5 Nr 9 t weeks ago, on : R Mc U Morson: decided that both parties were . : . | b WITH THE MARNERS |LAXITY ON THE PART OF INSPECTORS In Not Making More Careful Ex- amination of Steering Gear-- Movements of Vessels Along the Harbor Front. Local marine men cannot under stand why a captain would have taken a steamer into the St. Law- cence rapids with a temporary repair- ed rudder, as was dome in the case of thé steamer Rapids Queen last week. The Rapids Queen was former- ly the old" steamer Columbian, and was for some years commanded by Capt. Hinckley, of Kingston. One marine man said that there was too Diack hunters and all other shooters all over Canada are talk- ing sbout the wonderful depend- ability of Dominion Ammunition. The new Dominion System of load- ing compels absolute uniformity and every single cartridge or shot shell is Guaranted Sure. Cheaper than other ammunition because . madein Canada. Dominion Car- tridge Co., Ltd, Montreal DOMNION ABADI TION great laxity on the part of some in- v : beidmor at Richardsons' wharf. : | The steambarge Mary Louise arrive ; ed from Morton, with lumber, and a 5 cleared for Brockville. nS BUY THAT spectors in examining the steering geginof a vessel, which was more im- portant than the machmery. Some in- spectors, however, pay great attention ito -the steering gear; So°do some . lcaptaivs, but there are captains and Furniture \ captains. Some commanders of ves- 9 | sels constantly overlook the rudder £ chains and see that they are in good 1 4 | order and kept well oiled. - The steer ur ans. gear of steamers that run the St. # a Lawrence rapids needs to be especially heavy. It is considered the greatest {of luck that there was not a catas- {trophe when ths steamer Rapids Queen got loose in the wild waters of the Rapids. The trip must have 'heen a thrilling one for the passengers. Weather Very Bad. The weather has been very rough on the lake the past few days. Last night, the big steamer Haddington, which discharged grain at Richard sons' elevator, anchored at' Four Mile Point. The steamer Sowards has been | endeavoring to cross the lake for a couple of days, and, yesterday, the | Brass Beds bursting of a steam pipe brought her We back into port again. We are making a specialty of; The schooner Ford River arrived Beds this fall, the values are | from Charlotte, and Capt. Daryeau 210 to 815, cheaper than be- | reports very rough weather. The very latest, a low head The Steamer Stranger has arrived at and foot thus makes a very pretty | the Kingston foundry dock, and will effect with a medium size Mahog- be laid up there for the winter. any Dresser Richard Cunningham, of Chicago, {has resigned his position as wheels: (We control our new designs.) 'yan on, the steamer India. ir "Carpets ate better in quality | (Capt. Charles Lawrence has been en- i more beautiful in 'design and| yged as second mate on the steamer than ever before, India os Capt sloop and COLIOTINg Alexander Rushford late of the ldylwild, has gone on the Horace Taber, as second are aiming at the best . in both medium and good gs. Our prices are doing s and making more friends day. 1 schooner mate, | Capt. Hanson was in the city, to | day, on his way to Cornwall, to take Our out-of-town trade is grow-'the steamer St. Louis to €ape Vin- g and we are able to give closer cent. . : prices all around. | The tug Edmund arrived from Bed- ford Mills, with the barge Columbia, Visitors always welcome. | loaded with lumber, and cleared * for i Brockville. Phone 90. ' The sshiovher Mary Ane Lydon, load- son -- ed with feldspar, cleared for Charlotte. i. Fe. Harrison Co. The steamer City of Montreal is due, ee HOW, to-night, from Fort William to Montreal. The steamer Aletha made her regu- lar trip from bay points to-day. The schooner Ford River will load every ing { M.T. Co.: Tug Emerson, from Mont- i real, three light harges; the long- looked-for steamer Canadian, with 65,- 000 bushels of grain, from Fort Wil- Damask, i liam; tug Mary, from Montreal, with $3.00, $3.50. i barge Hiawatha, loaded with lumber, 4 twill be towed to Oswego, by the tug 3 Mercerized, = $4.00, $4.50, Emerson; tug