a It Pays to Trade at Mclntosh's ON SALE 8 only Combination Dinner and Tea Services, nearly a hundred pieces in each set, Semi-Porcelaln imported English make, pretty tulip pattern. These sets were $10.00. We offer them at $5.75. This lot is priced for a quick cléan ap, if you are at all interest- ed in them, get here at your earliest and secure first choice of the biggest bargains in the city. THE FAIR Meintosh Bros., Manager, PERCY JESSE * |tinent, EXPERIENCE OF JEWELERY "TRAVELLER. A Cabman Turned Into a Dark Lane--Lord Northeliffe is in Montreal Homeward Bound. Montreal, Sept. 30. Held up robbed of $1,000 and a diamond ring, Jain at $3430, was the experience of . Cedarstrom, « jewellery travel fe Mite arrived on a train, last night, at Windsor station, and got into, 4 I 'ab,~which Took him a short distance, {when the cabman turged into a dark (lane. There was another man on the {hox with the cabman when they left {the station and the two of them we | ceeded in getting away with the booty {alter giving Cedarstrom a bad beat ing. | Tora Nor Yicliffe,; the London pub- fisher, who has heen across the con- on a tour of inspection, with some of the editors of his London { publications, reached here, to-day, on Tis yeturn east. The party leaves {hore to-night, én route "for Creamalt Contest. Creamalt Bread is hore and its popularity has been truly marvelous. ME Fomauve been -obseryant you will noface a little football Jabel on the Bottom of every Creamalt loaf. 3 othe Boy or girl in Kingston saving the most Creamalt labels by Dee. wo, will give a prize of $10 in gold, To the one bringing in the see ren lost number we will give a prize of $5. The boy or girl who girts saving now. has-the best chance. i Entrance slips to the contest may be obtained free from Lackio, the Ba ker, ¥ In our window wo will give results of contest week after week. J. J. LACKIE, PRINCESS ST. 20th, on {foundland. His lordship will attend {the commencement of the operations jof some of his industrial enterprises {in that colony, principal of which is the paper and pulp business with some | allied interests, | A struggle in the building trade not unlikely to ensue, as the result of the determination of brick layers and litone masons to enforce the closed | shop principle on all. . { Two young Montreal people were married at the St. Regis hotel, New | York, Septémber 22nd, ander circum- {stances which did not receive the {blessing nnd congratulations of the jvoung ladies" parents I'he contract- {ing parties were N P. Bryant, of { dryant Co stock brokers, is Bros. & nd Miss Dorothy Gilbert, daughter of 23 North-West | | undersigned, Synopsis of! Canadian Land Regulations. t SEALED TENDERS addressed to. th and endorsed "Tender * will 5.00 P.M, o River at Latchford, Ont, | ceived at this office until Thursday, October 28 1909, for th construction of a Dam and Sluiceway across the Montreal River at Latchfor: Ont, ANY person who is the sole head ol'a family, or auy male over 18 yocurs old, tivay homestead a yuarter-section of nvailable Mowinion land in 'Manitoba, faskatchewan or Albérta, The apphe= cant must appear in person at Lhe Dos fuindon Lauds Agency or Sub-Agency {or the distritt. Entry by proxy may De made at suy agency, on certain condi: | tions, by father, mother, son, daughter, | brother or sister of intending nowe- steader, duties. ~Six months' residence ant: cultivation of the land in each © three years: A homesteader ' may live within nine niles of his bomestead on a farin of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied b, him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sis Plans, "specifications and form of tract ean be seen and forms of tende obtained at this Department, at the offic of J. G. Sing, Fsq., District Engineer, Confederation Life Building, Toront« and -on application