Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Aug 1909, p. 5

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, 1909, Good Fellowsh ml mm SHE DID NOT ON re i wok in ida ' ; eliows 1p Mrs. 8. I. Martin, of St. Catharines [ Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By] il . occasionally leads to overindul- ] = is coming yi to hor a little visit | Reporters On Their Rounds. to fur daugbuee, New JS. Tue, | WEDDED INPOVERTY FINDS! Bibiys sell suit cases, : Jarrie street, and with Mr. and Mrs. | Frank. Cooke -can suppl with Turner and Master Donald will i SHE IS RICH. Tak, of tent. y yon gence in the good things of the : table. Be good to your stomach, eqs Right it at once with 6G l ht i E 5 | wi lg Sows to hb nea JFamutd Tolan nd. Wee. Bibby's great shirt sale is on Sa- urnor wi remain ti oO 7 ut | Husband's Drowning Reveals For- turday morning. 3 Mr. T ill be back in ¢ Tr = : : ; Beecham CHBIIES III SIRI SGV vn we ks' pein The De, Mr i io tune to Bride Who Planned a Phisre, was no 'session of the police v : E; + Mr, and Ss. . ' {eour! orning. Mrs. Char lon Wy Union street, gave | Fournier, who have been Mrs. Turner = Home sit As a Surprise, Breakfast bacon 17c. Saturday only | 4 a tea, yesterday, for her visitor, Miss guests, have gone on down to Quebec. New York, Aug. 7.--Katharine | Rolls 13¢. J. Crawford. ° Macpherson, the latter 'receiving with |, Mis» Sarah Lavell is coming up from | owe, a telephone operator, had not| See Bibby's $1 negligee shirts. her. Mrs, George Mackenzie cut the Thousand Island park to pay Mrs. | the slightest idea, when Robert M. Williami Swaine, piano tuner. Orders ices mnd Miss Loresta Swift ladled | Robort Crawford, Barrie strect, a powers married her a few weeks ago | received at MeAuley's. Powe ® Pout frat "punch. - Miss Emily Sears, | Visit before returning to Toronto. | that she had become the bride of a| Promenade concert, Y.W.CA. eine Sold Everywhere. In Buzesagcents. | yi ar Sullivan, Miss Irene - . {man who had just inherited one-sixth |grounds, Johnson street, Monday gives Savings Depositors, whether their accounts be large or anal, A a | Swift, Miss Zellio Burns and Miss Bessie | _Mr®. Blanchard Henry, of Liverpool, | i » $1,000,000 estate. She had plan- | evening. Robertson assisted. Among the guests | Fog., and her som, Mr. Charles Honry ned a hundred little savings for their | Bibby's 81 shirts are fine. | were Mrs "W. I. Connell, Mrs. Joseph | are the guests of Mrs. Robert Fraser, |jittle home, and Robert thought at| Will this fine weather end with a [ Fisher, Mrs. Harcourt Callaghan, Mrs, | West street. They will be here for a [would be a pleasant surprise to tell {storm ? The city buildings _philoso- J. D. Craig, Miss Bessie Gordon, Miss week or ten days. : hse i hig wife later that they were not poor |pher says so. Jeatrice Aandy, Miss Edith Folger,| Miss Irene Dix, nurse-in-training, To- at all, but bad. a large fortune at| Bibbv's for men's outing shirts, Soe. { Miss May Smythe, Miss Mona Knight, |ledo hospital, will be in the city next their disposal. To make the sur-|75c., $l. Miss Ethel Prammond, Miss Margaret | week at her home, 128 Bagot street, [prise all the nicer he did not tely The Collegiate Institute staff now Mudie, 'Miss Lucy Merrick, Miss Carrie | for a few days. anything about the marriage to histlacks only a commercial master, and and Miss Ethel Waldron: Miss Mildred Mise Vera Dix iy visiting in Toron- [own family, except to ome brother, \one will be, secured before long. Low, Ottawa; Miss Kathleen O'Hara, | to. x . Frank Powers, whom he took into |\ H. Cunningham, piano tuper from { Miss Jean Craig, Miss Marjorie Pense, | Mr. and Mrs. Gibbons have roturned |the secret as a witness at the mar- ickering' s. leave orders at Mo | Miss Mabel brownfield, ' Miss Grace | to Montreal, ailer spending a fey riage ceremony. \tley" s Rook Store. 