THE DAILY BRITISH W@IG, FRIDAY. AUGUST 13, 1009. - . = 7 . = "TORONTO PLEASURE ISLAND DESTROYED BY FIERCE EE ------------ er ; - a ¥ $ o ; ' aH Be nt y if P9 CFiguse 8, Mimi Pu 7 Read these few inducements, and remem- ' ber there are scores more bargains wait- ing for you. Ee * 1500 Yards English and Canadian 36-inch ; Shaker Flannels | : ; In dark at light striped patterns, Regular. price 124c. 10 14c; yard. ' . . ON SALE SATURDAY ONLY yi! At this low price you'll be wise to lay in your supply. ks 69 Only Pongee Waist Patterns to Clear - Handsome embroidered fronts, collavs and cuffs, material linen gee with beautiful finish in white, cream, brown and black. Real value, $2.50. ; Le ; CLEARING PRICE ON SATURDAY... 4b fst nies the 700 Yards 36-inch Factory Cotton Very durable quality, close even weave, can be used, to advantage on account of extra width, q 5 Cc * Regular price, 12}e. Sum- Ph 34 . . ~- A Toronto! pleaNure-seekers are mourning the loss of one of the finest pleasyrg resorts on the continen sand a family in Cobourg, Ort.. are. mourning the loss of a fuvorite daughter a8 the result of a' fire. which broke out one of the buildings at Hanlan's - Ppoint, on Tuesday evening. The whole of the great pleasure resort, together with valuable property belonging to the Toronto baseball and lacrosse clubs and the Joreny Ferry Cp., is burnt over. Miss Andrews, cashier in charge of one of the popular amisements, was' burnt to death in a brave attempt to save her employers' money from the A -- -- -- ee 4 1 | PITH oF THE NEWS. ] i BOOTHS RTOOOON : ORO queries ns to when he was going to LE FI FOR ASYLUM fi 4 pte ILL ND | FLY El be married, turned away with a sickly ¥ | %he véryitatest Culled From All i yF pr ti gv expression, replying that he might ------ l 'Y aOved The World. w---- A Man's possibly marry a marble statue or a A MAD CREE WHO MURDER- Willie Crabtree, a twelve-year-old THE MILITIA MEN HAVE wooden Indian squaw with a bundle ED HIS FELLOWS. GONE AWAY. lboy, As! dwownkt in the Humber of cigars in her hand, but never a bs aia Ai z ol woman. F Robiag, CES - was rowed in, the One morning at breakfast he ovened ra T I Stevesion, (AL. a note from the lady who had intro- Ile Wag Taken to North Bay After! Central. and South °Sasffatchewan McCurdy Cannot Tell When a duced him . to. Mrs; Cheever apologiz- {are 'dbekt to 'reap the best™ind most : slighty Apologia a Long And Anxious Canee | hita le crop im the history of the Trip~-Had to be Brought Out ,.,vinil : ' ON SALE SATU i 13.~After a | Jong and canoe trip through the wilderness John Chakasom, Bay. Yor ihe | hpilthekid. LS : . i loft, N bk. Bay kf | SS Hesperian, inward, abeam at past year, le orth Bay, to-day, for RMS, (Vietorian, at Hamilton Sardinian, inward, at the shores of Hudson's charge of tective (groux { by -tiiree white men three Indians The mad Cree is supposed to have] Killed several Indians and is a giant | New | Pr 95 Pair Ladies' Black & Tan Openwork Stockings \ : and 9}. Regular 19¢ Fine cotton and lisle thread, sizes 84, 9 weighing 260 pounds. He had to be: chained in the was lass with manacled 5c dred miles being made in ten days. ¥ Every . night "Clakasom fo a tree and one night pulled a six inch balsam "uf 'by! the gots. ---------------- SCRATCHES ON FACE. A : suspect Arrested In ---- Made Successful Flight. New York, Aug. 13.--C. Charles Fos- ter Willard, who' has been -experiment- ing with the: Curtiss aeroplane, made a most successful flight, to-day, from Minola, L.1., going twelve miles in his machine at an. average height of 156 fret, and remaining in the air nineteen retorted in a tight A Poor Bringing Up. Toronto Mail, That the grandchildren of Charles Dickens should get a pension from the Imperial Government of $125 each per annum is a matter of congratu- lation. But it is too bad that they should need such public aid. Tt is understood that the novelist left a very considerable fortune, but that it dwindled away during recent years. Along with the disappearance of the family inheritance there has come a cessation. of all revenues from the writings" of the celebrated author. Children and grandchildren of distin- Test Flight Will Occur--Says ing for her part in a plot that had the President of United States {been concocted by' the ladies of the Clearing Line of 350 Ladies' Ri in » Straight ' Jackét. Grangy/Tunk railway system's traffic were at dinner. : od his Views of womehs testimony mer Vests Special to the Whig. earnings from August lst to 7th, 1909, | Special to the Whig. *1 ;understand,"" said Austin Ham-' 4) "ooand to women. 