YEAR 76-NO. 192, 10 NOW BEN Formation of Canadian Navy. 10 FREEDOM OF STATE SUBORDINATED MUST BE STRATEGY. The Lines Suggested By Sir John Fisher to Be Followed--There Will Be An Increase of Dock Facilities--Canada Stands As a Nation and Not a Colony. Aug. 18. --A lengthy state- wblished, giving the general scheme of Canadian naval defence, According to this, the forma- tion of the nucleus of a Canadian navy will be begun immediately on the lines suggested by Sir John Fish- er, in 1907. "Canadian ambition," declares, "would not be mere contribution of money. Canada wants her own navy. On this point the supreme consideration is constitu tional freedom the state, thig, questions of strategy, no matter how important, must ed." Respecting the details of the 'position of the ships, ete, these not yet eoncinded, hut it is" obvious that Canada would not be fulfilling her own undertakings if she placed all her eggs in 'one basket. She has two oceans to consider, and work will he gin practically simultaneously on both const The geheme also sacludes an increase of the dock facilities, It unlikely that the naval forces will be limited to Halifax, Esquimalt and Prince Rupert, Possibly Quebec, and Mont real also have been considered. The Very best feeling has been displayed on both sides at the conference, a per fect understanding existing between the imperial and dominion authorities In the Tlouse of Commons, yester day, Mr. McKenna, first lord of the admiralty, presented the bill to amend the colonial defence act of 1865, and also a bill to make better provi gion respecting naval establishments in the British possessions. Both were read a first time. MONTR LL Prices Paid For Various Pro- ducts. Montreal, Aug. 17. There is a decid ed improvement in the tone of the cheese market. this week, und prices are tending upward steadily, with ev- ery prospect of country markets, this week, ruling at from je, to je, per lb higher than they did last week. The advance is due almost entirely to the improvement dn the demand from Great Britain, which is generally look od for at this season of the year when the first off the August cheese are of fered for sale. There is da disposition on the part of the British importers to leave July cheese alone as far as possible, and there is usually very lit- tle speculative trading in this month's make, unless the price happens to be very low, but with the advent of the first of the August cheeso there is usu ally a rush to buy and prices invari ably advance. History is only repeat ing itself this year, and so long as the advance is not overdone we may look for good markets with prices tending upwards. - The markets at the end of last week closed very firm with prices slightly higher than those current at the be ginning of the week. This week's open- ing markets were well maintained. and at Campbellford the offerings on Tues- day morning at 11 9-16¢ per Ib, an advance of je. on the prices paid there a week At Stirling, on Tuesday afternoon, the cheese boarded were sold at 11 5-16e. and 11 11-16¢., with all buyers active The markets in other parts of the pro vince will very money, and salesmen should have diffioulty- in getting 113c. for cheese this week. I'he make of cheese wel!, the figures of receipts for week amounting to 88,786 hoxes, compared with: 756,306 boxes for corresponding week last year brings the total up-to-date to 1.047, 471 boxes, compared with 1,012, On8 boxes year. The over last year has the past fow weeks, and if the present rate of increase is maintained we wil London, ment is ] lines of the the statement of and to he subordinat i is PRODUCE MARKET. 1 were sold ago. their 1s list as as last incre have an inercased output this year of satisfied by a} likely rule at more | no keeping up the I'his developed during over 100,000 boxes, which will mean an extra million dollars in the pockets of the farmers of Canada. The shipments of cheese last week were very heavy, aggregating 88,000 boxés, as compared with 65,000 boxes last year, making a total to date of 935,561 boxes, as compared with 886, 712 boxes last year. The heavier ship- ments %this year coupled with the smaller stocks small increade in the make up-to-date, have all tended to keep our markets very steady with very little fluctua tions in prices. The market for butter has improved during the past week, and prices all around have advanced jc. per lb., due to increased interest on the part of the local trade, and more enquiry for export. There was a fairly heavy ship- ment of butter last week, something like 5,400 boxes, and as there is a good demand for refrigerator space this week, we are likely to have an other good shipment. Prices in the country have been advanced this week, and the markets are ruling all the way from 2lie. to 22%c., according to section. On the market here sled havo been made today at 22je.' to 2980 for finest townships, with ordin- ary | 221¢. per Ib, ary finest at 223 HAHAHA 3 LIVELY RIOTING. ¥ { | London, Aug. 18.