THE DATLY BRITISH WHIG. NUMBER OF CARGOES OF GRAIN THAT HAVE COME TO KINGSTON ing, when Wilirid Day, son of Mrs. William Craig, 390 Alired street, pass During Various Years Since 1880 |ed away, after a week's illness of ty- The Year 1904 Had the Small- phoid fever. The saddest thing in con- nection with the young man's decease ast be Tow the Season |i. that his mother is at present in|. Ireland, visiting the scenes of her Ro far this = season, birth. Wilfrid was a clerk in thei, cargoes of grain have come through Northern Crown bank at Odessa, hav- Church, | the Welland nal to Kingston. As ing been im service for two years, A statéd in Thursday's Whig, the amount weck ago he was brought to the gen- of grain that will come here this sea eral hospital, suffering from typhoid son will probably be less than half fever 'of the severest nature, and from the amount whieh' arrived last" year. which there was no hope of recovery. The total canal cargecs for the year | Some days ago his mother was ca- may reach 100 or perhaps a few more, SATURDAY. AUGUST 21, 1900. CITY AND VICINITY. THE LATE WILFRID DAY. Young Bank Clerk Dies While His Mother is Abroad. A very sad death occurred in the general hospital, on Saturday morn- 15¢c. New Clover Honey, 15¢c- Sections finest clover houey, 15e. Jas. Crawford. i -------- * Sunday Connections For Cape. and THO LADIES DROWNED WHILE FISHING NEAR SMITH'S FALLS. FURS "eITIRCS RELIABLE FURS That will give good service and tion. Steamer Pierrepont 7.30 a.m. Victims Mrs. H. Ste- {2 p.m.. Fare 50c., return. : { i phens and Her Sister, Miss i - : | Jessie Jones, both of Syracuse, | Brilliant Shows At The Bijou. N.Y ' Riter Monday the shows at the Bi: | : $ jou will be simply brilliant. Special to the Whig. Ottawa, Aug. 21.--Near Falls, a double drowning oecurred, yes- terday ---- « 1] ee SEE OUR NEw STYLES, [|| Yi in long NY Fhey 4 of James O'Neil. Sealskin Mink Hie, Persian Lamb ~~ Musquash and 2 ussian P Fur-Lined Jackets | to-day, about boys doing «damage io B ny i went on the ereck 4he grand stand at the athletic < | dso to fish. His trawl caught, and | growuls by tearing off the boards and C | when he looked into the water to find | The Were Smith's ' only sixty-one Sraith a Church Service. Bethel, Congregational corner Johnson and Barrie streets.-- Morning service 11 o'clock, conducted by Rev. J. D. Waddell. Evening ser- vice, 7 o'clock: Rev. E. Tennant will officiate. Seats are frée. Strangers welcome, years of | satisfac- | afternoon, the victims being Henry Stephens and her sister, both were visiting at the home About three o'clock went out in a boat to fish, was the last Jessie Jones, of Syracuse, 7.30 TO TO-NIGHT 10 O'CLOCK. We Will Offer the Balance of Our bled about his illness, but the remains The following' table showing the of her eldest som will be laid to rest RP Te that. came io |" Catatagui cemetery days before she Kingston via the Welland. canal, for [30 reach Kingston. pefiods from 1880 to 1909 is worth The deceas was in his nineteénth pecusal, The worst. year in the twenty | Year and wasga bright and popular years was 1904, when only 'fifty-two [YOUNES fellow. He was born in Belfast, canal cargoes came hol, The "next Ireland, and with' his mother and smallest vear was 1905, when the brother, came to Canada about five number of cargocs Kumbered soventy- years ago, his step-father being Wil- four. The list is. * {liam Craig, now resident of Kingston Year. and a well-known and popular com. 1859 Tia mercial man, He attended the Col- Summer Waists At One-Third Off 1598 57 legiate Institute here, and two years 3 fb SE, ne- : 1r 1899 : a 176 joE0 entered the service of the Crown Ri Tr FE 150 | bank. He was a member of Bethel | 81 church, and a regular attendant at "0 fits Sunday school Pible class