3 » od , SYSTEM HUNTERS' EXCURSIONS tound trip tickets at SINGLE FARE ath Quebec, $ a and Maine October 2 Lakes M Coboconk All ti ber 4th to 8lst to I poi New Brunswick, October 1 ats in x Novi Ta id Muskoka dsa dist to Lakelield Hunter Lo retura « and ckels gooc LOW RATES 10 PACIFIC COAS onist Oct, One way €o Sept. 15th to rates, Spokane Ve tickets on sale daily, 15th, at . Wash. land, Oreg Francisco, Cals fos Angeles, Cal. San Diego, Cal. Mexico, City, Mex. |! For full particulars, HANLEY, Agent, Ontario streets. pug San. $47.05 apply to J. Corner Jooopson IN CONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacitic Railway 'Hunters' Excursion tickets at SINGLE FARE v. 6th, to all stat ons rt Arthur, Temiskaming ay stations and points Brunswick aud Nova w 6th, to stations . Marie. Havelock t Lindsay Branch 1 tickets good to 1909, dbury ake. Sever A . North F re Dec, 4th rn until Low Rates to Pacific Coast One way colonists Sept. 15th to Oct rates : SPOKANE, WASH. VANCOUVER, B.C. VICTORIA, B.C. SEATTLE, WABH PORTLAND, OREG. ANGELES, CAL: FRANCISCO, CAL. SAN DIEGO, CAL. MEXICO CITY, MEX. Full particulars at K. & P licket office, Ontario F. CONWAY, Gen. tickets on sale daily 15th at following $45.10 1.08 SAN and C. 1 1' street Pass. Agent BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. ain leaves uniom station, Ontari street, 4 p.m. daily (Sunday excepted r Tweed, Sydenham, Napanse, Deser Bannockburn and all poiots north Fo secure gulgk despatch to Bannock putn, Maynooth, and points on Centra Ontarto, routs your shipments vie Bay Mf Quinte Railway For further particu tars, apply K. Ws DICKSON, Agent 'Phone, No. 8. ® ------------------------------ ORUISE wwe ORIENT } gy the S.5. ARABIC, sailing January 20,1910 Mediterranean, Holy Land and Egypt sting $400 and wp. 73 days, care-tree travel All essary expenses included . it 1 following $45.10 P and | $47.05 { Cruise Dapt., White Star Line, i Toronto, or Agents. cml tee EVERYBODY Flas steves ito sell, but nobedy os can give that value that we can. We have all kinds, cheap for cash. We have all kinds of House Fur- nishings, fr thie lowest grades to the md beautiful Antique Furniture Don't fail to come stdck before you and ny e ii. Lesses, £ Cor, Princess and Chatham Kingston, Ont. soe our sew here x eterno dei l el fgnition Dynamos, Storage Batteries, Spark Tings, Carburetors. Ef. wii ud TRY OUR DRY BATTERIES. Tumbub Eotrical Mta.-Co. Th. 878 Bagot 8g Thonn fonfeeforfororforfonforforloforioteefrtelnt: COAL! I'he kind you are looking for is he kind we sell | SCRANTON {sa good coal and we guai- toe Pre = . 1.0 Yeo] ston'. fojostefenfolo al mpt delivery. 'Phone, 183. Booth & Co. ! {FOOT WEST STREET. Leo tan tenon oe toe TTT Stele leiefefefelepeleisleldeleleield For Pickling ipply Pure Spices We can s you with strictly w d, alsp Pure Vinegar. -- OUPER, Pure Food Groceries 841-8 Princess St le or grou D. C Dealer In Phone, 76 PROMPT DEUIVERY. x CAA EAT AAT ARATE E awa + KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE - neXop L Fe AHR E : 'Highest Education at Lowest Cost Twentv-Rix STREET. th year "WAH LONG'S LAUND&Y RIMOVED and Clarens city. G4 Clar st. Brock the From 73 nxt TH a ance iry in delivered « Rest s anliad for and 'A House "hesitate et HRA AHI oy a: wn es roo IHS OF NEGHBIRS New Vork--Adam Ward, an attendant at Rochels bathing pavilion, Far Roekaway Beach, was looking in the dressing rooms after the batiers had gone, when he found a monkey dressed in a red bathing suit. Ward took the monkey to the police station s After the doorman had locked up the monkey, the lieutenant on duty missed a fifty cent piece that he had in his waistcoat pocket. The money was found in the monkey's jacket. When one is robbed of monmey, it may be a misfortune; but when one is robbed of Liéalth, it is a calamity, Faulty digestion, if neglected, quickly develops into