5 j hE CeO e Ie A ya " & * EEE EEE 5 £ ' 5 (EA g Wood Shingles' make the old reliable roof, The laying is easy, the job is clean, Our best grades are made "of Virgin® Timber, as fine Cedar as ever grew, clear as a bell. and not They are sawn smooth, look neat tomk up the water. square and do All prices according to quality. 6 different grades. Write, Phone, or Call. THE WHIG, 76th YEAR 306-310 King street, Ki , Ontario, st $6 pet year. Editions at 2.80 and 4 elock bmg ibiishod In pase on Monay aby pu ed in pa on Mon re- day morning at $1 a year. To United States, charge for hostage bas to be added, making price of y 89 snd of Weekly $1.50 per year. Attached is one of the best Job Print- Offices in anada ; stylish, cheap nine improved work ; The British Whig Publishing Co., Ltd. EDW; J: B. PENSE, Managing ng and TORONTO OFFICE. Buite 19 and 20, Queen City Obam- bers, 32 Ohurch B8t., Toronto, H. E. Smallpeice, Daily Whig. THEY DESIRE SOME REWARD. S. Anglin& Co. | Foot Wellington St. HH AHAAAAN AAAI H : Automobiles To Rent. Terms Reasonable. Always Open. W. J. Moore & Son, "Phones--Garage, 815a. Residence, 815b, or EH AAAAAANAAANAASAA NNN COBALTS ON MARGIN We carry the Hsted Cobalt Stock on margin deposit® ; also New York Stocks, Grain, Produce, i ete.,, bought and sold, Consult us before jnvesting. We always have the latest Regs from the mining camps. All stock déliveries made prompt- ly. Wire, telephone or write us your orders at our expense, Dd. "3 ge 1 > & C atriarche 0. STOCK DEALERS, Office, Standard Stock Exchange Building, Toroénto. Huffalo Office, 208 Ellicott Bquare, Buffalo, N.Y. We have direct wires con- necting all our offices. gp AE ASS Pore | 3 CE el "end QF7GES - MONTREAL TORONTO, OTTAWA, WINNIPEG, WASHINGTON, (rand Union Hotel Opp. Grand Central Station, New York City Rooms, $1.00 a Day AND UPWARD Baggage to and from Station free, Send 20 stamp for N.Y. Olty Guide Book end Map Brick & Tile Oo: Waste burn, Ont. PAISLEY & CHISHOLM, Lessees Are ready to contract for immediate delivery. Brick that will stand inspec- tion at reasonable rates. Oapacity of plant 60,000 daily. 'Wood's Phosphodine, The Great English flomady Tones upd invigorates the whole ! nervous systemn, makes new p Blood in old Veins, Cures Nerv 1 ue Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Des vondency, Sexual Weakness, Emissions, Sper matorrhoa, and Ffects of Abuse or Iveesses Price §1 per bax six for $5. One will please, si: will ou Sold by all druggists or mailed b ou receipt of price, New pamphle Wood Medicine Co. 3 Toronto, Ont The Perfect Phone 20l. DAY or NIGHT FOR SALE Nos. 44 and 46 William Street, Brick, part modern, at a snap for few days. Will "take small houses in part payment. Apply to GEO. CLIFF, Agent, 95 Clarence street. It Over ? Haven't m to decided, as yet, with place your order ? is vour trouble you've ealt with us, that's sure! Not a what say Fgotism on our part ? bit of it. We know we have. a trial, just good coal On our so---give us CRAWFORD, "Phone, 9, Foot of Queen St. eh It was assumed that Messrs, Me- Baldwin had some under- with and with the govesnment regard to their experiments at Pe tewawa, and that at least some of these expenses would be paid. [It ap- Curdy standing | pears, however, that the government is not in any way committed to their experiments, and that Canada is not concerned financially with what the young aviators are doing. They are not amateurs as some peo- ple may imagine, For some time they have been using the aerodromes, and some of these days they will sur- prise the country with thejr perform- Meanwhile the federal govern- fome ances, ment should encourage them in They could be giv- substantial way. (n a series of prizes for experiments under certain conditions, and Canada made to feel that it was its share in a modest way to achieve dis- doing tinction in aviation, If the young men desired to repre- sent Canada at the London exhibition they should have moved quicker in the matter, and long since demonstra- ted their fitness. for this honor. But what the Canada should appreciate young men are doing. They cannot, it is assumed, afford to make large sacrifices which gives them no as- surance of public recognition. A WAVE OF WORDS. The American idea--of talking to the people, of giving them the story of the man, or his message, in his own way and with a reflection of his voice is being ddopted th England. In the last presidential campaign the candi- dates of the republican and democra travelled day and night, 70 CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS | tic parties and made hundreds of addresses. These were reported apd flashed by telegraph to the papers so that every day Taft and Bryan spoke, directly and indirectly, to millions of the peo- ple. There was no! message, however, so the living voice, other pedients failing, the phonograph eficctive as that of and hence it was that