while "6 here. His brother, Roy, is a clerk in ladies that Boys Destroy Property. seen of them : , : Complaint was made to the police, and alive, About hali-past five o'clock a boy named Cross, FORO breaking open the doors. The guilty : the cause of the trouble, he was hor- parties will be rounded up. i 107 PRINCESS ST., rid to see two bodies on the hottom 140-155 BROCK ST. i i ome . : : A Patriotic Song. / of the stream, his trawl being caught os The bodies were 'recovered A patriotic song, written by a mem- and will, to-day, be ber of St: George's cathedral congre- ASSePeesestettltts SS. Prinz Adalbert and SS RCRD No. abe pirat on them. sent to Syracuse. FOHEOH Philae, Pomer- 88. Si- o An event of rare value-giving in Wo- men's Waists. Attractive new models. Beautiful new"Waists in style and ma- terials suitable for present wear. There is a wide variety of styles. Some elaborately trimmed, others in more simple designs. White Lawn or Mull Waists, trimmed with fine Val- enciennes Lace, also all-over embroi- dered fronts, button backs. Prices range from 75¢c to $6.75 0 ~ 0 Ew A Invest in a diamond you have an imperishable as- pet that will never grow old as the years pass. Our selected stones at OUR \ PRICES will hold their value with indications of an M- ¢rease in the future. PERSONAL MENTION, : Cl ery est Twine made, 500 fect Sisal, 7c 1b. G00 feet Mixed, 8c 1b | | pearance, We sell a beautiful 3-stone ring, at $50. The Bijou's Splendid Future. The exclusive use of Biograph, Se- lig, Bssanay and Kalem motion pie tures, just secured by the enterprise of the Bijou theatre will place the Bi- jou on an equality with the greatest picture houses in the world If vou pass the Bijou you will do vourseli an=injury. 50 Linen Table Covers Here is an exceptional choice to save. Tm- ported by us direct from Belfast. This is Linen Cover, fully bleached, Satin Damask Cloths. The designs are beautiful, These are finished with drawn work border, Size 66 x 86-in. Yours To-~Night, ' $1.50 for 99¢c Each 600 feet Pare, 9¢ lb. wr ALSO -- -------------- McCormack Repairs w----A gation, will be sung at mating "on Sunday. Slips with the printed words will be found in the pews, and it is inward, at Father Point; S88 requested. that they be left there for anian has arrived at Quebec; collection, after the service is over. . berian, at Halifax. i * . ¢ 5 + on . 2p ~ See Bibby's nohby $2 hats. ? Cases Were Enlarged. 904 : : 52 the al, dy pods haus. of Ho " Owing to the absence of Magist?ate . i Six weeks ago his mother left on a e SPECIAL DISTRIBUTORS Farrell, the case f a local Chinaman, 166 visit to Belfast, Ireland. Since she accused of the non-payment of laun- 4 came to Canada, death has bereaved ' 2 dry license, and the charge against the 1909 tote . 21 her of her father, her mother, her sis { FOR-- Princess theatre management, for al- » ise date) .... . i: : ter and her brother, and now her eld- lowing the gramophone to make an In 1889, steamors-earried about 20. | oot boy is taken from her while she is ard . wngsual noise, were further onlarged ye bushels 30 ° thet Wm that" year |. her home land. The funeral will Penitentiary a week abou 6,500,000 bushels of grain @r-|y,ke place on Monday morning, at ten rived hero from the west in the 3M o'clock, from the family residence, 390 Ald, Givens On Bench vessel cargoes. To-day that number of | Ajired street ; - ' i vessels would carry about 25,000,000 : | Binder Twine Ald, D. A::Givcns was on the bench, 11 hes. Vessels now carry from $6, at the police court, on Satowhey Lo 110.600 bushels J : morning. Two drunks were in the line- vil to ' ysho's. | up. The first was fined 31 and costs, Mari | {Movements of The People--What it was his second appearance with arine Paragraphs. They Are Saying And Doing. in a very short