Annual August | | Cash. Sale (14th Anniversary.) Monday and Tuesday will be the last days of our sale. REMEMBER Our Curtains are reduced per cent. i Our Linoleums per cent. Qur Carpets are reduced 10 cent. are reduced Every piece of Furniture is re- duced 10 to 20 per cent, PHONE 90. T. F. Harrison Co. We are the Kingston Agents of the Canadian Vacuum Cleaning System. Make your appointments for Sept. now. When ordering your Cooked Meats for lunches or picnics, don't fail to order some of our Pickles or Relishes, We have a variety to choose from. "Phone, 570. H. J, MYERS, 60 Brock street. RISE OF THE United Empire Loyalists Ad Informing Sketch of Ameri- can History, Valuable for Librar- ies and Research. By VISCOUNT DE FRONSAC. Price, 50c. Address British Whig, Kingston. A0k's caiton Koot Compound The great Uterine ly fr effect or on receipt of se prone price hlet. 3 LttenieOo TomokTo Rx Oe nda EVERY DAY New Good s are anniv ing. We have already received our EIDER DOWN COMFORTERS The finest colorings ever shown. Come and see them. New Curtains and Curtain Materials, New Mission Nets and Stirling Scrims R. McFAUL, Kingston Carpet Warehouse. ll hud A SNAP a ---------- ---------- A party who has to 51 Brock St. Phone, 326 or 621, , again, when the Japancse ) TAC ON LAWORES T. F. HARRISON WRITES A TO MAKE READY FOR FALL LETTER ON THE QUESTION Says Siz Chinamen Are Unable to Pay Fer Their = License and Must Be Helped or Out---They Rendered Aid Japanese Famine Fund Queen's University. Bath, Aug. 27.~(To the Editor) : Recent issues of your paper convey ihe infopmation that the Chinese have not pefd the laundry tex, because they believed it 40 be unjust, and thal one, Sue Tang, had been arrested and fined for not doing so. Permit me to add, that not only did they refuse be- causo of the unjustness, but also be cause six of {their number are unable, and unless thoy help these, thoy will be crushed out of business, and the tax will answer its designed purpose, and these six will lose all they have inivested. Hong Lee, some time ago, when Queen's Aniversity was coeking financial aid, gave a subscription of $50 and to-day owing to a change in his fortunes, having sold out and started in a new location, he finds himself unable to meet this charge, to and that overy man who voted to crush him out, is also a friend of the ineti- tution, to which he gave his 850. When ho was in better circumstances, HONG LEE, Who may be crushed by the Laundry Tax: famine fund was being raised here, our local China- men sent $42 as their contribution. Further, for five years, a few of our (hingmen have been supporting a. na- tive' Chinese teacher in China. These are only a low instances occurring to me, as 1 write, but sufficient to in- dicate that our local Chinamen, at last, ave trying to become Canadien- id, and i ficient. also, to cause us to wonder what peculiar influence would cause ten sidermen, some of whom beliove in missions, and all of whom profess to beligve in educating and Canadianizing our foreign element, to atiomp?, ww fairly and unjustly" to crush out the fesw we have here, I mention missions, because thiy is the missionaryg ag when Roman Catholic and Protestant alike, have missions all through Chine and in that light the anomaly of this 250 tax scoms sadly ridiculous. Thank- ing you for spac, I remain yours.