSH. When peas are harvested by swine they are not usually turned on to the crop until the peas are ripe, but some- times they are put in a little sooner. This ean only be done when rain sel- dom falls after the peas are ripe; oth- erwise the rain would sprout the peas and would therefore lessen their value for feeding. This is a very easy way of harvesting peas by it means the loss of the vines for feeding uses. When peas are harvested by sheep and lambs this also can only be done where rain seldom falls after the peas are ripe and until they are consumed. The sheep consume much of the straw as well as the grain, A field thus has, vested looks much like a bare fallow, so fully is the 'erop consumed. The peas that may skatter can be gather ed up later by swine. On the plateaus of the Rocky Me antain sheep are fre- quently thus fattened. --Orange Judd Farmer. Farm Wisdom. Filthy stables make bad air, and bad air often makes sick stock. Practically 'nine hundred thousand acres of aliala are grown in Kansas yearly. Cowpeas or rape in the corn at the last plowing is worth trying. Whitewash may be put on with a spray pump if it is free from lumps. Breeding stock is the -first requisite in any successful line of stock raising, Low yields invariably follow injudi- cious cropping apd improper cultiva- tion. The man whe business gradually has assurance of success. The alfalfa experience that you read is good. That which you actually work out is far better. There will always be a demand for wool, and that is one repson why sheep will always be profitable.--Kim- ball's Dairy Farmer. goes into the sheep a reasonable Judging Dairy Cattle. The appointment of men who breed one kind of cattle to judge at the fairs another kind is not a healthy prac- tice. The breeds all differ in certain varieties. breeder of Ayr- shires is appointed to judge Jerseys. Such a judge will be almost sure to discount Jerseys with the back much swayed, as the Ayrshires have straight backs. On the other breeder of Jerseys Ayrshires. He is not count the swayback as the true breeder of Ayrshire discount the same. It is different with the men who teach at the agri cultural colleges. It is their duty to study all predigreed breeds --Professor Thomas Shaw. . Suppose a hand, suppose a is asked to judge inclingd to dis in tlie Ayrshire would \ Horse Notes. Lack of exercise or overwork or aching muscles will cause a horse to paw in the stable. If a horse is not used regularly turn him loose in the paddock for a part of each day. Give the tired and hard-working horse a roomy box stall and a good deep bedrof dry straw to rest in. During the hot months a small lot near the stables with a good smooth, firm sod where the work horses can be turned loose for the night after the evertng meal @nd grooming is ideal and will prolong their useful- ness.--Farm Journal. Portable Sheep Fold. The best protection of sheep against dogs is a woven wire fence, about sev- eb feet high, that can be readily set up into a pen where the sheép should be inclosed at night and "can be easily moved from the one spot to another before the ground gets foul It may be set in the poorest part of the field, which the sheep will abun- dantly fertilize, but it is important {hat the sheep should be shut into it as late as possible in the evening and be let out very early next morn- ing, as they like to feed late and early. ! To Keep Flies From Hors _ Take two or three small handiuls of green walnut leaves, upon which pour two or three quarts of soft, cold wa- ter. Let it stand ' one night and pour the whole next morning into a kettle and let it boil for fifteen min- utes, When cold it will be fit for use. No more is required than to wet a sponge, and before a horse goes out of the stable let those parts which are most irritated be smeared over with the liquid.