to the Postmaster a pon Latchford, Ont. ders will not be considered unless on the printed forms supplied, ed with their actual signatures, thei¥ occupations and, places of den¢es. Tn the case of rn, the signatire, the nature of the occupatio and place of residence of each member « the firm must be given: wit ter. in certain districts a homesteader In standing may pre-empt a guarters section alongside his howmestead. Price, $3. pe acre. Duties----Must reside six ptonths In each "of six fears from date of homeatead entry (including the time Foquired tp earn homestead patent) and cullivite filty acres exurs, A homeésteader who has exhausted his homestead right and cannot obtajn a pre-efuption may take a purchused hone stoad fn certain districts. Price $3.00 'per acre. Duties----Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate fifty acres. and erect a house worth $300.00 WwW. W, CORY, ty of the Minister of the Interior, ~nauthorized publication of this semtent will not be paid for: . fiach tender must an nisde pavable to the order of the theee thousand five hundred dollars ($3. 500,000), which will be forfeited person tendering dee¢line to enter into contract when called upon to do so, © If the tender he not accepted the chequ will be returned. accept the lowest or any tender. By order, 4 NAPOLEON TESSIER, + Seeretary. of Public Works, Septem mber 28, De N. a arerssrssssasriinany, "ght in the Darkness" That is what we give. Pramptin Flectiio Gas Repairs Quik in Executing Contracts Reasonabe ics Hv Nv Beat 0,8 79 Princess St. "Phone, 441. WOIIIPIRIRIIvIRRIIIY i Department. Ottawa, Newspapers "will not be paid for advertisement if they insert it authority from the Pepartinent 1909. thi CAUSE OF FALLING HAIR. Dandruff, Which is a Gérm Diseas ~Kill' the Germ. Falling hair is 'caused which ig'a germ disease. burrowing . into dhe root. of whore it destroys tho vitality hair, causing the hair to fall ont, up the cuticule in little scales, dandruff of seurf. You can't stop Uh falling hair witheait curimg the ruff, and you can't without killing the "Destroy the cause, effect,"' Newbro's Herpicide only hair preparation that dangiraff gerne. Hewpicido delightiul "hair dressing. Sold by leading druggists. in stamps for sample to The Herpicid <Ca., Detroit, Mich. $1 bottles anteed, G. W. Mahood, the th dig ol a dandrufi you remove th th th is kills , POVOP POPOV for Dam and Sluiceways across the Montreal be re- Persons tendering are notified that Jose their stamina. made manager and gin. resi- | actual be accompanied by accepted cheque on a chartered hank, Hon- otirable the Minister of Public Works, for if the fail to 'complete the work contracted for. The Department does not bind itself to without hy dandruff, The germ in! hair, calle dand cure the dandrenfi germ. is also a Send 10¢. guar- special agent. la wolllmown and wealthy contractor. The Githerts objected to the idea of ther martying Bryant, but, notwith- standing thes¢ objections, they had eo made np their minds and, consequent- ly) took matters in their own hands and left for New York to have the n knot tied: They mre now back in e Montreal, stopping at the Place Viger, i hut will shortly take a trip through " { Europe. con- | or Hard Work As A Vacution. ¢ Bookkeeper Magazine. | Some managers crave Jfeponsibility i as a child does sugar. Take it away from them and their spirits drop and The office of a vigorous wholesale house wa® once given a month' * | tion, supposedly to refresh his and get his thoughts' on other lines. n He left a hale, hearty, and vitally MT tirdy man. He was supposed to be Ihasking in the sunshine of a moun- tain lake, taking life easy, far away, from the toil and carve of the greedy mart. ~ In reality he eaten alive hy mosquitoes, worried to death fox a fear of business going wrong, and r chafed by a