Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Aug 1909, p. 1

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KINGSTON, ONTARIO, TURSDAY, Avevsy = on AT D. R.A. MEETING. Results of the Shooting of School ' Cadets. Special to the Whig. Ottawa, Aug. 24--Tt is expected British YEAR 76-NO. 197, SAY A Girl THE COMING COMET. 'A SAD DEATH. of Wolfe Island's Men. , On Wednesday evening, August 18th, a gloom was cast aver the island vicinity when it was learned that Hal colm McLaren, one of our Yow highly respected young men, h o g away: after but a few days' i pe 'he deceased was twenty-eight years of Te had spent his short life on the island, where his genial disposition 'made him loved and respected by all, both old and young. He was son of Alexander McLaren. Bosides his father on Varia anton Which All Are Now Watching to One Young | and See, Montreal, Aug. 24.--Halloy's comet, which is approaching the carth at a constantly increasing' speed and to catch the first traces of which photo graphic plates are hoing oxposed a observatories all over the world, will not" bo so striking an object as Don- oti's comet, which, in 1858, spread scimitar-like over a great part of the heavens, Yel two points in its his tory make it tho most famous of all samols; its long sequence of appear- inde fine and warm ednesday, li that Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Lieut.-Gov. Gibson, and Hon. Frank Oliver, min- ister of the interior, will attend the luncheon at the D.R.A., to-morrow Col. Hughes, president of the associa- tion, has extended an invitation to them which will likely be accepted. Ottawa and Toronto boys did well 9 PASS in the schools cadets' match landing both. first and second prize. A Ren- frew boy came fourth while school Dlspatciics Fron From Near And Distam®I Places THE WORLD'S TONGS Legislators Are Quite Busy. Was Willing to Suffer Pain. SKIN CUT FROM ARM TO GRAFT UPON BODY OF A ances at intervals of about seventy- five youre, which have been traced hack to 240 B.C., and the circumstan- «& under which it became associated LAND TAX PART OF BUDGET THROUGH. cadets from Dundas, Toronto, Yar- mouth, Nova Scotia, and Kent coun- ty, N.B., were also decidedly in the running. "The match was at 200 yards; GIVEN IN THE a= SRIEPEET POS- SIBLE FORM. and mother, he is survived by four sisters, Mrs. H. C. Hogan, Mrs. L. Spoor and Misses Hattic and Ger trude, all of Wolie Island, and three CHILD. brothers, Messrs. Hugh, John and Ed- ward, of Buffalo, N.Y., who have the sympathy of a} circle of friends in the loss of a kind son and brother. The funeral took place on. Saturday morning, from his home to the Church of the Sacred Heart, Wolfe Island, where a solemn high mass was sung by Rev. Father Spratt, and was at- tended by a large number of people from the island, Kingston and Cape Vincent, N.Y., all anxious to pay a last fond tribute of respect to one they loved and that had been taken while in the prime of life. The casket was covered with many beautiful floral offerings, among them a beautiful wreath from his sisters, a broken circle irom his bYothers and a beautiful large cross from the mem- bers Jol_the Woli6 Island Sporting ub! The pall-bearers were personal friends of deeceasod : W, Commins, W. Davis, D. Cosgrove, KF. Doyle, 8. Hogan and W. Russell. with the name of Edmund Halley. Newton's theory of gravitation sug- gested that comets might "belong tp the solar system, moving about the sun in long eclipses and parabolas. Halley, on his appointment as Savile ian professor of geometry at Oxford 1704, followed up the work of his beloved master by computing the or- tho | bite for twenty-four comets from 1337 Ains | to 1698, allowed As an seven shots, position, any with head to the target. There was to be a team prize but as it required eight' hoys from the respective Dols, it did not materialize, Cadet Captain N. Retallack, Otta- wa, cume first With = 32 points, and Cadet CC. Kendall, Ottawa, second with the same number, Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From All Over--Little of Ewerything Easily Read and Remembered. Forest. fires © are causing. tremendous damage in, Idakio. » of Commons has The rules to govern the first nation commitice those al mssembly of China are being draft imposing tax joa : Earl and Countess Grey will spond a j counts of weeks in Winnipeg in Oector hs Property of Friendly Societies is Exempt As a Concession to Labor Interests--More Liberal Peers. fe 24. --After an all night Her Sister Had Been Injured on the Thigh and Skin Grafting Wis Desirable--The Girl's Self- Sacrifice Considering An Act of Heroism. Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 24. fully assenting amd without von aid ap anaesthetic, Leona worth, cighteen years: of age, the physicians at the Swedish hospital | to cut several inches.of skin from hes right arm, which has bhten gr: alted on the thigh of her sister, who was struck by a car July Oth, who has since heen at the institution. The doctors in charge found it to grajt skin on the infured ch and consider Miss Vinsworth' sof Sacrific act of herotsm Of course worth Tratie, goin 5 do my might have taken an I was afraid it would have to the tor have my arm dressed pains me in the evening, | have the doctors cut more a4 they need." Norine Ainsworth, with an older sister, stores for their turning to the the accident occurred. allow a t hound did antil it was upon wirh, Ethel, clutehed tr in an allempt to what scemed impending doath. shes could reach the child, however, «ar had struck thom. Ethel heuised and badly stunned. The had be raved extricate body the younger girl It thought by the physicians at the hos pital that will be wall enough to leave. Me, and Mrs. Ainsworth denghters, ranging in twenty-two years. London, Aug. the Hou passed through lauses of the budgel on land values. M™ defeat the obstrucstionist methods of a handful of unioni®s, who have i : _ held up legislation week after week, y UT | C, Foster the government found it necessary | try to cross Lake : bring in now rules of procedure, which { plane. - authorized the chairman to decline Over a hundred persons have died consider purely blocking amendmonts of the plague in Amoy, within the last Unde the bill as finally passed, the fortnight. valuation of land will bo made by the A locomotive ran over state instead of by the owner, "and hile at Kaokakeo, 1il., there will he right of appeal. The women. valuation will cost $10,000,000, which R. A. Barron, of is moro than the tax will produes in olected principal of the first' a salary of $1,200. The: property Two Amaranth which own lands wore fined for supplyi of $500,000,000, to the cheese factory. der the now taxation. Fire in the Russian town of Kremen- CORAON labor tehug, Russia, has rendered a thou- form large majority dnd families homeless. holders of the gocieties Port Arthur; will spend ten thou- Another much criticized provision of sand dollars of local te lephose oxten- the bill imposing a tax upon unmined sions and improvements. minerals was also withdrawn and a ' six years old, Hamil- tax on mining royaltics and routs was fell from the second storey of a mbetituted. The government, how fractured his skull, and may maintained the principle of taxa on land values, and in the cam throughout the country, in which all the cabinet ministers ar taking part, is fitdempting justify ite policy. The unionists just busy in opposition to this tliey The unionists will fight {the budget ton a finish. The attitude of the Hous of Lords is causing speculation. Lewis Harcourt, firgt commissioner of works, speech, on Friday, said that ii Lords, by refusing to the bill, plunged the wuntry and the: constituion into chao, the cabinet could be depended on to tender such advices to the sovereign as world best conduce to the immediate future. pre dominance of the will of the electors. In some quarters this is taken as a threat to confer enough liberal peer ages to overcome the unionist major Hy. The hill to defenen act gives power legislative authority of provide that volunteors, raiser] in the colony, shall form part the royal naval volunteer veserve, and that sea and othera raised and maintain the colony shall be bound to gervice in an cmergeney. The schedule power to authorize the admiralty accept any offer of the colony to place at its disposal for general service of the na the whol w any cof the