THE. DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1900. Bure ------ cITY AND VICINITY. -------- ----r---- Sobran ad handbook was Gadd, i (5 showing receipts of 31,64 25, and ex- = jes fidithres of 3 633.53, leaving a cash . i $8.7 The statement was Jalanee and ad Ll bit not without iq MEETING OF THE AMA ueion. iy er ued, Bs a MATER SOCIETY. pena to tics alls considered the report unintentionally L + Joins | | widair to the handbook. He pointed Has Been "Postponad. ur » 5. hook was -pub- George B, McKay, a Well Known 'The Students to Make the Convo: out thi he Kingstonian 'Will He 'the Lotal|, On. acount of he death of Judge cation Lively--The Cami us | lished pt Ofitably and : : : : Madden's father at Newburgh, county PUS| | uted extendvely to the item in" the Manager-- Three Kingstonians . ur¢ has been postponed from Tues- Question--Financial Report of report designaied as "receipts from Have Been Engaged on the day until Thursday. Journal and Y.M.C.A. Hand-| advertisements," and in view of the Stal. x --e---------- book. | fact that this was not specified inl" + . ; A Great Discovery. ; 's. C p | the printed report, he would make a The Kingston branch oi the Bank of : By Our-Sumen's Dofrestondent; RE that 9 printed statement be Toronto, 'located at 107 Princess 2 positite cure for eczema and all I'he 'first meeting of the Alma Ma recalled and not circulated among the street, 'in the store recently occupied skin diseases is i vour disposal. No Like Great Paintings. Pictures which remind one of .the THE BRANCH OF BANK OF miwsterpieces of the gredtest artists may be-seen to-day and Tuesday at . the Bijou. that it cdutni- Suits, We can shiv you the finest col- lection of Women's Tailored Suits from $14.75 to $30 of any store in f Kingston. To prove this we ask you to make a coniparison. We urge you strongly if you have "he slightest notion of buying a Suit this _Jull to see this suit display we have now "¥eady, Thisis really thé only way you can get an adequate idea of the value we are giviag. ra Suit shown is absofutely new this Kall : char, fc explanation. 168 Rideau } Soeiety for this session was hel dud nt body. This motion was ear: thy McKay & Co., will apen for bhsi- hare Fos a 3 i | Saturday avoning, in Svavecstion hall i rec od. ness to-morrow (Tuesday) morning. » Sep! rice number of students were pres- | p ent, with Vice-President J. B. Sterling, | rs hue ro thauy Paving RA in the chiir "ha t} ) i 2C urly Campbell is back at col. {the fimshing touches to the inside fur- A e chair. In the absence o i , ehie JuiiRhE ' : or fe tends to play rugby this {mSings [ the secretary, Philip MacDonald was | ee. : Intenes lo vay g * The ok has been fitted out with lington street school, for the past, five | stipointed act as Sg Mary pro tem, It will indeed be nourishing food for the best of furnishings, and presents a po has handed in. is. esi ion, = i . 4 Samsay, 7 4 om ert " | association football fans to know {Very neat appearance. : : os Re ed ou rie. oatd at its meeting MUFFS i in MINK are , Fashion_ | ki a tr cation irom Jean lave, pg. «pus Ramsay, .who for = many Duncan Coulson, who has beén with | come - "i lin the hav . of makin "ne nT ety | easons pllatal Quee u's to victory, will | the Pan | of Toronto for over fifty jon October 14th. o er of making the fall con-| ; p able This Season. Vocation a. success, was received, Ty | Sn enter the. ame and SH Pat CGE Grgm B.. Mokay, Rimgiton inst arsitv next aturday @ co yy We have them in all designs and Prices. | was decided a; at a committee irom ' old boy, anage:. +» oth Your inspection invited. No obligation | eac h faculty be appointed to. act in | on been out of the game for a sea- |* as local manag other to buy. the matter, together with the viee- son with an injured knee. LT -| members of the stafi are Frederick E. JOHN McKAY, Caretaker Henry Watts, caretaker at the Wel. For Police Vacancy. Police (onstable McGrath, cof the Toronto police force, is spending a few days in the city. He is an ap- | president and members of the execu- | - 2 | Callaghan, and Jolt 2 Wright. 