Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Sep 1909, p. 1

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YEAR 76-NO. DEATH SWEPT Was the Region In Louis- iana State. BY A HURRICANE AND MUCH VALUABLE PRO- PERTY WAS DESTROYED. -- Additional Reports of Fatalities Being Received--Five Hundred Sufferers Being Cared For. New Orleans, Sept. 24.- The list of known dead who perished in Terre bovine parish. during day" 8 husri- cane, has swelled to more than forty anh it is said a score or more may he added to this number. Additional re porty of dead in Kher sections Louisiana are also bheiag received and the toll of human life, exacted by the hurvicano wil count perhaps a+ hun dred people when the final count has been macdc. Further of property reaching millions of dollars come with tho 'gradual of mudication. Relief parties are continuing their work. deed sufferers irom the storm are hing , cared at Houma, the parish soat of Tearchonne, and in surrounding neighborhoods. A few fishermen, withthe almost forlorn hope that missing relatives and friends may found or at least their dead bodies recovered or that they may resurrect some of their lost be- jongings, remain upon the scone of de- solated homes. The families of Thom- as and Walter Rhodes, numbering four- teen people ,.are repgricd as being al most ceclainly among the dead. Others not located who are helieved to have pevished are: "Dick" ay, wife and seven childrén; Inez Vgreet and family of fours. C. Doll and wile, and Nor- way Foray. . Carcasses of cows, horses and dogs strew the prairics for miles and thousands of dead birds and guskrats are floating on the waters of the Bay Ous. The hodies of three fishormen weve foul in the Louisiana marshes seve- ral miles south-cast of New Orleans, Two children near Bois da Tacrey, La, were drowned when skiffs, in which families were fleeing, struck obstruc: tions, Pwo 'weso killed by the col lapse of a house near Clinton, La. No iron of the erew of nine men on the sloop © Seven Brothers, wrecked near the Rilogets, twenly miles cast of Naw Orleans, has been discovered. A relic: expedition equipped by the Louisiana game commission left ~ New Urloans for the gull coast, going direct to Lake Catherine. From there it will make its way towards Gult Port, dis tributing supplies and administering aid to the sufferers, 223. ol details loss in estoration com: in Teérrchonne parish Five hun- or Ix hogs, WILL END IN 1914. Claims. Rev. L. Schmidt Preaching. in Cleveland, O. Cleveland, Ohio, Sept. 24.--L midt; homo missionary, who, a voars ago wrote upon pavements in Syracuse to show that Saturday was the first of the week, is now engaged in stonary work at Cleveland, Ohio, fixing de finitely the end of the world at 1914 In a public at he shattered for Sermons, preaching six hours, forty-hve seconds in A Goldhicld, who outdid hy proachityg six hpurs forty-five Dit and thirty seconds. Mr. Schmidt thrice | fell to his knees, exhausted, during his ane finish Now Seh few scripture the day miss square Cleveland long cight records minutes and competition with n by sermoty, but fought fatigue edit Furs Of Known Quality. When you buy s are always cortain-of quality styles in stoles, and muffs to match. Campbell Bros', manufacturing farriers Campbell's furs See the | ties, yon ew scarfs, with the the White Pine Sold only at | tote nee and always used ok fashioned Svrup of Rod Cross Cough Syrup. Gibson's Red Cross drug Our 230 boys' three-garmoent £14.50. Roney & Co suits | at | $ DAILY MEMORANDA. i Camphell"s New Furs And Hats for Fall Are attracting one and all: Finance Committee, 8 p.m. like those hats That are natty and fine, So from George Mills "& Co, I always bhuw mine Theatte--'""The Villainy of Man Drummer and the Country | 'A Case of Tomatoes hy James Douglas N Civie 3 Bijou "The Comedy, Songs or aint" 1nstrated Rankier ------------------------ A ---------------------------------- TEA POTS You cannot have too many, We have a very large variety in quaint, odd, dainty shapes and a cute little one to hold about four cups, in' rich Copenhagen Blue, just open- At 25 Cents Each Robertson Bros. i cloncoe The; | room No. 2 : { the man was original Lie man. wa {| Against Amendnients | was debating | ARMAMENT SECRETS STOLEN. TO FIGHT BEEF TRUST. Said to Be Planning War on Big Combine. Cincinnati, Ohio, Sept. 24.