Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Oct 1909, p. 11

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, - A -- TRAVELLING. 1 Jame Hore ¥r rench enbraidery. | HE: GETS $10000 A VEAR|EJ=.5 3% : Droid Mes. J. M ---- 4 | fabier ¥, Mrs. + MLS ; , y {Horne, Mis. JM. Horne. Wallachian : S E ! embroidery, drs Ja MN. Horne, Mrs. | a : > Am 1H, B. Card. Shadow embroidery, Mrs. : ~ Thanksgiving Day Gi . ! 4 J. M. Horie, Frank Briceland. Shirt, . October 25th, "round trip " " 0 knitted], Mrs. James Coyle. ' Shirt, 3 issund whan ir BE nd i ep oa aE say > ; : jerocher, George - A. Rattray, Mrs 25th and. relurning on oF io ri 5 James Covle. Shawl, crochet, Mrs. J. : r 27th. Tickets sold to cer- ; A , | Horne, Mrs. James Coyle. Ladies i Rg th the ab ove % 3 § Fai ket. 'knitted ciMrs. J." M. Horne. Ap Fig : > Worsted work, Mes. J. M. Horne. Out- HUNTERS' EXCURSIONS - | . : o : ta line work, Mrs, A. B. Card, W. 8. | . Round trip tickets at ! ; , : L MacAdog. Pair © pillow shams, Mrs. | A handful of dollars, if they were cordiall ; . : i 4 ok I a | ly presented to you, or Overcoat you sulert from our SINGLE FARE tl - ! 2 3 « Sues 04 fu Mrs J utiny Coyle. J oble Well Sir, we virtual x present iy with $2.50 to $s. 00, cn uy Suit or Overcoat yoy select from our October 13th to 31st te points in| | si : ' Ea Sta, Way UTeEnWwool, = Es. tomes popular. "lines at $7/59, £0.50, $11.50, $15 and $18. Tamagimi, Quebec, New Brunswick, Novia | ; 2 od p Coyle. Mantle dr Scotia and Maine. { A ha i Coyle. Bracket, any October 21st to Bist to "Muskoka ' , . Fa ga y Coyle, W. 38.. Mac . - Bracket lakes, Midland, Lakefield, Lindsay, Sy = : Coboconk and other Hunter's resorts. | jmacrame work, Mrs. J \ M. Horme, WW MEAN I rr. All tickets good to return until Decem- | Gl ) { Mrs. 4. M. Horne. Drawn work, Mrs, Ler 4th. ! Fail J. M. Horne, Mrs. J. M. Horne. Ara- LOY RATES 10 PACIFIC COAST as ; sene work, W. S. A Shei Clothas of tke same identical grade are Sold uviverselly for $10, $12, 9, 315. $20 and $22. So Oho way colonist tickets on sale daily. | vi case, Mrs. J. M. Horne, Mreh James | 43.4 wo actually do save you a handful of dollars, without asking you sacrifice one jot or tittle Sept. 15th to Oct. 15th, at following : 5 " yle. © Whisk holder, Mrs. James of style, fit, service or satisfaction. : Eo rates. : Tag 'oyle, William Fawcett. Faney apron, . y i Spokane, Wash L €, y Vancouver, B.O; $45 10 2 ! James Coyle, Mrs. H. B. Card. Do a little looking. See our entirely new set of styles, colors and patterns, in Vietoria, oC. Toilet set, * Mrs, J. M. Horne, Mrs. Seattle, ash. p 'avis 1di " Portland, Oreg: Jgmes Coyle, Braiding cotton, Mrs. a EEERET EAE Sad Oust 57.50 $050,151 150, $100 pan. A Cunsisco, Cal, $47. 05 hy Pp : Match receiver, James Horne, Mrs. S of » y o ' WV, e y » . : : San Diego, Sal " ] James Coyle. Embroidery on cotton, exico, City, ox. x: g > . : For full Ry apply to J. P ig Mre. J. M. Horne, Mrs; James Coyle. HANLEY, Agent, Oprner .Johnwon. snd ¢ a Plain hand sewing, Mrs. J. M. Horne, Outario. streets. = . James Horne. Gents' white shirt, ma- --127 PRINCESS a ms : $ chine made, 1909, George Ranous, Mrs. Jo} eS \ § ; ) James Coyle. fients' flannel shirt, ma: { oh STREET q WP Be : . chine made, 1909, George Ranous | 4 Gilt, crochet, Mrs. J. M. Horne, > George Ranous. Quilt, knitted, George S P A. Rattray, Mrs, J. M. Horne. Quilt, The tore That Sets the ace. | 3 E \ woollen patch work, George A. Rat- . IN CONNECTION WITH : F 'tray, George Ranous. Quilt, cotton Canadian Pacitic Railway i 5 patch work, George A. Ravszay, - George Ranous. * Quiit, tuft, Mrs, 1 . 