all was called into use and from its records, the sought the people's favour, addressed to them the words thatfwere expected to seal the allegiance of many doubt- ful To candidates could made in hundreds, men who voters. the places where the not go their mes- sent, and, before the pic- was Sages were ture of the set and amid a hush that could be had at an ordinary political meet man the phonograph not ing, the "voice" was heard and some- times it was applauded. In England the demand has" been for an educational campaign on the is- sues of the hour, and for certain per- sons, to wit, Mr. Asquith, Mr, Lloyd- George, or Mr. Churchill, the request The premier and his chancellor of the ex- has been particularly preferred. chequer and secretary for the colonies fill the that the party would for engagements like to them, and so the party managers pro cannot all muke out to send the speeches which they make to the gramophones, and they will be used wherever it is neces- the leaders in their tone of voice and way. sary to present the thoughts of Both parties are immersed in a pro- paganda of huge! dimensions. The peo- ple are being talked to all over the they will only listen things of pro- empire, and if they will hear many So far it must be said jeund interest. | having the that the budget party is { best masses, and the masses will eventual- of it. They are appealing to 'the ly decide the day. -- TARIFF REVISION DOUBTFUL. It seems: peculiar that the president of the United States should issue a personal note or proclamation with re- gard to the tariff bill which he signed {on Thursday afternoon. But the per- | sonal aspect "of the case becomes ap- | parent when it is remembered that he has the active advice, of a reduced { tariff, and that he had to work some | explanation of the situation. In the statement which he sent to the press he makes three points clear: La) That he thinks the act is the re- tsult of a of tarifi problems; (2) That it | perfect tariff nor a complete compli- effort the the republican party to solve the sincere on part is not a | ance with the promises made by the {party; and (3) That excepting the , luxuries in silks, liquors and certain { cottons, there are few inereases, while i there have been many decreases, and "a substantial downward revision." | One' has been particularly marked | during the tariff debate, namely, that | the republican party is not united up- jon the question, that the middle and their repre- are the settlement which has been made, and western states, through } not satisfied with Senwatives, DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at ex- | Montreal Standard. Gay rE Hw + THE DAILY BRITISH WHIC TUESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1009 that unless these are modified in some way the republican. party will have its trials in the next presiden- tial election, 3 "The vote of Thursday' shows that , Bristow, Clapp, Cummings, Dol- liver, LaFollette, Beveridge and Nel- son voted in opposition to the hill, thereby earrying on to the end their welfare as republican insurgents. The men were sincére throughput in their fight and only sought to insure Aa re- vision that would be downward un- mistakably. As individuals they have unquestionably strengthened their po- sitions in their respective states. There seems no doubt also that in their action they = have represented their constituents. They have certain- ly established a new order of things in the United States senate in the way of independence and have carried it through to the end. For this they are to be commended." It is not independence merely, It means a breaking of party ties be- \wond the hope of repairing them, ------ > EDITORIAL NOTES. In Hamilton the ice cream men seem to be getting the best of the Lord's Day Alliance, An interpretation of the act by some higher court is really necessary, The assailants of the Ross rifle will 'now, on the evidence of the returned look up that ancient hole and pull the hole in after them, marksmen, be disposed to The hot weather has not been over- powering the people, but it has led to 'an extraordinary display of men's and women's shirt waists, and just when bargain prices had been reached ! A million acres swept by hail and | the crops destroyed. That is the an- the storm when its ravages could not pos- {nouncement on the day following sibly have been ascertained. A guess jor a gamble. Only that and nothing | more, Does the Hamilton Herald in the encroachments of some men on the Sabbath, the danger of destroying it as a rest day ? There are no blue not see, laws in Canada, so that the reaction lof Connecticut - néed «not be antici- pated. Montreal Standard the do The says English into a man's family history when he courts not inquire much has been caught red-handed in crime. In Amerjca the courts do not consider the size of the criminal's wallet, or the backing of his