~~ : gh DOUBLE CASH COUPONS All this wébk we will offer Dou rehage made here." Lots of new 4 gts, Hosiery; Gloves, Men's Shir advantage of - this BU offer, U 'lots of hot summer weather to wear thom. ns with oods, t ite Wa Come ble Cash Coupo fresh summer ts, Socks, etc. svery Cash © be had, ists, Under- and take "Here are & few apecikls that are worthy of notice, and will be on sale during, this week -- Three-piece' Fancy China Five 0'C Jecorated China Cream and Suga » Fancy Colored Sauce Dishes, be. Pretty China: Fern Pots, 25¢ Decorated China Crackexfars, 35¢c. phcuial vAlite in Fancy Berry Bow 25¢. * Heautiful Cake Plates, 'Jelly, Glagses, 2 for be. "Latge Size Jelly Glasses, 3 for , "We place on sale about a dozen todd," your: choice, 5c. +18¢. Fine. Lace, for Be. per yard. «5,76 is 'not generally known, but we k that knew) ha 10¢ age sell in addition to Laundry Larch, Yeast Cakes, Prepared Corn, also lock Tea Set, 35e. Fr, 25c. Is, 15¢. and 25e. wich our numegous ct Ammonia, ng iPowgders, Blackings, Stove Varnish, ete M¢intosh Bros, Woods' File OM Stand" @ Maiinger, 'PERCY JESSE. --- Pale Blue Wool Sweater Coats, slightly istomers to and Toilet Soaps--Baking Pow- Pearline, Lye, August 18th - Greatest Live Stock Exhibit y Modél Camp--Victoria tween teams from Dragoons and Lia Dreaduoughts AO Naval Battle | om -- THE SIEGE GREAT DOUBLE BLL OF FIREWORKS BATTLL OF THE NORTH SEA WATCH FOR REDUCED RATES Bor all information write Managen J. O. ORR, City Hall, Toronto, 4 NATIONAL EXHIB TORONTO 1909 on the Continent. Forty industries in active operation, ADMIRAL LORD CHARLES DERESFORD will officiate at opening ceremonies on Wuesday, August 31st. MILITARY YEAR AT THE FAIR "Cross and Wrestling on Horseback Competitions be- i A rtillery--Artillery Drive--Musical Ride, etd September 13th TION OF KANDAHAR 1000 Men in Uniform AND EXCURSIONS. % » gs od oD Synopsis .of Canadian North-West Land Regulations. ANY person who is the sole head. of's tamily, of Any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter-section © available Dominion land in Manitoba, atchewan or Alberta. The appli nt must appear in person at the Do- min A Lands Agency or Sub-Agency for the. district. Entry by proxy may be * madé at any agency, on certain condi- tions, by father, mother, sen, duughter, brother or sister of intending home- 'Duties.---Sfx months' residencé upon ana 'cultidption of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live Rithin pine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acrés solely owned and. occupied b, bim or % his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sis ter.. pi slo tartan dibtricts 'a homesteader In ofl Standing may preempt a quarter- jon" alongside hia homestead. Price, A a per Duties--Must. ide of six ours rom - entry (including the A red th homestead patent) "Biltivate fifty ac extra. omesteader: wha has exhausted his tend right and cannot obtain a ption m take a purchased home: "in . cértaln' districts. Price $3.00 acre. Dhities--Must: reside ;six mouths n h of: three years, cultivate - fifty acres; and $rect a house worth $300.00 1. ans Ww. Ww. OORY, 3 ty of the Minister of the Interior. iN advertisement will' not ~--Unditthorized = publication of this paid for. seni VOTERS" LIST, 190. Municipality of the Township of Kingston, Gounty of Fron- i tenac. 