time, and the other he steambarge John Randall clear George Davies returned to Montreal was discharged, as it was his first ap- ed for Oswego, to-day, after visiting friends in the I'he steamer Sowards is at Davis' | 0. . i is dey dock, Vudergoing repaies, tod Samuel Harris, of Harris-Harkness due Schooner AHIR Ferry arrive "company, Montreal, is visiting fricads from Sodus, with coal, for Anglin's. lin the. city The steamer Alexandria and steam: | Miss Myrtle: Hamilton, Kingston; is barge Waterlily passed up, Friday |. és oT retp i night. jin charge of the junior school at Mid The government tug Loretta, held dleville. Birch has vet 1 § up by the accident at the bridge, was fecrge Sire hag reluhed, trom. A able to clear this morniag. pleasant holiday spent down the St. Swift's : Steamer North King, down (Thomas Roadie; Kamloops, B.C., § I... Poul Abas oof MAS i) y, amloops, B.C. is 4 FEY SHEE, 2 W A Mitchell'sHardware| 0s OD, ss svammer Ininden, up, 0 Toute io his old home here, after : . . { o Kingston Diocese. Lamdav: schooner Keswali = fean Many years' absence. Marriage Licenses Issued & TV. 5h Oata Ciluen: Sunday; schooner Keewatin, due from | "yyijjipm, E. Manhard is holidaying at Kingston. Rev. Father who has lately | yy on org elevator ; The steamer DProckville, and other points down the been professor at the schiolasticate of river. He will return on September FEVERS ETSI ER IRE IIe toex, Kinmount arrived from Chicago, with 79.000 bushels of wheat, will clear for Chicago: the steamet Bothnia arrived, ! up, with a cargo of pulp wood, and cleared for Niagara Falls the tug Bartlett arrived from Oswego, with barge Jennie, coal laden, and barge Winnipeg, light. SIIPSIIIISIIS IIIS the Fathers of the Company of Mary eee 1 : ET ---- on the Montreal Road, has been trans. ferred to Kingston, where he will have the capacity of missionary Father Roex has already left to take np his new post G. D. Murray, Chatsworth, is at tending a course of lectures in homi letics and moral philosopgy at Regio polis College, Kingston. Sir Sandford Fleming has just com pleted his forty-seventh voyage across the Atlantic. He is back in Ottawa. Case Was Dismissed. Considerable of Ald. Givens' time on the bench, in police court, to-day, # * Dr. W. F. Crafts will be a visitor in Kingston during the first week in Oc : : : ober, and will spe France. was taken up in the hearing of an |¥ y ind will speak on temperance assault case. The complainant in the case, a young man, accused another of assaulting him, whoa he called to collect an account. It appears thal there was some altercation, but final ly the account was paid. 500 Yards Glass Towelling This is a Linen Toweclling, with red check. Always a necessary household item. So don't miss this opportunity. Regular prices 10 or 12la yard. Special Price, 8c Yard WIRELESS STATION FIRE # Special to the Whig. * INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Glace Bay, N.S. Aug. '# 20.--The Marconi wireless station, situated three miles outside this town, was destroyed by fire, which broke out at six o'clock this morning. All the tele- graphic and other appar- atus was ruined. Only the engineering and battery buildings are left standing. Communication from this station will be interrupted for some months owing to the diffieulty of replacing some of the instruments. The loss is heavy, but not estimated. yet. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By | Reporters On Their Rounds. See Bibby's dressy $2 hats. Finest township butter. J. ford. In the gold cup race at Alexandria Bay, N.Y., om Friday, the Dixie Il again ran away from competitors. See Bibby's new $2 hats. The steamer America had a good crowd from river points, to-day. She had a large local excursion out at 2:30 o'clock. At the morning service in Cooke's church, to-morrow, D. A. Shaw and J. B. Kiell will be ordained and in ducted as elders. See Bibby's tony $2 hats. The Victoria, baeeball team left al noon, to-day, ® for Morrisburg, wher {they will play the home team. The | Victorias will line up as follows * Cot man, ¢.; McCammon, p.; Derry, lb. McCartney, 2b.; Pound, s.s.: Dick, 3b.; Crawford, r.f.; Nicholson, ef; Me Mahon, Li. See Bibby's new $2 hats, pecial FH * i b, Craw To Start The Boys Young. Physical Director Thompson, of the Y.M.C.A., has plans well under way for a junior rugby foothall league for school and other junior teams, four- teen years old and under. Mr. Thomp- son realizes that the only way to get good material is to start the boys young. Anyone desiring information ess E ---- Y.M.C.A. Black Watered Moreen | The correct idea for Ladies' Underskirts and Linings, 38-inch wide, regular value 40, 45¢ yard. : For 29¢ Yard. FEAF EAERE RAS BHT Tourist Frilling 200 Boxes Three Frills in each box. This is a frilling greatly in demand at present, absolutely essential to persons travelling. Regular prices 10c or 12} Only 5c Box. x ie i BEFH¥F TET FHF EREEEEF % A Kingston Millionaire. "Harry" C. Folger, New Ygrk, son of the late Henry Folger, is ghe hold er of 2,145 shares of Standfrd = Oil which at $712 a shyt, the pre- sont value of the stock, 'makes him more than a millionaire. Hix stock is worth $1,527,240. Mr. Folger spent a fow weeks in Kingston last summer af ter his father's death. He is stock broking in New York. i TRAMP WENT TO SLEEP. stock, And a Thief Made Of With His Shoes. a tramp, or knight of is known to many, | went to sleep on a front lawn, on | Ridean street. There was, of course, | nothing unusual about the knight going Stubbed Its Own Toe. to <lecp, but while he was in slumber- About eighteen months since the T. land, something really unusual did Lindsay company = withdrew its de- | happen. He lost his shoes. While hes Casket. parimenial store advertising from the | was busy "pounding his car, © a sneak | A beautiful floral anchor Ottawa Citizen, because that paper | thici came along, succeeded in taking corporation of Kingstc took a course upon a public enterprise | off the man's shoes, without distwrb- ide the that did not favor the monied inter: | ing him, and made off. When the pains of the late W. H. Miller, city) esis of the head of the dry-goodsy firm, knight awoke he was very angry. He auditor, at his late residence, 157 The Citizen. lived on with woll-fillend had to tell his story when be asked | Alfred street. The city officials sent a and profitable page. The Lindsay | for another pair al a nelrhy house, beautiful wreath. The Board of Trade company has sold out. Only one com- and this is how the story goi out. | also paid mute tribute to the excel ment is in order, : The police wore notified, but the Jencies of deceased by a floral token. aroes ave still missing. | Friends and relatives also contributed eee ee | remembrances. Amid a wealth of Getting Road Information. |blossoms, of which _the late Mr. Miller Picton Times. was passionately fond, he slept in A delegation irom the good roads' | peace and qguiet restiulness. During committee of Frontenac county were in | Friday afternoon a cablegram was re the county on Friday getting a fow | ceived from The Hague, and told of pointers .on good road making. They | the sorrow and sympathy ok his be- : : a weve taken over the Wapoos, Black [loved and only sister and her hus- : 4 (reek and Milford road, the Demoresi- | band, Hon, A. B. and Mrs. Ayles- A Special P ville road, the Bloomfield road and | worth. Last night, the road, as he THE LAST RITES. Beautiful Flowers Covering the | from the stands be casket cont. ining the re Striped All-Wool Broadcloth Heavy quality, wide width, an ideal