impatience, His very soul longed for the -stiife and his miserable ennuai drove him to ag- loravated liver troubles, In three | weeks he returned, bleached and hag- | gard. He-was put to work, loaded to {the guards with" responsibility, and | with sixteen hours' toil per day he | fattened like «a corn-fed: pig: I was 'better than the most ingenius rest gVeure ever invented. To this day the man dreads his enforced lay-off over Sunday. vaca mind was dragging @ | Who Pays For Advertising 2 | Newspaperdom e | In awswer to this A feces ful adveriser said "Neither then facturer nor the consumer for, advertising, but - the {Wha does nol advert'se {for it. : of "Suppose v# S 870,000 advertising and Iie creascd the volume of o | 600,000 a year fa certain time ? {advertising ? "The consumer gets the same qual- olity avd a little more than he would e if he bought unadvertised goods and, ein addition, because of the advertise ling, he knows who is back of the goods. = The retailer makes the same profit, plus the big boost in being as- o | sisted tn the distribution of the goods, and you--why, vou have simply laid down about 310,000 cach year for ad- vertising and get back over $66,000 of Sue stion a suc- ihe Pays manufacturer does | paw have sent about you have in- business from to $1,000,000 during Who pays for the Gasoline 16c. A GALLON Pt in Your Tank at Our Dock. Garage "Repairs to Auutomobiles dnd 3 atime Engines promptly attended Selby & Youlden, Ltd. Ontario St. We can supply you with strictly Whole or ground, also:Pure Vinegar: D. COUPER, s | Dealer in Pure Food Groceries. "Phone, 76. PROMPT DELIVER Y, a ¢ Pre pamphlet, A Swe Mone Co. TORCH, -. LxT, or meri No Powders For Pickling Pure Spices 841-3 Princess St. extra business which could have got in no other way at that cost, and vou have also gdded enough cash value to 'the good-will of ness to pay for your itself." you vour Huss advertising of Alternatives For British Taxpayer Mawthester Guardian. > tax on a poor man's bread bought with a weekly wage is just as much a tax on the nation's capital ae a tax on a rich man's legacy. received in a lump. The really important tinction here curtail expenditures whether -by poor men taxes which curtail it or on the promotion of further pro- daction. The present budget is cor tainly as well calculated to lay the stress of inc ide nee on luxuries as any vet devised. The alternative to it--a tarifi 'reform' budgot--would be a gigantic shifting of the burden 'on to necessares--on to bread, meat, clothe 8, buildings, machinery and the rest This would, indeed, be making an in- rostl on the nation's capital--an in- dis is luxuries or rich--and on necessaries * No Corn Starch IN OUR ICE CREAM 60c PER QUART. Any hour: 288 Princess St. Phone 3465 Any flavor. PRICE'S, RISE OF THE United EmpireLoyalists An Informing Sketch of Ameri. | yisor, & C sfedrlfulelifufuieiodefefouimiafuiaielelul BROOKLYN, NEW YORK. Offers, in their two years' 'course fession: For particulars address at } Hospital. iif WILSHIRE re of training a splendid opportumity to young women desiring to enter the nursing pro- ) Super road with a vengéance, But what others alternative ARVONe Now propose ? does Provision For Agress. A, F. Bond, of the engineering de- partment of the Grand Trunk railway, is: here with reference to meanf of egress, for several properties bevond the subway at the junction. Along with City Eagineer Craig, City Soliai tor McIntyre, County Kirk- patrick, and W. F. Ni Ke. he j visited the subway te look the ground and see what provision can he- {mide for the properties which ave offi from the public highway "deep cut made in grading the | the entrance the sabway \gineer h.C ov 1 cut the road toe by to fos and Research. 