Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Aug 1909, p. 3

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Apba-- 1 i From Various Points| in; Eastern , Dotario--What People Are. Doing And What MATIN: i | "| They Are Saying. 4 | iad' AT Don BIG F i Buried At Desert Lake. ) ! Glendower, Aug. 13. +There areal: sd y {namber here from Cobalt, The fever VA is very bad there. An aged lady died | Moving' Pi 1 Faded Rg : -- lin this neighborhood, in the person of | Pictures chan oO Lon psd WANTED HELP. | Flizabeth Timmerman. She wae in her | WEDNESDAY, : ---- 5 seventh year, the oldest woman | DAY ON OAR : Tied A. CHAMBERMAID. APPLY WH : "Iroquois. 3 nine 3 v {in this 'yiewmity. She was uried in - ; Mimert: Lake, cemetery. The bearers i . ad "a : | Wi : k 2 (FERAL, SERVANT. APPLY | were, B. Judge, ¥. Wilson, ¥. Babcock, GOOD GENERAL : a LY Andrew Leemon, 1B. Hopkins and San-{® ; 3 i: , = to Mrs. Jas. Stewar pe wart ford lLeemon, She leaves four some, | ' Ek IAT HOTEL QUINTE, BELLEVILLE, three daughters. Joseph Kelly and -- 11.15/e.m., to Gl ca ratclass wait Ey wo | Willinm Wester are al Sanford Lee-| ca and ok on: the-Mountain. chamber-maids. 8 mons. \F nn . Donaldson Doings | ponaldson, Aug. 13The ! abe busy cutting ther ay, and x CP orf i good crop. AF. Mundell apd N. 7.00 p.m. ~ Fare,' 3 a or Toit for the North-West Ml Fhivay-9.08 ame Zxedsyille a i) iv. A little girl bhuby has cone [AR ensburg. . Fare, 0c. a ; ane a the} oF. Ras-| SATURDAY---2.30_ pm. Tours A TEN ng RP GIRLS TO WORK jod . LS : . | to brighten the home v . : i re is doing wsh- | ds "50c, to Ki Discount Sale his Week { ber ry. A. Cheatters 8 doing a 3 th | the 1.900 Islands, Fash: wae ne ngston H "7 'Attend our Discount Sale and secure some hatgalb Hor 'ederythin to} {ing business these days, with hs io | Y : ee ep p ur Discount Sale a o ome 'harga o rything must be g HRs : in: Miler : : T re v pope goo ler. Mr. and Mrs. William Miller, fr DEPA cleared 06" "bi room fr "Or 8 hi - Cia, oi Sask, are visiting relatives TEND 'RS SALESLADY FOR enced Dy ad n scount n Everyt ng in Store here. R. Sproule, Jr. paid - a flying | n A A . readyon ent A lan 0 George {o see his son, who | v Mills & Co., Princess street. are DOC. 1.5 so LIRORELE Md GIRL TO, TAKE GARE OF BARBY. are Oe SDAY-2.30 pik, Tours|™ Good pay. Releraices required. 'Av: | the 1, 0 Intends Burs, 50¢, © 185 Queen street. farmers | THUR ¥---2.80. p.m. Thous-| = w -- a | and Island Park asd return. Home GOgD GENERAL SI and con ' Ap] ro Miss 'Wales, corner Bagot 1 streets. AI pa Dress Goods, Millinery, Laces, Embroideries, Wash (loods, Oilcloths, Rugs, trip to Kingston } Art Blinds, Men's Requirements, Hosiery, Gloves, 'ndérwear, Waists, ete. is ill "in the general hespital. there. | " : sgn | -- pn ---------- i 7 rn THE USDERSIGNE 8.1L RECEIVE Tr TAR CRUML EY BRO Mise F, B. Jones, ut her cousin's, 3iss fandiors CE oN PD WML R | EXPERIENCED _ GROCERY CLERK J S. 1. B.. Cheatters, Mrs, Thompson, Sr. | . * i 3 with good . dross. i Miah E Ene : . a ers an elivel ods, _ ' ' has gane to visit her daughter, Mrs. F d y h 20th m ages to right person. Apply Ure, Maberly: 1 LL a ' t e st., Spence, Grocer, 808 Montreal St. | i § i | Foil the constPudtion" of @'Frank Sewer. | Died At McLean Plans and specifications anay be seen at' { w tegistrar"s Office, Queen's University. Jartoer, or On Mclean, Aug. 13. --Death visited ourt apn Mp Ar G MAN WITH $50 CASH, AS salary. 