Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Sep 1909, p. 2

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_wxop we. inflamed and irritated throats "A KNIGHT FOR A DAY." u ~ orl nas y nie WOLFE ISLAND FAIR ...o. Comat 2s te Grad HAT nm "EXPECT ants' (quickly and pleas- ; Night. antly, and' the|THE EXHIBITS {TS WERE BET- ER most, rie, weATRER FOR OCTO-| hie Shape. WORSE: CS mgh made TER THAN EVER. | 1s to whistle as you walk out.' BER PROPHESIED. : | 5, " . : = = vatish, 3t youl A ee re i of, = pay five cents for a box of | Junior Victorias, of Kingston, De- pay," 'which returned to the Grand, Rev. Irl Hicks Promises Bain, feated Wolfe Island, at Base- last night, and as a musical comedy Hail, \ Sleet, Snow, Cold,| PATERSON'S ball--Ogne Horse Race Was Run gure mite, mofiustion, Te%, oti, Storms, Danger and Disaster Children' 4 Heavy Quality. Cream Flannelett ¢ Pettioots" Sieés on Tuesday Afternoon. . i at Various Periods. ; { . | * "Little Girl in Blue," are also ver t 9 \ » COUGH DROPS "he Wolic lsland fair opened, on catchy, ond bound to make a pa In his weather predictions for the 1, 2, 3, 3 years. Special at 25cand SG he Can d v Curve Tuesday afternoon, and the weather whistle or hum the tunes. Did you coming months, Rev. Irl Hicks fore! Children' 8 Fine White Wool Petticoats. Sizes 1to 4 years. > handed - gut sunshine. On the not hear them on the street to-day ? shadows some disa; able variations. | A | man n A ) : gree 3 Made by Paterson of Brantior opening day everything and every| In "A Knight For a Day' there is He says general cloudiness ang threat | person was busy. By noon pearly all both fun and good, mu:ic, and the ening, weather will prevail as we pass | the exhibits were in place, neatly and music is indeed a rare treat. The from September into Oc tober, but | Bo: Whi C tastefully arranged, only awaiting the funny people of the show are Miss | these conditions will ~ increase : into | 'Baby' 3 White Silk nnets, Lined with ite Flannele: te at arpe S, expert eye of the judges to pin on the Hilda Thomas, as Tile, and George positive storms of rain, wind and | 35c, 50c and 60c.. (i red, blue or yellow ticket. Ovey, as Jonathan «Joy, and they thunder, on and touching the 3rd, 4th | The exhibits this e | kept th lience tinued up- and 5th. These st mise gen- La T EB E Furniture, than iy ne re al] heanches. he op er Sen et Pa "> at ren ant I with dies' rimmed ats Arriving very I ay display of vegetables is exceptionally laugh--in fact their elopement scene much ¢naler. autumnal winds and! good; and the judges were very busy made some in the audience scream lavéather Sections along the north! t 2 all afternoon awarding prizes. The with delight. Miss Louise Shepherd, side of the country may possibly have A ies' ai oring an ur ans fruit display was also good. In, the leading soloist, has a most graceful a touch of early sleet and snow, along | horticultural hall, the woman's work appearance, and if a charming sing- with the high barometer that is sure and perishable articles were displayed er. She was repeatedly encored Th to press close on the western flanks of | 9 and those wore certainly worth going her "'Little Girl in Blue" and '"'See- these storms. It will be the proper | to sec. Miss Sutherland, the judge, | Saw. The electrical effects for the thing to wateh for high nortiwestr- | bad an exceedingly difficult time de- See-Saw were thé finest 'ever put on, ly gales over the great lakes at this ¢iding on the winners in many events. the stage here. 