Be ------------ BOS OF MONGOLIA. To Travel By Water, Rail and Ox. were Jobn Scott, cart--~To Join Others Who Had Preceded Her From Toronto. AS MISSIONARY WILL BE IN LONELY PART Orangeville, A ------ l BIGAMY CASE. -Klleging Cruelty, Deserts Husband and Marries Again. lamy . charge before Police Magistrate {Pattullo developed some unusual and pathetic features. The accused parties a young English man. about twenty-two, and Jane Hazen, about forty-five. Mrs. Hazen, | who is ®he wife of Christopher Hazen, Toronto, Aug. 2¢.--Miss Grace Ford- Proton Station, lit her husband last ham, connected with the West Mission, in End 'December, and took a house here with this city, left, last night, her two children, a boy, Ernest, seed for Nowvthern Mougolia, where she will five, and @ girl, Ethel, aged thirteen. be a missionary. She to Japan and thence will travel by water and rail, and then by ox-cart to reach her destination in the isola- tel region of the Lona siver, in cxtrome northerly part of Mongolia, Hove she will join Mr. and Mrs. Thomes Handle, who went from the mission last win In the police cowrt, this afternoon, Henry McCarten, of Queen «treet cust, nnd Giorge Hall were acquitted on charges of keeping gaming hauses while James Groenwood, of 1340 Queen street east, was convicted on a similar charge as in the case of the others couvicted, a reserve wu granted Greenwood. Goorge Pepper, assisted by E. Johnston, « K.C., to-day, asked bourd of control to give its consent the sale of a dite on Bloor street cast for a big arena. , The writ for an injunction restrain- fing the city of Toronto pleting the sale part of marsh to the . National Iron company "was servéd on the city, The city will fight the case. » B. to Work to: day. THE NEW ORGAN, will go first) The latter is the {With her, and has since all | case the roi from com- | Ashbridge | 5% imarriage, and ) deaf and cannot talk plaindy. Some three weeks after the 'woman's departure Scott followed, and as she was destitute he boarded arovided for the family, as he was a] in a local factory. : On the 12th July last the pair went to Brampton and were married at St. Paul's 'parsonage, by Rev. Mr. Chant. Jer, Hazen, who gave his evidence be- fore the magistrate last week. swore he Was married at Brussels to his wife, thew June Billings, twenty-one years | ago, and they had lived happily "unti! | Scott appeared on the scene. Five children had been born to them, one of whom had died. Monday, Mrs. Hazen told a different story. She had had ten children, whom had' died, she alleged, through nots being sutficiently nourish-- ed mud the refusal of her husband to provide medical care. Charges of cruelty and neglect' were made by the woman, There was no preef of the {fact that Scott knew of the "previous In his action in provid | ing for the woman and her childrer had at least some elements of hu | manity It: was decided to allow Mrs. Hazen six Jeing Put Into the Picton Metho- 'out on suspended sentence, as she ap dist Church. Picton, Aug. 23.--The new 35,000 or gan is being installed in the Methodist church and, as a conse- quence, the congregation met on Sun day W. Smart, Glenora, preached there in the morning and gave a helpful ad Mrs Jird's baby died 'this morning after a severe illness. Sylves ter Church is having built a fine silo, which is now nearing completion Mise Redmond is teaching in 8.5. N 2, and Miss Anderson in No. 3, lowell Rev. C. A. Fox and family returned to Watertown, on. the 20th inst. Mr and Mrs. Claude Wannamaker,. visit ing at Charles G, Fox's have 1 dress No Hal- return- ed to Salem. Joseph MeCaw is the sick list, mlso Mrs linmson. Mrs, Scott has itpr Mr. Williamson's. gesen who country' has returned home, John Johnson, cheesemaker, Allisonville, was a town visitor on Saturday. on been a vis- Mrs. at CRAWLED INTO A DEN, Fights Battle in Darkness and Kills Leader. Lowellville, 0., Aug. 24, --Armed with a big knife, William Smith, a South Carolina hunter, crawled into the den of five lynx near here, vester- day, and killed the leader. The battle Insted three hours." The lynx was six