--News has just reached London of lively riotin at Lurgan, near Portadown, Ireland, Sunday "and late Monday nicht. The trouble began when a Protestant flute band paraded in farewell to two members who were de- parting for the United States. Several thousand persons joined in the parade. When they reached North street, the national- ist centre, stones began to fly. The constabulary were gummoned and made a series of charges on the mob. Many perspns were injured and business places were wrecked. FEF CSF FEF VEFTEFEES Fr ATA TAFE THF ATI PATA WHF EE ¥ FISSION NEW TELESCOPE FOR ARMY. * To See Enemy While Invisible to Them. Mass., Aug. 18. --After years of patient experimenting and improvement, in the course of which his ideas have been at times held up to ridicule, Dana Dudley, of this town, has just had the satisfaction of hav- ing his "pan angle' telescope adopt- od by the war depactnent of the Uni ted States. Fhe imvention is simple in its con- druction, yet, ib i said, may revolu- tionize modern wariarc. Tt consists of reflecting lmses so arrangdd at angles in a tube that persons or ob- jects above or below and on all sides may be viewed from a place of cont cralment. The device as constructed for warfare is arranged so that even on disappearing guns or guns used in irenches and fired from any point'in- visible from tho exterior the operator may ascertain the location of the en- emy, target or other objective point without exposing himself. ROCHESTER MYSTERY [T IS LIKELY IT MAY NEVER BE SOLVED. ' Wakefield, i 8 use in Inguest Fails to Reveal Much of Value to the County Authori- ties. N.Y., Aug. 18.--Among examined at the the murder of Dr. James St Rochester, thoso who weve sion of the inguest into Anna Schumacher, was Rev, | Joseph Hartley, prorrector of Bernard's Seminary, the principal re siding officer at the seminary. Because of its being vacation, he said, theve were but five students at the seminary, Ho. testified to the high charactec of the students and the strictness of tho pline at the seminary. He { pecinily "spoke of the Filipino students at tho sominary, who were of those remaining; at the institution during * deséribing them as accom: cated gentlemen and distinguished Filipino ses fis oF vacation, plished and edy members of families. Mrs. Theresa Schiel, who was at the cemetery the day Anna Schumacher was murdered amd spoke to her, of having been addressed by a man the cemetery that day, bul this man will not be brought into the case un is given a chance to tell hi What he has to say i Loic at rl he own story. DAILY MEMORANDA. Bodrd, 1.88 p.m., Thursday Amerion to Thousand Island pu; Thursday. Cheese Steamer Park, 2.80 TUMBLERS! We have all kinds, every shape and size. A special line, good for jelly, 25¢c. A DOZEN Also all kinds of covered jelly tamblers and the ""GEM SELF-SEALER™ - t Robertson Bros. ting. . The inquest is not believed to added much of value to the informa- tion pos sed by the county authori. I'he arrest and examination of in and about the t heen closely con- i ios suspects county goes on, but none has ve nected with the cme. ------------------ Thare died at the daughter, Mrs Samuel Burns, on Saturday, Jane Welsh, roliet tp late Thomas Shaw, who prod {ccasexd ome thirty-seven yvoars Picton in home of her of her Deccised was born in 1831. and lived there all her life. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Goodison, | Manhard, announce the engagement of | their daughter, Mae, to Stanley MM. | Walker, of Fairfield, Fast, Ont., the | marriage to take plac he On { tember. of Donald Clack, in Chicago, about a week ago. Davased was a native of Picton. being the youngest son of the {late Marshall Clark, and was aged forty yours. In Belleville on Thursday, J Shan- not. Mountain View, was arvested for jmmoderate driving. Fined $2.50. | 1 | } in Montreal, and the' aily a - . ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1909. OBEN leer BLED CORPORATIONS COMPANY HAS HEADQUAR- TERS IN MONTREAL. Accidents Were Faked--C. P. R. Secret Service Men Say They Have Unearthed Huge Con, spiracy. ? Monireal, Aug. 18.