--With a despatch . from the town of Taft, Tex., as its foundation, a story was circu. lated here that Charles P. Taft, multi- millionaire, brother of the president, is going into the packing business on | a gigantic scalé on his immense tates in Texas. ' Contracts with 'the government call- ing for between 300 and 400 bed cat- tle a day to be delivered at the Pana- ma canal is. the Texas version of Charles Taft's luck. They Yon't talk much on the big Taft ranch, it said, about their plans Aor feeding Panama canal employees) but they are rushing work night and day on 4 a $500,000 packing-house. When completed, . Brother Charles will be in a position to throw down the gauntlet of defiance to the present Beef Trust. hy A CHURCH OF HER OWN, Mrs. Mysterious Stranger Causing Un- ri eye The 0M Gilbert Breaks Away From M Mrs. Eddy's Church. New York, Sept. 24.--Aiter many weeks of obscurity since her assertion that Ms" Mary Baker Eddy was "either dead or a mindless puppet," Mrs. Delia M. Gilbert stepped again into the light of publicity with the an- nmecement that a "new Christian church," with. herself at ity will.open active operations next hI Wy new of {asixious British official enquiries jute No British Flag. farmy. No British Flag in the Revenue concerns before the disclosure that he bunting, came up and anchored off the | Her church, Mrs. Gilbért said, | The captain remonstrated and was u be difminate {he objectionable featnres, [thrown into the water. The captain g KINGSTON, ONTARIO, easiness at Pekin. Pekin, China, Sept. 24.-A {the transactions and movements of a | young man sporting a military title | who recently appeared in Pekin, hear HE 00 1 NOT ND ing credentials from several foremgsd This man succeeded in convincing AT THE WHARF OF THE CAPE jcading British concerns of his abilite BRETON YACHT CLUB. {to place large orders hete. He was given contracts and entrusted with Cutter, Hence His Apparent] "os wholly unknown to the Chinese y Neglect {anthoritics hastened his disappearance ° , : from the scone. Sydney, N.8R., Sept. ~During the Peary reception a flag incident oeccur- wharf of the Cape Breton Yacht Club! The captain came off and atiempted to | land on the wharf, but was met by a prominent member of the: club and in- is to be run en the original principles | promptly challenged with the ques Christine Science as set forth in {tion, "Where is the British flag?' Tho 'Seience. and Health," While the old [captain said that he did pot happen church, according to her declaration, | {6 have one on board. Hot words on and its platibrm will be anti-graft, | went offi to his ship and sailed for anti-idolatry, antirsuperstition, and | North Sydney. will hold to sane ideas on marriage." | Last evening he returnad with some frieneds and: lodged a complaint at the | that closely guarded naval comstruc- English manufacturers oi warship seéret: details and drawings. He sue- rdd that stirred up considerable "foel- formed that the premises were private "as its principles arc promulgated tor [sued, and the club member Mformed |U. BR. consular agmév. eA strong feol- USED STOMACH PUMP. tion and artillery seereis have boen arms and mumitions, claiming 10 be a Officer Has Made Complaint jj in sccuring considerable sums ing, The U. rovenue cutter Gram- head, property and' that persons. could omly day, stands for graft, idolatry, super- | thee Yankes captain that if he set foot | tha of indignation prevails against 3 captain of the United ir Captain o rad] to the Germans has preifiitated Rchmdentia! instructor in the Chinese at the YComsulate--There Was !jrom the local representatives of these pus, gaily decorated with flags and week. | land there hy invitation. stition and anti-marriage, mine will lon the club property he would Grampus. London, Sept. 24.