WAGE YOUA. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1909. php |THE WHIG, 76th YEAR|: PAILY BRITISH WHIE, publ 306-310 King street, Ontario, at $6 per uate Editions at 2.50 and 4 | erals for | WERKLY WHI pages, | LY BRITISH a, '16 4 'Here is a Case in Point. | pibiaed in parts on Monday and Thus: ymade. day meraing at 5 a Te united 1 know a dull ache of states, charge for pos 'has te be » from sic k added, making price of Daily a and eof Weekly $1. year. Attached BO Par Yentae best Job Prints | 2 Offices in Canada ; rapid, stylish, jassa, mine improved mr {they It was well planned. ar attendance, but if any 'of the old lib- whose to- the coalition OLD PEOPLE SUFFER TORTURES with their BACK There was a e there were few, support a bid was The crowd was supplemented a thousand persons from Montreal, the applauded Henri by all of Of course them of one political stripe they Jour- they weak Tel- lier was willing to make any sacrifice which would add the very small party of local discontents. The Mr. ability, how Mr. because realized and cheap work ; The British Whig Publishing Co., Lid. EDW: J. B. PENSE, Managing Director: were in leadership, as the effects of such the I Hn returns worse soon wear off three more to TORONTO OFFICE. Suite xe, 2 ol 20, bers, 32 : bare, 32 Sw Baile Whig. STAKING OUT CL! AIMS. British accept as correct the dec laration that Unit- on the welcome of is of unworkable qual- conservative party is Bourassa. He 1s a man ; and have rel, Bu Jest. Y +r . and omtment without t At last I tried Gin Pills, which od just the thing, and I weuld Nihly | mend them to anyone who has | 1 or Lame Back." : but he ity. He is so much in love with him- self as to make his public service un- [ profitable. HARKNE you sce, act directly on the ving the pain-- giving trength--and neutralizing which is generally formed en there is Kidney Kroub le. Pills, yourself, before buying 2 reg 50c boxes, Write the Na- | nal Drug & Chemical Co, Dept. B. Toronto, Ont., and they will send you a ¢ sainple of 'Gin Pills by return meil, 5 NOTES. doing EDITORIAL Brantford street paving Gin Pills, The Law Journal does not is considerable and the «ty is paying thirty per cent. 5 the wm property owners pay To con: | a to the United | Law the doctrine the gmay not be much meaning in this con- and Mr. he president with the pole, the territory lying between the ed States and the North Pole, North Ameri¢an {'Alaska), the Les, in- The of the entire cost, intersections. the rest. cluding street continent (excepting belongs to Canada. North Pole the British | cede with Mr. ke The Mail sympathizes Burn- Peterboro, Qe ham, of because failed his the constituency. Journal that There as eee | JOR, i8 10 accept by peculiar methods to purify Me. as The cure with to obnoxious as the disease. possession follows flag. Burnham appears have' been cession, The Winter's Coal . Fhe careful Mousekesper lays in his coal supply esrly, while the weather is e. It saves @ire; worry and trouble. He is mot obliged to rush to Mr. Seat ) Dead aor, at the first cold snap, be is perishing for wanes: eof ot He can sit dewn in Ris cesy cera- or and laugh at the sterm. Anglin"s Coal Is housed is tight, waterproef! sheds on clean semarete fleoms, and fe delivered pur Place the orde are net likély te drop. S. Anglin & Co. Bay and Wellington stgeets, Taft's reply to Peary, the is quite char- when telegraphed presenting The Belleville Intelligencer demands Letter penmanslip in the It cannot hurried this there public and be acteristic, "Thanks, ut it is not quite schools. secured high . (until there dictation. in * The of the scribbling, and' it becomes a habit. clear what 1 am to do with it." There . : is less # an increasing. interest, the to allowed to stake claims in and | the The Arc- Canadian craft in command of however, more is more how far ques may be und the Bernier, tion as foreigners Hudson's Bay. Mr. from Borden's return from abread, tice, Capt of police a three months' vacation, has has been doing a sort called for the adoration of the