--It beeamo known here that the secret service department of the C.P.R., under the dircetion of Mz. Dunlop, the dlaims agent, had unearthed a gigantic swindling sys tem, by which; it is claimed, large Canddian corporations have beon sys- tematically bled for years. Immediute action will be taken hy the compaany to break up the ofganization; and some sensational developments are ex- pected within the of a few days. The heads of the organization ~ are said Yo he a number of wealthy He aml their «systom is to employ fake up accidents and put to large Canadian corpora- tions, themsclves getting a certain share of the profits, but the organiva- tion gutting the higgeet slice in re turn for supplying paid witnesses, doe- tors, adil lawyers. Me! Dunlop says thai the organica- tion has a regular selaried staff of ex- pert witnesses, who are from place place throughout the country, giving evidence of fake acei- dente, and also employs a large num- Ine of dishonest doctors and lawyers, the medical then swearing to the effect of imaginary injuries, The organization "is sald to have branches in all the larger cities of the dominion from Halifhx to Vancouver, and has preyed upon the streét rail wavs and steam roads operating in these places, the operations all being directed from Montreal. course ress, people to in claims sent to JEFFRIES. Sam time. Pre- were JJ. He will fight Johnson, clares, in about six months liminary articles. for the mill, cently signed in New York. NO PLACE TO REST. Big Colored Pugilist Turned Down 'at Hotels. Salt Lake City, Utah, Aug." 18.-- "Jack" Johnson, the heavyweight champion of the world, who arrived in this city, yesterday afternoon, applied at the focal police station at an carly hour, this mofning, for assistance in obtaining a place to sleep. After a night of fetes, in which the mlored population of Sale Lake acted as yout, Johnson repaired to a local hor 1s not regarded as ncevssarily ineriminacy | to have | Picton, | y carly in Sop- Word has been reocived of the death | tel, whove, it said, rooms had heen engaged for himself and wife. He was - informed that the hostelry did not. cater to colored trade, and after vainly seeking accommodation tls where he made an appeal at police headquarters, but was told that de partment cold not interest intseli in | the matter. 2 APPOINTMENT PLEASES. | will Enter Upon Duties When | Commission Arrives. | Ogdensburg, N.Y., Aug. 18---W. G i whose appointment as super of the fuderal census for St Franklin, FEssix ana Clin is announced, will enter he | Moore, | visor | AWTrenoee, ton counties, { ppon his duties {ceive his commission from the prose 18 re- soon as Hdont. i The i salary will he 81.500 per yeay tand $1 for every 1000 persons cmin- erated. Mr. Moore's appointment exceptionally popudas here and gives great saliMfaction to all who know him. Ho will probably establivh" his | headquarters in Ogdensburg, bat the work of the enumerators will not be in until April 15th, 1910. 1s i te | ---- What "Posties" Say. The "Postics" say the final game ol ball of the series helween the Printers land "Postics" will lake place at the { cricket. ficld a week from Friday. Each | {ram have won a game, so this will be the deciding game. a S-------- i } Newman & Shaw's *'Suit Sale." GOOD CANADIAN NOW: Lived in Stdtes, But is Still Canuck. Saskaioon, Sask. board of conciliation appointed by the depariment of labor to inquire ire ine to conditions in connection with the wagew paid and -opetations of the con: tractors and city in regard to civie work met here, ---- yt citys represontatives i to Ep of Mr. Jaxon, who ad was an American, but Mr. Jaxon, who was Louis Ricl's duri States shortly after the capture of the rebel leader, declared that, al- though tweniy-two years on the other side, he was a Canadian and the ob jection was oyer-ruled. A RESIDENT DEPARTS ONE WHO WAS NOT WANT- ED IN GANANOQUE. Magistrate « Carroll Continues to Be Faced By Drunks--Ganan- oque People Give Performance at T.1. 2. Gananoque, Aug, 15.<in the polige court, yesterday, tle .case -againsg George Robbins, charged with drunk- and disorderly condaet, came up for heating. He had left town to escape stapding trial, but left a plea of guilty, and was fined "ten dollars wd costs or thirty days in jail. A summons has béen issued against F. McGivern, ta appear, Saturday, be- fore Magistrate Carroll, to answer to a charge of being drank und diworder- ly. The street enness case of Mrs. M. J. Bezie, King west, againkt whom a reserved sentence of the magistrate has been hanging for the past week, on the charge of harboring disorderly charaé- ters, and keeping a house of ill-fame to which charges she pleaded guilty a week ago, has escaped the penalty ol the law by leaving, bag and baggage, for parts unknown. Some fifty of the young people of Gananoque, in charge of Prof. Dolan, f New York, and assisted by talent from the A.C.A. camp at Sugar Is. land, went down to Thousand lsland Park, last evening, on the steamer New Island Wanderer, chartered for the purpose, by the Gananoque Canoe ind Motor Boat Association, and Citizens' band, and gave a potpourri of peratic and musical comedy hits in the big auditorium at the Park. They were accompanied by a large party of excursionistg to enjoy the outing and show. 