'F NOTIOE is hereby given, that 1 have tranBmitted or delivered, to the persons mentioned in sections 8 and 9 of the Ontatio Voters' List Act, the copies re- by said sections to be.so trans- of delivered, of the list made pur nt to said Act, of all persons ap- matity ER the last. favised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality to be en- tith to vote ih the said . Municipality at ections fpr Member of the Legis- lative Aspembly and at = Municipal ¥léctions ; .and that the said list was first postéd at my office, at Cata raqui, on: the 2nd day of August, 1969, and femalns there for inspection. jlggtors are called upon to exdming the said list, and if any omissions or any other errors ate found therein, to take im- medite proceedings. to have: the - said ertotd corrected according to law. CHAS. F: ADAIR, Township Clerk, Central New Fireproof Grand 12,000 people. Magnificent * Night Spect Over $16,000 in cash pr special medals and prizes. New Process Byilding. Many new, attractive a Features. Entries close Sept. 8th. For full information, wr Stand, McMAHON, mira Ganda Far Ottawa SEPT. 10th to 18th, 1909. Bigger and Better than ever: seating atular 'Seige of Sebastopol' with Fireworks Display. izes. Sixty-five Horse Racing and Outdoor Vaudeville. nd interesting Cheap Rates on all Railways, ite Secretary County of Frontenac | TO CONTRACTORS | SEALED TENDERS at the Office © of County House, Kingston, up to the 11th day of August, not tien of County Gaol, as § vertisement, as approved by Committee Property. All of the gbo completed before January Plans and specifications, Lo to be seen at office lands, Architect. The lowest or any {sa rily oecepted. of Contract. JNO. PURDY, J. Chairman. Dated, July 26th, 1909, Ww. for the Plumbing Work, quired in improving the Sanitary with some additional tender will be received Clerk, Court WEDNESDAY, at 12 o'clock etc, re- Condi- or former ad. work on County ve work to be 1st, 1910. with addi- Wm, New- of NOt neces- Security will be requiréd for fulfilpient BRADSHAW, County Clerk. THE DATL: BR1T-9H WIL BE AT THE HEAD But Later When All the Forces of the Emp;re Are Co-ordinated Lord Kitchener Will Be Given the Command. Aug. T.--~Lord Kitchener London, : appointed to the Mediter- has been | ragean command, recent vacated by the Duke of Connaught. He will first visi Austealasia, inspect tho troops there, and advise on the best way of giving offect to eertain proposals for dévelopments which are being discuss- cd at the Imperinl Defence conference. In some quarters it is believed that there is 'an intention to corordimate all the military forces of the empire and place Lord Kitchencr at the head of the organization, which will have the imperial "army for its special care. Events weuld seem td be moving In this dir aye the Daily Graphic. The "Express declares that Lord Kitchener's new post is synonymous with the inspectorship of all the over- seas forces. TO RAISE MONEY Meet Débt Incurred Shackleton's Expedition. London, Aug. 7.--It is announced that Lieut. Shackleton bas accepted an invitation to lecture in the United States and Canada at a record feo. He leaves England in March. The Ex- prose states that not a penny of the proceeds of Lieut. Shackleton's hook or lectures will go into the explorer's pockets. The money is all guaranteed to pay the costs of the expedition. Since the return of the expedition the Australian legislature voled $25,000 to meet part of the expenses, amd the New Zealand legislature voted $5,000. The British treasury declined to as sume any pari of the obligation, and Licut. Shackletod® was left saddled with the responsibility for $70,000, Brockville Cheese Board. Brockville, Ont., Aug. 5--The of- ferings at the Brockville cheese board meeting to-day were only 3,690 boxes, of which 1,685 weré colored, and the remainder white. These figures ghow a marked decrease in production; not