That will give years of good service and satisfac- tion. ------ 2 SEE OUR NEW STYLES, in long Sealskin Rink Fiusquash and > Persian Lamb Russian Pony Fur-Lined Jackets JOHN McKAY 107 PRINCESS ST., . and 149-155 BROCK ST. MARVELLOUS WORK ranges, BY A YOUNG PRIVATE AT D.R. A. MEET. A Handsome Silver Cup Given to Crowe, of Guelph--Bvery Pro- vince Represented By a Team in a Match. Special to the Whig. Ottawa, Aug. 26.--Capt. Crowé, Guelph, on behalf of his son, has just received from the Canadian Rifle As- sociation, through Col. Tilton, a handsome cup won during the year's matches. There was marvellous shooting here, to-day, on the 260, 300 and 500 In the Governor-general's match last series, a young private, Bibby, of the 77th Dundas, scored 102 out of 105. Sergt. RusseH, Ottawa, scored 101 and Sergt. Wright, 43rd, Ottawa, 100, all going .into the se- cond series of this 'blue ribbon event of the meet, Russell has won the grand -aggregate, To-day a team of eight men, from every province, is shooting in the/pro- vincial mateh, For the first time in WATCHES FOR BOATING AND CAMPING Nickel cased with strongly] made movements, stem wind- ing and setting. Made in small size, for either pocket or wrist and in Thin model wear, 12 sizes. H team of eight, Canada's history, all the provinces are represented, A 43rd Ottawa team was credited with winning the Walker cap, but it is found there has heen an error in ecaleulation; instead it goes to a team of the 13th Hamilton. In the grand aggregate, Russell is first with 33 points; Sergt.-Maj, Dit mond, Toronto, Sergt. Cliffoex], 10th Regiment, and Corpl. Freehorn, Ham- iiton, are ted for second place, with 32K points cach. It is announced that the Ontario i won the London Mer- chants cup; British Columbia was se- cond, A Rifle Shooting On States. Peery, Ohio, Aug. 26.--The Rifle teamn match was won S. navy winner in' 1907, by of 3,708, heing 584 ahead of the United] States infantry, winning tho seore last year. The navy gots the mational trophy and $450. The U. S. infantry took sccond prize. Mas. sachuscits was third, New , York, seventh, In 'he skirmish scores Ngw | Camp National hy the 1 the score for pocket wear. The priced watches. best value in low rari at ja -- ---- ee LT SRT TT Lawn Mowers That Gut Grass It §s easy to squander money Lawn Mowers that look as nice ° their fresh paint, thev look as good as the best,-dmt after they have been used @& year, then it is a case of survival of the fittest, The Maxwell Mowers n used hv our customers and are as good as on with for new Have 1} filteen y...s, yet Mowers from $3 to machine guaranteed. $7, and every SOLD ONLY IN TOWN BY W. A. Mitchells Hardware Kingston. --- Wedneselay at eigh of George S. Duiham, the scene of a pleasant cvont when his danghtes, Miss Ida May Dunham, was united in marringe to Russell "Wilson, Saskatoon, S t o'clock the hémao rockville, was A York was seventh and as winner in class B, took the $3,000 Hilton trophy with $350 prize added DEATH OF MRS. MACFARLAND. Passed Away at Her Home Nelson Street. The death occurred on Thursday morning at 8 o'clock, of Mrs. Mae farland, wife of John G. Macfarland; at the family residence, 220 Nelson street. Mrs. Macfarland had been in failing health for several months, Her maiden name was Elizabeth Hyland, and she was a daughter of the lato John Hyland, of Kingston township, where she was born, She was a resi- dent of the township of Pittsburgh, for over fifty years, but had only wen living in Kingston, for a little over a year, She is survived hy two daughters, Mrs... James Brebner, of Cataraqui and Miss Agnes, at home and three sons, Maxwell Maciarland, of Williamsville, Rev, J. F. Macfar- land, of Warkworth, and W. A., on the old homestead on NOT PAID UP YET. Chinamen Slow in Putting Up the $50 License. Although it was stated by counsel for the Chinese lawidrymen, in police court, that all the Colestials would be advised pay up, not one of the laundrymon have, as vet, paid in their money, at the city treasurer's office. The Chinamon pre very: much op- posed to putting? up the 850, and ap- poar putting it off until the last. minute - In Chatham, the city council taken up the laundry question, passexl a by-law making the fee $50. 0 to he has and license See Bibby's $5 school suits. Hon. William Patterson has returned to, Ottawa, after spending several weeks at Old Orchard Beach. Friday, 8 a.m., America, makes hor last trip to Brockville and Ogdens burg, 50c. return. William Swaine. piano tuner, Orders received at McAuley's. 