chronic Indigestion and Dyspepsia. The way to prevent serious Stomach Trouble is to take a *'Fruit- a-tives" tablet half an hour before meals. "Pruit-a-tives", or fruit juice tablets, sweetens and strengthens the stomach, insures sound digestion, and corrects the . tendency to Constipation which almost always accompanies Indigestion. soc. a box--6 for $2.50--0r trial box, 25¢c. At all dealers or m Fruit-a- tives Limited, Ottawa. or is the house you'll get if from us. We are inthe Real buy, you buy or rent Estate busi- ness and sell or exchange all kinds of town and country' properties. We have of dwellings yooks and beiieve that e if | find us straight forward people plenty desirable, on our vou can select a argain h you are house-hunting You wil to deal with 3 Double Stone 10 modern double house, new, west end rooms each, down in ty, modern single brick, 9 rooms, mod- ern single store, cheap, good situation. A. ays oi ioek St, PUBLISHED For Benefit of Women who | Suffer from Female llls Minnea sufferer lis, Minn.--* I was a great rom female troubles which caused a weakness and broken down condition of the system. I read-.so much of what Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- etable Compound had done for other suffering women I felt sure it would help me, and I must say it did help 'me wonderfully. My He) SEM pains all left me, I grew stronger, and within three months 1 was a perfectly well woman. "I want this letter made public to ghow the benefit women may derive frome Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable ¢ Compound."'-- Mrs. JOAN (i. MOLDAN, 115 Second St., North, Minneapolis, | Minn. Thousands of unsolicited and genu- | ine testimo the efl ials like the above prove mney of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, which is made exclusively from roots and herbs. Women whe suffer from those dis- tressing ills peculiar to their sex should not lose sight of these facts or doubt the ability of . Lydia E. Pinkham"s Vegetable Compound to restore their health. If you want special advice write to Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. Shewill treat yourletterasstrictly confidential. For 20 years she has been helping sick women in this way, free of charge. Don't write at once. Soap is the Household Dye that washes and dyes with one opera tion. Used almost exclusively ia England, Yields fast brilliant colors. Dyes to any shade Na streaks. And above all-CLEANLY, SAFE, SURE. Maypole Soap roc. for (olove--isc. for Black. Frank i. Benadict & Co., Montreal, Asphalt Roofing | 7 Gravel and Sand Surfaced ' P. Walsh, barrack St, Kingston Bilders ani Coutrastors Use Sashweights made in King- at Angrove's Foundry. . prices for large guantities. {ed Deed AT WHIG CORRESPOND- . ENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--Whart People Are Doing And Wha They Are Saying. : 4 Items From Brewer's Mills. Milis, , Oct. 4.--~The recent have improved the ground for \ plough G. Fisher has com- pleted the ercction of a new silo. Mr and Mrs. J. Rochefort recently visit- P. Mallen, Storrington. Capt James Smith, returned to his Brewers rams i has | home after a successful season on the Rideau. Sister Kanna, [I'Hote! Dieu. Kingston, is visiting her moth- er. Mrs. F. McKanna. B. J. Murray and G. Fisher spent Sunday in Lans- | downe. Miss Loretta Milne, Kingston, lis the t of Miss 'L Keyes. rues ler cousin, i Fish Creek Jottings. . Fish Creek, Oct are en- caged cutting corm and digging po- and report a good erop of each. A number from her® attended Parham fair. The corm at W. Anders .n's was well attended. Mrs J. Kelly it teaching school in the al of Miss E. Thompson, who has gone to Lelta on a business trip Mrs 1 after {.--Farmers tatocs husking SORE George Steele has returned home spending a week at ner father's, Mr. Botting, Fermoy. Visitors : Mr. end Mrs. W. Simonette, H. Smith, at C: Parr's; H. Keates, Verona, at J St Dame rumor says wedding son g cele's. wils will + Putting Up Verandahs. 