friends, but those who they financial there are do and the courts. -------- Dispatch Of A Criminal. sway When they catch a. murderer red- handed in London, it is considered waste of time, at his trial, to en- quire closely into his past. It is enough to prove the actual facts of the case; the plea of mental deficiency was not, and could not, be raised. By his behaviour in the dock the Indian showed that he understood perfectly what he had done. No good purpose could be served by trying to decide whether he was the conscious or un- conscious agent of any body of men |yet unnamed. The record of the case has brought to the people of England a realization of the danger which threatens British rule in the gréat In- dian dependency. There has been much talk of recent years of schemes for the bestowal upon,the people of India of a larger share in the administration of the country. Will Not Be Forgotten. Montreal Gazette. Some returned members of the Bis- ley t&fim ave reported to be saying harsh¢thmgs about the Canadian pa- pers which raised the question as to whether the rifles given to the team for use came within the regulations of the National Rifle Association. As the National Rifle Association has changed its rules so that it will not again have to accept as regular rifles issued to competitons on the eve of a meeting unless they bear the regular army marks, the action of the papers which raised the question has had its vindication. There were things about this year's Bisley meeting which Cana- dians should be glad to forget. Becoming Liberal-Minded. Montreal Gazette. Connecticut, which had the strictest Sunday laws of any state in America. proposes through its legislature to substitute for them an enactment which is expected to permit Sunday theatrical performances; and the separation between state and church seems to be generally acceptable. The state extending, and leaving the church to maintain as it may the customs to frien it thinks Christians should ad- ere. THE SPORT REVIEW. teresting News From the Var. TRIE | WHO KILLED HIS BABY IN Lukemén was caught in 9 45 in a ; A SWAMP. Y hundred-vard race at Montregl. . Tecumisehs' easy wictory over Sham- rocks on Saturday not only gives the indians a ¢ lead in the N.L.U, race but shows that they have the ability probably to retain t. The dominion trades 'and labor council are holding a gymmastie petition and field day September Labor Day, at Berlin, several open events. Gold medals and cups are the puizes. § The defeat of Reginald E. Walker, conqueror of Bobby Kerr, by Cart: mell, the United States crack, is the latest news brought from England in Sporting - Life. At a two days' meeting at Birmingham July 23rd and 24th . Cartmell won the 120 ards handicap with Walker second and Ha- ley third. = The next day Cartmell finished first in the 220 yards, with Haley second and Walker third. Reparts that Fred, Tenny, first base man 'and field-captain of the New York National League club, is to be traded to the Pittsburg club for Out- fielder Wilson and another player, have been received in New York, but no information as to the reputed ne- gotiations, it is believed; have obtained. with the St. Louis club today in St, Louis, sent word that he had' no thing to say about the reported trade. Champion Frank Kramer, who has n in the 'limelight as a cyclist for years, is now more.than ever under 'the glare, of the spotlight. His ge- tion in refusing to 'ride the deciding heat in a team match race, at .the Newark Velodrome, Sunday afternoon, has created' wide and varied discus. sions. Kramer's friends are natural- ly trying to let him down as easily as possible, but the fans, who are neither for nor against' the cham- pion,: do not. hesitate to say that he plaved cycling and its patrons a mean trick, Infant a Month Old And Illegiti- mate--The Young Mother Says « the Father Snatched Infant From: Her. Edgemont, 1, Ang. 10.--Charged with murdering his wonth-oid infant, which he snatched from the arms of its mother, James Pullman, of Bell- mont, IIL, escaped lynching, yesterday afternoon, only through the arrival of a sgore of deputies in automobiles, A rope had been placed about his neck and a mob was dragging him to a telephone pole iri one of the city's main §t¥eets when the officials charged the mob and rescued him. He now is held" in the Belleville jail with the mother of "the infant. The baby's body was found with its skull crashed and stamped u foot deep in the mire of a swamp, with bootmarks all about i t. PE Pullman and the mother of the child, May Williams, of Duncanville, 111., were in St. Louis; yesterday, trying to find 'a home for: the infant, which was born a .month ago in a maternity home hére, "Fai to find a refuge, the girl started for her home to throw 'herself . and. the child on the mercy of her father. Pullman accompanied her on the in- terurban car, and as they roiched the suburbs