YEAR 76-NO. 188, ANULTAMITU ------ Likely Sent By Turkey To Greece © WIR 15 PROBABLE THE FORCES AROUND SALO- NICA ARE READY. The Porte to Send a More Ener- getic Note to Greece--Difficult to Discover the Influences Un- der; Which the Turkish Gov- ernment is Acting. Constantinople, Aug. 13. <The porta has decided to address a more energe- | tic note to Greeco in which +t will be stated that Greece's reply to the Tur kish note, concerning. Crete, tistactory. 1 unsp Character Of Ultimatum, Berlin, Aug. 13.~The ple correspondent of the Tageblatt says Turkey's answer to the note will have the character of an uitimatum. He adds that the opinion | now is that war between Tirkey 1 Greece is unavoidable, The around Salonica, the correspondent declares, are ready for war. Constantino And force Cannot Discover why. London, Aug. 13.--The Daily Tele graph's Constantinople correspondent | savs it is difienlt to discover the in fluences under which the Turkish gov- | ernment acting, but in military | quarters the talk is who'ly of war | with Greece It is assorted that the ministers of war and marine insist that war is the only possible solu tion of the difficulty. is i CONFESSED TOO SOON. A Chesgef \Gillette Would Have Been | Pardoned. ! Auburn, "N.Y., Aug. 13. Governor | Hughes said, at a+ luncheon, that he had ones decided to spare Chester (3 | lette's life, because the mother's plea had put a doubt in his mind as to his guilt, which kept him from sleep- ing. But when he called up the war- | den of "Auburn prisen, he was aston- ished to learn that Gillette had just confessed. W------ . Is Charged With Bigamy. Toronto, Aug. 1B.~--leorge T. Stead, clerk, was brought from Walkerton, | vestorday, oh a charge of bigamy. It] ippears. that Stead got on a sppet in! Foronto, met Mrs. Minnie Pink{ and married her, but when he went & her house she refused to admit him} When | Stead recovered from his spree he had | only a hazy recollection of the es-| capade. The woman has not yet been charged, . --"" Centenarian Dead. Omemee, Aug, 13.----The oldest man | in Victoria county is dead, Alexander ell, was born at Fermanagh, Ireland, on November 2nd, 1803. He | to Canada when quite young, was among The first to settle in | this county, He is survived by 9 chil- | dren, 53 grandchildren, great- | grandchildren, rent { grandchildren, who came and ri eat de and 3 g i leaving in all 142 scendants Oalled To Winnipeg | Winnipeg, Aug 13.<Rev. Dr Dawson City, has been extended Andrew's church, here, a Rev. De. MacMillan It ix understood he Dad hd] clair, a call to St to now will | SHOE Halifax accept ROT of he hospital milk is sold at Drug Store. "Phone Spic and spah neckwear, mer silks, S0e. Bibby 's Abernethy's for 85 leather gp Hor liok Red malted Cro size fiibson's 220 new sum uit DAILY MEMORANDA, Bargains In summer hats for all Who at Campbell's store do Steamer America to Thousand 2:30 p.m., Saturday. t Private sale ol' furniture at Frost's storage, Saturday afternoon. Baseball Vietarias v8 Irishmen, | cricket field, 8 pdn., Saturday. ! sale, Saturday night, Waldron's. See Saturday advt. To-morrow, Vigil of the Assumption will be a day of fast eof obligation, in the Catholie churehs It's very important That all men should know, There's a dollar hat sale At George Mills & Co. (See advt. on next pa Rijlou--*"A Dream k Of Hell," Father's Fault, "A Bold Knight And His Brave Page Boy'--'A lesson In Cycling," "li You Care For Me As 1 Care For You,' sung by James Doug- las Baunkier. TUMBLERS! all kinds, every shape A special line, goed for call, Isle Special at ge.) "Wy Fer We have and size. jelly, 25¢c. A DOZEN Also all kinds tumblers and the "'QEM SELF-SEALER" -- Robertson Bros. of covered jelly lof the fraternity in the province Greek |] {Aug lwho is his favorite o! Citizen Printing tempt to pollect duty TOUGH ON BLONDES. Consists Of Cemeteries, Asylums Or Prjsons. New York, Aug. 13.4% you are blonde, duck or dye. © Pr, Charles E. Woodruff, major of the United States army, has just completed a tour of the principal prisons and asylums of the state. He takes a very gloomy view af the situa- tion. There is no future'--for the blonde, he say®, but cemeteries, asy- lums or prisons. Dr. Woodruff just discovered that a majority of the prisonersin the penal institutions are Bos That is not news to psychiatrists. Dr. Wood- jrufi. says the blonde cannot stand this climate, It's too much for him or her of the golden tresses. The doctor offers no remedy, Lut there are hair dyes in every drug store and there is no reason why the Hady with the peroxide. loeks whould {not get her batk up. It's poor hair that won't work both ways. Future a surgeon- has SPLIT IN FRATERNITY. Is The Talk Regarding Catholic Foresters. Ottawa, Aug. 13.