AOE TWO. Perfection in Ammunition DOMINION SHELLS AND DUPONT sestsee POWDER A Record Making Combination for the Trap or Field Ask Your Dealer I Loaded by the Dominion Cartridge Co, Ltd Montreal, Canada ANNUAL AUGUST CASH SALE ~0 (14th Anniversary.) -- - On the Carpet Floors : Lace Curtains Reduced 20 Per Cent. 0dd Pairs Reduced 26 Per Cent. . On the Furniture Floors : "Special Sale Lawn Furniture "4 1 Roller Lawn Seat, with Canopy, $18, for $13.50. "ir 1 Roller Lawn Seat, with- "But Canopy, $13, for $9.25. 1 Jumbo Rocker, $15, for $10.50. 1 Lawn Swing, $4.50. for $6, »' PHONE 90. YOURS, T. F. Harrison Co. A ¢We are the Kingston Agents for '"$he Canadian Vacuum Cleaning «System. Make appointments now Jigor month of September. A EVERY DAY New Good s are arriv ing. We have already received our EIDER DOWN COMFORTERS The finest colorings ' ever shown. Come and see them. New Curtains and Curtain Materials, New Mission Nets and Stirling Scrims R. McFAUL, Kingston Carpet Warehouse, ! 3 be A Satisfa con There's nothing that helps so much in making satisfac- tion as being able to feel that the future is provided for ' You can't take care of the future better than by having _ reliable insurance. We have the policy that will give you the maximum of protection at the mipifum of cost. J. S/R. McCANN, Cor. Brock and King Sts. Phone, 326, o> Ce ---- THE DAILY BRIAR. wirta, FRIDAY, AUGUST 13, 1909, CITY AND VICINITY. $1.65 Watertown & & Return " 65. THE: BAND CONGERT or 5mm THE UP-TOWN PEOPLE EN. ov, 730 ia. or 2 pan; returning JOYED THE KILTIES' MUSIC [> or Monday. Shoot The Rapids. Victoria Park Was Simply Packed Monday, Aug. 16th, steamer Ameri- With People--Residents Were ea," 7 am. to Iroquois, one hoor ' drockvil d Delighted With The Bvent And there, calling at Brockville an Want More There. | O-| densburg both ways. Fare 50c. Did the people around Victoria Park i enjoy the Kilties' band concert, on Mail Was Stolen. A Brock street merchant complain. | Thursday evemng ¥ Well, they certain- ly did! They were just clustered ed to the police to-day, that his mail had been stolen from his mail box | around that park like children after a | The police are investigating. street piano, or an ice cream cone mén on a hot day. The park was A Coming Event. simply packed with people, roaming | The Kingston 'Prentice Doys will around in the darkness, The only {hold a picnic at Lake Ontario Park,' lights in the band stand were some on August 2lst. Numerous sports and ; lanterns hung up by Superintendent games are being arranged, the bal i! Philips, but they gave good enough game to be put on by Wolie Island | light for the band. 'and Victorias. i All around the park, on Alfred, Brock and Mack streets, every door- step held its Little bunch of people. That seems to be one reason why the people like the band up there, because they can sit. on their own doorstep and hear the music. Only one waggon was around with peanuts, etc., and | that was, the waggon of James Creig, the blind man, and he was privileged to be there. Any other venders were quickly escorted out of the park by the superintendent. Magazine Work. George Hobart and wife, Toronto,' are in the cify for a holiday. Mr. Hobart i¢ now associated with the Canadian Field, published by the Na-' tional Press, Limited, Toronto, and devoted to military and high class' sports, A Game On Saturday. The Victoria-Young Irishmen ball game at the cricket field, on Satny:- da, afternoon, is causing unusual in- IN MARINE CIRCLES. | pena and many wagers are being Iplaced on the result. The Irishmen are out to win and will put up a hard fight. Denied At Ottawa. At the department of justice it is stated that William Long, the negro I'he steambarge Kenirving passed on 'gentenced to. penitentiary for burglary her way to Oswego with lum at