'in : [M. Horne, William Allum. Edging Single Fare for Thanksgiving |knitted, Mrs. J. M. Horne, Mrs, J. M. Iv i RR Good going Friday, Saturday and Mon JOHN T GEORGE. Horne. Lace, crochet, Mrs. J. M. | A R b ! v day, Oct. 24nd. 28rd, and 23, good for cw Yearli Ox x iA anle 5 Dox ts . . sany Horne. Point lace, Mrs. James Coyle, . returning until Wednesday, Oct. 27th. New York, Oct. 15.--At a salary of by the Juentral Le ather company Mrs. J. M. Horne. Plain crochet, Mrs. | » 8 10 6 rar , When this was effected Mr. George : H » : £10,000 a vear, John T. George, who jr yo "|James Coyle, James Horne. Tidy in | unters xcursi lives in a handsome residence at No who had been vice-president and gen: 'cotton, Mrs "Payne wos MacAdoo | Roukd trip tickets at SINGLE FARE y eral manager, was informed that his ge ry . " Oct. 18th to Nov. 6th, to all stat ons. |432 North Hrond street, in the fash- | orvices were no longer required. He Eroehes tidy ia cotton, Mrs. J. M : ' ' Mastaws' tg Port, Arthur, femaiamias | opabley sction of Elizabeth, N.J.. ix had other motions on the subject how. | Hote, Tidy, silk, patch work, W. 3. id in Quebec, New Dranewioh and . Nova sitting on a bench these days from ever, and pregented his $10,000 con-! Jas Ngo. Chugon S a a il : ! : Beotia. early morning until the six o'clock | tract, which ows not. expire until next 'Orne, Arc nibal Staley. reshanc . naa to, Nov. 0. 8 atations | whistle blow, making leather like an !.June : drawing, Archibald Staley. Painting | N. J { A : d L f t P. Sudbu te 8. 8. Marie. Haveloek to : B 3 . : ; . ? Bn 08 ov Good tt Sharboy Lake. Lindsay AR Severn | ordinary tanner. He goes to work! "All right," said the new head of om Pluss, Be 3 tuies Logie, Mrs. : | ew S JUS rrved. a es alierns to North Bay. All tickets good to re |averv day in his automobile, which re- [the concern, "I guess we'll "have to me 0Y H 1 Anne > 81 ) & 2a: turn uatil Dee. 4th, 1909. { turns in time to take him home again. | keep you on, but we haven't got any Pal es he AI,» ihe o e. 1 «pe 18 Ac } | X n / ta Low Rates to Pacific Coast | Then he dofis his crude apron for even- | place for you except that of a regular --- an Ay a mi aintin um mE | : as wmtertains his. friends at i tanner." 8 ireenwood g in ' One Way colonist tickets on sale daily. IDE dress and entertains his friends a ARKEE, "rani i water colors (amateur), James Horne. -- Tan Street Shoes Women's Tans, in shades of Sept. 16th to Oct. 15th at following | { dinner; just as if he were not an hum That'll do, aid Mr. George, and p 1 Waterproof Soles, rates : ble laborer ever since then the town has been en Binting in water ro ors (profession- 3 Nut Brown and Light Tan, 3 CANT os by 'ne | 3 : RAN aH, This unique situation has been| joyving the spectacle of the wealthy ® J: ames durte, James Sor ne, | $4.50 