politi- cal press. The sort hgh hin: as about the only pure and duty in the northern waters Ottawa Journal, in a and it is ¥ important to know what the caplain has accomplished, i 3 during the last two years, exalts pa of priestly fashion, seeing that his mis- triotic one. sion has been described as a complete Se---- Shepherd, the man who was alleged success, { to have undertaken to bribe and prove is not the only CANDID CRITICISM. A bookman, Arnold i criticised the - Ontario readers, A VERY traitor to his party, Haultain, hes one who should be prosecuted by the conservative party. and Gates is an The object of Them is to teach the pupils of ee - pointed out their serious defects. a STAR BUILDING. infinitely inferior character who should be made to value ls oath. reading, | Rn Rs ho SENT FREE ON APPLICA our schools spelling, -- to cultivate a taste for lit- | into the legisla- to bravery grammar; Mr. Bourassa went ture to brow-beat all and sundry who came in his way or stood between him He warrior ho He is they likely erature; instil principlest of obedi- , rectitude and to etc. In view it is important to consider how those Lomar : I ope incul- @7 C75 -MONTROAL TORONTO, 15 re cate patriotism, of this land supremacy. found in. Sit | OTTAWA, WINNIPEG, WASHINGTON. A&C Gouin a was who did the compiling performed their afresd of no man. first M?. ' Haultain the of readers reflect credit on the publishers = ch for many a day. far task. savs now citizen Quebec, and is to be as the mechanicgl effects are | The the ' strong, the Eaton in so The Belleville Ontario advocates the counties a of Hastings, Adding- Leeds, Grenville rand Union Hotel Opp. Grand Central Station, Now York City Rooms, $1.00 a Day AND UPWARD Baggage to and from Station free. Send 3a stamp for N.Y. Olty Guide Book and Map concerned cover is neat, . . : hindi liberal convention for binding the paper good, The T. have made a good job Northumberland, Edward, Frontenac, Durham, illustrations clear. Prince Lennox and company of the What of the compiling ? | In the first place the present authors, whose productions have not had the of No giver for selocting the excellent | the Then the together and to be held Go ahead ivy ton, printing. convention All right. something Dundas, this - contents are OUR ROOSTER 2 BRA ND | OF T10BACCO Bmoking and Chewing tents a pound, 1s a good tobacco. Why pay eighty-five cents. Andrew Maclean, Gutario etrest in Kingston. and let and telk about. largely from day us have to . write {test time. opportunity has | J BOTHA A GOOD FARMER. at forty-five been from mediocre selec- | Buying Best of Stock For Sheep Farm. and Paris, Oct. 5.--Gen. Botha has pur- i chased a number of rams for his farm le there aro ;, {he Transvaal jrom' the sheep farm not a halt dozen explanatory notes to ji Rambouillet. date During the transaction be out two or thres specimens which wanted, but the director smiled and declared that he could not part with them, as they were the very finest in the flock. Gen. Botha appeared delighted tlis evidence of -his- experthess, and rema ted : 'I am not a good general and there or a minister. I am a good farmer, and that is what interests me." He has left Paris for Holland. in Or- | In have been thrown the most haphazard of fashions, Auction Sale Rooms All kinds of Second-Hand Goods bought and sold, or goods seld om Somumission. Auction gales promptly attemded to, the City Austien les Roems, 88 Brock streat. classification there is none. der whi volume of prose pointed he help one; there is scarcely a there an" index. Mr 1s even not Haultain points out how defec- J: E. JONES, Auctioneer tive is the editing ¢f the the spelling of certain words. Wallace & Parks books insist, that there shall SUCORSSORS TO O JoHNSON. | flo flect, throne, FLORISTS Cut Flewers. De || 'Phones, @ensers 289. 3 and The one poetry, be at one one and not one language and one law, nor plan in the use of il The books Mail, o. order Palms, Ferns and sign work a specialty. vatories, 283; Shep, isirations. are not the per this fact will admitted by It 1s should given to the world without They | pointment to their political "nt says and Tidings From Athens. Athens, Oct. 2.