§ Se THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1909, Queen's University TEXT BOOKS Stock éomplete for all departments. Fountain Pens and Students' Supplies. BR. UGLOW & COMPANY, 141 PRINCESS ST. PAD HEAVY FINE Dealer Pdints Put Great Difficulty of Keeping Track of Those on the List--The Other Fines Im- posed. In police court, this morning, Ma- {gistrate Farrell imposed a fine of $50 and costs, or twenty days, on the |proprictor of a liquor store, for sell- {ing a bottle of whiskey to a mem- {bur of the 'prohibited list." The man jaccus.d of being drunk, said he pro Jeund the ligacr at this store. The " dealer had his clerks in court, and the {man identified one of them as the {person who had sold him the liquor. {The clerk said that he remembered FIOOOOO00 COOH COO IOOO000000C FALL SHOES MEN'S BOOTS Goodyear Welted medi- um and Doub'e-Soled, Blutcher, Lace and But- ton. Tan Russia Calf, Storm 'Calf, Gun Metal, Box Calf, Velour Calf, Velour Kid and Pat Colt. $3.30, 400, 4.0 &5.00 The Sawyer Shoe Store > TOOL / PP GRAPE FRUIT | Also another ear of those delicious California Valencia Oranges AA A AA NANNING R. H. Toye, 302 King St. Phone 141 SSIS IIT ISI IEPI PIII PIII IIIIIIIIIIIINNNG vveed SEEANOLEPARAOAAAAL( SIWIISIIEP Eve FOO FO-OOOOO COO seeing the man in the store, but-was not sure whethet he had sold him {any liquor or not. The proprietor pointed out to the magistrate how {i Ejult it was fo keep track of all the members of the list. No liquor was evr sold to people on the list if they were known. Thete was money in this trade and be did cater to it. The magistrate pointed out, how- ever, that no such plea copld be. cepted. The daw. made it every beense holder must take {respe nsivility of not selling to {bers on the list. ihe dealer said that every effort was put forth by himseli and clerks to become we juainted with the people cn the list. ' Better have them all photographed a said the magistrate. { The pointed out that it was a great hardship on him, when he was ¢ndeavoring to carry out the law. 'the member of the "'prohivited list," who purchased * the liquor, was fined £10 and costs, pr twenty days. A n the list, accused ol drunkenness, was fined 810 and costs she got the lijuor from a. Another woman fined »1 and costs, or ten days, for being artn # no not ac that the mem: £0 LT gtoup," dealer women « tle sad . ne'ghbr £. "as ol of the The guilty and A chi rge against a citizen, that ring I for a member i rohibited" list," was dismissed. of the list was found drunk and fined S10 prog or member of «sts. being INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up Reporters On Their Rounds St ecial 6c York Dress Reioym. Best $2.50 boys' it Roney & Co.'s Gecrie B. Jones, of the House o Hoblerlin, Tcronto, isin the be sir By dip-hip corsets, New suits in the cit city oi Saturday Morning, 8.30 O'clock. - nn Am 48 294 Fall and Winter Skirts Regular values $3.00, '| Regular values £5, $6, 1.00, 1.50, 5.00 $7, $8, $10, 12,50 'or $1.98 | For $3.9 Comprising the finest assortment of High Class Cloth Skirts ever ton. Tr WIN, Ag offered in Kings- Twe eds Voiles Broadcloths Serges Panamas Venetians Cheviofs In- Black and Every Fashionable Golor in need of ready money, The manufacturer (one-of the best - Atherica), being in r quested us to make anoffer for the lot. In fact. we never expected to have it accept- but, Here Every garment man-tailored. Our offer was an absurdly low one. 1: they See for ot well ! are. yourself, SEE WINDOW DISPLAY » AAS Aa A At as R. WALDRON CR 5 if you want 'a swell $15 Roney & Co \ for s is" the place to get overcoat of the M.T. the cement wharf at and suffered slight injuries the month of September the collected at the Kines customs house amounted to $14; I'he bar e Ungava, ren inte Dathou ie Daring import Co Port duties let it worry you when the vant girl leaves." You can have an t or in a few hours by using ieading the Whig's little "Want Ads." Wiliam Marshall, Kingston, has put on the exeeutive committe the Untario Licensed Al ie I'races Association. "Keep cne in the house.' hot-water bottle. "1t pays them at Cibson's Jed € store Phone 230, McManus, magistrate; or een and a to Cross LOO buy drug James the Lp un! d committed for tria for assault, Price, Satur o clock. homes, many room to reat A little "Want will find what vou want. Try it ent of Sydenham was bout ba wi Ju at- two of before on Valter In this people have .an