withstanding that the pasturage is much improved over the month of July. The extremely hot weather, to wether with the prevalence «of the horn fly, are likely causes for the falkng awny of the milk supply. The market was. extremely dull and unin teresting, and it was like pulling teeth to extract bide from the buy ers, who were content with-a sort of go-as-youglease procedure. Messrs Fitzsimmons, Woodard and Murphy took calls at 11%e. and Webster had the field when he offered 1l}e. Both figures were flatly refused. The sales- men would have been satisfied with 118e. but the buyers could not se their way clear to thas price until ai- ter an adjournment, when it was paid fréely for both kinHs. A few choice lots are said to. have been bought for 113c. and 11 9-16¢c., wlich did not affect the lige. ruling. In all about soven thousand boxes were On the corresponding date one avo the local market was brisk at To By sold. year 12, Hubby Loves Amother Now. Utica, N.Y., Aug. 7.--Because she be- lieves that her husband has trans- ferred' his affections to an Ottawa, Ont., maid, Mes. Lillian R. McRostie has begun an action for divorce. The McRosties were married in Ogdensburg on August 25th, 1904. About two years later, Mrs. McRostie alleges, her husband began to neglect her, making occasional trips to Canada. Finally they separated. As McRostie is now living in Jackson, Mich., the ¢om plainant has secured authority serve the summons by publication, to Murders White Girl. Frankfort, Aug. 7.--The murder of a white woman by a Chinaman, some what similar to the murder of Elsie Sigal in New York last June, occurred in this city, on Friday. Tien Yon, Chinese merchant Berlin, actuated by jealousy, shot Hildegard Hoffman, a musio hall singer; amd then turned his revolver on himself, Both died within a few minutes. a ol Constable As Clergyman. Birmingham, Aug. 7.--Street betting in Birmingham has caused the police to resort to all manner of devices to keep it in check. A constable disguis ed as a clergyman has been the lookout for several days past. on Men's Fine Straw Sailors. And snap brim straw hats, at reductions, at Campbell Bros'. ing sale of summer hats. 17¢. Breakfast Bacon, 17c. Saturday only breakfast bacon 17c. Roll bacon 13c. J. Crawford. Bibby's now sell trumks. Abram C. Eby, mayor 'of Burkeville, Va., has been arrested in Philadelphia for threatening to blow up property of the Pennsylvania Railway if he did not get $35,000 from the company. Bibby's for leather suit eases.' Walsh has received a car load Guelph lime. Bibby's for leather suit cases. Rumor has it that. Mgr. Scollard, bishop of Sault Ste. Marie, will be appointed to the bishopric of Ot- tawa, in successon to the latg Arch bishop Duhamel. : Bibby's new collars, 2 for 25c. "Sweet Castor Oil" for children, 10e¢. bottle, at Gibson's Red Drug Store. Bibby's new collars, R. L. Borden, the er, who has been in and on the continént six. weeks, sails for 27th. . Bibby's for trunks and valises. ! "Summer reading The Tabard Inn | library Kingstonians to pass | many pleasant hours these hot days. | Sole 'agent for Kingston. Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. | Bibby's new collars, 2 for 25c. Walter Wellman is expected to start | from Spitzbergen in his balloon for | the pole next week. i Bibby's new collays, 2 for 25¢ | Walsh has received car load of Guelph lime. Bibby's now sell suit cases, of Cross 2 for Be opposition lead Great Britain for the past Canada on Aug. | assists a } i ik WHIG SS Tat 4 DAY, » - Hm usemenls, (LAKE 3 ONTARIO ) PARK) TO=-NIGHT A255 50. MATINEE, WEDNESDAY, AT 8.80. VAUDEVILLE Moving Pictures, Illustrated Songs. Pictures changed on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. WEDNESDAY, CHILDREN'S I1OENT DAY ON CARS : . . . BULLETINS: THURSDAY--2.30 p.m., Tours the 1,000 Islands. Fare, 50c. FRIDAY--8.00 am., for Ganan- oque, Brockville and 'Ogdensburg. Fare, 50c. return. SATURDAY--2.30 p.m., Tours the 1,000 Islands. Fare, 50¢ SUNDAY--Regular trips to Cape Vincent, 7.30 a.m, and 2 p.m. Fare, 50c. return. MONDAY--2.30 p.m., Tours the 1,000 Islands. Fare 50c. MEALS ON ALL TRIPS. rd Shas eas v Tenders Wanted SEALED TENDERS, marked '"Tender" on envelopes, addressed to the under- signed will be received until Four o'clock P.M., TUESDAY, Aug. 10th, 1909, for the lathing and plastering of the As- sembly Hall now being erected ag. the Brockville Asylum. Plan and aspecifica- tions may be seen and all information obtained at my office or at the office of Ww. Pp. Dailey, Bursar, Brockville Asylum. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. (Signed) B. DILLON, Supervising Architect, le, Ont., Aug. 4th, 1909, DON'T READ THIS! The People's Observation STR. STRANGER CAPT: HAMMOND: FOR KINGSTON MILLS Monday, Wednesday and Friday, fharf{, at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Returning in ' time for tea. Com-) mencing Monday, August 2nd, until] further notice. are, the same as usual, 25¢. round trip. Plenty of deck room, | no crowding. Str. leaves daily, except] Sunday, for Gananoque: Monday, Wed- nesday and Friday, at 6 p.m. ; Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 38.80 p.m. Excursion every Saturday, one hour in Gananoque. Returning, at 9.30 p.m. Round Trip, &ue. Ever, from Swift's ~ TO RENT GROUND FLOOR OFFICE ROOM 15 x 18 Bright and convenient, light, heat and janitor service, included. Apply JAMES SWIFT & CO,, 167 Princess St. - BIG FREE SHOW™: Str. America AUGUST 7, 1909. CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES insertion le. a word. Bach com secutive insemtion ball cent a word. Minimum for gh six, $1'; one month $3. > WANTED---HELP. / BARTENDER. APPLY TO BRINSH- American Hotel office. SMART BOY TO LEARN PRINTING business. Apply: Whig ofifte. YOUNG LADY AS CASHIER. APPLY ou Theatre, to the Proprietor. IMMEDIATELY, SMART, BOY, FOR office. Apply Box 23, Whig office. PORTER AND - A DINING-ROOM A girl, immediately, at Iroquois Hotel, SMALL cooking. SERVANT. understand RAL Must TWO DINING ROOM GIRLS. WAGE $1 each, per week. Apply at ounce, to Hub Hotel Restaurant. COLLE IN CITY time. Give references. * Whig office. A PA during spare Address "'S. COOK, 'O Best of wages. Apply Box FIRST-CLASS WOMAN work in a small club. References required. #58," Whig office. PERIENCED 81 Must be rapid and accur- salary ex- A." "Whig ONCE, AN ographer. ate State references and pected, to Box "C. B. office, LEARN THE BARBER TRADE, g system, constant practice, careful in- struction, few weeks complete course, tools free. Graduates earn twelve to eighteen dollars weekly. Write for catalogue. Moler Barber College, Queen and Spadina, Toronto. WANTED---GENERAL. CDA NI CASH RI TER, State price and 8, Whig office. A SECOND-HAND in good condition. make. Apply Box THE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH estimates on electric work. All kind: of work promptly done. F. J. Birch Hlectrician, 206 Wellington street. INTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR cloth and have it made up into up- to-date suits. Price and workman ship guaranteed to please. Pressing and repairing done on the shortest notice. Thomas Galloway, 131 Broe 8t., next Bibby's Livery. SITUATIONS WANTED. on 27 GE A YOUNG MAN AND WIFE cook and maid, or any housework. Apply Box 78, Whig office. TEACHERS WANTED. KING- George TEACHER, FOR 8, 8. NO. ston Township. Apply Clark, Collins Bay. 5, to QUALIFIED /TEACHER, FOR 8. 