TRAVELLING, [EATERIES HUNTERS' EXCURSIONS Round trip tickets at SINGLE FARE 13th to Bist to poin 0 Tamagimi, Quebec, New Brunswick, Novia Meotia and Maine. October 21st to Muskoka Takes, Midland, Lakefield, Lindsay, Coboconk and other Hunter's resorts. All tickets good to réturn until Decem- ber 4th. October to Slgt LOW RATES TO PACIFIC COAST Ope way colonist tickets dally, Sept. 10th to Oct. 15th, at following Spokane, Wash, $45. 10 $47.05 Vancouver, B.Cj apply to J: P Vietoria, B.C. Seattle, Wash. Corner Johnson and EL aN Yortland, Oreg. . San. Francisco, Cal. Los Angeles, Cal, Ban Diego, Cal. IN CONNEOTION WITH Canadian Pacitic Railway Low Rates to Pacific Coast Moxico, City, Mex. ° Fy full particulars, One way colonist tickets on sale daily, Sept. 16th to Oct. 16th~ at gfollewing HASLEY, Agent, Ontario streets. rates : SPOKANE, WASH. | 1845.10 AL. ) SAN DIEGO, C : $47.05 MEXICO CITY, : I \ ANCOUYV ER, B.C. CAL KINGSTON--OTTAWA NIN Ve VICTORIA, B.C I'ORTLAND, SAN FRANCISCO, © 1.08 ANGELE { L MEX: J 12.01 p.m. errive OREG. Teave Kingston, Ottawa 6 pan. jeave Ottawa 10.45 a.m., arrive King- ston 3.56 p.m. Full: particulars at X, & P. and C. P Ticket office, Ontario street. ¥. CONWAY, Gen. Pass: Agent R. BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. Tralu leaves uniom station, Ontark sirest, 4 p.m. daily (Sunday excepted ! Tweed, Sydenham, Napanee, or onto, Bannockburn and all points north To securs quick despatch to Bannock burn, Maynooth, and points on Centra (Jotario, route your shipments via "Bay ! Quinte Railway. For further particu fars, Wy DICKSON, Phong} rely R. No. 8 Agent Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte Steamboa' Co., Limited. STEAMER 3 CASPIAN 1000 Islands -- Kingston-- Rochester. Alexandria 10.80 a.m. leaves at Ports and leaves for 1,000 Islands, Bay and Gananoque at Sundays, Returning, steamer 56 p.m., for Bay o Quinte Port of Rochester, N.Y. STR. ALETHA--Leaves daily except Sunday at 8 p.m., for Picton and inter- mediante Bay of Quinte Forts. ---------------- Faull information from _ EL. B. HORSEY, J. P. HANLEY, General Manager, C. 8 KIRKPATRICK Kingston, Ont., JAS. SWIFT & CO., Agents, Kingston. a J COAL! The kind you are looking for Is the kind we sell SCRANTON Ooal 18 good coal and we antes prompt delivery: 'F 188. Booth & CO. FOOT WEST STREET. } OT Asphalt Roofing Gravel and Gand Surfaced ! 1 1 Uar- one, P. Walsh, Barrack St., Kingston AL ACATARS RR TaTETTATaTeseeL KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE (LIMITED) HEAD OF QUEEN STREET. 'Highest Education at Lowest Cost" Twentv=Sixth year. Fall' Term | begins August 80th. Courses in Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Tele graphy, Civil Service and English. Our Aaduates get the best posi- tions, Within a short time over sixty secured positions with one of the largest railway corpora- tion# in Canada. Hunter any time. for information, CALFE, Principal. write MET- Call or HP Hf ver FrrrrrerrrrTre LOANAND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright Money issued on Uity and Farm Pro parties, Munietpal and County Deber tures. Mortgages purchased, Deposits received and {interest allowed. &. C. 'MeGill, Managing Director. RY Marence atrest; OUR ROOSTER BRAND OF TOBACCO Mmmoking and Chewing 'at forty-five sents & pound, is a good tobalco. Why pay eighty-five conta. Andrew Maclean. Ontario street -- IT IS "PERFECT." Our" "ORYSTAL 'BRAND" of Standard Granulated Sugar, for preserving and table use. We have | tried it for years, and price is right. us | ANDREW MACLEAN, | Ontario street: THROWING MONEY AWAY ~u|T SEEMED LIKE 7 ! ia Until i Tried Gin Piils."" | Mr, P. Fitz 1d was completely dis- heartened, He had suffered so long with his Kidneys, and spent so much | money on doctors without relief, that ke | had made up his mind he could not be cured, Then, he chanced to read about the wonderful cures by Gin Pills, the great | Kidney Remedy, and sent for a sample. The pills did him so much good that he immediately bought two full size boxes. | And these two boxes of Gini Pills made | him feel like another man. i Dut let Mr, Fitzgerald tell his own story of a really remarkable cure. | } | Provincial Asylum, Orillia June 18th, 1 have much pleasurein stating that the | sample, which you sent me, led me tobuy two boxes of Gin Pills from a local drug- | jst. They are the best remedy for Uric | cid Trouble that 1 have ever tried. I mustsay that before using Gin Pills, I | had undergone a. long and expensive | course of treatment by eminent special- | ists of Chicago. They did me no good-- it seemed like throwing money away. I still keep a box of Gin Pills on hand and take one occasionally, 1am pleased | to recommend them and bear testimony | to their efficacy. | P. FITZGERALD. After reading such a letter at this, you simply can't doubt the value of Gin Pills in cases of Kidney and Bladder Trouble. 