3 | Martin, - Miss Madeline Higgins and |days with Miss G. G. Beall, William | But last Sunday. Robert was drown-{ See Bibby's $l soft shirts. | Miss Milly Ferris. street. jed in Jamaica ; Bay, where he had | The puff-pufis should be compelled to | n Miss Irene Rees left, to-day, for {gone on an outing with his wife and | use muffers on their exhausts. The Macleod, | New York, and Sheepshead Bay, to'a few friends, and the young wife, Jcitizens are sick of their noise. Alta., gave a dance, on July 23rd, in | visit Miss Lucey Gund for the resi of [who had been so happy, was broken- Breakfast bacon 17c. Saturday only ~ . . or of Te sito ins Mav. Weir. | the sum season. hearted. Rolls 13e. J. Crawford. f Consc ientious thonor of her visitor, Mi lay Weir yer N. bt. and Mrs. Dupuis,| They found: the young hushand's| A meeting of the board of trade aists & There were about sixty-five guests, in- % . ' i { cluding severdl people from outside | University avenue, have returned from {body Wednesday night, and then | 'oungil was called for last evening, PLUMBING |towns, and the supper, as well as all [a delightful trip en the continent. { Frank Palbely Jol his brothers and etl quorum of members did not at-| a . . o 7 Ev ine visit i ¥ . | sisters of obert s lag onk 3 . other arrangements of the dunce, was | They anioyod a fue visit 4 OW Cam they woltamtd the gtir ge, ind 1 awh Bibby's $1 outing shirts. Noyes for Hot Pas and Heating ww - os -> bride and tried in vain to comfort A druggist stated to-day that his \ TAL ws, J. G. Elliott, Barrie street, | Mrs. H. W. Burnett and Miss Edith her. Tt was then for the first time | trade this season was the best he . Lh ; 2 NOT A MYTH pave an informal little tea yesterday, | Burnett, who have been visiting Mrs. that the girl learned of the fortune] ver had. He looked as happy as 4 ; Pretty Sheer Lawn and Mull in" honor of Mrs. George Stevens and |R. H. Toye, Gore street, will go home [into which her husband had eome. } could be. \ \ Waists, sleeves, back and front tc WEI H US \ N Te | , M : By the will of an uncle, Dr. Andrew See Bibby's $1 straw hats. 1 3 d 2 - JS. {Mrs. H. W. Burnett. The hostess Foronto on Monday. , 3 =i , IX Urb ld trimmed wi Embroidery | daughter, Miss Florence Elliott, and] Mise Minnie Moss, Pittsburg, Pa., Yo with Tues, ge "- . oe Mrs. Arthur Young, of {pe rfect. | bridge. x. Dower, of Flatbush, a wealthy and { 'During this hot weather" Neilson's: To the contrary, we make WB afise Plorence Stewart assisted her, and Miss Grace Cunninghum, of New |thildless widower, who died o July ice cream and jce cream bric i and Lace. New Tailored Waists, in it the most important factor. i aH ue { York, have come to visit Mm. E. J. |10th, three days hefore her marriage received fresh every day at Gibson's if Linen and Lawn, Tucked Front, - : {© Mrs. I. M. Asselstine gave a veran- | Lake, Alfred street, {to Robert, a sixth interest in Dr. Red Cross Drug Store. A J with Plain and Embroidered So if you favor us ' with Ldah tia at hor Some. Tit Barrio street | Mrs. W. 