8, NO. 14, Pittsburgh. Apply to Wm. Thompson, Willetsholme P. O., Ont. JUTH Ap- tary, TEACHER, FOR 8S. 8. NO. Fredericksburgh. Salary, "ply Frank Van Dyck, 1, $45 Secre RISE OF THE United Empire Loyalists An Informing Sketch of Ameri: can History, Valuable for Javiat. ies and Research. By VISCOUNT DE FRONSAC. Price, 50c. Address British Whig, Kingston. Oddfellows' Excursion fo Ottawa AUG. 11th. Grand Parade of interest both ways. All places Special train Canton Bands, open to visilors. Fare $1.75 Napanee, Ont; Good to return on the WwW. H. BOYLE Secy., TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Chairman of the Waterworks Com mittee to August. 12th, for painting the Waterworks Tanks Specification at the Waterworks Office. T. HENITT; Superintendent, "TWAS HOT TO-DAY. The Mercury Expected to Read 80 Degrees. The highest temperature registered this week, at Dr. Knight's observa- tory, was seventy-eight degrees, which was registered the past two days. At eight o'clock this.morning, the ther- mometer reading was seventy-three de- quite high [Or so early ing the The likelihood was that the mercury would rise to the eighty-de mark early in the aftermon There was quite a hit of moisture in the atmosphere, which made it feel hotter than it really was. The highest temperature registered here this sum- mer was eighty degrees. Thete "was a possibility that Saturday, Aungust 7th, might beat this by a fraction of a de- gree, gTecs, morning. gree Held A Banquet. The Daily Blade, of Portsmouth, Ohio, has an account of all the an- nual re-unions and banquets of Com- pany Gi, of which Col. W. 8. With- row, of Johnson street, this city, is a member. Col. Withrow was unable to be present, and for the oeeasion sent along some lake trout for the {ever | nual F OR SCHOOL $ Hungerford, to begin after holidays. Answer, stating salary and qualitications, to James Brown, Secretary, Box 14, Marlbank P. O,, | Ont. | A { | FINANCE AND INSURANCE. MARINE and Motor Insurance, 4 Olarence 10. B. KIRKPATRICK, FIRE, St., Kingston. 'Phone, of. GEO. A. BATEMAN, AGENT F Pacific Coast Fire . Coy of the board of underwriters. Romouski, Established 1876. York and Ecopumical Mutuals, Clarence St., ingston. 'Phone, U96, OR THE LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire lusurance Company. Avaliable assets $41,187,215. In addition to which the polieyholders have for security the unlimited liabilivy of all the stockholders. Farm .and city property insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. 'Phone, 825. ARCHITECTS. ARTHUR office and Ave. BELLIS, AROHITEOT, residence, 151 University & ARCHITECT, ding, Market SMITH, Bull 845, HENRY ete., Square. P; Anchor "Phone, NEWLANDS & SON, ARCHI tects, etc., Office, 268 Bagot street "Phone, 608. POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER- chant's Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 2132. om Carpenter and Builder, 255 Division 8t., for reasonable prices on all kinds of jobbing, all work dome promptly, foBERT GARSIDE ASHCROFT, D.O., CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS, [M If you want a stenographer, or clerk, or a salesmal, or a mechanic, place a- help Want advertisement in the British Whig. You will have the choice of the best ones in Ontario. 