Milton, has not been paroled. An The tug Thomson cleared light, last application for his release has, how- | night, for Montreal. ever, been received and is under con- Swift's : Steamer Caspian, down and ! gideration, up, to-day; steamer Edmonton, up, Thursday night; schooner Keewatin, from Charlotte, with coal. Much needed repairs are to the city wharf, below the and Pembroke freight sheds. At Richardsous' elevator : Steamer Canadian, from Fort Wiliam and Du- uth, with 43,000 bushels of wheat and qats, will clear for Belleville, to load cement for Fort William; steamer Glengarry loaded wheat and cleared for Montreal; schooner Ford River, is loading feldspar for Charlotte; barge is loading grain for Montreal. Arrivals and Departures of Vessels at This Port. The schooner Major Ferry cle Sodus Point, to-day. i The steamer Sowards cleared for Oswego | ared for | i Handled Many People. The steamer America handled 850 ' people, on Thursday. She had the twentieth annual excursion of the | | Citizens' hand, Picton, to Cape Vin- | cent, with 500 passengers, and during the, stop over at the Cape, took out 350 people on a tour of the islands. being made Kingston Stuns "Pickerel With Boat. At Thousand Island Park, S. W. Kesler, Carthage, N.Y., with his mo- tor boat Dot, struck a seven and a hali-pound pickerel; swimming along, while. on his way. from Gananoque. Mr. Kesler managed to land: the stun- ned fish which = he sold to Bert Free- man, of the Columbian. LIKELY TO BE REVIVED: The Question Of Early Closing For The Stores. The movement put forth some few {months ago, for the closing of the | stores at an early hour, on Saturday | night, will probably be revived next month, and the matter brought before { the city council, as soon as possible. The question was discussed and given much attention just before the sum- mer season, but was afterwards allow- led to drop, no doubt because during {July and August the stores closed at Portsmouth Girl's Contributions. Miss Frances 'A. Redmond, formerly a Portsmouth girl, is on the editorial committee of the 'Huron County Pa- pers and Records," which are being published by the Huron Institute. She contributes - articles on 'Samuel de. Champlain," and. "Charles Garni- er, the Martyr of Simcoe County." {9 p.m. One of the workers in the. recent movement, told the Whig, last night, | that the matter would, no doubt, be taken up again very shortly. It will be remembered that at a big mass , meeting, held in Cooke's church, the question was thoroughly . discussed, | and it was decided to petition the council to take action. Doing Excellent Work. Visitors, to 'Chautauqua, N.Y., re- port that Rev. A. E. Lavell, a former Kingstoman, who "is on the pro- gramme this year for six weeks, clec- turing almost every day, besides "hav- ing charge of the Sunday school, giving splendid satisfaction, his . loc- tures being well attended and most cordially received. WHAT SIR JOHN DID. Married In Peterboro. | A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized, Tuesday afternoon, in the presence of the friends of the contract- ing parties, when Leslie Toffey, Port- land, was united in marriage to Miss Ellen Isabella Turnbull, Kingston. The ceremony took place at the home of {Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Turnbull, in i Peterboro, | And His Fall Came Through The 'Specific Scandal." In looking over Canadian history answers in recent normal school en- trance examinations we are told that Sir John A. Macdonald was born in Kingston, where '"'he entered the bar, and soon after represented that place in parliament !""" that "he was the founder of our school system"; that "he was governor-generai of Canada for several years," and that "the Specific Scandal" caused his fall. But if it was a young grit who gave the Ny 