feet in length. Por several months the lynx have been a terror to the community. They have killed stock and attacked peo ple. \ The battle was fought in darkness and the den was so small that Smith was unable to stand erect, Smith had organized a posse to help him fight the animals but he had barely inside the den when the posse, frightened at the growls of the animals, fled in terror. got OVER BY END OF WEEK. Grain Cutting in Manitoba is Well Under Way. ! Aug. 24. --Jack Frost will to get a move on if he gets in any of his work on the wheat crop The farmers of Western Canada, ac to the, Canadian Northern report, are buckling into the ss at all points. In Manitoba, according to the report, the harvest is well on, and at some points thresh- ing is about to begin. It would seem that this week will seo about the fin- ish of wheat cutting in this province, Saskatchewan "reports that fifty of the there will be Saturday Winnipeg, have cording crop harne and wheat Some cent hy per cut "1 against in the prayer meeting room. Rev, | | { | Van- | from all parts of Canada will has been visiting in the § {stone City, at the D.R.A pears» to | have been more sinned than sinning in the opinion o the magistrate. The case against First | Scott will be dealt with later, MUST ENLARGE RANGES. Some Day a Thousand Marksmer Will Shoot. Special to the Whig. Ottawa, OUnt., Aug. 24.-- Willian Swaine, of the 14th Regiment: King ston, and Maj. Do Bury, of the Royal Military College, represent the Lime and' are en tered in all the important events. The attendance much larger last vear's that scores of rifie say the government will to en- the prophesied fO than shots oon have largo ranges. IL is Alvah Wil- | "hat it is only' a matter of a very fon vears before a thousand marksmer gatha here annually Extra Series and the Gibson match os were shot this forenoon. The first the Walker and' Dominion matches began this afternoon. A team of cight boys from Toronto, Dundas Yarmouth and St. Andvéw's, N.B. was picked, to-day, They shoot at the 300 ramgo this afternoon and the 200 one tormorrow, Kagoe of -------- THE HOBOES FLED. Winn An Array of Police Tried tc ; "Arrest Them. St. Catharines, Ount., Aug. 21. -- A gang of tramps, said to numbez about eighteen, having their camp in Bélton's bush, near St. Catharines, had been terrorizing this district for some time past and, last night, a number of St. Catharines police, ac- companied by some members of the frontier police for at Niagara Falls, all being heavily armed, sWoop- ed down on the camp. The hoboes ap- parently had got wind of it, how- ever, for when the officers arrived not a tramp was to be found. The men are supposed to have buaetled] passing freight trains. TROUBLE STILL ON, First Outbreak to § Bullets. Pittshurg, Aug. 2. --1It is felt, to day, that the trouble is not over at the pressed steel plant. The strikers are sullen and threatening. The deaths of two more wounded strikers, last night, bringing the dead up to eight in creased their anger and oaths of ven geance were sworn. The state con stabulary patrolled the streets, last night with the carbines. There was no attempt at further disorder and the Be Met By points in { first semblance of an outbreak is sure Manitoba report shelling of grain, but | to be met with a volley of bullets. on th in an satisfying condition, with excellent weather prevailing crywhere, especially er Baseball On Monday Fastern League--Toronto, 5: Jer City, 5-4. Newark, 3; Providence, 3; Montreal, Baltimore, 1 League--Boston, 3; St Louis, 2. Detroit, 11; Washington, 6 Philadelphia, 12; Cleveland, 6. Chica. NewsYork, 1. National League--Brooklyn, 7-1; St. Louis, 0:9. New York, 12; Cincinnati; 9. Pittsburg, 2; Philadelphia, 0. Chi- 11; Boston, 6. Horribly Mangled By Stallion. Rochester, N.Y., Aug. 26-With his loft. leg broken, the flesh of his log cul almost ribbons, his contused and cut, his two places, a cut on his his noses broken, Wil at the Hahnemann tried feed a vesterday, by iy 0 2. Buf fado, 3: American vo, Dd cago, right sealp to shoulder npped in forchead and liam Milbrodt