--A sembled in the town day evening, to hear Graham report upon by his department. Other wera H. McGiverin, M.P., Ottawa; James Cummings, Lyn; W. A. Lewis, W. S. Buell and D. W. Downey, all of Brockville: - Vocal selections by Mrs. S. C..A. kgmb, Misses Maude Wiltse and Ethel Slack, and Mr. Stillman, were much appreciated. E. McLean, S. Stinson, Holmes have leit for attend Queen's University, Johnston has gone Wyeclifie | College, Miss Lucy Leggett, Ee . Crosby, js organizing a class in music POLITICAL COALITION. The special trains of Tuesday and Bourassa has at last become the Wednesday, carred great crowds to Delta fair. A special train is being run from Westport to Brockville, {night, for the benefit of those | wish to "The Honeymooners the sins of both | the opera house. ¥ liberals and conservatives, and sought | Mrs. T. S. Kendrick is in Hamilton, the 2 this week, attending the meeting of the . W.M.S. Board of managers. She re- | Lavergne, the echo of Mr. Bourassa, presents the Montreal branch. Rev of the national party, |W N. Scott, of the Baptist church, the { preached his farewell sermon on Sab- became -a candidate in the pro- {bath last. Word has been received of | the sudden death at the home of her . son. William, in Seattle, of Mrs. Cor- experience--the unique | pelia Brown, a former resident of Athens y doubt be those who led BIBBY'S CAB STAND: Es Phone 20. DAY or NIGHT audience as- last Mon- George P. done speakers large hall, Hon. the work - - them.' remarkable he editors have their wrk mention owed their ap- allegiance them got his reward for ser- ete ational system one of in the tions, as the reviler he edut in the west- Cliffs Real Estate yg og ESTABLISHED 1882. ye woh, Where you can buy or sell property. Also Insurance| written in best companies. | GEO | { aAcLive le ader 95 Clareace St. CLIFF, a marvel is that the -and the Mail warranted circum- saying that their faults, under A. Earl and Kingston, 'to and Wal- in GC whatever lace to 'are very goad." tr) Toronto. A NEW Mr of the opposition in the c legislature. He left wh ate he had poted as an inde- | shocked by to- who nat the com- 1 mons, S00 | pendent, a seat in local house. Armand and the rest left and the commons at sama time vindial clection. Both were elected. I'he strange experience it may be saitl--was this: at the Bourassa party went into the | : : \ be | S. A. Immigrants For West. the colonization de- | | Winnipeg, Cet. 5. --Commissioner Hon. ('combs announced here that ar the situation so hot rangements had been completed dur- ing their western .tiep by which ex- tensive settleinents will be .establish- ed under the direction of the Salva tion Army on the irrigated land at Strathmore,' east of Calgary, and also on Vattoyuver Island. | -------------- pattesns should be politics in order to change ninistratign of Jean Prevost, partment under and they made PN 3 WHY DELAY UNTIL THE § VERY LAST MINUTE ? Don't procrastinate. Don't be foolish. Take time by the forelock and Get In Your corm that- gentleman that he resigned in the house. Having been ré& (and that vindicated), Jeft to 1t in way & the later government--very much advan Then. follow- iden ©, Hon opposition}, and Mr upon ed the remarkable oc namely, Mr. Tellier Mr. Bour- Lavergne | his ma- able to The aviator whe 'cline after riches fiv in any hind of weather. We lot of things lot of thing nation of the Prevost, combi of a, Mz ned a wa ind o aml get a 8 wo ihn t attack the govern. . need: wy worked in harmony dw {north formed the burden of the news FAR NORTH TRAGEDY bstory of an Eskimo, who, driven to SHE DOCTORS SAID That Only Zam-Buk Could Cure Her Eczema. In view of the numerous cures which Zam-Buk has worked when ali else has failed, there os little wonder that in the end the doctor attending Mrs. J. P. St. Denis, of 305,. Thompson street, Winnipeg, should tell her there was nothing bat Zam-Buk could cure het. The result