Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Aug 1909, p. 8

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- ATHER AND er SHOT DEAD ] 3 ep------ The Junior Yi.CA. boys _setarned, They Are Saying And Doing. [ ; on Saturday night, from their camp g Miss Mildred left on Mon- SHARE IN CHURCH'S ACT [ov faturdsy night, from oa 10 s Mildted Blakely o OF WORSHIP. river, and report having had a fine THE De. Harry Duniop, New York, - is -- time. Physical Instructor Thompson a ; friends in the city. Canga Starr Preaches on the [was with the boys The Old Man Fell Dead in His| Miss Helen Washbury 2 Speading 8: 'ars in 2 ly Church the House of Prayer-- Great Clearing Sale. Doorway--&is Wife Also Shot| gh euidan is Bor on Tidit te his Rev. E. J. Etherington 08 | provost, Brock street, has made a --A Young Man Arrested 0B |gster, Mrs. S. Canmem, Choy street. Righteousness Needful For In- + reddction in prices in the or- Suspicion, Mr. and Mrs. Conley, New York, are ward Peace. £6 and ready-made clothing depart-| Simcoe, Ont. Ang. 16.--A shocking {at 185 Earl street for several months. St. George's cathedral welcomed ment. Also in the gents' raishing® {qyme was committed near the village| J.B, Sharp, Bath, spout Sunday That will' give years "of \11) i o, Sunday, the members of the J10 "ke room for his fall and win-|of Walch, ton mites wost of Simeoe, in | with his brother, C: H. Sharp, Queen good service Wad satistac- [LICL home from Petawawa thoy ter importation): Charlottevifle township. Michael Hall, | street. Sat dwar ton. ---- are a much-missed part of the lar eighty -years. of age, and nearly blind, | Neil C. Polson, is in Buffalo, N.Y, # . : 'eongregation at the eleven o'clock ser- Bitten By Bull Dog. 'was returnicg to his house after as- visiting. his brother, Henry G. Pol- SEE OUR N STYLES, vivo, Shortened matins preceded the | A science student named Hicks was |sisting in the evening chores at the Son. 3 3 in long & celebration, and at the offertory J. M. [bitten by a young bull dog, on Fri- barn, and while in the act of enter- J George >. Darragh, King. street, of rari . : . Sherlock, Toronto, sang Campion's |day everfing, on Union street. The |ing his door, was shot behind in | the Cro Bank staff, is relieving at ; setting to "The Ninety 'and: Nine.' animal put its teeth into his aukle the darkness and fell dead on the [Odessa a : - i or. tenor. voied. has. last: nonewof yand', hesl. "This ia the second time Ne hold Two more #hots were fired | Rev. William Lewin preached in St. fts sweetness, and his enunciation and fwithin a few day¢ that a bulldog has |into the prostrate body by the assail- [John's ehurch, Portsmouth, on Sun: expression seem to grow more perfect attacked people. As rabies have been |ant, who fled and leit behind no ap: da oveningl Chiet [with the years. Mr. Sherlock's son, provalent in towns just Cross the [parent clue to assist in his recovery. t Fire Ch Elmer returned Frank, a sometime cathedral choir border, it is wise for people to be care: |The Did man wal Surtiud ise the frum, Joronto ou Saturday after al § boy, has been back in the stalls, with ful of dogs. house news © the matter was . . - the other choristers, for the past few S-------------- telephoned « to the . county police at Fog? Suteh Hobermott, of Toronto: > ad y ; , Cat Li Sundays, and, yestérday; was the one | One Of Montreal's O1d Boys. --|Bimcpe ofp il lied gual of Mee Tae men | 3 Material of exceptional worth in to whose turn tit fell to + take the | Z. Prevost; « the