hospital. He bran mash stall. iw 0 lion into i Shattered His Spine. Rovhestar, (N.Y. Aug... 2--Jox Cada, twenty-one years old, is 'dying at the Hahnemann hospital. He dived into Lake Ontario at Sea Breeze, Sun day, in the presence of his fiancee. He thought the water was deep and not know that only rock. He shattered his spine and is completely paralyzed from his shoul ders down > The death took place in on Monday of Henry Mott, former librarian of McGill University, in his cighty-fifth year. erly a leading journalist. [he company built at Detroit registered Unifad States flag "Nestles" food'" fresh Red Cross drug stofe under the "Phone 230 Nm Sonat whole, everything scems to be | | As | Rochester, ! hearted' right | five deaths SHOUTED DEFIANCE They Were WMarched Off Jail. Liverpool, Aug. "votes for women' and seven to 21. -- Shouting "are we down- suffragettes, who smashed windows during the speech of Minister Haldane, were led from the court room, to-day, after jail sent- nees had been imposed upon them Five of the women ere sentenced to two menths and two others to one month each. The women scorned fines aud werk "marched to their cells shouting. and drowning the voice of the magistrate. Die In Great Agony. Ala., Aug. 21.--With from pellegra, in Butler country, three persons dying, and five other cases under observation there is almost a panic Mm that part of the state. The state health de- Montgomery, stal- {send help, but camiot at present going , did | imposing a foot covered a | laundries and a Mr. Mott iwas form- |West' Kootenay Richelien & Ontario Navigation est fires. will have its new boat just burning around Hosmer, Michael, Fer- at Gibson's | partment has been importuned to as this is De. Mason, the only expert of (kind in the service of the state {investigating in Clark county where {more than 100 cases are reported. Re- iports says the victims die in preat agony. : Big License For Laundries. Chatham, Ont., Aug. 24. --The city couneil, last night, passed a by-law license of $150 each on ppointing an officer to {see that. these places are kept in a {sanitary condition. The by-law is {aimed chiefly at Chinese laundries | which hgve become very numerous in a Montreal this city. ------------------------ A steady downpour of rain in the and Fernie districts all Sunday might is checking the for- The fires, however, are still nie, Coal Creek, Morrissey, Jaffray, Chamberook, Moyle and Creston. "Wart Pencils," remove warts and do not sear, 1dc. at Gibsou's Red / / o Ont., Aug. 24. --A big- 10 SOP SHORT LIE BUT THIS IS NOT LIKELY TO BE DONE. As the Company Had Its* Right of Way Secured Belore it An- nounced Its Plans--Will Cut Down Distance. Pittsburg, Pa., Aug, 24. --As a result of the announcement that Pennsyl vania engineers are making surveys for a new line between Girard June- tion and Brocton, by which the dis- tance between Pittsburg and Buffalo, over the Pennsylvania, is to be short- sped by forty miles, has stirred up considerable comment among railway officials. Competing lines are making efforts to block the new road. It is understood, however, that this will be impossible, the Pennsylvania having secured ull of the necessary right of way. The new road, it is 'stated, will be operated by the lines west of Pitts- burg, this being the first "time that these have made any attempt to han. dle Pittsburg and Buffalo business, NEWS OF THE DISTRICT. Interesting Events Occuring in the Vicinity. Mitchell, daughter of Frankville, died on was aged seventeon Miss Edna James Mitchell, Saturday. She years, Walter P. O'Flynn, son of the late E. D. O'Flynn, Madoe, passa) away in wravenhuest, on Saturday, after a (wo months' illness from lung trouble. On Saturday Samuel Stephenson, a ife-long resident of the township of clizabethtown, died at his residence. I'wo years ago he was kicked in the hest by horse," the effects of which timately ended in hiy death Miss E. E. Woodcock, Beaver Creck, now nder 'treatment in wspital with good hopes that mental derangement will pass away. "he livid eight days in the woods, ned finally found in famished