'There are also some period. Frosty nights will be natural Along both sides of the grounds the other clever features. Every member in northerly directions from about the! TCP live stock was arranged, and the ox- of the company sang well. One girl, {5th to .the Sth, hibit drew forth many words of praise. *n the grand opera, part of the whist | From the 26th to the 29th of the ' In the horse and cattle grades theiling song, has & magnificent voice 'month may be - expected dangerous ueen . Co e: e showing was exceptionally good, far but, unfortunately, is only heard for tides on the seas and coasts to the better than in other vears. Sheep 8 short time. ' | southward. Very low barometric pres- | THE WINNERS AT KINGSTON and pigs were also. well represented, | ----p-- | sure inland, will induce high north- : and the poultry exhibit was fine. All} "Hopper' s Big Suygcess. leasterly wales along the Atlantic TOWNSHIP FAIR. e o Ss these exhibits were greatly augme ws Not in many years have! the Toron- | coasts. This is a period in which ship- | " 5 on Wednesday. to papers been io enthusiastic about pers and navigators of our great lakes | The List is Made Up of a Fine Brass Beds -- 'a new musical play as they have been 'should wateh for and scrupulously i Array of Farmers and Others! = Though all sorts of influence and pressure have been brought to | { | soem po. t porem pen how B | Vics Won At Baseball. over De Wolf Hopper' s new vehicle, i heed all storm indications. See if dan- | Who Won on the Merit of Their | bear on the different publishers cf Queen's College Text Book to con- Fhe baseball game, between the Jun- { 'A Matinee Idol," which was produced | ger and disaster are not reported from | Articles. ; fine their sale in this city to one firm, we have succeeded in secur- Wolfe Tu. | there Monday night, and which will ithe lakes between the 24th and 29th of ing all hooks required and solicit a share of your patronage. iis fall, the values are be seen here Thursday, Sept. J0t,, at bOctober. The first stages of these Cattle. » The same reasons that compelled the Engineering Society to { aper than be-| =... fr as the islanders were con- the Grand. This In what the Toron-'storms will be tropical' in character.} yo... R Shannon EAR and | handle their own text books should assure us of your hearty co- a low head| 4 . he first kick was over five of ito World says : 'attended by high temperature aud For uson. Inveraty, operation. na a very pretty |. "vi te ay fhe game 'was. for: I> 'If eight curtain cally uigd uproar- thunder storms; but as the centres of The pus hbred beefing cattle--Rull, We promise you :-- medium size Mahog- ind. after much persuasion the ious demands for a speech'\at the close barometric disturbhnces move progres- Ip ra bull calf, 1909, D. Sheeh- 1st." Prompt and careful attention to orders. Islanders = agreed to play, providing lof the second act, and six recalls at isively east of different longitudes, high "© el "one year, F. Keenan, 2nd. Courteous treatment on the part of the management and . they received half the ws hethe the close, are any token of public | barometer, fierce gales and snow $ Jor: . F. Lether- st our new designs.) |they recewed ha he purse whether |p Co pa Wolf Hopper and 'A Ma- tsqualls will foll i the: west 1! dersey cattle--Cow, 3:4. No incre Rist t -book are better in quality | they lost or won. tine '1d 1? be Princess | Halon qua will lollow irom the W€ and yond, 3% Smith; Na