--There is talk of a plit in the'ranks of the Catholic foresters, | ry thousand members i of dues into the treas- ury of the lodge at Chicago. There are many strong members of the or- der $n the lower province who have secession from the of the order. the New England states towards the Canadian the Catholic Order s equally as unsympathe wwuehee pay their been agitating United States. body Down in the feeling member Fore ters of of tie, { THFE YOUTHFUL SHAH. Said He Attempted To Sui- cide It Is - THE SHAH OF PERSIA: Petersburg, Aug. 13.-- A special despatch reccived from Teheran that Mahommed Ali, the deposed shah of will leave the country on and that the young shah, son, i¥ downcast at from his says Persia, the prospect of a separation parents, According to reports ourrent in Teheran the youthful ruler recently made an attempt at flight, and when he was frustrated in this he tried The sovernment is con possi bility of abdication one elso, Many nment unéuccessful to commit suicide, dering the in favor ol some complications [ace the new of Persia tribes, wall the cities of and Kashgar, refused to recognize it. A'brother of the deposed hah, Salav-IEd-Dowleh, is marching on Teheran at the head Kurdish tribe from Luvistan provinee Zill-Es-Sgltan, an uncle of the has been banished, has in his efforts purchase permission to visit -Tcheran before leaving the country. gover nomad as as Shiraz have of a de posed shah, who been successful TO TEST THE MATTER. Held Presses Are Not For News- paper Use. Windsor, Ont., fictals here will make a seizing a press at the office of the company in an' ats from the firm which made the sale. The customs of- ficers have been informed that a Can- adian agency, which does a large business selling American presses to iob printers, been avoiding duty [by entering the presses as newspaper { presses. The Canadian customs law admits newspaper presses free but ine {poses a duty on presses that do jok | work alone. test case of has CHARGED WITH STEALING. | Woman Committed For Trial At Brockville. Brockville, Ont., Aug Sirah {Giles, arrested Cani near ! Belleville, and brought back to Brock- ville for hearing of steal- {ing a bear skin from Gordon Eyre, has been committed, for trial to the fall She is out on bail amount of SHoB. The {lived with the woman a until recently when and the present pro 'vome of their: dificulties, -.. 13.~ at fton, on a charge Lassizes secution 18 an outs Twenty-five Cents. All chiidren's 7Hc. and' BOc. | while they last,. one' price, 25¢., # at Campbell Bros'. clearing sale of sum- mer hats, Several of the | Aug. 13 sLustoms of | KINGSTON, ONTARIO, Conference THE NECESSARY MONEY FOR A DREADNOUGHT. sm A Motor Van Ran Into a Squad of Infantry Near London Dur- ing a Mist--Ten Soldiers Were Seriously Injured. London, Aug. 13.--The final meet- ing of the imperial defence conference, probably, will be held Tuesday. As far as Canada is concerned, it is under- stood the confercrices "are still going on. As regards Australia, there is rcason to believe ap arrangement of an ¢s- sentially satisfactory natore is in 'pro- cess of completion at Melbourne.' Yes- terday the commounwealth's trcasorer in delivering his budget speech, stated that the expenditure on defence was estimated at £1,575,000. Funds for a Dreadnought or its equivalent, which has been offered to the imperial gov- ernment, will be provided when re: quired, Ninety-eight talion were men of the 10th Bal marching along a road, | yesterday afternoon, in a heavy mist, when motor van belonging to a London newspaper, travelling at a high rate of speed, ran Jjnmto their rear. The men were hurled in\ all di- rections, and though no one was kill- ed, ten were seriously injured. STRIKE AT FORT WILLIAM. To Trouble May Follow Attempt Unload Steamers. Fort William, Ont., Aug. 13.