--Ameri- can Cultivator. Pea And Oat Fodder. When peas and oats are grown to- gether for fodder they are usually ent with the binder, but may also be cut with the mower. The crop should be cut a little underripe, except when it is to be thrashed. When cut with the mower it is usually cured in the wind-row or cock after it has - (be- ¢ome dry enough to rake. Change The Sheep Pasture. It is not a good plan to keep sheep on the same pasture continuously for more than two or threes years; says To do this incurs. the danger of stomach worms. Tt is best ficld to another every few years. Produce And Prices. Kingston, Aug. 7.--Prices were {quoted to the Whig as "follows : Fish--Salmon trout, 12jc. lb.; skin- ned digby herring, 20c, 1b.; whitefish, 12%¢. 1b; mon, 30c. lb.; kippered herring, Yar- mouth bloaters, 40c. dez.; perch, 30c. mon, 30c. 1b.; salt codfish, Te. to 15c. Ib.: halibut, 20c. Ib; fresh haddock, 10c. 1b; bullheads,.12§c. lb; red her- ring, 20c. box; mackerel, 15c. Ib.; lake herring, 8c. Ib.; finnan haddie, 10c. to 124c. Ib; fresh lobsters, 25c. lb; sea nass, 12jc. lh: pickerel, 12jc. Ib; mackerel, 15¢. lb. Meat--Beef, by cuts, Te. to 15c.; pork, lle. by car- cutlets, 15¢. per lbs lamb, carcase; live hogs, Be, per carcase, DC. case; {$6 by Ib; turkeys, 18¢. per Ib; lens, He. Jb; mutton, Be. te 9. Ib. | Vegetables--Carrots, 5c. a bunch; c onions 20 to shift thelsheep about from one pike, 10e. Ib; Chinook sal-| doz.; frogs' legs, 40c. lb; Atlantic sal-{ to 9e.: i chicks | Official tést of the Montreal Harbo to 50c. doz; green onions, lettuce, He.; rhubarb, be.; Grain--Oats, "80c.; local wheat, $1. buckwheat, 75¢.; barley, 70c. rye, 80c. to 83¢c.; peas, $1. corn, old, 78c. Flour and Feed to £3.4¢; farmers', '$3 to $3.15; +Hun- garian patent, £3.10 to $3.30; oat- meal and rolled oats, $3.40 to $3.50; cornmeal, $2 to $2.10; bran, $25 a ton; shorts, $26 to $27 a ton; straw, $10 to $12; hay, loose, $14 to $14.50; $15. | turnips, Tbe. bag; 5c. bunch; radishes, Se. spinach, 5 c pressed, Eggs, new laid, 25¢. doz.; butter, Ib.; farmers' butter, in ; packed, 23e¢.; rolls, 23c.; 230. Wool--Washed, 18¢. 1b.; sheep skins, fresh, 30c. to 85c.; tallow, rendered, 6¢.; deakins, $1; veal skins, 15¢c. Ib.; hides, No. 1, Yc.; hides, No. 2, 8c. Ib.; horse hides, $3 cach. Baby's Hold On Life. Baby's Own Tablets cost 25¢, a box. A box bought now may save baby's life. Summer complaints come sud- denly, and carry away thqusands of little ones every year. If the stomach and bowels are kept in order there is little danger of these troubles coming on. Baby's Own Tablets is the best medicine in the world for preventing and curing stomach and bowel trou- bles. They can be given with perfect safety to the new born baby or to the well-grown child. An occasional dose of the Tablets will regulate stomach and bowels and prevent summer com- plaints. The mother who keeps these Tablets beside her has a reasonable as- surance that her little ones are safe. If you have not got a box of Tablets, get one without delay. Do not wait until trouble comes, it mhy then be too late. Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. -------------- -- Comparison To Hand, Youths' Companion. Pertinent was the rebuke, e adminis | tered by a police magistrate, who is a keen horseman, to a blugacket who had been using his liberty more for the benofit. of sundfy suloon-keepers than himself "You men," said the vour money like horses and spend it judge, '"'earn liko asses.' ' i ------ Smart Weed and Belladonna, com- bined with the other ingredients used in the best porous plasters, make Car- ter's, S.W. & B. Backacl 'lasters the best in the market. Price, 25c. A bachelor says matrimony isa sort of training school in which some women learn the art of drawing ali mony. A small boy doesn't good time at a picnie unless he Ye services of a doctor a lew have a very quires the hours later. . When you hear 'a girl speak of a youn man as being a bear--well, you can draw your own conclusions. Earache! Toothache! To Cure the Pain in Ten Seconds Get Instant Relief, Nothing Equals. NERVILINE Fifty years ago Nerviline was used from coast to coast and in thousands of houses this trusty liniment served the entire family, cured all thar min or ills and kept the doctor's hill sal. To-day Nerwline still holds first rank in Canada among pain-re- Hieving remedies--scarcely a home you | can find that