KINGSTON PEMBROKE SE AGUA 7oN 4 Farm Laborers' Excursions To Manitoba and Saskatchewan. $ 1 0 Quing $ 1 8 Additional for Return Kingston, August 27th, 7:45 a.m: Sept. 10th, 7.450 a.m. A a] EXHIBITION -- TORONTO AND RETURN Sept. 1st, Sept. Bh .ccrmmienicrannd $3.50 Aug. 28, 30, 31; Sept , 9, 10 and 11 .co eu Return limit, Sept. 14th, Next Homeseekers' Excursions Will leave on Aug: 24 ; Sept. 7, 21. Tickets good for 60 days. Full particulars at K. & P. and C. P. IR. Tickét Office, Ontario street. F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent: 1909. LEIS ENE GRAND TRUN SYSTEM CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION TORONTO, Aug. 28th to Sept. 13th, 1909 found Trip Tickets will be jssued at ~~ $4.90 Good going AUUUST 28, 20, 80; Sept. 1, 2, 5 4, 5, 7 8, 9, 10, 11, and at $3.55 Tuesday, AUGUST 38lst and onday, Sept. 6th. All tickets good to return on or before Sept. 14th. Tickets not good on trains 1, 2, 8 and 4. Goodgoing Farm Laborers' Excursions To the Canadian _ North-West via Chi- cago, Toronto, or North Bay. $10.00 Good going from Kingston, Aug. 27th and Sep, 10th, $18 for the return trip. For full particulars apply to Jo 7 Pe HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnson and Ontario Streets. BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. Train leaves union station, Ontario street, p.m. daily (Sunday exce ted) for Tweed, Sydenham, apanee, . onto. Bannockburn and all points north lo secure quick despatch to Bagnock- hurn, Maynooth, and points on Central Ontario, route your shipments via Bay of Quinte Railway. For further particu tars, apply R. s DICKBON, Agent Phone, No. 8. Quebec Steamship Company LIMITED. River & Gulf of St. Lawrence Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes wilig-- 88. *Trinidad," 2,600 tons, electric lights, electric bells and modern comfort. SAILS FROM MONTREAL ON MON. DAYS, at 4 pm, 16th and 30th August, and 13th September, for Pictou, N. calling at Quebec, Gaspe, Mal Bay, Perce, Grand River and Charlottetown, P.E.L: BERMUDA to $80, by with all dummer Excursions, $20 the Twin Screw "Bermudian,'" 6,500 tofis, at 11 a.m. 18th and 28th August, and every 10 days thereafter from New York. Temperature cooled by sea breezes seldom rises above 80 de grees, The finest trips of the season fo health and comfort. | ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec For tickets and statervoms apply tc J. P. HANLEY, or 0. 8. KIRKPAT RICK, Ticket Agents, Kingston, Ont Thousand Island and St. Lawrence River Steamboat Companies In connection with the New York Central and Hudson River R. R. Co. Leave Kingston dally, except Sunday. 6.00 am. and 2.00 p.m. Ieave Kingston, and 2.00 p.m. Making direct connections at Oape Vincent to and from all points in New York State. Through *sleeper Oape Vin- cent to New York. Week end round trip rate, Kingston to Watertown, good oin Saturday or Sunday, returning Monday $1.65. For excursions to Brockville and Ogdensburg and the Thousand Telands, see local advertisements. Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited. STEAMERS North King & Caspian 11000 Islands-- Kingston-- Rochester. Commencing June 27th, steamer leaves tor 1,000 Islands, Alexandria Bay and Gananoque, at 10.30 a.m., daily, except Monday. Returning, steamer leaves at 5 p.m., For Bay of Quinte Ports and Port of Rochester, N.Y. STR.ALETHA---leavin on Mondays at § p.m., for Picton and intermediate Bay of Quinte ports. ssn -- Full information from KE. E. HORSEY, J, P. HANLEY, General Manager, 0. 8S, KIRKPATRICE Kingston, Ont. JAS. SWIFT & CO, Agents, Kingston. STR. ECELWAT Will start regular trips to Kingston Mills, June 12th. Leave Crawford's Wharf, foot of Princess street, 10 a.m., return 12 a.m. Leave p.m., return at fare, 25¢. Children ball CAPT. L. WHALEN, Captain. HORHORICOORONY . - 9 S Cleaning & Pressing ¥ Done in shortest notice. "Phone JAMES CAMPBELL, Tailor § W 109 Brock Street. i RHEISISKFHRIIIIISIGIIIEINN T0 CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS The Perfect Brick & Tile Oo. burn, Ont. PA SLEY & CHISHOLM, Lessess Are ready to contract for Immediate delivery. Brick that will stand inspec tton at reasonahle rates Oapacity of viant 60,000 dally. six. Return fare. 