'Must start Wednesday morning to travel in this neighborhood on Aug. 6th and claimed] GEO SHORN. district, to deliver and collect. Ad- k 4 1 Mary Vanvolkenburg, wile of the late} Lo. en Pa dress Pox Dp." Whig office. ' » Robert Vanvolkenbuorg, Her maiden TOWARDS THE END OF AvGUST A hs . ¥ name was Mary McKeevor. She Nak, RISE OF THE NARDS 1 "aera heft ao ies, in srov-class x 0 : ' A er * ¥ . wages, no washing," % : : | sand die instantly over i ear | : quired. Apply in "evening at Princi- eS We Save You Someties On Everything You Bay i 2 th. 5 United Emprelovaliss, === SCR HER BERL : un CAPABLE GIRL OR| 'Somouski; Jistablished 1876. Th ono! , road while out driving. Mrs. Vanvol-| A STEADY, ~ 808, ee rs ei twoll liked by old and young. a' r $18, at Ever since Lis 'store opened up t6 do Business 80 'years 'ago it "hes been | % a a of i a i R oo . known to everyone as the square deal, store, so that's BO years of square deal | kenburg has heen in pool health for An Informing 'Sketch of Ameri- nh lor gebetsl B® Smal Zor and Fe inf. We hav. recently taken over -theistock from Mr. Woods, and are still = con- some time but consumption at lavtican History, Valuable for Librar- in he evening to Mrs, J. R. OC. g dutting the business on the s@me line of square dealing. Our Kingston business 18 {claimed its vietim. She leaves five] jes and Research. Dobbs, Albert street, corner Earl street. fedl Bt., Kingston, growing and going on to what promises to he evan Jarger than our Belleville | 9 ' wr, als i ; business, which is. also growing. Why should it not s 80, on not Kingston a sons and. on uughier, 3 SS twol By VISCOUNT DE FRONSAC. ; o sisters to 0 | . i A ------------------ | Price, 50c, LEARN THE BARBER TRADE, 'NEW brothers and C the loss of a loving mother, sister i oo 1 a it § Whi : system, constant practice, careful in- Address British ig, Kingston. Eruction, few weeks compete course, and friend. The funeral was held at the homestead and the remains were mmp-- tools free. Graduates earn twelve to buried in the family lot in Parham by Jagger and greater City 7 Is not an absolute,y fair store always a desirable ad- dition tg any city. This store shall always look ont first for the best interests of the customer This wae believe to be the best safeguard of our. o%n interest, Here are a few of the many bargains we olter this hee $1.00 Handsome Celery Dishes eighteen dollars weekly. Write for catalogue. Moler Barber Callege, Queen and Spadina, Toronto. k $1.00 Prettily Pecorated Cheese Dishes, A | the side of her husband. Albert Brown | | Sel 1 techies ; She. "Caflan Boks: \ and son Charle have returned hom 1. ot) 3 oe his : as appear Lo Sc. Caffe 3 ia . ' {he rather geared & year; none bave 0c. and 6bc. Marmalade Jars | from New Ontario. By Ea . ae ! 3 BN ab: Pale Blue and Gold Open Sugar and Créam. J 8s | eri | heen. secured as yet for thi school. TEACHERS WANTED: : 65¢. Blue, Gold and White Rose Bowls, D rab adv | : : don eath Of Venerable Lady. : 3 - oh At this season of .the year gll govd hotsewives turn their "attention to eon- | do) A | A Decided Success. QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR PORTS- SPARK SEN Sl ning and preserving fruits, etc. We take the opportunity of Jeminding our cus Desert Lake, Ang. 1 John A.} 4 in Grove Ang. 1e=The Jaw mouth Separate School, holding se SPARKS | AND. BPARKS, INTIS sg tomers that we are prepared to supply all kinds of {Tin and* Fnamelled Ware, "| Snook, Toronto, 1s visiting friends ountain Grove, Aug, Jo.og] 1 WR cond-class certificate. Apply, stating 2304 Princess St. Kingston. "Phone ote.. Those. who. are particdlar te compare , our goods Sand prices with other {hee Mrs Page und her sister, injur- |5O¢ ial and ladies' tea at the parson. salary and qualifications to Ri Cor- B46. 