Mary will clear for 1! $5.00, $6.00, $7.00. Montreal, with two grain barges. t {The tug Reserve arrived from Port Dalhousie, and cleared for Prescott. The tug Scout cleared for Prescott. I'he sug Lisgar was here from Ham- filton, and cleared for Montreal. Rope Portiers {i ® Made to-Order Jiro ee Ee # 13 $2.00, $2.50, nw - Silk. $8.00, $9.00, $10.00, 5 $12.00, $138.50, $15.00. | ton, is defendant in an action brought {by A. E. Freeman, of Toronto, who 5 wants $30 for a jClarke's automobile demolished Queen street. which Dr. three Judge bicycle negligent, but he would hawe to re- serve judgment to ponder over a point of law. It seems. that Dr. Clarke was travelling on. the wrong side of the The bicyclist was on the right side. and going in the same direction. When Dr. Clarke attempted to cross ahead of the bievele on to University $l avenue, the collision occurred. The I bicyclist was not hurt, Kingston { Carpet Warehouse. H-Tie House of Reliable Goods i street, The First This Season. Myers' Home- Made Pork Sausage and Blood Pudding, for SATURDAY. Give us a calli H. J MYERS', 60 Brock St., "Phone, 570. »O-O-O0-000000000000 The Perils Of Kidney Disease. Expericnce proves that kidney trou- bles creep on unsuspected, little ! symptoms neglected, little pains over- looked. Headaches assigned to other causts in time bring on acute inflam- mazion, lumbago, diabetes, Bright's disease. Peck's Kidney Pills curc all {these troubles, but they prevent them "much more casily. Be wise. Try them inow. In boxes, 20c., at J. B. Me { Leod"s" drug store, corncy King and Brock sirvets (Wade's old stand), and {corner Princess and Montrsal steels. 0-0 Toront . Bieyclist Sues Dr. Clarke . 4 domi) RY \ -- § Mrs; E. T. Taylor By Daughter's! 4 ! of Empire. ; . s 5 The Daughters of the Empire; on : ; Wednesaay afternoon," presented their STU DENTS TO ENTER RIFL regent, Mrs. E..T. Taylor, who is : COMPETITION. leaving for England, with a jewelled | : old badge -of the order, and express | + ; : s their nt regret at losing vo Bors Written a to Be alnable a leader jn heir work. The |\ Held Before Christmas Vaca-j address was. read by the seerclary, | tion--Professor in Elocution| and was as follows i Vv : P and Oratory Introduced. "Madam 2 ve heen ad- v > vised by the Kingston chapter of thé BY Stes Cortespotdent oo Daughters of the Empire to ask your! . 4-4 oe Tmpetition by] accettane. of thie little pin, LARPUER the City Rifle Association on Thanks: small, it is very heavily weighted. It, _.. = a =~ i Voices our rogrot at parting with Jou, ah ing Jay, Queen's will be represent: | our regard for you, our admiration of 1p © ceo oO BE Nea: : your a nt efforts to forward the | the initiative in this diresivt san ind work to which our chapters are, fy" o both the "i eck a { pledged, our warmest wishes for your | ir La th 'long a ha t rango welfare, and our hope that you will shooting while encamped at Godfrey. often wear the little token, and thal LE 1 it may always bring to your remem- 1 .Al %be have had the privileges ot brance the many friends you are leav- | © ne dois Queen's Jour-| ing behind in old Kingston. I wish to pH irk thé. 'com on pro} thank the members of the different nounce to be a plendid work of | chapters giving mo the privilege of J" 4 mich Rit reflected on the | presenting you with this pin, which, L. two stad desi s.. Messrs." Bow | know, you will value, not for. its1 oo. g Iv or CE efortacd ) worth, but for whal it represents. pans SERnRY, ho: ke Pero 1 | their work admirably. No student on Shalt of the Kingston chap | can afford Zo be without the Journal! ws Signed), A Ww h Hh ? secre | this. year; it Will undoubtedly. be far | rr ; Jessie W. Hughos, secre: advance of anything that has yet ary. s hoes produced. Then, too; each one | should readily realize =the responsibil- | HOSPITAL TAG DAY. lity assumed that is his in university | ---- Bae, 5 i Asked to Be Generous life and should lend his loyal support to an institution whieh forms ' such T a To-Morrw. cepitil. Wg an impartan in in the develop: o-morrow is general hospi {ag Tinent of 'the Queen's spirit," as decs | day, and when the people are met hy | the Journal. The first Re will = be hospital workers, 'they are to permit | circulated in the course of a few weeks. - themselves to be tagged and to con- | Subscribe early and advance the good | tribute whatever amount they wish to !