'bar" and "Specific Scandal' an- swers, it was surely a budding tory | who assured the examiners that Sir | John was "a better "premier than | Laurier, for Laurier merely drove the | team of colts that were broken in by John.' Effect Of Advertising. Murray Hill hotel, among the Thou- sand Islands, is enjoying the most prosperous year in its history. Last year the hotel was closed 'and the {business of years past, ina measure, went , elsewhere and was fost. This vear Frank Rogers, New York, took the hotel. He advertised and then ad- | vertised some more. Now he has the People. = 1 * Notes Many Changes. Mr. and Mrs. oy L Nicholson a and daughter, Hazel, fof 'rovo City, Before Labor Day--Ready Utah, i in the city, Saturday For Work. . | last, and are staying with Mr. and Kingston schools will open on Wed: | Mrs. George Coward, Albert street. nesday, September 1st, It has been Mr. Nicholson has been absent about {the custom for some years to con- | twenty-five years and notes with {tinue the holidays until the day after | pleasure the great changes which have {Labor Day, but this will not he the taken place curing the interval. |case this year. It is. announced that all schools will open on the first day 'of the month. | The reasons given are that the ex- tra week is not necessary, and that struck By one of the belt-¥ine cars, ithe youngsters will be ready for ser- but luckily was not seriously damag- ious work by Labor Day. The work of! 'ed. The car was proceeding Prin- torganizing the schools will be com- street, the same walls the pleted within the first week. 'stage, when the driver on the latter | The schools of the city are being |teok it into his head to go across in thosoughly overhauled and made ready | front of the car, and received a slight for occupancy. jolt. The fender of the car. was slightly broken by the force of the {blow | manded Bighteen Pound Salmon | : | OPENING OF SCHOOLS, Begin Car Struck Stage. On Thursday afternoon, about. 3.20 o'clock, the Sydenham stage was cess MADE A GOOD CATCH. They See Trouble Ahead. The decision of the board of health big catches of fish re- [to prohibit the use of pit closets with- corded nt Sharbot Lake is that of lin the district bounded by Queen and Niron I. Clin, broker, of the firm of {Barrie streets and the water's edge ai- {Rust & Olin, Ellicottville, N.Y., who [ter May Ist next, does not meet with I sticoeeded in Japc¥ng an eightegn- [the favor of owners of old houses 'pound salmon. Mr. Olin was so |wKich are not built for "modern con- Pleased with lds catch that he had it {venienccs. Owners of these ancient [ shipped to his home. Mr. Olin had a | houses see trouble ahead in the freez- fine outing and no doubt will revisit {ing of pipes during the cold winter, the Lake again next summer. The and are not saying strictly compli- hotels and summer cottages are now {mentary things about the board of brimful of tourists and the summer's 'health. The board, however, has taken fenjoy ment is now at its height. | inal action, and the property owners must obey, At Sharbot Lake. | Among the New Derbies. { . $2, $2.50, 83, #4, at Campbell Bros', | To Hold A Meeting. «Kingston's hat store. There will be a meeting of land- ! -------------- {owners .and those interested in the | "Perfectly delicious." Theo new sun- [reclaiming of drowned land situated dae, "Cantelope sundae." Sold inlin the municipalities of Portland, Kingston only at Gibson's Red Cross | Camden and Hinechinbrpoke, in Enter- Drug Store. | prise, on Thursday," Aug. 19th, at 2 A spedial meeting of the Canadian p.m. The committee will submit a Forestry Association will be held in report from the Napanee River Im- Regina, Sask., Sept. 3rd and 4th. '|provement eompany, respecting their Karki summer--trousers, with belts, |dams on the Napanee river. The meet- £1.50, 81.75. Bibby's. ing will be addressed by a number of The Belleville Intelligencer dubs { gentlemen competent to deal with Kingston as "Whigville." The Whig {the subject. Joseph Foster is secre- dominates everywhere, tary of the committee. .