2 x stores" will} uphesitatingly puy here, for we are prépared to' prove conclusively tod recet tly a able 1c be around tage, on Monday evening, August 2nd, hv. Secrel aly, Johnson street, , ~ == : pV vo 2 : 3 d i Jerings o obli- » ently, are 1 y ¢ | 5 " hy, as . before J st 25th. 3 i SVE Sl a Take, OR ao rail and ghgguing our ofterings. No obli- fed rectlTTo QE AP espected resi: [WAX @ 46 ided" success. The buseball ee OR. 0. 0; NASH, DENTIST; DR. 3.| 8 hp. a : ' game played in the afternoon, between 3. Gibson, assistant, 188 Princess hour. W pia ) »ii ' - Sea. Our Wood Tin and Enamelled Ware Display. dent passed ry 0 he Sth, in tl 5 C . : » passed away, on the th, in 1e s ¥ . ; - a 2 person of Mrs, Timmerman. She was | Arden and Mountain Grove, was wit- WANTED--GENERAL. ~ street. "Phone; 780. ' § h 4 9 death., She wis a resident of this | Places, who went, to_ the paksonage for [HE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNIS DR. W. R. GLOVER, DENTIST, D.D.C. Saati : E { place for over fifty vears, and aged { tea, and afterwards spent an enjoy- Stimttes on slectric work. Al tind Cortiicats, cilia Jupund floor, Earner " hy F ] bid yy ; ah Vobile evening 4s a AY . tae of work prompt one. F. J. rch, ng "und Johnson -Bts. opposité St. - Woibds", Fair Old Sted. Hall er, PERCY JESSE. [ninety-sax years, She leaves a lar able evening playing games, etc. Miss Soctricidn. 206 Wellington street. Reoanes Cathedral. "Phone, 911, | . {passed her cutrante to = normal | 1 3 "Ww, a . -- = | family of children and grandchildrer | Bessie Price leit, on Puesday, - for soa Sid 3 | Her funeral was largely attended, Rev, | Kingston, where she has wocured aj To RENT, MODERATE SIZED, FUR- tek i$: , 3 Mr. Flatte conducting the services, JJ ae : a bid. Abrams is home from the hospital, juay, oN Maberly, Where he hos Be seven months, beginning Oct. 1st, by Wo oy {and is all right genin. Mr. and Mrs, cured the 'position of "section: foreman. married couple (no children.) Apply ¥ ? i 5 He tole 1S iy 57 G * #44 We |. Orser have ' gone to Collins Bay. | run Violet Loyst is visiting at fier to P.O. Box 576, Napanee, Ont. ROBERT GARSIDE ASHCROFT, 'DO ») ! i i ! flarry 'Téwis' left, on Sun- pished house, modern. improvements, OSTEOPATHY. situation, in vicinity of Queen's University, for EER . | i E tmother™s, ; Mrs. © Wilh Lo¥sty 2d arle Asheroft, D.O - - i Miss S00 Baheock ave visi name vil MIS, am ysis a Hai > va . TENDERS | Mr. anal iv 50 hock em awit | Mrs. «Reyriolds and methar, Mut, MI a the Amerifar- School wy BE | t+. Bubeock s; Miss Lucy. Wison, Fo ar visitichir 607 William Mallpe's; GENTLEMEN TO BRING This Gsteapathy Kirksyille, Misgourl wa | Miss Alma Snook, at 0, Saook's. Yeo- HE 2 2 iW iam Julier ®; | gloth snd have it made up: into up- Princess street. 'Phone, or cutting their grain and | the Misses Redmond and Cowdy, Har: to-date suits. Price and workman- hours, '9 to 13 ma. 2% 6 y | rowsmith, are * visiting their grand- #bip guaranteed to pleass, Pressi . Outside treatments by appoinumenty and repairing done on the short are fookifg for 1s FENDERS addressed to the undersigr at Ottawa, in sealed envelopes, und ple here are gharked | on the envelopes "Tender for a gay it is'a fair crop. Our teachers . | | parents, Me. and. Mis. S:. Cowdy. | Rew nteel steamer for the Quaranting i), i aeain and school has commen awh notice. Thomas Gall A 131 Brock Yedigle ad eg Mrs. Jf. R. Méore, also Mrs. William Bt. Bex Bibby'n Livery. ne HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS! will be received up to noven of i: 4 3 {for the balance of the year re are | Qoal 1a good coal and We guar- serv ice,' antée prompt delivery. Phone, 188 the { Miller, are on thé gick list. Recent A | - THIRTEETIL DAY OF SEPTEM- | A Close, Call. | visitors + D. Cox and the Misses Mag- | oy « J aie ¢ Mabel Cox T. + 8 's BER, 1909. Latimer, | Aug. 13.