'By-VISCOUNT DE FRONSAC. Price, 50¢. Address British Whig. Kingston. edn History, Valuable for Librar- Builrs a Contractors Lr ol Ea ston learning =hiost «dan a little" widow. at Angrove's 2A tle" gerous ad 1s « Use Sashweights made in King. | Cross drug stove. Foundry. | Special prices tor large quantities. "¥osion the brush" and sprinkle Rapid shaving powder over it. Works | ike magic. Sold at Gibson's Red Bolivia is ithe only country in the | wosteen hemisphere where tin is mined on anything like an Axiensive scale. ( ' and New- | TUESDAY, Oct. 5th between taxes which "Montreal before DANIEL V. ARTHUR Presents DeWolf Hopper, . Tn the Saw Song Coiedy "A Matinee doi" An Exceptional Company. ¥ six, $1; A Chorus of Pretty Gir PRICES, 25¢., Soc: gos. $1, $1. a0. " Seats now oun sale re -- SATUEDAY, oCTobEs 2ND. Matinee, & it 2.50. Evening, at 8.15. | The riety tre, \, Musical Success, from the nn HAVANA And THR DAINTY Si ii GIRLS, Augmented WOMAN. OR CAPA S 90_FEOPLE-0. ral housework. 2 Carloads of Seenery and gohene. seet, MATINEE, 25¢., 85c., Soc. EVENING, 25e., Doe TOG, he $1 hi Seats now on sale, 2 Auction Sale Valuable Household Fut - * niture, Piano, Etc., First insertion lc. a word. Each con secutive insertion thereafter hall cent a word. Minimum charge for one in- one month, $2. BOY aro A LARK THE PRINTING LA WOMAN, WHO CA NI- Nou. Address Box X COVER EURRE A CHAMBERMAID AND KITCHEN girl, at once. Apply Hetel Congress, hing Street. GIRL, Pply 157 PR id FOR A SMALL FAMILY. A GENERAL servant. - Apply in the evening, to 257 Brock street. . tet KITCHEN GIRL, AT ONCE wages Lo the L Par, aan, Whig © Riis NT. RE- Mere? Mac- A GOOD GENERAL SERV ferences required. Apply gillivray, 119 Earl 1. street, A NEAT, INTELLIGENT YOUTH, years or over to work evenings, The Bijou. Apply at once. is al AT: ONCE, EXPERIENCED GENERAL ¥ for Mrs. George B. McKay. Apply At the residente of Uol. Taylor, . Sydenham and William Sts, mandant R. M. College, household ture, ete. Heintzman Grand Piano Drawing, Dining and Bedroom Fur Bookcases, Sideboards, Arm and Chairs, Extension and other Tables, Writing Desks, Couches, Washstands, Pressers, Brussels and Axminster Car- pets, Indian Rugs, Matting, Card Tables, Tea Tables, Lace and other Curtains, Pictures, Dinner, Desert, Tea and Break- fast Sets, Odd China, Glass Ware, Kitchen Utensils, Croquet Set, Ham- mock, and other articles. The goods are of the very best. It will pay you to at- tend this sale. Com- CONS$YRUC- Colly Timited MEN FOR DRY tion. Apply at Shipbuilding Collingwood, DOCK Works, Company, Ont. stand cooking. . No washing, wages. Apply Mrs. Elmer Davis, Sydenham street. 17 EDIATELY, A _ for general housework. Apply ste Mrs. 10 Clergy street. R: G. Meikle, Sale at 10.830 a.m. rei Terms Cash. 3 WAL Department, day 'mornings and noons. Apply Whig office. Fon Qu EEN'S WOMAN'S RESIDENCE, MURRAY, Auctioneer. CHANGE OF GHANGE OF BUSINESS of ferences required. Apply Mowat, 180 Johnson street, to stock I will Open on Satta, Oct. 20d With an ' Up-to-Date line of MEN'S & BOYS' FOOTWEAR Consisting of Fine Goodyear Welts, Me- ay's Sewed and Working Boots. T will still continue the HIGH CLASS ORDERING WORK AND REPAIRIN All Mr. Adams old customers will ceive the same courteous treaggent. "JACK" JOHNSTON. N.B.--Balance of old stoek to he cost, Having purchased the Adams, 70 Brock street, AN . INTELLIGENT PERSON newspapers. No canvassing. particulars. Preds Synditate, Lockport, N.Y. PERMENCED AND INE ed irls to wo in Knitting ' Mill. Go wages. Steady work, wages paid to beginners. Apply Kingston Hosiery Co., lo. Lid, ing st IAARN THE BARBER R TRADE, system, cons struction, few lete course, " eighteen » catalogue. Moler" 221 Queen St. OSTEOPATHY. East, Toronto. at sold | D.O., American School na Earle Asheroff, a of the , Osteopathv Princess street. hours, 9 to 12 a.m. ¥ W p.m Outside tres*ments by Ai ARTHUR ELLIS, { office and residence, | Ave. sertion, 