-- truck-load of freight is being but outside of loitering streets little ean be charged against strikers in the way of disorderly conduct. At the same time they are guarding all streets lead ng to docks, meeting all trairs on their arrival, and have no hesitation in declaring that they will fight if men are brought to take their places, ' Not a moved on Can Get No Dety Montreal, Aug. 13.--~At th Head "of ficers of Canadian Pacific Ry nothing is obtainable in the nature of an offi- cinl statement cencerning the blood- shed, 'at Fort William, yesterday, as the outcome of the strike of the freight: handlers. The opinion was ex- pressed, however, that within two or three dave the trouble would be all over, The officials are not allowing themselves to worry over the threats of the strikers to burn down the grain elevators at that point. FOUND TO BE WEALTHY. Aged Nan Had $300,000 Hidden In Hovel. Pittsburg, Pa., Aug. 13.--Gold, silver and paper money to the value of £300,000 hidden away in old trunks, bags, stockings and even the rafters of a hovel was discovered in the shanty of Peter Liebach, an aged German hermit. The discovery of the hidden wealth was made by the police who went Liebach's shanty last night to arrest him. Liebach had used profane language to several girls who threw waste paper on his lot yes- terday. One trunk was so filled with coins of small and large size that officers contd lift it. Two other trunks and a wash boiler were filled with silver were found also showing large Policemen were placed on the house to guard the to not also and gold eons, Bank hooks deposits. giard treasure at FLEW INTO MOUTH. to | Reed & Brown's iron works, | i | | | to { 13.~The Moors who, yesterday, . Molten Metal Burned Tongue And . Tonsils. Torotito, Aug. 13.--Harry Blake, 39 Dowling an iron worker at had a most unusual and unpleasant experi- ehee, While working around the mol avenue, |fen metal a piece of hot iron flew in- to his mouth, just as he was calling to another man. His tonsils and ton- gue were badly burned and he went St. Michael's hospital to have the injuries looked after. Recognition For Malone, N.Y., Aug. 13.~Miss Beinice I. Day, one of Malone's well-known {fined narses, has been tendered and tas accopted a position with the Un- ited States government, in fine 'with lier profession; at - Presido, near San Fransisco, (al, which carries with it splendid compensation, and mainten- ance with promotion as soon as she becomes familiar with her duties. Miss Diy is a graduate of the Ogdensburg dity hospital, and a nurse of proved ability. She leaves for San Francisvo August 28th. Drove Garrison Out. were firing on the Spanish garrison here kite been driven by' artillery fire to the distant hills. Their losses were considerable. The bombardment of their present positions is being con to the | complainant | as her husband ! they separated, fro tinued Sparrow Cost $400, Montreal, Aug. 13.--A 'small ' spar w. getting between the lightning ter- minals at the Lapraivie Brick Com- pany's works, vesterday, caused a short circuit, which suspended opera Itions at the plant for half a day an sailors, lcost the company nearly $400, Abernethy's for $1.50 suit cases. $2 straw hats, $1. Bibby's, LAST SITTING Of The Imperial Defence ASTRAL WIL GE Malone Woman. | s { Penon de la Gomera, Moroeco, Aug. this city, ch began the ring of two sotietiss from Ellis land, has shown seonditions which of- ficials declare will be called to the at- ftentscn of congress at its next ses- {sion. TARA In an interview Congressman liam Bennett, a member of the immi- gration committee appointed by eon- gress in 1907 to investigate immigra- tion problems, d that"an inguiry by the commission has shown that seventy-five per eent. of the so-called homes in New York have perverted the avowed purposes for which they were organized. . The most serious charge made hy Mr. Bennett is that agents for dis. reputable resorts have been able in the past to go te these homes and ob- tain girls newly arived from foreign countries, who believed that they | were ahout to find émployment in; de- sirable places. The agents have paid from one to five dollars apiece for the girls thus secured. ' The commissicn, in getting at the facts of the situation here, and in other