one year, 1 in ease on/list price o ooks. beautiful in design and| The game commenced | at 348} 1088 40, a the Princess last night |north. and oy J Letherland; heifer, catf, HAVE YOU BEEN GETTING THIS? If you have attended Ahan ever before, o'clock, instead of 2.30 'o'clock, and}, Strain Y Sriumphapily close to LL ------ 1909, W. F "Smith. Queen's you can answer readily. If a Freshman, ask one of the n was really a fair exhibition of ball, if BS a I ron i = : e ast mos MADE FAST TIME | Thoroughvred milking breed--Bull, Seniors. . We are aiming at the bestiall the petty kicks were eliminated. Every line had Be and bdo] : re ., R. E. Harpell, J. W. Bell, K. Spoon- ou will find our text books of the latest editions and not left alues in both medium and good|At the end of the eighth innings the! elicited . -- i Ne meaning and To a Fire on Roof at Davis' pull, one year, W. L. Sears, A. | overs from last season. furnishings. Our prices are doing | Vies led, four runs to three. Then-in oars o aughter. f ie 909, A. E. Wel ] oo : "A Matinee ldol" is remarkable ior Tannery. |E. Welles; bull calf, 1906, EW Ale usiness and making more friends |the ninth the [elanders got two, mak- |p. possesion 'of 'a real plot, not: 'a At 8:30 o'clock, on Wednesday morn- der, K. Spooner; cow, A. eller, wery day. ing it five to four. The Vics came thread of nonsense, but a complica- (ing, he firemen received a telephone K. Spooner, W. L. Grass; heifer, two a oh Os ott.of town tralls is. grows back strong in their hali, and with noi 4 fugical "and wildly aly Wabi "call to Daxis' tannery, whee the roof years, K. Spooner, W. L. Grass, A ec 0 ege 00 tore, ine 2nd we are able to give closer one out, Williams scored, and Robin- {of screaming absurdity; which affords |¥88 burning. When © the men from E. Weller: heifer, one year, A. [I : ng and ve ax¢ 3 1 gi $ son was on third, when some one! a long series of ridiculous situations, {both stations arrived, the {annery em- Weller; heifer, call; 1900, A. E. Weller, Managed bv a C o'lege man. } ii re : vushed on the field and Robinson stoleiy) of which are fully availed of in ployecs bad the fire under control, by 'W. L. Grass, K. Spooner. + I 371 96 3 y : > Visitors always welcome. or The person who rushed on the'{pe compilation of the dialogue. 1t |using their' .own hose, and the ser- | "Grades, beefng breed--cow, F. Keen 13113 260 Princess St. Phone 919. t . « 5 Wi 2 e field called the game on account "of io not too dificult to follow, though | vices of the city brigade were not am heifer, tv o years, 1 and 2, F. i ' special of!. Ng a ecialty jor Victorias and the Senior landers was anything but a friendly' ----------_-------------------- Phone 90. { darkness, and u anted the game toi would take paragraphs to explain needed. 1 he sparks from the smoke Keenan; heifer, one Jour. 1 arid 2, : stand five runs a . land everybody will want to see tad of one of the tannery buildings- Keenan; heifer calf, Ns . J. CE oe] H i 1c Hows : 10 see : : : E. Weller oy \ . Fe arrison 2 The teams lined up as follows : | himself anyway. {were driven on the #of by the wind, Smythe, A. 8 or Cow W R y bs : Viet ar hu {setting it on fire. Very little damage ! Grades, milkmg K ree: tha ' : . : : w Oh ictorias. " " : : He it was' fully cover . Sears, 2 and 3 eenani; heifer, two av / $ . and i4 was fully covered by : , ! n : El ap HB i : Coming. . RE am para yar * lvears, K. Spooner, P. Kelly; heifer. ear a @ Ww 1b. ok | Alter a record of a years run at ; Sag, : : ORY Wa < > Nv 3 Gor: e ar: 2b. the Gaiety theatre, London, and Citizens who were on Untario street ne Yaar, Wy ar Ki, B. KX : Se Muckler, p. . . £ similar period at the Casino, the above call camé in were oa oo ¥ H 'Stover . y . x nwes 4 OF Millan, of York, 'Havana,' the George Ed. | greatly pleased. with the way the nico © Pe - Heavy Go S : ; - ; " : ree --Ram, John Leather- Totals 4 edy has been seen on the road. The |the station, and before some men who \ 08r wool ables. : i A ---- A fact that Leslie Stuart, who wrote | were at' Polson's could got to the land, H. + Simpges; ram, Jub, B Our stock of Dress Goods Cases, wth one dozen the mute for "Ilorodora," is the | station, about a block away, the Sheehan, = ane John letherlanc : : " ia niv s fy . . iH ora, 1h 4 ewe. 1. Sheehan, John Leatherland; for Fall and Winter wear is LNives an OrkKs en 1.82.0 2.5 : : . . F. composer of' "Havana," gives some | Waggon passed them going ou : amd : ts a] : now complete. . Wonderful : Land . $5.00, $3. 50, h2.00, $2.50, Card, & ; an idea of the brilliancy of the score; | One team from the upper station was Lo I Shwasing. Da Chechen. John values at De ranging cased, or similar cases 3 E. Crawford, . ie Evervhady £ already familiar with 'also exe: "cising, but (wveryone got out De Ee, Colter . 5 : with half the Auantity. Mercerized, ~ $4.00, -$4.50, Cummings, Lf, ello People, People Hello." It 1s. in record time, the steamer pulling a = 2, D: Shee: 7 4 Sh r 3". 00, $6.00, $7.00. lh, Nm A the Joke it of the senzon. The story ' out. with heavy "smoke pouring from Joi is a per fl nd 2: D. Shee From 25¢ to $2a Yard Fruit Knives and Cosgrove. rf. .... : is that of Samuel Nix, bos'un of the her stack. by A a : : us : - 3 . Silk, $8.00, $9.00, $10.00 I Davis, 5.5. I : 2 American yacht Wasp, which puts in-| " ------ ine tig pa ig y FE oii pis ue a Carving Sets are cased IRA i ' sess wr " > DO , a : ram, » ly ad. - $ Ar ts to "3 to the 'harbor of Havana. A revo- "Was A Slight Fire. | Sproule; ewe, J. and W. Sproule, : ! you at in much the same way, $12.00, $13. 50. $15.00. Berry, 1b - : lution is brewing at the time fthel : . Qs : i i FORBIE seisenisasseden sasssisamas sasnas g att me, and. ih Ihe firemen received larm fr and 3. H. J. Simpson: ewe, shear and our showin mn oa : header of the Red Linerados ixtakes We jen received an alarm trom and J, » dD pson: ewe, & s g | Umpire--Saniord Kyle. L ? Lo Beratios "Jma a box No. 2, at the corner ol York and 1. 2 and 3, J. and W. Sproule; ewe, a t h i i : ¥ Score by innings fhe Wasp for a filibuster's = vessel. | ! Division 'stieets, of Tuesday after lamb, 1.and 2, J." and W. Sproule; fat $7.50 nd Up 0 $25 Eac these lines Is complete. } Victorias-- # {Nix is. made one of the insurgents Rope Portiers a AER hen a- chimney ~ in the house ewe or - wether, J. and W. Sproule ! : . > Wolfe Island-- 5 {end vetween his endeavors. to escape "OU, w : " b . i C 1 C ¥ y ™ . an . ldeath as = penalty for Anta | occupied by Ww. Hogan, 103 York street. | EY hi Idren 8 oats SMI i 'H BROS Made to Order 7 The Horse Races lagaipst the government i ¢. (was burning. The dapage was very | Pigs: > f . and his -ef- | "% i . : & i Onl one horse race was pulled: off forts to shun his wife, whom he de. | light, a= few. pails of watec putting Judyes--~S... A. Lyon, Latimer. b, Warm and sérviceable, all y : : Jewellers Optici . on Tuesday; the Kingston township, serted in the same town sevin years out the flanies. Murray, Glenburnie. : * sizes and