and 5.00 SBA WA $454 0 : IA, B. brought about by the recent absorp-| tanner driving to and from his humble | | Flowers--House , plants, cdo SE TLE, WASH. k . =a : Horne. Foliage, 'Mrs. J. M. Horne, | A new lot of Men's Tan $5 S PORTLAND, OREG. | tion of the H: arrington Leathe Works 'work in his luxurious car. | George A. Rattray. Fuchsina, Mrs. J. | 1 Calf Worki Bluchers. Just 5 pecial ; i in ing 1.0OS ANGELES, OAL: p---- - A r= |M. Horne, Edward Briceland. Gerani- | . . SAN FRANC 1800, '¢ CAL: $41. 05. WOLFE 8 LA A D El h peas (large), - John Abbott, William ums, Edward Buiteland, Biitvard Brice | ld Black Buttod Boots, Special, $3.00 5 $3. 50 Special Mrs. J. M. ; MEXICO CITY, MBX. Mosier. Ficl eas, (small), Willie land. Roses, Horne. i i Blt particulars at K. . P. and C. 1 Fooott oe a Bretan Pa Palms, Edward Briceland, Mrs. J. MN. Children's Button Boots. Every pair warranted solid R Figket, be a Cen Passi Agen, Baker White oats, William 'Fawostt Horne. Asters, Mrs. J. M. Horne, Ed- Size 8 to 103, $1.75 to $2, . leather. iC ' . 4 * ward Jriceland Cut « flowers, Mrs made in New York. ee ------ Wil Mosier, Edward Briceland. : Rg -- THE LIST OF T THOSE WHO Villiam Ostet ward. Bricolan Con. Pyke. Bouquet arrangement and | . Corn in ear (yellow), William Allum, J : | i ; > 3 EAY OF QUINTE/RAILWAY. WON PRIZES. William Mosier. Corn in ear (sweet), [flowers considered, John Cleary, Mrs. | ) I'rain lewves union station, OUntari i Edward Bmecoland, Mrs. Con, Pyke. of My Horne. * Begonias, Fdward | . sireot, 4 p.m. daily (Sunday excepled, | + IR Bricelapd. Flowering maple, Edwarc - "w . Yok i's ne, Willis 1 for Tweed, Sydenham, Napanes, beser | Well-Known Islanders Who -Ex.|Poatoes, Honder on. Horne, William Briceland. Every-day bloomer 3 \ upto, Bannockburn and all points north xis . Fawcett, Edward Briecland. Carrots, ward Briceland: Star 1 Mrs Vv msecure quick despatel to Bapliock hibited at' the Fair--Large| william Alun, Edward Briceland. i H bg Ta . Th Pp But, vs. A r A we . oluts n seniral shi : ac' ' 4 .: "ne orne, iw re v i Ontario, "Toute your shipments via May | Number of Exhibits in Ladies'| Carrots, Allen Davis, Fou ha ' noi ------------------------ 1 wuinte KRatlway. For jurther particu Department. cett. lurmips, corge urner, tl . . NN tars, apply R. 'Wy DICKSON, "Agent, " liam Allum. Grass seed, William Mod WHIG'S FASHION HINT. 'Pnone, No Horses--Stallion, registered iam 20, if OL amuhinimiats niet bur mage" two years old, William Fawcett: colt Bit, Thomas Faweots, © ahtnge, Ww. ment. Everything included for 78days, i vearlmg, Hugh. Horny colt, 1909, J, |. Neddoo, drs. Lon. vke. Onions, 400 nnd un. O'Brien, George Boyd: general pus I'homas Fawcett, William ~~ Allum. Dept., White Star Line, Toronto, hose stallion, grade, Edward White, | Celery, Thomas Fawcett. Vegetables, or Agents 0. Hawkins. mare, foal at her side. | best collection, : John Abbott, William Wallace Mosier, Robert Boyd, Edward [ Kemp. * Blood beet, (turnip), Edward Briceland; general purpose team, Wil- | Briccland, Henderson Horne. - ) NEWBORO MAN HURT. liam Faweett; "colt, three years oll, Dairy and baking- Butter in crocs, ) a William McAdoo, Angus MeDonald, FE. i Pohar Abbott, Herb Esford, Mrs. - J. E h | Stepped Of Dark Walk and Frac: Briceland; colt, two vears old, Her- | M. Horne. Butter in print, Hugh 5 NF y y 1 NM X 3 : tured a Rib. Fert * Fsford, James O'Brien: colts, | Horne, John Abbott, Mrs . y : ) at | Newboro, Oct. 14.