of Ea#t St. Louis he snatched the child from her arms and Jumped off. She followed him, but he eluded her in a swamp in Edgemont, an East St. Louis suburb, according to her story, The girl went on to Belleville, yhere she swor¢ out a warrant for tunin, alleging. paternity. Pullman wak seen in Belleville two hours later and had disposed of the child. He was arrest- ed and a charge of murder was enter- ed against him, 3 He decldred that he had given the N. L. U. Stank baby to a woman who said she was re ang. Goals willing to care for it Accompanied "Won. Lost. For. Agst: by two deputies, he was taken back to Techumsehs ; v 6G 1 46 Edgemont and the ramp yas search- ¥hamrocks 5 i Montreal , ed, but at that time the } ly was not {Toronto . found, " Cornwall A mob collected when the charge Sationals ~ a a 4 against him became known, and a rope | "Games next Saturday : Capitals at was tied about his neck after the two Toronto; =~ Nationals at Montross: deputies had been beaten off, Shamrocks at Cornwall, . Surrounded by two hundred or more infuriated men, he was dragged to a vearby telephone pole. A man had started to climb the pole with the rope when reinforcements arrived in auto- mobiles from Kast St, Louis, and Pull- man was saved. He was hustled into a machine and taken back to Belle ville, Pullman, shivering with fear, was subjected to a severe éxamination, put maintained his innocence of the pater- nity charge. Feeling is running high against him in Belleville; and another attempt to lynch him is fears Special deputies havé been' sworn" in hy\the sheriff, and the jail is strongly Weak women should read my 'Book No. 4 for Women." It tells of Dr. Shoop's Night Cure. Tolls how these soothing, healing, antiscptic supposi- tories, bring quick and certain help. The Book is free. Address Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. All dealers. The police of Winnipeg and g other western localities have given up at- tempting to solve the disappearance of John J. Nason, of 73 Fuclid avenue, Toronto, while en route from McLeod to. 'T'oronto last month. On August 14th a through Pullman car service between Salina Cruz, Mex- ico, and New York city, will be start- ed, PROFANITY AND OBSCENITY. ------ The Halifax Herald Speaks Out on the Subject, Halifax Herald. In the course of an editorial article in the St. John Star the other day, on the evil of profanity, the true remark was made that it has. become a blight on our language. Moreover, profanity--by which is meant not merely - the use of strongly expressive words--leads to obscenity, and the two forms in combinafion are as de grading to those who employ them as «rsgusting to those who are for- ced to 'be hsteners. Why is it that when .a man is drunk 'his flow of language is victuresquely profane, his remarks clothed in shoeking vile- ness ? Surely the liquor, releasing intellectual control, permits the ut- terance of what 1s rooted in the brain. And certainly there would pe less disgusting . talk on the part of drunkards if there were less violent profanity in sober moments. It is to be feared that violence of express- ion rather than refinement of language is the dominant characteristic of the "Consumption is Infectious." Every Precaution Should Be Taken to Prevent Its Spread. Persons coming into contact with consumptives should inhale Catarrho- zone several times each day as it is a powerful destroyer of disease germs and renders them inocuous. ('awarrh- ozone 'is a most efficient preventive and may be thoroughly refed upon to promote expectoration, sooth the cough and benefit in many ways too numerous to mention. loth from a medical and scientific point of view Catarrhozone is the most valuihle addition to the armament against consumption. Its merits cannot be too highly applauded, and we advise any of our readers troubled with coughs, bronchitis, throat weakness, catarrh, etc., to use Catarrhozone fre. juently, 0 Haws ious Sporting Fields. F 6th, | There will be been } Manager McGraw, who is get them. The trouble is they buy Clothes at the wrong store. Tn our own behalf, we'll say that our Clothes fit, because they 'are ent and. tailored by the World's: best makers. No better | , Clothes 'are Wade. No emstom tailor could make better Clothes 3 were he to charge you two or three times our prices, See Our New Blue Suits, $10, $15 and $18. See Our New Bronze Suits, at $15. See Our'Fancy Worsted Suits, Colors, Grey, Brown and Olives, $12.50, $15, $18 and $20. ¥ Going Away ? Then don't miss seeing Our Suit Cases, Trunks, ete. $1.25 to $5. Ca) Hand Bags, 65¢. to $5. The H. D. Bibby Co. ee lestentente tot» CREAT Teotetoetoatoctit t ey THE FRONTENAC LOANAND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richard Caxtw ht, X ro- on gpd, 2 Oat Fe i 5 . pure iv received and interest allowed: 8. C. McGill, Managing Dirpetor, Gasoline I6c. A GALLON 87 Olarence street. Put in Your Tank at Our Dock. vy . Cleaning & Pressing G ar ag e Done in shortest notice. 