'The return was made about midnight. s A number of the campers at Tre- mont Park are making. artangements jor a big masquerade ball at one of the commodious cottages on the is- land in the near future. A noticeable feature among the is- lands of this section ig the island of Prof. Nichols, of Ithaca, N.Y., which has not as yet heen opened up this season, it being the only one closed in this section. - Mrs. Davidson, Brockville, spent the past few idays with her mother, Mrs. Henry Clow, John street. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. La France and fam- ily, Brock street, are spending a eon- ple of weeks in camp on the main shore, a few miles up the river. Charles Baiden, Stone street, is spend ng a two weeks' vacation at his home in Kingston. Miss Walton, Brock- ville, is the guest of Mrs. W. G. Mat- thew, at Tremont Park. Parker Or- or, Garden street, is the guest of sekville relatives, Mr. and Mrs. James G. Bates and sranddaughter, Miss Lilian Bates, are holidaying with relatives 'at Jones' Falls. Mrs. W. E. Meggs and Mrs. H. Griffin; Garden street, are spending a few days with friends and relatives at Mallorytown. Miss Stella Johnson, Stone street, is spending a two weeks' vacation at her home in {ottie Laughton, Rochester, N.Y., the guest of. Mrs. W. J. Laughton, Stone street, Miss Hannah McCalpin, King street, has returned from a vis- t with friends on St. John's Island. KOREA'S POSITION CANADA MAY LEARN FROM THE JAPANESE. a Government Ownership. of Public Utilities Much More Advanced in Flowery Kingdom. Toronto, Aug. 18.--According to Rev. F. A. Cassidy, M.A., a Methodist niissionary just returned from Japan on a vear's furlough, that country holds many surprises for the Occidesi- tals. Government ownership and free xoneral postal deélivery have flourished there for a quarier of a century. Not only the postal system but the ox- press, tele and telegraph system are all in the Wands of the people: A telegram of ton words to any part of Japan costs ten cends. "Rowe, until her absorption by Ja- pan, was a constant irritant," said Mr. Cassidy. "Her position between Japan, China and Russia was the cause of three wars in which Japan was always a contestant. Her aequi- sition was a great victory Aad hough the Japancse look down o 3. on- quered kingxbom as a whole tha Ko- rans are not oppressed. "Japan is a"groad nation and should ae such. Canada should this and in official circles her language and the country should he studied. It is neccssary that relations between the two countries be of the best and one of the first moves to promote such relations is a knowl eden of the language. Over there 6, 000,000 children are learning the Eng lish tongue, aml there is not a school which does not teach our language.' 18 he recognized understand » -- ie The fine residence. of E. M. Young, Picton, was damaged by lightning on Sunday. > al Aug. 18.~The } feavetary during |' the rebellion of 1885 and left for the Deseronto. | the | SIBLE FORM. Matters That Interest Everybody ~Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. There is a rush to Otter township, whore rich finds of silver are reported. The four protecting powers will haul down the Greek flag at Canca, Crete. Three Port Arthur dealers have been summoned on charges of diluting milk. v There will be a hye-election to fill the scat for Ottawa now held by the premier, Three severe earthquake shocks were experienced at Acapulco, Mexico, 'on Tiesday. Provincial government analysts will report on "temperance beer' seized in Cobalt. Imports irto Canada for July show an increase of nearly. seven and a half millions. A scheme has been outlined for the formation of the nucleus of a Cana- dian navy. At Quebec, the death is announced of Major P. G. Dugal, at the age of eighty vears, Basil Long, four with matches, and hospital badly burned. H. J. Spengely, a tario horseman, is dead He owned fine hackneys. Ephraim: Ghagnon, aged sixty-five, a farmdr of Vercheres, fell into a well while drawing water, and was drowned. Hon. G. P. Graham and Hon. Frank Oliver, will be back at the end of the week. They have both been in Europe, At Lisbon, heavy earthquake shocks were felt on Tuesdgy and the inhabi- tants are much (Srmed m conse quence, Charles W. Dakin, Denver, Cal., hae confessed to robhing the U.S. mint of gold and selling it in small lots ta dealers. Walter R. Nursoy, assistant inspector of public libraries, has