Y New York setting. ne Metropolitan the represen Lions were Hudson Fult Resplendent rank, ofl DOINGS. IN STAGELAND CLERGYMAN'S "HIGH OPIN; ION OF ACTORS. Mantell to Tour White Sister," s. hkely seen "Detective Spar "Van Aller Fanny Ward 1s now bemg 1 Walter Lawr sal a new pl titled "A Ci Harry Wood as the star which had Another 1s to be org and go west It 1s now will returm t appearance plays Marguerit donna witl ma new BRILLIANT RECEPTION IN NEW YORK MRS. JULIA WARD HOWES ADMIRAL, + LE PORD. ome irom the tations, rom St : - > oe y 'RICK CHIC, IN GEO, M. COHAN'S * THE = 'THE GRAND, ON TUESDAY, = HONEYMOONERS," 'OCT. 12TH, eV CRY to participate KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1909, Ss a | | | { | [ MRS_ANNIE (7% ' L TESchH +, Now Eats and Sleeps Well, \& Mrs. Annie Tesch, 337 28rd Avenue, Milwankee, Wis. writes: "When I wrote to you for advice, my health was a total wreck. I could not sleep and thought I would die, as there seemed to be no help for me. But I followed yuur { advice and 'took Peruna and Manalin, "Iam now cured. I can eat and sleep well, and enjoy life. "bk never will be withoul Peruna, should any of us be sick." with |} alnoct | Catarrh of Worst Form. | Mrs, Amanda Jong, 7237 Seeley tucle. | Avenue, Chicago, Ill., writes: "I believe that I am cured of catarrh | of the worst form and of long standing. "I was almost a total wreck. I tried | "almost everything and doctored with a | number of doctors, but they did me no! 4] tried Peruna as a last resort, and by ! 1 the time 1 had taken one bottle I could see that it was helping me, and so I con- | tinned taking it. I can say now that I have not felt the slightest symptoms for | three months, and I think there is| nothing like Peruna. 1 still keep it in | SEYMOUR. . quarter ol the to the this dual cele } Fh i of the Hud- | had bein invention of steam! CASION in the full dres mingling army and navy | etely had. tl mn ery lecorated lavishly for the | insignia of the ion intertwined with | | «of green which the inner furnishing the pe added Kground for British Court Reforms P., London. MS are ge the house, and think there is no medi-! einelike it. 1 cannot praiseit too highly, | and bless the day that I learned of it." Mrs. Judge J. F. Boyer, 1421 Sherman | Avenue, Evanston, 1l1,, writes that sey- | eral co plications united in pulling her | ' | down, and she {hanks Peruna for new | "| life and strength. : i | Pain In the Stomach, | Mrs. Mois Farizeau, Ste. Julie de Ver-| cheres, P. Q., Canada, writes that she suffered five years with pain in the stomach. The pains extended through her body, and she also had dif- | ticulty in breathing. Her husband heard of Peruna and bought five pottles. This treatment virtually cured hers { 5s ago such s an v an in her presc tora ing unti! ard fre aused when thev please. Vid- | ladies-in-waiting stand- | directed them to sit down; | was forgetful, and | to the frail. women their fee f kep. her he she Mr. Roosevelt's Game Francisco Bulletin. wortsmen will be interested to know Mr. Roosevelt's license in "Africa is just an ordinary, ove, aml permis following :--Two male 3. two rhinoceroses, ten hippo twenty-one antelope (including two gemshok, and one] two -earh | License. m to shoot the The Pandora named. "the finish," for the and brilliancy ished lepi ahout one-t necessary: fog shejecpof ori A Question Of Value. Winnipeg Free Press. When wheat i and aad if other are used f = aplied of disco » lowest « less will be | times a week, in attendance upon . pg Nhe » ; : «NO. 206, WE ALL USE PERNA IN OUR HOME Who is best: able to judge of the value of Pe-ru-na? The "housewife who has used it in her home for years, or prejudiced, sensational writers who have never used Pe-ru-na in their lives? It will not take any fair-minded reader a minute to decide which is the best evidence. The mothers of the United States believe In Pe<ru-na. The half million women who praise Pe-ru-na teceive no pay for doing so, and the half dozen editors who disparage Pe-ru-na get big pay for doing so. Which is the best evidence? j Sore Throat for Years. [ Mrs, CO. Dashel, 384 Irving Avenue, Chicago, Ill, Curator Natural History Society, writes: Tae "I ana glad to be able to recommend Péruna for chronie sore: throat. I had been troubled with sore throat for years, but could find nothing to help me. I had an swfol gagging in the morning and was subject to dizsy spells, Iecould not draw a free breath and life had no pleasure for me. Mg throat was dry and parched. "I supposed I was doomed to'spend the rest of my days in this cons dition, when I heard what good Peruna had been to others, so I , tried a bottle of it. After using it I was much better and six "bottles of it cured me, "I cannot say too much for Peruna, and I hope that some poor sufferer like my. &elt "will sce this and give it a trial" AR (ARSC RUSSELL, Acute Indigestion. Mr. John C. Russell, 810 County Street, Portsmouth, Va., writes regarding hi= wife's case as tol- | lows: "I thomght it wopld be doing but justice to your great medicine to tell you what it has done for my wife. "Two years ago the doctor called at our house, on an average, three my wife, who was suffering from acute indigestion. Her suffering was "to great that nothing but morphine would give her relief, "While on w visit to some friends in Norfolk she had an attack and I pre- Pe-ru-na for Her Children. pared to go for| Mrs. Alice Bogle, 803 Clinton Ste the doctor, when Circleville, Ohio, writes: our friend proposed | «I want to inform you what Peruns Peruna. Igave her! hag done for me. a dose, repeating it] I} ! % A "I" have been afflicte | in a halt hour, and "her pains on RE ar vests icted With sataiih pi Site thet line my 'wile has | ot medicines and nons seemed to do ¥ pounca, me any good until I used Peruna, I "We arenever out of Peruna, When the | have taken six bottles aud can praise i$ children or I have a cold we take some of | very highly for the good it has done me, mamma's Peruna. Ifind it has cut my! "Yalso find it of great benefit to my doctor bills down to almost nothing." children." Galaed Thirty Pounds. eature-burnished surface might truly be range SHO the nary range 8. to have werop with so impo ssible. be o Un 1 price cent. of No 1 per a 100,000, Northern 3 Northern, nD 1s rades -- You will eveatua The Deadly Hatpin. - "rERTEE" Argonaut 0 Ui it to the form 60 oh od elastic--abs CEETEE » oi Pure woov ' sizes for THE C. TURNBULL CO. OF GALT, Limited, Manufacturers wear "Ceetee Underclothing--why not now? CN e Wiost comfortable underclothing on the market. froin the finest imported Australian Merino Wool, an y unshrinkable t is perfect fitting-- always remains soft aut y women and childre ""ACEETEE" Underclo n your dealer sh #. ring you " o We guarantee 488 GALT; ONTARIO -- Established 1859 ed Rose Tea il in his wind of i vent much i t I { the th honest, "Is Good: Tea' Note the bright, amber olor in the 6p. i