/ An old Rocky Mountain guide, whose specialty is goats, says Dominion Ammunition gets results with greater regularity than any other make. More than a hundred thousand other shootersin Canada will agree with him. The new Dominions System of inspection proves every cartridge or shot shell perfect. Dominion Cartridge Co, Montreal. * ANNUAL AUGUST CASH SALE (14th Anniversary.) " On the Carpet Floors : - Lace Curtains Reduced 20 Per Cent. Odd Pairs Reduced 26 Per Cont. "On the Furniture Floors : Special Sale Lawn Furniture 1 Roller Lawn Seat, with Cinopy, $18, for $13.50. 1 Roller Lawn Seat, with- out Canopy, $13, for $9.25. '1 Jumbo Rocker, $15, for $10.50. 1 Lawn Swing, $1 50. PHONE 90. YOURS, T. F. Harrison Co. We are the Kingston Agents for thé Canadian Vacuum Cleaning System. Make appointments now fer month of September. a ------ I TI ---- EVERY DAY New Good s are arriv dng. We have already received our " EIDER DOWN COMFORTERS The finest colorings "evershown. Come and see them. New Curtains and Curtain "Materials, New Mission Nets and Stig Sms " R. McFAUL, " Kingston Carpet*Warebouse. A Satisfaction There's nothing that helps so much in making satistac- able to feel tion as being that the future is provided ior You can't take care of the future better than by having reliable insurance. We have the policy that will give you the maximum of protection at the minimum of cost. J. S. R. McCANN, , Cor. Brock and King Sts. 'Phone, 326. $6, for ICTONUS TRUNPHED DEFEATED IRISHMEN BY 16 RUNS TO 5. The City Baseball League Cham- pionship Pfacticaly Settled-- There -WasYG 'in This Contest. On Saturday afternoon the Victorias cinched their hold on the City Base ball League championship, when they played all around the Young Jrish- mén, winning out 16 runs to 5, after a very good game, from the specta- tors' standpoint. Lots of good long hits, lots of runs, and some good fast, snappy play in between. This game just about decided the league and was looked forward to as a hard battle. A very lurge crowd was gath- ered in the field to see the contest. The Victorias led the league by one game, and this win puts them two fo the good, giving them such a lead that they cannot ~ be beaten, even if they lose their next two games, as the Locos are three games behind them, and have only two to play. Stanley Trotter's "White 'Winged Wonders' started right in to clean things up, and did it, in the first inn- ings, when five men went around the hollowed path, landing five joy pro- ducers. Nicholson, the second man up, opened things up with a good swing when he touched "Nipper" for a two- bagger. He was followed by Cotman with one good for threes pivekages of sawdust, and then hy McCammon, with a rap good-for- three more. Both "Spiker" Dick and McCammon '"'lam- basted" the ball and got all the way around the round square, bringing joy unmentionable to Col. Hunter's chosen band of strong-voiced rooters. At the end of the fourth innings the score stood 12 runs to 0, in favor f the Victorias. They were playing er- rorless ball and could hit Mathewson at will. In the fifth innings, Mathew- son went to centre field, Stokes came to third base and Dehaney climbed up on the mound. In the same innings "Marty" Walsh flew to see something more interesting down street, When the fifth innings opened the Irishmen tried hard to get in some runs, and succeeded in landing one, Tilson getting the credit. The "Vies" were retired without a run, for the first time during the game. In the Ir- ishmen's next innings the two sur- prises of the game were sprung on the innocent, nervous, unsuspecting crowd, reat Interest into the left field grass, good for four sacks and a cigarette. This was the only time that they got in bad on "Tommy," but it was .en- ough. "Teddy" Kelso and his sweet- voiced tenors, rendered some fine selec- tions during this innings. The last -- three innings were very good ball, neither team getting around tacks very often and the game coming faster. The summary : Victorias. long ones Crawford, { Nicholson, | MeMahon, | Colman, c¢. Dick, 3b. . McCammon, Derry. 