'They all rely on the British Whig to tell them of the best situations that are vacant in Kingston. Just as it supplies the news of the day, so also is it noted for pointing the way for the employer to get in tonch with the employee, the buyer to reach the seller, or in short it is the most efficient method of filling the wants of the citizens of Kingston. It is noted for its reliability and for the fact that no advertisement of a misleading or doubtful nature ca int i \ PIN, LOST. PEARL HORSESHOE STICK at Lake Ontario Park, last evening Reward for return to Whig office. A ON Post Is- USED FILMS LE "Finder rewarded Kingston, Milton KODAK "Stranger Office Box land. 3 78, A LADY'S watch and fob, Friday afternoon, on Princess, ington. Brock, or King Sts. Reward for return to 161 Sydenham stPeet. with init BLACK LEATHER POCKETBOOK, containing about $13 in bills, in Lake Ontario Park, or on Car re- turping therefrom, or along Division street to Ellice. Liberal reward for its return to Whig office. TO-LET. MWITH & Possession, STORE Ceo. Reid. OCCUPIED BY WOR 284 Princess 3 1st. Apply te R. J. St ROOM FRAME HOUSE, ON Beverely street, with bath and closet, Apply to J. Lambert, Portsmouth. ONE REAR ROOM OFFICE, AT 348 King Btreét. Will be rented cheap oP Forrest, Gents' Furnisher. FURNISHED AND UN. Stores, Stor for Furni- McOann's, Oor, DWELLINGS, furnished, ture, ete. King street: n ever have access for § frame ticula ling, at inch ; 000 f tongu inch. Ont. FRAME cheap Wellin GASOLINE, 18¢c. ANTIQUE a Black Walnut Sideboard SIX-ROOM AND W ©, Godwin's LUMBER : to its columns. YACHT CLUB YARD) WALNUT SOFA, $30, ALSO , costs $45, 18, at Turk's, "Phone, pg -- ---- NINE ROOM AND W. dwelling, in good location, par rs at H. Watts, 107 York St. FRAVE NWT. in ' good Mocation. Particulars, Insurance Kmporium, ],000 FT. SOFT 8,000 1t. soft elm, t. white basswood, es; 20 Apply J. FILM, 1 inch ; 8. inch ; B® 4 inchx6 Odessa, 2 i maple axles, H. Babcock, DWELLING IN FIRST-CLASS condition, a choice property on York 8t., modern, good ldcation. A quick buyer may securd this. splendid. . Apply to T. J. Boon, ngton street. ee beam BOATS Gasol inch Agent gines. LARGE STONE BUILDING, ON ON- tario strect, known as Ontario Hotel, | suitable for boarding house. Apply to D. J. Millan, Cor. Ontario and Princess Sts. DENTAL. SPARKS AND SPARES, DENTIATS 2304 Princess St., Kingston. Phone, | ol O:; NASH, Gibson, assi DENTIST ; DR. ous | 'Phone, T... stant, 183 Princess street. 35. DR. W. R. GLOVER, DENT] Certificate, office ground floor, corner King and Johnson Sts., opposite St. George's Cathedral. 'Phone, 911. OSTEOPATHY. gradu- of 405 Edna Earle ates of Osteopathy Asheroft, D.O., the American School Kirksville, Missouri, Princess street. 'Phone, 447. Office hours, 9 to 12 am. 2 to 5 p.m. Outside treatments by appointments. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. RE TRANT NOW open. Service A La Carte, open day and night. Up-to-Dafe service, at o popular prices. Private dining room. Entrance on King street, next to Drug Store. Con. Haag, HUB HOTEL Gibson's Prop. ISS GRAD CROUGH, T.C.M. Gold Medallist: Teacher of piano aad theory. Pupils prepared for "Toronta Conservatory examinations. Apply by letter to Hartington, Ont., terms. Will be 'id Kingston for after J INFORM ard's TWENTY-THR power, twelve family hoat. = EE FOOT MOTOR BOAT, 5 t 10 fee inches, six horse Gray motor, Capacity from to fourteen people. A good New last fall. Pricey D. J. Hay, 126 Clarence St. OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, ine Engines, from $40, large 5 bore Palmer Engine a bargain: s for the Lockwood-Ash FEn- Call and see them at Cow Boat Works, pear Cotton Mill SPEEDY, | launch, 8 bh. hour. good price. er wh able farmi or, lo only, witho price Chica 18 ft gine, sale Room FOR SALE OR TO LET.