--Mr. and - Mrs. : X | Yearling, George Furner, Herbert E Horne. Cheese factory made, Hoory i 3 y Ln: ! hated | n nT \ AL ELI ford, Rovert Boyd; colt, 1908 Robert | Faweelt. Loal home-made bread, z Ni ine, Mich Re relatives og Seg: : i Bovd, Hugh Hore, Wallace Mosiér, | John Abbott, Edward White, Hender- Lc J re on Toran. Son vs : : d 08S and Liver Pill. 25¢c. box at all leading dmg stores, or by mail from THE SCOBELL DRUG CO., St. Cath- arines, Ontario. For sale at Best's Dxug Store. i --_------------------ -- Allum; stallion, grade, William Faw- sier, William Fawoett. Parsnips, Hen- T " CRUISE cett; team draught horses I'cank |derson Horne, William Allum. Blood Hg ; dio I head Tbs Yaris heels (longf, John Abbott, Thomas 4 \ ole driceland; brood mare, George ['oyd, IP tt. Nusar. beets. Williax Al . : J a } Brie : reat te aAwcett. Sugar beets, am ~Al- : " ) . : Foe "ug i v teh Fool te yor ; h , lum, Hugh Horne. Mangolds, William Nl < Rheumatism and all Blood Disease. The great kidney Sixth Cruise leaves New ng Ru. . red. Staley, James O Brien; colt, pr . ' : J 1 UUKE EFFEQTED OR MONEY RE-||'oad horses, . ste registered, 'If | son Horne" Buns, 'John Abbott, Ed- o_o ived home op 1 uadays BM Pres FUNDED. Fawcett, 0 kins; stailion, oradh, { ward White, William Healy. Honey, X on spent a LAYS as " ; : ; a ££ friends in Brockville. | Word was recived here last week of s 4 as } City; Mich. of treatment' no. samitariam es-] Olver "Hawkins; colt, two years old, |White, Mrs. Deyne. Canned fruit the death, at Bay. (its 2 : Bi , : Re : : § | Daniel } n, for many vears a high- A i v or any Other™ fees. 'Just the] William Fawcett; colt, yearling Ma- |.John- Abbott, Mrs. J.- M. Horne, [ NSW ) aniel Houm ' Jor many; this a YH : - f medicine, which is placed at al im Greenwood; colt, 1909, James '- | George Furner. Pickles, "Mrs Con. y respecte rosy Pl . sw. price and rings it within Pri > Org § « lecedsea was an uncle of the Missos Ral} Lied in rien, FEdward Briceland carriage | ¢ Horne. Chili auce L 9 reach who need a reliable Pyke, James sauce, McGonial sams fow 1 i " migle, and visited them a ow slicient remedy (or the cure of 'am, fifteen hands high and over, |.John Abbott, -Williamm Allum. Tomato | vears o_o. ' Drink Habit George Kurner, Rev. Father Spratt: |catsup. Herbert- Esiord, John Abbott Vv litth ement ported F e : u Dun Be Given Secretly. 4 carviage team, fifteen hands and un collect adders Hor Ww 3 b 5 | ery little improvemen is repor % : . ORRIN ore IY BA box. | der, Connelly; buggy heres fifteen Fs io : i hy L Ean L » Five 3 3 |in the condition of William Spicer, , 2 urth r delay in p r 0X. sR . 