'Phone 778. See Bibby's 85 school suits. School Suit Sale SCHOOL SUITS WILL SOON BE IN GREAT DEMAND Vacation days are hard on Clothes, and every strenuous Boy will need a new outfit for school. We appre- ciate this fact, and as we have malle splendid provision for our School Boy Friends by placing on sale, to clear up our stock for fall 15 Suits in Norfolk day, jrom Constantinople. fon of the barracks is THE DATLY BRITISH WHIG THURSDAY, AUGUST TO LOAN WARSHIFS. Canada's Fleet Will Be of British Type. Special to the Whig. Losdon, Aug. 26~The Canadian As- sociatex) Press learns, on high author- ity, that two third-class eruisers ago to be loaned Canada by Greal Britain ona for he Pagific, the othr for the b Ad laitic. These ships will HUIPE some refittang and some can bo made on this side at Canada's expense. Officers for the vessels also have to be loaned to Canada and paid by her. When Canada builds warships, which are to be of British type, they will be built in Canada. Representa tives of loading shipbuilding firms will shortly proceed to Canada to select a site for the shipyards. . a tor ASIATIC CHOLERA ---- its Appearance Rotterdam. London; Aug. 26.--~The government, to'day, alarmed by the discovery of a number of well developed cases of As- iatic cholera, ir Rottendam, began the consideration of means of preventing the disease from reaching England. It is admitted the task will be a dif cult one, in case the , Cholera gets a good start in Holland, Duteh vessels daily visit nearly, every English port. To-day's dispatches say twenty-eight new cases of cholerw have , Rotterdam and already has caused Has Made in as numerous been discovered . in thatthe five deaths. disease ---- KILLED 240 SOLDIERS. A An Explosion in Yemen With Sad Results, Aug. 26.--The Madhists Yemen province, in South: the Vienna, rebels in Western Arabia, have dynamited Turkish barracks, killing 240 of the actording to rensages, to The exact not stat- soldiers, Turkish troops are naw scattered it expected arrears ed. through Yemen, but that, owing to big wages, they are refusing to fight rebels. The Madhist movement is de- lared to be wholly revolutionary. is in their the 'has returned from a few days' visit at « PERSONAL MENTION WHAT PEOPLE ARE DOING THESE DAYS. Travelling to and From the City ~~Campers Are Coming Home to Find Decidedly Cool Place. Guy Cherry, New York, is visiting relatives in the city. a Dr. i. Shaw and wife, Philadelphia, are visiting relatives in the city. C. T. Gwynne, wife and family, Or- ange, NJ. are visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Mahood, Gore street. J. E. Robitaille, auditor for the Bay of Quinte railway, is in the city. Miss Ethel Abernethy, New York, 1s visiting her parents, Ordnance street, Miss Edna Benn, of Quen stroet, Napanee. On Tuesday last E. W. Boyce, Har- tington, left for Esievan and Mount Green, Sask. . Misses Ada Asquith and G. Reid, of London, Ont., are the guests of Miss Bunt, Bagot street. Prof. Guttman, New York, has been made assistant professor of elfemistry in the School of Mining. Mrs. W. Stokes and Miss Stokes, Sombra, Ont., are with the Misses Meek, Alfred street. Mrs. J. H. Cannon and son, Floyd, Clarendon, are visiting Mre. FF. A. Reid, Princess siroet. Robert Shaw and wife, Montreal, are visiting the former's brother, D. A. Shaw, rio. street. Miss Josephine Delaire, has left Pe- terboro, for Kingston, where sho will spend her summer vacation. H. Wilton and family, Arch street, re- turned, Wednesday, after visiting re- latives at Fredericton, N.B. Hugh M. Sharp, who was home at- tending his brother Stanley's funeral, left for Waterloo, lowa, to-day. Judge O'Rielly, wife and children, Cornwall, are with the Hon. William Harty, for the vacation scason, Rev. CC. A. Sykes and family, aller a month's outing at Cobden Lake, win return to the city on Friday. George M. Belanger is delogate alter- nate for Court Vincent, No. 3886, I. O.F., at the Smith's Falls convention Miss Lillian Mundell, visiting Miss Bessie: McKnight, Owen Sound, has returned after a partiedlarly bright tigie, 9987 > 26, bos FRONTENAC CHEESE BOARD. The Sales Made on the Board on Thursday. At the checse hoard meting, Thurs- day afternoon, there was hoarded 145 boxes of white cheese, and 596 boxes of colored cheese, as follows : _ White--Elginburg, 