showed the farang wisdom of this practitioner, and hav- ing been completely cured by Zam-Uuk Mrs. St. Denis gives her experience for the benefit of other sufferers. She says: "Eczema started on one side of my face and nose. At first my nose felt sore, similar to what one feels when having a bad cold. 1 paid po attention to this, thinking it would pass. away in a day or so, but to my surprise it got worse. The nose then became swollen and hard, and turned a purplish red, as well as part of the cheek on that side of my face. "As the disease . developed pimples and ulcers broke out, then the skin cracked in places and peeled off in flakes, leaving my face and nose raw and sore. TLis condition reacted on my general health, and I became very ill. I could get no sleep at night be- cause of the irritation and the pain, end my face was in sich a shocking condition that for two months I did not go out of the house. 1 applied remedies which were supposed to bx wood for skin diseases, but in vain. "My doctor also treated me, The Hudson Bay mounted police re- without effect, until one day be r ithat the only thing which would now port through dispatches brought by | tht 'Adventure the cannibalism of the; Le likely to: cure me was Zam- Buk. 'Acting vn his advice I procured starving Eskimo. The man's fishing | and hunting season bad been a failure '; upply and found that even the ew applications' had a soothing and, driven mad by hunger, ha cut ef the throat of She his children and fect on the sores. I left off every- then ate the little victim. When the | thing else in favor of this balm, and man's . neighbors learned: of the tapplied it liberally day to af- rible crime they attacked him ac- fected parts. In a remarkably short ¢ ding to the primitive law of thir time, considering the obstinate nature race. ._ The outoast, fled tho shelter of Of MY disease, we saw traces of im- his Teloo and beat off all assaults, |Provement, which encouraged us to shooting down several of the. attack- 'persevere with the Zam-Buk treat- ing party and escaping into the wil- {ment. Zam-Bufk reduced the discolor derness. Whether he finally succeeded | ation, then - the hard swelling began in reaching. some remote settlement |*© show traces of leaving, the where the news of his crime had not | emed less angry, and in about three reached, or whether he succumbed to!) ov. ks' time most of the sores . were starvation, is not known healing nicely. To cut a long story RL short I continued with the Zam-Buk - {treatment until my face was cleared completely of all traces of the trou blesome and peinful eczema. Such was the experience of Mrs. St Denis, and. scores of other sufferers could tell of similar experiences. Zam- Puk is nature's own healer, being com posed of pure herbal healing "essences, {and free from all trace of harmful ani {mal fat or mineral poison. It 'reader and {Cure for cuts, lacerations, burns, ecz- practitioner' of something, but certain- fema, fNgwoIm, poisoned wound, fes- ly not 'in the Christian Scie nce Church +| tering sores, bad leg, and all skin in As to her charge of 'graft, all of the juries and diseases Zam-Buk is also financial affairs of the church are known |* 4" for piles. Druggists and its 40,000 or 50,000 members, and everywhere sell at 50c.. a box, such 'a thigg would be impossible if it free from the Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, were desirable. Nearly all the men con- [0 Fé eipt of prece. You are warned | against cheap and harmful imitations nected with the movement at 'head- 8 Juarters' are sérving the church at mee represented as 'just monetary sacrifice. goo "Mrs. Gilbert states that / pal graft of the movement lies in the At Guelph, William Hendrick, sale of Mrs. Eddy's books. This troit, appeared on three charg evidently a new version of what con-|of burglary and of carrying burglars' tools. He was convicted and remanded for HUNGER DROVE ESKIMO TO KILL AND EAT CHILD. Then Trilfe Attacked Him--Desper- ate Outcast Beat Off His As- sailants, Shooting Several of Them Down. St. John's, Nfld, Oct. 5.