5 Rtation, Oct. BE. J. Md returied from his trip "west on Tharsaay last. ~ Mrs. McFarlane and children have returned from Mr. l'aul's.. George and Harvey Thomas were at Middleville fair on Friday. Norval Jae left, yesterday, on a trip Mrs. Cornett and last 'week from Kingston, where they were visiting Mrs. E. Simpson. Miss M. Barr and H. Malcolm were the guests of Mr lee Friday. Mr. and Mis. T. Lee and Messrs. Jackscn and McFarlane attended the funeral of tne late Wil {liam McKinley, at Hopetown, on Sun aay. A. E. having' fine virandahs added hotel. pro perty. Lavant 5 Farlane to Vennachar. children returned on Jackson is to his Mallorytown Matters. Oct. 5.--The farmers busy cutting corn and picking ap William Cain is clapboarding his Hon. G I'. Graham held a meeting in the Oddiellows' hall, last Tuesday evening, to address the elec the . district R> Gibson has placed a monument on his lot in the village cemetery, in memory of his wife day was observed in the Sunday school, Sunday on. At Lamsdowne fair, of Sep 24th, Salter, formerly kport, won the first prize medal mile race, forty yards, in a "half minutes William and McLaren, Brock- | ville, spent. Sunday at the home of {Thad Purvis. Malloryip¥n, are ples house tors of John Tally Presbyterian after tembes of Ro in four and Rowsom by John Items From Bethel. Péthel, Qect. {.--George Emberley to Waturtown, N.Y., on Sunday to-remove to his home the remains of his father, Benjaming Emberley, Tied on Saturday, of heart failure [he funeral: was held yn the Enghish fehireh, Camden i East, on Thursday. Mrs. Johw Curl has been visiting for a week in Wellington. Mrs Mise E. Oderiwk and. - Miss Saulsbury visited Saturday. and day at Mr. Mrs J. A. burv's. The corn husking at Re been calling here nr Lew is at > Mrs. for a was, oh [went who S. hing Maud Sun- and Sauls James My ntls her cousin's, M. Barnhart are Mis inday, Manion's was well attended. Poyce has Miss Grace Carl's, Nr at father's Lana Rev and her v days Robinson > Spencer's Several Deaths Noted tport, Oct. 1 most rt'Newboro road, I homas Lynett respected eitizer died, sickness Satur tpo I'l he day the Friday ursdlay, aft funeral Miss 1 late a lew will take Janie Traynor, Thomas 'Tray last, following er weeks' place on 1 daughter or, died, or v short Deceased, forty-two years Nort] . 1 illness of a Was al Frank born in made who Crosby ways home here the past and Western Monday, to se 1 McParland Mrs Don her spent ana Lyneit, vears i it Wa, arn , on father. Misa iting friends in Ottawa. Iv left week, to visit relatives in Herbert, Sask. Mr i Mrs. M. J McCann are visiting | 1 Smith Falls. Miss Anna McCann, who spent a pleasant holiduy with friends in town, left, on Saturday, for New Yorl City Miss? Bertha lds, Ottawa, is the guest of her mo Mis GF Reynolds. W. J a gang of men buildil a and Main his Mak vis nelly last s in Reyr how, Blair® has new store ware- room on treet Had A Lively Ball Game. Wagarville, Oct. 5.--Coin the of the day; gsod supply of corn gocd wield. About attended the annual Prrham Our ball and Lake tram en ved of ball on the last day All quit - at sixth 3 6 Wn huskings everyone Potatoes all from show at Long ae order has a are a here team \ game were satistied inuings, the favor of Wagarvill Rev. J has wither appointment seore being ovs Our. pastor, Lrowe fill was Fb those. who t us ch wit 10 Sunday even to hear, a Mrs had a he reh i on . came fr wd iver { Peters, message m th by who el have A aims to om school the trustees SINESs meeting M was message he on Jd at the on In ts of pami La churel will ew corn bine mn « = ha archased A a sit to Hea ns Hare cnburg"s t Cronk visited at er and Miss J. McCumber spent t 'Moscow d Mrs. R in with Hows Mrs. My Valet Parham, Howes ' Hy