| would: be is} HGS LETTER BOX} THE Fire at Hanlan's Point Did Not Begin In It--A Band Concert Wanted In Clarence Park. Kingston, Aug. 12.--(To the Editor): In your issue of 'Wednesday you have it that the big fire at Hanlan's Point originated in "The Gem Moving Pic- ture Theatre." This is not eonfirmed by statemesits ir. the Toronto Hews- oe has it that ge the explosion used s w being open EL with "air * peri was to be illuminated. The Mop Star has the same statemen except' {that the ¢ losive mixt the: Tndia ndians . iu Campbell's haku for | Wild West a in which sulphur was a principal ingredient. he only connection the Gem theatre had with the starting of the fire was the unhappy fact that it was the first structure in the path of the fire, and, therefore, the first to catch. The reportérs seem to experience {what Mr. Cleveland used to call' "A 'Ghoutish Glee" in trying to fasten the blame for a fire on any moving pic- ture house which happens to be with- in gunshot of the spot, and this is only' one of many cases in which pic- ture machines have been falsely ac- 'oused' of having occasioned fires. --EX- { HIBITOR. Want" A Band Concert, Too. Kingston, Aug. 12.--(To the Editor): i The Rideau ward resident, who w rites that his ward is entitled to some of "the band concerts in Victoria Park, ! doesn't' appreciate Macdonald Park on {the water front as '"'the park of the whole people." Victoria park is the | park of & small section, and is not fitted to hold a band concert crowd of 3,000 or 4,000 such as assembles in the park by the water. How many people of Cataraqui, Frontenac, Ontario or |St. Lawrence wards ever go to Vic | toria Park ? None. Bat everybody goes to Macdonald park which is pe- culiarly situated and perfectly adapt- 'ed for a band concert. Since Victoria park has been given a band concert, and Frontenac Park lis also to be likewise honored, we peo- {ple of Ontario ward respectfully pe- tition the . mayor for a concert in our Clarénee street park, which has Victoria park" beaten a mile. We have no bandstand in our park, but we've got-the town pump corralled and we didn't have to give a bonus to get it either. I was under the impression that the: people of Rideau ward were op- posed: to.loud noises, their latest pre test being against the exercising by the fire station horses away up on Brock street. Surely the bagpipe band an annoyance up in: that locality !--ONTARIO WARD. Kingston Canton Won. In the competition' of Patriarchs | Militant in connection with the meet. ing of the Oddfellows' grand lodge at Ottawa, the Kingston Canton, in command of Dr. A. E. Regs, won the prize of $100 in class B, « defeating Hamilton. The Class A prize of $200 was -won by Toronto. Class A repre sents a canton with twenty-four or more members, and Class B, eighteen. The same floor work is performed. Burnham---Tunstill. The marriage took place, in this city, on Thursday morning, of Miss 'Cora Tunstill, daughter of Thomas Tinsti'l, Uxbridge, and John Wesley Burnham, of Picton. The ceremony was performed by Rev. H. B. Loucks; the bride was unattended, the wed- ding being of a quiet nature. Mr. and Mrs. Burnham left at noon on a trip to Sharbot Lake, where they will spend a week, "Another large order" of those re- liable tooth brushes just received at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Summer , hegligee shirts, new. goods, 81. Bibby' Dollar Hat Sale SATURDAY ONLY DOWN GO PRICES You have your choice of our Fice Straw Hats Saturday for $1. Regular prices $2," 2.50, 3 and 4, Cheaper than getting your old hat cleaned. ALSO Any colored Soft Felt Hat in store (Hawes and Borsalina excepted) for $1. This includes Pearl, Brown, Green, Grey, and all the new shades. Regular prices $2.50 and $3. 