--Harvesting fil ie wind Mabel / ox, at T. Johnstons, LOST, HUB HOTEL a Coot : at of 'iit Ne i das MN. Coduan | White: Lake: Mr. and Mra. Arthur Sea, Service or the construction of a steel steamer Lhe order ol ne ay. ochrane | io, | fim: iss Nor: ier. | LARGE OBLONG TOPAZ, WITH for the (salt water) Quarantine Service| has started out with his threshing jo " ah m al} and Miss 1 or To : large smoath. table on top, nicely nd ae pHites: at d. . Mooge #, on dDunday; MDbE. A cut, Saturday afternoon, between K next ; it Halifax, ova Scotia, of the follow-| chine (G. Shepherd's concrete silo | 4 trance i ing leading dimensions, namely : Length, | MM . a : : J Sanderson nd children,, at F Alice St., University Ave. and Gen' 1 ' ¢ g ' ng, namely: 5p oben y tome ng he , \ { . / Bt. 1b Sit) ey Gibson's Dru tore. on. Haag XL, i a Buliches: eat - fom! He T it : , ko ti j Cox's: Arthur Crozier, Portsmonth, is eral Hospital. Finder Kindly return Prop: . » re : . 19 ot; dey . ect; | cnuse ¥ ecame known £ \ . 3 y je 1 I caused when 1 yecan 10WY nt] ewing dequaintances hers and also to Mrs, 1. B. Murray, Alice St., and . RESTAURANT NOW A Ta Carte, a ooth & CO. OCT WEST STREET. receive reward. mel y to B6 delivered at Halifax, in the Pro-|Michael Wel 4ld had Ff fr f ] . | Michae Do fallen from a A 3 i i SONALS vince of Nova Scotia. {Yhchas ontid hac Vk, at Arden: Mass Evalena Price, ill for a y Plahs and specifications of 'this steam- seafiold, a distance of twenty-six fot | w days, 8 Amprovingy ' PER N - hi : : er may be procured upon application to 'W hile working on Mr. Shepherd a silo, | : Y ARCHITECTS, Y 4 y : * the Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, but gladness reigned when the word | CQushendal ; : f " H pe gE. up to the eleventh of September, 1909: {came that "Mike" had escaped with | : ashe! 1 Notes. ARTHUR BELLIS AROHITEOT, arts, oved ¢ Tende: v a ceive p : : anved a a m , AS, a : (Non-Alcoholic) h Tondors will be_ teeived only | from only a few bruises. His escape was] Cushendall, "Aug: 13i+:0n Thursday office and residence, 151 University Elme 0 ne ae, ship g shipyards. oo Coonlous. J Taylor is preparing evening Joyceville football team play- Ave. 4 led against Pine Grove. The former Ji 12d¢h 'tehder must be accompi y ? 8 panied by! . . LEMON SYRUP, \ an Wo tcepted bank cheque equal ta ten 10 build a kitchen and wood-house. | ™ : P; SMITH, AROHITEOT per cent. of the whole amount of the Miss Emily Hughson has returned | Succeeded in defenting the-latter by'a Anchor Building, Market LIME JUICE, tender, which clieque will be forfeited if from a few days' vigit at Opinicc n. | small score. On Wednesday evening 'Phone, 845. RASPBERRY V EGAR Line ihdigidust {ors company, siding Miss Fanny Follick, city, daughter of {Db James' church held -a. social at . . INE . the Department or fails to complete the the Inte Rev. Joseph Follick, has re { Hamilton's roy whigh was fairly : NEWLANDS a AROCHI. steamer. Lturned to the city after a week's vis {well attended. ] W. H. Franklin is Sit Yilies, Bagot street. ; i | 3 fas yin W 608; theory. Pupils D O R The Department does not bind itself to [if with Miss Emma Edwards. On Sun-| visting her father Mr, Jackson, in Conservatory . ¢ P ' potot the lowest or any io |day Miss Follick ghve a very pleas | tananoque. Eriest: Burns, visiting at | POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER- by letter to Newspapers copying this ac vertisement '5 5 <i1o "Life's Railway," in o 1]. 