1f you are a sufferer, write the National Drug & Chemical Co, Dept. B. Toronto, for a free sample of Gin Pills and try them at our expense, After you have seen for yourself just what Gin Pills will do, buy the full size box at your dealer's, and remember that Gin Pills are sold with a positive guarantee of a cure o¥ money refunded. 7 A House In-Deed is the house you'll get if you buy or rent from us. We the Real Estate busi- ness and buy, sell or exchange ' all kinds of town and country properties. We have plenty of desirable dwellings on our books and beileve that 'vou can select a bargain here if. you are house-hunting. You will find us straight forward people to deal with. > ' Double Stone 10 rooms each, down in city, modern double house, new, west end city, modern single brick, 9 rooms, mod- arp single store, cheap, good situation. Apply to D.A.Cays 67 Brock St Tell Some Sick One It Is Free If It Fails. Will you do an act of Humanity» Will you tell sore sick friend of this, my remarkable offer? oh - Tell him or her, that you have learned of a medicine so certain that its maker dare say to the sick, "Tt is absolutely and unconditionally free if it fails." And yo, no doubt, al Shoop's Restorative and its populBrity. ® For 20 yeas it has been the standard rem ody for Stomach, Kidney and Heart ailments sverywhere in America. When the *'inside" .or controlling nerves of these vital hs bein to fail, it Is Dr. Bhoop's Restorative that has quickly vitalized, and sgreng thened, snd brought back to health again. 1 do not dose the Stomach, nor stimulate the Heart or Kidneys--*for that is all wrong. Dr. 8hoop's Restorative goes direct to the cause of these ailments--the failing, faltering inside ar controlling nerves. And herein lies the tayunote to my success. When these nerves are again made well and strong, then that is the certain end of all such sickness. Tome itis a great satisfaction that T am the only physician able to say to the suffering sick, "Take my prescription for full 30 days, und if is fails to help you, the eniire expense is aine--not yours." ' Then why should the sick take any shance an any other medicine, whose maker dare not back it just as I do by this yemarkable offer? 1 also have a Rheumatic Remedy--and that remedy. Is covered by tho same identical "No help, no pay"' protective plan. Besides, yon are free to constlt me just ae you would your home physician. My advice and the book below are yours--and without cost. Perhaps a word or two from me will clear ap some serious ailment. I havo helped thousands apon shousands by my private vrescription or personal advice plan. My best wort is surely worth your simple request. y know of Dr these nerves and orgaus So let me send you an order at once. Take the message to-some sick friend. A postal will bring tf opportunity. 4 1 will have an honest and trustworthy drug- ¥ test. But first, ask me for the order, for all drug. gists are not authorized to give the 30 day test. fo write me now and save all delays. Re member that tomorrow never comes. Address Dr. Shoop, Box 12, Racine, Wis. Which Book Shall I Send You? No. 1 On Dyspepsia No. 4 For Women No, 2 On the Heart No. § For Men No. 3 On the Kidneys No. § On Rheumatism FRENCH DRY CLEANING I'he finest garments are cleaned our French Dry Cleaning Pro- and cleanéd with great satis- faction. R. PARKER & CO., = Dyers and Cleaners) 69 Princess St., Kingston, Ont by cess t Uterine Torde, ant only "safe effctua Re, 2.0on which women oat depend. Sol! in thie dexreo of strength--No, 1, $1; Neo, 10 degrees stronger, $33 0. 