PERIL IW WOOD MIP. JOURNAL OF COMMERCE Special to the Whig. SEES DANGER. A Commercial Oonflict With Can- ada, it Declares, Would Be the Greatest Foolishness in the' World--Sad Ending to Re- ciprocity Campaign. , York, Aug. 16.4 Petil 'nn woo | This is the dignificant head- rik an editorial article in the A of Commerce. The retalia- tory duty on wood pulp, the article arelares, is wimed directly. and viously at certain provinces of Can- ada. Ontario prohibits exportation ' uf pulpwood and Quebec imposes a tax upon that cut on crown lands, with a rebate when it 18 ground into pulp in Canada. As pulpwood an wood pulp and printing paper are im- ported into this eountry only from Ny I u LANDING PRIZES. The Men of "A" Battery Got on Top Petawawa Military Camp, Ont, Auge 16.--It has not been quite defin- itelys decided yet whether the Bad- deck" No. 2, in voprse of construction at Baddeck, N.S., will be brought here, or the present aerodrome, Bad- deck No.l, wepaired. The latter is the Jnore 'proba however, as there is "hot" a "grea deal' of repairing to be 'done. Friday's accident means more delay (ag an indication that the en- gine, of the drome will have to be iced further forward) than any | reat Tow, | For the first time in two weeks Mr. Ob) McC urdy was not in camp Syesterd: ay, but is expected back to-day. "Casey Baldwin i expected over from Fort William {a mer. resort near here) j to-day, and preparations will go ahead! for angther flight. Tt is unlikely that the mi department officials will be asked lip lieve for at least a week yet. Sixty mew of the 2nd and 23rd field Canada, this is likely to apply to 10 |} ttafing of Ottawa, returned home, olher country, and as the restriction upon their export is undoubtedly in- tended to affect only that coming in- to thns country tlés may be regar ed | as 'undue diserimination." Other- wise there would seem to be no meéan- ins or effect im these proviscs. It is already intimated in Canada that the retaliatory duty on wood! puip way lead to the prohibition of its export altogether from that coun- trv in apder to build up the paper in- dustry there, and if there-is undue Saturday. A big programme oi sports was held {Saturday afternoon, the men of "A" battery, Kingston, landing a good, many of the prizes. (Fewrovyisi any S CABLE, Sir Bdward Morris Tells of Un- . natified Contract. London, Aug. 16.--Sir Edward Morris, premier of Newfoundland, who digoriirination in the pulpwood, wood | at present is in London to attend the paper charges, it would ths country or the province distinctly under the called maximum and minimum ticn of the new tarifi. Unless president proclaimed that there no such undue discrimination the ad- ditional twenty-five per cent ad va- | lorem duty would 'have to be impo; upon all imports from Canada J jrovinces having the discriminating | charges. Then there Would be serious peril to our trade relations with Can- nda, which would be the greatest foolishness in the world. In fact, there is serious peril to trade in any policy of retaliation in tariffs. 1s this what the reciprocity advocated by McKinley is coming to under Taft ? pulpy, Fring concerned or S50 sec the | ------------------ | STOCK QUOTATIONS. i Cobalt and Leading Stog¢ks Listed. | I'he following quotations are sup- plied by the City Prokerage (J. 0. | | ! Canadian | Mutton and J. R. C. Dobbs), 41 Clar- ence street, Telephone 480 A : was | "able mésss ages passing over the {yearly { land for imperial defence conference, was ques- tioned regarding the complaints of a breach of faith made by the Commer- (cial Cable company against the New- 'foundland government. He said: 'What the present government does not feel it is justified in doing is to ask the legislature to ratify a portion of " the comt¥abt giving a new conces sion to the cable company whereby it would obtain a monopoly for twenty- five veard of the transmission of all New- foundland land, lines and freedom from taxation. This would be unfair and prejudicial to the Anglo-American | company, doing business on the same St. John's gnd which taxes to the amount of Premier Morris will leave Néw York, August 21st. strect in pays 320,- 00." A WOMAN IN WHITE Haunting Grounds of Presidént Taft's Residence. Beverly, Mass. Aug. 16.