'Martin's, has returned home to chant's Bank Building, cerher Brock terms. Will Dealer In Pure Food Groceries. | [Without ~aithosity from the Department | t= : add uk : oa Loe | and Wellington streets. "Ph 213 Sept. 1st y : + l'will not be paid. church. Heartiest congratulations tol rock lle; Miss Lizzie: Martin is vis h TRAN, £7 Ld . Phone, 70a. 341-8 Princess. St. . A. L. JARVIS, Miss May avlor who successfull liting her brother, A. Martin, Brock 3 | ° A V | xt - ¥ 4 ee -- Acting Deputy Minister of Agriculture, | mm ------ a 'et roe {ville. Miss Maude _ Audette and Miss Ottiwa, Canada, 4th August, 1909. { «tls 9 | Margaret Bennett have returned home | 0 d 0 Bot Burden {after visiting Miss Anpa Gardon: Our . SALEALLL40488808844044 | gk » popular school teacher, iss Annie New i » i 2 | Untold Swufferings From Bilinus- | Ryder will commenge hex, duties ba A Ca e 2 E12 | ress, Headaches and In- Monday. Miss Anna Lordon has gone . { : : I'to- Kingston to spend a- week. Visi 5s " { digestion. tors : Dr. D. Robk f is si 2 i Golden Restaurant Synopsis of Canadian North-West|Cyred By Dr. Hamilton's Pills Es Dts cs ; on R 4 : OPEN ON SATURDAY AT ANY Be le head ao To produce such striking evidence Mise Notion . 4 1 po : " ' : c= hard, righ i ) | « ds £ PRCE, «Al Me ( \ oh ; 8: gr " 4 family, or any male over 18 years old, | such satisfying proof as Mrs. E. B.| Master Robert GG a fon i Sensic 4 ) here Ba suving¥ 4 4 3 « ---- ---- ¥ + ¥ i - vatiable Dominion Alina in Jlanitobh, h id \ be CH i i Sverything 'mew and up-to-date, Saskatchewan or berta. The apph-|self evident that mn br. amilton's | returned home alter, isitin, her Prompt service, first-class meals. Saxe miley' appear fu Person, at the Do- | Pills every suffering man and woman daughter. Me wh Saaihe ae LEE SING Pro the district. Beiry Ty proxy Bay he | ja offered % real cure for all stomaghificld. Miss Lillian Robinson iis spends i 3 t. any. agency, on certain condi-| al ents. From her home at Oak ling a few days i ¥ 3 Ae ' Pe. made a n ] A ing a few days in Kingston. Messrs. $ » tos. By Taine. biter, man, Huugh Point, Mrs. Dupont writes a vivid and | W. Franklin a acd J Me eho dian cn A dh ah i pukka , ; |W. Fre e.g: Co J. . PPP TIPIIIIPIIIIIIIIIIY stander. i 8.2 touching account of her four yedrs of | Carey, at al Gordon's; Mr. and Mrs Dutiesi==S{x months' ' residence * upon torture with biliousness and indiges- |]. Duffie gE WW. erty'; #0. How- snd 'cultivation of the land in each of | tion. how: Mott Clas 4a Tat G enlee's: three. yedrs: A homesteader may lve| (My trouble was first manifested, Mi nm oT Oh Bit onkhich, 'at within nine miles of his homestead oh a | "4 t * anifested | Miss Birdie add Christie English, 'at {arm of at least BO acres solely owned | with blinding headaches and feeling '(G, Wood ¢® . As halt Roofing nd_accupled b ; him or by his dather, | of dizeiness and fullness in the head | TE . P rh iors SOT ghter, Bpother of pe Such dreadful turns of giddiness came | Honey Bath ockville, was takan in certain districts a homesteader ip | Over me that at times I reeled and] jniowcnstody a Bey # dake #eood standing may pre-empt a quarter- | staggered. These attacks were ac intensity ---- ol ig = G 1 d section alongside his homestead. Price, | ie i 1 i i rave an on ogre. DutissoBIust Price. | companied with violent pains in the [ {need to a term in penitentiary some > » *® » 183 Welli 3 may homestead arter-secti t | . y . 