'Cne of the i Petawawa, Ont., Aug. 13.--As any | mond, 'that Ned Hargraves has be- | arty said she new. a woman of Many different kinds to choose irom, some very fin ribbed, others 2 €)1° nia : . Or 3 3 $ Bla ] re 'hp . Wr + p ah 5 ions $37,913. 8 J really official test of the aerodrome come 'engaged while: 1 have Ween |ii.ity three who had divorced three have broad ribbed offects, fan'y edging around feck, short or no > and Mrs. William England, Lon- | Baddeck No. 1 is off for a week, Col i the adi a | den, Ont. eae the .Springbank Reser- said one of the ladies, "and mi}. would 1 whi go . | ' a mr : . : > d be a good subject for -™ WE 2. & AY iw crazy Cree Indian,' who has terrorized vores; lost arco tlaldren this week by [Otter Col. erfor¢ i he's throwing himself away. { > ah a . ALL TO CLEAR ON SATURDAY A7 . ter, Rutherford and - Major h g & ) | Hammond to test the! value of his Maunsell returned to Ottawa this af- "In the opinion of the men or the judgment of: woman upon. The la- H ternoon, They visited the drome shed, . K ; amt Amour; this morning, and were shown every "! never speak dn praise or 'eon- | cee of their conspitaey.--W 's 10! : ; | : | . os spiracy.~Woman's asylum in De: | Quebee; SS, part of the aerodrome by Messrs, Me [demnation of another," replied the | no ¢innal Daily. Sosy : oma 400 Linen Huckaback Towels and Dr. Dunnett, Ot- | Kpethgr Polit Curdy and Baldwin, A few little | lady, "except for myself alone. - Size 18x36, hemmed ends, narrow colored striped borders. A . . Was In Tight Plac Excellent value. Regularly scll at 18¢. each, Mispangbie \ [With (stealiflg from guests of Hotel | Shed will probably be 'taken between all, 1 must say that I never take a g laces gu 3 Fangby andd gantan, during the fire at Hanlan's! three and five ¢'clock. woman's opinion of anothér woman. For many years old Colonel Lee i Point, Toronto "Will you say definitely whether von | "Why 80?" asked several ladies at], .ideq in Ninth street, New York, I> : : dais : near the Hotel St. Denis. He ws still York, is in consultation with | the next week," McCurdy was asked | "A woman iss influenced by her likes mier Whitney on the question: oi to-day. E {and dislikes. She. has no sense." of | yg kars for his bright manner and | taxin? eorporations in Ontario. "1 cannot say," he replied. "But 1 [veal justice. happy, apt remarks ; open | A Bolice squad in _ Tordhto raided | do not think 'we ¢ k oh ou | And would vou rely on a man's thao TY % ! 1 89 ( ink 'we can make 'what you and : y When the project for: erecting an price: 35¢c.. pair. spectacle, stark naked 'and 'with hair the patrol . waggons .secared twenty | yet. We' have got to go' slowly "Aman of mature age. ington in Union Square was proposed "LEARINE OX "SATURDAY AT vightdon inches lang: He voings audi old frequenters * of the |Owville' Wright. kept the president of | "1 am forty; too: old to be caught | ('Glonel Lee was intrusted with. one . ' : eo s ite y " 4 , 'sphtimé p , Bd . . ed. clu nels uo aid Jbrouight out in Places. ' Ti . : the United States and: the senators | by sentiment, too 'young to be fooled | § the Subscription papers for ' circu- I adies' Fancy Handkerchiefs ad, cloa Pa {0 H. Keefer, K:C., Port Arthur, in |and congressmen waiting eight days. [as an old man. lation. Shortly after receiving it he Yimbs, - the wanoe journey of two buns ¢ OES an "the Fort William © strike dould 'witness the test but Wright wis | when the ladies at dinners - were -ac-| hod for a subscription." But the others, have drawn borders all around. Wo a | was "over 'and that after to-day peace |dot ready or the wind was too high |ecustomed to leave 'the men to smoke | ii0h declined to subscribe, stating