raise n Kind of So Plyce a pint of warm water on the stove and shave up a cake of fnfants' . Let it simmer until the soap is . dissolved. Then pour into a wide jar to cool into jelly Clean the hair with a brush, wet it. with warm water, rub the soap jelly into the scalp thoroughly, Rinse off tle thick lather and dry the hair by rul fanning with a towel. This will leave the hair soft, and lustrous, Here is a New You are now using some soap and naturally think . it is good. But here is a kind that is different from any you know--one that has taken us 43 years to perfect. Try one cake and compare it with what you now use. We welcome such a test as this for we know in advance the result.. You will never go back to the other kind. Mere is a soap made from vegetable oil pure enough to use on your table. WE pay far more for this in France than we might pay. So we get only the best. Cocoanut oil from the isle of Ceylon is brought over 12,000 miles and mixed with the olive oil. Then both are boiled doubly long. : After thiswe mill them by our own special process. * We have scoured the best factories of England, France and Austria for almost half a century to perfect this process. We have combined the best ideas of foreign lands with our own improvements to attain perfection. |." When milled, the soap falls like flakes of snow into enormous bins and is then crushed ander a weight of 30 tons to press out the moisture. Then it passes through grani llers and comes out in miles of silky ribbon. After being dried eight times it is pressed into cakes and is simply perfect soap. It lathers into a rich creamy foam and wears as thin as a wafer. It leaves the skin rosy and pink liké ay infant's. So we call it Infants' Delight. The perfume is dainty and purd--it suggests dnly the delicate scent of the roses. Use one cake today and see what a wonderful difference there ¢an be in soap. Cents a Cake At All Dealers JOHN TAYLOR & co. Limited, TORONTO, CANADA WHOTO COPYRIGHT 1909 BY REUTLINGER EXCLUSIVE COPYRIGHT. NEW YORK HERALD CO Blue serge walking gown with w hse collar. Oates Girl Wedded, Oates, Oct. 4.--School has opened with Miss Moynhan as teacher. Miss ' Maggie Walsh, former teacher, is at- tending Normal school, Ottawa. A very pretty wedding was solem- nized in St Patrick's church, Rail- ton, on September 22nd, when Miss Mayme, the fair young daughter of 'the late Patrick Walsh, was wedded to Martin J. Corcoran, Cobalt,. She was given away by her brother, Frank. The bride looked very pretty dressed in a gown of white silk over taffeta, beautifully trimmed with lace, and with a large white hat and veil. She was assisted by her sister, Miss Maggie, who looked pretty in cream silk and large beaver hat to match. As the couple walked up the aisle, Miss Maggie May K the wedding march. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Father Len- erllon, Bedford, iter which the happy couplé drove the home of the bride's mother, where a sumptuous breakfast served. The presents were numerous and costly." Mr. and Mrs. Corcoran, after making a short visit with relatives, will leave for Hailebury, where intend making their LIVE STOCK MARKETS. The Prices Paid at Centres. Montreal, Oct. 4.--About 1,400 head of butchers' cattle, 250 calves, 1,025 rheep and lambs and 750 fat hogs, were offeréd for sale at the Point St Charles stockyards this forenoon. The offerings of live stock at this market during the week consisted of 2,600 cat- tle, 430 calves, 1,900 sheep and lambs and 1,675 fat hogs. There were some four or five hundred cattle from the North-West on the market to-day, and they caused a decline of quarter of a cent-per-lb. in the prices of good cattle. Prime beeves sold at tic. to a little over He. per lb. vretty good animals, 3c. and the common stock, per Ib Grass-fed calves sold to. de, veals, 44c. to Bic. per Ib Sheep sold at about 3ic.. and lambs at per 1b. Good lots of fat hogs sold at Sic. to 9c. per |b : the Various beaver COMBINATIONS --Corset Covers and Drawers --Corset Covers and Petticoats are luxuriés for every woman who wants daintiness. and comfort. They do away with all full- ness; around the waist and over the hips--improve the figure--and make gowns fit better. : In fine cotton, nainsook and bar check muslins, --$1.25 up. Kelley played to ever one was they home and good One Ounce Of Prevention. 