cities, employed 'detectives who posed as agents for questionable re- sorts. They Thad no diffieulty, it is said, in obtaining girls from the oi- leinls of certain homes. W. BE. FORAN, OTTAWA, popular. referee in lacrosse hockey matches, EXPERIMENTS WITH PEAT. The and | Testing Experimental Station Teo Be, Built, Ottawa; Ang 135The government has begun the erection of an experi- mental station for peat on' the south- ern outskirts of the city. The first ex- periment will be with the great blocks manufactured at Alfred, Ont. This station is fashioned upon the prin- ciple of those in Norway and Sweden and will'provide tests for the applica- tion oi peat as a fuel. Thé supply of coal in Canada for fuel may be mea- | sured, while the supply of peat in { possibly unlimited. ASKEG 10 CUT IT OUI FATHER ENJOINS TEACHER FROM LOVING HIS SON. Alleges That School Mistress of Thirty-three Has Had In- fluence Over Youth of Seven- teen. He Detroit, Aug. 13. --Aleging - that Lily Burden, a school teacher, thirty- three vears of age, had been exerting an widue influence over his seventeen- vear-old son, Ernest D. Shove, a farm- or of Brownsville township, has ob- | tained a court injunction restraining the woman trom molesting or in any {way interfering with the boy, | In his petition Shove said the teach- lor, lust year, told him the boy was {dull and offered to teach him after 'hours. This resulted (in her gaining fconsiderable influence over the boy, land, according to the parent, of The father says he learned of the teacher's attentions after the lad had skipped to a farm near Mount Clem- ens, where the woman persisted in vis- iting Him. The boy. was next sent to Pennsvivénia, but the woman followed him there, and he was brought home. The overtures did not cease, however, and finally Shove, in desperation, ask- {ed for the injunction and got it. BANKER A FREE MAN. Helped Make Way With Nine Million Dollars. San Francisco, Aug. 13.--J. Daleel} Brown, Totmer manager of the Califor- nia Safe Deposit and. Trust Company, who helped to dissipate $9,000,000 be- longing to 2,000 depositors, will come olit to San Quentin prison a free man to-day: Brown turned state's evi- dence and was sentenced to only 18 {months on one indictment. He has | served 15 months, half of 'which time has been spent in good San Francisco hotels, as a witness in court. Brown and other officials of the wrecked bank lent millions on poor collateral or on-fotes' of friends. Ow- ing to the great rise in the value of | Western Pacific railroad stock held by the bank, the depositors will probab- {ly get 50g. on the dollar. IRAN 4 Came Down In Russia. Bethen, Prussia, Aug. man balloon, carvving some army. of. | ficers, crossed the frontier, and de | seended into Russian territory. The | Ruskian frontier 'guard examined the flicers' passports, and then allowed he officers to proceed. 18c. Breakfast Bacon, 18¢. _ | Preakiast bacon, 18c.; rolls, 12fc. Saturday only. James whord, 2 detrimental sort, | 13.--A Ger- 2 extinct, BE WDS GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS- SIBLE FORM. ee Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. The 'Oxford flour mills, at Neswich, Ont., were burned on Thursday. Greeks are blamed for the strike of freight handlers at Fort William. The Riff tribesmen in Morecco are seeking to make peace with Spain. Three Italians were Killed by a trolley express near Schenectady, N.Y. The reported deadlock among 'the engincers of the Quebec bridge is de nied. Hal Butler, St. Catharines, is plan- ning to swum the Whirlpool Rapids at Niagara. Sir William. VanHorne declares that Grand Falls, N.B., is the finest power in America, A short flight was. accomplished with Baddeck No. 1, at Petawawa on Thursday. ' A California professor is experimen- ting with a machine which flies' like an eagle. While boating with her. husband on the Red River, Mrs. Berry, Winnipeg was drowned. Fred. McIntyre, ship, lost his farm at $3,000, by five. At Hancock, Midh., five persons lost their lives when the residence of Ed- ward Dionve was burned. Mrs. Scarrow, Hamilton, was badly burned at Winoha when a coal oil lamp was overturned in her bed. The special tarifi session of the United States congress cost the na- tion between $800,000 and $900, 000, It is estimdted