well-known 'mer- | Constable Austin was sent to the Mrs ugh J . & desghior. of 5 1 The Aland plates after the alms had been slipped fohant tailor, Brock strect, will leave |scene of the crime and arrested Emory } C0 HE oe M7 "Pre. RB. particular. ihe wide ran } from them to the alins basin for pre- | tho first week in: September for his Shelly, sixteen years y JD vost; Earl Ea 5 x patter 'on 'dark or light sentation at the altar, father and son old home in Montreal to take part in said, has been quarreling with the a Te Moran, 'Earl street, | 8 god oh ) : : bout t s lin thus taking particular part in one [tho old boys' festivitios which com- old man. / MN spending a couple of weeks with y are many oo : x ° a of the chiel acts of the ehurch's wor- [mence there on September 33th. Mr.| There is a rumor current that Mrs. Es Toro that have made it extremely. 'popular. ship. Prevort loft Montreal in 1868 and sct- Hall, wife of the miurdered man, Was |Top Cop Weight \ J X. . : en = Pa Canon Stare preached fron the chief | glad in Kingston, where he dhas ~~ re- [also shot prior to the old man, and ay. Si Neight, aid nil, x Fast colors and Xeguires no ironing. ; % {thought in' the day's gospel, - "My lided for the past forty years as one that although four whots 'were fired and. friends in this city. be lle i house shall be called the house of fof the city's leading business mon. into her v, she is still alive and Mrs. Walter Easton yd family have| Only AROORCRORORO SRORORORSO prayer." Our churches to-day, are as --- hopes ave entertained Jor recovery. i, , . the temples of old, for worship. Some Kingston Lad Missing. Shelly has been lodging in Simece: An returoid rom apes mosks "ay fpeople consider them houses of | A Kingston mother 'is very anxious inquest has beg arranged by the Of | Wiss Minnie McPherson, of Bath, preaching, but the position of thepul- fg the whereabouts of hér fotirteen- | ONeF: spent * Sunday visiting Mrs. CH. | pit shows this idea to be wrong. It | veor-old son. She says that yester- IIIA Sharp, 294 Queen street: i placed to ong side, outside the | ay when he started out for Sunday He we Miss Relislos McGuire, of Ports * | chancel, tha he congregation may | ghool he as'ed to be allowed to go!' mouth, t to-day on a visit to : db a see the sanctuary, wherein is the al- | |, a vist to relatives at Carleton i WILL NOT CONTEST. * friends at Sharbot Lake. Invest if a diamond apd tar, the chief place of prayer, and the | Place But that she told him he # a hd i Mrs. William Tallant, has returned you have an imperishable as- true function of all preaching is 10 loquld not go just at present. He ap- * ial to the Whig. da #¥'i0 Ottawa, after visiting her set that Will ever grow old lead men to more devout worship. | peared determmed to go, however, and 5 Ottawa, Ang. AS. pos = " dnughter, Mrs. Samuel Potter. as the years pass 4 Others think the church a place of Las he did not return home' during the * iv was learned that Cana Miss Sheridan and Miss Blakeslee, . : . entertainment, to which they need not | est of the day, or night, che be- 19 will not semd a team to Rochester, N.Y., are visiting at Mrs. Our selected stones at ouk ga if it is Jno hot ae too Sold; or is | gume very uneasy aboiit him, This ie i es this A 7. M. Connor's, 350 Bagot street. P ES will 1 ir vals raining: and others there are who even | morning she commenced to make en- | # ' Miss Selina and Miss Mar Wag PRICES wil ig heir value Ho 80 far as to rate a church aceord- quiries and Felatives at Carleton Place ho Palma tro now held by % goner, of Toronto, the guests pA Miss ons of an iv. ing to its ability or now-ability to fwill be asked concerning the missing! the United tes. Frankie Devlin, Upper § : Da i crease in the future. confer social advantages. To all those | lad. = ; Mrs. D. McClemont and daughter, . 