qondition a Rockwood hes was | thirty-two PITH OF THE NEWS. Sir Edward James, lord mayor Bristol, i in Montreal. Mrs. Davidson, widow of the Canon Davidéon, died in Toronto. late and SS. Ceirona, inwasd, at Point. The American Druggist will establish a bi in Toronto soon. Ay St. John, NB, Dr. 8S. McCully Black, editor of the Maritime Baptist, ditd late Sunday night. A Berlin, Ont. girl, aged sixteen vears, arrested in Toronto, charg with petty theft in former city, A dwisional superintendent of the Toronto railway company, was fined for a technical assault on a passenger. The dairy and cold storage depart- mont has arranged to have the cold storage service of last season for fruit continued this year. It is reported that il is the inten- tion of the Cunard Sicamship com- pany to place the steamers Etruria apd Umbria on the Montreal route. Monday's output of coal from the collierics of the Dominion Coal o pany, Glace Bay, N.S., was 6 tons, an increase of several hundrad tone over Friday and Saturday. At. Vietoria, R.C., diamon and jewelry to the value of $4,500, was stolen from C. E. Redfern's jewelry store, on Friday night, short- ly before placing the stock in the safe. W. K. George, past president of the Canadian National Exhibition, leit Toronto, on Tuesday moming, ior Quebec, where he will meet" Lord Charles Beresford and ®EGY him to Toronto. Rev, R. W. Dickie, pastor of the Presbyterian chawch in West Selkirk, and one of the best known preachers in Manitoba, has received a call to Ross Avenue chureh, Noth Toronto, and will aceept, Robert Maitland Hannon, years, aa D.L.S., of monion, died, Sunday night, in Vie toria hospital, Hamilton. Mr. Han- non contracted fever near Calgary, where he was surveying, and never re _ syndicate ¢ Canadian branch ring s aged Fal After an * illness of hut a few days W uracmie poisoning, James Taggart sherwood Springs, a moulder in | the mploy of the James Smart company, | wockville, died, Sunday morni in years, i Horace T. Stoel, Cape Vincent, N.Y. | ir of the oldest and best known and highly respected residents, died on Sunday ovening, August 22nd. He had been in poor healph for some time. He was aged eighty years. He was me of the original promoters of the 'ape Vincent Agricultural Society and | wrved a number of terms as president. its | OLD AGE MARRYING A Maximum Age Limit For Mar- riage | Russia the only European state | where a marrige such as that enter- «dl into by an octogenarian clergyman | n North London would be illegal. |All! ivilized countries have a minimum | ge limit for matrimony: but in none, with the above exception, the state prohibit marriage on the ground of senility. In Ancient Rome, the law m this subject was even more string- mt than in Russia of to-day, no male | wer sixty or female over fifty being lowed to marry, is does Money In Cattle. { Chicago News: | 'No use of talking," drawled the | freckled youth on the roadside fence, | 'thar certainly is money in catile. { "Ine J stock-raising business, voung mam? asked the tounst. "No, nop bxactly, but an automo | bile ran over that spotted calf a fow | with got thao minutes ago and the man the | big spectacles over his eyes and handed me a £5 note "Five dollars ? That's 'or a good-sized call." "Yes, but, mister, the Now, if 1 can omly of another cali, while over I'll be right in it, ont not calf wasn't stanel he begosh." mine. Hh front run «w mut) | | gots Defined what's civil according service y: the Bo- | Say, pap, asked the boy, hemian. "Fh? It's an act governing the ser- vice in the departments, the customs, the postal, the government printing-- "But, dad, what it mean ?"' { "Mean ? It means where a busy. man rushes into the post office to buy an to does some stamps--ialls in line, waits fiour and twenty minutes before reach- | ing the window--then, after tendering | a hundred dollar bill, hears the tal: | low-faced clerk murmur pleasantly : | * "Wholesale stamps at the next win | dow, please." "' | | Pretty Hollerin': | Musical American. L'Infant terrible justified his name at a recent musicale in Germantown, | Philadelphia. With