TO GO ON SATURDAY AT, each . wae chained T ight "be hoped for. and 'they had to 'wait eight days. We [with their coffee, and the hostess ded 1: a rather pompous manner : ' as. od | ' . t : . regret 'to' keep®the newspapers and "the | them to the drawing-room where they "I do not consider. sir. that" there { cansed bys a slight blize on the third [public waiting but 'really <cannot help | spent -an hour conversing on the: to- : All Our Lawn and Silk Blouses he ¢ BBs ip 1 : relat is : : : s : : [floor 'd's woman, and her four-year-old fit." . [pie of the relative value of a 'man's|y, Washington. : His fame is undy- Embroidery and lace trimmed, short and long sleeves: Regular prices } daughter jumped from the sixth floor camp ' to-day are very land a. womans Opinion of woman. ing; it is enshrined in the hearts of Se . | and, both' were" fastantly. Killed. quiet. The, fifty or more Ottawa men | 1t 'was'dbout a week later that Aus- |}:0 countrymen." ranging from $1.30 to $5. Cannection | reached Pittsburg, » on Eriday morn- from one of.the party informally for | i. inquired the colonel. 1 With Mirde! | ing, from New York, "and. are' now "be a game "of whist. He met there al 'jo gp" 2 : ; Rochédter. i+ Ni¥or Rie. 218. Chron: [ink hell go the plant ofthe Steel widow, Mrs. Cheever, somewhere bes! «weil 'all T have to sav," 75 Men's Blue English Botany Serge Suits ochegler, 1 X20 MUIR. : { Car "spifipany', at Melee's Rocks. tween twenty-two and 'twenty-five | ii nal Tee, "is that he is bk : We, : os 108 + 3 i ; : This is a rare special, Beautifully finished 'and tailored Suits (lat fit ward THgealdt; Ya Gfeak nk {Da { JO CRAdLes, he" wteamer Tialia alroft to timidity: Nevertheless theve well and look well. Cut in the latest style, with all the new and a former Suu oyee of : _ oe | steamed. .anto. New York, on Friday. was something about. her that grew touches that fashion demands. Best Italian piles Ronpiens Who. NO ae at Capt. Bridges, aged seventy years, upon Hammond. It was not her +8 brothers Home In pon digd. gnddenly, on August 9th. conversation, for she was not a talk- ot stpsrvn vivers lowe the a iat in Rochestet, api¥on band, left Ris home -- v in a small; oval-shaped head. At any re suspegte « eng e uraerer & 1 i a ay n a Ie. W S > v hh M t 1 St k C SG abinthen © Ewald: huajiakt $eoffand nothing has been heatd ARRESTED TRAMPS. rate, there was something away down I'he ontrea oC O., tches" on his face, and it is said "of him "sino. His vile applied to in those eyes to excite a mans fancy That he han tol |i the police magistrate for a warrant and set him wondenng. About what 180--PRINCESS ST.--180 Phone No. 844. 91st A Raid Made Upon Them Near Hamilton. Hamilton, Out. 13.-- This torning the police made a sensation- al raid, near the Valley Inn, and scat- tered a gang of twenty-five tramps, arresting four of them. Wednesday night a car load of Italians, engaged mn G.T.R. construction work, was at- tackedaby the tramps, who took the forcimers' guns away from them and d.0le their 'watches and other valu- abl s The four prisoners were res manded in the police court. [It is re- port-d there was a scene of carnage in thie box car follawing the attack but the foreigners were helpless when their vevolvers taken yard. AY ONLY ..ocincvees tonkgsns adssstens obthasns kab sntlemen | : : Waited on Wright A partly of ladies' and gentlemen gi... party in which he had express 5 K. o! rl vy TOR SE North Bay, Ont.; Aug, S2.475; 7 F908, §794,562. Increase, jaway.' i» [husbands and had one or two left sleeves, - Regular value, 20c., 25¢., and 30c. eacl a Lessgrd, General - Macdonald, General "Yes, ? for 25 women * dies were all. aghast at the serious tawa, who were agcompanied in from | § James Hard, was - arrested, chorged | 'hops' over the ground near the "And, without referring to you at Chicago News. ON SALE SATURDAY ONLY | Justice Guy, of the supreme court, | will make a quarter mile ascent within | once. remembered by hundreds of New fiold at. the post and was a terrifying | about thirty : hand-book places « and | would really call a flight for a week |opinion of a woman ? oquestrian