1 for special cases, per box Sold by all dru rey on rec s pamptilet. Ad of price Toe N Se Mepmine Go. ToRoxTz. far Cor mer. 58 1 Winder Our idea of 'a wise man is one who doesn't dispense free advice. : | said Mr. Hopper, "but when I | that we could not win 1 rooted | troit for the world's champions." | Hopper smiled. lot words, | stick to the hases pretty close. gatio whom you can conveniently go for the 30 | 1 Morthl | or sen | rg : THE DAILY BRITISH WHI as-- HE PICKS. PITTSBURG ------ 4 "Mooney" Gibson, a London, Ont. Man is Picked As the Man Who Will Turn the Trick. " Mooney Gibson will be the man that will win the world's werics for Pittsburg from Detroit," said De Woli Hopper, the greatest bascbell fan on the stage. Mr. Hopper ought to know, for there is nothing about baseball that he does not know. "Of course Iam for New York, saw for Pittsburg. They will play with De- "How about Philadelphia ?" : "Not in it. Detroit is the winner." When informed that Gibson was a Canadian, a native of bofidon, Mr. "You eertainly ought to be proud of him, forthe is the best catcher playing ball," he said. "And mark he will be the: Waterloo of the Detroit team. With that arm and éve of his the baserunners will Pitts- burg will eut-hit the Delroit team, and this, combined with Gibson keop- i the runners on means Vic tory in large letters for Pittsburg." Mr. Hopper can {cll you every game won or lost in the big leaguc. "1 Jove the game," he said. "It is clean sport." ing bases, The Final Game. On Saturday afternoon the final baseball game of the City League will jbo played at the cricket field between the Victorias and Locos. These two teams stands a tic for the champion- ship and one game may decide the winners. Both teams are fast and evenly matched and should put up as fine a game as one would want ta se. The line up of the teams has not en given out yet, hut very few a will be made on either team. McCammon and Cotman will likely be 'he battery for 'the Victorias and Mathis and Burke for the C.1.C. Many bets have been made on the game and donsiderable interest, has been aroused. If the weather holds good a large crowd should be present. Are Practising Well. The junior rugby players practice in the cricket field every day after school, and some of the kidlets are showing up really well. This is the only way to make ball players and Mr. Thomp- son, is to be complimented for giving hig time 'to the leaguc. For Rifle Shooting. "A" company, of the 47th Regi- ment, has formed itself into an asso- ation, for rifle practice, at the bute, in Parricfield, and the first practice will be held qn Saturday afternoon. Capt. Thomas ticaly will be in charge of the company. Arrangements will Ix made to hold regular practics. Sporting Notes. Pittsburg Pirates won straight games up till Tuesday last. Hamiltgn Tigers, without Ballard, Tope and Lyon will be weaker than last year. Three or will be seen next summer, z Over 478,000 paid admissions heen taken in this season at the {roit ball park. Cobb and Collins are. still nec! neck. in their race -for the Ame: lengue batting hongrs. Two hundred minor league baseball players have been drafted by the Am- Jerican and National for next year. The National and American baseball league clubs are drawing heavily on the North Western association _ for inew players. | The Ottawa football goo has secu lid Kelly from Montreal and Zimmer man, formerly captain of the McGill intercollegiate champions. : [Lacrosse is becoming very popular in tcago, three thousand people turn- to seé the Toronto-Chicago same on Sunday last. | Professor Gilman low, who is an | rnatomist of repute, declares no liv- Jeffries, the most he ever in- sixteen four new baseball managers in the Eastern league have De- and ican Cl {ing out ling man can conquer | wonderful human specimen | spected. I'he National commission has order; the Chicago Nationals to pay ¥500 endeavoring fed to the Toronto club for lto 'induce Pitcher Plefler to leave 'o- .ronto and join the Cubs. | Seattle is to lmve a ¥10,000 Mora- {thon on October 10th and claims the entry of lLensboat, Shrubb, Marsh, St. Yves, Hayes and others. The In- dian and Shrubb will hot be there. ! "Chaucer" Elliott claims to have unearthed several real finds for his | Montreal ragby team. They will {have their first baptism of blood | when tney clash with the Ottawas at Ottawa College Oval