that United States Steel earnings for the third quarter of the fiscal year may. reach £36,000, 000, Springhill is entirely a mining town and merchants there say they will be ruined by a shul-down of the mines, Foarteen lives are known to have as been lost the Santa Cataring nv. in of Otonabee town- buildings, valued flow of Mexico. . The Nova Scotia government may have to take charge of the Bpring- hill mines to save them from being flooded The Ontario government is cancel: ling the licenses of holders who have three convictions recorded against them. Fire totally destroyed the sawmill Lelongmg to the Hocken Lumber com- pany at Otter Lake, The lumber in the yards was saved. - At Cornwall Harry GX Damm, late of Tenmessee, has been appointed successor to Ce. John E. Hamilton, as United States consul. Dr. F. T. Yeys, Detroit, is protest- ing against the probate, im London, Ont., of the will of hws mother, wi- dow of the late Col. F. Leys. There is a report about Ottawa that the government contemplates super- annuating or retiring all civil ser- vants over sixty-five years of age. The Baptist church, Ogdensburg, N.Y., is considering the question of extending a call to Rey. Charles F. Fields, Hoboken, N..J., to succeed Rev. Guy L. Brown, resigned. A man' oh the Nantucket lightship took sick, sent his symptoms by wire- less, and received a prescription - by the same from Newport Naval Hospi- tal. He is conva t. Lucile, the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ashwin, Chaumont, and only grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. Ja- cob J. Dillenback, was drowned in a well 'on what 'is known as the Wal rath farm. Sandy MacAli, the alleged murderer of Nicholas leguy," was captured at Brownsiding, near Bath, N.:B., where he had hidden in an HHalian camp. He was trying, it is believed to work his way into the United States. Fire at the Dold Packing company's plant, Buffalo, did damage estimated at nearly $100,000. The blaze was discovered in the ' beef and hog de- partment, which is wn the centre of the entire plant, which covers Several acres. Two of 'the New boats which; on Monday, sailed from Newport for. Portland, Maine, are missing. They are the schooner Sea- fox, owned by Dallas B. Pratt, New York, and the Winsome, owned by H. F. Lippitt, Providence, / New York despatehes tell fn movement to put new lie into the democracy of the state--io develop an orgavization such as evisted in the time of Seymour and Tjlden--and with Ithis in View a conference of 900 {democrats will be held at Saratoga, {Sept. 9th -and 10th. Articles of agreement for a fight be- tween 'Jack' Johnson and James J. Jefinies, for the heavyweight cham- pionship of the world were signed in Chicago. The fight is to take place within eight mouths, before the club offering the best inducements. All bids {for the fight are to be made inside of {sixty days. / A Young Lad Killed. Underwood, = Ont, ' Aug: 134 sad accident occurred; here, this" morning, in which William, the tiftecu-vear-old ron-of "Heary' The lad Was leadihg a horserand at tempted to: get on the animal's badk, when he became caught in the harness and, falling, was for some distance. When he was found life was ~ York Yacht Club of eh the result of {He 'over- |" Roppell. Joet: his ifs' vember 44h, ; I 2 7 3 i 7 IH i £5 i i tr i & ¥ : : A i 4 l § 5 i 8 F F : tid 1 ul i : £ I +f i £358 EE £ 41 ek 2 ---- -------------------- ee As Reyaitions Output Of Glace y Mines. Halifax, N.S. Aug. 13.--Actording to Premier 'Mwitray, the coal miners' strike will ¢ost the revenues of Nova Scotia $100,000 Wm royalties, The roy- alty at Springhill is ten cents a ton, which means $200 o day, while at Glace Bay it is twelve and a half cents, 'equivalent to $500 on an out- put which is mow about 4,000 tons loss per day than the average would have been this season. But the loss to the government, the premier added, was only a small part of what will be felt. The earnings of the men were of far greater importance and vastly more extensive. THEY WANT ENERGY. And Here's Their Man They Be- F. Hj M'QUIGAN: Toronto, Aug. 13.