'T. Ocamb, Watertown, { Dower's estate, valued at over $I, I'ry bibbyv's 50¢. leather belts. pe Collar and Cuffs 1 EY Cc Jour patfonage you will en this week for her sisters Mrs Ennis. | N.Y., is the guest of Miss Mabel Hun- 000,000, had been left to Robert. A week of August is now nearly at NN v i i a Bison alored thusiastieally endorse us, of New, : ] . Abernethy | ter, Barrie street, before leaving for wd end, and the weather of the past Checks and Stripes. Jerse ins ME i of New Yor oo and ine A sixteen | California, where: she will in future PERSONAL NTION, ivan days has heen' remarkably. fine ind hot. See the New White Wash Skirts, David Hall | = a | vi ethan 3 i es Movements Of The P t] Try Pibby's 50c. leather belts. f avi a - - - bo Mr. owl Mrs, Arthas upininglom, . i . eople~Wha Goud its ot the VY WCA. con- ? $1.50, $2.25 $3.00, $3.75. That S x . Joverley streot;, camo | », to-night, They Are Saying And Doin 66 Brock St. 1 he ' Sketch. Club went down ta | Beverley Tee cama om oy y ying g: ert Monday evening. Mr. O'Hara, of Kingston . CH g New York, will assist. Admission, Mills for a picnic, on Wed- [from their fishing trip down the Ri- | Miss Maude Byrnes, of Prescott, is "Phone, 335. nesday, Miss A. M. Machar coming up | dra. | visiting Miss Kate Sowards, Montreal . from *'Ferncliffe" to join the outing. Dr. D. Phelan, and son, Alban, have | streot. 25c. Bibby's 50¢. leather belts David M 4 nce The Leading Millinery & Mantle -" gone on a visit to the Seattle Yukon Edward Eward has returned to To Ed Whig's is tr da binderv » ' Store. There have been several little teas! exposition, and will be absent for three ronto after visiting his parents on can handle that ruling or binding this. week, but their hostesses have weeks, \ | Division street, T . at \ : . ; Addi : ob of yours to perfection. Prices thought them too small to be identi -: e - \ {Miss "Addie Hamilton, of the state Nn y 2 ied any fi 0 : isl | Miss Grace Greaves, who returned hospital, Ogdensburg, N.Y. is visiti : ' fied any farther than this : ® Grace Lireave returned hosp » Og burg, N.Y., is visiting Nee Bibby's dressy $1 straws. pe, - - ast week from a two momths' visit in [friends in the city. > . ws a . J . . ' 5 . ; " . There was no meeting of: the city Mrs. Gearge Sears, Earl street, gave ' Victoria, Seattle, and other parts of | Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lalonde, George baseball league executive on Friday a small and {nformal little tea, on the west, sailed from Boston, for street, are spending a week's vacation pk 2 . g ; ¥ 1, : I : 3 T evening, as enough members did not ® | Wednesday, in honor of Mrs. Edward Jamaica, W.I., on Wednesday morn- (with friends at Tweed. show u; OPEN ON SATURDAY AT Low. ying. She will not return to Kingston | Mus. J. C. Green and Miss Helen | Ps and Mi € See Bibby's dressy $1 straws. n . } i. : | until the fall. - Green, from Rochester, N.Y., are vis There oy Seaey de Te that : . of 183 Wellington St. Mrs. W. (i. Craig, Wear street, asked Mize Bertha Vanwinckel, Ottawa, is iting at Miss Maggie Scally's, Ports- I. M Stones is dead. Ald R E an fo a y wday the guest of her parents on Ordnance ! mouth, ot he a ; him Eyerything new and up-to-date. ® | few people-to tea, on Tuesday, to gues . pe Fone {ent says he had a letter from him - Prompt service, first-class meals, @® [meet Mrs, oJ, D. Craig. street, for a few days. |, Miss May Barry will spend. the next his morning from the mines ! 3 ras i few weeks visiting in Port Hope and 5) : : pr . . Miss ] ne, SC 8 the y + D > - - liss Maud Byrne, of Prescott, is the See Bibby's 8U soft shirts. 4 : : 3. ¢iukpe " - . r : hE Yadkin ol ¢ / ig i i LEE SING, Prop. : Miss Milly Ferris Willow Tostaps, guest of Miss Katie Sowards, Mon | Eetathors with her friend, Miss Josi Aman named Simpson was brought for | * organized a pi¢nic which went to treal street. 