Saturday. | Toronto Globe : "Wicky"' Wilson is {foind. "7 The famous old player is coaching the McGill team for the In- |tercollegiate senior -series. The team was a voung one last.season and will i this fall 'reach the second. stage of |its development. Dan Gilmour has {been elected captain. Honus Wagner, the star {player of tne Pittsburg club, of {National ledgue, who made his as a professional - with the | terson, N.J., team, is organizing a basketball team for a tour. over the | country, to begin as soon as the pre {sent baseball season closes. Toronto News : *Bobby"' Kerr been wisting some time for the | portunity te engage in some of meets down New. York way, and chance has come now that peace has heen declared. Kerr «will likely be found in 'the sprints in the AA indoor championship in October. Toronto Telegram : ~ And what of | the Calvinists from the bankers' re treat, at which the GT. K. trains are {cométimes =~ flagged ? Are they still {firm in 'the faith of their fathers and {the foothall of Guy Curtis? {the last Eskimo left his = dgspatches {buried at Etah, the answer zc 'those lquestitns are necessarily delayed in { transmission. 2 baseball the de Pa has op- the his Since | The "Want Ads." in the Whig are {little wonder workers. Tell your stodgy there--what vou have to scl, what you want to buy, ote. Costs but a . fow coppers. Get it info action. cwrred 1 by the groom from old LANSDOWNE COUPLE - Were Mazried at Sharbot Lake, on Wednesday. A social event of some interest oc- at Sharbot Lake, when {two young people. of Lansdowne village were made one. The contracting par- tis were Miss Fern Fredenburg, well known in the social: lide ' of Lans- downe, and Frederick W. McConnell, coal and lumber merchant; of the same village. The marriage vas performed at the Methodist parsonage, on Wed- nesday, September 20th, by Rev, Jos- cph Cornell, uncle of the bride, and in the presence of i ate relatives only. The bridle was married in her "goirg- away gown,' of taupe Jroadeloth, with net waist and hat to' match. Many beautiful presents were given to the bride and several telegraphic mes- sages of congratulations were received friends who remembered his day of gladness. Af ter luncheon the happy couple left by afternoon train for a wedding trip theough New York state, ; WHIG'S FASHION HINT. . PHOTO COPYRIGHT 1909 BY: REUTLINGER EXCLUSIVE COPYRIGHT: NEW YORK HERALD COQ. White cheviot tailor gown. SURVEYING THE GROUND. For Electric Road Between Well- ington and West Point. 4 Wellington, Septl 30.-J. Stanley | Richgnond, of Toronto, who placed | the electric plant in Wel¥ngton, is now, with his force, surveying | ground for an electric road from Wel- | lington to West Point, thence to Pic | ton, and report says it will go to] Belleville. | Miss Mabel Peters, of Adolphus- | town, sister of Charles Peters, of this | place, visited at Mr. and Mrs. Charles | Peters', Inst week, Thomas ~Nieson has purchased Mrs. _Laynor Cronk's~ residence, Lake Shore Road. Mr. and Mire. A. As Ferguson have moved in| Mr. Rork's house. ~The canning fac-| tories are still doing a big business. | Mr. Tesky is around again alter his | long severe illness... Mr. and Mrs. | Smith Pearsall have returned to Wel Fneton aiter spending a few days in| Toronto. They expect to Le perman-| ent residents here. Mr. and Mrs. C. Pettingill were here on Wednesday looking at some village property for sale. Mrs. Wallace -Hare spent a few days in Picton last week. Melvin Cronk returned here from tawa on Thursday last. Mr who has travelled Ontario pretty well over, speaks of the county of Leeds as being one of the finest that he has visited. Prince Edward, he says, can- not compare with it. ; A great many from here attended? the" Picton ' fair. It seems strange that the travelling pultic, on fair days especially, could not have been better accommodated with coaches. | ot- | "Strictly high-class sweets," Me-' Conkey's and Huyler"s. Sold in King: ston only at Gibson's Red Cross flrug store, i Most of the things man wants here helow srve.thase he realizes it will be | almost impossible for him to get. A few roomers will make dollars and help vou te pay the rent. You! can get the roomers by advertising| +n the Whig. { A man's failure is always due to the | fact that he didn't