want on, city rood extra Do vou 7 Ad." immons issued against the slauglh house there, to keep his premises in sndition, but the keeper ha to make some needed altera a A io the case was dropped A Rare Autograph. adelphia Ledger What most rajh you evef sold ¥ s . the expensive inquired auto g thi Ihomas vLeh, J a e reporter lpok "Never dealer lank. heard ol Dex med ot ne of A Proxy the time and was was th He who he of again Declaration sought I a si o Independerice for his father, wa Soon alter heard of very much None approaches I'homas Lywveh, ir. there went never | Now, autographs signers are collectors, rarity those fact, far as one in existence {This 1s aflixed {letter addressed Washington, al valie i In onty of so 1 know, is to an autograp Linch to® George lends "it addition- It was owned at one time Jared Sparks, tof H Supsequently it passed h by so which v presiaen ar ard college Thomas Emmet.s from whom { | bought it for the of. $4,000, leold it to Augustine Daly, who Leen autograph e lector, for 500 Later Emmet repented i the autograph from : from 4 to sum I is 1. of lei his Daly afterwards 'New York, wh 0 it pos and seeoured for 2 presenting t {1 enox now libra Detroit Again Chamgpions Detsuit.- ct...) li Ahderican Jv' virtpe of Fad trout [ohin's two wins baseball ps 3 Ussive games will play championship Baseball On Thursday National New " York, Pittsburg, 4-9. Rostan, 4; St a" Amer adelp Be 8-6; Phil 1: New York Chosen By Queen's S Bros.' tudents. i 2 and been the ; mpbell x £2 50 der 1is have | years the bovs, b xow Loney & Uo. fora Thirts ! Boston | { without TURTLES AND THEIR EGGS. The Mother Turtle Takes No Great Care of Them. i Turtles lay their eggs in the sand | and let the sun hatch them out. They do not lay them all in one place probably because they think it safer; to scatter them. Then, even though | one he stolen or broken, the others may escape. The mother turtle covers | them all carefully up, one after an-| other, with a thin spriskling of sand and then apparently never gives thew another thought, considering her ma- ternal duty done. Certain it is that she has never been discovered going | fear these egy babies again, and wien they hatch at last the tiny soft. hacked creatures at once begin crawl ing around in search of flies and other food as independently as if there were no such thing as a mother in the world. A little girl who found, one of these odd oblong turtle eggs on a sandy river bank wn Louisiana took it home and put it in «a teacup on the table for later a slight nowe was noticed in that direction, and on looking in the fledeed, but tiny, scrambling about among the bits of its broken eggshell cradle, i -- ! He Was The Same Man. Londoy . Tit-Biis. - "A prominent merchant of Sheffield vecently accosted a gentleman on the | street with: 1 "Good morning, Mr. Jahnson. is coal today?" "Well," responded the other, "I am pot much acquainted with the coal | market, but I can ascertain the price | if it will accommodate you." "1 laughed chant. "1 really thought Mr. Johnson, the coal certainly resemble him." A few later enteredt 4 tram ear self beside heartily: "Well, Mr. Johnson, I'm glad ognize you today. | made a laughable mistake one day last week. . I.mistook | another man for vou and, addressing | him very familiarly, asked how coal | was. 'He looked amused and that he did not know much abont | coal, but would inquire if it accommodate me him and saw that he was a perfect stranger. It really was laughable Mr. Johnson, but he looked like you." Yeu How | the mer- | you were | bey pardon, the merchant and, seating him- gentleman, exelaimed days: a 1 | responded the gentleman same party again. The merchant coal dealers. recoghizes no more A Sensible Breakiast. The staple, or what the Freych call <hould consist of some form of meat, fish, egg or milk, or its equivalent in a starch or like bread, toast or cakes, savs Dr. Woods Hutchinson, the Woman's Home Companion These may. be supplemented by bot breads, gems or biscuits, with the pro per modicum of fat in the shape two three pats of butter, sugm and 'the alkaline salts in the shape of some fruit or preserves or syrup upoi enkes; and mt ggcessory or appetizer in the form of tea, cofiee or cocoa, The so-called cereals' and breakfast ioods ought net to be made the main- stay of the breakiast. As before or after. they are admissible I useful, but they lack seriously. i: steaming power, in proportion to their weight, bulk and power of sat dying the appetite. sugar, ol or ACCessOTIes and . What He Escaped. Westminster Gazette. Sir Frederick Banbury, wet debate 6n Monday "I have to pay the duty on German stocks if live here: IE 1 live in Germany i should not pay its" Mr. Asquith ve plied: "1 hesitate to contemplate the bereavement the life of this would if the hor Taronet were to migrate 16 Germany extra 2d. 