1b. Pound, s.8. McCartney, WEN Be - =| Totals Trishmen. Ewart, s.8 Stokes, Anderson, Dehaney, ¢ Hunt, 1b. .. Joyce, r.f. Coyne, LI Tilson, c. Mathewson po Opa wl coon Totals The Score By Innings. Victorias-- Irishmen--0.0 1.2 " Home runs, Stokes and Dehaney. | Three-base hits, Mathewson, McMa- [hon, Cotman. Struck out, by Mec- {Cammon, 5; by Mathewson, 2. Hit by Mathewson, 2; by McCammon, 0. First base on balls, off Mathewson, 1; off McCammon, 0. Umpires-- Marty" Wightman Walsh and D. "For summer grip or colds" take Laxative Bromo Quinine. Cures colds, in-one day. Sold in Kingston at (Gibson's Red Cross drug store. An award of 85 for a slogan was made by Watertown board of trade to Maior J. H. Durham, Cape Vincent, for hae ccntribution, "Watertown Wel- comes Workers." "Larkspur Lotion" sects. Sold at Gibson's drug store. : D. A. Cays sold, today, to R.:.W Allen, the large Rees property, on Johnson street, opposite the Bishop's palace. | And occasionally a man throws off trouble by putting on a bold front. | There no session of the police court, this morning. "Buy Larkspur Lotion" Red Cross drug store. Church attendance wags very slim on Sunday evening. kills body in- Red Cross was at Gibson's { «" Close-fit"' FITS CLOSE. TIE SLIPS EASILY, STAYS LOCKED. MADE IN TWO INCH ONLY. 2 FOR 25c. TOOKE BROS. LIMITED, MONTREAL MAKERS OF SHIRTS, COLLARS, TIES, VESTS ~--AND IMPORTERS OF MEN'S FURNISHINGS. 3 of | when Stokes and Dehaney landed out |) oo co Erecting A Studio. J. R. Kerr and staff, Newboro, are engaged erecting a large studio for Miss Richardson, Kingston, on Rich- ardson Island, near theze. When com- pletedrit will be ono of the most at- tractive buildings among Newboro summer houses. ------ Rain Was Widespread. The rain of Sunday and Monday was quite widespread gnd did a great deal of good. In the cast of the province there hadn't been a rainfall for several weeks amd things were pretty well dried out. The rain came at a most opportune time. Had Lively Chase. Police Constable Timmerman had a lively chase, on Saturday night, after a bulldog which was on Princess street, endeavoring to pick a fight with some other dogs. As soon as the dog saw the constable pull out his club, he made a hasty retreat, much to the amusément of the crowd on the street. Watchman Will Be Relieved. The city has paid the cost of the night watchman at the Montreal road crossing for the past six months. The subway is now about complete and as soon as the G.T.R. company closes up the present roadway across its six tracks, both night and day watchmen will be dispensed with. Saved Dog's Life. A httle dog fell in the water, near the old malt house, on Sunday, and would have been drowned but for the prompt action of its owner. Owing to the rough weather the canine could not make the land and the young owner, without wai'ing to re- move hs clothing, jumped mto the water and brought out his pet. Act Of A Scoundrel. A local firm is investigating an ac- tion of vileness on the part of some very unprincipled person, who has secured some old cards of one of its travelling representatives and sent them to young ladies with indecent language and proposals written upon them. The firm has a pretty good idea of the scoundrel's identity. The punishment would surely be peniten- tiary. 0il New Roadways. At Ogdensburg, N.Y., an experiment is being made in the building of a macadam roadway near the custom On the top dressing of fine stone has been put two sprinklings of oil, and the steam roller sent over it. A hard and clean surface is anti- cipated. Kingston might try the same experiment. Work On The Streets. heavy rain of this morning: stopped corporation work on the streets. Since May, there has been very little delay in road and walk work, and hence what is to be done is well advanced. Walk building has been carried on rapidly this season, and the total distance built will be seven miles. The Defect Of The Subway. The subway at the G.T.R. junction h.s a defect that the city counul ought to avoid. People driving from the city into it will have to be care- ful of automobiles as there is quite a sharp curve. It would not be plea- sant to meet a runaway team near the entrance from the city side. 'Those who constructed the subway have often spoken of the liability of accidents. To aveed accidents of the kind mentioned there will have to be rules regulating the speed of automo- biles passing through the subway. Festival Of Assumption. The festival of the Assumplion of the Virgin Mary into heaven was ob served in St. Mary's cathedral on Sun- day. At early mass there wore a very larga numbér of communicants. High mass was celebrated by Rev. Father Staley, of St. Michacl's cathe dral, Toronto. The epistle read at the mass was 1 Cor. xv, 1-10, and the gospel Mark vii, 31-37. The choir sang in excollent voiee selections from the angel's mass, and ihe royal mass. At the offertory, Mr. Milner played one of his usual high-class organ solos. The altar was handsomely