'Phones, 571. MNGIOK < Wamp Sunday, 7.50 s.m., | Storage Batteries, nk rt Asphalt Roofing| {Barrack St. "LTTE DGESTERY ; SURPRISE PEOPLE They Make Even Chronic Dys~ peptics Forget Their Stomachs When a man who for years has been unable to eat a square meal with- ont being thoroughly miserable afterward--who has tried doctors and medicines without relief--who is, in fact, a chromic and almost hopeless ar fo whe this man finds that by taking a "Little Digester' regularly he can eat 3 hearty meals a Fig nd feel good over it, he is nearly as much surprised as delighted. The number of those who have had this experience with 'Little Digesters" is ily growing. More are hearing of them--trying --being cured by them---every day. The makers have such complete confidence in them that they guarantee them to cure any case of Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Indigestion or Dyspepsia-- or you get your money back. "Little Digesters", with this absolu- te guarantee, cost 25¢ a box at your druggist's, or by mail from the Coleman Medicine Co., Toron to a8 If Sick Don't risk even one single penny ! And 1 will teil Jou why I tay this. eticine 16 absolistely Free U it fat No one need risk even one single penn 4 30st tink what this means $0 the suffering No risk health Ps an ag Lr are. very. 2 comm yout al drab are no authorized 1 gre 30 day test. 50 4rop me & line, piédase--and thus save all disappointments and delays. des, you Ate free 44300 would your home fully=if you desire. My re--and without cost. ord fro within the power of med effort is Surely worthy now, while fresh mind, LOmOrro never comes. Dr. Shoop, Box 12, Racine, Wis: 'Which Book Shall T Send You? No. 4 For Women 0. 5 Foi Men 0. 6 On Rheumatism Wood's x bu ay " The Great -- Remedy: the whole 7 Tones and invigucaies nervous eystemn, makes new { Blood in old Velne, Cures Ne ug Debility, Mentol and Brain ory, Des ondency, Sexual Weakness, Emissions, Sper > atorriuen, and Kffects of Abuse or Iixcesses rice $1 per box, six for $5. One will please, six All eure. Sold by or mailed i all a 18 Jain pg. on receipt of price. New pomphle mavied re", The Wood Medicine Co. former: Wisloont Toronto, Ont. For Sale. $2,000--Double Frame Dwelling, new, B. C. Jhoopt | THE DAILY : PHEEEEEY The Yellow Dress. By S. B. Hackley. F44 @ SHEEP EAA PEPE 97 "May I see the gown? It was the sweetest of voices that spoke, and the brown eyes that look- ed inquiringly at the saleswoman of a ¢lothing bureau in a large eastern city matched. the voice. The saleswoman led the way to a room filled with clothing and held up- on her fingers a truly beautiful gown. It was a yellow satin, of the heavy kind that stands alone and glistens like cloth of gold. = 3 The girl reverently touched the shin- ing garment. "It is neg sificent," she eried; "just the thing for. my tour!" "Jt 'was 'donated by a wealthy wo- mau, whose daughter had worn it once and for some reason took a dis- like to-it," explained: the saleswoman. "How could she?" The girl held one rich fold to her face studying its effect on her clear brunette complex- ion. "How could she ?"' "I wonder myself," remarked saloswoman as she took from customer the 36 required for the quisite creation. "1 thank you a thousand times," said the girl gratefully, "for saving it for me. You have made me perfectly a happy ! the her ex- - Leslie. Reading was young in years for the professorship he held in the College for Men in Alma Laurens' home city--very handsome, very grave in demeanor and--afraid of women. Alma Laurens, only child of the wealthiest man in {he city--Alma, with her red-brown hair and her bril liant brown eyes, had a cluster of scalps at her belt, the scalps of those who had fallen victims to her charms and offered her their hearts and their names. Moreover, the object of her life was to add to this cluster. "T was out in the Blue Bubble this afternoon," she said one evening - te her cousin, "and just by the college yatd I saw some one particularly in teresting. You must find out who he is, Mort." Morton Ellis was one whose lock hung on Almas jeweled belt, but the fact had long since ceased to pain him. "Still at. your = old tricks, How was the fellow dressed 2" "Oh, Morton, don't ask 'me about his clothes !' His hair was curly--just like the color of Fanchette's hide ! And his eyes decp blue and abstractec jooking. He wouldn't have scen me i=" "You hadn't dropped your Findker chief 1"! 'surmised Morton "The wind--there really' was 'a wine ~twisted my scarf around his feel and he restored it to me. You mus find out for me, Mort." "Any 'distinctive feature ed her cousin, Alma wrinkled her forehead. "No- but, Mort, -he: had a satchel with tiny. wood handled something." "Geologist's hammer," hazarded EV lis. id we scalp Alma ! 