3 Sr El . w whe regard the house of flo in any HACHAANNOK IRIGEAERIODIN Lilie, Pittsferry, ares visiting her ¢ X SN We have a large assort- e sell a beautiful 3-stone 0 wse - ways, apply, the Lord's Died At Norfolk. Va. I mother, Mrs. J. Paynter," Montreal ' i i ring, at $50. words of rightedus anger, "Yo: have Thomas Dery, buyer for the frm of SALVATION ARMY CITADEL. street. EAS ment in this line. Light \ made it a den of thieves. Miller, Rhoades & Swartz, dry-goods | Miss Hattie Watts, Colborne street, i Cotton Vests in all sizes, At ovensong Rev. E. J. Ethering- mefohents of Norfolk Ya and aA Welcome Given the New returned to the city Saturday, after ribbed or plain arments ton, of Hamilton; and an old King: | ooesstul Kingston bov. has the sym- Adjutant. sponding her holidays at Sharbot| 3 1 SE h & 1 ? stonian, preached a wall thought out pathy of all "his old friends in the} Tho new commanding officers of the Lake. , ong or short sleeves. and useful srmon from Romans iii, | loc of his wile, who died on the 5th {Salvation Arniy, Adjutant Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Bloor and daughter, & Prices as follows : 4d, ' SPANGENBERG 10, "There is nono righteous." Huxley | ¢ 4 Par Ady $ini ' Ni Hand, Norma, who have been én petision at ; ; : : De a of August. 'I'wo small children, ope | Mis. Smith, late of Newfoundland, yd a pe : y had sonmmeliecs is pect Ta for ninoteon months, and the other thir- conducted their first aievioa at a Mrs Sairus) a Har) street, left for g a 15¢, 20¢, 25¢, 35¢, 0 wings, olf-respect nd peace. i dost hob ther atk derdayv: the after 3 home 11 stort. " > {oon ditys old, besides her mother and | army citadel, yesterday: In th Mr. and Mrs: Frank Staley, -who : i In the more expensive have been visiting Kingston for the 1 is makes we have a fine se- past two weeks, have _ returned to illiam street. The man oi science knew that there is y + ; 1 Rev. ~ F. MeCush et pr A JEWELLE hing tha rua rp © 2% 1 the sotrowing husband, ard left 10 'noon Rev, . McCusig, was presend LLER. nothing that renders a life so fruit- foo to hor loss, Norfolk has lost one | and delivered an address, Although the less as lack of inward peaco. The Ij 5 \i 'oral : 8 y , s r calists the death | weather was miavorable, there wére Wook . : lowe am luck of inwund pence. tho Tol tte Joyding vocalists in the teath | mothe ences a the dificent su their howe Tu Sylvie To lection of Lisle Thread Vests, : and tho result is that of an insurrec- : oe : : | Mrs. James Daley and her two " : : Asited K t three years ago. Miss s. a V 9 tion in a small kingdom. And to gain Jiseest De Oe FO Aidt yin the ovening Mrs. (Adjutant) little daughters, Lena and Anna, of of ad ) peace a man must have self-respect, ; : ; tal wot la Bes She Ottawa, are visiting Mr, and Mis. C an ° Re ------ - . and brought the younger child with Smith made her rst addeess. She Th Daley. .C Vi and there can be no self-respect with Fro > : : poke of the installation of Solomon Mise H Td, br eeut. i THE WRONG DTAGNOSIS. out, righteousness, so that Huxley's - {in his new kingdom, Ha asked God to Wry Fn ay, Oot oF orga 4 a advico might have been condensed in- B. A. Hotel Arrivals. | sive him undestending and endow him 6 '&t John's church ad she intends y to: 'Be righteous." Plato, Aristotle ' : y i i just- i i 3 Prompt the Use of Worthless ad the oi Ea of pre-Christiah 2G. Harriman, N. I. Loan, Roch- with wisdom that he would rule just going west to live with' her sister. Remedies. times ali the " ester; N.Y.; Mrs: J. H. Scott, G. F.