'He the Bud- in said, public country sustain in order to escape ®the would find himself liable Mo pay a 2 tax in Germany lor every pound © the income he enjoyed.' ! i There was a man called Banbury, Who in a wondrous wax Went off to Germany to save An extra two-pence tax But when he got te Germany, Away from those who rob He found out to his horror that He had to pay Twe "Bob!" Shank's Mare. Herald. <1 haven t aeroplane; - I haven t got a coach six. not een a special train; 1 haven't ot abicyele nor yet a hoss an team git along all right, steam got a limpusine. ot at I by links, "thout caserline I travel hv shank's mare an' hev no fear but what I'll reach my stoppin' place the game day in the year. No artific- ial rigs for me, no busted tires or bones. no Mndin' all up in a hea upon the highway stones I may be slow a-gettin' round an' cause world to stare, by all right side up with care Swiss Flags. > dit its The their independence the battle the Austrians they carried a. plain ¥ During the white cross was jest or never an bears a Nwitz The Swiss flag is Greek cross declared and at where mn ors in 1307. 1315, feated, of 1 flag any device seven teenth century add od. though it is said that Swiss flags the as early appeared on some 39. The diff nt cantons of Swit nt coats of Telephone Language, ol Companion. f Mi Spices had for three davs enioved the telephone, which had been iff admiring He it bef church the the } impressive then in 1 firm 'et 3 Ll \ nl sing three from wd been his last an par ishioner using imme tely to When | nounce ye going time smgume for vmn and {di him tg an- with read rose wual net the he six, words lone i said ym double o; 4 Tint Gaynor For Mayor. vet. 1 i the New ire was. la ted for" of G by the democrativ city William sale a night. nomina New Yor! convenlion. -- Justice York N Gavnor, w york, of i court man or mip 50,0060, 000 vear hv Norwegian eleetrivite mn wd ad are canght fishermen Upward of deh Sending Colorado' -is punt lable. hy fine ar imprisonment {fendant in his seat, itoat thue {opponent i safe keeping. A'few hours | | i cup again she found a baby turtle, full {Old Farmer Did i i ma pocket, i { and the landlady asked him ii he knew 1 dealer. You i i to rec- | | "And who was third?" he asked replied | would | Then I looked at! so much | looking more amused, "and 1 am that | the piece de resistance, of a breakiast | the | but 4 will git there by ! Moggarten, | fre de cross | arms | his | PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. Col. be, M.P., denies that he S. I. Shaffer, Berlin, Ont., was ar- rested at Rochester, N.Y., on a charge of laveny. Fv : Fines agg ting $475 were collect ed in got court, Windsor, Ont., from hotel keepers, SH ; Commander Peary commanded Roosevbit in the . great naval pageant at Now York, t Ay Midland, Ont., Cheer's lumber Some COVIRMED IN SEAT BUT THERE SHOULD BE FURTHER INQUIRY. * This is What the Judges Will Notify the Speaker--Said Other Petitions Will Be Dropped. Special to -the Whig. - Charlottetown, PEL, Oct. 1.~The judg s in the petition against A. 7 Frasers conservative member for King county, yesterday, the de- yard, was - destroyed by fire. though they stati' 000,000 feet burned. would notify the speaker| (i. Wilfrid Laurier will go chould be a further eu-', quiry. Counter petition against his! no of the new Victoria school. J. J. Hughes, was drop-| James Ross, president of the Domin- jed, also a charge of violation of in-{. 