volunteers seamen, with all or any their officers, AUTOMOBILE | SKIDDED. (heer- session of a accidental ouieome of this he discovered that the orbits of three of | theom--those of 131, 1607 and 1682- were so nearly alike as to suggest the identity of the comets, The period of | their appearances varied between se venty-four seventy-six years, but this could for by the pull of and hence Halley decided were really re-ap comet 1742 he "eonld' not hape return, if it did Willard has arranged to five-year old to Ontario in an aero. and to be the planets, that they of one his death and aceounted an automo kiting two necessary new \ : The largest and most com- plete stock of Black Dyess Goods in the City. pearance: s Bedor Aine- | that, although the | wo comet's loph as I know that it was | 'about the year 1758." f good | | would rememlxr that 'it was anaesthetic, but | lishman who first predicted it me ill a8 Fhe urned in 1759 hospital 'every day | prodictod, the slight delay being Although it due to planetary at am willing neo ofil a nn reflected to in hey Norwood, has beon not ; the high school at it hurt," Mis aid, 'but 1 did not Unequalled Values Exclusive Designs Everything you would ex- pect to find in the most Up- to-Date assortment is here. Here are a few of the many that merit attention. mind thes appear posterity Fng y our. township {armors societies, watered milk of friendly valued at upwards un cons an gator some WILL WAIT ON COUNCIL. Hal od is alsosexempted This unionists, the make comet red as Deputation Opposed to Smallpox Accounts. At the Iroguois hotel, last night, another meeting was held by citizens opposed to the payment of small-pox. accounts, when it was arrangec to have a deputation go before the city council, at its session to-night, and present their claims before the mem- hers, The matter will probably be referred © the financial committee and if such if the case, another deputation will wait. on that body. The opposing forces are evidently in the fight to stay, and are putting forth every el- fort to win out. ley is a Paying | also | ene Vion. then, third 0 go 4 foresee to the who It has appeared once and we are now watching ior its calculated appearance ns a of share LO much | child the George Grice, ton, house, die, Twenty-five persons have been ar at Mcheo's Rocks, Pa., follow- tha murderous riots of Sunday Striped Widewales Striped Resildas Ottoman Soliels Queen's Cloths French Armures the injured had been mother aml was Ainsworth home They car mst hound them. The for her baby sis rescue hed from Before ---------------- to | HUSBAND ABSENT SUNDAYS SIR JOHN FISHER, He is one of the foremost of British naval experts and was the originator of the scheme for imperial defence which has heen adopted, Wife Consequently Objected and Sought Divorce. Chicago, Aug. 24.--Should a man de- vote Sundays to his wife? Mrs ma Louise Singleton argued in the af firmative: her husband, James Mon Singleton, a bookkeeper, answer the and this led to estrangement. The wife obtained when | And to | but ! | | or wad teed mer, tion we to pass, resiod observ Lhe paign Raised Cheque ; Ran Away. St. John, N.B., Aug. 24. William Pedersen received a cheque from a contractor, his employer, Saturday morning, for $12.55, made out with a lead pencil. He raised it to 366 took it to the Bank of British North America and got iH cashed. A minutes later the manager discove the cheque had heen altered, and pus the matter in the hands of the police Pedersen, the police think, has escap- ed to Maine. AHOTHER IN-HOME STARTLING NG ANNOUNCE- MENT TO A WIFE. ing night. Ulipperton Island, France and Mexico, peared, the result quake, Arnold died at brought match. Thewe is a great demand for laborers in Manitoba, the majority those having gone up proceeding Saskatchewan. By an explosion on a gasoline launch, at Toronto, two persons were seriously injured antl the launch burn dod to the water's «dge, Alfred E. Brown, the man who shot himself in a rooming-house on Jarvis street, Toronto, is a son of ex-Mayor and ex-Warden Brown, of Calumet, Que, A Spanish convoy taking provisions to the outposts was attacked by the Riffs, on Monday, but the assailants were driven off. Seven