|ly over his people. She prayed God " Rev. Fathers Arthur and Lewis Sta- S Cl 1 T M Even an experienced physician will hm e vd Youlied the need o gh Parke, New York; H. Denison, Toren- |to give her wisdom lo, sa¥o mon ands ley, will spend a few days down] IB pecia O- Oorrow k i . eWay n° | ior H. Klouick and wife, Rochester; C. leach them to Him. She asked both ynone the Thousand Isles and will | § sometimes make a mistake in diagno | jp jt. St. Paul, in hs Pharisaic sis, in which event his entire treat. ment is wasted and may even be in- ' days, and vizy/ much in the temper of " wp G ad 3 witl AT A ie hen SIE s gs Robt. . Thompson, Alma Thompeou, [helper. God said whilo you are with RD, Nicklin, W A. Mallory, G.| & TP o vai jurious. to the patient. OE = Alox. TF. Rose, Napanee; Mrs. E. J. | Me Fowill be with you, but if you May, E. G. Reamer, of Franklin, Pa. : oh ® - The: advocates of 'all other hair re | 3 ¥ gh oy © | DoVergno, D. W. Calder, Troy, N.Y; forsake Me, so alsonwill I forsake you. form< a jolly party of holiday visit- Cream F. Dunham and wile, Utica,' N.Y; | young and old to take God as their iy Montreal before returnin home. storatives save Herpicide have wrong- might of hig own arm av 3} ere. a | Francis N. Kulett, Buffalo; W. Petey There was no service that gave such ors who arrived in the city this ly diagnosed the cause of Dandruff and a Tar Aun giv in 70 Spy. to the Fo 8 wife, W. Little, A. Vashorg, E. W. satisfaction ae the sorvice of God. morning. For the cottage or the home. Falling Hair. mang. AU Jast, worn out' by the fap 0! Rochester: Jno. F. Ham, | Athutent Smith delivered a very im- | Miss Edna M. V. Cowdy, who has d ith tty floral d They figure on a functional disease eternal conflict botween the Spirit and Jas. Scott and wife, Napance; A.W. pressive and forcible address. Only been spending her vacation with her > groun s with a very pretuy oral ae- whereas it is now known and general- the. flesh ho exclaims: "Oh ! wretched Pre U0 50 Sohelfers; Binghampton; | cight: were saved, at tho time of the parents at Colebrooke, spent Sunday sign in the following shades : Blue, ly accepted that hair loss is due toa man. that 1 am, who shell deliver me | FN") Boiley; Mrs. J. C. Coleman, | flood, ho said, and all the rest, of the with friends in the city on her = way | if Pink. G or Yellow. Regular pri parasitic -germi which Newbro's Herpi- from the body of this death." Later bo" 0 "0 oman, Brooklyn, N.Y.; D. H. world pecished. Jesus. was deeply in back to Montreal. ink, Green : SU Ar price cide destroys. by experience he 'reached the point, Hurd and wife, Watertown; W. Utiling | earnest. 1f the Salvation Army offi- Rev. Father Hanley, rector of St.| 8 10c: There is no substitute for Herpicide, where ho saw with St, John the apd wile, Chicago; W. N. Sioakers, | ce-s were sor earnest in their work it Mary's cathedral, has gone to Grosse - accept none, mystic, the religious, the solution of Enpland; 'C. E. Collins and wife, A.