1 ~ CAOC ( Te t a 0 n (8 Guarantee in Each 1 1 > itically ill { the i . a hands awd: over, Richard Bolton, J), sles. best single variety, Henderson ] 3 | who has' heen critically i or chasin our Fall Shoe Write for {ree ORRINE Booklet] py... Homa. Cannellyy duggy horse, lo WwW. 8 atlas Collection /fall " past. five weeks with typheid aver. gy 8 nailed in plain sedled envelope) to 4 | | Ns o) a 2 % a : ING RD re RINK in fifteen fiands. and under. Gi. Keegan, | ., Henderson Horne, W. 8. Me- | - [Miss Helen Simmons, who has been i. will be dangerous. The Waghington D.C. ORVINE I sod by] Henry Faweett, Edward White. | \c Collect : wint 2 silos. Hoss | !the nurse in attendance, returned to bs . eading druggists everywhere. I horoughlred cattle--Bull, two years Adon Howie Ww : Me Ve D : Crab | . her home in Chafley's Locks. Miss broken weather makes it Speci a ; old i ove slste any {Caan Horm, » BAGO, a --_-- | Simmons leaves this week to resume . : Special Agent fa--, 003 30d, : Ys Hc lnsain, Will ig Ra {apples, William Fawcett, William | ety Copfriebt by Biathaeer her duties in Rochester, N.Y. essential that your Foot G. W. MAHO(D, Cor. Bagot and | leh cos yrshire, © William | \ogier. Pears; W.7S. McAdoo; Ed. | Witodes Coprrehi Now Tok Merit = ~~ | 1T . § nk. " : : Mosier; heifer two Yours ol, | Rev. {wari Bricdand. Plums. Edward | Pile. vlue wet theatre gdwn with | op Mywile Shaver with a fF alls, Coverings should be in ather Spratt; yearling, Rev. Fathér | pl, Icapes,' Willi Mosier, pari and : silver' embroidery, and R. Mahoney, afley s Locgs, [SRratt; calf, 1909 Res Father Bricaland, * Grapes, ihiam Rosie, : -- were the guests of relatives here on proper order. ; Wood { Wiliam Mosier. Pumpkins, field, . . Spratt. Abbott, Frank Baker. Melons, water, ! A Bad Sign. \ { Sunday. : : The G : Engl y Remedp | Grade Holsteins--Bull, two "years : toh : | George Bolton, dangerously. ill for ALL U S 0 F R = Pliny gy en 3 ad H a A Aw y Fi John Abbott. Malons, musk, John (New York Times. i . ; g! is slightly better at pre- O R FINE H ES 0 One---of the strong features -- that | Frank - Briceland, Charles Woodman: | Rev. Father Spratt; Henderson Holme recommends the ORRINE treatment] !colt, three years old: Herbert Esford. | Bottle homa made wine, Edward its low cest; It is the most econo- » Princess Sta. 0 Frank cland; mileh cow, Abbe Se ol Hub 1 Th 'Speaking of fresh éggs,'" "said Mark , some time, ¢ t Hiood in old Et a ake New ward White, Rev. Father Spratt, Wal Perot D on lek T JHpomag wain at a dinner at tHe Authors' sent. George Wooding, Brockviile, is a Devility Menind and Brain ! a der late Mosier: bull, vearling Frank { | IWR 5 lay ¥ | Club the other day, 'I am re- here this week conducting the clear- F LL RE HERE dency, Sexual Weakness Emissions, hand: 1 300 - To. CL yo | John Abbott, Hugh Hornd. Cucum. . ! t sale at' hig stole A A ator rhaet, and Effects of f Abuse or Bueeland: bull, 1909, Frank Brice boils, Mts. Com Pyke. John Abbott. I Ye the town of San |g ou sale a hisses oF . : rice £1 per box, sixfor $5. Une vo will please sh (land: heifer, 1909, Frank Briceland, dem Pai Re n my early lecturing ays I went hile coming om the depo on Fill cures dota by alt all Aruggis or mailed h [Wallace Mosier, John Abbott: heifer, of liry] i Ride leland Rifles to Squash to lecture in Temperance Monday night, after his return from Come To. Morrow and see the splendid money- on WEY Big, on pongo Pe vind vagy e vearling, William Mosier, W Mn Mo | Alen Davis, Iver AVRIL, "Y | hall, arriving in the afterheon. The Ottawa, J. F. Gallaghes had the mis- saving lines we have for you. oreo: town seemed very poorly "billed. 