¢ause. the hospital fungeJi there is any goad |, work for which 'a tag day is to bel Om permitted, it is Jor, hospital work, Gordon introduced. to the English which must appca o every person, classes, Prof. MeNeil, M.A, a young and old, and when tho little [duate of Hazvaxd University. with an req tag in the form of a cross is ton- |cnviable reputation. He will dered and contribution made, the lectures in honor English, The People --- Thursday afternoon, Prineip 1 i of knowing that he or she is not con- | - tributing mercly to a church fair or | The students' orchestra held in aid of something that will be used in allevia- | John Detweiler, '09 arts, a familiar for whom = hospitals are largely main- { will, i6r the present, discontinue his tained. The Kingston General Hos [work here. He intends faking up odu- pital is a credit to the city, but it {cational work in Toronto. has to struggle to maintain its offi | ciency. It has no wealthy patrons, but{ A group of misguided science fresh- depends for its existence upon the {men wandering about the old arts generosity of {he common people. Tag (building yestaday in search of the day to-morrow should reccive the 'mathematics lecture room wére made most liberal response. the objéct of, 'some decidedly cruel comment. "How green and fresh MUST KEEP THE PEACE" | they look in. this old world." "Alas {and alack ! Straved from their homes Sharbot Lake Man Bound Over By a melancholy train." Magistrate. os A Sharbot Lake man has been bound over: to 'keep the peace, towards his wife and family. It appears that for some time he has been acting very unruly, and his love for strong drink has boon the cause of all the trouble. Matters came. to a head the other first game of association foothall on the lower campus Saturday morning, (Oct. 9th, at ten o'clock. The science students engaged in sur- .veying spent a very pleasant and C me. | J tw j rofitable thr. e' weeks' outing this aay, in this little "House Of Too year at Richardson's mines, near God- Much Trouble, when the accused frey, an extensive field «day held on came home very drunk, and grabbing | Friday Inst bringing. they Tamp 10 a hold of an axe, flourished it, and happy termination. L. Wright 'was threatonea to kill everyome in. tho the winner of the silver trophy in the place. He was placed under arrest, | vifle competition. : and now, if he does not behave as he | : should, a food, stifi termi is awaiting him. His wife has beem living in fear tention of him. When not drinking, the ac-!to conduct as fr as possible a series cused is a fine followva good worker, of Christmas examinations... which and well ablo to take caro of his fam- will have a decided influence on the ily, but the old saying, "when the Spring results. 'This scheme has been liquor iw in, the wit! is out," applies conducted with much satisfaction in to him. several of the riments. Twenty- five marks are wed for this exam- ination and if sone hundred per cent. is obtained by the student he is only at required to secure fifteen. marks "out ,of -seventy-five. in the spring in order to secure pass standing. { It is understood that it is the in- of the. Ainiversity authorities WHEAT TOOK A JUMP. Went Up = Thirteen Chicago. Reports received at the office of James Richardson & Sons, on Thurs- Cents ) 8 Eyes tested by an expert at Best's day night, showed that in the last Vand gold-filled . aha tte com: hour, on the wheat pit, the price of 'plete for $1.50 September wheat took a jump of thir ! po-- teen cents; from $1.07 to $1.20. Re: port. states. that there was great ex; citement on the market. The pr} resulted from the eflorts of shorts to The Hat Question cover. a At Winnipeg, there was no change in | price, the market closing at Od43c. The price of wheat in Kingston has not' vet taken a jump, although there isa chance that it will. ~- | | B. A. Hotel