Spaniards wer wounded. The oruiser Pandora has returned without having discovered a trace of the missing steamer Waratah. The Waratah sailed from London for Port Natal, July 26th. John M. Robinson, St. John, N.B., was elected a member of the Montreal Stock exchange. Mr. Robinson bought the seat recently sold hy R. Wilson Smith, for the price of $24,000. The Persian government has dismiss od Gen. Smirhoff, the Russian {tutor oi Ahmed Mirza, the young Persian shah, and has appointed Hodjasenah, you ly learn native, to teach the. shah political scicnce. The two victims of a drowning acci dent in Lake of Bays were John and James, two younger sons of Rev. R. M. Hamilton, Weston, who has fn many years occupied his summer cot tage at Norway Point. Hon. L. P. Brodeur and Sir Freder- ick Borden, attending the imperial de fence conference, are not expected to sail for Canada till the end of the second -- in September, A Mdbourne despatch says the oon ference of premicrs decided to estab- lish wages boards throughout all the districts of each state of the common- wealth, the parliament to establish an industrial tribunal of appeal. Tho Asiatie cholera is being kept down in St. Petersburg, there having been 'only twenty-four cases and four teen. deaths in the twenty-four hours ended, at noon, Monday, but it is spreading in provincial towns and villages. The earnings of railway for the six June 30th, show good advances. The net clearings show an increase of $26,500, and the surplus now amounts to $497,000. The expenses have been reduced considerably and gen neral im- provement is shown. Decisions have been handed down at Orel, Russia, in the case of the twen- ty-six social revolutionists recently placed on trial there cn charges of promulgating their Views among the peasants. One of the prisoners was sentenced to death, twenty-four sent- enced to penal servitude, and ane was acquitted, i : not oldor to : claimed by both has partly disap- of an earth ard roe as ed in tho | their was [a divorcee. car "A wife the | keeps house, clothes, gets and it is on Sundays, negative as Would Increase Usefulness. A petition is being circulated in the city praying the government to in crease both the salary and the juris- diction of Fish and Game Inspector Taudvin. He is recognized as an able and conscientious oflicial--in fact, sporting men declare him to be the best inspector 'they ever met. As ay rule, sporting men are anxious to sep the laws enforced, and fully enforced. They doolane that My Pandvin does so without fear or favor, and they ad- mire him for it. It has been felt that his territory should be extended to give him jurisdiction over places not a thousand miles from Kingston, where the law being openly disobeyed. There is no doubt but that the peti tion will be largely signed, Brown, Detroit by a young Canadian, from hemorrhage rooting at a baseball Freuch Velours French Cheviots Dreadnought Cheviots British Serges, ete, BLACK TAFFETA SIL For lining, fit for any gar- § ment. Very Special, at 60e¢, We invite inspection. all week, husband's stays at me the his 9 said home 3 her meals' and is lone duty to stay Mrs. to to on mm n the of is some, House oi farm ol to home Singles | pass ton, seven | A married | {to provide a home for his | he should have his Sundays olf," insisted Singleton. "We simply could not agree on that question," she testified, ° 'and that the basis of our trouble." They Get Full Measure. Ottawa, Aug. 24 sho Soon all week wife, to have man struggles from and two : him age ' to Long Time In Sevvice. oh Ridgetown, Ont, Aug. 1. --Fifly | was ago year >. Hancock, appointed postmaster of Ride succor the late Thomas he wlijl capably attends to of the office has reached the age of ninely Mr. Hancock is the oldest postmaster in Canada, to-day, notwithstand iow the recent warm weather he is to be remarkably William Marks, Windsor, tod charge ol procuring purposes, years this -------- was town to Rushton cotonial naval to the proper the colony te amend the Canada's com agent al Manchester, Mr reports that grain import they have no trouble in the measurements ol grain from Canada. The car-{ said | goes are always found to be full mea- | by ure. general