--The tery of the 'Woman in White" mys- wha (has been haunting the. grounds of the Cobalt Stocks. August 16th. Sellers. Buyers, git 373 Amalgamated Beaver Baillie Cobalt a (Chambers-Fe land . Cobalt Central . Cobalt: Lake ..... oi ve Crown Reserve Gifford Foster Green Meehan La Rose Little Nipissing MeKin. Dar. Savage Nipissing... Nova Scotia... Otisse Pet@son Lake Rochester Silver Leal . Silver Queen Temiskaming Trethewey Watts 2.1 | { thouse, DROWNED IN TRENT RIVER. Off Cribwork of Dam While Fishing. Hastings, Ont., Aug. 16. --John Mur- ray, the ten-year-old son of Mrs. J. Murray, of this town, was drowned inthe Trent here Saturday morning. He was fishing alone, off the ecrib- work of the dam, and must have slip- ped in. He had sunk before help could arrive. The body was recover- od about hali an hour after, but all offorts to restore life were unsuccess- ful. Boy Fell i { Thursday night the marriage oe- in Brockville of Miss Rose Darling, daughter of Sanford Darling, Lym, and James Curran, Morristown. Tho young couple were unattended. Fresh beef iron and wine at Gib- son's Red Cross drug store, 50c. a bottle there; Cheese sales : London, Canton, 1,800 at Mie, Quei, 1,000 at 11 5-16e. Toronto: 8 alinne havd ' provincial charter for a club. 88. Yolla and SS, Cervona, Father Point. On cursed | 340 at lic St. Hyacinthe, ! a | inward, received at "Nerviline" Cures Rheumatism And Here is the Prooi--A Solemn Statement From a Four-years' i Cripple, Who Says 'Nerviline" Did It. "If I had lived through my suffer- another year it would have been ' This is the opening sent- once of the declaration made by Fecles Squires, member of one of tae best known families for twenty miles round Sydney. "My hands were drawn ont of shape, even my fingers were gnarled = and crooked--my lameness, stifiness and inability to get about all d the havoc Rheumatism my health. The blessing of it all is that 1 have heard of Ner- viline, and now 1am able to tell and ad- nga a miracle. showed made with CURED § 1-2 YEARS may get well, My system was weakened that I had to build up with a good tonic, I took Ferrozone at meals. But never stopped rubbing on Nerviline--it had a magic influence on my stiff, painful joints, and bottle after bottle was rubbed on the pain- ful parts. Nerviline cured me. I am well to-day--have been well for four and one-half years." You also can eure rheumatism, lum- hago, sciatica, neuralgia or any pain stiffness in the muscles or joints-- to do so use Nerviline. Don't Jet vour druggist substitute. Get Ner- viline only; large bottles, 25¢., or five vise others how they | too. 20 £0 or jan i Constables Campagne lon a charge leity housé, President Taft's rem dens, Wilk. solved. when it was learn- ed that 'she is Mrs. Harry Schmick, who "is "ses a pardon for her husband, a {omer hank teler, who is undergoing Amptisonme nt in the fede- ral penitentiary, at Fort Leavenworth, Lan. Mrs.' 'Sohmick made several cfforts to. see President Taft and aroused the suspicions. 2 Lol the secret service men hy "her "aqetions. At first she reinsed to give any information about her- soli, but. to-day she changed ker pol wy of silence. * HAMILTON Fvans - N ARRESTED i ------------ y | For Taking Young Girl to His Disorderly House. Hamilton," Aug. 16.--Ralph Rufus, Italian of 198 Princess street, who was arrestéd in company with two Barnardo heme girls, last night, by and Cameron, of keeping a disorderly was remanded for eight days and bailed out in the sum of $150. One of the girls, the younger, is in the hospital,, and the other in jail. The police may charge the foreigner with procuring the girls for immoral purposes, as the younger girl claimed she was kept prisoner under lock and key. LUCANIA OY FIRE. Much Damage Forward of the Funnels. Aug: 16.--~The Cunard line¥ Lucania caught fire, Saturdav night, while lying in the Huskisson dock, here, ~with only a portion of her crew aboard, and sank in thirty feet of water. The fire raged for fifteen hours, during which time practically {all of 'the interior, forward of the { funnels; was; destroyed. The origen of {the five is pown. By the aid of {tugs sand pumps the Lucania was re: floated last night and will be towed to Glasgow and placed in dry dock for repairs. Liverpool, ld x THE FINAL MEETING. Of the Intperial Defence Conference © fas London London, Aug. 16.--The final meeting of the incperial "defence conference will be held $hwsday to receive the re port of the military sub-committee and the "results of the various con- ferences between' representatives of the {overseas dominions and the admiral tv. The naval conferences with Aus- tralia and New Zealand are com- pletea, but some technical details 'as regards Canada remain, referring chiei- I¢ to local Canadian naval disposition services, CAMP AND WIVES TAKEN. Formidable Moorish Rebel Escaped io Mountains. Fez, Moroaro, 'Aug. 16.