35; Cataraqui, 60; Latimer, 50; total, 145. . Colored--Battersea, 20; Elm Groye, 40; Exedlsior, 30; Glenburnie, = 50; Glenvale, 40; Gilt Kage, 46; Howe Is land, 30; Morning Star, 27; Ontario, 48; Rose Hill, 40; Sand Hill, 40; St. Lawrence, 50; Silver Springs, Gh Thousand Island, 25; McGrath's, 30; 596, total . f bidrding and -- es The 1 at He. closed with the following sales: At 11 7-16¢., Mr, Alexander bought On- tario, 'Gils Edge, St. Lawrence, Silver Springs, Thousand Islands, Glon- burnie, Latimer, Glenvale, and at the «ame figure, Mr. Murphy scourcd Bat- tersea, Excelsior, Morning Siar, Ca- taragui, Rose Hill, Sand Hill and Elm Grove, 5 Mr. Thompson offered a bid of 118ecs but this was refused. > MET WITH ACCIDENT. John P. Sullivan Was Injured 'Sault Ste. Marie. John P. Sullivan, a former King- stonian, is at present in the city from Sault Ste. Marie, where he mat with a sovere accident. Mr. Sullivan was working in a lumber camp, and when travelling along on the trail, a twig struck him inthe oft cyo, and the injury proved so serious that he lad to have the eye removed. He is now undergoing troatmend in this eity. Mr. Sullivan removed from this city to Sault Ste. Marie ahout iwenty-two years ago. He was born in Kingston at Baseball On Wednesday. Fastern League--~Toronto, 10-1; Jer sey City, 0-7. Montreal, 3-2; Pro- vidence, 2-3. Baltimore, 8; Buffalo, 1. Rochester, 5; Newark, 2, American League--Detroit, 4; Phila- delphia, 3. St. Louis, 1; New York, 0. Washington, 6; Cleveland, 5. Boston, 4; Chicago, 4. National Leagne--New York, 3; Pittsburg, 2. Philadelphia, 4; Chi cagd, 2. Boston, %; St. Louis, N. Brooklyn, 3; Cincinnati, 2 Taken To Howe Island. Mrs. T. Smith, and Mrs, W. J Charon, visiting relatives and friends at lnverary gnd vicinity, have return- edd home. | Mrs, James Dumphy, 96 York street, bk TO GET INCREASES. Al F Ottawa, Aug. 26.--F. A. Ackland, deputy minister 3 of labor, from Fort William reports that a finding has heen arrived at by the con- ciliation bodrd and now only lacks the signatures of some of the parties. It | was ascertained that the i men who were Teceiving y 18}c. an hour for day and 21e. for night work will receive substantial in- crease. HW 9 3 a EFEF HEATHER RRS | : 2 PEF EEF THF FEFIH TLE INF TE THHE "FOR RIFLE ASSOCIATION. Movement on Foot to Organize One in Kingston. There is a movement om foot in Kingston, to organize a rifle associar tion, and there is no doubt that it will be carried out on a most success ful basis. The association will be for civilians only, and arrangemenis will probably be made have weekly shoots. Several Kingstonians are tak- ing an active intercst in the proposi- ion. Such an association, if it hag the required number of members, would Treeive support from the ernment, in the way of being supplied with rifles and ammunition. to gov- Ordered To Quit. County Constable Robert Smith, on Thursday, went to Williamsville, and told a family living there to "va- moose." They have not paid any rent lately and more than that the neigh- bors complained of the actions of the family. Somehow the female portion of the contingent got wind of the coming of the constable and cleaved out, leaving all the furniture, and edibles in the house. A watch will | be kept and as soon as they return | they will be put out, 1,000 Islands-Rochester. Steamers North King and Caspian leave for Thousand ' Island points daily, except Monday, at 10:30 a.m. | and for Bay of Quinte ports and Ro- chester, at 5 pm. J. P. Hanley, agent. Home From Europe. Richard J. Bowes, of New York, ar | rived home on the 24th inst. iter) touring Europe. He had a most de- lightful trip, sight-secing at Naples, | Rome, Venice, Milan, Paris, and other places of note. Hopes To Regain Sight. John Orr, Princess street, wha suf- fered severe, injuries (to his eye, a lew days ago, Was able to leave the hos- pital this week, and is now at his home. He has not yet regained the sight of the injured eye, but hopes are held out that he will. ------ To Sleep It Off. The police reccived a call at three Jot the A.C.A.; have been spending who had been camping at Mrs. GG, hompson's, Loughboro Lake, has re | turned home. | Miss Jessie Creamer, Port Hope, to bé operated on for appendicitis, is do- ing well. © Her condition was mugh improved to-day. John MeKay, wife and children, Sy- denham sireet, returned, yesterday, from a pleasant outing at the canoo camp, Sugar Island. Mrs. 