. TRE Pan Y. BRITISH WHIG, FRE FRIDAY, SEITEMRER 24, 1909. It Pays to Trade at Mclntosh's i Cin iin, GREAT CLEARANCE SALE OF CHINA be This Goods pst be cleared to make room for new goods. . THE FAIR cintosh Bros., ~ Nag, PERCY JESSE. HA School Boots. -. BOYS' STRONG SCHOOL BOOTS, Sizes 1 to 5, $1.25, 1.50, 1.75 and 2.00. GIRLS' SCHOOL BOOTS, 11 to 2. $1.25, 1.50 and 1.75. Also finer grades, such as "INVICTUS" for Boys. 'THE SAWYER SHOE. STORE * EINE SIGIR AHSISISIASIGIBIGIIIGISISICISIICICION % ls Nar SHOES As Mois wg xo wr, Jt SHOE REPAIR 1 recently ifistalied engbles me to do work promptly and at less cost than Ea shoe repairs. You "wwe YR ner cent. in getting your work done at ** Howh of Quality," oh Seal A. E. Herod, PHONE, 837. 286 PRINCESS S it M » WHILE YOU WAIT, is not idle Correct = Are what you will find in all lines of Men's Haber- dashery and High Class Tailored Gdrments sold by us. Wo are looking for the men that prefer some. class to their dross as well as quality and workmanship. A.C. WAGGONER, 188 $38 welliagton Street. The Up-to-Date Men's Man NEWS OF NEIGHBORS | WHAT WHIG G CORRESPOND ENTS TELL US. Ye The Tidings From Various Points fn Edstern Ontario--Whit Peoplé Aré Doing And What They Are Saying. Had A Good Time. Mount Chekney, Sépt. 22.--An unex- pected birthday party assembled at the home of James Fowler, at Collins Late: View, Mount Chesney. Among the guests were George 'A, Sutherland and daughter, Ruth, of Oil City, Pa; Miss Elsie Moran, Kingston; Miss Etta Fowler apd brother, George, and George Patterson, Je, and _ himself and family. All enjoyed a very plea sant alterhoen' and evening. Bell Rock Budget. Bellroek, Sept. 22. --7he threshing business is booming. F. Carr is threshing for the farmers Eling. the Saterprise road. C. Ruttiin finish- ed the threshing on the Chaumont {road last week. Rev. Dalton Flatt Methodist church here on Suftday last. Everton Vanest, whe is ill {with typhoid, is a little better this "woek. A little daughter has come to abide at the home of Mr. and Mis. {James Sagrif. Mr. and Mrs. Ee. nest Amey and Master Kitson are at Dr. F! Amev's. Leo Lake Lady Dead. Leo fake, Sept. 22.--Mrs. Wiliam | E'enbrook 'died suddenly on Saturday morn ng, .. Sept. '15th, after a brie iless. Her husband, nine sons and three daughters suriive. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Forrester, Winnipeg, ac- companied by Mrs. 'Stevenson, Buf- falo, N.X., , a few days last week with relaff®d here "and at Brewer's Mille. Nr. Kelly; of Taylor, Mr. Myrphy and Mré® P. Jo vill', spent, Sunday at A. Miss Ny Steacy, Warburton, Wi'son, * Gananoque, at Bower's L. , of Joyee Donnelly's. and D. Pr. of At Marysville, Tyendinaga. Marysville, Tyendinaga, Sept. 22. The dry weather is preventing' many from ploughing. Archibald Campbell has growing on his lawn a Crawioed peach tree, vaisedl from seed, and which produced half a peck of the most. beautiful peaches. Mr. and Mos, Jobn Russell, Selby, spent Sunday with their son, J. Russell, Mrs. John Stack and sister, Mrs. Arbuckle, New York, and niece, M:ss Vera Stack, Mallorytown, visited Miss Teresa Me- Neil on Sunday. Mrs. Waller Smith and children, of Deseronto, are spends ing tho Week with her father, John Topping. Robert Harvey, of Chicago, called on friends here after an absenee of seven years. Murvale Matters. Murvale, . Sept. 22.