his mother, he was | sitting in the front row and had ri- valled the mouse for quietness when a young female began the opening bars af "A May Morning." The trills were too much for his sentient powers to | let go by unnoticed. "'Hully gee!" he exclaimed in terribly audible tones, | "she hollers just like a bird." The au-! dience appreciated the analogy if the | singer didn't the "holler." lpm Scored A Hit. i Chicago Daily Socialist. Serivener wrote to his editor as fol- | lows ; i "I do not believe that vou are pay- ing me enough. George Ade is making | 250,000 a year, Mr. Dooley gets a big salary and Maik Twain commands his own price. I believe that my work ! combines characteristics of all three Yours truly." To his surprise the letter was print ed in his column and he received telegram from the editor reading : made It vou have sent for months, the proofreader laugh." His Hunted Look Chicago Daily News. , I'he kind lady had just handed the hungry hobo a sandwich and a hunk of ple. "Poor man!' she said sym- path tically. "Are you married?" *"No'm,"" answered the h. ho. "I got dis hunted look' from bein' chased from place t' place by der perlie lel. the general hospital, aged forty-nine | | choir director of {why "tis so. At night you walk Because of service to the state, | a "*Ade-Dooley-Twain letter best thing cs' | ads he could not covered. A yachting party had a narrow es- ape from death, yesterday, near Sor They' were on board the gasoline Alived, belonging to ~~ Alfred 'elluquin, when the boat took fire and before the boat could be headed for an island the people saved themselves by jumping into the water. Several Rere severely burned. John Drew, Lockport, N.Y., minent mason and owner of tho Drew foundry, died at the hospital, of typhoid fover. He held many patents on steel-making. For vears he Christ church. Ha was' past master of Niagara lodge of Masons. Mr, Drew was fifty year old -- Night's Illusions. At night you seek your downy bed, afd ere you sink to sleep and dreams that strange machine you call your head is full of weird and wondrous schemes; they seem too grand and great to fall; they'll ill your trea- sury with dough; but morning shows them flat and stale--I often wonder why "tis so. At eve vou are a blithe- some soul, vour future is the one good bet; you gaily quafi the flowing bowl or dance the stately minuet; obtrusive and intense: but morning finds you full of woe; you'd sell vow self for twenty ecents--I often wonder launch a pro- was neath the stars, and high ambitions fill your soul; you'll batter down op posing bars, and fight your way, and win the goal; but morning passes vou the ice, your visions fade, your spir- it's low; vou spend the long day shak ing dice--~I often wonder why 'tis so. At night you think of things sublime, and inspiration fills your heart; vou think you'll write a deathless rhyme, or cut a swath in realms of art; but morning finds you looking sick: vou feel you haven} any show; you "dig some bait and seek the ereek--1 often wonder why tis so. : Lord Rosebery. Bystander, Toronto. Lord Roscbery's change, lot us hope, not from to the other, but from party to independence. For an independent leader the nation, all that is politically soundest in it at least, is craving. Let Lord Rosebyory declare for an offective reconstruction of the upper house such as will make it an impartial and trustworthy cous il of legislative revision, giving pra- 1s one pariy He soon find liberals national reform and dé not desire re volution. The budget question, how- ever important in itself, is secondary But even with this a leader in whom the nation in genwral had voted con fidence would find to dead. selves or consegvatives, desire The Ideal City. Whae makes the city great and strong Not architecture's graceful strength, Not factories' extended length, But men who see the civic wrong, And give their lives to make it right And turn its darkness into light. What makes a city full of power? Not wealth's display of titled fame, Not fashion's loudly boasted claim, But women rich in virtue's dower, Whose homes, though