3 : : " i. a : ~ to the general hospital on the King rin' Point to-day Miss Parsnow, Watertown, is visit Physical Director 1 hompson, of the | g pra) : » Seressriverssvesvessre fs : SS : \ vA ion 4 ston and Pembroke train on Friday -- ww ee * ing friends in the city. I.C.A., has returned from attend- f I tor tosihoh Mr. Frank Grout came up from Ot Mrs. James Gildersleeve, Gore stree ing a Y.M.C.A. camp at Lake Couchi- * ternoon to be treated for typhoid feaoe ojos foe forfonfonorfentorfocforfonenfusforfonfonte SE nme Ne ry - TIL Aad > a ver, Jeivinininielnieluinls t fit tawa, on Wednesday, and joined his is home from Almonte. | ching. Breakfast bacon 17¢."Satyrday only ¥ ® wife and children at Canon Grout's > | Mrs. W. Traves and two children, Rolls 13 > | 3c. J. Crawford. "Absolutely Pure" ; | Brock street. [ Mrs. Horbert Ponse and little Miss ' New York, are visiling her parents, The printers' De aimne were x Mrs. A. Meyer left town, yesterday, ' Margaret are here from Toronto, and | Mr. and Mrs. W. McCartney, Sr., Uni- lefeated 11 runs to 1 at the cricket ICE CREAM in route for England. Miss M. A' are staying with Mrs. Pense's mother, | Vorsity avenue. field on Friday evening. The print Meyer is still at the coast and will Mrs. George King, Alice street. | Miss Gertrude Prenter and Miss Ed- ws played their own team and of the r Any flavors. remain there till October, when she Miss Edith Eliott, of Montreal, is'na Johnston are visiting at the other side four, weré dry goods men. : 550 Men' r will come east on her way home to the guest of Miss Violot MeNicoef | Clovers," Mrs. J, Pigeon's cottage; § A return game will be played next $ and Ladies' Balbriggan 60c Per Quart. England, Division street. a McDonald's Cove. week i : Master Harry Coleman, of Almonte, | Mr. Horace Kemp is spending his! Sir. Richard Cartwright, minister of The Trusts and Guarantee company, Shirts and Drawers Special prices for garden Wa rd nr : parties. is visiting hig aunt, Miss Agnes Mac- yacation with his mother and will not | trade and commerce, will return to, Imited, have been appointed admin- morine, Clergy street. roturni - to Rochester, N.Y, for a Ottawa on Wednesday next. Later on istrator of the estate within Ontario Made of high grade double ' thread Egyptian yarn, mercerized, y 288 Princess St. Miss Gn 'Daly and Miss May Bolger couple of weeks. > jhe will proceed to Banff, Alta. if, the late Joseph Laraway, of Rock ¢ , iss{ Mrs. L. 8. Evans, Moscow, will New York. T ' to finished with satin bandings. Phone 845 3 have gone down to spend a. week at Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor and Miss ( : land, I'he estate be y by bea Bodiord-J PT Marion, of Brockville, have sailed for find. the Text Ye days visiting her { administered is a legacy. Ladies! garments are fullfashion- i ¥ i Mes. 1. Badiord-Jones, of Toronto. England and Ireland. In Ireland they | friend rs 8. Davison, Elgin, and . ed, Colors, Cream, Skye, Grey and a) felled fleet eieelfmieleiede is visiting Mrs. Van Straubenzie at ill visit Hollywood, near Belfast, the relatives in Kingston, including Mrs GERMANY RESIGNED. Natural. Sold allover at BOS Kirkleatham. : Johnson street, 60c. and 5c. per garment, denied 4 Jeoooforord formee home and birthplace of Mrs, |. Quail, 4 =} eieieled ee ng oo. Taylor's parents. Rev. J. R. Urquahart, B.A, of Joes Not Like Tariff, But Won't SALE HERE TO- Tiny > Mrs. A D. 0. Macdonald, Brock 6 a Queen's, will go down to his new Retaliat ONLY, FROM 7 TO f street, will leave on Monday for Mon- Miss May Murray has been the charge, the Merivale' Preshytexian : 4 8s O'CLOCK, e treal, where she will spend. several . Macmorine, Clergy: church, on Wednesday, and will be in- Berlin, Aug. ,7.