--Two of the suffragettes, imprisoned i at Birmingham, tried the tactics successfully adopted by theif London colleagues to get releasefl. They started in to starve themselves, but the prison doctor, with the T | sanctign of the home office, fed them with a stomach. pump. After this experience the prisoners promised to take their food in the usual way. Bt 2 LIFE CRUSHED OUT. TOWN OF GANANOQUE. Ex-Cashier of Railway Company Has Returned. i Gananoque, Sept, 24. --Ten men the Gananoque Rifle Senosiu tion; der the captaincy of Major J. inson, went down il. on Wednesday, for the return match with | WAS. Buell's sharp shooters ville scoring another win by of eighteen points. Rev. J. T. Pitcher delivered mirable address in Grace church lec- ture room, last eveping, under the auspices of the young ladies of the congregation, on "What I Saw in the West During - the Month of August, |by striking a submerged crib, burned 1909." The proceeds are in aid of the [10 the water's edge on Wednesday. fund fof carpeting the aisles of the | The Monicagle was owned by Dow- church. ints & Co,, Oswego, N.Y., and . com- The coal schooner { manded hy Capt. Stephon Murphy. { yesterday, light, 18h was bgilt at Milly' shipyard m Canon -Starr, | Bufialo by 3 J. Cummings, and came dral, Kingston, will conduct the an out' in July or August, 1884, The nual harvest thanksgiving services in | Monteagle was a woaden boat, strong- Christ Church, on Sunday next. Onl} built, and was one of the best this occasion the congrigation will in- { stonmers of her class on the lakes. troduce the use of the new Anglican | hysnal, | AOIIIRINIINAONN Gananoque"s rughy 'material de veloping finely, and it is confidently " FOR THIRTY-SIX HOURS. expected that this season will see th strongest team in the field ha. Richmond, . Ind., Sept. defended the honor of the old Ta 24. --Roy J. Harding broke town for mafiy.a year. the world's record for con- tinuous piano playing in a GRABBED THE BURGLAR BY : Nessye, illum Allan, ; 7 {and Robert" Allan, |_Oshorne street, contest that ended last THE THROAT. ; night. He played thirty-six {spent Wadnesday in Brockville. hours and thirty-six | Maish, of Troquéis, came up in his x Thief'Had Taken One Bank Roll {touring car a few days ago for a visit | 8 pinutes. which ~is four minutes longer than the re- From Landlord's Room and with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Moore, cord. Harding was almost Had Returned For More Money King street. Mr. and Mrs." W. B Welland, Ont., Sept. 24.~The Stevenson, Great Barrington, Mass, a wreck when the test end- ed. \ are guests 'of the former's sister, Mrs thé Mansion House wore {W. E. Meggs. Garden street. Robert a loud disturbance about IERIE Contributed $24,000,000. JOHN HENDRY Vice-President of the Canadian Manu- facturers' Association. | | | I | of un Rob- { to FIRE DESTROYS MONTEAGLE. o rock | Steamer Ran Ashore to 1 Sinking. Sault Marie, Mich., Sept. | The steamer Monteagle, which yh ashore at Mud Lake early, Sunday, to prevent her founder ing alter a big hole had been stove in pot bow! Prevent an ad Ste H- Charles Hickey of Norwich is the Victim, NiY., Sept. llickey was crushed and smothered to death in a gravel pit, where about two tons of dirt fell upon ham. Mr. Hickey was loading a waggon at the Culver gravel bed when a ledge caved in, burying him. It took his cuers two howrg to dig lim out. unfortunate man was about vears ol age and is survived by widow and daughter, NAME 407 GIVEN Norwich, 24. --Charles Jriton "cleared for Oggrego of St. George's cathe res- The sixty his : i 1 i | Charles street EEA EEAEE TES x * guests at hy startled 3 # four o'clock, < the ! party province with his | a a | | 5 | | had register heen Hinton, Victoria avenue, i= in Kings yesterday morning A good ton, to resume his studies at Queen's ashy Jeet out in evening dress to Gordon McCammon, spending fine ost. Swayze in his. bedroom' | ast shimmer with surveying +. grasping a man by ithe throat. The Yn the northein part of the Chicago, | Sept. oi De | man been caught going through | has returned for a short visit folks r has contribute to the pockets of the proprictor's clothes, parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. AL MeCam {Lie University of; Chicago A ns man had 1 from the | mon, prior to resuming his studies at | founding, according toa statement States the night before and occupied | Queen's. Mrs. E. Thompson, Chic ago, | made in the annual register of the Mr. Swayze had two rolls 1{s the gucst of her aunt, Mrs. H. Grif- | university, i sued, yesterday, by ae of bills containing $30 in his pockets. | fin, Garden street Mr. and Mrs. [University of = Chieago Press. Mr. The man had taken one of these rolls LGeorge W. Scott. Arthur street, spent | Roc kefeller's original subscription of to his room and had rome back for {a short time, this week, with Brock {$600,000 came in May, 1889, and he the other: The police were notified and | ville relatives. E. R. Chapman was in | has constantly increasing that landed in a cell. He re- | town, on Wednesday, and left to ve- [Sum and adding to "the endowment fueerd to give his name. {sume his duties in New York John | fund. Marshall, late of the TLR. company's | { office, here, has returned to town A SMALL MAJORITY in> * British | POPE IS PLEASED. Parliament.' 24. --At the House k, | Proud of the Attitude of JUDGE DEALS BLOW TO aw | * PROHIBITIONISTS. ome, "Sept. 24. --The pope is ex- | tromely pleased by the reecplion--of-at T Sp ! a s from Quebec; giving the text | FYoVision four o'cloe King of Commons { the budget, and the | government's majority fell . unprece- | dentedly low. An amendment was mov- | Jesram, to the bill reducing the proposed {of the messages exchanged between Law. Dealing the tax on spirits. .; This} yor Sharetti and King Edward on | Transportation, | received the support of the Irish thems | (he occasion of the plenary council oi operative. { bers, who spoke hotly of the proposed | the Canadian Catholic church. His | fo hi ke 3 n o~ by r-- . - | increase as an injustice .to Ireland, holiv is cepecially "satisfied at the | Mobile, Ala, Sept; 3 ~In the in fand as crippling an important indus- | ao affirmation by the king - of teviof criminal court, - udge Aliord de- IS try of. that country." On motion of} [the rcligious fpecdom. granted - all the section of the Fuller prohi- (Mr. Lloyd-George, 'chancellor of the! { British subjects + throughout the em: |b! law, which pleSints transpaits | Sauer <Rre < i ftion DE E . vv Ph jexchequer, clo are was' carried by a |pire. HM is reported that the pope said | won of h juss ae 4 hve x napett | majority of olily seventeen. The part of the { tive, and discharg ouis Early anc Matthew Cody, arrested with wag ) tof 1 such an attitude on the { amendment *was defeated by major- | re of } 3 i el 3» pis is {ruler of greatest power in the wo d | e a ity of eighteen. The opposition loud: } with that of |zons on which were barrel of whisheay and beer, Rs. of {contrasted strikingly tly shouted . resighy Late on a mo: | ther countries from which bhettot : jtion to report progress the govern. {things might have been expeciad i 2h TT {ment got a majority of only thirteen. | jof th "The unlucky number," shouted {member and the opposition cheered | | boisterously, and roared, re ' until they hoarse The | {debate on less dangerous clawses fol- | Barcelona. tionists. This provision of the Fuller lowed, . and in the voting the govern:| London, Sept. 24. --Advices to the la was gonsiderod the most power- {mént"s majority | Daily Mail; from Saragossa, dated [inl weapon they had. | September 10th, report very serious Fall And Winter Importations. |pews. Barcelona, according to these Prevost, Brock street, has received | advices, evidently passing through | adl his tweeds, -cheviots and vicunas another réign térgr. The situa jor. suitings; also a great variety of{tion throughout Spain 4% disquieting, Javercoating for, his erder department, Not a day passes in Barcelona with- His $18 'suits apd qverchas made to out bomb explosions in the street. lorder surpass anytidng he eves ~had | But the government 'suppresses news : {of 'these occurrences. Warnings Leetved of the hour 5. | plosions will ocewr jmost always fullilled London, Sept. {this morning, of Fuller Prohibition With Liquor Declared In- ed jinérease in { clawed { bition a Aliord hold that thai portion law was not a reasonable exes- powers. He based his decision on one recently rember by Sayre, 'of the supreme court " spvere blow to the prohibi- al cise of polices BURSTING BOMBS 'resign, Judge Are Being Constantly I This is. a Heard | sign, were an rose again Aceeptéd The Call. Sept. 24.