humble, still great are What Not can love ? the outward makes a city things that sense, Not gross display of opulence, But right, the wrong cannot remove, And truth that faces civic fraud And smites it in the name of God. men charm This is a city that shall stand, A Light upon a Nation's Hill, Voice that evil cannot still A source of blessing to the land : Its strength, not brick, nor stone, wood, But Justice, Love and Brotherhood "The infants' friend,' Nes It's 'fresh at Gibson's Red ( le's lood. ross drug who recently teased until | The girl her father paid #10 for a peach-basket | now par- aliord, 1s ading the streets wilh uncovered head SS. lenian at Quebee; SS. Lalonia Father THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1909. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The Worl of | | | | | { | | | GOING AHEAD WELL REDUCTION OF CABLE RATES BEING PRESSED This is the Statement of the Post- master-General--A ' Great Dis- covery of Silver in Gowganda District. Mont-eal, Aug. 24 Sir Wilfrid Laur- ier and Hon. Rgdolphe Limicux are ia the ecilv, to-day, and the postmasier- general denied the report in am 2 Ui- tawa paper that the question of» the reduction of cable rates, in which he is interested keenly, has heen allowed to drop. On the other hand, Mr. Lemicux "states that 'matiors are pro- gressing favorably towards the de sired end. The cable rates reduction was one of the things strongly urged at the re eomd imperial press conference in Lon- don. Advice have ben received here re specting what is stated to be the most importunt silver mining dis covery yet made in the Gowganda districts, parties who visited the pro- perty having just returned from an inspection. Licut.-Col. Morrison, D.S. 0., Ottawa, is the president of the Northern Mining company, a close cor- poration, which owns the propecty. The claim is situated close to the south-east. end of Miller Lake.' I he vein oxposed was fourteen to iwenty- four inches wide, containing calcite and native silver. Several native sil- vir nuggets weighing six to. bight pounds have already been taken from a few feet below the surface and ther wall rock is heavily shot with native silver, THE COMING RACE. Mrs. Annie Beasant Says America Will Be Its Home. Mrs. Annie Besant has just arrivea in America for an extended tour, Mrs. Besant' has been making an impression in England by her anti- vivisectionist speech in the Queen's Hall, London, and her address in New York the other day indicates that her oratorical powers are as great as ever, establishing her as the greatest living woman orator. She spoke of the evolution of the human race as proceeding by regular stages over many million years. There had been four great root races, she said. So far, each with seven sub- divisions or sub-races. The fourth | root race came to perfection in the lost continent of Atlantis and were far ahead of the present fifth root race of Europe and America, which had so far only passed through the earlier stages of the Atlantean experience. As soon as the fifth race catches up on the Atlanteans it will begin to sur- ane iw Ayime niechine an indication of such progress. "In our times," she said, "the theo- sophist sees the spectacle of the fifth sub-race of the fifth root race ap- proaching its zenith, and he looks for signs of the new sub-race, the sixth, which shail follow. The leading race must always be in the minority. Our own forms but a small part of the world's people. The Japanese and Chinese are oi the fourth sub-race cf the filth roct race, and million of them still survive. The negro tribes 88 Than, | come .among be | frailer nerves and tenderer feelings; your joys | are almost pure third sub-race, "Our higher duty iz toward these children of the sixth sub-race who will us; these children of these elder subtler egoes who are seek- ing parentege amaing us. They will be more delicate than we, as we are more sensitive than the Japanese of the last great sub-race. "The shock and racket of your cities must go, to make a place for the new race to be reared. Your subways and vour motor noises