-- T. ¥. HARRISON ---------------------- AN OPEN LETTER. To the Aldermen of the Kingston City Council. Gentlemen of the city council and trustees of the people's property : Al low me to call yous attention to a ral grievance of the working people of Kingston, a large majority of whom quit work at 5 p.m. The Street Railway compaay does not honor work tickets until six o'clock, and these are limited to 6:30 p.m. afte that full fare. Every other treed railway in Canada, that | am aware of, extends the limit of work tickets from 9 p.m. until"? p.m. Why should the people of Kingston be discriminated against by railway corporations ? A few years ago 'the company, in Kingston, for about six months working people - to venience of walking. to and from their work and places of business. It would not resume traffic until it gob all it asked for in concessions from the cily. (This a practical - hold-up of standrandrdeliver.) These, our trus- the city council, granted to it: every concession was made in the fond hope that it would be satisfied as a corporation. Aft having got all theso privileges, it is now disconfentir as 1 understand it, wants its power Ire If this concession 1S granted tho im- pression will be left on uw thal city council of Kingston is appointed by the stroct railway and not clected by the peopl In your nexi conjerence with the street railway people will you be kind to impress on the directors! minds that a reciprocity in conces- dons is now in order and before granting any more privileges let thie street railway people honor the work Street Railway went on strike and put the all' the incon- was tes, od and, enough steadh of from 6 until, 6:30 p.m. "A VICTIM OF (A CORPORATION. ---- Spent Pleasant Time. On Friday evening, tho mombers of "The Class On The Corne:,"' of denham street church,, were the guests of the Miuses Noeris, at "Cozy Nook, the summer home of Perey B. Chown, at Dead Man's Bay, and the visitors were well enterlained, and a most enjoyable time was spent. The trip from the city. Was made in launch, and ib was a fine night oun lhe walor, Sy- $1.65 Watertown & Return $1.65. Saturday, 5'am. or 2 pm., Sun. day, 7.30 am. or 2 p.m; returning Sundev or Monday. "Itpays" to buy Abbey Salt, Eves Salt, and citrate of magnesia, at SeetLBARMIeRRePIDe leave the city at once will sell at a bargain his brick dwclling. 9 rooms _bath and closet, central location. Don't let this chance slip. Full particulacs at McCANN, § Gibso's Red Cross drug store. Per- fectly fresh there. ! Crushed i and the irony of the whole thing iw, | possibly Christianized, sul- | tickets from 5 pom. "until 7 pm. in- | BRITISH i SATURDAY. AUGUST 28, 1909. THE DAIL ¥ wHIG, ; SUNDAY _ SERVIGES | The Pulpits Are Again Filled By the Regular Pastors--Some of the Themes For Consideration. Dr. Mackie. Ser- | St. Andrew's--Rev. p.m. Strangers vices 11 a.m, and 7 welcome, | First Congregational church-Rev. 1J. Charles Villiers, pastor, at 11 am. and 7 p.m., Rev. James W. Pedley, Toronto, will preach. | St. Paul's--Morning service at 11 o'clock. Evening service at 7 o'clock. 'Holy communion at 8 'a.m. Preacher at both services, Rev. J. O'Connor Fenton, rector at Deseronto. \ | Portsmouth Methodist Sunday school--10 a.m. Public service 7 p.m. The pastor, G. Oliver Tredinnich, will preach. Thursday prayer and praise meeting. Everybody welcome, Cooke's | street--The pastor, Tavish, Ph.D., will preach at both services. Sunday school and Bible classes at 3 p.m. Strangers always welcome. | St. George's Cathedral, 12th Sun- 'day after Trinity. Holy Communion, 8 s.m.; matins, 11; baptisms, 4 pm; evensong, 7. Dean Bidwell will preach at matins and evensong, J. M. Sher- lock will sing at the eleven o'clock service. Montreal Street Methodist church-- Pastor G. Oliver Tredinnich. Services 11 a.m., and 7 p.m.; Sunday school, 3 pm; Wednesday, mid-week services of prayer and praise. All seats free. Hymn books provided. Everybody welcome. First Baptist church--Rev. Douglas Laing, pastor, at both services, a.m., "Christ's Method For The Masses," 7 p.m., "How One New Testament - Revival Was Brought About." Bible School at 12.15 noon. A cordial welcome to strangers to all the services. Princess Street Methodist church -- Frederic H. Sproule, B.A., pastor. 'Services, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., morning preacher, Rev. T. Cleighton Cassidy. Rechab Tandy will sing several selec- tions. Evening preacher, 2V. Ryckman. Sunday school, 2.45 p.m. Epworth League, Monday, 8 p.m; peayer meeting, Wednesday, 7.45 p.m. Everybody welcome. Chalmers, Presbyterian, corner Bar- rie and Earl streets--Rev. M. Macgil- livray, D.D., pastor. Services: 11 a.m. "Some Matters, Religious and Secu- lar, of Immense Moment to Present fend Future'; 7 p.m., "A Wage That | Brings Death and its Many Sided Way of Working." Sunday School, 3 p.m. resuming after holidays. Strangers cordially invited to all services. Sydenham Street Methodist church Charles A. Sykes, B.D., pastor: Wil- liam Craig, pastor's helper, 10 a.m., class meetings; 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. public services, reacher, the pastor; 12 p.m., Bible school; Monday, 8 p.m. Epworth League; Wednesday, 8 p.m. mid-week service, for praise, prayer and conference. Morning, anthem, "Still, Still With Thee," duet, "Jesus, Lover of My. Soul," Mrs. James Small and Mrs. E. 1. Moonie. Even ling, anthem, "Softly Now The Light 'of Day," soloists, Mrs. James Small, | Harvey Angrove ; solo, "River of Life," William Eva. Brock Street Methodist church--Rev. T. E. Burke, B.D., pastor--Rev. J. A. | Waddell will preach at 'both services, 11 am. and 7 pm., 10 am. Sunday school and class meeting, Wednesday jevening, at 8 prayer meeting. Sunday morning anthem, "Seek ye the Lord"; solo, Miss Edith Orser. Evening an? them, "Light of the World, We Hail Thee," soloist, Miss Edith Orser; solo, | "The Lord is My Shepherd," Rechab Tandy; anthem, 'God so Loved the {World"; solo, "Alone With God," , Rechab Tandy. Organ and vocal recit- al, organ allegretto pastorate. Solo, "Heaven Is My Home," Rechab Tan- dy; organ borspiel, overture from Lohegrien; solo, "The Dream of Paradise," Rechab Tandy; organ over- {ture to Stradella. Strangers made welcome. | Queen Street Methodist church--Rev. iS. Sellery, M.A, B.D., pastor, will conduct both services, 11 a.m., sub- | ject, "The Best Definition of God" ; 7 |p.m., "What Constitutes True Life." {10 a.m., class meeting; Sunday school jand Bible classes, 12.15 p.m.; prayer | meeting, Wednesday evening, at eight lo' clock. Miss Hinckley will sing at the morn ing service. In the ¢vening John M. Sherlock, Toronto, will sing "Beauti- ful Isle Of Somewhere," and iwo other choice selections. Rev. W. S. Mac- i LOOKS LIKE LONGER SEASON. Many Can Tarry on River in September. There is a fecling among Alexandria Bav hotel men thet with good weather she present season will hang on a bit longer than usual. The fact that La- bor day occurs later, that schools will, open at a later date, will have a very | material effect in prolonging the sea- | son, judging from {alk here all alon the river. { As a little instance of how well tho hotels are doing the Thousand Island house, ,on Thursday night, sheltered ninoty-one more guests than a year jago and on Tuesday eixty-six more than a year ago. ------------ B. A. Hotel Arrivals. James G. Strong, George H. Camp- bell, K. M. Clipsham, Toronto; E Boyd Morrow, Baltimore; R. Camp- bell, Winnipeg; LE. C. Westhmuler, New York: D. Greig, Glasgow; R. M. Lett and child, Newport News, Va.; H. C. Carter and wife, Malone, N.Y; Mrs. Charles Carsens, W. Carden Car sens, Ottawa; R. W. Guess, St. John, NB: R. A. McLellan, Kingston; Thomas Watson, Mrs. Thomas Watson, Minnie Porter, Mascatine, la. Taken To The ¢Cooler." Early this morning, the police had la call for a drunken man, who was | trying to hold up a telegraph pole at the corner of King and Clarence stroets--or rather to brace himself up. He was taken to the lock-up, but was too much under the influence to go before thé acting magistrate, and thus will be detained at police head- quarters over the week end. Aberpethy"s for $5 trunks. Presbyterian church, Brock A ISLANDERS GOT SEVEN IN AN' INNINGS . ree And the Victorias Could Not 'Overcome it--There Were Speci- mens of Fine Ball During the Game. There was a | torchlight pro- ceseion and other Jnomstrasons on Wolfe Ifland,. on Friday evening, ev- eryone being out in their best bib and tucker. No, it was mot an election, where the people's candidate was elect- ed, it whe only a jollification because young "Doc" Spankie's ball team, had luckily won a game, especially from the junior Victorias, and for a si bet of $50. Was there a good time on the island ? Well, I guess ! one was out, and every one was hap- py, men, women and children. The winners were heros on Friday even- bY the game was the outcome of a dis- pute after the game at Lake Ontario Park, on Saturday last, when the Vics won out, 7 runs to 6. A matched game was arranged for Wolfe Island, and it was played with the result that the Victorias were defeated 9 runs to 7, but only after putting up the finest game of ball ever seén on Wolfe Is- land. But for two glaring errors they would have--but they didn't. The game was called at three o'clock, but, of cowrse, the arguments hadn't commenced, so the game was postponed until four o'clock. The first kick was over Mundell, whom the is- landers claimed had no right to play, because he played a senior game, the vear before last. Mundell was retired by the Vies, and then the gentlemen from Marysville, claimed that Leo Millan, a fourteen-year-old player, was not a Victoria lad; they failed to win on this point. After the islanders had picked all the . cherries they wanted from the Vies' tree, someone asked if "Fergie" Doyle was a bona fide resi- dent of Wolfe Island. Well--anyone who said Doyle was not an islander was in danger of his life. They claim- ed "Fergie," got him and he played. At four o'clock the umpjre called the game, Wolfe Island going to the field. Shultz landed a nice hit over short, but was caught sleeping off first. Rob- inson went out on a slow hit, and Muckler was caught at second. Muck- ler pitched just three balls to retire the islanders, In the second innings something hap pened. The islanders received a pres ent of seven rhins; out of these three were earned runs, The first man up hit for one bese. the next up ad vanced the man to second, the third man bunted and Muckler made an er ror, putting three on bases with-unone out. Then the balloon went up, a one up hit, and every hit brought in a run, until sevén were totalled. In the. Victorias' hali one run was se cured, Millan 'getting a safe hit and stealing the next threc bases, in way that would make Hans Wagner open his eyes. In the Vics' half of the third they came back strong, landing five runs. In this innings they were hitting ev: erything, and made their five runs on well-placed" hits, while the Islanders made their seven on only three hits. and a bunch of errors. The Islanders were retired one, two, three, and this made the score G runs to 7 in favor of the island, at the end of the third innings. It went on the same way until end of the eighth innings, when Islanders secured two more runs, Vics receiving their other one in the fifth, Muckler getting around. In the five innings that there was no scoring, there was certainly bascball. Some fine plays were pulled off by rboth teams. The Islanders had threo men on bases 'and no one out in the sev- enth innings, when Muckler came {tc time, and retired the next three men. Again in the sixth, the Islanders had three on bases and two out, when Doyle landed a strong drive between first and second. Kinnear Reid cover: ed fully one hundred feet, running with the ball, and then jumped and caught it, saving at least two runs. It was the finest catch made by a Kingston player this year, in any league. x In the last half of the eighth the Islanders secured two runs, Davis and Crawford getting around, on two sac- rifice hits. When the Vics came in for their end of the innings they could not land in a safe place. the the the \ - "New Hats for Sale Is the Subjectof Our Gall" The New Fall Hats Are Here All the best makers' Hats%in vew and exclusive styles, Woodrow, Tress, Hawes, Piccadilly, Waverly. Watch Our Windows, Importers Of Fine Hats. | { WOLFE ISLAND WON| | take up { smith. There are many friends of both | Baby's Own Tablets, ARE STILL SELI ~ WHITE WA AT 20 to 50 Per Cent. Off Regular Music Sale 1 CAN'T MAKE MY EYES BEHAVE. MH A Girl Like You Loves A Boy Like oy . ad The Greatest sale on Popular' Music ever held in Kingsten, on sale at these prices, FRIDAY NIGHT and SATUR- DAY only. ; Music at 7c Per Copy Are You Eng . Watch Where Mo Crowd Goes By. Dream Of Violets, Waltz, Dream Of Pearls, Waltz. Irish Gibson Girl. Lonesome, (Von -Tilzer)." Jill My Ship Comes In. 9c Per Copy Farewell Dear Toys' Dear Old Broadwaye UNDER THE HARVEST MOON. CHRISTMAS CHIMES. 11c Per Copy BARN DANCE, (Sarah Edn); Flower Gir], Inter. Loves Golden Dream, (38-step). Chestnuts, (2-step). : Laughing Eyes. Call at the store for complete Darling Sue, (Von Tilzer). comprising over 200 different pieces. The College Book Store, 260 Princess St. Phone 919. "Watch Us Grow." joofeofostorfefocfeotentefofufonfoofrcfesferfrofufeiororts Gee But There's Class To A Girl Like ' You : I'm Going To Get A Black Salome. 15¢ Per Copy When The Moon Plays Peek-A-Boo. Tipperary. ™ OH, YOU KID. 4 Roses Bring Dreams Of You. SUNBONNET SUE. BEAUTIFUL EYES, 3 1 LOVE, I LOVE, I LOVE MY WIFE. Dublin Daisies, Vocal and Inst. I WISH I HAD A GIRL. ARE YOU SINCERE. LOVE ME AND THE WORLD 18 MINE, list, From the score board the Vics lead in hits, and should have won, only for the few glesing errors. The Islanders CORRIGAN'! aL Our stock comprises many new English de- signs, consisting of bars bof gold with Pearl ; Sprays, Leaves and other Ornamentations applied. These goods > have an excellent show- ing, are solid gold, and not expensive. SMITH BROS., : Jewellers, Opticians. 4 Marriage Licenses Issued. 3 p ) p » y y p . y p p b p p p p p p a ad BAAS AAAAARD -~ ad hd BA AANA v played a go steady game, as they generally do on their home grounds, and deserved . their victory. Both pitchers threw fine games, and received their share of credit. As for an umpire, "Charlie" Jerome was fair to everyone, saw overything, called it, and if questioned could al- ways give the rule, word for word 'rom the book. The teams : » & ALL READY! " - a R te - - " - - ; ' & For the largest Coat and we - secured in King- the goods, fit, Wolfe Island. ; Shit business ever 2 bf by any one store b ston. We have Pp both in style, quality, finish and the tempptingly low. ask that you see cur display. Isn't that fair ? DRESS. GOODS! Ladies' tell us that we .have the swellest range in ol = " WN HEHEHE R. Davis, 8.8. «. Crawford. 