Arrivals. Gustave Rice, Now York wity; Wil liam J. Baggs, Toronto; C. R. Wood burn, Montreal; John Donovan, Belle ville; H. C. Douglas, Montreal; George | Jackson, Toronto; J. H. Madden, Na- panee; F. W. Lyon, B. H. Neill, To | ronto; W. W. Pecke, Pauline Pecke, Rome, N.Y.;: W. N. Fitchett, Toronto; W. R. Gafiety, Montreal; W. H. Kotcheson, Belleville; Ed. Porter, Mons treal; Syl. Pino, Bdlevilles Ed. Tol- son, Madoc; (i. G. Gibson, Hamilton; Chas. F. Dale, Montreal; Thgs. E. Puzcy, Bristol, Eng.; W. G. Davidson, Montreal; W. C. Thompson, W. E. Kerman," Addison A. Pegg, W. H. Berry, Toronto; Geo. R. Young, Mus. E. L. Husband, Mrs. Davidson, R. H. Adams, L. H. Deslsles, Chicago; T. H, Mills; Toronto. Here's Our Answer money back "if not" satisfactory. rH OOOOOOCOCO HOME Now Do you Tree Trimmer's Statement. George Adsit, city tree trimmer, realize . thy pro- y values are .adYancing over the country, and every year you put off 3 a home it is going to -cost you that much more ? {regarding dangerous tree trimming is 'unfounded, so far as he is concerned. | He van t recall any such oceurrences as are mentioned, moved from a {were secured with i the cracking frightened the ferred to. Mr. Adsit says that he uses every care in trimming trees. {t's a fact, and that is why s show that one- fewer working men homes' now than 1 1C years ago. third vn tl | | Fur Neck Pieces. a | And mufis made from the skins, in our own workrooms, sold at prices that defy competition. The big advance has not truck Kingston yet but it will soon. The man who puts' it off for even a year will re- duce his chances of ever a home. 00000000000 COV ed aside ( r | The activity of some people is de- voted exclusively to stirring up trou- until wanted. ros.', the busy fur store. owning Here's where YOU can get in, will cry Jor it." They Cross cough syrup le "Children 'know Red their cough. lat Gibéon's Red Cross druy store. We have some perties to offer. with - each - tube of the new flat Seigle McCANN, tooth paste at Best's. Brock Cor. King St. |. Five big 10c. rolls toiletépuper for 0Q000OL000V000000Q000000) Foe. at Best's. good pro- OOODO00O0000000 00 | i - Rays that the complaint of *'Resident"|ducting the services morning and even- The limbs being re-! 'Montreal street trée|two former rope, and oe lady re- choicest | and | Anv article selected now will be plac-'adl his . Campbell for suitings; also a great variety of énres | good turn out at ite practise on Wed: Sold sin Kingston only! nesdav« at the Barriefield -angds and | A guaranteed tooth brush given free! afternoon. The greatest number of rakish soft models--and snappy. stiff shapes --in the new greens, blues and pretty'autumn tones. Beyond all question the best choice in towa. The Rambles' as shown here is the latest in Softs and can be worn in a variety of ways. Methodist Appointments. | The new pastor of the Portsmouth | Methodist church, Jordan Crowe, be i {gins his work there next Sunday, con- ing. Mr. Crowe was a public school | teacher before taking up the work of | the ministry, and comes with a fine record of successful pastoral" work in fields of labox.. He will {continue his studies at Queen's Uni- | versity, along with his duties at | Portsmouth. A. W. Stewart, Lanark, 1 Ont., succeeds Mr. Crowe at Parham, {Ont., entering upon his duties there! {about the middle of October. eet Queen's students will find here exactly what they want in Hats or Caps. romoaiER Good dressers wear Hobbers jin Clothes. It's a pleasure to how you the "goods." > y 8 Fall And Winter Importations. | Prevost, Brock street, has received | tweeds, cheviots and vicunas {overcoating for his order department. | {His $18 suits and overcoats made tol {order surpass anytiing he er had| 'yet. The Citizens! Rifle Association had a | |expect a still larger one on Saturday {| Do you want for. your tmplovees of the right Our little "want ade." out for you. business, | ' chsracter ? | TET will hunt them ' 126-128 Princess St. + science 'men who bave taken | ' conduct | oratory i! : . 