25c.; three insertions, 50c.; gwood NERAL SERVANT. MUST UNDER- good tb eee eet GOOD CAP: ABLE SMART BOY TO ASSIST IN MAILING on Monday and @Thurs- Saturday alter- a competent cook and housemaid. Re- Miss hy MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for send for 8,969 xX PERIEX = Sood NEW t practice, careful in- tools free. Graduates earn twelve to dollars air Write for r College, u- of Kirksville, Missouri, 405 hone, a, Office ROBERT GARSIDE ASHCROFT, a ARCHITECTS, : ARCHITECT, 181 University A; BIGNET RIN Yin Ee 1 Hinks t NM ne same to Prof. Butler, R. A PLAIN GOLD Sia) Union St., betw n's University. leave at Office. RING, ox Finder es GOLD WATCH, WITH "MARIE" EN- graved on corner and gold ¢hain, bes tween Union street 'and SNew Arts Building. Reward for retary to ag Union street. FINANCE AND INSURANCE. 3 TWO Frlthgy DWELLINGS, TERRE EE FOR INSURANCE THAT INSURES, fi to Godwin's Insurance Aarket Square, a ) bone, INSURANCE AT STANDARD RATES, fire, He, ect dant and sickness is cies, first-class companies, . T.:: J. Boon, Wes io Wellington street. GEO, BET FORTH members ase A fn AOEET Of underwaibers, 876. utuals, Kingston. "Phone, A. Pacific ton Clarence St., LIVERPOOL, LONDON Fire Insurance €o Ya Avaliabie assets $61,187,215 pan addition to which the po He holdem have of security the unlimited liability ot. the . stockholders. Farm ae property insured at low: ad or possi rates. fore Jehewing ol aking new business get rates Strange & Strange, Agents. hone: 3825. MUSIC. ond, BANS SOREL CHNER 154 8 rn Btudio, 1 Bt., Phone, RY [YP Tt quare. SMITH, Anchor Building, kPhone. 8 845. GENERAL HOSPITAL 2 TAG DAY SATURDAY, Oct. 2nd For Sale By Auction HAIR, -- warts, etc, without scar. Twenty years' A' pair of heavy Horses, four and . five years old, weighing 1,300 and 1,500 1bs., etice. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, No Throat agd Skin on the Market Square, on SATURDAY, Oct. 2nd, at 11 a.m. Specialist, 258 Bagot street. WM. MURRAY, TT NEWLANDS 4 - tects, ete. Oflice, "Phone, 608, 8 8 "street. chant's Bank Building, corner and Wellington streets, Thone, 13. 212, PERSONALS. BIRTHMARKS, Eye. CARPENTERS DROP A CARD TO CHAS, Carpenter St. Auctioneer. KILLED IN AN ACCIDENT. Sister and Nephew of DD. D. ARCHITECT, Market N.. ARCH POWER & SON. ARCHITECTS, MER- Brock removed permanently experi- Ear Blemish AND BUILDERS. W. KELLAR and Builder, 255 Division for reasonable prices on all kincs of jobbing, all work done promptly. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. AUB HOTEL RESTAURANT. N w open. Service A La Carte, aha BF rg I Private opular pr a! to dining room: Brame "on Kin neft to Pre a . DENTAL. SPARKS AND a0 Princess St., Kingston. * DR. O. J. street, C. NABH, ial f 7 IR MM adsistant, "Phone, 785. DR. W. I. GLOVER, DENTIST, D.D.O. Certificate, office ground floor, corner The "ot "ae. JARD CLOBE | 1 LB 3 oR ro modern mprovemtnta 8 and gos Ros, Ce 8t.; or AR Colborne Rd ny FOR SALE OR TO LET. Edn HR Fondon. (ong) Collegeof Shusic: FURNISHED COMFORTABLE Fumie | th board. tad. and Also good Hse Jabs AP) SPARKS, DENTISTS, § LEGAL. King and Johnson te St. ' George's Cathedral. Sehons 911. -- Rogers the Vietlms. . D. D. Rogers, ex-M.P., of HAD TO HAVE BLOOD. Lovie," Pitsburg, rectivéd word, on Thursday morning, of the death of his sister, Mis. Andrew McAdoo, and her Edward MeAdoo, af Ypsalanti, thei safer home, near De No particulars of how. they met death were contained my the first "tele- gram, execpt that they had received fatal imjurics in an accident, on Wed- nesday, and had died, Wodnesday even- ing. The remains Will be brought to Kingston on Saturday morning and will be interred insthe family plat. at Cataraqui comatery. ThE Tuneral will be private, | Mrs. MeAdot's "husband died three! vears ago. Her son was an electrician in Chicago. The accident that befol them evidently oecurred near . their summer home. THe family lived? in going west to Chi- ago. La "Glen Prospector Shot Tore Open Wound. San Bernardino, Cal., Sept. 30.