--The state depart- i : rues, of Miss Agnes Macmorine, weeks with her sisters. ducted on Thursday. nent at Washington has notified the . street, this wee Jerm i h i as "Rober done rock : > anid : ¢ arvey is X 1 G foreig Tice : a 4 Fn Reb Ws > Ha 9 N i, i) | Mrs. J. D. Craig, of Ottawa, is the | R. RF: Harvey Is ack mn the nan i toa Bt the 3 tariff . ia , : ' vay: Lor ore, f Mrs. W, West Dank and was at choir practice « on ht This is by far the best Underwear offering where she will meet her sister, Miss Suest of G. Craig, Eridav: nicht Ha will .vlav : wgreement within six months and ten ) ster, stro da) ght. play, as us- le . : SCRANTON Habel, who is returning from her | ue Annic Daly, Brock steect, 15h ual, vat St. George's cathedral to- Inys Tom Jesterday, the ten days be- of the scason, 80 be on time--7 o'clock is Saropes . | "s 7 My, OCK surest, A eh i 5 TR ' ing ed: the st te 81X onl 10- gout onl and. Wegesr rep Bp il oir. CHIVeFSIto Ave day for Oliver's Ferry, tg visit Jostow, His shoulrier is mending, g adde 0 the stipulate ix not too ear ly----and got your choiee. ante yrompt delivery. 'Phone, 2 is 2 TRY BOM py # *» és Ni Forguso: / ut still SLi and sore, 3 .: 4 Drag a _ prom daitvery on is home from Nantucket, and has na rguson, ; . "| Dr. and Mrs. Hagar, Smith's. Falls sal for the signature of President Positively no phone orders taken. ss Seotd ; & beer sponkli p gone on up to Prince Edward County, liss Scott, who has bee i sportling and Prof. and Mrs. Deniston, Madison, ro f tl hedul f the bill | £ 0 1 seneduies ol ne n ave > ~- } 3 i i of 4 whe! tho pas rtnight at » British-Ameé- Booth & Oa fo vist Yee. Harber Horsey iy North he Dsl, los = : the Vhitish Rp Wis., came up the Rideau in their mo- wen telegraphed in full to the Frank Th t 1 t r ¥ EST S EY arvsburgh Master tobbie has re hd » ie % i | tor be at est 7, 8 s en oe X y 0 La TAI M I S k C FOOT WEST STREFT. s | mained in the states, and has gone | in a small way, by old friends, has! ; Jos fe 8 aye nd re (Re Ww ort Zeitung, and comprehensive ex- © on ca oC O., 1 » A . . § . y pT 4 i » I'oronto. : tracts have bee blished I her 1 coforferferfomfortunfonteeonfonfer ois | ith some 'boy friends to a camp in "turned to : r Alfre ho 8 have been published by other Seeloied fel felelelet the White' Mountains. ! Mrs, Henry Kavanagh, of Montreal, | The + Alfred street, the late' Stanles ournals. The act is not liked in 180 PRINCESS ST. 180 Wood's Phosphodine, : - - ""- i the, guset of Mrs. D. Phelan, John Warner Sharpe was held at two o, Berman. It . is x garded ue hurtiul Phone No. 844, Phe Great Jinglioh Femed x Miss Demars, of Oswego: Mr. and on. 8 yi i vill clock this afternoon from the family 2 ettnan o rade with the Unitec 4 . } pO} g . ley arow y : + ? > are ™ 3 nes and Ep [J medy, Irs S J Milo, of Detroit; and Mr. 158 Holen Macarow, William street, { residence, Barrie street, to Cataraqus | , i es, bu here does not appear to nervous Kya stem, makes plow W. H. Milo and son, Howard, of Len- | has gone to the sea. | cemetery. The services were conducted § »e any intention of organizing a coun- load 11 old_v cine, 0 ures Nerd. | yoxville, Pa.. are visiting relatives in - oe {hy the Rev. Dr. MacTavish.' bastor of ter stroke; the measure will be endur- rus Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Des. | | 0. 