--The Methodist Sunday school will have a rally day on Sunday, October 3rd. Michael Van- lluven is having some fine improve ments made to his residence. William Shellington received a wire on Fri day. stating that his son, Arnold. was seriously il} in Cobalt. 'Mr. Shelling- ton left at onte for that place. Miss Jessie Parkhill, Kingston, is thé guest of Mrs. John Young. Visitors: J. Ferguson and family, Kingston, at Frank Bowen's; John Young and fam ily and Miss Jessie Parkhill, Kings- ton, at Mrs. Wallace's; Miss B. Estace, Toronto, at. Richard Lillie's: George Robertson, Kingston, at Wilbert Pur- dv's; John Weldon, Gananoque, at F. Bowen's, Hartington Hayipenings. Hartington, Sept. 22.--Mrs. Conway "Look HERE ! Is not this the best Price List for the best Line of Moats ? Saturday (GAGE & LEACH) Saturday Cooked, Smoked and Seasoned Meats. Home-Made Pork Sausage in C usings Bricks 13§c. amburg Steak bs. for, 25¢ Cooked Ham «D0. BROOKLYN, NEW YORK Offers, in their two years' fessions For particulars address visor, at Hospital, |THE WILIANSBORGH HOSPITAL course of training a splendid opportunity te young women desiring tb enter the nursing pro- Super« as recovered .sulliciently to be out ood is sponding a few days in the village with her daughier, Mrs. D. | Perrault. Friday cvening the usual literary of tho Epworth League will be held. A good programme is being provided. Edloy Campsall has com- menced storing his ensilage. Mr, Rob- ertson, of Lai Chute, last week, visited Bologna .... B. Bacon and FRESH ME Bee! Steaks Roasts .. Stew » 15¢, . 10¢,, 12%¢c dc, Gr. YC. OF T10BACCLO Bmoking and Ohewing at Les Skinned Loins Lamb Chops will 15¢ dde. ..8¢ 1c. Pars- pay eighty-five cents. Outario strest Andrew Corned Beef and ( ley and Vegetables, Come and prove shat we say, Gage & Leach, Butchers | THE PEOPLES' MEAT MARKET. 'Phone, 876. Cor. Bagot and Earl Sts. Pearsall's Millinery KINGSTON & YARKER No comment here, on our Millinery is Rekoasary Our Trimmed Hats speak for themselves. In Artistic Design. Elegant Taste in Trimming Which psakes Our Dress Hats look as though you could wear them. Call early for we are very busy already, with the ' ceounts Pearsall's Millinery |... 228 Princess St. gan, amount NOTE--Ostrich Feathers | Keogan, meals, $90.24; St. Colored. {Tea Con, 34.50; Mrs. Re 2 £3.35: Jas, Crawford, M. P:. KEYS as capiains 350; Jas. Davis, 31 days mate, $41.34; P. Simons, 1 month Antiseptic Barber Shop Mair Dreassin engineer, $66.66; R. Berry, 31 days firomab, $36.16: R. Kiel, 31 days Three Chair. odage solicited. lec' hand, $25.84; John nCrawigd, 336 KING STREET lave as deckhand, $325.8 (x. ig Next Door to 'Wada's. Drug Store. abbage, Mint, Wolfe Island Council. Island, Sept. met at 1 pom. Mémbérs The reeve and Councillors Faw Grimshaw and Niles. Accounts or Shedden Co, Todd, damage to Geo. Casey, Wolie ecommeil sont cot, ( dored paid £1.50: Geo. drawing ston, 8|: age to ore walk, $125; Mrs. Leo Cadott, 810; J, White, collector, $90; Allinson, on account, $19.51. Moved, Grimshaw - Ww. '| mittee to investigate and boasd of health. pard: "McKelvey of account, $37.82; Mrs. of account, $8.62; Cleaned and ioc, - ing, parlor, and ng, our pat uick Service. 31 dave as purser, $31; Nes. Davis, $20.66; Henry Davis, deckhand, $1.50; T. | days as cook, | day, =oxtra | Sleeman, 1 day, | R. Berry, 2 days, extra deckhand, | Queen City Qil Co., accomnt, 2; | cil 'adjourned to the first Haniel § October at 10 am. H. Wallace & Parks SUCCESSORS TO 0. G. JOHNSON, LORISTS Palms, Ferns dnd Out Flowers. De | sign work a specialty. 