5 You know the rest pound of All discases can be prevewtyd. little symptoms, such backache, ete. Peck's Kidney Pills prevent the advance of all kidnoy troubles. In boxes, 23¢., at J. B. Mc ood 's, cooper Kir and Brock streets, (Wade's old stand) and corner Prin Montreal streets. Money vack if not satisfactory. ! to Hie Yvery 'Duchess garment is guaranteed by the makers as well as the dealers. If you can't obtain "Duchess" Combinations, Kimonas, Waists etc. at your dealer's, write us. DUNLAP MANUFACTURING Co., "better serious than a kidoey | tlend to headakhe, cure. East Buffalo Live Stock. East Buffalo, N.Y., Oct {. --Cattle-- Receipts 4,325 head Fairly active and steady; prime, $6.50; to shipping, 835.50 to $6.25; butchers, $5.50 86.50: heifers, $3 to 85.50; cow $4.75. bulls, 32.75 to $4.75; cows and springets, £20 to 365. Veals--Receipts 1,200 head. Active {aud steady; common to choice, $6 to [.75 as MONTREAL. 10 to PT and BE a iba iain COSS Change In The Iron Trade. Wategtown Times. Sheep and lambs--Receipts 21,000 . President Cory, of the steel trust,is head. Fairly active, lambs easier, quoted Ly the" Manufacturers' Record sheep steady; lambs, £5.50 to R735; «5 predicting a re cord vear for sted (Canada lambs, $6 to yearlings, and iron. 'We are right in the £5.25 to $5.50; sheep, $3 to $5.15. midst 'of the giea development in Hogs--Receipts 17,000 head. Slow the history of the steel and iron busi-' gnd lower, yorkers, 37.60 to $5; pigs, says Corey. "Substantially all $7 to $7.10; mixed, 83.25 to $8.35; our plants are now running, and heavids, $3.30 to $3.40; roughs, $7 to !) ractically © full: time. I he Tennessee ' $7 25: stags, 36 to $6.30, ° Coal and. Iron company has rail or-| e ders. ahead: for four or: five months and the Carnegie and [linois com: panies can make no promises under sixty days. Next year will witness a -ecord-breaking production of = steel in every line, Jt will be the greatest in railroad buying and building now Is very hard onShoes--souuds very familiar to all Shoe Men. Don't apologize for the boy. It shows he's active and healthy. Bring him tous. We bave Shoes for just ness, on ay Chicago Live Stock. such boy 8. Chicago, Oct. 4.--Cattle--Receipts, 23,000; steady; beeves, $1.10 to $8.30; Texas, $3.85 to 35.10; western, $4 to | Sa Our $1.50 Shoes : ver 30: cows_and_ heifers, B10 to 36 ml- | Are built to stand just the kind of hard knock known. The: railrands are awakening | yf the active, healthy boy gives them to the situation, and are jumpmg in Hogs--Receipts, 24,000; slow; light, el aries. a S mn-- p-- ever to tivity is .gn It lr aly exceed heavy, $7.50 to 38.40; roughs, $i re 7.75: Yorkers, 38.05 to 32.15; pige £6.50 to $7.30. Shesp--Receipts, 'gg OY ¢ 'Way lambs, 3 anything ever before know: 5.000: steady; na- om 'gg 01 COTS 9AM $7.30; $1.50 a Doctors Condemn Oily Liniments western, to . 3 : rik 8] .25 xed, 37.60 SR 40 with their orders A era of ac: LY 25; mixed, $7.60 to 39.1 Hefti eit Teli HChocolates! FRESH ARRIVAL GANONG'S CHOCOLATES THOUSANDS MUST STARVE. The Puhlic Are Warned to Be Care- 1; Provisions ful of Strosg-Smelling Oily Liniments Harmful Acids, Etec. Many people have « idea that is the best kind. not they know. Recently a number of these white oily linimenty were analyzed, and they were found {to contain an enormously high percentage of harmiul acids, afd irritating chemicals as ammynia etd. For the moment they may cause a warm sensation when first applied but their continued use never cures production, rheumatism, and only deteriorates the skin, sets up inflammation and causes endless trouble. his When a s you to quit using a white, oily ment--do He knows that a thick liniment can't Are Not --Forthcom- ing For Sufferers. 