11 t f the th volice Sh. 4 [tive of the Alma Mater. At this i At the RM.C. on Saturday, | {also 3 ingston, and A. ulhol- 'plicant for vacancy on the y THE FUR HOUSE fl summa x i & At this junc | 0 were three events ope is 'Ken' | {land, Port Hope. Fhe bank is |foree. : There are several appiications 149-155 Brock street, ure " wits reported that science had | woe 0 Cond in The 320, and Starting out with three Kingstorians now in the hands of the police com- ine 4 A) its committee, compOs-| iy on won first in the high jump, {on its staff. missioners for the vacancy. The ap- following : Messrs. Drufy, | The bank will occupy its present |pointmént will be made this week. | Malloch, Carmichael, Uglow and Cam- | Jaren. t i ('." Ramsay, M.A., introduced a| ! es of motion to tho eficct that at | quarters for about two years and a | the next meeting of the society the 'half, and will" then méve into new {quarters, 'the bank having purchased Gives new life and lustre to old |wecretary of the .athletic association 8 Id = Ss Tables, Chairs, hould supply as much information as the property at the and King streets, possible with regard Picture Ideal | of that body sports, Have Luxuriant Hair. A thick, heavy growth of healthy - $14 75, $15.75, $16.50 corner of Brock | hair is always to be desired. To have and on up to $30. including the store | and keep such hair a reliable tonic is B. Mcleod, drug- |often required. One you' can depend : 2 -- Pe gist R. McCann's real es-{upon is Dr. Dawson's Hair Restorer. 2 to the attitude] y . tate office. The bank will occupy the|In bottles, 50c., 'at J."B. McLeod's concerning the recently | Dt ty ] entire ground floor of these two build- | Drug Store, corner King and Brock curtailed, campus. This notice evoked jings. streets (Wade's old stand), and corner much enthusiasm, and there promises | 4 The Bank of Toronto has aan do- | Princess and Montreal streets. to be a large turnout next Saturday A handsome. range of New Dress Mate- rials, including all the fashionable weaves, such as All Wool Striped Satin Cloths, v ing business for fifty-three years, and : evening to hear the report. h | needs no introduction to the public. | . 100 Diff t Uses I'he annual statement of the Queen' :| | It has' an 'authorized capital of $10: hirteeu Colors, G60 USGS, : 45% | All Wool French Venetians, Grain Royal, Cheviot Worsteds and many others. all cadvassed, and Mr. Welch expects 1000; a capital subscribed of $4,- 4 Pt nt i 50. pint can. "R ~ 4 A 75¢, 65, 99¢, $1.25. The Bullet Was Removed With Aid|, secure a good many more subscrip- : : . $ 000,000, capital paid up of $1,000,000, GOOD All the best and mestwidely ad- | of X-Ray. a tion. o 5 land a reserve fund ef $4,500,000. The TASTE . vertised goods are always On Saturday afternoon Raymond SELECTING bank was incorporated in 1855. to be IN Bennett, a young lad living on Uni- Nothing shows 'goed taste" Every p pair of Perrin's Kid Gloves is made prices versity avenue, met with un acvdent! A number of boys gathered near at Barriefleld, while ouu with several| Chalmers 'church on Sunday evening e the correct IE HS lh ier a Bre: | with special tare. Every little detail is looked to. That is why they give such companions. The lads had a twenty-|and disturbed the service. The police CHARLES CHERRY, iwo calibre rifle, and m fooling Witn [were notified to-day ahd next Sunday spective bride. Whether it be satisfaction. Price $1.25. Black, White, Tans, Greys. In "The Bachelor," at The Grand, on it the gun went off and a bullet | the boys had better keep away from Our "Kairie" Kd Gls at $1.0 Saturday. Oct. 9th. Matinee and Night. |ledged in young Bennett's foot. The the church unless they go in to the 1s real French Kid, made by Perrin. It injured lad was brought to the |gervices, as a police "constable will | general hospital and 'an X-rays ex-|},a on hand to look after the guilty comes in all wanted Fall Shades and car- ries our guérantee. now occupied by J. Furniture and st, and J. S. Frames. t is 'the finish for floors, interior wood- work, bath rooms, sash and sills. Nearly "$10,000 Subseribed. So far, Frederick Welch, governor of the general hospital, has succeeded in securing subseriptions totalling $8,600 for the Sir Oliver Mowat Memorial Tu- berculosis Hospital. This is exclusive of the $1,000 promised by the Daughters of the Empire. The field is not yet * LAD SHOT IN THE FOOT. found at this store and at to please every purse. {Boys Cause Trouble. W. A. Mitchell's Hardware Ringston. (Gasoline 16c. A GALLON Put in Your Tank at Our Dock. relery LOCAL SPORTING CIRCLES. amination, made of the injured mem- | {parties.. Last Friday night there was OR Queen's Ready For 'Varsity-- ber. On Sunday the bullet was re- ilar trouble infront of Bethel > Wolves Defeated the Cubs. moved. church and the police had to be call 4 > « The intercollegiate rughy | v : ed. " Silverware Bl series will open on a , Queen = | Wheel Ran Over. Her. . " having tne first game here with Var- A seven-year-old girl named Pearl We have made it a part of our sity. The opening game should be a Ea daughter o Z. J annie 35, ove : te have an intelligent fast one and Queen's will be ready for Far street, narrowly es a) a h ' business £8 1 the wor | the fray. This week two practices a serious injury this morning. he was|the improvement fund, and over aut bid relieve You i day are held, in the gynasiam in the trying to jump' on one of the Shed- 18] 000 was realized, making a total of in knowing what to cheesy. morning and in tne athlete srounds den rigs going up Brock street, and|{ahout $2,000 for the two Sundays. = sey } in the afternoon. A large squad of when near Mrs. Mitchell's store che There are still a large number who men are out daily and under 1. '0. fell off, the rear wheel passing over {have to contribute their day's wage, --~MARRIAGE LICENSES ll Sliter are making rapid headway. [her rightdeg. The youngster was iand a third collection will be taken | i 3 |e ced _pp and carried into Mrs. Mit-lpext Sunday. : G a Ir a £ CS i City Baseball League. di and Dr. Hanley was summoned | The new organist, Paul Denys, be- v | A meeting of the oxebutive of ihe 1® attend her. Upon ssafhination it {gan duty on Sunday, and made a Repairs to Auutomobiles and city basebarl league will be held Yc wus oun That the lo: {Eitkough not 6 favorable impression. 0 a ai ' C Marine Fagines promptly attended | AL : ; . {a Eee or lo ar | ctetes of the thigh being pulled Rick ied Blood Red Brood. Yo. ARE GN between the Victorias and (XL:(). The AWaY. The little girl was ay The blood is the source of all men- Y Id Ltd. game wiH likely be played on W.olns her home in a cab after , an ih tal, muscular and nervous power. Ii e y ou en, day afternoon. ; had drested the wounds. She willl {he plood is weak--you are weak. Ontario St. I senior St. Mary's Cathedral Collections. In St. Mary's Cathedral, on Sum- day, a second collection was taken for PRR ERR RR OR ROR) RCE be laid up for 'some days. Have rich red blood and you will not be able to resist disease. The best ; : : : dy to .tone up health and enrich The third game in the juvenile city remed a rugby league was played Saturday |g the blood is Iron 'Tonic Pjlls (laxa morning before a very large crowd. | gvest Services on Sunday--Col- [tive). They are a great nerve strength- b ' > 4 y cro . The elves and the 'Cubs Re the lection For Hospital. onier_an! blood maker. In boxes, 25c. 'opposing teams and good football was | Harvest services in connection with Xi B. Beleod g Srop Wade's old the order of the day. The Wolves St. John's church, Portsmouth, "were bing gud Hee *P a a 1 ro played the betier game, passing more held ow - Sunday. The church was |® Slant J ng. 