'Phones, Consef | vatories, 285 ; Shop, 289. Your New Fall Hat Sir. at Campbell Bros', and quality | Bav it will he certain of style best value Bh " Our #ORYSTAL BRAND of Standard Uranulated . Sugar, for preserving and table uss. We have ted it for years, and price is ANDREW MACLEAN, Ontario « litem When using a tooth brush ibristles don't come out. vou know bought at Gibgon's ie dre store: street: |1| A Lo. 5 "oe wak Red OUR ROOSTER BRAND forty-five sents a pound, is a good tobacco. Why Maclean, --Municipal pre cartage; crop; dam- ; drawing stond, $9508 W. B. Card & Sons, to apply om cement charity, L. road and bridges Fawcett, that members oi council act as a com- procecd with the proper methods in connection Steamboat & Birch Kees G. Lawrence yp, wash- one month as as as as 31 Keegan, § i I extra dockhand, 81.50% $3: « oun, vou and and? the! it Cross dollar works wonders at Roney & his father, J. M. Roberteon, who is still very ill. A large quantity of lumber from Babcock's mill is being shipped from this station The ma- jority of the villagers visited Hae- rowsmith county fair. A meeting of the Bible Institute will be held next Wednesday ovening. Rev. Mr. Mellroy will address the meeting, Visitors : Mrs. E , of Moscow, at J. M:s of Leonard's, Sager, Newburgh, at ' Mallorytown Tidings. Mallorytown, Sept.- 22. --Adon wav born tor Mr. amd Mrs: John Jones Thersdag. Mrs. Moxley is the of Mr. afd Mrs. G. W. Mallory. whari at Halloryiewn Landing is be- ing zepaired. Hon. G. P. Graham and Senator Derbyshire are expected to + |speak in the hall here on Scptembey 2Bth. Gilbert Root has built a * ment walk from his 'house to the road. Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Griffin were guests of Mr..and Mrs. Thad. Purvis on Sa- turday. Oscar Forrester had a hee drawing gravel for the voad division on Wodnesday. Many from here at- tonded the Sunday school convention at Springfield Methodist church on Friday. Rev. Dr. Charles Service, mis sionary of West. China, gave an dress in the Methodist church, Monday evening. - Beason Elliot attending the district convention at Delta for the Sunday school and Ep- worth Leagues of Drockyille district. ' on guest The arl- here, Deaths At Colebrook. Colabrook, Sept, 22 funcral of the late Stanley Kerr took place ere, | Sunday afiernoon, the 12th. "Deceased Jicd very suddenly, boing Wl only a s [ cotwucted he Metho fow days. The servic consisted] he wa by Rev. Mr. Batstone, dist church. The leighty rigs. g Op the following the hn) of Ezra Fido mi of this neighborhood ta the Methodist owirch voung folks attended the eanoe l dance at Navanee. Irwin Wagar, siding near Watertown, N.Y | {urned after Ni ating a few his parents. Thomas returncd from Mtawa where he {his daughters Mr. anid Mrs. Ferguson; cof Brockville, are visiting' Mr. Grey "and other relatives here, Mrs, Matilda mn cortege of Monday Pero, an old re held of the chub re bas 1 with has visited morning was Son days Townsend preached an impressive sermon in the |. Hmudinents TUESDAY, SEPT. 96TH. The Musics! 