|was bocausa they felt they had to Isle, Que., to be present at the unveil Sale Price 5c Yard Sold hy lending druggists. Send | the vexing probleme of his days of Liye Robt. Steadman Goo. E. | bear the burden of men's sins. Jesus ing of the monument to the Irish im- 10e. in #tvmps for sample to the Her attemptod legal righteodsness m the Four Mountical: Oral Peterson and | when He said try, meant that they migrants, on Sunday. picide €... Detroit. Mich. $1 bottles |Per=on of "Jesus Christ the rights | 0b? wr Goll: "1.1. Moore, I. T. | should fight, to 'go ahead and push Henry Hank, a New York fire fight- guarantend, Go W. Mahood, special | "OVS Buchman Watortown, N.Y.; ' Goorge | their way through to heaven. If thay er, a captain of one of the battalions, gent. Burgess, " Thousand Jeland Park; H.| wanted to go to licaven. they must was a visitor to the city on Saturday, ' Princess Street Methodist Church. i : fp i ; Thy cry He visited both stations and was cé « Montreal; J. K. Eocks, W.' P| strive'to win tho goal. They may cry 1 h al Wh t d C SPECIAL DISTRIBUTORS Considering the . weather the ser. Hohe Hott, Eng.: Thos. Hendersouf | Lord, Lowd, but the door will be shut much pleased with the outfit. 1 c an ream | vices ot Princess street Methodist Hamilton: Jas. M. Smith, Colling-| against them if. they did mot strive William Hyland, manager and buyer i church were well attended. Rev. 6.) ood: J. B Coombs, Ji B. Brown, | for His mercy. There was for store of S. C. Bock, gents' furnish ® 'OR 0. Predinvick preached forcible and | Nog York; Miss Markie, Miss M. Mar- {no harder work than Dearing ings, and hat department, St. Paul, R Oo 10 Poplin OR loftaent sefmons at hoth services. The Kio R I Leppers Toronto: i. E. | the sins of men and striving to bring Ming is visitor in he Sty Sod choir sustained their usual reputation Mt Catharine: Gf f ilton, | me God, Jesus' heart was brok. will spend a few days with his mother 4 - jor good music in the anthems, 'Fear Yonica Cothaintet 0. 4, Tomi ons m "to Sok the sins of the world. at 234 Barrie street. We offer a very handsome line of White . . Penitentiary Not, 0 Lani," and "Now the Day is{yok A. N. Sprague, Nostrand Spra-| Their late adjutant strove with all Rov. Dr. MacTavish loft this after or Cream "Tokio" Poplin, a beautiful fabric Over." Mies Grace Mitchell took the bra tar I Coimis Toronto: [his heart t 'n souls for God. God noon, to spend a few daye at Lough- 5 : ; : . { = solos in her clear, sweet voice. The wo, Trimton Bob Ne thats. din Elierouits ways to bring: men boro Lake, accompaniod by Mise with a goft finish, m medium weight, hav- Binder wine ale Juarsetie, Semipused of Menats. N.Y.: W. P. Garmour and wife, New- [to Him. He gave them affiction to Stella MacTavish, of Tawa City, ing a small corded effect, suitable for : 1 Armstrong, Mack, Pringle and Tim- ark. Nod. W. H. Pruyn, Napanee; C. prioz men to Him. Ii they wanted to Towa. Mrs. MacTavish: and children Waists, Skirts, Suits apd Children's 3. Ls sh Ross, T to: E. L. rach heaven = {hey must strive and azo at Loughboro Lake. % : B. Lone, Bush OSE oronto | take up their fo atid bear it brave- Miss Mulhearn, soloist at the King Dresses. This strong offering shotild command instant attention. lv, The people in Noah's time were FEdwaxd, having been called away Price 35¢c Yard mirman, rendered 'Throw Out the Lifeline," in an exception:lly fine manner. Messe. Armstrong and Magk R delichted the congregation with the ern Ny = 1 " ed them. ne' i ilk f hur Twi o \ ha "« ' indifferent and God destroyed them. owing to the serious illness o hr Cheapest Twine made. duet, neous Unite ae: 2 %ou JOE" ADAMS CHAMPION. God