'oopner b k Band a and kicking to advantage. The Cubs beautiftily decorated with fruits, ver SE oney hack' a were without the services of . ther 'petables and grain, presented by. the metory. who was!injured in parishioners. Rev. J.'0. Crisp was THE star man, O'Neil, their 'last game with the 'ligers. This the preacher inthe morning and Rev. a large ex- R. S. Forneri in the evening. ' The Bank 0f Toronto weakened thé Cidbs to As néar as can be ascertained the to the oc- ftent, 'The Wolves won by a score of sermons were appropriate general hospital tag day collections INCORPORATED 1855. 17 to 0. casjon. There 'was a large attend- on Saturday totalled * $1,150. The Wolves--Briden, J. Stewart, C. Ste: ance at both services and the. ccilec- | money is with the Northern 'Crown Authorized Capital - ~ $10,000,000 wast, H. Paid Up Capital - Wolves Beat Cubs. lar ST. JOHN'S, PORTSMOUTH. oe; ® 5 > y irls' Kid Gloves V 'ery special make, quite equal toany 75¢ glove in Kingston. 50c PAIR. Tag Day Realized $1,150. ROS CH Toland, C. Toland, 8. To- tion, Evans, H. Cook, pital, which was for the general hos- {Bank and has only been roughly coun lind, W. Evans, J. E s, 4,000,000 H. ltary, k. McGillivray, V was over $40. ted s&s yet. The official statement ROR) Reserve Fd - 4,500,000 General. ning B ig Biss A BRANCH of this Bank has b&en open ed at 107 Princess St. Jn store formerly occupied by Jebhn McKay, Furrier. GEO. B. McKAY, MANAGER. 000000200000 000000000000/ TAILORING ! If you enjoy Clothes of quality, Sir, Clothes that are correctly cut and hand- somely tailored, beautifully trimmed, you'll be delighted with our tailoring. From the best foreign Tooms. we. "have the choicest productions in Suitings, Trouscris fs, and Overcoatings. We have many art confined ¢ hav exclusive designs that p onfi to us in the locality $ Suits, $22 up ; Trousers,' $20 up ; Over- coats, $20 up. Will you test us with your fall order HATS Our Fall Hats now in. See them. 3 Livingston's. POPOOOP04000 2000090000000 . » W. Limage, K. Cuts=J. Ahearn, ~ H. Clark, H. Graham, 7. Bennett, J. Hays, H. Grant, P. Robinson, S. | Tilson, R. McDonald, W. McKenzie, H. Kelly. O'Brien," G. Durtop, © IH. Gallagher, R. Newell. Juvenile League Standing. { Won. Lost Wolves : 2 Tigers 1 Ic ubs 0 9 { BORDEN'S VISITS | win Be to Halifax, Montreal and The Jubilee of Quéen Street Metho- Quebec. ! Spécial to the Whig. Uttawa, Uct. "sR, J, Borden, to- | wards #the end of the week, will visit | Halifax, Montreal and Quebec." He may also visit Toronto before long. While on the way to Europe, George Taylor, M.P., the veteran whip of the conservative party, was {ously ill on the steamer and has been | under treatment in England. Mr. Bor- {den has got a cable spying he is im- | proving rapidly. i | Pictures Taken ; Death Came. Amesbury, Mass, - Oct. 4.--A week ago Miss Bella Bailey took a boy! friend's picture with her camera; the next day he died." Yesterday the girl | started for Lake Gardiner to take pic- tures of Joseph and Alired Mangham. As she left home dhe told her mother [5 hoped the Manghan boys fiot die after she had faken their pictures. The brothers paddfed out 'on the lake and Miss Bailey snapped | their pictures; -a minute later their | {canoe upset and both boys sank 100 | | feet. from . shore. would | ---------------- { A husband was at the police court, {this morning, to see the magistrate { about his wife, who was going around | {with other women. He complained {about the offence before, but it had | had no effect on his better half, who { still pleases herself. The man wants Iiis children placed in an institution { where they will be properly looked af- Look over the books in the oe 0 at Gibson's Red | tex "Are you a reader ?" new and up-to-date I'abard Inn lhbrary, Cross Drug Store. ity of peas : ng. an C,ark, . E.