decorated. Runaway At Ciicket Field. The baseball game, at the cricket field, on Saturday, was enlivened by a runaway, ome that might have had very serious results, but as it did not, it had its humorous side. A farmer's horse, attached to a phaeton, countain- ing a woman, dashed up West street, and into the ericket ficld, the buggy hitting a trec with sufficient force to free tho horse from the-harness. The weman made unsuccessful atlempts to got out, but finally sumeeded. Luckily the only injury received was to her hat and this was soon re- medied. rT Did Not Mi-d Storm. Kingstonians who were on the steamer Caspian yesterday on the trip down among the islands say that there was a young couple on board, who did not mind the storm. Rain came down in torrents, just as the steamer left Rockport, and &t con- tinued raining all the rest of the trip. However, with only one small coat for the two of them, the lady and her gentleman friend huddled close up to the wheel house, and made love te each other: all the way. A few who happened "rubber" were quite amused. to Yacht Races On River. On Friday afternoon at the Fron- tgenac, N.Y.. races, the Duquesne, owned by Rolland Peacock, won the big free-for-all event here, barely de- feating the Pirate, with but four sec- onds to spare. One of the features of the afternoon gpeurred in the 37-foot 6 class and a when Miss Louise Bourne, Dark Island, daughter of the millionaire sewing machine manufac- turer, steered: the Moike twenty-one miles to victory. Harry Denny, Watertown, with his Guess 1V., won first prize in May Ir- win's novelty race on Thursday. In the actual race the Onion II. won the everit, but the numbers of the boats, previously sealed in envelopes, favor- ed Mr. Denny, who took the cup after finishing second in the race. | tions that touch legislation, and many Rev. Dr. Ryckman F:each.d Most Instruective. and Helpful Ser- mop--Egch One Urged to Do His Own Thinking on Religious Thames. On Sunday morning, menibers of the Orange er, True Blues and 'Pren- 'tice Boys, attended service at Queen Strect Methodist church. The mem- bers formed in line at their lodge rooms and marched to the church, and at the close of the service, formed in line again, 'and marched back to their rooms. The sermon was preached by Rev. Dr. BE. B. Ryckman, who spoke on the subject, 'Protestantism.' There was a good-sized congregation. | Some of the prominent 'ramhers present were Messrs. Bennett, McCam- mon and Kelly, of the Orange Order, and Messrs, Dean, Sands, Clark aud Graham, of the "Prentice Boys; some lady members also being present. Before the sermon, Miss Hinckley sang Pheobe Carey's beautiful selec- tion, "One Sweetly Solemn Thought," with taste and expression. The text chosen by Dr. Ryckman was Acts iv, I8 and 19: "And they called them, and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus. But Peter and John an- swered and said unto them, 'Whether {it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto. you more than unto God, judge ye." The reverend gentleman, develop: ing his subject, drew attention io the two communmitics that exist in our midst, one. holding liberty of con scicnce and thought essential, and the other delivering that power to a priest or a religious denomination. The sig- nificance of the importance of such views, lies in their bearing on ques other phases of our national life. In ithe text chosen, the apostles as- serted their right to act and speak as they thought best. In 1526, the vear of Luther's nailing his thesis io the church doors was one of great divergenee of views on religious themes, culminating in 1529, when Charles the Fifth, Emperor of Germany, called a council, when the representatives of the Roman Catholic church moved a resolution abolishing | the views as expressed, as a resull of the reformation. Somoc members dif- foring, while outvoted, solemnly pro- testing, they 'were callad Protestants. The speaker then drew attention "to the religious views, as held by Roman Catholics and Protestants, chowing that while they both held tha same basis, ihe difference was in the addi- tions which Catholic authorities have made to the original writings, the [lattes holding the writings of the {fathers being as much inspired as the books of holy writ. The cssontials of { Protestanism they also esteem, as for instance, the doctrine of the Atone- ment of Christ, which they also claim can only be officacious through the sacrifice of the mass. Many other points of divergence he presentud, closing a very