at popular prices: ' pticians race. and" was a fast one. The race Before, form mich of the amusement. -------- | Small breed--Boar, E. H. Stover, 2 Issuers Of Marriage Licenses, le heats, best three in five, Senor" Campo, mayor of Havana, is | Impure' Blood. and 3, W. J. Smyth sow, 1 aid 2 | | dies' Suits, Skirts, Waists, Un- 4 and was won as follows: , | unaware of the faet that his ewn = { Let the blood hecome impure or im- «W. J. Smyth; sow, Bo v. y y y y R. McFAUI S Lucy Right (O'Brien) 11.2.1. ter is the queen of the conspirators | poverished aud the nerves--which draw Smyth ; litter of pigs, -W. J. my} > : d Is ft Dan Caesar, (McAdoo) . : and is about to do injury to the | their nutriment from the blood-are] Large brged--Boar, E. H. Stove orski S 0 E i ; i) X Jur } / a ' A May, (Michea) 8.3. whole outfit when the discovery is lapt to reply with pain. Rheumatism, and 3, w. J. Smyth; Sow, : and. 2 ' : HIG H EST GRADES Kingston Fime--3.15, 3.10, 3.08, made. The cast is an unusually large neuralgia, locomotor ataxia, and oth- W. 3. Swyth; © sow, 1909, -W. J See: the wonderful values Judges--Michacl Grillin and C. W.'one for a musical comedy. Individ- {er painful affections arise from im- Smyt { that we have to show you Carpet Warehouse. Hope ual parts ava taken by players, sing- | pure blood. Debility and muscular Horses. in Ready-to-Wear Goods. i | Every heat was fast and close, con- Joa! and daucers of note, the aggre { woakness has the same cause. Thel| Judge, G. W. Retklick. Morrisburg, y: GASOLINE, {sidering the track, and the spec ors 'g ber of f rs g I emedy is Wade's Ir Tounic ! Ont : he House of Reliable (0ods ne \ bi rh ine rg Ao Hen vr « -- amets being 5 e Pe a. ou You a ricultur Ww. .J. Smyth, F. . Flannelette Blankets COAL OH. Brouse, s.8. ' wards. musical play, will be seen here {got out. When thi alarm cam in, | Shee > . ws Robinson; 1. . at the Grand on Saturday, Oct. 2nd, |D=iver Frank Burns was down near hg dé x 1 Pp Lat > b - Seaman: : asstee . n matinee and night, which will be the | the M. T. Co's offices, exercisng the A lena on, J.a amet, : The chilly breezes remind us 4 \ © © first time this successful musicil com- 'horses on horseback. He galioped to * UTEAY, : that we need . heavier wear- In Oak and Walnut led Wednesday They ar : Agricultural team, puliec oll ednes ey are a great nerve strengthe ner | Keenan, A. Keyes; ag denliural mare > LUBRICATING OILS, A {and blood maker. In boxes, sat foal. F. Keenan, F. Gates; agrienl- Whites or Gr with Pink : - er Is Britain Tired Of Canada ? oF DECIDED ADVANTAGE. A B Ne) cneps Drug (Wade's Soni it ht R. K. Harpell, W or Pale Blua Border. Three FLOOR O1L; 8 a AR Ft - {King and Brock streets (Wades ok . Smvtk Gates; agricultural, om : sizes. Lowest prices, EAS ETC, wWdllace S Parks We don't think so, but we are sure To Have Medical Professor As and). and corner. Princess and Mont: Her el a jlo agrieui wl, oufo pri GREASE, ETC. : PROMPT DELIVERY. Toronto, Brockville, has (two-year-old, T. Frasci . F. Gates; pair and up. no man has any chance of curing corns Health Officer al streets. --Money back if not satis- ' sign work a specialty. 'Phunes, Consers en There is connected with Queen's Medi- {hoon put in charge of the Elm street : "ie T i i ; : oul E . v : t f 8,4 3 {H. J. Simps ' ral purpose team, 'Whi t Ww | il k t = UCUESSORETO-0. 