--A tra- gedy iii" the icy waters of the far|" brought to this port by the Hudson Bay company's steamer Adventure; which arrived with the crew of the lost Dundee whaler Paradox, and the cannibalism by starvation, ate his child, and, shooting several neighbors, who aftempted summary punishment, fed into the trackless wilderness of ice. The Paradox, one of the fleet of the Dundee whalers, met the fate of her companion ship, Snowdrop, when she was cruhched in the merciless jaws of the ice flows of Baffin's Land early in August, 'a'year ago. The crew, with scanty provisions, made their perilous way over the broken ice towards the mainland and were picked up by the Hudson Bay company's steamer Peli- | can, which took them to Fort Churchill, where they remained until the arrival of the Adventure on her regular fall trip, but | said first every hor 3 sores LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Mrs. Gilbert's Changes Refuted. Toronto, Sept. 20.--To the Editor : Replying to recent charges made Irs. Gilbert against Christian Sci- ence, Alfred Harlow, manager 0 "ommittee on publication of that clyuch writes in the Boston Post : ie "Mrs. Gilbert may be a by to a or post a as the princi De 1s J one stitutes graft. No one~is obliged to purchase the book and if he does he gets the worth of his money. Christian Se ientists are no more expected to pur- chase a revised book than are mechanics bic to purchase newly improved machinery. The Christian Scientist, as well as the mechanic, may discard his advantage if he pleases. Most women buy a new, revised hat a: least once each year. Without. castinp; any re- flection upon the new hat, 1 may that a revised "Science and Hea costs much less and is' worth much more the spiritual understanding of the student of Christian iefice than a fashionable hat to one who owns a hat that is out of fashion. a church, the Christian Science denomination is not anti-marriage. As in other denominations, this question is left; to the individual discretion of its members. : "Since Mrs ian Science, sentence, say to Gilbert repudiates Christ- to be consistent, she should -------------- - re NR call her 'new' religion by some other |}, IT IS "PERFECT." name. Her allegation that Mrs. Eddy ||} Our "CRYSTAL BRAND" is. no longer the head of the Christian Standard Granulated = Sugar, Science Church is in the face of publi fried 1 Lug sad table uss. ane evid to the contrary--evid righ which could not mistaken by ANDREW MACLEAN, Ontario ere ence v . ; be any Christian Scientist. "Mrs. Gilbert has evidently ly twisted in her Christian bad if al is a sure | stores | two | | | ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ | - ' ¢ k 5 : i | 5 : : bo | I | { | : | : r BETTER CLOTHES If You're Not Happy With Your Clothes, Come Here for Relief! Our Clothes are designed and made for Men who are unwilling to wear the "ordinary" sort of Clothes to be found anywhere and everywhere They are made for Men who want correct Clothes, for Men who want the world to see they know how to dress. If you're in line for better Clothes, at moderate prices, Sir, we're at your service. The Raleigh Suits This is a favorite model, with good dressers. The evidence of good taste in every detail. Fabrics are choica patterns of Cheviot, Tweeds and Worsteds, elegantly tailored throughout. PRICES $10, $12, $15 and $18 The Oxford Suits This is certainly a beauty. It's clean cut, graceful lines make the Wearer look like a Young Man that 'knows' the. patterns and colorings of the fabrics are as snappy as the cut of the garments, Pric ES, $15, Fine Blues and Blacks, Imported Worsteds and Cheviots. Overcoats $18, $20; The University This Coat is always the most popular member of our entire family. The coat that marks the Gentleman. Other Overcoats and go, but the University is always a just right Overcoat: The length -0 the "University is conservative. The style of Coat Is a fly front el, plain or silk-faced, serge or silk-lined. The fabrics are mostly fine Cheviots, in Blacks and