1 contributor will have the satisfaction | and dlocution. | Played as only Mr. Hopper can play ft, : its first | Harlot Bury, ho delighted local au- a church raffle, but giving | practice this afternoon. fithoes In 10 i Varsity and Queen's will play their ~All at One Price, White Bed Spreads. ' Special line. Large Best Quality Flannelette Blankets, extra large size. Special Come and ¢ Ladies' Trimmed Pattern. All new styles. Prices mo | Ladies' Tailoring and Dre: : : GRAND OPERA HOUSE. DeWoli Hopper Greeted By a Full | House. On Thursday evening, Kingston the- atregoers went to the Grand in great numbers to welcome the return of an old favorite, De Wolf Hopper, in "A Matinee Idol," a song comedy in three acts. The large audience was uot one whit disappointed either, for il was given a performance that made it laugn fong and loud. **A Tatinee {1dol" 1s a very tuneful morsel, excel lently staged and the characters ex- uisitely: costumed. There is just en- ara | ough piot to keep things coming fast, with songs and laughter interspersed. The play hinges on Medford Grunn, a former actor and matinee idol, a role "Mrs. Burton" was played by Miss Time, the Place and the Girl." Theses two were once in | e oi pr ¥ ting the pains and ills of the sick poor | figure round the corridors of Queen's; | love with one another, and happen to meet near a ladies' seminary, where i the three acts take place, all. on the foutside of a large ladies' college. | Mr. Hopper needs no 'nouce, to those who have scen him once--they | know because they always go to se him again. Suflice it to say that on the many dificrent occasions on which he has plaxed here -he never had a part "so wen suited, or out of which he made so much. As he himself said in a little speech, he appears with white man's clothing, and not in the tights tof some bum king. | He is ably supported by Miss Ethel | Dayly, as 'Lucy Gray." Miss Dayly {1s a dainty little actress, with perfect voice and stage presence. George Mack, as "Jimmy Grant,' Gniflins 'valet, was very fine indeed and help- ed 'materially in the bringing out of laughter. George F. Moore, as "'Dick { Allen," Lucy sweetheart, and George Bockers, as "Dr. Allen," were all weil suited to their parts. . i- The music was all of the™finest, com- posed by Silvio Hein. The choruses were superb, well costumed, composed of pretty girls, who could sing, dance, and who possessed a good stage ap- pearance. The diffcrent numbers were heartily encored, some receiving three and four calls. After the second act, Mr. Hopper was forced to come before the curtain and make a little speech. He said he was very glad to be back here again, as he always liked to play in Kingston. | Among the. best musical numbers i were, 'Wouldn't It Make You Laugh?' "1 "Am Looking for a "Nonsense,"' by Mr. Hopper; { Lady in the Moon, = Miss Davey, and i>'One and One Make Two," sung by {Mr Hopper "and school girls. i | "Havana," Matinee And Night. i George Edwardes'. Gaiety theatro, Loncon, new musical play, "Havana," {will be the offering here on' Saturday, Hetober 2nd, matinee cand night, when | this tuncful opera will be presented for the first time out of New York. All of the scencs--there are three acts in thé comedyv-take place in Havana, Cuba. At the rise oi- the curtain a rebellion i¢ just ripening with the re- sult that the vacht of J. DePeyster | Jackson, an American millionaire, is mistaken for a filibustering vessel, and Ithe bos'un, Samuel Nix, who is the ' chief comedian of the play, is mistaken for a sympathizer and. immediately pressed into the dangerous undesiak- fing. Nix is very anxious to escape the |v gilant eye of his wife, whom he de: srted in the same city seven years { before, but luckily for him, however, the woman turns up al the moment | when his life hangs in the balance for he j& arrested as a' conspirator against i the government at sgntenced to bo shot. The law declares that n widow |may pronounce her husband dead if {at the end of seven years' desertion he does not return. The last minute of the seven years is up a few minutes before the cxeention of death is to be carried out, amd in this way the ex- wife saves the life of the man the law {has already pronounced