0 Coal company, leit Montreal on dependence of parliament. | Wednesday on his vacht for Sidmev.' Jt 13 understood a ition against| oo the Boston publisher, will give Prowse, liberal, Queen's, will alto De es) 000 a year, and a perpetnal en: dewment, toward the cause of inter dropped. naticnal peace, | "While the young ladies in attend- iance at the Ottawa Normal! school Not Pay For! pumber 175 there are only six male Lottery Ticket. students so far. Spare Moments. | Seventy cases of typhoid fever were An old farmer of the county of Dur- | paported to the Toronto medical health ham called at a roadside public house | office, last month, as against twenty- where he was well known. The land: | yo in September 1905. + ' they to Mon- on. Monday to lay the corner- THEY WERE ALL LUCKY. companied by: dilmoess of mild vertigo, or so-cal blood to the head." The victims of this symptom complain of a "swim. ming' or "lightness" in the head, and dizziness, or sensation of motion while the body is still, and specks, or flashes of light hofare the eves. Persons subject to indigestion and other forms of stomach trouble are very frequent Suffereys from head- ache, and in numcrous cases a sick " lady asked him to buy a ticket for a | Among the distinguished visitors to lottery they had on there, _ Montreal ie the Marquis of Graham, "Well," he said, "1 hae naught in| giet son of the Duke of Montrose. or 1 might. i {| He is travelling alone. "Oh, that's a'reef, John," "she savsi | cq Bernice has wired to the "take and pay for it any, je department at Ottawa from me, : 1 Point Amour, saying, "All well, have Some time later John called again, | complished our miEsion." | In a statement at Truro, N.8., H. "No he said. "Who. won?" Whit: ey commented on the fact that Ny de a elt vou, but | Commander Peary had ut¥er aid him 2 3 he had reached the north pole. or = TW 't he ke?' h . D r our sam on asn th Tacky | Magistrate Stokes fined a Mariposa Aye," said Jobn, "he was hacky. 3 And who was second" then?" "I durst hardly tell. you, would vou® think now?" she said "1 couldn't say," said John. "Well, it was oor Sally. 'Wasn't lucky?" "Aye, the ticket, who had won the lottery. ill- Home {bably amount in all to $25, for { treatment of two Barnardo boys. ; she} John H. Bell, Toronto, was conv jets ol oi criminal negligence for failing to she 'was lucky," said John. | protect walls of a house he was do . | mo | J ones. ; | 'United States treasury officials { lieve that the new 'tariff law, judging from its operation up to. date, satisfactory from the revenue standpoint. Arthur Stringer, the novelist, is tsiting his fatner at Calgary and bought a big slice of real estate paying. down $16,000 in cash to bind the bargain. Judge Curran Had Just Returned] There are likely to ie international HoH {| complications over the seizure ot the ome. : h h a | Norwegian steamer Varge by the Uni Montreal, Oct. Is The late i [ted States revenue cutter Bear, at {Curran went to Rurgpe jt tree | Nome, Alaska, on Sept. Sth ' months for the benefit of. his health, | = Sir Charles tA permancat chief during the past summex and: returned | oi the dominion's department of the about. two weeks ago. The journey | British colonial office, in Montreal | did not have the desired efiect. as he | on his return to England after a tour heen confined to his house since lof the self-governing colonies. and passed away, this! Miss Annabella McKenzie, Prescott, rather unexpectedly. He laged eighty vears, was found uncon son and two daughters. | cious from. coal gas, in the little cot- | His som, Frank, was the conservative | tage where she lived alone. All ef candidate in St. Anne's for the com- forts to restore her have been unavail- mons, in a bye-eledtion, prev tous ling. the general election. | Col. W. Gwatkin, director of stafi Curran bridge, ome of the principal duties and operations on the head- crossings of the Lachine canal, in the | quarters' staff at Ottawa, has been city. was built when the late fudge, | recalled to Britain by the war office Who i i i i "Well,'she said, 'you would never and | might as well tell. 1 was h Wasn't 1 lucky?" "You were," he said. pay you for that ticket, Missus { "No, John, you didn't," fawning upon him. "Well." said Johp, "isn't I lucky? guess, "Did 1 ever $72 | prove she saad, HAD BEEN TO EUROPE. i "1 | 1 | Judge 18 | has his return, I moming, | leaves one [eH son- | i MAD DOG CAUSES SCARE snee at way sent to case was rabies handle w of the 8%. Rose- in gale, against the her the canal ft is rumored in { that the Morrocan in arted attack Melilla. Large {men ithe intetio {be joining the rebels got ton, rath- con- tribesmen are | for he Spanish troops numbers of ering force at AZZ a on tribes { tat | trom are no in wound- a the party The with the construction created a All" France, particularly the foreign and Lorraine, where -the. Ger- { Township Farmers Fear : Mr. Stratton was one of the witness- township a mad dou scare exists and : : i I andi pir. Leary wao not in the liberal com- ago] . " attucked and bit cattle, sheep ire Others claimed to, have been bribed where the pronoy need "one of {Among the students at Wellsley, Mass. tot man has seed two women, both of Allisc nville, Sept. 30.