tear the nerves of all those dolieate children to rags "Every great race has two leaders who spme from the gr occult hies- i lead ang teach. We must be looking for such a leader for the sixth sub-race. Of the second sub- race of our fifth root rece came Her- mes, and aided in Aryanizing, Egypt. To the third came Zoroarster, and to the fifth came the Teachier of the Christian faith. These all were the same person, or to speak more scien- tificaliy, the same individual. He wifl be the same individual in His appear- ance for the sixth sub-race" "I cannot set the time by calendar date," said Mrs. Besant, when ques- tioned, "but the duty of theosophists tional aml liberal onservatiom some- { thing round which to rally. will | younger himself strongly supported | witness that event by hose who, whether they call them- be in a new himself empowered] | exceptions if you haven't gj it. nor | is to spread the principles of com- passion and justice and prepare fer the next coming. It may be that the persons of the present will The Christ will probably, I am one for the first body western told, time m a What's Your Pet Phrase? Of courseyou have a pet phrase or expression You are one of the few Very like- ly the very words with which this ar- | ticle begins-- 'of course" --are used by { you at every turn, but you don't know You have a particular ejaculation which does duty in all circumstancas. It may be a variation of "Great Scott!" suc: as "Great Scotland Yard!" or it may be Good Grace church street!" which is a variation of 'Good gracious!" You probably { end most of your sentence: with "you | know" or "you see' Then you have a pet word which you bring in wher- | ever you can. Perhaps, it is "logical," { and the number of times that word and its opposite---"illogical"'--appear in your conversation is simply alarin- ing. But you don't see it, you know. London Answers, { | ! } | | | The Point of the Pin. Mechanically the interviewer dron- ed out his well worn questions. | "And how, Sir William, did you get vour start in life?" "I got my strat in life, young man." | said the pork merchant, "through picking up a pin in the street. 1 had been refused .employment by a butcher, and on my way out I saw a pin, 1" 3 "Quite so!' chimed in the seasoned interviewer. "You picked it up, the butcher was impressed by your care- It is foolish for a mag fo boast of | fulness, called you back and took you 'being boss in his own House wife is present. \ when his | into. The good times we long for will not come in. the guise of forty-eight-cent watches. Wearing of a society bud out any sooner. bloomers will not bring partnership. I know that pin so *Excuse me," broke in the pork ender, "but you proceed too jas. | uri i |v | saw the pin and picked it | true. But I sold it for $500. Tt { diamond pin." --London Mail, mae iu Fo La Lit Sil Of A Bu Th Th Ro It Sa An So 'W | To Th Th St Ge -------- gas. J. 0. HUTTON, Cobalt and Leading ence street, Me Nipissing ...... . Nova Scotia .. Otisse Peterson lL, Rochester ...... : Silver Jogging along the winding road. The bandsome features of a man, And with a joy but rarely She drew that dear face to her 'The new-born Brought the whole household, Estblihed 1673 8 OF . One D and « ed KI Cor. FO NGSTON J. 8. TURNER S CANADA BRANCH ALE ; Frame house, 7 rooms, bath and tvloset, extersion kitchen with Good barn and lot 60x70, Bagot St. North, Must sell at once. A snap at $1,730. Also 2 skiffs and boathouse' for $75. Apply at CITY BROKERAGE : es we 18 Market St., "Phone, 70: L. <7 43 B.C. DOBBS, |. 41 Clagence St., Ee ------ / Sales Summer Furniture GOO00000000000000000¢/ Load Fibre for Caulkin ---tp Cot, $1.50 to $3.50 Matt: to At, $1. wa.00 cath at, $1.50 to uble wing, people, $6.50 ouly, ot . fa Tat" Rotoat 4 Camp 4 fuches ches square, for Motos Robert J. Reid, 230 Princess St Private Ambulance Phone 577 each. $1.50 19000000000000000000000 Wet and Awkward Joints ' SAMPLES FREE.- --WRITE FOR PRICES. The Canada Metal Co., Ltd., Toronto, Can, STOCK QUOTATIONS. Canadian Stocks Listed. 