--The army of Roghi, the formidable rebel subject of the Sultan of Morocco, has been de- fated by the imperial troops, who capturcd his camp and his wives, Roghi himseli cscaped {0 the moun- tains. Many of hiswfollowers are re- posted killed or wounded. Did Not Return To Work. Fort William, Aug. 16.--In spite of the decision of the mass meeting of striking dockers, hold vesterday after- hoon, to return to work, torday, omiy a few of the men offered themselves when the sheds wore opened, this morning. The strikers, in explanation, claim they misunderstood the condi- th vesterday. They say they hough thoy wero going hack to work at a raise of from 17ic. an hour to 22¢. an hour, Ww George Tomlinson was found dead Trunk tracks at for $1; sold everywhere, beside the Grand Oakvilleg \ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, CRUSHED Rl DEATH... A DECKHAND ON THE! The clothing workers' strike is A BLACK HAND OUTRAGE ; 1+ STEAMER DUNDURN Pier--~The Steamer Aletha Near Belleville. Cardinal, Oni., Aug. 16.--While steamer Dundurny was taking the lift lock, here, last night, one of deck hands, named Belding, of John, N.B., ell overboard and wushed to death between the ands pier, ilton, Ont, St was vessel The Aletha Abronad. Belleville, Ont., Aug. 16.--~The vteam- er, Aletha, 'which ram aground on Cow Island, near this city, Sunday worn ing, is still hard and fast, She brought. in a large excursion party, Saturday night, and them took on fzcight for Kingston and while going down the hay ran hard and fast on Cow Island. Efiorte were made, yes terday, to gol the vessel off, but with- out success, It is niended to lighien hor this afternoon and the steamer Brockville and a tag will {ty te get her off. It is not thought the vessel i® injured. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's. "Phone 778. Juy fly paper at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, Tanglefoot and poi- son pads are sold there. H. Cunningham, piano tuner Chickering's. Leave orders at Auley's Book Store. Powdered amonia four packages ¢ Sold at Prouse's drug store, corner Princess and Clergy streets. The bank embeezler, J. A. G. Andor- son, of Toronto, has reached the peni- tentiary to spend three years. Loose leaf and all other kinds binding done at Whig office. tomers tell us that our prices vrv moderate, "Butterscotch" Callard and Bowser make. Fresh on Saturday at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. The chicken thieves are again busy. On Saturday evening a Division street resident lost five fine fowl, and unto the thief if his name is found | out. An American sailing yacht passed through here this morning on her way to the river regatta. A large num- ber of boats are expected down for the races from many clubs. "The genuine' Murray & man's Florida water in 25¢. and bottles at Gibson's Red Cross store. The choir boys of St. thedral will be treated to their an- nual picnic on Tuesday. They will go to Kingston Mills in the morning and have dinner; tea and sports there. "They build you , up in strength." The genuine Blaud's Iron Tonic Pills sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. The steamer Kingston will not have to: lie up "to have repairs made as they will be made hy cagpenters in Toronto and, while the boat is run- ning. Frooman : © The Kingston locomeo- tive works: have reccived a new con: tract to build tweniy-five locomotives for the G.T.R. This will keep the large staff of workmen for the | next few months. Peerless Hair™ Restorer prevents baldness, cures dandruff and promotes hair growth--50c. bottle at Prouse's drng store, successor to Medley's. During the severe wind storm on Sunday afternoon part of the water | spout on the city buildings down and made quite a clatter, was picked up by a passerby thrown off the street. Saturday night's storm foreed Harrison's launch agaimet a wharf at Bath and spikes, in a log, below the water, pierced tho launch. She filled rapidly amd sank. To-day she was raisexl and will be repaired. The Unemployed Baseball team out with a challenge to any of teams of the commercial league. Posties are preferred for the victims, and "Joe" Hunter' says his team can put it over the 'etter car- riers. At 12:36 o'clock on Sunday men vere called to the