--The Epglish cap- italists who recently guid control of the Lake Superior Corporation, at the Spo, have selected F. H.. McGui- gan fdr the office of president of the company, because they said they want. ed an energetic man for the. position. r. McGuigan was, until recently, a vice-president of the G.T.R., aud there can be mo doubt about his epergy or his ability to apply it where it will do most good. Moréover, he knows what it is like to rum a Canadian company which is governed from « the old country. So he ought to do well in his new position, and he has a whole pile of [viends in all parts of the world who will 'sincerely. hope so. JUMP ON NEGRO. Fatality Growing Out Of McKee's Rock Strike. Pittsburg, Aug. 138-The first fatal ity growing out of the strike at Mc Kee's Rocks ocourted, Thurdday, when Steve Horvat, one of the strikers, was shot and killed by Major Smith, a negro, whom a erowd of two score striking foreigners. had attacked by mistake. The negro was journeying to his work at the Pennsylvania Malleable Iron company's plant, when accosted by the crowd of strikers and accused of being "a strike breaker," in the employ of the Pressel Steel Car com- pany. This he demed, but could not make the men understand. They knock: him down and unmercifully beat him before he »w his recolver. At almost hie first shot Horvat fell mortally wounded, but the crowd clos: ad in on Smith and managed to > cure the pistol before they fled. Smith was arrested and the dead body taken to the morgue: ' 5 KILLED BY A FALL. . Was Leaning On Railing Which Gave Way. a Clinton, Ont. 'Aug. 3.~Nixon Star dy, clerk of Goderich townbhip, and # prosperous farmer, died in "the Clin ton hospital, last wight, as the result of = injuries received yvestorddy after noon, by falling from the railing of a bridge, crossing the Maitland rivon near Holmesville: Mr. Sturdy was standing on thé railing, when 1t gave way, and he fell into the river, strik- ing his head on a bagrd. Mr. Sturdy was unconsciogs when picked up, and only lived a'few-hours after being tak en to the howpitak STRIKIERS ed ---------- 18¢. Breakfast Bacon. 18c. Breakfast 'bacon, 18e.: rolls, 12ie. Saturday only. James Crawlord. ie Shoulder brivees, Dic; children's waists of every deseription and price New York Dress Reform. "Fresh on Friday." de- livious confections, at Crosse' Drag Stove, The Halifax sealing fleet has left for its nine months' eruise. i Smallpox is epidemic along the Mex- ico-Guatemala frontier. Parliament will probe Huyler's bly meet No Jas. Redden & Gibson's Red | | i » i d hi f Made of fine Irish Linen, with i inch hemstitched edge. ood value at 12jec. each. Saturday at for Dutch Collars Of Crodhet Lace, with bead. ing for ribbon--white only-- Good value at 40c. Satur- day at 25c. Of Hand-Made Battenberg | D'Oylies--centres, ete., at about half their real worth, 10c. to 50e. - Fancy Parasols All to go at August clear- ing sale jprices--cost price not considered. 3 PRETTY WASH BELTS, DAINTY NECKWEAR, FRENCH NET SCARFS. ENGLISH BELT BUCK- LES, 3 BURNHAM -- TUNSTILL=In Kingston, on Aug. 42th, 1909, at the Frée © Methodist parsonage, by the Rev, H. B. Luck, Miss Cora Tunstill, of Uxbridge, Ont., to Wesley Burnham, Picton, Ont, 7 DIED. WALSH---In Kingston, on 1909, Edward Walsh, street, som. of the late Walsh? Funeral notice later, RoBEMT J REID, The leading Undertaker. "Phone, 31% 227 Princess street. Aug. 130% 289 Albert Lawrencs This is the EL when % Is Appreciated. Dur Own Special Blend Is particulatly adopted for tl in delicious drink. Price 35c. po pound, ; 6 Go, Importers Of Fine Groceries. TAKE NOTICE 2 Sideboards, 2 Bureaus, 2° Mirros frames in Mah , also a Tot of othe Antique goods. d of ny 7084 ispose cheap for cash. at TURK'S. Whone. There passed away at her late resic fence Mis. Bryant, widow of the lafe Samuel Bryant, Albury, on July 22nd; ut the age of 'ninety years and sik nonths. She was a daughter of « th ate John Bleecker, oH Loose leaf and ail other kinds of sinding done at Whig office. Cul omers tell us that our prices agg Fry moderate, eT al On Aug. 10th Miss Auman Howart led in St. Louis, Mo., where she w; visiting friends. = The deceased nds was formerly a resident of. Believilles We make a specialty 'of corsets hygiene waistlé and shoulder braces, Over fifty kinds to choose from. 3 York Dress Re . : : "124e. rolls bacon. Breakfast hacont 18¢c.," Saturday only. James Crawford Deserontg's tax rate has been struck at 27 mil :