1s B.C. WHITNEY'S Prauction. x "A KNIGHT FOR A DAY" 50 PEOPLE-50. Beautiful - Scenery, Elegant Costumes Electric Effects and OES. 25¢c., soe. T5¢., $1, $1.50. Seats now on sale: § ------ La THURSDAY, SEPT. 30TH. DANIEL V. ARTHUR Presents > A GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY. 128 Johnson street. - BOY TO PRINTING trade. . LEARN ' THE Apply Whig office. GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY TO Mrs. Nash, 415 Jolmson street. BOY. GOOD WAGES. STEADY WORK. Apply Anderson Bros., Division St. HOUS 1D. PLL IN EVENING TO gy FS Folger, 55 West St. A woMas, WHO CAN COV Nddress Box "118, FURNI- ig office. POSITION EEE a A BAG x BELONGING TO ShoFt- Ho L Avely C3 Smith's ¥ , Eglo atv od and R iy Feta ig otice, Filia DeWolf Hopper" * In the New Song Comedy. "A Matinee Idol". that COMPETENT MALD. evening, to MPs, Bydentanr St. am St. APPLY lmer IN /FHE vis," 17 ERAT, ERVANT, 130 Bago? Good washing. after 7%) Pu 5 The funniest part Hopper has ever had PRICES, 25c., Seals on sale ha 50¢,, 75 y +81, 31.50. ISEWORK. 'MAID TO DO GENERAL 3 P age, ver. Apply St, Jawmes' Union .gnd Barfie streets. FIRST-CLASS HARDWARE CLERK. Must be good stock-keeper. Apply in she Ee to Simmons Bros. MISS ARDELLE WHITE = SHEEP, MUSIC. WEDNESDAY A hi Can have arin, 38 Aherhen - a, Ay pr a Vertisement. Heald, Furi of © a oo ; Sitave, receives pupils # Terms on "A. 0, CO. M., at] 140 _FooOT © 300 t seven EE AND TT " be SECOND-HAND and colts. D. i, street. ra aan Smo water. Brice. $s on terms ; also one 0 thet finest i IR $4500, as Davis Dry Dock Qo 507 St. tion. A COMPETENT GENERAL SERVANT Go wages to the right person. Re- ferences required. Apply to 24 Stuart 5 C. TO-DAY "AND SATURDAY 50. street. a VILLAINY OF MAY Or "The Drunfmeér and the Country Girl. A thrilling drama, in which the] hervine dives from a high bridge to save! her lover from drowning.' A FINE COMEDY ~ |* COMPET r .G family of two. hofit, Cor, streets. ENERAL SERVANT, Apply to Mrs. Wills William and Wellington FOR ' GENERAL HOUSE- work. References required. Apply to Mrs. J. C. Gwillim, *"The Avonmore' during the evening. A MAID, "A Case of Tomatoes," full 'of fun and excitement. ILLUSTRATED SoNGs By J. Douglas Bankier. FOR QUEEN'S WOMAN" 8 RESIDENCE a competent cook and h id. Be iss ORGAN, HERBERT C. TRENEER, ATOM. 3 be pleased for AvToNpEI Quebec' St.. gston, Ont: PIANO. Professor of aE VOCAL, Shall, 8nd Londo Teas College of Studi 054 Hoknoon st, * JAMES : ot Music, fas Monday. sept. | ot pin 6th. > lade beh beind representative ha o to ferences required. Apply Mowat, 180 Johnson street. ARCHITECTS. office. | oats FELASS 27 FT, Sa two. motor enstal Sal nike -under Behe the most up-to-date launch ston, & a hg OL Bont Works, . Coward's near Cotton Mill. ETAT TO-LET. SRO08644080488040888484 AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn § monthly corresponding for | newspapers. No canvassing. send for particulars. Press Syndicate, 3,969 > Lockport, N.Y. E Xp ERIE NC " nv AND IN ed girls to work in Knitting . Good wages. Steady work. Good wages paid to begiimers. Apply to Kingston Hesiety Co.. Lid., King St. A COMPETENT HOUSEKEEPER, FOR Young Women's Christian Associa tion. Apply by letter or personal in- terview, on Tuesday or Thursday evenings, at The Home, 196 Johnson street. : | 2 $ ARMOURIES, KINGSTON, 3 SATURDAY, Sept.25, 8P.M. 3 3 > LEARN THE BARBER TRADE, NEW system, constant practice, careful io- struction, few weeks complete course, tools free. Graduates earn twelve to eighteen dollars weekly, Write for catalogue. Moler "Barber College, Queen and Spadina, Toronto. 4TH HICHLANDERS, Toronto Royal Canadian Horst Artiliery KINGSTON Tine Highland Costume Dances. Grand Military Tattoo Music, Solos, Duets, Choruses. : *» *» 3 > » » WANTED--GENERAL. 'CAN Accom | Ar TWO LADY ROOMERS. modate with or without hoard. ply 41 Ordnance street. 