closed the deor sigainst them. mother, will be succeeded by Edmund n tas 7 sence; of' N1s8 tider, who 13 taking a {Men were cut down by death day bv Shields, .of Ottawa. Mr Shields has 500 feet Sisal, 7c 1b. her holidays, Mrs. Sproule ably pre: YM.C.A. Yaa Lowered Record For |aky and had to stand before Him and an oxcellent tenor voice, which he necs 600 feet Mixed, 8c 1b wed at the'otgah: fut AR vo a Ra YALA, |Frider An acogunt o their Works, with fine effect. je "Joo Adams, the young X.T.L0 |.Jesus will bear their afflictions = anc Mrs. McMaster, Mrs. Nicholson, Mr. 600 feet Pure, 9c lb. 1,000 Islands-Rochester. athlete, is now tho champitn of the hing them to Him if they only asked | H. Stratford, Mrs. Spooher, Colin Me- : Steamers North King and Caspian two mile run, and holds the judiior Him. Jesus had to walk the bloody Master, . Harry Stratford, George wm ALSO-- leave fof Thousand Island points rotor. Ou Saturday, he ran hes He way to Calvary all alone. - they| Comper, and Mrs. Jamieson, of King- daily, except Monday, at 10:30 'a.m, | course in | minutes 9 3-5 seconds, Wb | yuntad to reach Jesus they must gion, have returned home. While in McCormack Repairs and for Bay of Quinte ports and Ro. provious reqord being held by Walter make sacrifices and take up their Ottawa, during the week of the' Odd: chester, at 5 p.m. J. P. Hanley, Lule, of Dotan onde: w : nals it njooss and follow Him. They ua fellows' Grand Lodge session, they agent. I minutes 27 1-5 seconds, thus giving | gqrive over evil companions or sy (were the guests of. Mr. and Mrs. R. , thé Kingston lad quite a substantial | would bring them rain. Worldly com- H, Lake, 270 Slater street. M. N. Armstrong, Orangeville, | has | lal. Adams ren wv fine form, and 15 | avons would damn them. Shun Ww ; TL been engaged as lol school pringi- | respiving the congratulations of hisiiheir worldly companions and seek a ~ : A Mitchell g Hardware wen engaged as mode school prina hott eS rind. ho ir dly P THE LATE DR. J. G. CRANSTON & RRR RRORORRORS wi rer pal, at Renfrew. He will be paid a "i On this holiday . friend in Jesus. | ote was 8 please liberal salary, the government to cont | gave an oxhibition of his running at ij" serving God an » 0 Kingston. tribute a portion of it. : thd athletic grounds, and: was warmly | Christ 'would lift. them up to Him. Died at Arnpriot--An Early x applauded. { ho cositimues in his run- [The speaker gave many practical il- Queen's Graduate. T---------- ning, and takes proper care of hime Ui | Justrations which were listened to with| The death oecurred, on Sunday, at & x $4 ; tsa! Thoowill be a top notcher some" day. [intense interest. : Arnprior, of Dr. James G. Cranston, BELLAS MLE HELE EEE ERTIES 4 LEREEE EN, ee Saturday was bald at the | Adjutant Smith avd his wife. are aged seventy-three vears. .The de: To rr mr athletic grounds. He suocceded in earnest and' impressive workers. Dur-| ceased was Arnprior's 'oldest practis-| » hing & ; thle a : idl | i 4 : ir the first mile i i 5, 23 li joe layed many |i hysician. He w the | sking the first mile in 5 minutes, 3 Ling the services the band plas any {ing physicia e 48 amo 0 | i Did You Ever Sto , se 4 ¢éreditable "selections: ' early an of Queen's Medical Col: 4 ' i nt beim lege, whith he' entered in 1857 and} . Yad § Fed To Play In Morrisburg. Congratulations Extended. graduated from mn 1860, 'sinve - which . ah Vieloos bs 4a me he practised in Arnprior, having to Think ? un Victogio hasball tetas £350 Ld cumntian Srocmtne