0: JOHNSON, apt ses Putnam's Corn 'Extrac I'he 'appointment of =a medical pro- factory. Ww i Kove put] | 8 00 an 6 $ 4 Ter , \ a 3. Gor 3 144 . os. 285 ;- 8B 98 { general purpose, one-year -old, -B. G Toye's Buildin vatories, 5; oy Another Outbreak Unlike} {eal College "a public health depart- { branch, Torovso, in place of George | fon: carriage team, over 154 hands, Comforters Y 8 : y- | ment, at the head of which is Dr. W. McKay, who goes to Kingston. | Smith. A. Stover, W. Blacklock; Clarence and Ontario Streets = 1OA1T Se > ams Palms, Ferns and Out Flowers. De hours. Use only Putnam's. od as a wise act of the city council. iBank of 3 oy wes, W.!Shannon; tot ¢ out root, stem, and [joss Quee U o 5: --- - a | . Sears, : aoe fy : : oo. ' | fessor of Queen's mversity as medi- " | vencral purpose, mare and foal, © ¥ yranch, cures painlessly in twenty-four cal health officer of the city is regard- | R. M. Gray, accountant at the Koonan purp Guess: general purpose, Great values at $2.50 Dr. Williamson, medical healthy of=|T. Connell, the noted bs aeteriologist | "Mother gave it to me." A com-!carriage team under 153 hands D Ynas sink ae . a arriag N - rg ¥ 8 * fig, does nat tk ink hay, any ue : and pathologist. Associated with Dr. no, expression when some keepsake is {Ming ¥. Gates, M. Fowler; warriag In a nice range of pat- fede dbrb g Ohi atAOLE sage :onthres . 4 ¥ tn . » MN. ; ag A 1 i Ma r fe on "liste pH Kin ey Conuell in _ 1s ig be Dr Nifliam tlost, But somebody almost always | mare wand foal, E. H. Stover, Geo. terns and colorings, $1.25 to : oO . \ o- ago dh 3 > Jugs oA son, the new hea ih office r : Wr it wn finds it. Tell them who has lost it{Guess, H. J Simpson carrigge, two $6 each. , Let Us Overhaul Your for vears. ¢ says tha ec 1ac of easily be seen what benell ns will in the Whi : ] such a large proportion ci the m-| he to the city, which will have a Storage Battery habitants having been vaccinated will} health officer who is expert in bac- Bye 15) humds, W. Cloge This winter and will have it deter any further spread of the di-limielogical work. It is also under- {riago Orse, Ov winds, W. Bh) ready " yott in the spring. We are installing a charging board and Hydrometer, sewss, and, furthermore, the city is|gtood that Dr. Williamson will proba- |W. Blacklock; carci he ety uncles 'Newman & Shaw now prepared with an "isolation hos: bly have the benefit of the sanitary | 154 hands, P. Kelly, F. Trude - hs pital which it didn't have a year ago. |scicnce students of the medical college, v | Bushell; romdeter, under 153 ham TEE ALWAYS SUSY 51055 § ALWAYS BUSY STORE W. A. Spriggs Practical Electrician, who. can be utilized in making reports | ot Sry | Trudell, F. Fave; Foust. upon local sanitary conditions. The! a > over hands, W. Sears, I. 4 : 235 Bagot, one door from Brock. 'Phone, 88. Describe the article and | yoar-old, B. Gordon, I J. Simpson; the chances fire good you 1 get it. riage, one-year-old. Geo. Guess: car- back again. . { S 53574 vA 3 rT erselol new health officer will have at his | 3 Fon ~ fastest driving team, F. Trudell, A. back his associates on the medic al col- Bo Y | Stover, (. Smith; foal, 1909, oarriage, lege staff. All this will be to the s | |E. H. Stover, H. J. Simpson, Geo. ¢ity's advantage. | '% { Gicss; foal, 1909, . agricultural, rE SICK ROOM "200M SUPPLIES § The medical health officer began W - REGISTERED | Keenan, ¥. Gates; roadster stallion, PEE IE IRR 2 ie: bs ificati hv SS | Smith; agricultural slallion, Pr. ha : duties 'vesterday, on notification Oy | \ GL) MILLS 3 Jom g We make b ial study of : the mayor. and his first act was to} 3 vs. YOU HOLD