been appoint od inspector, to succced tho late Mr Leavitt. Lord Strathcona is a passenger or the Cunard liner Mauretania, which sailed from Liverpool for New York last Saturday. Burglars bound aid gagged Frank O'Malley, at Maple Park, HL, bles open the post office safe, got ané fled in an auto. James Bryce, British ambassador to the United States, is in St. John, N.B., and addressed the Canadian club last evening. A despatch to from Madrid, says that a anarchist, named Baro, was shot im Barcelona, on Tuesday. The annual : meeting of the higl court of Ontario of ithe Independent Onder of Foresters, will be in Smith's Falls on August 26th and 27th. Her rigging coming in contact with electric wires, the sailing yacht Vera. owned by J. W. Murray, of Belleville, was considerably damaged hy fire. Disputes which threatened to inter yupt operations of the G.T.P. and the Canadian Northern in Western Can ada, have been satisfactorily arranged Five officers and two enlisted men of the United States army have beer awarded medals of honor' for gallant conduct while under fire in the Philip Nes, A reduction in the shape of a 33 1-2 disiount on alt five-year contracts, ef fective on October 1st is announced by the Montreal Light, Heat and Power company. Mr. Willows, Toronto, chairman ol the dominion racing board of the Ca- nadian Bicycle Association, who has been ill for some time, died on Mon: day night. At White Plains, N.Y., Harry Thaw who is to be moved back to Mat teawan asylum, to-day, is putting it his time ~ opening hundreds of letters, sent to him. In New York City tenants moved out of a house at night after firebugs, supposedly with robbery as their mo tive, had made five 'attempts in a few days to destroy it. R. J. Rost has purchased for $2,000 the erop of W. E Waite's orchard Front Road, Brighton, Onts This is considered one of the finest apple or chards in that part of the country. Samples of wrockville water, sub- mitted to Dr. Connell, Kingston, show a high percentage of intestinal bac teria. The Board of Health will take immediate steps to have the water purified 'by. filtering. Peter McKinley and Join Bon, of Smith's Falls, out fishin:, landed for Junch and later jourii that black snakes had cntered the boat -and gorged themselves with mipnows from a pail. Tho snakes were so full that they could not wiggle away. Ernest Shipman, husbandl of Roselle Knott, is out of the theatrical busi- ness and is in Central America, in the employ of the Republic of Panama. He is to be the representative of the government at the Word's fair of 1915, which is planned to celebrate the lopening of the canal connecting two oceans. years old, played is in Chatham well-known On- at Regina. the Central News, leading Delicious Sweetwater Peaches. For Thursday we will have 300 baskets, prices are low for quick sales so that none will be heid over night at Carnovsky's. For A Cheap Trip. Take the steamer America for Thou sand Island Park and return, 2.30 p. m., Thursday, Fare 3c CAUGHT LARGE SALMON. Smith's Falls Resident 'Unique Experience. at Melilla, of despatch that he Spain has opened peace negotiations with the Moors. Continuing, he says it is reported that Gen. Marina, not wishing to assume responsibility of the projected Spanish advance, has asked to be recalled on 'account of ill-health. Was Badly Smitten. Ogdensburg, N.Y., Aug. 18, --Edward Kilmurry, a farm hand, was fined $5 by Recorder Waterman and ordered to get out of town. Kilmurry was ar rested on complaint of one of the young ladies employed in the tele phone office, who became annoyed by his persistent 'attentions. He was in the habit of following her about and, she says, threatened her. He was ar- rested when found loitering near the young lady's boarding place, and was charged with disorderly conduct. The police say Kilmirry was so badly smitten that he "could not bear to give up the object of his attentions. California Crops Good. California, Aug. 16.--Mre. 1. Bax- ter, ill for some time, is able to be around again. George Hutchings, spending' the summer with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Hutchings, has re turned to his echool near Perth Road. I'he grain crap looks well in: these oarts and the farmers are oxpecting a | good harvest. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. James Bales and granddaughter, Lillian, at R. F. Jackson'ss Miss Ber nice Gamble at H. Baxter's; Mise Hamilton at F; Freeman's, Coal Will Go Up. The local coal dealers have received notice from! the shippers across the order that coal will increase in price 'n another month, on account of cen: fitions over there wayd in Nova Scotia. Hard coal now selling at $6.75 will we $7. It would -be_well for the people to take heed ard put in their coal be- 'ore the price inoreases. ? To Build Deputy's Residence. The excavatiow for the new resi lence for Deputy Warden O'Leary, on rison property, will be commenced shis week. The land was surveyed and marked out on Tuesday. The house vill 'be built facing King street, on she lot near the Ivison road. SUBJECT T0 A TAX ARE MANY OF THE ST. LAW- RENCE RIVER YACHTS. Provision of New Tariff Law Aim- ed at Foreign-Made Boats Will Be Felt By Owmers of Crafts Now in Commission. Alexandria © Bay, N.Y., Aug. 18.-- any a yachisman and motor boat ywner at the Thousand Islands is very auch interested in a cortain section of he new tariff law, aimed at owners of 'oreignrmade boats. Ownars of such salatial yachts as the Corona, owned w Mr. MeLauphlin, the steol magnate, vho summers here, will be called upon io pat up a pretty penny all because f the provision faxing boats that ame irom other countries. The Co 'ona, the biggest yacht on the river, g ithe output of the Clyde yards, Scotland. Several | other of the fa niliar boats about the river were also nade on the other side or in Canada. Under the new law it is required that on September 1st there shall be 'evied and collected by the collector of wstoms a sum equivalont to a ton wage tax of $7 per gross ton upon the we of every foreign built yacht, plea- sure boat qr vessel mot used or in tended to be used for trade, now or wreafter owned or chartered for more 'han #six months by any citizen o: iticens of the United States, It is provided as an alternative tc wn annual tax, that the owners may ay a duty of thirty-five per cent. mlorem and secure an" American pstry exempting the vessel from ther taxation. Heretofore foreign built yachts dved in the United States for iret time have bec subjected to ¢ tonnage tax of 81 a nel ton, or or subsequent. entries from a foreign port of y fifty eonle a ton, i The big Now York yachts, known by same at least to the vachismen of these waters, will cost their owners » ons ble sum, the figures being somputed as follows James Gordon. Bennett's Lipistrata $13,594; W. K. Vanderbilt's Valiant 312,761; Robert Gorclet's Margarita £12,460; Mrs. Robert Goelet's Nofima $12,178; Frederick Vanderbiit's War rior, $7,679. ° . Trimming The Trees. The tree trimmers are busy this week in different parts of the city. Af- ter the heavy wind and rain storm many branches fell aeross the electric light and telephone wires and these have to he removed. re- fur- ar he From a woman's viewpoint a court of last resort is a divorce court, Newman & Shaw's "Special." wt LAST EDITION ne ie AARON pper ¢ to freon : "at 2 first them fair, Toron ¢ Moderate to northwest | Thursday, fine With about the sume tom: Wash Suits Every garment we offer at this store is of this year's buying. Up-to-Date, stylish good fitting suits, wel made of the best washing fabrics. We offer themy in colors, Cadet Blue, Tan, Navy and Pink. We are anxious to clear out fg this lot and to do it guick- § ly. We've out the price in two. . You Can Buy $ 6 Suits for $3 S "" 6" 4 10 5 Don't miss' this sale. It's an opportunity you cannot afford to lose, Up-to-Date Wash Suits --AT HALF PRICE} " & MILLER--~STAMP.--~In Sst, George's Cathedral, on Aug. 16th, 1909, by Canon Starr, Ada Sarah Stamp, to John Miller, both of Kingston. DIED. EARLY .--At the Church Home, Toronto, Aug. 7th, 1909, Mrs. Early, widow of the late W. T. Early. s Funeral took place, Tyesday, Aug. 10th, to St. James' Cemetery, Toronto. : MADDEN .--At Toronto, Aug. 17th, 1909, James W. Madden, formerly of Nap- panee and Kingston, brother-in-law of the Misges McMillan, Johnson St. this city. ROBERT J REID, The leading Undertaker. 'Phone, 577. 227 Princess. street. This is the weathér when ICED "T Is Appreciated. Our Own Special Blend Is particularly kdopted for this ink. Price delicious drink .35¢. pound, »~ Jas. Redden_& Co. Importers Of Fine Groceries. TAKE NOTICE 2 Sideboards, 2 Bureaus, 2 Mirror Frames in Mahogany, also a lot of other Antique. goods. Will dispose of very cheap for cash, at TURK'S, "Phone. 708, Sold Property. The honse and lot owbed by Mrs. W. i. Graham, Alfred street, has been wold to Mrs. Froncis B. O'Rielly, Win- ripeg. Mrs. O'Rielly will take up resi- lence in the city shortly. Mrs." Wallace Horton, formerly of Brockville, died in New York, last Thursday. The remains were buried at Jakland cemetery; - Brockville. Deceas- od is survived by her second husband, three daughters and two 'sons. : Jacob Minaker, Picton, had his back severely dut by being struck by « heavy rope, used to unload coal frome the schooner Winnie Wing. Saskatchewan farmers are offering $3 | a day and board for harvesters, ~