Greys. PRICES are $15, $18 and $20. A beauty, for $15. See Our Swell College Ulsters, at $10, HATS, $2.00 The latest styles in Men's Hats, 82, no higher. ° whole suit bears Overcoat may come $12, $15, $18 and $20¢ SHIRTS, $1.00 We think we have the best $1 Shirts in Canada, everything new, gH sizes. HOSIERY, 25¢. See Our ' Great 235c. Hosiery, other lines, 45¢., 50c¢/ UNDERWEAR, $1.00 Wa are offering something very special in the way of Men's Under- Double wear, for 81, Spring Needle, New Natural Wool, etc., all sizes, 81, ete., '2 other lines, 50¢ $2.50 a Te ment, We can save you from 5¢. to $1 on your New Hats. GLOVES, $1.00 See Our Great. 5 St Fawne's, or De lines, $1.25, $1. 50, NEW COLLARS, 2 for 256. New Turn Points, New" Collars, New 'Turn-Bowns, Close Fitting Style and for 25c. The H. D. Bibby Cos Kingston's One-Price Clothing Store. Cashmere 35&, 40c., set Gloves, other $2. $i. 75, to ; ' ' ' ¢ | ¢ ' ¢ 4 ¢ 0 ¢ : ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ eo} ¢ # ' ¢ ¢ ¢ ' ¢ ' ¢ : hinds fh hai ie 00000000000005000000000 00484 BAR SOLDER Carefully selected and fully Guaranteed. Write us. , The Canada Metal Co., Ltd., Toronto, Can. iv indeed, she ever understood "The statement contained in anot despatch, in your issue of Sep 3 -oncerning Mrs. Eddy's gift to the N rk pl antRropic institution, in which it is said this gift caused great sur prise, needs some slight correction. It isnot at all -a new thing for Mrs. Eddy to contribute to worthy charitable enter prises, as thousands of persons are aware, and there is not a more public spirited citizen in the United $ than Mrs. Eddy. .She has given ally her 'means to many things of which world does not know, and the following paragraph from an editorial in the Patriot of Concord, N. H, wheres for many years Mrs. Eddy resided, is mly of the many along the same f of -for Men. one : ry "Not only has Mrs. Eddy been gener- Velour Calf, ous and humane in a public way, but she has been most charitable in the most personal and private way, for she has given, and given where no one knew,-- given whenever and wherever she 'was satisfied and convinced that ST giving sha ld relieve suffering, advance the interests of a worthy cause, promotc a wi effort or stimulat e witl proper ambition to strug le oi." Were it many examples one a necessary, We have the best range of $4.00 Footwear in Kingston We have Patents, Tans, Gun Metal, Vici Kid and Box Call. Come and see them. ABERNETHY'S. Our Women's $4.00 Foot- wear cannot be duplicated in the city. Kids, Patents, Gun Met- als, Browns and Tans. But- ton, Laced and Bluchers, Joodyear welts, turns and | cushion soles, 2 could Eddy's charity, such t sufferers from the It 1 earthquake, > Chelsea fire md other things of a like nature, but her life so well known thag it R MUNRO cited of Mrs - gift to the we as 1s NOW necessary,--C ---------------- Their wentle 'action and good effect I ---- system really make them a little pill. They please them. ~ Carter's Eittle well be termed on "the perfect who those Liver perfec Strathoona's Early Work. Canadian Gazette. He recalled the time employ of the Hudsons use Fills may tion." ay dompany and no- point to he received a * salary of and was right glad to then, the west was £20 get the Keep love at the boiling it will thing, a it. place vear, Now, for soon simmer down the roods be few. when 3 in "the | be at doinate the east. said, New York now he HR ER, same way Winnipeg might become Indeed, the day might financially independent of Montreal when the west would and the cast, although Montreal There was a Site, would always be a great financial cen when Chicago hadito go to | tre. her financial se lens { ---------------- her own money. ln real worker, though his worldly | the hand for she . raised | Dry cleaning. My Valet. Coal Now! Deliver Quickly. the last session Mr. Tellier was| ¥ i nar real leader of ths Bour ined Mr ass pec We CRAWFORD, 'Fhone, SE CT ST--_ , 1 but ARsSA was: the 9. Foot of Queen St. Hvacinthe "Is Good: Ted ALWAYS SOLD IN LEAD PACKAGES, NEVER IN BULK.