doesnft use it. : From Port Hope, Ont, Mr W. T. Greenaway of thes Guide newspaper staff, "For 20 and TESTIMONIAL NO. 4398 TN our home, and not for the world would we be without it. As a rem- edy for all pain, earache, toothache, |eramps, headache and disordered gto- {mach, I Know of nq. preparation £0 {useful and quick to relieve as Nervi- {| let every mother give Nerviline aq trial: it's good for children, good for lold folks--you can rub it on as a {linimént or take. it internadly. | Wherever there is pain Nerviline will {cure 1t. r Commissioners' new crane was successfully made it lifting a seventy-five ton car of coal and steel. IMPORTED WILD BIRDS. English Songsters Flourish on Puget Sound. Charleston News. Dr. Charles McCutcheon, a wealthy retired doctor of Tacoma, has main. tained for the last five years a large aviary in which he rears song birds from Europe and turns them loose in the fields and woods of the North West. Dr. McCutcheon was born in England. To-day English skylarks are singing in the meadows of Puget Sound, and linnets, goldfinches, bullfinches, thros- tles and English blackbirds arc seen and heard all over the country west of the Cascade mountains. Every day Dr. McCutcheon reccives word that some of his birds have been seen, and as far away ag fifty miles goldfinches are nesting and rearing their young. The kindly act of Dr. McCutcheon has been appreciated by every man, wo- man and child in the state, and the state legislature went co far as to pass siringent laws protectipg the song birds. Yd Five years 'ago Dr. MeCuicheon brought fifty birds of each variety from Liverpool and ostablished a pri- vate aviary at his home. The first winter he lost half his flock, but when spring came he released the remainder and soon roports came to him of ob- servations being mado to prove that his imported birds were nesting. Every year since he has imported more birds and this spring he released 500 birds of =oven variolies. Dr. McCutcheon is positive that the imported birds will thrive along the Pacific slope states and inercase in number. They are not birds used to migration, and they must winter close to their nesting place. For this rea- gon he feels that the mild climate of the Pacific coast states is admirably adapted to their propagation. "There is a lack of singing hirds in fhe Puget Sound country," said Mr. McCutcheon, "and: the first thing a stranger. notices about the wide strotohes of timber land in the west is the absnce of singing birds. The] great forests of tall trees ave as still as a church auditorium, and not a jay disturbs the quiet, : "Tver since 1 was a boy in land 1 have dreamed of the days when I rolled upon the green and listened to the skylarks and the finch- es. I always said I would have a cage of these birds in my hame, but it is a sin to confincwhe tender. crea- tures. They will not sing as sweetly as they do in the open, and there is a thing of beauty bout a landscape that has its songbirds not seen in a stretch of country as still as a tomb. "The importation of several thou- sands of these birds has cost me con- siderable money, but I feel repaid every time 1 receive a letter from some farmer or resident of a town as he reports having seen or heard one of the famous singers. I am told that the blackbirds have nested as far south as Aberdeen, Eng- Wash., and that skylarks have been seen as far north as Bellingham, Bellingham is to the border line between us and Canada. . Should some of the English people in British Columbia wake up some morning to hear a skylark or a finch singing they will imagine they are away off in their native country. I believe that the Pacific coast clim- ate is 'well adapted to the needs and requirements of the songsters and that they will multiply and thrive. The Mongolian pheasants ~~ have been a success. in the west, and they have even been seen in Montana, though the first pair was released in Western Oregon. Now thousands of the beau- tiful game birds are seen and shot every 'year. 1 trust every, state offi- cial as well as the officials of cities will protect the Fnglish song birds." close