1 Hat only to each customer, See window display of these Hats. 126.128 Princess St. Importers Of Fine Hats. kerchief is 15c each. = Ld' 000 Wit Sis a 1.65 COR INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Read Abernethy's advt. New yacht caps. Bibby's. The fire department is uip with horses. 1 "Fovch Huyler's on Friday," son's 'Red Cross Drug Store. Nearly five miles of concrete walks have been constructed this year. Karki trousers, $1.50, $0.75. Bibby's This is Friday, the 13th day of Aug- ust. Is it your lucky day, girls ? ? Abernethy's for bargains in summer shoes. No, Johnny, no man in Kingston is the papa of more than twelve kids. Effervescent fruit salt, large bot- 25¢c., sold at Prouse's drug store. "Try a new one" at Gibson's® Red Cross Drug Store fountain, Cantelope sundae. Two-thirds of Kingston's walks are now permanent, principally of con- crete. New collars, 2 for 25c. Bibby's. The + contract for excavating for Queen's pew science building is to be awarded this afternoon. Summer underwear, 50e., 75¢. and $1.50 goods, Saturday, 35c. Bibby's. "Cantelore sundae." Ask for it at the fountain at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Will the ice - cream parlors operate on "Sunday ? Let Policeman Arniel register the first guess, Abernethy's for bargains in summer shoes, The advertised rain didn't come last night, and the hose had to be used on Clarence Park this mornirg. New- shirts, 81. Bibby's. Everybody will be wanting: to go to iail after' Simmons Bros. have earned 81,127 for interior imprdvements. harki summer "trousers, $1.50, $1.75. Bibby 's. - When local option carries mouth, one means of liquor Kingston "Indians" will be stopped. Abernethy's for' trunks. The weather man predicted rain for last night, but he went wrong. «It clouded - up for rain, but: passéd over. Summer suspenders, 25c. and 50e. Bibby 's. The new . sundae, with Neilson's ice cream, delicibus. Sold only at Gibson's Cross Drug Store. Eigiiteen more will be trudging County schools are ing. Abernethy's for $5 The Victoria Baseball made arrangements for excursion to Gananoque, day evening next. Fresh McConkey's oe 'caramels,' "chocolate covered Brazil nuts," and "Brazil sold only at Gib- son's Drug 'Store. 'Phoune 230. Yacht 181.50.: ? i | Portssipath now fully at Gib- t les. "Cantelope melon is' new. and Red days and the kids to school again. already re-open- leather suit cases. Club has a moonlight on Thurs new blues, 50c. to some. day becomes annexed to Kingston, and if local op- tion .is not in force, will its tavern licenses be added to Kingston's list ?"' asks the Portsmouth philosopher. | "Never" in the bistory of Gibson's {Red Cross Drug Store has the soda fountain been so busy as this summer. Neilson"s ice éream, from Toronto, and ice cream bricks gives the people the quality looked for for years that they never could buy in this city. B. A. Hotel Arrivals. Andrew A. Kimmerly, 3 A. Cor ley, George 0. Leonard, S. Abraham, Montreal; | ling, F. J. Whitlaw, M. C. Gee, M. H. | Leed, Mac W. Moore, Andrew Wilson and wife, Master Wilson; Miss Lums- | den, chauffeur, Toronto; Daniel L. {Tuck, Jane E. Rolston, New York; J. | W. Roblin, Picton; C. N. Cock, Card- ina; W. D. Bliss, Ottawa; Dr. and Mrs. Mahoney, ndon, Eng.; Mrs, K. K. Kennedy, Le Mers, fowa; T. A. McGuinnis Belleville; ; G. P. Clark- son, Buffalo; Miss Ellis, Brockville; E. Schofield, Oconto, Wis: P. M. derson, Bellevills Sheriff C. J. Me Dowell, Bessie McDowell, Mabel Me- Dowell, Edna Fowler, George B. Fl dridge, John 5 Houty, yacht Restle, Oswego, N.Y: . Lee, Belleville; C P. Henry and Hy "Auburn, N.Y; Brenner, Hamilton. Rapids, Monday, Aug. 16th. Steamer America, 7 a.m. to Iroquois shooting the rapids. 