75c¢. ond 50¢. General ad- mission, 25c¢. Seats on sale at Uglow's, FEHR PERSE EEG EY a © to E. Gardiner, Outer Depot. First-class milk guaranteed. 18ST. AN EIGHT, ROOMED house,. modern locality. Apply John Brock street. . BY O0T. good 4 Ag "3 ho : : CUSTOMERS FOR BEST MILK. SEND i. 149 improvement 8, McKay, 3 $ © 3 $ 3 3 3 $ $ BOX AQUARIUM, ABOUT 20 FOOTx34 foot, in first class condition, at reasonable price. Address C. A Sterling, 230 Barrie street. J FURNISH trie wogk. All Kinds % done. ¥. J. Birch, llington street. | Two QUEEN'S STUDENTS, (SISTER and brother) desirg ouiet ns, © or rooms and board. [Sta prices. Ad- dress Box "821," office x 'H. BY YOUNG furnished ro g room. , Kit privileges. Good ox "E.G... Whig THE For Sale by Tender] { { of work prom; | Electrician, 206 OPPORTUNITY TO Motor Boat "Stroller" | as she now lies at Gilbert's boathouse, Brockville, lately damaged by fire. In- | cludes the hull, engin; furniture ard | equipment. Tenders received by. H: E.| Euider, Agent, Jrockvi ile, GL) pow ny Saturday, Sept. 25th: Auction Sale Rooms All kinds of Setand-Hand Goods bought and sold, or goods sold om commission. Auction sales promptly attended to, at the City Auction Bales Rooms, 88 Brock street J. E. JONES, Auctioneer BY SEPTEMBER 2 couple, two wan bedroom and liv heat and ligh| locality. Apply office. TO RENT, WITH VIEW TO PUR- chase, 7 or 8 roomed house. Must have good lot, reasonable dis- tance of Market Sauare, West of | Princess St. preferred. Apply . Box "249," Whi office, GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR cloth and have it made .up into up- to-date suits. Price and ~workman- ship guaranteed to please. Pressing and repairing done on the shortest notice. Thomas Galloway, 130 Broek St., next Bibby's Livery. & * Elizabeth and" "Mrs. Benn, of Toronto, Mr Lochhead, of Newburgh, Teiplo, oi. Watertown, N.Y, 'are visit- ing relatives here" Nelson = Walker spent- a fow days with his son-in-law, George Curl, Veroga. OSTEOPATHY. : ROBERT GARSIDE ASHCROFT, 0.0. Fdna" Karle Ashcroft, D.O., ates - of the American Osteopathy Kirksville, Missouri, Princess street. 'Phone, 447. hours, 9 to.12 am., 2 to . 5 m. Outside trea*'ments by appointments. 4 --a 1d $5 Villain Foiled 'Af Holleford. Holleford, Sept. 22. --Farmery are through harvesting and most of them have threshed. They report an aver- "HENRY ARTHUR ELLIS, office and residence, Ave. ARCHITECT, 181 University Pr. SMITH, Anchor Building, 'Phone, 345. etc, + Square. WM. NEWLANDS & SON, tects, etc, Office, 208 Bagot J#"Puone, 608. POWER & SON, Shani Tain ellinglon streets. « 'Phone, ARCHITECT Mar ket ARCHI- street. RCHITECTS, MER- ding, corner 'Brock 212. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. opén. ig Ui A IS Surte, and . p-to-Date serv popular prices, Private dinin Entrance on King ibsom's Drug Store. PERSONALS. HUB HOTEL RESTAURANT NOW MOLES, warts, etc, removed without scar. Twenty ence. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, I Nose, Throat. and Skin Specialist, 258 Bagot street. DENTAL. BMRTHMARKS, permanent| ye, Ear Blemish SPARKS AND 2304 Princess St, 346. DR. 40 ©. NASH, DENTIST: . Gibson, assistant, 'Thane, 7356. ' Kingston. re . DR. W. King and Joh SPARKS, BPENTISTS, "Phone, R. GLOVER, DENTIST, D.D.O. Certificate, ofiice ground - fiver, corner st. LARGE A FURNISHED HOUSE. 