2 Monterey, Mexico, Oct. 5. ~The sof Ammonia, fering growing out of the recent flood i very acute, and unless something is done thousands of people must starve. | There is great need of corn, rye, and | 4 . 1 beans for food and blankets and | i lothing to prevent death from expo- 3 Second-hand clothing would be i : In Bulk put up to suit anyone, 50c per 1b. A.J.REES, 166 Princess St Phone 58. Teeter ele efsdafaiefoint dujeinief deleieleininteleee lee iris ieieb ---------------------------- A -------- FALL FURNITURE We are kept busy furnishing for stu- dent's coming. Bedding--Iron Beds, Spring Mattress and Pillows. Dressers-- White Enamel, Oak and Mahogany Dressers. Bookcases -- Sectional Bookcases or Stationary Shelves. JAMES REID ' Our Ambulance for private avork The latest improvements. Electric Lights Marshall Sanitary Mattress Personal services. oh % These Containing lung to the old- thick, greasy Doctors say fashioned a liniment Ib. Fancy Boxes, 50 cents. and " " oe on " "in sure > most acceptable. Clvde Fitch's "The Bachetse' with Charles Cherry and the ow York cast and will be secn'here next Sa- turday, matinee and night, for the | first time, at the Grand. most amusing tomedy, | i «The Bachelor.' i The story is that of a confirmed bachelor who has alli of the argu ments against matrimony at his fin-| gers' ends He nas Leen paying some | penetrate, can't sink thpough the attention to lis stemographer, having pores and reach the seat of the pain. tyece taken her to the theatre. He | When asked his opinion a few days reat loves her but is not aware -of Dr. Roberts stated that he con-it. The girl returns the feeling Her sidered strong, penetrating, pain- hirother, boy, thinks iy subduin liniment, such as "Ner- manly for him to remonstrate with viline,"" to be superior to any of the his employer for, what he white ammonia liniments. In his stems to consider having compromis- five of pre he ed 1t develops that the family witnessed cases rheu- of the stenographer 218 a distinguished | sciatica and Jumbago that their ilentity being concealed on simply would not respond to ordinary accguut- of their struggle in reduced | treatment--but Nerviline cured them, ¢:rcumstantes When the bachelor lhe same physician also spoke of the of her. family cor nections he advantages of keejsng a seriously considers the typist § tove like Nervilihe in the. house fcr him, discovering, -10 his amaze: | of cramps, diarrhoea, ment, that he also loves her stomach disorders, toothache Tht evening fo the headache minor ailments i the. girl to ask hér mother INerviline first-class cure The while her brother has told her scarcely ache or pa part in bringing about the i external, that Nervifing She immediately breaks off | ve. In thousamts of < no oth- the engagement. Nr. Fitch, bow S6000¢ 0060000009000 00000000000¢ 000000000000 pain relieving used. manages to bring the two low. | 3 : & | BAR SOLDER fty nd the ers together: in a way that only adds endorsement « 2 are | to the enjoyment of the alience. i proof "that Net liniment Carefully selected and fully Guaranteed. Write us. The Canada Metal Co., Ltd., Toronto, Can. - doctor warn 0. ago, a a college and sister's | tent vears a her. { had fmatismy ne; s sient pre- alwa¥ because I home | Mean- about pro- | earache, He goes wd? such is a re internal b's won't posal. an home medicane oe r, . ued succes pre Meas veal <" con at | for a | librdry Store lon Drug It will save fate book t Fabard A good dru Gibson's= Red (Cross the 3 winter the home. | Join the read y