--Rev. Mr. Ruh- iland, who resides in the southern Istates, Das been oxtended a eall to i St. Phals Evangelion) Lute Tan shurch [ta sdeeved the Rov. C./W. G. Eifrig, {who "lately resigned tn act a posi- 1%en on ithe stall of a university. It is wicorstood that the reverend génije- 3 ba has acchpted the call, is of tittawa, vot are fe where . and place and they « x Prown-eiits; $1 are Co Buster 50 to Roney & ® THREW BILL OUT FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1000. of and Remembered. Duncan Blair was killed at Oshawa by the bursting of 'a cutting box. Tents ad being sent from Ottawa to Cobalt for'use of typhoid patients. Two mén, one of them a priest, were killed in a religious riot at Castre, Spain. ; A central license board of three members will issue the liquor licenses dt Alberta. » od a fire in «Yanaska it), 000 damage. The stories told Jewish uprisings at to be pure fakes, Natural gas in Hamilton, after Oct: ober - Ist; will be forty cents per thou- sand instead of forty-five cents. Ditto T. Bennard was nominated. jor mayor of New York by the allied re public an and independent forces. It is said the C.P.R. purposes to build its line fom Peterboro to Toron- to, taking in the towns along Lake Ontario A number of British warships reach- ed New York, on Thursday, part in the Hudson-Fulton west that did of terriblé anti- Kiev are proved celebra- 4 tion. The CLP.R. is busily engaged in double {racking its line from Smith's Falls to Toronto. It will be completed by next fall. Dr. Cook, the Arctie explorer, not smoke. At the Brooklyn ton he refused cigars oficred to by a dlergyman. L. A. Hawes, an Adams, N.Y., music teacher, is suing the Black River Trae tion company for $10.000 damages, caused by a railway accident. At Jersey City, J. Eimer White, wanted in Richmond, Va.; for forgery, does him railroad station, aud expired in a few minutos, Wild Cleveland olen have been un- ) Jind any trace of M uli Ml of by Mrs. ner. who is mow under arrest in fronto. A grand jury at Council Bluffs, has ° indicted eighty-three men charges of conspiracy to defraud eapnection' with the prometion of leged fake races, At Sudbury, the grand jury returned a true bill of murder against James Robinson for destroying the life an infant born to his daughter, Ellen, on March 23rd, 1908. Brantford: favors the offer of Hon: William Pugsley te erect a post office and customs house for $150,000, pro- vided the city exchanges part of the market square for the present post office property. Murray, the Niel Johnson, Ww To- on in al- seven-year-old son of of Rosendale, Man. was accidentally shot through the head, dying three hours after. A five vear-old sister 'was' playing with twenty-two-calibre rifle, At Cobalt, hog "cholera has been found to exist among several small herds of swine in the north end of the town, and Dr. Pardue, a dominion government expert, haz ordéred that about 100 hogs bé déstroyéd. After hearing the 'evidence in _sup- against Joseph Knshegewagan, voung Indian lad who killed a. squaw belonging to his tribe, Ith, at Lennan, charge, The of Kenora, dismissed Witness, badly damaged by night. The fire on Thursday 'composing room and equipment was destroyed as "weve all the old presses, but a new oac being installed sustaiped little damage. is sot at R150,000, fully insured. Several tenants of adjoining store suffered damages, which are covered hy insurance. loss Year. Montreal, Sept, 24.