office of 1. l.. Whiting. The men from both sta- tions were quic kly on the scene where fire had broken out on the roof, due to a spark from a nearby chimney Only slight damage was done. "The Harmless Headache Powder" the perfect headache powdér. four powders for 10c. nt Gibson's Red Cross drug store. A barber and some friends left the city on Saturday afternoon to spend Sunday, at Barker's Point. They were caught in the storm and Sunday night had anything but a pleasant experi- ence. e harber was forced to stand up all night and hold the pole in place. Nine local gasoline experts went out for a pleasure trip one day last week with very bad results. The men are all mechanics who understand the siaall engines completely, that is, in some one else's boat. When near Ga- nanoque. their own engine went wrong and the mime could not fix it so they had to be towed into Gananoque and came home by train. from | Mc Cus- | are Lau- ble, drug George's ca- busy It and CO is FIRED BY AN INCENDIARY. Burning of S.S. Lucania Was Not Accidental. Liverpool, Aug. 16.--Detectives to. day after a thorough investigation of the fire in the Cunard Liner Lucania, are convinced the ship was fired hy an incendiary. They found there were four separate blazes aboard the Lu cania in different parts of the and at intervals of a half hour. of the minor employees of the ship, discharged after ing sought by the police, who say were discovered. A meoting of the Preshytery" of Brockville was held in Chesterville, or Friday last, for the purpose of induet- ing Rev. 8. A. Woods into the pas- torate of the Chesterville Proshyteviay elgurch. He Fell Between the Vessel and chopped dow is Hard Aground on Cow Island the the One brother resides in Ham- of | woe | blew | the | the fire- . [oaaiting ship | One | to the she docked here is be- they have ev idence that he was aboard IMP. the ship a short time before the flames | treasury, _ MONDAY, Ade 16, 1909. prom oF TE NEWS, Very Latest est Oulled From An Over The World. in Montreal, after a' month's duration, | Advanced rage of wages given, AT LOCKPORT, N.Y. Over 125 oung fruit trees were Black Hand men at | | Lockport, N.Y. to Italian Ho telkeeper Victor Miville,\ an "eleven-year-oid | boy, was drown at. the foot of | Woodbine avenue, Torento. R. G. H. Evans, debountant of Bank of Montreal, Eglinton, drowned at Centre Island. The' United States paval construc- tion programme may he aliored to in- clude two mighty Watships of 30,000 a displacement each.' ' f present da do not miscarry the Saratoga, track will the scene of ® "of races in (Been Threatened, Lockport, NX Y., Aug. N. 16. Over 125 Lthree-vedr-old fruit trees in Joseph the | was | Sumlag, night, supposedly by a mem- of the oslo] Black Hand. Fom ows fhe in the orchard, it is be | Heved that one man did the job. Horundo, who is a wealthy Italian ihotel-keeépee at Hitching's Bridge, in hot the. Western part of the city, has had 'much' trouble with Black Hand men. air next opm ~ Un August Tth last he received nu let James Wollington, Now Wellington |, demanding 85.000. On April 5th house, Port Dalhousie, was fina $50 [1st he received a similar letter, de- and costs for selling tiquor to an! jmanding $3,000. He paid no attention Indian heer picker [to it, and a few nights later a bullet John Smith, colored, arrested on a, | whistled into his room. charge of theft from jewelry stores, | Last October, following a demand was sent io the Central prison for | jor several thotsaud dollars, a decoy twenty - "these. months. {package was placed in the appointed The rainfall at Winnipeg in the great «pot, and Vineco Callbano, who came storm of Friday, according to the gov- | after the money, was shot by the po- ernment station, was an inch and fice, He recovered and" is now serv. three-quarters. It. all fell in two ing a prison, sentence. hours, | mmm mba Charles B. Gordon, president of the |- BASEBALL RECORDS Dominion Textile company, Montreal, | -- 3 | has been elected a director of the Mol "| The Games 'sons' bank. He, succeeds the late C. Melntyre, Leroy Steward, superintendent city delivery of mail in the Chicago post office, becomes chief of police to succeed George M. Shippy, resigned. He is aged 45 years. Men are under arrest at Ilion, N.Y, Auburn, N.Y,, and Cortland, N.Y., all acewied of know ledge of the Rochester, |N. Y:, murder. Their movements are {being enquired into. It generally believed that the " {president of the new cement merger