'Phone 685. JAMES CAMPBELL, Tailor 109 Brock Street. FHSHSHSICINASICK k Repairs to Automobiles an' Marine Engines promptly attends to. Selby & Youlden, Ltd. Ontario St. M. P. KEYS Antiseptic Barber Shop a CHE tt fire, Faria Asphalt Roofing Gravel and Sand Surfaced 336 King Sirz:t P. Walsh, Next door to, Wade's Drug Store. Barrack St.,, Kingston Wall Paper Border, Ceiling and Side Wall, all same price, at FRASER'S, 78 William St conversationalist of to-day. George Wright, of Halifax, has for many years been conducting a ore- man campaign against profanity. He has not been heard from of late, but no doubt is still actively following up his work . of reform. Many, reading ABERNETHY'S TRUNKS, VALISES AND SUIT CASES Mr. Wright's: outpourings of indigna- tion against this misuse of English may have felt that he takes too se- rious a view of the situation. But jt must be confessed, and with regret, that he is not greatly exaggerating the true conditions in anything he has said. Kven in. the past few years the increasing predisposition to profan- ity and obscenity has been apparent, Right here in St. John and even among those who pride themselves on their conduct in al respects, the ha- bit_is growing, while among the oth- er classes the extent to which the mother tongue is perverted, is posi- tively shocking. Are we to adopt, in the ordinary development of language, words and expressions which to our fathers were rightly regarded as vulgar and in- decent. ? Certainly the evidences point that way, hat the plan is by no means praweworthy. Trunks at $2.00. at $2.50. at '$3.00. at $4.00. at $5.00. $6.00. $7.50. $8.50. $10.00, Trunks, Trunks, Trunks, Trunks, Trunks, Trunks," Trunks, Trunks, Trunks, at at at at Wardrobe Trunks, style, $11.00. Bureau Trunks, $15.00. newest ------------------ Dyspepsia in its worst forms will yield to the use.of Carter's Little Nerve Pills, aided by Carter's Little Liver Fills. They not only rae | present distress but strengthen the | stomach and digestive apparatus. i A girl always has a splendid time at | a summer resort if she can make each of hall a dozen young fellows believe | he is really the only one she wants to | teach her te swim. Pains of women, head pains, or any ! pain stopped in twenty minutes sure, } with Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets. See full formula on 25c. box. Sold hy all dealers, A father is apt to forget that he! turned out pretty well for a boy who | had rather play three old cat than stand at the head of his class in school. ed R Steamer Trunks, $4.50 to $13.50. Wanted--An Hamilton Herald. e fail to seo Open Sunday. - that any great harm ! is done by the sale of ice eream and | other refreshments on Sunday. As we take 1t, the object of the Lord's day | act is to preserve the Sabbath as a day of rest for the toilers and to pro- hibit public amusements, ete. In some respects we think 'that the law has gone too far and made it so unpopy- lar that it is difficult to enforce it. In this instante we are not criticizing the law, but we think the courts should settle the ico cream question. ~ Portland Pointers. Portland, Aug. 5.--A number of sal- mon are being caught here, weighing from twelve to fourteen pounds, ane : bass are being caught in abundance. F rank Marshall was sentenced at | Mrs, W. Kecfoot and Mrs. J, Kerfoot, Berlin, to three years in penitentiary | Smith's Falls, are the guests of Mys. for robbing Preston Roman Catholic: 'A. Gallagher. A number of church. tended the regatta at Oliver's ople at- erry, Ver, Bell, Valises Solid Leather Hand Bags, newest styles, in Black and Tan. Special values, at $9.00, $10.00, $12.50 and $15.00. LRH lo RTT Suit Cases Everyone should own a Suit Case. . Suit Cases, at $1.50 and $2.00. uit Cases; at $3.00 and $4.00. uit Cases, Foal leather, best in ingston, at the price. Our special LE - Other Suit Cases, $6.50, $9.00, $10.00, $12.00 to $15. Fitted Suit Cases, $12.50 and | $15.00. | Best grades, $20.00, Cheap Valises, small sizes, 50c., 65¢., 75¢c. 18 inch sizes, 85¢. to $1.25. $7.50, . Telescope Valises, 40c., 55¢., 65c. to $1.25, ABERNETHY'S. while others wont to the big pienic at |a couple of weocks with friends in [Delta on Monday last. J. Morzison, Gananoque. Mrs. G. Canton, Crosby, Ottawa, is the guest of A. McDonald |is spending a few days with her som, for a iew days. Misses Ina Morris and | Ross, ) here. Misses Nellie and Jennie | Julia Toffoy are spending a fow days | Morris took in the trip to Ottawa on in Porth. A number of Winchester Wednesday. They will visit friends in people are spending a holiday on the | Smith's Falls ~ before returning home, lake hore. Mrs. J. Morris and daugh- | Our barber is doing a rushing busi- have returned after spending | ness. : "Is Good Tea" £) * e ! e a ALWAYS SOLD IN LEAD PACKAGES A NEVER IN BULK. © IE AL ARS