311 AIRY ROOMS WITH ORs board. Apply 36. Clergy: 8 wily without est. APPLY AT Queen street. Good Jdecation: Terms reasonable. DWELLINGS, FURNISHED AND UN urnished, Stores, Storage for Purni- ik etc. McCann's, Brock, Cori King streety y 3 re + tie tr ---- ONE FRONT AND ONE ay ROOMIL at ao = Xing street. Forrest Gents for ones. Aepiy 3B Forrest, NO. 115 STUART ST., BRICK Denh. ling, eight rooms, mi stable on lot. Possession immediately. Roply to A. ¥, Bond, 79 Clarence St. ¥ Bi JOR It FURNITURE. gp ata se J Storage, 299 EX LARGE STONE BUILDING, ! tario atrests known NG ON ON. hind 408 Ontario = hg Princess FINANCE AND INSURANGE. irs [TE surance : ingston, g "to an is arket Square, sid INSURANCE AT STANDARD RATES fire, life, accident and sickness ind cies, in first-class companies, T. ~ Boon, Agent, 15! 3 Wellington atrest.' ts. George's Cathedral, 'Phone, FOR SALE OR TO LET. 911. FURNISHED, FINE MODERN BRICK residence, 58 George street, contain- GEO. A. BAT N, AGENT FOR THR: Pacific Coan t Fire Ins. C Clarence St., Kingston. "Phone, ing 12 Apply on the for particulars: » PROPERTY INVESTMENT, EXA 4 Main street, N\roomeérs er board hovise. oi en, house, at 120 houses vacant, treal street. ing' Raglan Road. Apply to NE large stone dwelling, ay in parlors. House suitable for Large barns and drive-houyse. Alse Both 220 Mons BUSINESS CHANCE. ANYON. ANYWHERE; a mail order business at home. canvassing. our own boss, 2,969 Lockport, CAN STARE Be y Send for free hooklet. Fei how. Heacock, DROP A CARD TO CHAS, WwW. St., LEGAL. CUNNINGHAM & MUNME, ters and Solicitors: law "Clarence 8t., Kingston. age yield. James Alton, Harrowsmith, and Alired Redmoiyl #6 cutting the corn of this. locality! The smany fricids of Mrs. F: E€ook and baby, Lucila, who spent the summer with her parents here, Will 'ha pleased to hear that they hfiverreached their home. in Unity, Manitoba. The mica mine here grows more promising each day. The man who fet the fam of" horses in Kingsioh, passed through hive and attempted to kidnap some little girls, but' was foiled. Miss Apmie Redmond, trained nurse, leaves for Syracuse to-day, but will visit friends in Kingston and Adams on her way. Rev. R. Babgock and family have moved to Odes, where 'hi is station- od for a year. Rov. A. Fokes, preach: ery in the Mothoclist church, here now, oni Monday evenings aw well as at his regular Sabbath cetvic Visitors: Miss Ada Martin, Mr. and Miss Emma Martin, Burridge, at James Walker's: S. Donpell . and G. Red- mond at.A. Redmowud's: Mrs, T. Rog- ers at Ir. Waltker's; Mrs. A. Collins at Arthur Collins'; Mr. and Mrs." El Bedour have moved to Sydenham. Department of Railways and Canals, Canada ST. LAWRENCE CANALS. CORNWALL CANAL. WEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned, and 'endorsed '"Teader for Extension to wall above Fock 18," will be received at this office until 16 o'clock on Monday, Er 1909. Plans, specifications and the form of Contract to be enter into can bp seen and after Monday, Septombu 20th, 1900, at tha Departuent o of Waliways and. Canals, Ottawa, office of C. D. Sargent, Resident a I Ontario, St. Lawrence Canals, ornwall, Ont, at which places Forms of Tender may be obtained. Parties "tendering wiil be required to accept the fair wages Schedule prepared. ot to prepared by the Department of Labour, which Schedule will: form part of the Coneract. Contractors are requested to bear in mind that tenders will not be considered unless made strictly in accordance with the printed forms, and in the case' of firms, unless there are attached the actual