most "attained his fiftieth 'spniver 5 L i hou into with the Morrisbuti Robery Meck is receiving hearly con- |sary as a doetor of medicine, : His se- x 5. pie En - i * which was defeatod here a weck granulations on hig eleotion to grand | cond wile is a daughter of Mrs. H a Co a We have the right : wey the Lovos in a clove contest. chief of the Gratid Encampment of King street, Kingston. i 2 kind of goods at' the Ever stop to think that no man is ever too nnd Gedidiowa pi site, dnnued pov Yantused pe. wih Ts Lk lowest possible price: 3 . . wn a j . z. ' Wi : - : old to dress well and in good style? We've Labor Day Marathon. wits an aklorman, has been for may | father since he gradus frotn Queen's ' . v mipson, of tk s Bes 2 g h y = z om : 3 smart clothes for young men, 2 d for men Physical Inaymastor Thouibeon, of he fears sorcipey of the Oddfellows' Re- [in- 1895. = He is well:remembered as a dh 3 Cres Address Tags, Trunk " : sof Association, and ie a highly re [rugby scrimmager of 1893, when | = : eX who stay young. | tale gharge of ihe Marathon Tg 0 | dhceted and popular citizen. We, only Queen's won ihe dont inion champion: i - Stale, Shaw Straps, A mah i§ ds young as he feels-- why should ; - 4 Sl fab S03, i hope he will fill the Grand Patrierch's ship for the first. time, er an: ags, Deep Olub £ y ; fhe YC. A. athletic grounds wil i os 3 > * Ad YY, i chair next' year. SIE g rseenf Eo Bags, and all kinds of 2 he not keep as young looking a8 possible-- bo open to-night; and a good turnou} | oy House Was Entered. : : 3 Suit Cases. ; and good clothes will help him amazingly. p [is desired, as training will commence The Grasse leis } Duman While they ware absent Jrom the city ; 4 once for the big field day, to be | The Quebec Telograp! a issued a lon holidays, the house of Prof. UO. 4. ] : x he y on September 25th. souvenir commemorative of the Grosse On 'Albert stroet, was entered We make a specialty of Steamer Trunks, car- $i + + a . . . ee . : Y . 2 + v D ed M : me ne Jade monument. The number is pro- |by thieves, who made off with some rving a lar variety. . 2 Smart ignifi odels mn 2 | A beautiful wodding took place at fusoly illustrated and contains com- household goods, but nothing of grea' y ying ge ¥ * + fF A tat a + 2 + 9 * Fike homwof Mr. and Mrs William | prehensive: articles dealing With: the [valve. Tt is believed to have been the easure to show ou stock. Suits, $12, $15, $18. : Pedi, Albury; on Wednesday last: The | Irish famine and the fate of a 0] of boys. A pl 5 £ contracting parties were Miss Graco | the victims of the plague Who came to Evelyn . Peck and Ernest Earl Bonter. | this country. The monument was un- American Visitor, bad John Bosekner, Milverton, tefl ont lem handle that ruling or hinding {tion af Bob's Take. A' party of ahout : i A of da vig while driving and broke his | job of yours to perfection. . Prices [twenty - arrived Saturday, from New- PEF FIEEPEPIFHEIEE TIERS FELEFFPIHFIT 44 back, close, , ark. N.Y., and went to Bob's Fake, fh Wamp PON 3 3 ' ¢ . re - = £ a a $ i a ww ¥ TH ' 'y #ee the window of beautiful spohiges veiled, Sunday. Dr. J. Tait, and Yhite a large party, pe Cag di Hak om i N ny t Gibson's Red Cross drug store from me arrived in the city, to-day, irom p i . $ I t at! a toidate bind 0 . THE LOCKETT SHOE RE + : 1Vv 1 ngs on 5. og. to $5. The Whig's new up-to-date bindery | Rochester, and left to spend a vaca | & 11814 JATIN, At \ 73 AFL 3 ve o Po " Cull + 2

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