The Unreliable Clock. Mrs Blank had been paying a char- itable visit = to poor old Victorine Dupreux, whom she found crippled with rheumatism. But if Vietorine limbs were disabled, her always enter- taining tongue was noty, and- the 'time passed swiftly. "Mercy," at last cried the lady, glancing at. the clock that ticked wheezily above the French woman's stove. "Here it is 5 ojclock and 1 should have gone home. hali an hour agot" you'seli no distress Ma- reassured Vietorine. ""Mon- siecur dose clock she ees tole lie hon herself for more than seex year. She _ "Geeve dame," Refuse anything but' Ner- viline. oH i . per bottle, five for ¥Il, i hI a wide, , Po mout - could pot cut your hand on it if you : segled, - Speply race You jars events ition --your fruit. or vegetables : exclusive featip decomposition: 5 t "Schram" jors away for) months or 'years, and be spoil... Xau.c quite "cerbia.. +} that they wi : ot sour The "Schram™)s as easily opened as sealed. Insest the back of an ordinary table knife uder the edge of the scaler--~pass "all * around and the cap is off. No wrist-spraining, - waiting-for-hubby, old-style, stick-fast, screw top, but a simple scientific ar. ga' rangement that every housewife will appreciate. The "Schram" Fruit Jar is the best and cheapest on the market-- the best because the most durable -- the cheapest because there are no sto buy as with other jars x ' You'll buy "Schram" Automatit. Fruit Jars ultimately. Why not now? A Dainty Receipt Free. Ask your grocer to show you the "Schram." Send us his name if he doesn't carry them and we'll mail. you a pwetty little book of seasonable preserving receipts absolutely free. The Schram Automatic Sealer Co. Makers of the Ouly Perfect Of Canada, Ltd, Automatic Fruit Jar Waterloo « = Canada R. CARSON, KING STON DISTRIBUTOR. ees now to a preciseness one hour fast This Receipt Book Free MONTSERRAT LIME-FRUIT (% ACTUAL SIZE) This receipt book is a little treasure. Over sixty new and most delicious cold drinks and desserts--ice creams-- sherbets -- water ices -- frappé--fruit drinks -- mousses-- puddings--pies--cakes. : he ; If you and your family like good things, waite for this book. 'We'll send it promply, free. FILL IN National Drug Co., 36 St. Gabriel St., Montreal, Please send me, free, a copy of your book, "Cooling Drinks and Frozen Desserts." Name... Address... Drs. KENNEDY & KENNEDY "SUCCESSORS TO @ Drs., Kennedy; & Kergan NERVOUS DEBILITY sand Ad middle aged men are annually s Tho: s of young an e age wis: EE ------ SPECIAL NOTICE, Owing to Dr. Ker- gan being deceased, Dr. J. D. Kennedy, ical Director, him Dr. Kennedy Jr. who has been with the firm for several Tals, so hereafter usiness will con- ducted under name of . Blood Poisons JU ERNESY" BLOOD POISONS pre et x of the victim, and unless entirely eradicated from the system may affect the Te Beware of Mercury, only suppresses the" symptéoms--~OUR NEW D cures them. " ; ETHOD TREATMENT alone can cure you, and make ® ox IR NEW ME THOD. the EAT becomes active, the blood purified so that sll pigiples, bidiches, and ulcers disappear. the nerves become strong as steel, so that ner- v ess, bashfulaess and Seapofden Janis. Ane oye becomes bright. v ge Suce full and clair, energy returns to the , and the moral, ysical, an ig orajed; all drains cease--no nore vivet waste from the system, Dout let quacks sud fakirs rolf you of your hard earned dollars. We will ours you er ne pay. + BF Boob DIMAS tyou have a onowing symptoms consult us before it is too late, nervous and weak, despondent and gloomy, specks before € dark circles them, weak , kidueys ir. of the heart, bashful, dreams and palpitation face, mien, hollow iniestin urine, pimples ofi the eyes su hn en and sti tired mornings. restless nights, change. aod, HO hood premature decay, bone pains, hair logse, sore throat etc, j« - No matter who has treated you, write for an honest opinion Free R EADER of Charge. BOOKS FREE. "The Golden mitor' (Mlustrated) ° ® Question List for Home Troatment Sent on Request. Drs. KENNEDY & Gor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St, 0 te