will be Sir Sandiord Fleming, Ottawa, while the vice-president may be Sena- | tor Edwards, of Rockland. Jamies Dent, Montreal, who, a year ago, jumped overboard from an ocean steamer in the St. Lawrence, a sup- posed suicide, but ho later turned up alive in London, is back in Montreal. Nearly the tire Cretan army has joined the mutineers on aecount of the efforts of the commapders of the fort to lower the Greek flag in com- pliance with the demand of the pow- ers, | Cecil Guy Morrison, who had gained {notorinty as a boy informer, given a stiff jolt in the Ottawa police lcourt, on, Monday morming. Sever al | | times. he has heen arrested on charges | of drunkenness, and was fined $10 or six months, At Orange, Tex., E. H. Rice, and his Mrs. Al. Smith, fought with revolvers, as the re Rice is alive the body, and | MN.Xi Played on Saturday | and Sunday. yi National League-- New York, 5: Chi- cago, 2. Philadelphia, 2; Pittsburg, 1 i Cincinnati, ) i¢ } | St. Louis, Boston, American land; x | 12, i | | | Brooklyn, League--Boston, 3: Cleve- I. Philadelphia, 2; St. Louis, 1 innings). Chicago,' 7; New York, Detroit, 3; Washington, 3. Eastern League--Baltimore, 7 To- 6-4. Rochester, - Ix vv idence, Newark, 1; Ruffalo, City, jronto, 2. is 2-5. 5; Jersey Sunday Games. League--Chicago, 9; Cincinnati, 7-3; Boston, 2 9-2. St. Louis, 2-6. League--Detroit, National York, 0 Brooklyn, American cago, |. Eastern League--Jersey City, falo, 3. Providence, 6; Newark, 1; Montreal, ( i N; I 4; Roches ter, 5. League Standings. National League--Pittshurg, .709 per cent.; Chicago, 660; New York, .616; Cincinnati, 515; Philadelphia, .461: St, Louis, 420; Brooklyn, 363; Ben- ton, 2K}. Américan League--Detroit, cent.; Philadelphia' 613; iC loveMid 495; Chicago, 1 York, Louis, 4: was G13 Boston, 596; 181; New ; Washing: per | | tern League--Rochester, 547 cent; . Providence, 53%: Newark, Bufialo, 500: "Toronto, .485: City, A76: 458; AEA ind. | sister-in-law, {in the street, [sult of domestic troubles. with three bullets in | the woman is in jail. Deline Vecco, No. 105 West Twenty- | ninth street, New York, was shot and t killed, on Monday, in trying to pre: [vent the theft of all her money and her bank book, containing a balance lof $11,000, by a formér lover. A new trust company, to be known | jas the Canadian ortgage Associa- | tion, has been formed, and will com- mence business this fall. The new cor: | Boo will have a capital of %3.- 000,000 and its headquarters will be {at Winnipeg. | At Binghamton, N.Y, | kins, the police and most of thé de- {puty sheriffs and police officials are { looking for Michael Angelo, an Italian twenty-five or thirty years of age, bi on the charge' of murdering Thomas A. Lee and shooting Frank | Powers, | At Cleveland, curred, on Monday (Wirick Storage company. 'wall was blown across the street, let- | ting the roof and floors fall in, bury- ing the establishment under clouds of {dust and debris. Several persons are (reported to have been caught in the !ruins. Fire then broke out. per Has; Jersey Baltimore, Montreal, BURNED AND SCUTTLED. Loss of New. Brunswick Vessel at Yokohama. St. John, 'N.B., 'Aug. 16.--A de- |spatch from Yokohama to Troop and Sons, ship owners, hore; tells. of the lose of the British barque Howard '1h. Troop at Yokohama. She caught five and was scuttled. Capt. Durkse, of belioved the officers and crow are safe helieved the officers and erew nee safe. The barque was owned Sons, and others here. four-mastedd steel vessel, of She sailed from New York in March for Yokohama. and was to go thence Portland, Oregon, and the Kingdom. Sherifi Tomp- hy Troop and She was ) to Ohio, an explosion oc- morning, in the The front was mado to blow a bridge over the Haven and Hartford Garrison and Log- York, carly An attempt with dynamite, New York, New reilway tracks at gelt avenues, New Monday morning. Sidney E. Keech, with theft from the B. of Q. RR, for whom he was acting as agent, elec tod (0 be triedh without a jury on Septem- her Gul. on Stoco, charged ARRESTED FOR THEFT. | Young Man is Wanted By Toronto (CHOPPED THEN 0M Over 125 Young - ng Trees Belonging De- stroyed--Owner of Trees Had Horundo's orchard were chopped down al 2,080" tons, | United | up, : $330 Oxon, Bick for $2.50. § 4 'and 4.50 Oxfords; in Black oat, Regular 3 Pat. Colt, for $3.25. Regular $5 Oxfords, in Black ca Tan Cal and Pat. Colt, for $3.95. These are an good, natty lasts. See Our Window. Reid & Ch: FRESH ARRIVALS AT