00d I'he engagement is announced of Miss | : : Bit Pas 9" «d and Germany will make the best of g wndency, Sexual Weakness, Fmissions, Sper Hy. Fst g p Cooke's church. : : + » matorrhoa, and Fffects of Abuse or Excesses. Mrs, George Mackenzie will give up Susie M., only daughter of the late Those who enjoyed the Kamargo he sitaation. I cama alt on est. Prico $1 per box, six for $5. One will ploase,six | |... ye Re el i . s. Miles Parr ) S| Club' i Price $L per box Seto ae FIL ante. ir | ber house, next week, and will ve- |Mr. and Mrs. Miles Parrott, of thi | Club's annual outing at Reed's Bay, SUFFOCATED IN GAS WELL receipt of price. New pamphle | turn to Ottawa, with her mother, |city, to Mr. Harold W. L., second son | s}i . ' re Plate pag. ou The W Medicine Cou Mrs. Edward Low. She will be back cit Mr. and Mrs. William Day, Bath Wolly i BR 8 id Sonley : Creamalt Bread is hore and its popularity has been truly marvelous, Wormets Wisin Toromto Ont. |in_town later on {Road. The wedding will take place in nx oo Bong oe Jowing 1 R D Ontario Man .Lost His Life in If you have been bbservant you will notice a little football label on Miss Daintry Yates is coming from |the late autumn. Yost Ee Lansing i W "Will: Saskatchewan. the bottom of every Creamalt loaf. . FORTUNL IN MATTRESS. New York next week | ' - ee {mott. Francis" M Hugo. Filiott: K Drinkwater, Sask Aug." T.---Jobn To the boy or girl in ningston saving the most Creamalt labels by Dec. -------- Miss Kitty Betts will leave on Mon-| The marriage of Miss Julia A. La- Hurrour, De J Dar 'Olin A. F. }yucWhirter lost his. life on. the aim 20th, we will give a prize of $10 in gold. To theyone bringing in the sec Relatives of Dead "Hermit" day for St. Andrew's and after a vis- | londe, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lansing, Mazon . M Swan Ela i MT. Nagle, five miles south of here ond greatest number we will give a prize of $5, Found $17,000. it there will return home to London Francis H. Lalonde, to Mr. George | ui] Borge EW Ele mn Friday, He wats sagged in Soon The boy or girl who starts saving now has the best chance. : , New York. Aug. 7 Seventeen thon where she will spend a fortnight in Stanley Revell, is to take place on worth. : , ling a cable in a well when the clasp- Entrance slips to the contest may be obtained free from Lackie, the Bsa- preparation for taking = a Domestic [Ahgust 25th, and will We solemnized in | wam unlocked and he dropped over Is of dollars in dull old double {U" r : y ' i Science course at Guelph. St. George's cathedral. | AWARDED CONTRACT forty feet. A rescuing party left here eavles was found concealed in a mat-|* { tress ine the former Brooklyn home of oe pn oe | to pump gas out of the well, which Apples : i Mr. Courtland Strange, of Montreal, Secured Philosophy, Lecturor. |For Supply of Hose Needed By was over seventy feet deep. His home 1 J. LACKIE, PRINCESS ST Daniel gate, an eccentric ex-po- | | " iceman, who died in New Jersey a (18 having a pleasant holiday at Old] a. y. Chown, registrar of Queen's is in Shelburne, Ont. month ago, after having lived for Orchard Beach. University, hhe reccived word from | . . many years the lile of a hermit. Captain and Mrs. Herbert Dawson, { aneipal Gordon, who is in Scotland, A special* meeting of the fire and HE SLEW HIS WIFE. , Relatives who had believed that the | King street, and their small dangh- that he and Prof. Watsen have en [light committee, was held at noon, on ADAM AND EVE COOKED WITH h WOOD -FIRE wr re a fr Sep a > S ; \ ) re hi are home froin. the sea. . | gaged a young graduate of Glasgow B aturday, er He bp ning ! te nder The Awful Deed of An Hotel . r. Allan Hendrie, of Ottawa, is University as lecturer in philosophy | or a supply ol hose, required y the Keeper No wonder there was trouble in that family. However we are not going to en pension -with Mrs. Booth, 64 Wil- ( an' "he new Appointee will | | fire department. There were six tend- per. Jdiscuss that quarrel, Put we want to say right here' that 'you would be crosser liam street. at duet = 2 ne 1 ih wii th lers, and as McKelvey & Birch were Bobcaygeon, Ont., Aug. 7.