--hally day! barge Ungava, n if and Mrs Robert . Morton returned | She stove' three plates mm Mrs. Valleau home Tuesday after] this wrek after an eXtended visit for has bought Mr. Atkins farm and is J+ Bovd arrived home last night al-l 4 is terrific battle between : i i 5 } A ready for to be held at Rob-{ Spanish troops near Zeluan was a cabinet minister. It will be re- for service there. He will be succeed- \ membered the disclosures in connection d by Col. Daley. sation at the time. office, is alarmed by the attitude of the German government towards Al- man. garrisons were, to-day, increased Rabies from 81.000 to 85.000 men. Outbreak. AA tt one a « Hal I r jes in. the election (Ma oterboro Galt. Oct. 1.~Up in North Waterloo | : a an ih {and he and several others swore that farmers are in a state of great exX- . . citement A dog, which a week | mittee rooms at tho time: Gates and pigs 70 0 wr : and other dogs. shot and thel A Jack the { Hugger has pro- nead "the health department | duced a condition bordering on panic An official hos been sent | Scores of the prettiest g.rls have pro- the situation vided themselves with vevolvers. The ; 5 {whom escaped after a sti gle. Allisonville News, At Port Dalhousie, on Thursday, the of the Bowerman's Sunday school willlmant, struck, a bs held in that church Oct. 10th. Mr. {cast pier, and wags home -on Saturday after a week's vis- | how, The Ungava proceeded up it with relatives in Michigan. Mr. and} si nding two weeks at Brig My «nd Mrs. Henry Breeze arrived home three weeks at Toronto, Brighton and Smithfield. Mr. Pine, from Bloomfickl, ~Qving this week end Mr. \t Gen. Diaz Vicariz was Killed Lins is moving to Wellington Mrs | hundred soldiers were killed or ter visiting hex daughter, Mis. Nelson{ Spanish and Moors when the Parliament Everybody 1s getsng dom attacked a reconnoitering the fair 3 'e' Frid i a Mills Friday and Saturda | Spanish party, was twas finally compelled to: fall lin's Ce m------------------ They Quarrelled. Chicago News. i . |THE STRENGTH OF ALCOHOL. \mong the applicants for domestic | employment in the service of a Brook | tv household there once came a husky Irish girl named Annabel. i "What vour reason for leaving {vour last place, Annabel 77 asked the mistress during the course of examina tion "1 {Ler hack Dealers © Formerly Had Method of Finding Cut. don. Standard. . Before the means ol quantity of alcohol dealers employad a a notion of Rude big. fens 2s determifiing the tru in spints wore known { rude method to form quarrel, | strength." 3 3 i spirit was pourcd upon a dish and set fire. Ii the nodes continued dry enough it i wl exploded, but if it had the spivits out hire Spirits Lhe the mas- stand the way used to the reply of Annabel 1 exclaimed the lady rel all the time * mum." repeated mum, whin wasn't it was me an' her." could' an cnnpowelor in mum, was "Pear, ded Did "All nabel on too they i the An hire # ogy An me Ldampened by "thd water in the flame of the alcohol without setiing the powder on This was called the * proof." i went an mm, How She Sang. America. the great s maid s sing wae the sai! did not hyaroms the the tepviperatan kindled gunpowder Musical , ( of of Were { which ¥ "above proof, ha got. fire. to it proof," but Clark, m mventod the strength 3 the stom, Aruso opera singer, t lls j WO » 5 to we fix i dick not 'helow strength artless criticism wore amateur whose méthods the strain The maid] was brushing her mistress' hair when | he mentioned that she had heard Miss | iB the dor the night be- | spirits : | omavity of 920 at the axty degrees. This is which prot spirit is fixeed this strengih a lady thas h ahout ! { ; | an r } of wer: I» which was 3 1734, fixed rd sin in par on at speeifie fore And how did you like it?" asked the strength al the mistress we act ! Oh wuz beautifa of * answered the maid, is She sung just as if she 9 Driven To mur parliament. aml at no more wiz gargling!