1). Byron, John street, left, on Wednesday last, for Detroit, to visit her parents. She, will not return for a month or six weeks. Mes. William Mason, Uaijon street, ill in the hospital with typhoid fever, is holding her own, to-day, having passéd a restiil night. Douglas Guimings, of East Orange, N..J., and DBruce McKendrick, members a few days with Mrs. John Cochrane, Gore street, Miss Mabel H&derson is a guest of the Misses Martin, Gore strect, for a few days. Next "week the Hendersons leave Thousand Island Park for Mon | treal {0 reside, | Miss Annie Byron, who, for the past week, has boon the guest of Miss Grace Brouse, Stuart street, returned to Gananoque, to-day, Mise Brouse going down with her. Mrs. J. W. Washington, with her husband and son, of 131 St. Sacra- mento Boulevard, Chicago, are tho guests of Mrs. Washington's mother, Mrs. James Bryant, Division street. The engagement is announced Prichton, Ont., of Miss Dora A. La- zier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Lazier, to Glen. R. White, Trenton. The marriage will take place in the fourth week in September. Miss Ethel Marsh, Capo Vincent, N.Y. is spending a few weoks" holis days with hor sister, Mrs. Huff, Wolie Island. Miss Marsh is a splendid con- tralto soloist and sang the beautiful solo, "From Manger To Throne," in the Presbyterian church, last Sah. bath morning. at Wolfe Island Notes. i Wolfe Island, Aug. 25.~The Trinity church lawn social, on Tuesday even | ing, in W. Card's grounds, was a decided success. There was a large crowd from Garden Island, also a! large number came over on the boat from the city. Dancing was the prin cipal amusement; Davis' orchestra | furnished . excellent music: ~The mem- bers realized about 150 net. Mr. Cole and wife and Miss Alice Keys, Chat- ham, are on the island visiting friends. Frank O'Shea is home from Chicago. JBha McLaren and Edward McLaren, Buffalo, and L. J. Spoor, Toronto, were here to attend the late Malcolm MeLaren's funeral on Saturday morning. Mrs. McCormick and Agnes, "city, gre guests at Mrs. i. Briceland's, Miss Graham and Miss Toland, two teachers, of the city have taken charge of the village pub- lic school. Miss Edna Fleming, city, bas taken the Head of the Island school for this season, Miss Annie O'Riley, rh 0 Briceland's; Miss Maggie city, at Waler, et RR RR RRR RRR RY "plant is one of the oldest, and though i g [learn that the inevitable has arfived. {scrap heap and a big investment o'clock, to-day to ther Randoiph hotel ronto, is home on a visit. The thresh- The funeral of the late Miss Herlin Rochefort took place, to-day, from the family home, Garden Island. Services were held in the Roman Catholic church, Wolfe Island, after which the remains were removed to Howe Island for burial. CAUSE OF DEATH. Special to the Whig. Norwood, Ont,, Aug. 26. --That the death of Thomas G. Willoughby was due to arterial schlerosis was the opinion expressed by Dr. Sutton at the in- quest into the death of Willoughby and his little 'girl, Stella, who was shot by her father a week ago yesterday. Willoughby's stomach, which was t to Toronto, for examination had mot been returned as the analysis was not com- pleted, and the inquest, therefore, adjourned for week. FEF FF TT LU FF ETRE HE EF THE SAME OLD STORY. Brockville Realizing Usual "Own- ership" Result. Montreal Gazette. Brockville has just made the discov- ery that municipal ownership is not all that it claimed to be. For some years it has, through a board of com- missioners, operated its water, gas and electric light Annually re ports have been issued showing that all were in a flourishing condition. It is not difficult to make a municipal ownership proposition appear profit able in the days of its infancy. Time is required to develop the things which cannot' be hidden. But few municipal enterprises in Canada have been in ex istence long omough to reach this point. The Brockville electric light 18 services, it should have been kept on its legs a little longer, it ic not surprising to The Brockville Times + 1ys that the plant has become badly .un down and opinion is divided amongst the com- missioners as to which is the best course to pursue, amalgamation o! the plant with the waterworks pump- ing plant, or a new electric light sta- tion. In either event it means that the present plant is only fit for the will have to be made for a new outfit. Of course the old plant should have pro- vided