statue to General: Wash- a straight 5 jackes TAqREL mprainid the opinion that | The senate .adjourned! so that they This bit of conversation tdok place approached a' well-known 'citizen: and Fine lawn, hemstitched hems, some have embroidered corners, | ¢Juyh panieiin a New York building, is any necessity for. a monument, to | Three carloads . of = strike-breakers | Here will probably return to-morrow. | tin Hammond received an invitation "Is he enshrined in' your heart *' SELLING 'AT .... Se ag 14 of Prices staness are somewhat against Fd- Corgi the body of her captain, years old, She was modest and shy. place. twilled lining, Sizes 34 to 42. Regular -price $18 to $20. J h : ON SALE SATURDAY .. . rein sen sheng : . Ihursday afternoon, and brought tq Maghall, a member of the | 4nd a half mintites. or, It might have been her eyes, set that he hax told contradidtory stories for. him. Hammond at least didn't know, but wg Rtn a ct _ Adalbert Eugene Hoyt, wanted in he wondered. all' the same. jo grrr 8, near ie opus New York on a charge of stealing a Hammond asked permission to call Saturday, atterngon, ane " Sra a ole fue i the Chatham National bank and' became a frequent visitor at her that, he: went if oe rw ms 1 aro 2 {ork $8,000 fom Miss Julia W. Por home, a suite of apartments in which er's home," . His brot let SOLEghuR ted foes and forged her endorsement, was vl itheh secvantc: "He* (took this, but the police Yah AONE | cloverely arrested in London, Eng. her out odeasionally: either to drive vs trgases, Whe wil tout that Yrvaldt | "Not "one. first-class piece' of side or to places of amusement, and it was not long before his friends begin guished or. Wealthy = persons. often I ie} : hat 3} : ajusay To db walk has heen built in Montreal with 8 2. he "say e left. . B y he % b : , thah. 'the: tama. he "Say| <he y [in the past fifteen years among the to 'speculate upon a yronable engage: | make the mistake of supposing that ment. © One morning he was surprised | (10 'money will 'd's, and also that he was seen here gt RE ; J Sund f nd Mond Tt is also | so-called permanent civic works," de ; last forever. Under nt A Tat 1 {clared Ald. NX. Martin at Judge Can- to recove a note.from the lady who | this < misapprehension they omit to 3 introduced him to Mrs. Cheever inf york for themselves, and some day 1 charged - aghinstiEwaldt that he was hans cHmilsionzof 'enquiry to-duy in the 'habit of aecosting women whieh she said substantially that hav- they. awake. to the fact that 'they are ing heard of 'his attentions she wished | 16 so well off as neighbors wha be- Dees all sugar look alike to you ? It isn't you may be sure. One sugar differs from another sugar in sweetness. Aug. was whon : on : hom kL : | tax exemption of the «civil 'service un: reputation is not good. {der the new agreement for a continua- FoR or the annual improvement grant \ by the dominion government. The Y FuUbtheip BEgiSIgLgre. Would, not likely ! them, | rv. {agrfe" : Cheever he must veloping Waterway. 1 "So far no official cognizance af the | responsibility. Winnipeg, Aug 13.--~Hon. William | Fort Willi' stiike has been taken by [ prised. Pugsley made an ynportant announce: | (he dominion labor department, as no ment after completing his tour of the | conciliation board was applied for, noy west, when he intimated that he fa: "was "any investigation conducted vored developing a waterway to Ed, Steps will' probably be taken, how- from Winnipeg, via the Sas-| ever, io have the men agree to gub- WINNIPEG TO EDMONTON, ho did not know, and that his | Ottawa may «not be able to grant to. disclaim any intention of recom: | ,ay life in poverty. mending the lady she had introduced : as a suitable person for him to mat If he made a match with Mvs. do so on his own Hammond sur- were awny from Futting It Gently. Evervbody's Magazine, The sages of the general store wefe discussing the veracity of 'old Si Per- king, when Uncle Bill Abbott ambled note | in. "What do you think about it, Uncle Bill?" they asked him. "Would you call Si Perkins a liar?" "Well,"" answered Bill, slowly, as | | | Hon. William Pugsley Favors De- A