mercial MeN ors and tho duties though he Found Another Wife be Place When She From Year's Visit. Aug. 24. Admitted to home hy her supposed she returned irom Texas, Mrs: Priscilla another woman at Partington, grocer, amara, that with shortages in Her Old Got Back years state of amd CArgoes Left For The West. Quite a number left the city, to- day, at noow, via the K. & P. rail- way, on the homscok: re' excursion to the west; run by the C.P.R. Seveatal of the party were il san. farmors. LOST SINCE 1894 SISTERS ARE WANTED BY SURROGATE. COURT. Clevoland, ( her supposed husband when vear's visit in Partington found the table with J. No. 510 Lakes avenue. "This my wife, Agnes," Partington, performing the rite troduction. "Why supposed thought 1 "You were, the reply. "1 wore down wall, gives a prisoner, held atl Hamilton on a girls fo 3asoline Traction Engines. to Aug. 24. --DBeeaus is so scarce in Kansas the tracts of land there traction ongines Kansas City is wa in Hous farin labo farmers of have adopted to pudll their plows. I'he plows are run, in gangs of from Two on an immoral ide AD LITTLE T0 SA | KNEW THERE RE HAD TO BE POSTPONEMENT. * Vancouver, Fraser, of Archie Fraser, real here, and Brydone-J ack, terday, when Mrs fell over a 'bridge, a of this city. The auto went down. a drop of forty feet and it was miracu that all of the six peaple aboard wets not killed The pong ckidded | tor Mrs. Partington No 2. and 'smashing the bridge rail, went "Sho was rude, but I held my tem- the aor. - wer," sand Mrs. Agnes Partington. The returned wife decided {0 learn mo-e of the divorcee and the marriage of her husband. to a woman last May. She stayed fo the evening meal to which the Paftingtons were about to «it down when she arrived. "She said she would stay all night, but later her mind," said wife No. 2. The first Mrs, Partington Walter MeMahon, an attorney, effort to begin proceedings the custaxdy of her sons and to . an- nul the divorce decrees She was told it would be dificult {0 annul the de oree. ¥ Partington said that he and first. wife had lived in this city, Kan- City, Mo. Steubenville and To- 0.; Philadelphia, Pa.; Niggara ami Buffalo, NX, and St. Mo. Jaro or gasolin said of in 18 of HARTY. .--~In Kingston, to Mr. and Mrs. daughter. Aug. 24th, 1909, the woman, who Wm. Harty, Jr. Mrs. Partington, *I : was your wife?" but vou ars not," divorced vou when in Texas. Partington explained that a decree of divorce had been granted him on a low of dffsértion in the absence of the woman who had his wife for thirty-three years and was the mother of his {wo boys and threo ls. Mrs. Partington No. 1 was angry, actording caspoed mot herself ton to twenty-four engine and two one-gang plows the work ol laborers, Then Went Over Bridge With Six Peaple. B.C John, of the cousin of had her leg Brydone-Jack's ante few miles south in this en, MARRIED. NICHOLSON--=McCORMICK ston, Aug. 21st, 1909, 3 Forneri, Hazel daughter of Robert Robert Nicholson mannes can do about 91 -- Miss came N.B., sister of dank of Mont Mis. A.C. broken, twenty ordinary Aug. by Lillian, McCormick, both of this city. St, Turns Turtle. Aug Pr. N. city, and Rev tho First both injured Are Heirs to Property Left By Their Father in Bothwell in 1898--Brother Thinks Them Dead. Toronto, Aug. 24.--Sinco 18M bella and Letitia Gallagher, two ters, who lived formerly in the of Bothwell, have not been heard by fhoir relatives. Now they wanted by the surrogate court, so that the property of 'their father, the late Robert Gallagher, may 'be equit- ably divided. Mr. Gallagher left three children, the two daughters and one son, Robert S., who now lives in Caradoc town- ship, Middlesex county. At the time of his death ' it was apparently not known that he had an estate and the girls shortly afier removed to To ronto, since when they have been on tirely lost sight of. Now, however, it transpires thai they are. entitled to $625 cac hand their brother has applied to the court for leave to advertise for creditors of the state, going on the supposition that his sisters are dead. But, as an official of the court put il, ho must advertise for heirs, not creditors and unless his sisters cannot he found the property cannot be administered for a time at least. Sorry With Good Auto N.Y of this pastor wor fatally, Sandford Fleming Was That Marconi Had Met Loss--The Chancellor.in Health. Lawn, Fleming, | Six DIED. McARDLE.~In Kingston, Aug. 24th, 1909, Ethel fant daughter @§f Mr. and ward McArdle," 95 Bagot town seven months and two of {| Funeral private, are LEWIS. --k Bath, on Aug. 22nd, Catharine Mary, \ beloved wife ol Herbert Lewis, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Thos, Bain, aged thirty-five years: Funeral took place from her late dence, on Tuesday, at 2 p.m. ROCHEFORT,~At Carden Island, om Aug. 24th, 1909, Herlin Rochefort, aged twenty-one years. Funeral will take place Thursday wmorns ing, at 10 o'clock, to the Sacred Heart Church, Wolfe Island, where & solemn mass will be sung for the repose of her soyl. Friends and ac- quaintances respectfully invited to aitend. Dunkirk, wi ; yes Beardslay, 1. Badgley hy terian church, former Peaadsloy' country road, answering a call may broken > Pr 3 been the Dr. | Of turtle | of Tuesday . Sarah, in- Mrs. Ed» street, aged weeks on Aug. 23.--Sir Sandiord Ia K.C.M.G., chancellor a8 University, who has away time, got back to Ottawa, Saturday. Heo caret done hy the said he know Signor ant had a great | but iftimated that he could anything much for publica has nos got all the details perhaps when automobile while turned ol the Joardsleyv's lous oi i doctor been was pelvis Queen's SOY 19049, at Marconi Marconi esteem expressed reg fire at In ee mm-- lamage Alwave avoid harsh purgative pills, | «ition, They first make vou sick and then | personally, leave you constipated. Carter's Little | {or him, Pills regulate the bowels and | 4 ronke you well. Dose, one pill tion as he Loose leaf and all other Kinds vob tinding dome at Whig office. | Sir tomers tell us that our prices r moderate; Jealousy Leads To Murder. Olean, N.Y Aug. 21.--Viola Hughes, nineteen vears old, a colored girl, was shot dead, last night, by Wilham Gil bert, a young negro, at the home of Frank Brooks, neat here. Gilbert be came insanely jealous when he found Charles Gayton at the house. He dered the girl to leave and when she pefused shot her through the heart Gilbert was arrested. | second resis Liver say of Cus- asked for an ex changed' on the allegation is not prepared with the British cable sor- Sandford was of opinion government e | are | yression a | that the DAILY MEMORANDA. | to at one nogoliate government for a cheaper City Council, 8 pm. rate 8 He said he had noted what was T4th Regt. Band, Macdonald Park rs. le tle matters" Jw Poms { America to 1,000 Islands | ¢ there had to bo certain post- 2.80 p.m., Wednesday: | ponemonts, but he was not prepared Street Railway Employees' Picnic Lake | to say whether they were good Ontario Park, to-morrow | grounds for the allegations mace The adjourned meetgng of CM. R.A. wil Ho "outside influence" or be held Wednesday evening of this week, | , . Aug. 25th, "Do think American capital is | Theat re--Beginning of | making an offort to have this matter | and, : Pictare Svice "The Leopard | tied up or delayed a long the | family!, were taken to Weston this A Sioux Redskin,' Drama. { whio asked | morning I'he funeral will held at Noi, OE say,' {two o'clock to-morrow, Mount | Sandford. "1 do not know it | Pleasant cemetery [ie or not." work I'his was all he cared say for | . Lads Stole Tobacco. at : {publication at present. Relleville, Ont., Aug. 24. --Three boys | The object is a human jaw, taken Sir Sandford mn tobacco from the warehouse from an Etruscan tomb, and has a intevestod in & Walmsley, this city, all's tooth held in place by = gold get cheaper cable rates Hterday afternoon kept watch | fittings. The workmanship is excellent country { while the other stealing. The land seemingly! as fresh as though done son, Private J. {boys were frightened: away before they yesterday. The exhibit is the pro- Neil Smith, teould be identified I'tte are perty Dr. Guerini, of Naples. of the vestigating, meet to be attending and or . visited in an to recover ROBEWT J. REID, The leading Undertaker. Phone, 577. 