| taken seri- and two dozen | owner at the! dercd by the choir... Mr. Marshall, the new organist, presided. The| morning service was by Jones, with! Stainer"s anthem, "Ye Shall Dwell in| fihe Land." The evening service was | | by Bennett. Mrs. Birkett sang a solo | during the offertory at both servites, |very effectively. The other soloists | were Miss Batos, J. B. Walkem = and | James Halliday. The fruit and vege- { tables will be presented to the gene ral hospital. > | A COMING EVENT. | "dist Church. The Queen street Methodist church will celebrate its fiftieth anniversary next month. Spegial services will be held on Sunday, Nov. 14th, when Rev. Dr. Cleaver, one of the most cloquetit preachers of' the Canadian Methodist church, will occdpy the pul- pit. Dr. Cleaver will give his cele- brated leéture on "Jean Valjean," iVietor Hugo's masterpiece, -on Mon- day evening, Nov. 15. On Sunday, Nov: 2st, Rev. C. E. Bland, BA. iB.D., professor of Church 'History in | Wesleyan Theological College, on- 'treal, will preach. On Monday even- ing, Nov.» 22nd, the ladies' aid so- ciety will hold a jubilee banquet. Fuller particulars of this most inter- {esting event in the history of Queen | street church will be given at a later | date. > . : Service Of Praise. | The service in "SydenMam Street Methodist church, on Sunday evening, took the form of a service of praise, and in addition to the hymms, joined {in by' the congregation, there was a {musical programmé, contributed by {the choir, under Prof. James Small, { the organist. The programme was a most enjoyable one, and included these numbers : 'Organs prelude, '"Medita- tion" in A: anthem, "Sun of My Soul" (Turner): offirtory, "Audan- yting" (Chauveet); solo, "I Heard the { Voice of Jesus Say" (Rathbun), Mrs. James Small; solo and chorus, "Even [ Me," Harvay Angrove: solo, "Child of Nazareth," William Eva: gnthem, '#® Am Alpha and Omega' (Strainer); or- gan postlude, "War March of the | Priests" (Mendelssohn). Christopher Robinson, Pittsburg, - 1s Milo,! The music was bright and well ren- | will not be issued by Manager Murray for a couple of days. Last year tag day, realized 31,480, but there was better organization more older- people being engaged 'in the collection. However, the ladies auxiliary the hospital did exceed- ingly well to raise. .as much as was 'collected on Saturday. The Bijou's Great Programme. Two especially powerfu] dramas are billed at the Bijou for to-day: and Tuesday: One is "A. Broken Locket," yr "The Curse of Drink," by the Bio- graph company, showing how the pas- sion for strong drink often obtaims an overmastering influence upon young men, causing their rain and the de- struction of those they love. The hero in this play i is a fing, promising. young man, who is just about to reach. the pinnacleof ambition and love, when his splendid prospects are blasted by the demon of drunkenness. The second is "Magda," or "The Proud Duke," a fifteenth century drama of extraordin- ary beauty and heart interest. One of the features is the leap of the heroine from the castle window to avoid a dis- tasteful marriage. costumes are wonderfully beautiful. J. Douglas Bankier sings. Lacrosse on Saturday:--Shamrocks 7, Montreal 5. Final game next Saturday. Summer teks or pnd Snes you can make a use Dominion a Tre Dominion System of loading isthe setisation of the ammunifion world. Dominion Ammuition is the best ammunition sold in Canada and is Guurantéed Sure. Dominion Cartridge Co, Lrd., Montreal" visiting relatives in the city, | PROIED . Boys' and Girls' Kid Gloves Heavy makes for Fall and Winter Wear In Tan Shades ERO a Tatar utatal CAA ROR CORORCROROROA 0 CROAOOROROROORD FORORG CACROROALOOROACHORCROROROA0 The scenery and' Splondid Values New Styles Men's Shoes At Four Dollars * Viei Kid, Box Calf, . Patent Colt, Tan Calf. American and Cana- dian' manufacture. Shas, Sure ing, narrow or wide toes,heavyor light soles Call and sep our splendid variety. 5 Leather or twill Jin- THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE.