[WAS INSTANTLY KILL 'MEKAY FURS ateareans FLYING TRAIN. Though Cab Was Smoke Engineer Throttle and Saved His Life. Special Lo the Whig. Montréal, Sept. freal-Ottawa express on the Shore line of the "C.P.R, pmg at about forty-five hour between St. Scholastigue, at 0 o'clock night, a plug blew out on the Nortl was run miles with scaléing steam. Fireman Edward Fdwards, Ottawa, Exclusive in design and finish.» JOHN McKAY Order Department 189-1556 Brock St , vingetan, 1 killed 'by the fall, With great presehce of mind gincer Jobu Wilson threw back throttle and then escaped from cab. He erawled along the board until the train came to The agemdent »s similar to the that caused the big smash at Windsor statien some months ago. one A TRAMP FOUND DYING Died Later in Hospital. Farly Thursday morning the 'engi neer on a GTR. freight train going eest noticed a man lymg on the side of the track, near Rideau station, He notified an up freight train at he next station, and the latter wits stop- ped and the man fakén aboard' the and brought to the junction, whence he was removed to the gene- ral hospital in James Reid's ambu- lance Dr. W. Gi. Anglin, G'I'R. sur- geon, w Hed, and attended the pa- tient, whom he found to be in a dy: ing condition He said the man had been stivcken with apoplexy. Death ensued at 745 a.m There was nothing on the of the deceased to identify him. There is no doubt-he was a tramp; judging hy his appéarance He was about five feet anthes in height, wisghed 130 pounds, was of -dark complexion, with full and gray eyes He wore a blue serge coat and waistcoat, badly worn, light flannel shirt, grey and dark striped Kentuéky jeans, new boots, pmir of odd grey woollen socks ARROW SBHEETS -- Sheets from (t i \ It i rd i 4 op ol one own) am weed pea ow £0c Box up. Quaranteed. cap In his pockets were found a wv ' } rd re handkerchief and some tobacco A. Mitchell S a wa Dr. Mundell, coroner, was notified, I ------ Kingston. but deemed an inquest caboose clothes seve This is the time of the year -the o man delights in gelling in the Country with Dog and Gun. For your needs we can furnish you with evetvihing except Dog, and for a good days short wilh sure shots try. 1 box W, AM. Sports- beard unnecessary. marks of injury. EvidentlyShe man had fallen uncon- beside the tracks while walk- Vy 2, = A fy 2) mg 3 . : The Woman Stayed In SILVER Bat FOR | re a THE BRIDE rig at the time. One of the men was Gifts of Silver thrown out and the hind wheel passed much appreciated. The body bore no sClous aint ounty flair, a farmer's on Wednesday team attached to a over his body, but did not injure him When the horses began to Rick, the other man: jumped and held the lines until She animals were stopped. are always ji 1,000. Ysiands: Rochester. Steamer Caspian leaves for sand Island points Sundays, at 10.30 a.m., and for Bay of Quinte ports and Rochester, at 5 p.m. J. P. Hanley, agent, 2 Thon- Cream and Sugar Sets, Toast Racks, Tea Caddies, Sauce and Gravy Boats, Relish Dishes, Bon-Bon Dishes, Candelabra and Candle Sticks. FormolideMagnesia, the antiseptic mouth wash, ce. and BO, lavge siz hottlés, at Gibson's Red Gross drug store At Cobalt, the typhoid situation is stil serious, and so far as the cases entering the hospital from the mines is concerned there appears to-be no sign of improvement A verv neat pocket siz Shire Bivhy's George In odd { ings inexpensive not to be found elsewhere. = article, Gillette razor, Gibeon's Red Cross drug a full assortment, vew fall overcoats. Graham, "who returned a few weeks is suf- store see Hon from Europe fering from a heavy cold Pibhy's the sweVest of the seaSon. Bibby's. People troubled with dandrufi would Kingsbury's win- ago, are suit styles do well to mspect dow See Bibby's new S15 susts THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright, Money issued on Ulity- and Farm TO" perties. Municipal and Oounty Debeds tures. Mortgages Deposits received and interest owed, S. C. McGill, Managing Director, 87 Olarence street; RISE OF THE United EmpireLoyalists can History, Valuable for Librar- ies and Research. By VISCOUNT DE FRONSAC, Price, 50c. Address British Whig, Kingston. a ------------------ Poenceresrrererertessa T.d. LOCKHART Real Fstate and Insurance Money to Loan. Office, 159 Wellington Sta, King: ston. SIPIIII FINI III IIINY Th WoL HILE YOU rary It TOU JUMPED FROM A SWIFTLY WHOLE FAMILY B Filled 'With! Robbery Turned Back | 23. --~While the on in| Augistine and St. | last en- gine and snstantly the cab was filled jumped for his life put was instantly known as "Aunt Betiy" En- the! the Meadows, his wife and runiang, Were a | badly mutilated, standstill about a mile further along. |yard of his destiroyud home. the! wound, Beside G.T.R, Tracks at Rideau--| disclose "| Special to the Whig. ED IN WEST VIRGINIA. the Motive--House in Which the Crime Was Commit- ted Set on Fire--A Man. Two Women and Three Children the Victims. Bluefield, W. Va., Sept. 20--An n- |. called » family ~ of six i were mur- [Hall "to discuss 'the dire) and the bodies of all but ome of the victims were burned with their home at Hurley, Buchanan Touaty, West Viegimia, on Weodne The | Pla motive was evidently To as the owner of the house, an' woman Justis, 'was generally supposed to a large sum of money about' they Plane. Grorge the Quebtiec Union--A Game on Saturday at the Athletic ° Groupds. | A mecting of all interested in n of enter af "the wuebee 'ay buion, along will place a team a ate ili , 'than' ie the 'On- ario' uni angston s, abund- anie of 'good 'material for a fair senior team, 'and py entering into in- termediate ranks an excellent show- ing can be made. 'Most of last year's playirs will' be on hand avd 8 good attindance . is invited to encouragé ¥ the. project. Practices should ° "he Two bWl- | started t14: week, so there's no time {let holes through the body and ay, Jose. Jt's to be hoped that the which almost sivered the liead | soheme wild: be successful and that from the body, gave the discoverers | Kingston will be represented in the their first evidence of the extent of' Quebec union. the tragedy. A search of the ruine "it he rn mara 10 to place mn. 'the "abo¥ Mrs. Justis, her sofiine three children Meadows' * bods, was found in - the the victims. of the house a sickening spectacle. The blackened masses of half-burned flesy apd charred bones of the two women and the three ehildren 'were found bo neath the debris, each body! bearing ovidences of murder, committed before the house was destroyed by fire, evi- dently for the purpose of hiding the crime. The murders aro supposad to have sceured the 8600 which, "Aunt Betty" always carried on her person. City League Football. The first game of football, in the City League serics, was played at the athletic field, on Wednesday after: noon. The game was between the Wolves and the Tigers, ant the Wolves sucoreded, in the. Tigers into camp by a score of 6 to 1. William Manhgrd was refecée and Physical Ine structor Thompson, of the Y.M.C.A was umpire, and both gave good sa- tisfaction. It is a little too carly, of course, to make comment on the game, as tho teams are just getting down to work, but there is somo good material, and "some warm contests aro expected bes x More the close of the season. id FX A BOMB FOUND. El Paso, Tex., A bomb was found last night in the rear of the Customs House at Juarez, Mexico," a few feet from the platform which has been erected for the meeting be- tween President Taft and President Diaz on October 16th. More than thirty arrests were made. Juarez is across the Mexican bord. er. Sept. 23.-- May Not Enter Series. The management ofthe Collegiate Institute Football . team has not yet iL definitely settled whether the team . will be. entered in the Junior Inter * collegiate series or not. It takes a . lot to finance a team wn the series ow- ¥ nr to some very long jumps, and this is the only drawback a at en * tering the icam. A meeting will be ! held carly next week when the matter ¥ wil Le finally "detided. 'The team HAHAHA tins had several good workouts and is PITH OF THE NEWS. | owing up well, The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. tof tho Cheese sold at Madoc at He, to for 5 11 7-16c. At Woodstock an' offer of' itic. was refused. Posimaster-General Lemieux has lel A for Quebew. He sails for Berne, Swit- zorland, attend the internal postal convention. > Lord Strathcona was in Ottawa and interviowel the premicr afterwards | dining with Sir Wilizid 'Laucier and' the West Indies trade commissioners 'The Torento Railway company's ap- peal against the order to pay fifbéen per cent. of th: cost of 'the Queen street high tevel «bridge was dis- missed. ! At St. Er Ta EE aa i * Will They Win ? Thompson, physical director Y.M.C.A, left, this morning, Tamworth fair, where lio will have | charge of the fivemilo road race. Edgar, Stinson, Halligan, Jackson ang dams wont ou! with him, to run, and the Kingston boys are counted on {to bring home the prize. {to To Play On Saturday. The C.L.C. and Irishmen will play their league game at the Athletic Grounds on Saturday aftermoon, in- ttear] of at thes ericket field. The gamo will count in the league, but is ad at the Athlotie Sete to help out the Y.M.C.A. fick 4 ay. John, N.B., the jury in the | libel suit brought by James Lowell, | M.P., against Dr. Grey, conservative, | vendered a verdwt in favor of the ered ; - plaintifi, awarding him one "dollar damages. Rev. James F. Mills, BA. BD. Ph.D., Marietta, Ohio, has been called by the members of James street Baptist church, Hamilton, Ont., to fill the vacancy caused by' the resignation of Rev. J. 0. Sycamore. 1 i A t ty-fi re 4 Miss A. Hapson, Toronto, on reach- do an sixty-five players Spfor ing Rochester, N.Y, wats taken ill and Es . , driven to the hospital. When the | Halt-back Newton will captain | University of Toronto door of the cab was opened she Was Lap son: found dead. She was going to North | Hamilton Tigers make their first ap- amptog, Mass. © Soi The Allan. - Tine Sloatrer Vitginian, pearatice of the season in Ottawa on October 9th. from Liverpool, was reportén, in-| jo i, : : i : ing Clancy is again coaching the " > 29 g 3 \axd, At Jain Amouf, otf Fh a. The Ottawa .rughy tham, and has ordered amor G i tat 0 A/a 8 a I daily practices. gow, was reported IMO miles from ve p Belle Tele, on Sept. 23rd.' SS. Lau- «Join D. Nakeh aud Paul Avguse axo rentic from Liverpool, inward, at (0 POM prc oO a Yaravion Tate al ¢ FA La y, Vancouver or Seattle. Father Point. "Chump" " O'Neil has been elected Official informaton yeaching Hatts- x me cial. informaton.y if fa 'captain of tho Ottawa College rugby burg, Miss.,, from the storm-swept i 1 district shows that the estimated loss | team. He plays centre half. { Hal Kennedy's place on the of life is fully as great as the carly Rough reports indicated 2 will amount to | Ride: hali-ling will be taken by 'a between three and four' hundred. Of youngster nated Gerrasd. {this number' more than two hundred | 'Chaucer' Elljott has his Montreal {lost their lives in- Terveboone parish. bunch out practising at night in the glare 'of the big arc lights. - Winnipeg and Brandon will enter the new International ball league with Duluth and three other American cit- joi. The ' American Baschelt League sea- son closes on October 4th, after which the world's scries will be begun with- out delay. Brockvilia guaraniced to put a crack tam on the gridiron had they been admitted to the Quebec Rugby Foot ball Union. A win for Teeumsvhs over the Sham- rocks next Saturday will hand the N.L.U. \ championship * to "Chaucer" Ready For Games. The Wanderers" Association Football team is practising regularly and is open for challonges* from. any lo¢al or district team. The Wanderers have 'a well-halanced team and cap give the best of them a good run. Sporting Notes. The Brooklyn hall elub has reserved 'the rugby team NEAR HER GRAVE. . - He Thpk His Life Owing to spondency. De- Ottawa, Sept. 28.~This afternoon a New" York city man, named E. Hamil- ton, committed suicide at Beechwood] cemetery, 'here, by shooting hims« 1] through the head with a revoiver. His wife died here a year, ago and be suicided. at or near her grave. It is = alleged Hamilton, - a year ago, married Miss Ring, Ottawa, that she ied in about a month amd that des ¢ aorerrrrrnserirrsrbsrannerierneier teres | hb bb PEELE I PEE EITH IEE FH We how all the best models in Sweaters, and with the Sweater Coat easily in-the lead as a favorite. All worsted yarn, full fashioned, - extra heavy knit, pearl but tos. Some of the styles have con- trasting colors around the collar and down the front. $3, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50, = Et Livingston's. | EREEE EERIE EE ER FIRRE EERIE SPER eRe Elliott' Montreal. team. : Ty Cobb, of Detroit," who has ac- complished ihe vemarkablé feat = of stealing cighiy ba in 133 games, leads the world in this The Petirboro ORF. whiors' had thirty men out at. the firkl practice. Peterboro will also have a city league. Lights have been installed for might practise, Bufialy defeated pondency at her death led to his rash act of this afternoon. ' The Conwictions Quashed. Special to the hi torondg, Sep H. CHamcelor Boyd this morning Ee judgment quashing the conviction of James Lepangio,' of Cochrane, and' 'ten others, -wno were fined 360 and costs, or imprisonment, for selling ader within the - twenty mile limit of the G.T.P. The con- igtiond. were made by Commissiongr of Police John Loubrin, of Cochrane. Chanéellor Poyd. contends that there is no evidencé that the cider was intoxicating and orders the fines paad back, Totonto . decisively on the grounds - of the Montreal Polo Clib, 'and on the form shown by 'the winners they should have no great difficulty in carrying off the houors of the week's tournament. The: sore was Buffalo, 9; Toronto, 1. . That big wing line is what Ham- . - - ilton Rugby Club pins its faith to. It THE CANALS OF MARS. vembins practically wnbroken. With i: Lyow and Turnec7the former Queen's player, as" outside wings, the Tigers will have g flying squadron that will bo hard to heat. Barron, Isbister, Grey and Wigle, the big four of tho tea will be at® their old positions. The Marathon race craze held the attention of all Amvicans last' winter owing to the * prominmes given avent af, the Ofmpic games in Lon- rng Believes Antarctic Dies Are sa ppeating: Boston, Sept, 283A telegram re ceived by Jotin Ritchie, ir... from Professor Percival Lowell, at his ob- wrvatory at Ilagstall, Ariz. states that recent observations show that the Antarctic canals of Mars are dis appearing. Professor Lowell has a previous years in the fall observed .a|don. Tu the eastern states the Mara- similar disappearance, whic be con-[thon ruuping game is dying oud now, siders a seasonal phenomenow, and pand the milo walk is taking its place which he thinks tends to support the |before the public. In the metropolitan theory that life exists on Mars "and {distriet po | field meet is eoasidered that the cansds denote a system of complete without an event of this sart rigntinn on- the pracrammes Dis- It is Proposed tor Eater a ean in rugby | Amherstburg, t. this. eveming wi the city {Waed, the a daughter of ipy a team 'in 'the intermediate series Brockville. ; ug Ser eastern The shoek the | a Wild Dash Down 'the Road-- The Girl Had, Her Thigh Ip LL onl Thomas Ward, was drivieg along he ver road when a toga attaried - tg 1a waggon ran run ly into ne. Aipew, 1 nto the air Sighied sh astride ue. wg © to by rarbing such and when she the w her {of the inside tugs tiow was carried near! the team was When she was taken from the pol it was found she {had sustained a Pht thigh. CAPE MOTOR B BOAT CLUB a mile before Outing. 5 Vincent, Motor Boat Club, with a t of thirty craft, captured Kingston Thursday morning. The Yankee flotilla came into the harbor with flying colors, "headed hy Com: modore R. J. J. Newman. The visitors had made arrangements to dine at Congress Hall. The club was formed a month ago and has a membership of forty-eight, with forty-five boats. 1ts officers are : Commodore R. J. J. Newman; vice-commodore, James E. Stanley; fleet captain, Romaine Wen- » iborne; secretary, H. Ainsworth; trea- surer, Wilirid Dodge. © H. Roy Allen, of the Cape Vincent Eagle stafl, was with the \isitors. Commodore Newman is a native of Kingston, but has lived for the past twenty years at the Cape, where he is chief of the fire brigade. From 1876 to I884 he was a member of Kingston fire brigade. The visitors spent all day in King: (ston, 'leaving for home early in the evening. Next year they propose coming to Kingston earlier in the sea- son and hay ing 4 bag time. The Ca B. A. Hotel Arrivals. B. H. Neill, L. D. McKellar, D. Morrison, ¥. W. Kahn, I'. L. Patter: son, F. A. Michaad, T. M. Sibbald, W. HH. Mubimunosch, W. J. Ingram, B. F. Selby, A. L. Gracatt, E. G. Smart, J. Mclver, W. T. Eagan, Toronto, G. King, Cornwall; M. J. Maguire, S. F. Wollle, J. W. Mullins, E. D. Reid, W. H. Boddy, P- Panneton, Montreal; H. F. Brown, JJ. S. Quinn, New York; J. A. Cooper, Whitmer, Mass.; Hi shop of Chichester and party, England; W. AHison, Picton A. J. Durid, Win- nipeg; F. M. Dean, Peterboro; H. M. Bishop, Belleville; J. Cawley, Brock: vill E. Berry, Guelph. Best's Drug Store Bargains. Extra fine cold cream, 13c., for 10c. Witch Hazel Cream, 15¢., for 100. Toilet paper,' 10¢. roll, 5 for 25c. Tooth paste, tho flat style, 25¢ tooth. brush, guaranteed; 26¢., both for 250. Whisk: Broom, Beef, Iron and 23¢, Pure Cream 25¢. lb. Shortstop, cures; 16c. long corn, 10c. Wine, large botiles, Tartar Baking Powder, the greatest of cough Should Have Been Included. A citizen writes: "Why Cid the {board of health, when it was passing | a regulation regarding the closing of pit closets in the central portion of the city, not add to it that all new houses in any section of the eity must put in modern sanitary im- provements, Quite a number of new houses in the non-prescribed district 'ave being erected without modern im- provements. 'The board of health made a mistake in not making pro- visiop, for them." 1 eet Auction Rooms Again Open. Now that Lake Ontario Park bas closed for the season, J. E. Jones is again prepared. to book auction sales, etc. He will bo found at his rooms, 88 Brock strect. Mr. Jones has had a long experience in this clas of work, and his roliability and enérgy have brought him many customers. Great Clearing Sale. Prevost, Brock street, has made a great reduction m prices in the or. der 'and _ ready-made cl thing depart- ment. Also in the gen.s' furnishings to make room for his fall and inter importations. : nnmsesesandBsssiteestee The Fall Styles In Hats Are all here, derbies and fedoras, §1, £1.30, $2, $2.50, $3, $4. Campbell Bros.'; Kingston's hat store, Tirfough mistake a servant in King street house filled a lamp with gasoline and when she lit it an ex plosion occurred. The accident took place in her room and she had pre- sence" of mind "to throw the faming imass out of a window and upon an iron roof. The house was saved. The '{eoal «il can had-been filled, unknown to her, with gasoline for cleansing MSCS, Stanley C. McMullen, Sidney Cross- ing, who, last Wednesday night, disap- peared, has been heard from. He is reported to be down south. -It is said that he not only drew all the éash 'he had in theebank in his own name, but also secured a considerable sum from other sources. City Engineer Kerr, Ottawa, willre- commend t o the civie water works commities the establishment of a 30. 000,000 gallon reservoir om the Bill- ings properly, a. high point at the southern extremity of the city. Rev. J.P. Melnn &, Harrowsmith, spent yesterday in the city on his way home from Belleville, where he attended a meeting of presbytery. Rev. F-\Henev, Pregbyterian minis ter at Lansdowne, is about to leave having "accepted a call from a church in Basswood, Man. At the last meeting of the Piety township council, R.- M. Imeson was appointed clerk to succeed William Spalding, who resigned. Ne voung lady clerks in the buildings were® to-day presented with large bouyuets of asters by the Thief of polices. Biblw's for best £15 _snijts, While the Runaway Horses Made x "im this posi-|- Came to Kingston For a Day's the ~ Come Men' S § Underwear city |. -------- Rou aniay of * New Suits, Coats, Skirts NEW FALL SUITS, $14.75, 16.50. NEW FALL SUETS, $16.95, 17.50. NEW FALL SUITS, $21.75, 22.50 And on op to $35. To-Morrow Even if not prepared to buy you are just as welcome 'to examine and 'try on and compare as though reddy to buy. All the most wanted makes are now ready for your choosing, WOMEN'S English Made, Cape Leather Gloves in Tan. One Dome Fastener: This Glove gives great satisfac- tion. $1 pair. WOMEN'S Fine French Kid Gloves, in both Glace and Suede. Extra select- ed skins, Every pair guaranteed. $1 and $1.25. ROAR ORAS RS OR RRR CRORCAOOR0 PEORORCS * Merino Underwear, for early fall, 50¢ each Fine Wool Underwear, 75c. Fine Elastic Ribb Wool Underwear 99c, We have a great variety of Fine Under- wear for between seasons, Just the right kind, ORR CRORES For Ladies, Gentlemen, Boys, Girls and Children. Wwe Have Them. New Styles, Néw Shados and ab all prices, & From the Cheapest to the Best. Slater Shoes for Men at $4 and $5 Empress Shoes for Ladies $2.50 to $4. 00. Se nds tpn pin,