227 Princess street. This is the weagher when ICED Vie, the lanimexd in The Bodies Recovered. Huntsville, Ont., Aug NH. bodies of the two sons of Rev. R. Hamilton, of Weston, who { drowned in Lake of Bays, Sunday "af récovered, last night by the surviving the Grand Trunk Steamer months ended The M. wen hie as not "ns lexdo, Falls, Lowi 5 tornoon, were N ou accompanied Hijon ¥xclusive All-Rtar Queen," 'and ** J. W. Bankier, u : . Jardiners | with the store, | A father Jard- | Smithy, a Oni vtending Their record js he father ID.RA. for on a Risley team that went country ) to England. The better," and has been times. Hig name is well throughout the length auada and England, from winning the high- | made in Yisley time, be Sir to Dentists Of Old. Berlin, Aug. 24.--A piece of dental 3,000 years old, was exhibited the International Dental Congress. replied whether not Secretary Nelles Home. Secretary Nelles, of the Y.M.C./ has returned home from a few wee a stay at Lake Conchiching, where he atiended the summer school, held by the association. He reports the gathering one of the best ev held, it lastecHor a month, and was at tended by one hundred men from both far amd near. Mrs. Nels staying over at Lake Couchiching, uatii Satur day. Is Appreciated. Our Own Special Blend : Is particularly adopted for this delicious drink. Price 35¢. per pound, Jas, Redden & Co. Importers Of Fine Groceries, TAKE NOTICE 2 Sideboards, 2 Bureaus, 23 Mirren Frames in Mahogany, also a lot of other Antique goods. Will dispose of very cheap for cash, st TURK'S. "Phone, 705; to | health and | stole of the efforis | Kenny is in good in yes intensely Two | 1s way o ht A Bunch Of Green Goods. (Talo. Aug. 24.--After kecping eret for three days the fact that he had been swindled out of $1,000 by sleek green goods men, David Klein Iman, of No. 59 William street, last | night, went to the Sycamore street istation and told all about the affair He said that he had lost practically {all of his money in his efforts to dou- ble his wetlth. mother was and Lieut are iwo Ww. Bo Chat prominent our of You can see in the largest variety iners in Canada im oi se police is ham, New Ferry Uses Oil. Montreal, Aug. 21. --The new Miss Vanderberg, to ran tween Prescott and Ogdensburg, this afternoon. The was built at Wilmington, Delaware, and its driven by oil as fuel, A Survey Vessel. Montreal; Aug. 21.-A given out by the department ol and fisheries for a hydrogra- survey, a type of which was needed, whatever the decision with re- Yard to defence The vessel will be twin-serew, length of 273 feet, to specially devoted, it inderstood survey work. week of the twice from this proud { figures hw We have very pretty cheap, From 50c to $2.50 Worth just ones, opened some very one contract has Fell Off Street Car. About torn o'clock, last night, a voung lady suffered a severe fall from a street car, at the corner of King streot and Alwington avenue, as she was about to get off ihe car. She affered a severe shaking up, but apart from that suffered no other in jury. ferry be and heen marine has been fifteen years has boat, hoa leaves this son boat "went him ¢ Bisloy three much kn breadth just hacl st score that hee Mackinnon He was porsor hy Lord Roberts one en gines gre of a Clubbed To Death. i | S---------- amd is be is Raise Marriage Limit. Aug. 24. ~The general man Molsons Bank has tan order making it compulsory for 'olerka to get $1,200 salary before det ting married, of $1,000, and for WIL NOW of ( twice as " Two coal companies have been ine corporated at Ottawa with a eupital stock of $1,000,000, "Wild Strawherry Compopml,"" should be in every home, 25¢. battleg 25¢ at Gibson's Red Cross Ding Store, to coast little Candy Preventics] Robertson Bros. I m---- Toronto, m-------- 'Rochester, N.Y., Aug. 24.---In a quar {ager of the y Cold C Cure Tablets rel over na baseball game, between col called will in a few hours lored men and Italians, near Avon safely check all Calds or LaGrippe. | Livingston county, an Italian was Pry them ! 48-25c. Sold by all dealers.' clubbed to death with baseball bats. he is has ever beon issued The cup conlest George Reid, a farmer, was killed by lightning at Plaster Rock, N.B. at complimentad there ly stead ~ .

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