'The following quotaticks are sup- plied by the City Broklerage (J. 0. tton and J. R. C. Dobbs), 41 Clar- Telephone 480 A : Cobalt Socks. Aujgust 24th. Bold . Buyers Amalgamated ...... 8 Beaver "e Jaillie Cobalt . Chambers-Ferland Cobalt Central Cobalt Crown Reserve Lake ... ... ster Gifford Green Meehan Rose tle Nipis Kin. Dar. Savage Leai ver Queen ... Temiskaming Trethewey Watts .... A Wedding Fee. One worning, fifty years ago, When apple trees were white with snow fragrant blossoms, and the air, Was. spellbound with the perfume rare-- Upon a farm horse, large And lazy with his double 1 and lean, oad, sun-browned youth and maid were seen, Blue were the arches of the skies, t bluer were that maiden"s eyes ! e dew-drops on the grass were bright, But brighter was the loving light at sparkled 'neath each long-fringed Where those bright eves of blue were hid. Adown her shoulders, brown and bare, lled the soft waves of golden bair, Where, almost strangled with the spray, The sun a willing suflerer lay. was the fairest sight, I ween, I'hat the young man had ever seen ; And, with his [eatures all The bappy fellow told her so, And J.ooked on him with thoge heavenly aglow, she, without the least surprise, eyes-- w underneath that shade of tan known, own, d by,that bridal boanet hid-- 1 cannot tell you what she did, on they rode, until ameng . leaves, with dew-drops hung, The parsonage arraved in white, Feers out--a more than welcome sight. Then, with a cloud at shall upon his face, we do," he turns to say, 'Should he refuse to take his pay From what is in the pillow-case 7" And glancing down, his eyes surveyed The Whose contents, Might purchase endless The maiden answers, pillow-case before him laid, reaching to the hem, loys for them. 'Let. us wait borrow trouble where's the need 7" Then at the parson's squeaking gate Halted the more than willing steed. Dowd from his horse the bridegroom sprung ; e latchless gate behind him swung ; e knocker 'of that startled door, ruck as it never was before, pale with fright, And there, with blushes on his cheek, So . The parson met their wondering sighty bashful he could hardlv Speak, The groam goes in, his errand tells, And as the parson nods, he leans Far 'Come in! He says he'll take thebeans!' Oh, how she jumped ! o'er the window-sill and yells, With one glad hound, She and the bean-bag reached the ground, Then, clasping with each dimpled arm, The precious product of the farm. She bears it through the open door, And down upon the parlor floor Dumps the 'best beans vines ever bore, Ah! happy were their songs that day, When man and wife they rode away, ut Whie happier this chorus still, h echoed through the woodland Scenes ; God bless the priest of Ortonville, wl' bless the wan who took the beans. GREATER NORRIS & ROWE CIRCUS 1,000 People and Horses Fnployed) 108) Cage Menager: W A Jon Cage Mon gerie orid's Most Tov 2 Performances, 2 and 8 P.M. Ha! Ha! He! He! That's the way to feel---EVERY ONE dofs that takes a CAS- { CARET night BEFORE, when he looks at the fellow who didn't, For OVER-EATING and DRINK. ING nothing on Earth cleans you out as a CASCARET, natu easily, without that upset slek feeling. Don't neglect--at bad time --9 P.M. or 4 A M.--no difference --you'll need it, #98; CASCARETS 10c. a box tor a week's treatment, all drug J gists. Bi t seller in the world; Milton boxes a month: NICE HAIR FOR ALL. Once Destroy the Dandruff Germ, and Hair Grows Luxuriantly.: Any one can have nice. hair if he or, she has not dandruff, which causes brittle, dry hair, falling hair aml baldness, To cure dandrafl it is neces sary to kill the germ that causes it, and that is just what Newbro's Herpicide does. Cornelius Grew, Col- fax, Wash., says: One bottle of completely cured which was very stopped my hair irom falling out. It makes hair soft and glossy as silk; delightful odor, 8 refreshi hair dressing. [It permits the hair % grow abundantly, and kills the dan- duff germ. tL 25h Sold by leading druggists. Send I in stamps for sample to the H 5 Newbro's Herpicide, me of dandruff, thick; and it Co., Detroit, Mich, One dollar tles guaranteed. CG. W. Mahood ial agent, o>