instructive, helpful ser- mon with an admonition for cach one to do his or her thinking on religious themes for himsell or herself. TWO MEN IN A BOAT Had Thrilling Time Out in the Harbor. Two men, in a row boat, had a thrilling time out in the harbor on Sunday. The weather was very rough, and the men were cndeavoring to reach Garden Island, but when half way on the trip, they were compelled to turn back. Some Kingston people who were watching them, with the aid of a glass, thought sure that they would be dumped out. They showed great skill with the boat, but the wind was so strong that it was found impossible to manage it. When they finally reached the shore, the boat was taking water. An Appalling Condition. Invariably results when you use a cheap corn salve. Be judicious, use "Putnam's" for fifty years it has cured corns and warts that nothing else could touch. Ask for Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor oly. "Fresh on Saturday' beef iron and wine--50c. at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. The tropble is that when a man tries { FROM THE COMMONPLACE WITH A SMART BAND E fancy . hat band is now as . staple an article of dress as the : i one band that lies flat and , that does mot wrinkle, slip odt of place or get baggy and loose. ~ "THE WICK ADJUSTABLE FANCY HAT BAND" "the band with hooks" (all rights reserved). The Wick Band can be adjusted to any hat --straw, panama, slouch or telescope. rom right on over the old band. Fits any size hat. Any bat can be made a Club or Varsity hat by the adjustment of a Wick Band. Over nine hundred patterns and combi- pig y or College colors; ids, a dots, neat or mew ras vy of new, YOUR CHOICE NOW For 25c Seog Nil SQ, 6 T0- TINUING ALL We will give a épecial discount 20 PER CENT. Bed Spreads, Sheets, Pillow Slips, Lace: 2 MEN'S 4-PLY COL Worth 15c Each. Special sale price... 7 1 -y ALL SIZES AND SHAPES. ¥ 4 ee i We are still selling Men's 15¢ Hemstitched Hand- kerchiefs at .... ... wn tn cee we av wen name" aan Sisna twain VESSELS IN COLLISION. Steamer Turbinia Ran Into the Kingston. The steamer Turbinia caused quite a little damage at rlotte, on Sun- day evening, the Kingston being the greatest sufferer. The Turbinia was tied up at the wharf, immediately ahead was the Kingston and ahead of her was the North King. The Tur- binia went to move up and due to a mistaken signal came ahead at full speed, sraghing into the Kingston's port quarter, tearing away the stanchions, about twenty feet of the guard rail and bulwarks. The lines holding the Kingston were torn away The Rurbinia then went to back up, jamming a gasoline launch almost to pieces, and turning her stern into the Arundel, as she was making the wharf, doing considerable damage. A great number of people were on the wharf and on the decks of the Kingston and the greatest excitement prevailed for a few moments. About twenty-five passengers = became faint- hearted and would not come down on the big R. & 0. boat fearing she was too badly damaged to make the trip. However she pulled out of Charlotte on time and arrived here on her us sal schedule time. It will take some time to make repairs. Capt. Bongard is in command of the Turbinia. The accident was due iccording to passengers on the Kings: ton to the engineers on the above oat mistaking a, signal. Sa Marine Parugraphs. The steamer Regina passed up, last ght. The steamer Rosedale passed down, on Sunday. The tug Mary P. Hall is in the government dry dock, for repairs, The steambarge John Randall will dear for Oswego, as soon as the wea- ther permits. » The steamer America's excursion to [roquois, to-day, was called off owing 'o the bad weather. Owing to the rough weather Sunday ul the hoats had a very difficult ime, landing at the wharves. The steamer Sowards | arrived from )swego, with coal for Sowards. The :aptain reports a very rough trip. Swift's: Steamer Varuna, from Thousand Island Park; steamer Ale- tha, from Bay ports; schooner Kee- watin cleared for Charlotte, M.T. Co.: Tug Emerson, from Mon- treal, with barge Quebec, laden with ails; tug Bartlett, from Oswego, light; steamer Rosemount, from Fort William, 50,000 bushels of wheat and 17.000 bushels of oats, discharged en tire cargo here. Coming up the St. Lawrence river in tow, the schooner Augustus, of the Montreal Transportation company, struck _ a rock, knocking a_ hole through her bottom. The water gain- ed steadily on the pumps, but the cessel was towed to a dock at Pree- ott. Divers are making temporary re- pairs. . CITY CLOCK