TOVES. Ce Pe Peas, Flume, Gaus : Try Our Late Valencia Oranges. R. H. Toye, 302 oo rs wri SHOES wee wc ou wat, 1 eit SHOE REPAIRING {5% 6.205: filial do work promptly and at less cost than ordinary shoe repairs. You save 15 per cent. in getting your "work done at "The House : Quality." cetrakis mB A. E. Herod, "PHONE, 837. A A A 1 286 PRINCESS STREET. ADAM AND EVE COOKED WITH A WOOD FIRE. No wonder there was trouble in that family. However we are not oe to discuss that quarrel, But we want to say right here that hn would be crosser than a bear with a-sore head # vou had to work all day this warm weather uvér a hot coal fire the way your wile dees. Put a gas range in your kitchen and make home a Jisasant glace. heat for cooking, washing, ironing, ete., but does not inflam t! with waste heat such as coal and wood which must be kept Durning when is no work required. With a gas stove the moment the meals are ready same -moment your expense ceases ~ Call in at the office of the Works on Queen St., and ses about having pipes put in the house. Kingston Light, Heat & Power Department. 0. O. FOLGER, GENERAL MANAGER. lent atmosp! then th we . 3 REAL ESTATE) ~ We want a small store with dwelling attached, be- low University Avenue and Scuth of Princess. Apply at' CITY BROKERAGE J. 0. HUTTON, 18 Market St., "Phone, 703. THE FRONTENAC | LOANAND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863, President--Sir Richard Cart ht. oney issued on City and Farm | pty Municipal and Oounty, 'Deboi rchased. Deposits | tures. Mort, received and allowed. 8. C. MeGiL, Monaging Director, street Wallace & Parks SUCCESSORS TO 0; G.. JOHNSON. i ~ FLORISTS Palms, Ferns and Out Flowers. a sign work a specialty. 'Phones, | Boma : vatories, 285; Shop, 239. Police. At the request of the Toronto lice Constable James Craig, on Sa- | turday, went qut to Kingston Mills jand placed under arrest Arthur Wal- [re arsed twenty-three, and mar- ! ried, He is wanted in Toronto on a charge of theft. He was employed as collector for a firm-here and it is (alleged that he kept $48 of the com- pany ¢ funds for his own use. "The accused is now at the police station the arrival of a detective from the Queen City. The alleged theft 'took place some few weeks ago when Wallace disap- peared from Toronto. It was be- lieved that he came to Kingston and the local police were given a descrip tion of the man wanted. Constable Craig was given the case and suc 'ceeded in tracing the young man . to Kingston Mills, where it was found that he had been worki for about three weeks for Fallon Bros. in the erection of a bridge 'at. Kingston Mills. While there the accused went under the name of Arthur Grim- shaw. He was somewhat surprised when placed under arrest and declar- ed that he had not stolen the money but that he had lost it after making his collection. A detective po arrived irom Toronto, at noon, and left on the 3.19 G.T.R. irain thie afternoon, for that city | with Wallace, and he will be arraigned in police court there on Tuesday morn- mg. Convict Skot. Nowagk, N.J., Aug. 16.--Alier a rderous attack on Matthew Smith land John Bryant, two keepers in ithe {county jail here, Angela Caprio, wait- | ing to bo tried on charge of murder, was shot and instantly killed by John Corby, another keeper, who had come rescue of his comrades. mul 37 i Old-age Pensions In Britain. London, Aug. 16~Mr. Hobhouse, financial secrelary to = the states in a writen roply to la question 'by Mr. Kettle, M.P., that the amount paid for old-age pensions { in the first quarter of tho present fin- 1 | ancial | vear wae approximately $10,.- 230,000. | por discerning grocers. Manufactured by n "Sponges" from 10c. to 85 at Gib- | 'son's Red Cross drag store. "Montserrat" Punch-- A Delicious Cooling Drink Whenever you want something cool to drink, try "Montserrat" Punch. It's made in a minute--no trouble or muss-- and is cheaper than lemonade. Recipe: J pint " MONTSERRAT" 3 pints Water 4 Tablespoonfuls Sugar (or more) Cracked Ice. Of course, be sure that you have "MONTSERRAT" Lime Fruit Juice Canadian X NATIONAL BRC AND CRIMI C0. Cont inte To Cleanse Fabrics Too Delicate To Trust To Soap The dainty blouses, the delicate lace creations, the articles you prize most, should be washed with ASEPTO., ASEPTO is harmless to everything but dirt. which, when dissolved in water, does not burn the hands. Cleans better---and is far more economical --than soap, 5¢. package, at all The ONLY washing com-