2b. Doyle, 3b. Cummings, c.f. W. Davis, LI. . Berry, 1b: . Pyke, Pp. Cosgrove, Card, c. we =o prices are We simply olcece Totals. «wu. Victorias. Schultz, Robinson, Muckler, p. .. K. Reid, 2b. Millan, c.f. .. McCammon, 1 Sleeman, © & Comper, G. Reid, 8.8. Lic. | errmmenmel r.l. Totals 7.12 8 Umpire--Charles Gerome, Cape Vincent. Have Two Classes. It is the idea of Frontenac Club members that the establishment of say two classes of motor boats, the forty-looters and the thirty-two-fool- ers, would help in securing better) ro sults in racing. a parson" was building a fast boat, equipped with powerful engines, he would plan for one of the two classes, and arrange his engine's strength accordingly. the trade. Not a large col- " " " - * " " " " w " - - o " - " o . " ' " " ¥. ke lection of last year's lines " " 2.8. 8.8.8 5.8 8 8 8 8 8 o i carried over, but a range of crisp and new goods direct: from the best houses. Each « piece selected with care and « stamiped with of Paris and New York. SEE THE RANGE EARLY --------------. Newman . & Shaw y THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE the approval Will Likely Be Re-Engaged. Jack Campbell and Joe McMahon will likely be re-engaged as coaches for the Queen's University football team this year, says the Hamilton Times. They are to meet the college boys' manager in Toronto next week, and expect to sign up an agreement with him. "Dinkey" is confident that Queen's will make a clean sweep of the inter-collegiate and says the team will then go after the winners of the "Big Four." CATARAQUI WEDDING. Nuptials of Miss Myrtle Black and |. William Lyons. A quiet wedding topk place, in the Anglican church, at Cataraqui, on Wednesday morning, at eight o'clock, when Rev. Mr. Elhott, the rector, un- ited in marriage, Miss Myrtle Black, of Cataraqui, and William Lyows, son of W. J. Lyons, of Harrowsmith. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Florence Black, and the groom was supported by his cousin, Frank Lyons, of Newboro. The young couple left on a trip to Toronto and other west- ern cities, and upon their return will their residence in Harrow- seteesetesteseeshe AGAR GRAPE JUIGE UNFERMENTED. --p-- 3 FEEPEREEEY the bride and groom, in Kingston, who will join in extending congratula- tions, This Grape Juice is the pure Juice of the grapes, being pre- served, as cunned goods, merply by the exclusion of air. No anti- septics being used, No Meeting Held. There was no meeting of the Board of Education held on Friday night. The meeting had to be called off, ow- ing to the fact that members were out of the city. It will be held on Mon- 'day evening. -- It's medicinal qualiligs are the same as the grape itself. Blood builder and tonic splendid appe- tizer. A Diluted, it makes a pleasant and refreshing summer drink. : $Dr A.P.Chown DRUGGIST AND OPTIOIAN. 3 'Phone, 343, 185 Princess 3 ; , AG PH-H GEE IVI Bibby 's $2 hatsefor style. For the baby, talcum pow- ders, nipples, bottles, soothers, haiz brushes, _ infants' foods, Castoria, Nyal's Worm Sv Buy at Prouse's drug slore, corner Princess and Clergy. . H. Cunningham, piano tuner from Chickering's. orders at Mo Auley's Book 8 arrived at Aber- 26-128 Princess St. | Bibby's $2 bate for mine. "New fall shocs jus! Canadian Ph Sn RET RY 3 At CANADIAN PRICES | W.F. Gourdier Furrier, 76, 78, 80 Brock St., Kingston. Visit Our Show Rooms Gas Fixtures, at $2.00 to $10. Electric Fixtures, at $3.50 to Oe Portable Lamps, at $2.50 to $20, W. A. Spriggs 4 Practical Flectrician. 235 Bagot, one door from Brock. 'Phone, 68. of Wallace & Parks SUCCESSORS TO 0. G. JORNSON, ' 1 i FLORISTS Palms, Ferns and Out Flowers. De sign work a specialty. 'Phones, Consers vatories, 235; Shop, 289. No Powders ' No Corn Starch IN OUR ICE CREAM 60c PER QUART. Avy flavor. Any hour: PRICE'S, "homes HIGHEST GRADES GASOLINE, COAL OIL, LUBRICATING OILS, ¥LOOR OIL, GREASE, ETC. PROMPT DELIVERY, Ww. F. KELLY Toye's Building, wi nethy's. LL2L0020000000008000e Clarence and Ontario Streets