Rare Treat. London :Argonant. bennis was doing his best 10 speak respectfully of the dead. was Sugar is sugar, but it is not sugar when it is some- thing else. And, alas, for the weakness of money-making mortals, it is sometimes something else. | Later on he received a second AP : COARSE .. |irom another of the ladies he had met Yes, he said. | Mike was a faine [at the dinner party. The note was a mon. Honest, straightforward, hard- | positive warping dgainst Mrs. Cheev: workin', ginerous { " ar . ler. Hammond kept the note a seeret Katchewan river. It could be done at|mit their differences to arbitration. Lilgerous ' questioned Barney for two days, then showed it to the | he small costs and would be 'a gredt com Tobias Trimlit, a Newfourdlander, rather doubtfully. "Did ye ever know | ' She looked mercial avenue if accomplished. fishing in the Fraser river, below {of his ireatin', anyon in all his troubled" but told a very straight | Steveston Lighthouse, B.C., was lean- life ? Pp # story which agreed especially with ing over to grasp a kettle which had "Well, he nearly treated once. . I 4 {Hammond's opinions in matters he fallen "loveshoard, when he fell into "Nearly trented ? } omar. She 'said that. she the wallér, * Mie companion, Isaac National. keague--New York, 05-3; ay | tween hogs he has to get somebody olse to product. And, as it is alitost the commonest thing we Chicago, 2-0. Cincinnati,' 2-8; Boston, . ac | "Vis. 1. remember once he dhropped | had robbed the writer of a. lover. call 'em for him. eat, sugar ought to be about the cleanest thing we eat. 1-2. Pittsburg, 134; Philadélphia, 3.5. | Abbats, also a Newfoundlander, tried pinto Cassidy $ when th boys were all | Hammond at last found the young TH Brooklyn, 6; St. Louis, 6 (12 innings). | to prasp him, but he never reappears there, Well, lads, he _sez, whl] We | widow so necessary to him that he A One Man Jury. Amgrieans Dieagues-Boston, +5; (love ode pibbeshgey: vas found entangled in { have 2'--wid a wave of his hand tor |asked her to be his wife: She dechin | Democratic Telegram, : land, 4; Philadelphia, 10; St. Louis, the nets. A the bar. a What'll we have '-- |od at first, giving as her reason that A tailor; who was defenddni .in a %. Chicago, 2; New York, 0. Detroit, . ft i ram or pow I | she would bring him nothing; indeed, | case tried in court, scemed much cast 6: Washington, I. ¢ The Strikers Aggressive, : n o-- could not make even a respectable down whew brought up for trial. | Eastern - League--Providence, 3: Ro» Stockholm, Aug. 13.--For the first A woman likes to move to, another | Jhiow at the wedding, Hammond told | "What's the irouble ?"' whispered his | ¢hester, 2,4 ! ' « Fiinde, @inece the 'heginning of the'strike locality '80 that people won't know her | be g that he could supports her comfor- | counsel, observing his client's distress | ped c--s-- yim Rmdons the strikbrs are attempfing | age. : : __ ltably and gave her a check for $1, | as he surveyed tho jurymen. : { The Hepworth Manufacturing com- | to damage propetiy. A stick of dyna You will never obtain peace of mind | 0p0 to spend on a trousseau. This, "Tt looks pretty bad for: me," said pany's furniture factory, and the ouly [mite placed on the tracks of offe of from people who give you a piece of [after many protestations, she finally | the ded ndant, "unless some steps arc industry in the village. ndoubtedly | the street railways, was discovered be 7 theirs. 29 _ lconsented to accept, and the matter | iaken to dismiss that jury and get | would be in ashes now but for the | fore - it exploded. . This morning a A girl suppresses the? Crying habit | was settled. The final closing up of lin a new lot. Thore ain't a man | prompt as<istance given. by the vil: | number of electric wires 'werd: cut, when' it begins to make her nose red. |(he arrangements occurred at Fl o'- | nongst 'em but what owes me money |igers on Friday smorning, Lo r---------- . The faster you run into debt the. clock one night, and Hammond - left |; (jothes" . { California seedless grapes and Mala-{ Some people (take steps for a divorce imore you get behind. J | his