® BOATHOUSE TO LET, 85x6 FT ROOMEY 26 ft.x4 ft, motor spe Wicker cha as new. Will Address Box ¢ GASOLIN 2 aE of 12 miles an 8s, lights, eft. sell at sacrifice , Whig office. with » FROM for sale, suit- { purposes or - general nl rue ular about size Wish to hear from owa« who will sell direct to Buyer ut paying commission Give and brief description. Gi. Currier, 163 "K.,"" 46 W. Monroe St go, IL ATION W, OWN 10 has for dag ng cation AND Fm- for . motor skiff, speed 8B miles Apply Davis Dry 3 h.p. Davis per hour, Dock Co PERSONALS. FORTUN witho! ence. A. Sept. 1sti JAPAN'S ULTIMATUM, Will Proceed With Rgconstruction of Railway. Tokio, Aug. 7.--Japan has sent an ultimatum to China apmouncing that she will proceed with the reconstrue- tion ®f the Antung-Mukden railway, owing to China's faNu# hor timely consent in view of Japan's de finite treaty righis and the conven oi"the world's communication. Japan, however, is prepared to deal with the other Chinese-Ja- differericess concerning Man- to 'give ince amicably panese churia. spread, and the colonel was tendered a hearty vote of thanks, The ban- | quet was one of the most suceessiul held by the company. These an meetings will be kept up until | there is but one left, and he will con- | nue to observe the day i ------ { * For Am Alternogn, Sail. J Take the Hoambe Amd Wondny, | 2.30 p.m. Gananoque Band on hoard. | Home early. Fare dtc ! 4/4 Saturday. Only: | Breakfast bacon 17¢. Jas. Crawford sliced or in sides, | 8 Bibby' for men's outing shirts, Drug Store, To Treat The Children. H. C elecuric place a ear at Nickle, superintendent of the railway, offered the disposal the Hotel Dien, House of Providence and Noteo Dame Convent, and thf mem- bers of the auxiliary of the Hotel Dieu hospital have {akon advantage this kind offer the children of these institution Tuesday afternoon next amd them a treat the me ice cream and street has io give | on TV { upper. % Nail brush and flesh brushes: It pays | to buy them at Gibson's Red Cross | Established 1866. marriage, speculations, vealed ; birthdate. North Nose, Specialist, and Solicitor. Law Office, 8t:, Kingston. FE. TOLD IN BUSINESS, LOVE, domestic aflairs, enemies, etc., all . mysteries res send 6c. in stamps and A: Renaud, Box Bil, Coaticook, P. Que: MOLES, BIRTHMARKS, 3 etc., * removed permanent! ut scar. Twenty years' ex - Dr. Elmer J. eo, Eye, Ear, Throat and Skin Blemish 258 Bagot street. LEGAL. B. OUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER 79 Olarence Swift's Coal All "the sizes carefully screened. We are making winter deliveries now. Our price is $6.75 per 2000 pounds, "We Guarartes Every Load." Swift's. 17¢. Breakfast Bacon, 17¢c. «-- | Saturday only breakfast hacon 17c. Roll bacon 13e. J. Crawford. "Fresh from Torouto every 4a) of (during the hot weather, Neilsor's ~oo-rouned, | {the Wh | nrices, | Rolls 1396. J, Crawford, ay" Bibby"s now sell suit eases. For printing and book-binding try ig. First-class work at closest Try Pibby's 0c. leather belts. Breakf, bacon 17c. Saturday only i « i Working Up Town, 'Both-concraie walk gangs are work ing wp town. start and from Wi! d ice | Brock @revt, irom Unfario street and will accompany |eream and ice cream bricks. Sold only | Folger's office, will soon be laid, now on lat Gibson's Red Cross Drag Store. : that the P. line a Craig on the rc See Bil . & Rome more They'll soon come down work on Ontario gtreet, finm to Brock. A walk on io railway spur from the K. & tho road into W. G, vard has béen built, patching has to be done 5 (OSS Co's adway there. by's RX] straw hat