2" question "A college man, lassie ! Next afternoon' Mort announced tha Alma's scarf. rescuer, was Leslie Read ing, professor of geology, enthusiastic to a degree over his work and a fre quenter of the Wanden Road. "Oh, Mort," Alma greeted him that evening, "I came up on Profi. Reading on the Wanden Road! He explained so many things 1 always wanted tc know about rocks, and, Mort, he': coming to my reception next week Reading had always held an old fashioned idea that love was thing to be spoken of only lengthy acquaintance, nor did his idea much to Alma"s irritation, change af ter he met her. Determined, before the summer vaca tion, to make his tongue tell what his eyes had already eloquently told Alma began to treat him with an un cortain tenderness that convinced hin some after $1,400--New Frame Single Dwel- that she loved him. ling. $1,9000--Frame Dwelling, Single, B. C., nice situation, $3,300--New Double House, plastered, with brick front, B. C., in good situation. $7,000--Fine Solid Brick, mod.) ern home, large grounds, nice situation. $800--Single 7 rooms, Frame, easy terms. Full particulars at D. A. Cays 57 Brock St. Ignition Dynamos, Spark Plugs, Carburetors, Ete. TRY OUR DRY BATTERIES. Mig. Co. 978 Bagot St. Gravel and Sand Surfaced P. Walsh, Kingston | | | I | dreamed that you woul marry you," she lightly [ never ask me to WL. (rar of Russia The remarkable likeness of the emphasized during the regatta at guest of the king. The Princess of sian autocrat for her husband and her arm in his did not discover the mistake, amusement of Edward VII and the members great is the resemblance between the two British throne has become impressed with the abroad, lest one of the anarchists track of the czar should make a mistake prinee of life and throne. t June re- ception at the Laurens house he spoke in reverent humility. vis "How could you think 1 cared for you 7" : "How could I think of it ?' Reading asked when he at length understood. | "You made me think of it 1" i Alma's mirror, after the reception: that evening, reflected an alluring | creature in her splendid yellow satin | gown, but he had not been sufficiently | affected by the glamour of her beauty | as to beseech her to change her mind. Vexed and disappointed, she sent away the gown she had worn. - on - It was October again. The western | college town had never had a concert 40 equal the one now in progress. "Isn't she beautiful !"" The instruct- r who had thrown up a professorship in an place heard this breathed as he fistenifig with 'downcast eyes. "Do look, Prof. Reading ! gown! Oh!" Leslie looked up. There behind. the footlights stood a girl with' masses of ed-brown hair waved simply back from her face. The gown she wore with charming grace might have been 'Alma Laurens' June reception gown, thought Reading. And was it not ? Madeline Coyle did not like the star- ing to which she was subjected, but there was something in the evidently | ancomscious gaze of a pair of solemn blue eyes that followed her during the next day at the hotel that made her Ob, lthat heart beat quicker, Long acquaintance is hot necessary o love. Madeline- knew this very soon, and she began to find it hard to sing before the serious listener in the 'ront row each cvening. It was a ser- jes of concerts that was being sung in the college town. And Reading knew before the week's end that the heart he hid believed dead was alive and in the keeping of the young singer who wore Alma Lau- ren's dress ! On Saturday: he came upon walking on the river bank.: "I want to speak to you, tovle," heisaid hastily. 'Will isten a moment ?"' "Professor who stares; what have you to say?" she asked, in attempted dghtness. Reading Rushed painfully. "Did 1 stare ? It is small wonder, when you when you wear the very costume an- Madeline Miss you sther woman wore when she trampled on my heart--a woman who, for the fun of making me propose mariage, g.ade me believe she loved me. wy | ask--" "1 had not means to buy a new tume."' "the girl said simply, "so I pur- shased it from a clothing bureau." "I'did'not know there was a woman in the world fo beautiful," said Read- ing after a moment. "Madeline, what would you'say if a stranger told you 'he loved' you ?" Madeline dooked 'at him, then laid her slim hand on his trembling one. "1 would say," she half whispered, "Oh, Leslie,» how 'happy 1am!" "flessed yellow dress !" murmured Reading, when they Had strolled back *o the town at sumset. "You'll wear it at vour wedding, won't you, my sweet ?"' , The «young singer smiled, ' "A bride pust wear white," she said, softly, 'but: I-wll put it on at evening when sou come home to dinner. Will that satisfy" you, dear?" | And Reading made eloquent - answer. COs-~ When Dad Goes Fishin'. Washineton Star. When dad goes fishin' we prepare To listen with the closest care To all his efforts to describe The marvels of the finnv tribe. We'll hear with wonder and dismay Of big ones that all got away We're always complimentin' dad About the fish he almost had. Like some great chieftain of his race ' eastern city for this humbler, Rs The most delicious of chocolate confections; matchless for their purity, richness and exquisite flavor. THE COWAN CO. LIMITED, Hick Headache and relieveall the troubles inel- dent to a bilious state of the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress eating, Pain in the Side, &c. While their most remarkable success has been shown in SICK Headache, yet Carter's Little Liver Pills are equally valuable in Constipation, curing and pre- venting thisannoying complaint, while they also correctall disordersof thestomach stimulate the ver and regulate the bowels, Even if they only ~ HEAD Ache they would be almost priceless to those who suffer from this distressing complaint; but fortu- nately their goodness does notend here,and those who once try them will find these little pills valu- able in so many ways that they will not be wil: ling to do without them. But after hoad Who has been following the chase, When he comes home, by one and all, He's met with many a welcome call. And soon upon the board is spread The meal--potatoes. meat and bread : We have all things that taste could wish | Excepting one--there is no fish. i The Whig"s new up-to-date hinder: | can handle that ruling or binding 'ob of yours to perfection. Prices | slose. Occasionally 'a man imagines he ha the right to ecutian acquaintance Ix range he has a oard in the {tensorial £77 Prince of ROYAL COUSINS WHO LOOK ALIKE. Cowes, where Nigholas IT was the union. artists' BNW sa Prince of Wales to the czar was Wales actually mistook the Rus- for several mjinutes after linking then, much to" of the YOViT ily. So that the heir to the danger of traveling on the the who are said to be ever that might deprive ACHE $5 the bane of 80 many lives that here is wher we make our great boast, Our pills cure it while others do not. ' Carter's Little Liver Pills are very amall and wery easy to take. One or two pills makea dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action plelise all who use them. CARTES MEDICINE C0., NEW TOBE. Smal The great Uterine Touic, ani only safe effectual Monthly depend, § three degrea boy TE o. 1, i xe 2 10 egret stror. gor, 3 io. lor 8 x Sold b ta or sen id on rece ice Fred iamphet, "Add oss rr TH Sa Mrpinine 00. TORGNIC. ANT, (formerly Winders Gasoline 16c. A GALLON Put in Your Tank at Our Dock. Garage all dru Repairs to Marine Engines promptly attend: to. Selby & Youlden, Ltd. Ontario St. F444 EHH PEA ERA EAP Increase Your Efficency. Yingston Business College, Limited' - Head of Queen Street. 3 SEEEEEEEEII IEE M. P. KEYS Antiseptic Barber Shop lr Dresng and I or PR ronage 80! 336 Kina Sirz:t Next door to Wade's Drug Boras i | after | | { { | { Automobiles ar Insist on having Cowan's Maple Buds. Name and design patented and registered. | TORONTO. Regular $3 50 and 4.00 Oxfords for Women in Pav. Colt Skin, Wine Calf, Tan Calf and Vici Kid All new goods. ve FOR $2.50. See Our Window. Reid & Charles. Our Big Mid-Summer Sale Still On. $6.50 buys this large, com- fortable and easy Rocker. Spring seat and back in chase leather, with solid oak frames, only $6.50. James Reid's, The Leading Undertaker. For Ambulance Phone 147. | i [ce Cream ¢0c. PER QUART. IMPERIAL MEASURE. A.J. REES, 166 Princess St | Phone 58. FOR SALE Frame house, 7 rooms, bath and closet, extension kitchen with gas. Good barn and lot 60x70, Bagot St. North. Must sell at once. A snap at $1,750. Also 2 skiffs and boathouse for $75. Apply at g CITY BROKERAGE J. 0. HUTTON, . J. R. C. DOBBS, 18 Market St., 41 Clarence St., Phone, 703. Phone, 480s. Always on hand. Best in the city. Packed in bricks. $0000000000000000000000000000000000000000040 ) sees ; Lead Fibre for Caulking Wet and Awkward Joints 3 --wRiTE SAMPLES FREE.--WRITE FOR PRICES. The Canada Metal Co., Ltd., Toronto, Can § 2000000000000000800800000004000000040000004