2d 4 83 ellington St. * Stead a guarter-section 0 { Dupont gives in her letter, makes it|Gordon, at J: Duffie's. Miss Ward has : [ TT » : y 3 ; store. & Fhe marriage of "Mite Grace Milliea Macdonald, ham est daughter of M:-. { liver, bowels and kidneys no remedy and Mrs. ok K. Macdonald, Cotnwall, i to RH. Tin WB Nort Ray," took jix months in each of six years fram stomach and distension of the liver, } oe avo for 'witempriug So 'harn St. homestead. right and cannot obtain a weight and got sleepless. When s . i is Sy & ae : : eap wn sol pagelefact and poison fly pipers are | despaired of getting well, 1 read of 4 » ami 4 rot law a oc : \cros. and erect a house worth $300.00 | fully cured by Dr. Hamilton's Till, | James Hamilton dial on Fri- we make our great boast. Qur pillscureit while Hetclveds that she Losal * Barrack St., Kingston] ° : | 1 j rw Deputy' of the Minister of the Interior, | delight the first box of bie. Hamilton's : § vi Lo Johe's church, Brockville, and +44 PEEP EPH ER ER 4 rr a {ach and liver paing passed away i . : woman who lel" ar wedel hile. Antiseptic Barber Sho {wag A new woman, cured, happy, well P {and strong. Head of Queen' Street. ~onage solicited. ¥ a Ee "1 ot of g Shorthand, Typewriting, Books. 336 King Si 23 | ean boast of the number of sue ay, o Next door to Wade's Drug Store. ful eures accomplished by Dr. 1s {place at tho home of the bride's pa- tate of homestead 'entr: includ he | Spots flitted before ves, "ne } ds Nk + es y 'tincluding the | Spo itted before my eyes, and: tol jpaeic- Xavier: church Hig dotions of pre-emption wmys take a purchased home low spirited and des lent t i p and esponden that | sold at: Gilson "wie Reyl Erpss 3 wlrug 3 i lay Ars fini iE ; RBonrd: : n day Afr fipmi comged] aplifety-faar years. others do not. Health in the exercise of t pawers vested the Public Ant ly -- NH; ~--Unauthorized. publication of this | Pills gave me relief. 1 : FER bY | t " was a member of Christ ghurch, Lan. {improved steadily and when five boxes Increasa Your Efficiency + 3: + Hair Dressing and Shaving Parlor | To regulate the system, to pievent | T 1 Oanada's Leading Business School 3 keeping, Telegraphy. Special in + + igh -- | ilton's Pills: 25c. per hox, or rent 'in Corie og ™ . + + + * Lebo bbb eos time required to earn homestead patent ink ating made » miserable { Sand Surfaced wd cultivate fifty acres extra. ¥ 3 | ink of Sating ide ns miserable, I ato ave such as. lo suggest that . his A homesteader "who has exhausted his | was unable to digest my food, lost { mine i unbalanced. : stead 4a certain. districts. Price $3.00 | per acre. Duties--Must reside six months | store ? oI » > a S ' n each of three years, éultivate fifty how Mrs. Holton had been so whnder Mes. 5 the bane of #0 many lived that here is where rN , tand got five boxes at once. Ie r ra als. an Ww. Ww. OORY, PMY CLs was ThE oldest oniminicant of Little : and | ed in it under * advertisement will not be paid for: | gleep and enjoy my meal stom y 3 a ? She leaves no childrens" She wad a M. P. KEYS * lof Dr. Hamilton's Pills were used Hy caweet Eafetab ia br Shildren, . os fe. bottle at Gibson's Réd Cross drug Xingston Business College, Limited 5 Three Chair. Quick Service. Your pat | and cure all disorders of whe stonach Day and Evening Olasses dividual {sstructien. for paptis : ; we. : pe ¢ When ordering our Cdoked Meats tor | boxes for $1.00. Beware of substi-] 'Fresh ¢Callard and deficient in. Eoglish bran don't fail to have | The and imitation. By mail from Bowe yk de. Sad in King Rates moderate. Enter at ny : time, Phone: ity H. ¥a MET. Lunch oF picnics, 4 % . some The: Calats ; \ . : . oo ft AL ncipal 4 Se ety to choose from. "Phone, 550. The - Catarrhozone, Company, kjng- ston at Gibson's Red Uross drag ston, Ont. | store. . of our 'Pickles or Relishes, We have SEERA EJ. MYERS, 00 Brock street. +4

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