dead: There are an unusually large number of {players used to interpret the . most iintefesting story. The produclion was staged by "Ned" Wayburn' and James iT. Powers, the comedian, adapted the | book from the English, which is suffi- {cient proof that "Havana is one of ithe most amusing musical plays seen {in this coupiry for many scasons. . Be Free From Rheumatism. | Many people who have suffered more 'or less from this affection for years, andwho have tried ordinary remcdies | without avail, aro apt to drift into {the idea that they can't be cured. As {a matter of fact many people who have been crippled and almost help- less for vears have been thoroughly Land permanently cured with Dr. Hall's 'Rheumatic Pure. Don't he coneent to sifior. You can be ontirely freed from [vhenmatism and all its complications be the use of 'this remedy. Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Cure is a great blood purifier and spring tonic. In bottles, | 50 ents, at J. B. Mefhod's © drug store, corner King and Drock. strects «(Wade's old stand), and corner Prin- ,cess and Montreal streets. ! Extra fine cold cream and hazel cream, b at Best's. Husband,"'. 'Little, Witch- {4 regular 15e., for 10e,} gh Students. t We have weceived samples of the most magnificent line of stud- nts' note books in prices ranging from 5c. to 75¢., the latter being a morocco bound book, gilt edge, hand sewn (not stapled) of 120 pages of the finest writing paper. These will be sold for from 1-3 to 1-2 less than you have Yeen paying "for them. We have shown these too, and taken orders from over 500 of the students and shall be pleased to have those who have not yet seen them come and look them over. The goods ' and prices will sell them, | We are also agents-for Chandler, Ingram & Bell's lire of medical and surgical instruments and shall at all times carry a most edical line. A special line of dissecting kits for medical students. AN EXCLUSIVE line of Gollége stationery, sundries, pennants pillows, posters, crest goods, ete. > ' aants, The College Book Store, Operated by a-Queen's Student. 260 Princess St. Phone 919. py 5 Rea d! {Pel Handled TTTITTETTTSY 606 Twe-Torg Dress Canis, 486. 350 yards of Heavy Dress TTY ca 8. 8 8 0 8 8.8 8 S80 8 8 & 2 In Oak and Walnut Jases, wth one dozen Knives and Forks en- cased, or similar cases with half the quantity, $ aes 8.8 8 dE Se -SclisteeBectoeloedel TTT T TOYS Fruit Knives and Carving Bets dare cased in much the same way, and our showing in these linds is 'complete. SMITH BROS., Jewellers, Suitings, in Fancy Stripes. 8.8. 8.8. 8 Sos including Green, Navy, Just the Coat Brown, Grey, etc. kind of material for Suits and Separate Skirts, Notice the width, 58 inches, Pr rrr TT TINT YR Opticians, and then the price: x the p Issuers Of Marriage Licenses, . Saturday, 496 . Canadia 300 Yards Satin Prunclla Cloths ~~. In plain and self stripes, in A 50e, Joule TTT TTT EEE LL LEE LE Se teedelndlredoelond C08 8 8b loBonloeloclioelordoriived TrTTTTT rT TTT TTY PETIT I ITI ITT YY EY all the new shades. Inaterial. For 356 a Yad. At CANADIAN PRICES W. F. Gourdier Furrier, 76, 78, 80 Brock St., Kingston. HIGHEST GRADES GREASE, ETC. PROMPT DELIVERY, W.iF. KELLY Toye's Building, © Clarence and Ontario Strests, 'vey . Pearsall's Millinery | KINGSTON & YARKER "No comment here, on our 'Millinery is necessary. Our Trimmed 'Hats speak for themselves. In Artistic Design. Elegant Taste in Trimming Which makes Our Dress Hats look as ou hepa. Call egriy Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE \ 2000000000000000000008 $ SICK ROOM SUPPLIES 3 .We make a special study of keeping a full line of sup- plies for the sickroom either in Rubber, Glass or Agate- ware, The Agateware, we im- y port direct from Austria and is the best quality that cam be bought, and includes Bed Pans, Douche Pans, Urinals, Fountain Syringes, Feeding and Sputum Cups, i Our Rubber Goods ate . all guaranteed and at most reasonable pricés. Air Pillows and Cushions, Atomizers, . Breast Pumps, Rubber Tubing, ete, ' We have a variety of feed: ing cups and medicine 'and tubes, in fact an . required in the sickroom.