ma- terial for fall costumes, being made in self- colored Stripes in Green, Brown, Navy, Black, regular value 75c. For 55c¢ Yard. Called To The West. Rev. Dr. MacTavish has been asked to present the claims off the Brandon, Manitoba, congregation, which cx- tended a call to Rev. J. 8. Laidlaw, of Belleville, when ihe Kingston nres byvtery holds its next meeting in Belle ville on September 21st. While on his trip to the west Rev. Dr. MacTavish met members of the congregation, aud they asked that he go before the pros byiory on their behali, and he con. sented to do so. up Talbot strect. The delegation werd The funeral services were to have oc- all greatly pleased with Prince Ed- [curred at three o clock this afternoon, ward's improved highways, and Mr. [to be conducted by his former pastor, Tait, Kingston's stone contractor, said | Rev. W. H. Sparling, B.A., now of that the Bloomfield road was better Brockville, and Rev. J. A. Boyd, M.A, han any of the macadam streets in lof Zion church. The beavers chosen Kinesion. wore Warm personal friends : Messrs. The party cousisted of Messrs. A. R. Meek, R. Crawford, J. G. Elliott, Rankin, cisirman of the Frontenac Go A McGowan, W. E. Bassam, R. J. good roads' committer, F. 7. Spence | Mel lelland. and Gr -Bave, of- the committee; A. - Tait, city rodd eontracior, and Mr. Baseball On Friday. 4 Smith, superintendent of Frontenac | Eastern league--Toronto, 2; Mon-{ { construction. tread, 1. Rochester, 5; Buffalo, 1. Jersey City, & Providence, 3. Surely Mr. Tail didn't say that the American league--Detroit, 3; sombield road was belicr than the [ington, 1. Philadelphia, 5; Cleveland, City Engineer Craig | 0. : L the past two scasons. National league--Pittshurg, 4: Phila- ace 00 delphia, 3. St. Louis, 3; Brooklyn, 1. . Chicago, 5; Poston, 3. Cineinmati, 11; ! Now York; 3. ; 1,000 Islands-Rochester. i Saturday, $ 1 .48 Steamers North King and Caspian} leave for Thousand Island points Miss | 15¢. New Clover Honey, 15c. dafly, except Monday, at 10:30 a.m.,! Plain. Ottawa: Mrs. G. A. William, | Sections finest clover honey, 15c. jand for Bay of Quinte ports and Ro-| Miss C. A. Hopson, Port Perry: A. T.|Jas. Crawiord. chester, at 5 pm. P. Hanley, Phillips, Ottawa; J. M. Wilkinson, To- | agent. i ronto World: P. Kelly, J. A. Tromen- | William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders remains hauser, Toronto, r received at McAuley's. Phone 778. Try Bibby's new $2 hats, B. A. Hotel Arrivals. Ww. J. Jullock, Gananoque; I. Stetznney and wife, Watertown; F. A. Wray, city; 'Samuel Harris, Montreal; KE. ¥. Allan, Boston; David S. Ter- rill, Picton; J. IL. Coleman and wife, Cincinnati: A. W. Benjamin, Mrs. Ben- jamin, Yarker; Miss Moles, Mrs, Gron- ley, Mrs. Colbourn, Miss Creson, Miss Morserean, Miss D. Mersevean, J. KX. |} Haydon, New Mexico; Watson M. Rog-| ers, Miss Harriet FE. Rogers, Water- town; W. W. Simmons, Belleville; R. BE. Hewitt, Toronto; Miss MacDonald y c ibany, N.Y; = rs Mary aon, er: 7. Sveuing, 1 Tory tuk 1 "This is sak furcey from a Belleville; A. MacDonald, Brandon: | Kingston contractor. ig in Capt. W. J. Hackett, Quebec; Mrs. E { Prinee Edward _ can beat ing street B. Chisholm, Mrs. A. M. Berryman, {West from Barrie strect weet. Jey} Baltimore, Md.: F. Addison and wie, | dently Mr. Tait © meant = Kipgston x Toronto; George Mideley and wife, | WOrndut roads. Newark, Okla.:S. M. Robinson and | wife, South Bend: C. E, -Plain, Chiffon Veils Al Silk, Long Lengths, regular The, Y0e., Brown, Blue, White, Green, Grey, &e. Special for 48c. Each R. WALDRON - 120 PairsFine Dongola Kid Light, soft and good to wear. SizesO toll Wash- i macadam roads has built hore om THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE: SE669600000000650600020000 EE New honey in sections, Jas. Craw-] ford.