IN DARKNESS. Whereas it Should Be 'Through the Night. Feonle going to and coming from he G.T.R. station after midnight wonder why the city should be so renurious as-to shut off the electric light from the dials in the city dome clock 'after eleven o'clock. According to the chairman of the city property committee the cost of lighting the dials now is less than one-half of what it cost to light the old ones. Probably not more than $50 a year expended for the present lighting. The dominion government withdrew its old grant of $385 for the city dome lights, which were an aid to naviga- tion. Now the «ty has not only withdrawn the lights facing the 'har- bor but also those in the King street dial, so that before midnight the "town clock' is in absolute dark- ness. The people don't like this. They would prefer that an additional 320 a year be spent so that the lights could be placed in operation all rizht. If the property committee wants to get even with the dominion government for the withdrawal of the old grant it can do so without cut- ing off the lights from the King street dial. Kingston shouldn't be allowed to lapse into village style--lights out at eleven or twelve o'clock. Lighted is SANG THREE SOLOS. Rechab Tandy at Queen Street Church Sunday Evening. At Queen Street Methodist church, Sunday night, Rechab Tandy favored with three fine solos, and his singing was most delightful. Mr. Tandy had quite a severe illness, but has now completalvy recovered, and his voice was heard to good advantage. His many Kingston friends are pleased lo know that the power, beauty and tone of his voice apparently re maine unimpaired. 'Dream Of Para- disc," was peghaps the best number, but all three were a great treat, "Just As I Am" being rendéved with fine offect. Owing to the storm a groat many were disappointed at not being ablo to hear Mr. Tandy, but if it possible for him to stay over another Sunday, he will again sing neXt Sun- 18 126-128 Princess St. day evening. Popular Copyrighted $1.50 for 50c. The t@iterary Limes. Rooke that marvelous popularity individual merit. cloth, most with the finest color work. Anna Katherine Green The Leavenworth Case, The Woman the Alcove, The Millionaire Baby. Eugene Thwing § of have Attractively bound Robert W. Chambers Cardigan, Fighting Chance, The Younger Set. A. Conan Doyle Adventures of Gerard, Advent Sherlock Holmes, | "Briga Gerard, Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes. Bettina von Hutten Pam, Pam Decides. (See To-Morrow's List) School Books; High School, 260 Princess St. "WATCH US GROW." uccesses the attained their their own of them are illustrated, some Red Keggers, The Man. From Red Keg. The Maid at. Arms, The Exploits of Brigadier Public and Separate School Books now on sale. The College Book Store, | Phone 9190. in of to demonstrate. They made in Gold Filled and . price is moderate. SMITH BROS., Jewellers, Opticians. Phone, 666. are ADVANGE IDEAS IN Fall Dress Goods Now ready for your inspection. A larger variety than in any pre- vious season, and em- bracing the :choice of the leading Canadian and Euro- pean Dress Goods The early buyer has many advantages. Be early. ET rr ey BRITT IIIT Bodo tot ot aolutodoilo tolled 1 TIT I I TI I TIT TTT TTT TTT 2 EASA A A EA het Ad wise and buy Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE 2 38 EE Ed TRI ITIII TTI YY BLE Bofufodedolalnlanfaii i= SNe rina TTT ER In Black Ponny. : White Ermine and Mink. 'W. F. Gourdier's 76, 78, 80 Brock St., Kingston. EY EY EEE Ee FE EE Ee Ren BE | OAKLEY'S TALCUM POWDER CORYLOPSIS OF JAPAN The newest package half pound glass bottles. The best powder with the most delicate of per fumes. Lwice the quantity of other makes, a ' ~ 35c¢. the Bottle. McLeod's Drug Store Ask for sample: sssestsrrsdessaraseesed 0TVTTLLTLRTLTRLLE LLL TTTRLLTTTELRTTRLVLTTTREGS EEE EEE EEE LEE EE EEE AL LE LLL EEE LEA EL Fe foo fee Boo Joe fo food fe dotedn defn tF * Save iThe Pieces glasses, save the pieces and } bring them to us and let us : replace the broken lens. the frames are bent or need repairing, we can make them good as new. Eyes tested free and satis- faction guaranteed. Dr A.P.Chown DRUGGIRT AND OPTICIAN. "Phone, 343, 185 Princess St. When you break your Eye- ¢ ; 4 Tow Hot to Make : Dessert Telephone for a Brick of Our Pure Ice Cream. Nothing so delicious. Any flavor. Any hour. | PRICE'S om HIGHEST GRADES GASOLINE, COAL OIL, LUBRICATING OILS, FLOOR OIL, GREASE, ETC. PROMPT DELIVERY. WwW. F. KELLY Toye's Building, Clarence and Ontario Streets, 0000000000000