signatures, the nature of tne oc- cupdtion and place of residence of each ONTARIO FALL FAIRS. {member of the firm. Sept. 28:30! An accepted hank cheque for the slim Oct: 4-3-6 lol $2,500.00 must accompany each ten- Sept. 27-28-29 | der, which sum will be forfeited if the 3 PY R/0-Oct. 1 party tendering declines entering into Haliburton . Sept. 30 contract for the work, at the rales stat- Lindsay ... L. 45-24-26 ed in the offer submitted. it. Middleville > ol | The cheque thus sent will be returned Odessa curso ? {to the respecties. parties whose tenders Roblin's 'Mills . RRS id be not accep Spencerville .. Sept The Department does not bind itself to Shannonville « Sept. 25 4ccept. the lo west or any tender. 29-30 : By order, Barr Tweed ...... . Wolfe Island .. "We Guarantee Every Load business. Corner location' in good locality. Specially offered for owick sale. Reason for selling: owner.} For price and terms apply CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. KFLLAR Carpenter and Bailder, 255 Division for reasonable prices on all kinds of jobbing, all work done premptly. BARRIS Office, 7 LIVERPOOL, LONDON - AND or088 Fire Insurance GC Av 3 ompany. assets $61,187,215. hy addition 10. which the policyholders for security the limited uli ot all the stock Farm city Faves ators othe or gv rd mew tes fron & Sirange, Agents. "Phone, 825. FURNISHED ROOMS TO-LET. NEWLY FURNISHED AND BEST uipped rooms..in the: city, near Post Office, for married couple, or géntle< . men only, meals can be secured close at hand. All modern conveniences, including telephone, use of parlor for calling day for ladies, it aruited, moderate Chas, Bell, Real Fistate Agent. rig Sallington Bt. MARRIAGE LICENSES. . 8 KIRKPATRICK. ISSUER, #3 Clarence ~St., ' Kingston, nt Tele : Business Chance. Established Bakery Business with geod bread routs, 0 phone, 568. 'Residence, 38 Ffontenme Buys 2,000 pounds of new ' bright, clean Coal. be higher. now ? It may Why not order & together with groeery Ak ass i The grocery end of the business offers splendid chance for development. Buildings consist of solid brick dwelling, 7 nd 8 piece has-rouin! with shop in comnection, separate entrance to shop and awslling. Bakeshop all plete with ovens, ete. ; in rear of dwelling. comer caving the city. at once to Real Estate Office; 16% Land Regulations. ANY person who is the sols head tly, of Soy any wale or 18 E Jour oid nay Donaldeon's. sash Almonte, tnt, by 'fie JONES, » Secretary. apd deor t L was. complete- dn Phursday was valued at) Ar, £1,500. | John factory, destroyed pight. The machinery $5,000 and the building About 3130 worth of lnmbef was burn | When a wiri says 5 wd: The origin of the fire is a mys tsi in a dark cormes. of. . K. ly of Railways and Canals, 17th September, 1900, Department Ottawa, is 'afraid to | the piazza | that ho tery, as wo work- has been Fog on pei a NAL it is a Sal sign this week, aquetnes about $2,000, ish t. dank sa re available Dominion cant must appear ia person a the the district. Entry by made at any agency. on tions, by father, mot , son, sis! Duties. ~Six months' hres A hWocestoader may within ies wiles ui his Wemest Synopsis of Canadian North-West head of B 'niinion Lands Agency or Sub gency for proxy. may Te certain condi- reaidence abi } Sind. suitivation. of the land in eh i ve on tari ot at le 80 acre gant ly fmt wather, son, HT . Slee In certain districia a homesteader in time 2 . ' nt Rt cp A ido Ne an