L. 3} pay a visit to the gity refuge, whose | a, => fo | keeping san lige of uy QN inmates have beelr without regular | GG Poultry. . plies or sickroom either Tn your hands the possibility of fe attention for several weeks. KINGSTON ONT. lL Audges, 3. oh MeNeil, Kingston; 'E. | i iL. kdwe ; 1a o ' in Rubber, Glass or Agate- , ware. The Agateware, we im- 3 pert direct from Austria and g¢ a house owner, because ? i Painters On Strike. i 9 Gwe, M- Fowler Joli Loathorland is the best quality that dan ffer you some great bar- ! About "teri painters. employed by A. | a EE x ct ti Af Wm 1S Pe bot zht, and includes s > McMahon & Co., wend on strike; Mon Fowler: | turkeys, oF. ai > Bed Pans, ty, colintry or suburhan . | lay, over the smployment. of non- | " prow, B. Kd Jolis Leather. Douche Pans, union labor. The men were on strike The brand of Hat most men plod: AREkeys, > R ahh _-- gs Tirinals, IB. on iter arrec tocks, a op 4 = ic aiCh : ' lcanse. One man working 'for the firm | Gas Te liffe, Jos. and Wm. Sproule; Leghorns, Feeding and Sputuni Cups, ou to buy with a very small " DIPLOMAT' jis not a union. man, and the union Beware of imitations. Jos. and Wm. Sproule, CL Friendship: Cur Rubber lt are Ph apital, and carry the balance The collar that goes into { painters refused to wobk with him, | | { White "or Buft Rocks; x J. Smyth, guaranteed and at most i i good society. | andes he camo into the union. This the | Goldon Wyandoties, D. Sheehan; ban reasonable prives. 4 a." 8 c ' : on a mortgage. *" Correct for 'street, dress I man: refused to do, and he was = not | Price Two-Fift _o} ame, W. E. Toplific, A. Stover; forels, Ait Pillows and Cushions, and evening wear. | As it A the! . any other bred. Jos, dnd Wm. Atomizers, discharged. is against « x : Let us show you the new 7-room-| J ° 2 for 26c. ; { labor laws for the men to work with Sproule, W. Smyth, A. G. Robb; Breast Pumps, Cedar Cut Blocks, at $3.90 per Le : Min | him, and as ipey gave him every | The Fall Shapes are beautiful | | Bock chicks, W. E. Toplifie, . R. J, Rubber Tubing, ete. cord, at the Corner Bagot and ed dwelling, with B..and C., Ver- IRON FRAME BRAND |chance to join, the only alternative a tBushell, Jos. aul We. Spode; Nite We have a variety of feed: Barrack streets Wood Yard, andah and Condrei lar." whia "ANTWERP"--3 for 50c. loft them was to strike and this they i ducks, Jos. and Wm. Sproule crey ing eups and medicine glasses andah and Conereit Cellar, which le ' LW. "E. Toplific: tucks, any |@ and tubes, in fact anything S. BENNETT & CQ... rr did on Monday morning. : : : i 3 cal lv ; J y g other color, A. Stover, W. E. F lifis, ' we can sell you for $1,550. TOOKE ROS. LIMITED MONTREAS A few meetings have been hold, but y her colar, A over, oplific required in the sickroom. Corner Bagot and 'Raerack sts. SHIRTS, COLLARS, TIES, VESTS no agreement was beached. i ¥ 2 + Ss -------------- tet A ~AND IMPORTERS OF MEN'S i mem J = : : : D A. P. b Mc! ANN FURNISHINGS. 6 | SeiMitz powders fresh and full Grain. a Tr & ' : Importers Of Fine Hats, 3 Ned Ci ist th led t boxes, A Judee, W. J. MeNeil, Kingston. strength, in sealec in bOX al 126-128 Princess St. . op : DRUGGIST! AND OPTI) : |Prouse's drag store, Princess ane | Fall wheat, Jos. and Wm: Sproule; 91 Brock St, Cor King. - Clergy streets. ' (Continued on "page 7.) . g : t terms that will per- {soveral months ago for 'the same [are wearing. Fountain Syringes, "Special Notice

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