™ pounds of pur alcohol with porns. of walir. Canada. | ----- Yew York, Oct. 1i=Owing to the | My Valet. diversion of western grain to tho | Rep; tring, pressing, dyeing, clean- port of Montreal, New York and Buf- (ing, properly dene, prompt delivery, | fado exporters and steamship interests | Warwick Bros., Phone 650. the interstate commerce - Ao, ate American | railroad races insist 'the exorbifant roacds ace dmving pure | Grain Trade are | commission wrang nvestig Youn never will get to the top of the that | ladder of success antil yon find it and tariffs levied by the big | take the rounds upward as they go the trade to Cant Some women use a gallon of words {o express a teaspoonful of thought, Shippers farmed $10 and costs, which will pro-| lishing and which fell, Killing Percy | be- | will | damaged badly. | port | Paris officialdom ; reported to | tribes | | very 3 A given quantity of the gun | said | Tr. | ar' prood | of 1} than a mixture of forty-mno | fiftv-ond {tom of indigestion, present: in others, , there ave Stomach manifestations as fwell. £ The majority of people regard this {headache as a soprate disease, in- stead of a symptom of stomachedis- ease, which it usually is, and they at- tempt to treat. it: sbparately, and makg the mistake of endeavoring to, obtain relief through the use of head- acho powders, tablets, pills and selt- zers, the use of which is extremely | dangerous, as mamy of them con such powerful depresent deugs {as acciaailid, phgpacetine, antipyrine, { caffcine, ote., which depress the heart, | brain and nerve centres, and lower {arterial pressure, and many a person with a weak heart has become dan gerously ill shortly after taking ome | of these headache remedies. They also intecfore with the digestive procesees, and actually make the dyspepsia worse than hefore. " i In order to got rid of the headache { of indigestion--and most headaches ave { caused by stomach {rouble--one should | endeavor to reach and remove the | cause, and the headache cffect = will | snon be relieved STUART'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS do not cure the symptoms: they cure the cause of the headache, which per- manently removes the symptoms. They | digest every atom of food in the sto- | mach. cure all forms of stomach trou- {ble, and the headache, and ovisy | other disagrecable symptom apd un- | toward offect is quickly gotten rid of. ¥ Don't make the mistake of trying to { cure your dyspeptié or nervous head- | ache through the use of headache pow- | ders, tablets, ete. Uso common sense, { good judgment, and one or two of | Stuart's Dyspepsia Tableis, and you jie be agrecably surprised at the 3 | { tain 1 rapidity with whigh the headache will be relieved and cured simultaneously with the rolief and, cure of the sto- mach disturbance. | Purchase a packajre from your drug- gist, to-day, for 50 cents, and send us vour name and address, and we will forward you a trial package free. Ad- dress F. A. Stuart: Co., 150 Stuart building, Marshall, Mich. ee ---------------------------------- Ladies and Gentlemen . Who want some style, with comfort, shoul together wear Dr. Reid's Cushion Sole Shoes Which ill 'évery curve of the foot and a hoon for tender feet, To be had at i and two Cor. Princess and Wellington streets. outnumbered and (THE WILLAMSBORGH HOSPITAL BROOKLYN, NEW YORK | Offers, in their two years' course of training a splendid opportunity to young | women desiring to enter the nursing pro- tessions For particulars address Super- visor, at Hospital. ONTARIO FALL FAIRS. | COIDOTHO trsisesss ob socosn Frsssass Oct: 4-56 Itoblin's Mills ..0 Det. 1-3 prihrent) - Washington Star. | laspector General Hornaday, of the Grand Army of the Republic, was re- lating incident\.of famous pational encampments, ik I remember a 'little Jap who at- tended one of our 'hanquets." he said, "and a queer compliment that wl's wife he two, and the lady i An Awkward Com smiling. { he paid-to a color "1 sat hefween 1 Laat aeross me 'Mr. Takashiru, ladies' feet cin your you compress the country, don't ou?' : 'Oh. no, madam. that i= a Chinese custom. said the Jap, 'We Japanese { allow our ladies' feet to grow to their { full size. Not that : And he howed and hissed in the polite Japanese way, ~ 7% 'Neg that they could ever hope to rival vours, madam." " . The dictionary doesn't say anything ! about the mother of ten children being la heroine, but that's just what she is, Some le would ne able to ace quire a lot of knowledge if they dida'd Rink they knew & all, a: 3 And many a mas does his growlin, at home because he is afraid to gr » anywhere else, 2. Ie i headache is the" omy noticeable symps «= ©