'Meals on board. Lid 50c. Don't Miss It. The clearing sale of summer hats at Campbell Bros'., Kingston's hat store. President suspenders, 50c. Bibby's. Customers who buy infants' foods ag Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store can have their lime water bottles filled free Of charge. If pays to buy infants® foods at this 'store. Always fresh there, 'Phone 230. Abernethy's for trunks. There is a rumor current in Clayton that a corporaticn is being formed with a capitalization of several mil lions for the purpose of buying up the major part of the Clayton water front to be used as the site for the finest summer hotel in the world. Read Abernethy 's adel, DROME BU oy ais sei Si vis ois aia veh aie Soa Rant aeen Ladies' Stockings, double Boys' Ribbed Stockings. large BIZ serseiicrrsressnsprissies on) Ports- | pply to . J. Pyne, R. Dawson Har- : An- |, "stitched H Made of extra fine quality Bishops' Cpt 'We are going Rd 3 4 5 A 5c Bach or 7 a Wile Gs, $50. ma RIGAN' S. New Idea Woman's litan Gunter's, |, 5 Bt Story. Railroad a [Peoples Harm. The ~TDelineator, Aon part imith's, Popular Man's -M . worth's zine, Late Paper Ben, 25 Louis Trac, Pilla Light, The A 14 Grier. . Win Of The Morning oe By pra pg dwarnd White :--~The Si- lent' Places, o onjurors' use, Th Blazed Trail. It uta The By Harold McGrah :--Man Box: By Miriam Michelson :--In hop's Carriage. 'By John Fox, Jr.: ~The Little Shep- herd Of Kingdom Come. Harry, Lauder :--Harry Lauder's Tales. The College Book Store,' 260 Princess St. Phone 919. "WATCH US GROW." that a and Allow pr lle Seg summer shirt being rolled por Mo he Nm without so e by th links out: Those Hinks uite an advantage, Which act we will be pleased to demonstrate, They are made in Gold Filled and the price is moderate. SMITH BROS., Jewellers, Opticians. "Phone, 666. Marriage Licenses Issued. » TN On The the Bis Saturday Supplies At This Store. Ladies' Elastic RRR outs. with or without' sleeves, 10c., : ; . OR, Ci In Bla . . 250 ck Lynx 15¢. and 25¢. éach, i In B Fok Ladies' Fast Black Cotton Hose, In Black Ponty, all sizes, special, 2 pairs for White Ermine and Mink. 95¢. AT Ladies W. F. Gourdier's with spots 76, 78, 80 Brock St., Ringston. 19¢c. a pair. Ladies' Lace and Emb®idered Hose, in white, tan, black, all sizes and prices. Men's White Unlaundered Shirts, broken sizes, 14, 144, + 16, 164, 17 only, extra qual- ity cotton, teinforced fronts, regular price up to 7c. each, We are going out of this line, henjce the low price to clear, 33¢. each. Black Cotton Hose, dainty = embroidered and figures, special, , 0A AKLEY'S TALCUM OWDER CORYLOPSIS OF JAPAN The newest package ball pound glass bottles. The best powder with the most delicate" , ol; pers fumes. Twice the quantity of other makes, at 35¢. the the Bottle: McLeod's Dr DrogStore Ask for sample. | Extra values in new style Cor- sets, at H0c., 75c. and 81 a pair, perfect fitting lines in all sizes. See them. Ask to sec the beautiful siyles in: Ladies': White Waists, on sale at $1 and $1.25 each. Also 'the Allover Embroidery _Waists at $1.50 each" Al sizes, | ¢ ' Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE : i & telephone 68 when you 3 wns any sleotzlo "repairs ate Prices Right When you bre; d §lasaes, save the and ring them to us and let us replace the broken lens. If the frames' are bent of need repairing, we can make them y good as new. } Eyes tested free and satis- faction guaranteed. Dr A.P.Chown DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN. HIGHEST GRADES GASOLINE, COAL OIL, LUERICATING OILS, FLOOR OIL, GREASE, ETC. PROMPT DELIVERY, W. F. KELLY y "Phone, 343, 185 Princess St. be Toye's Building, I Clarence and Ontario Streets,