succeed. | "ITTLE DIGESTERS" SURPRISE PEOPLE 'They Make. Even Chronic Dys~ peptics Forget Their Stomachs ---- When a man who for years has . been unable to eat a square meal with- | out being thoroughly miserable | aftervard--who has tried doctors and | medicines without relief--who is, in fact, a chronic and almost hopeless | dyspeptic--when this man finds that by taking a 'Little Digester' regularly he | can eat 3 hearty meals a .day, and feel | good over it, he 4s nearly as much surprised as delighted. : The number of those who have had his exferience with. "Little Digesters* is steadily growing. More are hearing of them--trying them--being cured by | them--every day. The 'makers have such complete | confidence in them that they guarantee .| them to cure any case of Sour Stomach. Heartburn, Indigestion or Dyspepsia-- ar you get your money back. "Little Digesters", with this absolu- te guarantee, cost-25¢ a-box at your, druggist's, or by mail from the Coleman | Medicine Co., Toronto, ag | Cronk, i G, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1909. COWANS THE FAMILY DOGTOR PERFECTION COCO (MAPLE LEAF LABEL) is the best beverage for you, Madam, and the best for the children. COWAN"S has a recognized food value, is grateful to the stomach, is easily assimilated and also assists digestion. The rich; delicious flavor appeals to the children especially. By all means, give them COWAN"S for breakfast and supper. THE COWAN CO. LIMITED, TORONTO. "I'M A CRANK about butter. I've got to be, "1 realize 'thor- oughly that Quality has built up this big business, and made 'Chiristie' a house- hold word from ocean to ocean -- 'first of all, Quality in the butter, flour, milk and other raw materials. "I've been testing butter for thirty years, and I've never heard of any other firm exercis- ing the same care as Christie, Brown -& Co. do. "All our butter is purchased by a well known butter authority." He buys for export from the hest ercameries in Canada, and sends the pick to us. an "You would be surprised if yout knew what butter--good butter, according to all ordinary 1 o" Christie's Biscuits--How their quality 1s guarded-- The Butter Tester Says: standards--we reject. Most of it ninety-nine people out of a hundred would taste and ac- cept as excellent table quality. ' It's not a matter of price with us. We pay a little better than the best market price, and the hutter must be in accordance. "We have a high standard for-butter, the .sameas for all other raw materials. Anything that doesn't measure right up to that stand- ard is rejected. "The basis of the delicious goodness which youenjoyin Christie's Biscuits is the unvarying goodness of the raw materials that gointo them. "When I see how our orders for butter have to be steadily increased, to keep pace with the demand for Christie's Biscuits, I have the best kind 'of evidence that our jealous guarding of Christie Quality brings results." You can taste Quality im every morsel of Christie's. . Biscuits. pound, or in moisture and dust- proof packages, Christie, Brown & Co., Limited Sold in bulk, by the ni -- STUDENTS' SHOES For College and Street Wear "Every student should pay a visit to this store and see our large stock of College Footwear. We have everything that a student requires in the Footwear line : Heavy Tans, Gun Metals, Velour Colt, Box Calf and Kid, in button. laced and Blucher styles. $6 00, 5.00, 4.50, 4.00:and 3.50. Prices We also'carry a complete range of Football Boots. Our $3.00 line is Heavy White Canvas afid our $3.50 line is White Mule Hide and Tan Oalf. gium Shoes, 85¢, $1.25, 1.50 and 1.75. Also Gymna-~ Special Shoe Polishing Outfit. Polish, Brush and Shiner, all complete, in a handsome tin box, 50c. Polishing Mitts, 10 and 25¢. 8hoe Polish --all kinds. Brushes--Dauhers. Students should make this store their Shoe Store. ABERNETHY"S. No Powders No Corn Starch IN OUR ICE CREAM ston at Angrove's Special prises for largs quantities Use Sashweights made in King Foundry. FEEL Er Ee e+ FEES 60c PER : QUART. : Carey Sd of Wal Pape Starts Oct: 1st, by the Kuy flavor. Any hour buy Border 4 & bh i last chance to roll. St. For Pickling Pure Spices Whole or grousd, sls Pure Viasgar. D. COUPER, Dealer in Pure Food Groceries. 'Phones, 76: © 841-8 Princess Bt PROMPT DELIVERY: :