a depreciation account out of its earnings 'which would have en- abled the commission to replace it without adding to the capital obliga- tion; but municipal plants seldom worry about the future, and even when they do set aside a sum for that pur-| pose it is apt to become - merely a bookkeeping asset. A YM.CA. ATHLETIC FUND. Boys Are Fast Getting Into Shape For the Big Meet. The athletic field was a very busy place last night, and 'a good crowd were out, getting in shape for othe coming Y.M.C.A. meot. Leo Barry is throwing the hammer in good style, a: v4 " 3% oideriet E £ § i Se ee ns ranging in price from 7c yard t Corset md Yi broide ery. The prov lence of the Shirt Waist makes a pretty Cor wi Cover Juore than piling de /e're showing some extremely handsome eas in this line for making exquisite Corset Covers, and invite your examing tion thereto at your leisure. At prices to suit everybody. ; : : EMBROIDERED WAIST FRONTS Ina variety of very pretty designs, worked on fine lawn. Price 48g, (ibe, 9c, $1.10, 1.49, The following is a list of White Goods, especially adapted for Underwear, Em- broidering, Corse. Covers, ete, : English Long Cloth, 15e, 18¢, 20¢, 25¢, Madapolam, 15¢, 18¢, 20¢, 23e, 25¢. Lonsdale Cambric, 12}¢, 15e¢. s Nainsook, 15¢, 25c, 30¢ yard. Victoria Lawn, 15¢, 20¢, 26¢ yard. IMPORTED PERSIAN LAWN INDIA LINON These Fine Sheer Materials, in a variety of qualities, largely used as waistings, also for numerous other effective purposes. Many different. Prices from 12i¢ up. inlmialelel 08 ARORA) CRCEORCRORCH FRENCH VALENCIENNES AND ENGLISH TORGHON We carry a large variety in many widths. Numerous insertions and edgings to match. Beautiful Laces at low prices. Special for Friday ~ 1,000 Yards Victoria Lawn Regular Price 121c for 7c yard. This Lawn is (ine, yet strong, suitable for many purposes, more especially for aprons. After 9 o'clock. ? ea Ai fe [AREER Another Splendid Bargain For Men We secured, at a greatly reduced' price, a quantity of Fine Box Call Blucher Cut and arrested a drunk, a Scotehman, i5, yachine's busy hum can be heard who wanted to scrap with everyone in 3, pany places now. The. grain crop sight. When the polite appeareq all lis a far Fhe throughout the island. the fight disappeared. He was @von a Richard "Laughlin Jeft for the west on good room in which to sleep it off. { Tuesday mornitig. F. Briveland sold a = ' fine Clyde horse to Mr. Swift, Kings- Last Of The Season. togpg The Ridge school is holding a Brockville and Ogdewsburg, Friday, fdnnce in Mr. Abbott's grove on Thurs- 8 am., America. Meals, on board. hay evening. Misses Sleeman and Miss 50¢. return. { Nora Hogan have it in charge, and it certainly will he a 'grand success. Albert M. Utley, one of the promin- | - ; ent business men of Watertown, N.Y. | Some needed repairs are being made half a cemtury and more ago, died oi to the separate schools, in prepara- Wednesday morning, aged ninety | tion for the opening. years. : In order fo pose as a The marriage of Miss Ethel Sing, | fisherman one must possess a Port Hope, to Dr. Gardener, Eldorado, imagination. was quietly solimnized on Wednesday. | A. thick skull enables a man to keep Howell, wanted in Napanee a lol of useless Fhowledge oud ol As @ ® ' George i df NV 1 NM S @ on two charges of theft; wisi arrested head. A if ; = jn Petcrboro, t Bibby's for boys' school suits, \ and Three-Piece To be sold at just HALF MARK- ED PRICE. ' All Suits marked in plain figures. ale 10 Commence Saturday Moming and Continue for Ong Wek. Here's a Scloo! Suit opportunity. and Summers ran the best quarter mile of the year. "Joo" Adams is in fine form, and will go out to regain the two miile record, and city cham- pionship on Friday night. ; |" The members of the Harrier Club are anxious to send a team to Toron- to for tho Dunlop trophy five mile team race, and the following men are asked to attend the track and gel busy : Edgar Bros., LaRush, Flem ing, Day, Casterton. Theso, along with Adams, Nicholson, Cole, Sum- mers, Moxley, Atkinson, Stinson, would make a good team. In this classic event, the Dunlop iE™torbe run September 18th" at Foronio. Lace Boots, manufactured by the McKay Welt Process. All sizes 6 to 10. ALL THIS WEEK $2 .48 --- suceessinl good THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE P.S.--Some New Suit Cases just arrived. Green. gages, Se. a peck. Te. quart, Priday, at Carnovsky's. See Bibby's 85 school suits,