-- With a vicious burro tearing at a j ged wound in his leg for blood wit which to moisten his parched throat, Jacob Gorge, an old prospector, was found unconscious and near death. In attempting to inflict a. flesh wound in his pack mnimal to secure blood with which to moisten Kis swollen tongue and throat he accidentally shot himself through the leg. sol, Mich., troit. Lark In The Lobby. Toronto Saturday Night. Capt. Thomas Wallace, Centre York, and sou of Hon. N. Clarke Wallace, M.D. the famous has rapidly House of Commons. Capt. "Tom," so far as avordupois i= concerned, is the 'heaviest' debater in the chamber. He | has a happy faculty of looking on the | humorous side of things political, and the other day after the. division, in which the government was sustained by 'the narrow majority of twenty- seven, the eaptain happened to sée in the corridor George Taylor, dgpposition whip, and Mr. Calvert, the whipper-in of the government forces, with their heads together arranging He Lhunned the ways where trafic! the pairs after the fateful vote had streamed, {been taken. And in his attic wroté and dreamed. | Shding noiselessly up to the busy grew couple, with a hearty slap on their » dim, {respective backs, he snorted with a The fates denied him worldly joys, i chuckle : $ And people failed to notice him, : Because he made so little nbise, : Hallo The Bider. c hicago Record-Herald. 8 "I'll bide my time," he used to say, "My chance will come, or soon or late; Though men ignore me now, some day « ¥ll claim their notice ; I can wait ; IT shall some day be deemed sublime ; My chance will come ; iu bide my time." He might bave sailed to unknown seas Or bravely charted unknown lands, But he preferred a life of ease, And wished to have uncalloused hands; His shonlders drooped, his sight this. looks like an paring bee Aud before the dire punishment the lpm deserved could be administered ONTARIO FALL FAIRS, {the geminal South African veteran was Colborne .. Sansbed "Opty [4-5-8 tacking down the lobby on 'his way to \tadeville Sept. S0-Oct. 11 the conservative headquarters. L PSSA... - @oblin's Mills ,. wontlemen; "FI hide EH me * he often sighed; | old-fashioned But all he '@vef did 'was bide | Oct. il Oct. 1-2] Weak women should youd my "Book ! iNo, 4 for Women." It tells .of Dr. Nearly 100 o fats ane *smploy- Shoop's Night Cure. Tolls how these ed to Ker ep the air cool Tn St ThHomas '8bothing, healing, antiseptic supposi- cathedral, Bombay, probably the guly [fories, bri wick ce help. place of worship the world | so {The Baok is wl oy Adrens" mn aquapped, « Racine, Wis. Ti dealers. Himself--Burro for become a favorite on both sides of the the chief | ~ (once in three against fire. How | Companies. Money Coming In. London Advertiser. * yielding fruit. For the five months of the financial year inning il 1 the death duties have produ £8, 228,615, compared with £5,663,742 in the same period last year. value of the estates upon whith the duties lave been" eoflected in these five months wag £127,425593, compared with £112,005.111 last 'year. It dows not look as though the wealth of the | country was decreasing. | "Jock strops" and athletic oppOrd players. Sold in| ¢rs for football {Aimgston at Gibson's Red Cross drug [Many a mbther thinks it all right | for her daughter to marry if ears) insures o you stand ? new British budget taxes are it will cnable her to help take eare of "7 her. folks, . » CUNNINGHAM a, Blancs 80 Kings very best 4éality, como e a big stock of fresh mined Coal and New Wood. average householders le represent 1 of the word's best SWIFT' 8: ] BENNETT & co, Corner Bagot and Barrack Sta.