fiancee 'a happy. man. > at Carnovsky's. at public danecs.. Breakiast hacon, 18¢. J. Crawford. The next evening at eight o'clock he : | : went to the widow's apartments to monton One sugar differs from another in What it is made of. thoughtfully studied = the ceiling One sugar made from sugar-cane differs from another "I don't know as I'd go so far as to made from sugar-beets. call Kim a liar exactly, but I do know | i this much: whed feedin' time comes, One sugar differs from another in purity .and whole. in order to get dny response from his someness. Sugar can be made clean like any other food | woman it condemned. Baseball On Thursday. And your preserves, which you want to be the best, require the best of sugar, very EE St. Lawrence Granulated Sugar meets the exacting re- quirements of the best preserves. i Dr. Milton L. Hersey, the Government Analyst, in a recent careful and impartial analysis, reports t. Law- rence Granulated Sugar to be 99 99-100 to 100 per cent. pure cane sugar, with no impurities whatever. : * This season promises to be a good one for berries and other fruits--just the season to get them of good quality and cheap to preserve. A Long Time Between Raises. Agitation regarding the pay of | Erench military officers has had some ofiecr; the ministry has asked for an extraordinary credit of $400,000 to supplement the pay of the offi Your home-made preserves are by far the best, and you know all about their real goodness if you select the fruit and the sugar with equal care. oi grapes, | SR WE BO am, si RTT RTT AE re-- | . ' =r --- a \ 8 joensult wath ber as to het reference : : CANADA'S HOPE IN STRUGGLE FOR FIRST. AIRSHIP.i% Fi tdi toi ee te sam it Sue = . ' coming winter. ' > {the door. Convinced that: there was no one within be applied for.informa- ) £ , {tion at the office of the:janitor, which has noi heen increased since | : ! ER } 4 if The lady moved out this morning, | 1370. In that time nearly every grade | Ra % Ms y &} age op {air of state official has hed his stipend ; 4 : Hammond caught at the-banister raised, but the sub-licutenant has had | for support. to make hoth ends meet as hest he | "Tid she leave any message for--ior could with six francs a day and the | And den't simply order "sorne sugar" from the grocer, letting him send you some nameless, ordinary sugar, Get sugar with a name. Get St. Lawrence Granulated n FR §i 3 Ni a3 vient cm Sugar, in 20 1b. cotton bags, with the name on it, to me »* "She left no message-for any one, lsir. While her things were going into | the vah she went around to the bank and_paid thee months' rent. and went Away." | Theatwwas the lgst of Mrs. Cheever ! for. Hammond. : y He did not enquire at the bank if licatenant with eight. The Destrover's Path. Kansas City Independent. Wa passed, in the course of an hott, { fifty | two dead cows and more than dead chickens. A sirong. smell of petrol parvaded thé atmosphere there were wheel tracke in the dust. Sherlock Holmes became greatly in- and | guarantee the brand, the full weight, and the cleanliness of the sugar itself. : When you buy it in bulk, scooped out of a barrel, you can't be sure of all these important points in your sugar. You save money by this and get better, cleaner sugar. Try it and see | Then you'll be sweet enough to thank us for telling yoft all 'about this matter. ° * fi + $1,000. oheck -had been presented, {but he found it charged agamst him | when his account was balanced. He kepiaway from his "friends ®as much' ds possible and "when rallied. with If your grocer cannot supply You with these 20.0. | vic Bis name and res to the St. Lawrence Lo ing Co., Ltd., Montreal, and. they will tell you obtained. The Silver Dart having met such an untimely end the whole hopes of the McCurdy and Baldwin actonaits rest on the Baddeck No. 1; a picture of which appears above. The Baddeck No. 1, which ig 'now being tested at the Petawawa cimifiyile tiie first airship to be Built in Canada, the Silver Part being paitly built in the States. i N terested. . "Watson," exclaimed he, after deep thought; 'there: 'has been a motor | along here." . Fei where it can feow