--Joseph [thar a beat w tha sore head if Jou had to work all day this warm weather over Mr. Clive itz came also ldoture on psychology in a1 " . ittee wepted | Hunter, proprietor of Hote p- 18 hot coal fire the way your wile dees I'l i hive fi Betts came down on {ao salty of edumtion:s The pal 18 the lowest. the Sqiim tie fel pied liber, HA X: t d Hotel Boyals jo Put a gas range in your kitchen and make home a pleasant place. Menty of Picoadilly Personals. wirsday, from Bowmanville, having looking bout * Tor Yooturer in their tend er. or the sum of $1,125 [liberately sho anc ted is Wile | heat for cooking, washing, ironing, etc., but does not inflame the atmosphere Piceadill ia _ |spent a couple of days in Stirling en | -PoKIng ous le A the firm will supply 1,000 feet of Par- | Rose Coulter with a rifle at 4.30 | with waste heat such as foal and Wood which must be kept 'burning when there : iceadi i Avg. 5 The hail Story route. > Clageies. I Goud iQ . Co. | 80m, fire hose, three hundred feet of |o'clock, this morning, while sleeping is no Bork Tequired. With a gan stove the moment the meals 'are ready that ast Saturday id not much dam . : rnc radon, of Queen s ni- } ic: 5 ix i or » 3 rr rres te y [FRM tome a Xpense , age. The lawn social held on 5 Wall I De , and Mrs. y D. Mackenzie, of Hcipa, SAOT0G | Lion Chemical hose and sixteen feet [in her bed. He was later arrested by Call in at fhe office of the Works on Queen St., and see about having the gu av ¢ 1. ondon, England, arrived in town ves- ler's lawn in aid of the Presbyterian 1 1 in Sy il Dok 0 Bowe i) Seren ot Suction 0 hi ie nig lowest Policesnan he Hallas and removed to |pipes put in the house. L2 RIE py HAN | tarday, and are visiting Mr. and Mrs. | Per 1900. : tender was $ higher than that of | Lindsay jail. ere 18 no apparent . . church was well attended. Haying is Clark Hamilton at the Custom ---- | McKelvey & Birth, cause for the act. An inquest is to Kingston Light, Heat & Power Department. i _repc House. September Magazines. | "Those present were Chairman Rig- [be held this morning. C: 0. FOLGER, GENERAL MANAGER: po oP rs D J. Guodiellow | Mus. Walter Bartlett, of Niitley, N.| Cosmopolitan, Blue Book, Smith's, | ney , and Alds. Nickle, Chown, Rob- ee FI -- RL if e Sarietor : las . ® {+]., is now en pension with Mrs. Kav- and Gunter's. Then we have all the {erisom, Fire . Chief Armstrong and| "The citizens of Kgugston" are very 31 daughter wio™15 very. low " Tanagh, King street Munsey publications for August, as|City Clerk Dr. Sands. thankful to W. W. (§hson, proprietor Be s reli AF f ste . rtrim as relieve at the station > a. well as the other standard publica- | of the Red Cross Drug Store, for the while Mr. Wells is despatching in| ye G FN : The OC Seon | : . g Mrs. George F. Moore, who has been | tions. The College Book Store. : : : strictly up-to-date method he has of Kingston. Miss J. Watkins has re = : Typhoid And Diphtheria. rictly ug a | h as L F ings! Mi Aatkins has return Mrs D " } fade , athe providing them with Neilson's ice ead ibre for au king ot an W W 8 i . visiting Edwe AN re, den ed home after being the guest of Miss } > . dward Moore, Syden s rd There are several typhoid fever cases : po mm street, for the past month, re | Saturday Only. fal. a : cream bricks, from Toronto. It speaks 7 the general hospital, the first in a of SAMPLES FREE.