--John Hendry of ®he Canadian Manyiasturers' ciation, is is Montreal seli acquainted with 10 He also intemds visiting Halifax John. He says there will not aah wheat shipped "this year Vancouver, : but' a good made in opening up Vaycouver. as grain port. Montreal Lawrence have nothing to fear the. competition of Vancouver, he claves, Tor there is enough grain hoth Atlantic and Pacific ports, for the Hudson's Bay route as well. DRANK FLY POISON. is Dead. Cornwall, Ont., Sept. the two-year-old daughter of 3 Mayville, of South Bombay. N across the St. Lawrence from: here, dead as poison. Ys swallowed some of i be preveated, Antidotes bat she died in seven hours. Ovr 3450 boys' them. Roney & Co. Matters That Interest Everybody © =Notes From All Over--Little Everything Easily = Read . Children playing with matches start tor take recep- |" put a bullet through his head at the la., of, port of the charge of murder: preferred the on September Swan Lake, Magistrate Mec- the Montreal, building was Fhe VANCOUVER AS GRAIN PORT. | Will Not Ship Much Wheat This Vancouver, the newly-elected president Asso aking him- al conditions, nd be from start will be a and the St from .de- for and Child Found It Lying Around, and 24 --Flossie, John is | infected. the result of drinking fly The little one got hold of a! three-garmen 'suits | northern Syria. are equal to other fellow's at $6. See Fall suits for voung men, THE TERRIFIC FIC RATNSTORM That Struck Hingeton Thursday Afternoon. J ptember 2d, pretivoat <t rain ae year. downpour bigan a t aud half an hour later, the rain was falling in torrents, making the roads o streams. At 330 o'clock, #t at intervals Between four o'clock and midnight. Many grates wex put out of business by the torfénts of" water that poured into them and Yrought nly of refuse which did the blocking. Quite a number of eéllars wee report- od flooded. This -was hot to be won dered 8, a® no drainage sistem could cope peviectly with such a terrific rain storm. The wonder is that there was not more Rooding. The street railway put out closed cars as speedily as pobsible, and this helped some. One might just as well walk, as to get in an open car, in a storm, like that of yestorday. There was a heavy demand for cabs at the fair grounds, where the crowd had taken shalior in the palace, and the *"cabbics'" had a very busy time. Momibers- of -the board of works wee four o'clock, and that instead of it was suggested sitting down and iransactig business, cach member (Alls. Hoag, Toye and Kent) hee fur- nished with a pole and rake and set out to open the street corner grates that wive blocked. Each member, however, begged to he excused. The foreman of streets had men working till late last night clearing out blocked grates, many of which will require flushing, in view of the great amount of -stull- carvied -ito--them, AA AAA AA EE 1 TIITV v a br +442 SHOT ACROSS HALL. During the rainstorm Thursday afternoon, was vivid lightning, and a peculiar thing occurred in Convocation Hall at Queen's University. A Ball of fire came in an' open window, shot across the hall, in which Students were writing. on ex- dminations, and smashed a pane of glass in a window opposite. A student who was sitti néar the last men- tion window, received quite a shodgk, but recovered in a few moments. The oc- 4 "currence caused excitement in 3: the hall. RS on there Terr TTTTTETEY "4 4 A WATERTOWN: GIRL. Miss Doroth: I ap Hu : Watertown, XY. ., Sept. 24.-A signal honor is to he accorded a resident of this city, Miss Dorothy Camp, ome of the most popular of Watertown's society set. Sha will be among those who will ride in the paval pageant of the Hudson-Fulton celebration on the Clermont, a duplication of the first steam vessad that revolutionized pauti- cal affairs. Miss Canip is the daugh- ter of Walter Camp, and was gradua ted from Smith College with Collage jast vear. AN ACTIVE WORKER NERVY SWINDLER THIS ON WHOLESALE SCALE. Travels Through Eastern Cities Giving Fake Orders For West- ern Firm and Cashing Bogus Cheques. he Gets Honor 24, have Vancouver, B.C \ markable scoies of uncovered here. in firms are . interested, but