-- WRITE FOR PRICES. Mildred Godfrey. Miss F. Walker has i = turned {to Ingersoll, to-dav. Jreakfast bacon sliced or in sides, volumes for the up-to-date ideas gone to Mississippi to visit - her bro - . : | hil Ono is } ital Se, 4 vis | - 3 B. Ostler ai ister. Mia ns . Sen wiord | long while. 1 i a hospital nurse, . . L thir. Mr. and Mrs, JJ. Chisholm, of Ot |.22 and stor, Miss|17c. Jas. Crawford. land another is a resident of Pine | this store. ; » The Canada Metal Co., Ltd., Toronto, Can_ $* The kind you are looking for fis the kiud we sell nonths in order to provide an inter: ker. In our windw we will give results of contest week after week. * ' sand Fire Department. old man was in almost destitute cir cumstances, and who had at various times helped him with gifts of money nd provisions, will divide the find. ¢ about over and the farmers report a ; Etheél O0'Rva, graduate nurse hi and 3 5 : p L.W.C ) y tawa, spent a couple of days at Mr. wduate nurse, both of : : - . fone A diphtheria case is in the The Y.W.C.A. concert Monday night Freeman' Mi E. Gregory is vis. | Sagimaw, Mich, arrived in Kingston | See Bibby's dressy $1 straws. lati ward. the' first coptamions 32 the home on Johnsen street, will| $000 : on Friday to spond a few weeks with | 1%0/at4on » Ty CODTACIONE 110 the event of. the season. Kingston's S iting among friends. Mrs. = S. Wells 2 t rns in The atte Si > . y I : their parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A Rea, | 4 | ni eile hest artists will assist. and children spent Sunday in King FA ts : ston. M C. Godfrey is visiting her | Albert street, Texfderness In The Breasts. ; Look within for. happiness; troubles {ook Saklon Koot Compouna ONTRACTORS BUILDERS sister inc Toronto E. Freeman spent Mrs. Hobart Dyde, Johnson sirect,| Every Woman knows what soreness | Not A League Game. will come without being looked for. 8 T0 C & Sunday with 'his daughter, Mrs. G.|and her young people, are home from [in the nipples means--how distressing | The Vietaria-Irishman baseball game | Lime Juice and Lime Juice Cordial : The Perfect Brick & Tile Ooi, Wash Deer. Mr. and Mrs. McCall and two | Rideau Lake lis that pain in the breasts. But bet- at Lake Ontario park, this aiternoon, (ave sold at Gibson's Red Cross Drug burn, Ont. children are visiting her other. Mrs Mrs. George Stevens, who has heen [ter still is to know that cure is cer- | will not be a league game, The teams | Store. depend, thre % Craig. Mes. H. Dousley. is spending a | Visiting Mrs. 'Robert 'Crawfor i, Bar- [tain when Dr. Hamilton's Ointment itl would rather play the league games in | Try Bibby's $1 boating shirts. , 10 degrees . PAISLEY & CHISHOLM, Lessees - week with her grandmother ria street, will return to Port Hope {applied. For quick relief and certain the cricket field, so the league fixture! Band at Y.W.C.A. concert, Monday for cases, $5 per box ¢ - a on Monday. cure nothing is more efficient thaw (will be played there at & fujuge date. |night. Refreshments served. y ta, of price Pha read os Sont Sract. You immediate Hibby 8 hirts for comfort. -- - - { Dr. Hamilton's Ointment. Get hte. | ------------ A man isn't necessarily attached to tion at reasonable rates, Capacity" 54 SUe., The. 81. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meek, Univer- box from your druggist. See Bibby's $1 boating shirts, & baby carriage because he follows it. Windacs. | gigat 60,000 daly: :

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