which eastern Canadian and American whole sale firms. have also heen victimized Robert Kelly, head of Kelly, las & Co., wholesale groceries, receive ed a letter a week ago from an rast orn supply house, thanking them for large order, and stating that the was very favorably impressed ~~ with Kelly's buyer, Mr. Blank. Kelly hat no cmployee of that name, and inves tigation showed that a "confidence" operitor has vidted wholosales in Monireal, Toronto, Winnipeg," Battle Creek, Mich, Chicago and other cities, given large onders in the name Kelly, Douglas & Co., and cashed thousand dollars worth of (xpense cheques. These whogues are specially forged with the photo of the Relly Douglas buildings, and marke! epted" with a fake stamp 7 Bank of Montreal. The names of other Vancouver and banks have similarly been amd it is thoight that the haz probably cleaged up ot boas 000, while- there is no telling many carloads of foods are way west on his bogus orders Sept. re frauds which Vancouver' boo mn Doug a firm of a aes hrs . ; gee Aw indles Rie. Vow the on 'CUT OUT NITRATES And Then Asiatic Cholera Wilt. Munich, Sepi. 24.<Prof. Emmerich, iclaims that he has confiemed, by chemical and spectroscopic analysis, the accuracy of his theory that the fatal agent in Asiatic cholera ix fre nitrous acid, the formation of which i rendered possible by the action of bacilli in transforming the nitrates of food into nitrates. This knowledge, he say's, makes safc prophylaxis possible Anybody can now protect himsedf from fatal congoquchces ever. when actually It is only necessary to opting nitrogenous vegitables will » i avoid Torngntial rains have eaused the lost of fives and the destruction of five hundred houses at Home, a toun of ¥ full 0 (Snap and go. Rowev & Ue, 2:45 -- but started afresh | gathered in. the city engineer's office at" Hd rwrevery and cured moats' containing salipeire | dish containing liquid flv poison and 'and drinking nitrogeneous wate, : it before she could were given | i LAST EDITION -- : | WEATHER Folie Toronto] ont. 3 Valley aan, aieratd" fine and cool 1 pAlb 4 Ha< SATURDAY IN THE The Form Fite} Petticoats The only perfectly agdjust- able Petticoat manufactured, Form fitte does away with all shirring or bunching around the waist. They im- prove any figure and cost no more than any other style Petticoats, made of best ma- terials and neatly trimmed. WE HAVE THEM In Fine Sateen, from $1.00 to $1.50. Regal Cotton Tafieta, from RBG br Silk Moreen, from $4.50 to $5.50. Silk Taffeta, from $5.00 to $6.75 5 We ask you to call and see them, also the new Tailored Suits, which have just arrived PRICES $13.50 to $37.50. Vinegars (Malt, Cider Wine) Z and White guarantgéed ' PURE Jas. Redden & Co. Importers Of Fine Groceries. RAS 1 ~ ROBERT J REID, The leading Undertaker. "Phone, 577. 227 Princess street. This is the weather wi "TAKE NOTICE." If you want any heating stoves, I have them in all sorta and sizes. Prices reason~ble, at TURK'S, Phose, 705. King Edward's Choice. Reott's Bats are not only King ward's choice, bul are the choice gor xl everywhere, Thess uted hats ae well as the other lead: ine makes are to be had in Kingston only at Camphell Dros), the _ mn s hats " tre for Ed of dressers cede will to the Empress of revi to England. him the full day in Lord Stratheona Rimouski to bard Ireland for his This will Montreal Our 32.050 hove' its. the other fell & Co. A fresh shipment jus ot received of Me Conkey's chocolates, the choice «of royally, at Gibson's Red Cross drug stove. Phone 230, ( . For perfect-fitlting corsets, see our stock of over fifty kinds, all prices. New York Dress Reform. SS. Virginian has reached Rimouski, inward; SS. Tunisian, loft Moville this morning for Quchee. ov's clothing hag always been a hobby with 'us. See our Stork, Roney & Co. A Chinaman living near: Oakland," Cal, has invented #n aeroplane, The Inte Jol Meleab, St. Thomas, eft an setate of ¥120.505, The Iwst Bn boy's suits in anda. and & ago ave pits. at same quality 83 3.50. Roney Calvi

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