1 fortune to step off the sidewalk in " ited fv Wi adaot TF Onl 1xier. Exfward White: = = Yr ie ty, Wallace Hose = Sten Frou i Jereoss urade-Mich cow. . Over Brahmas, Peter Brown. CERO, | thought I'd find out if jade knew | the darkness and falling struck on his i pe ------------------ eo) uf whitey, Thomas Fawestt, William Komp, : i ase { severely injured his | Hawkins, Mrs. JOM. Horne, Mrs. J. i; 4 0 0 Sy «i | anything at all about what was in suit case and severely injurec i T "pr TY MN. Ho ne; Fcarli. Ig Frank Leghoms, brown, Jolin ; Jeary, Dot | store for them. So I turned in at the side and it is feared that one of his 1 IT IS PERFECT 3 | Briceland., "Oliver Hawkins: bu'l, 1909, Brown, Bantams, rl a ane a ee neral hag : [ribs is fractured. : 7 Our "ORYSTAL BRAND" of i} Frank Briceland William Fawcett. ymouth Ha " 'Good' afternoon, friend," I said to | B, F. Bolton spent Sunday ~ with Standard Granulated Sugar, { ns Ball ' barred, Peter Brown, William Alum. | (}. general storekeeper. 'Any Del Mi : ' ' ' reserving and table use. iN Grade Durham- two years old, { ny. Ee : ig A enter- yvelatives in ta. 8 Catharine Pred it Or years, and pri i } Frank PBricelands milch 'cow. Wallace Black Minorcas, Peter Brown. _Tur-| tainment here to-night, 'to : he Ip a Landon, seriousl$ ill for some time 3 right fl Mosisr. Rev Father Spratt, Meg JJ keys, George Furner, John Cleary. !, stranger while away his evening?" {with appendicitis, left, on 8 Tuesday The Home of Good Shoe Making, ole: heifer, twa years old, Rev. Fr. The general siotehepor, who was morning, for Brockville, to enter the Spr if rating bv Ry sorting mackerel, straightendd up, wip- St. Vincent de Paul hospital where prati; heifer, yearling, Rev. Father | : . 1 g i p-i St. n I ' p Spr . k Baker: bull, 1909. Wilk Pigeons, Peter Brown. Rabbits, Wil- {od his briny hands on his apron, and she will undergo an operation. Miss pratt, Frank Baker; bu 190¢ i I: he go § | 1 ANDREW MACLEAN, Geese, John Cleary, Edward Whit _ Ontario street. Ducks, - Johng Cleary; Petter = Hrown: liam Allum, Hugh Horna. Ducks, said: | J." Hudson was 'a visitor in Brock- Lam Healy, ®ov. Father Spr att: bull, \ 2 venrling, Prmek Rreritd. PL 1909, John Cleary, Edward White 'I expect there's goin' t6"be a lec: ! ville on Tuesday. About 'a score from Sheepal on wool." ewe. having | Gvese, 1909, Edward. White. Black ture. [been sellin' eggs all day.' here attended the excursion to Brovk- - Yon . 7 Qe amb2 1900, Fry ank Brieeland, William Orpington, Peter Brown Poulos | . wens Iville on Monday evening to see the ise Sushweighte mide 15 King Kemp, Wiliam Kemp: ewe, shearing, |geose," Peter: Brown. Embden geese, Natures Warning. musical comedy, "The Isle of Spice ston at Angrove's Foundry Frank Driceland, William Kemp, Wil- Peter Brown. White Holland turkeys. | Pains and symptoms are only na- rs. (Dr) R. B. King and Mrs. Ben BY a y BEDROOM FURNITURE THIS WEEK liam - Komp; owe lambs 1909, Frank | ete Brown. {ture's warning that something is jamin Tett, ir., were visitors in ; D ; f Se i &™ Special prices for large quantities (Bricgland, Frank: Briceland; sheep, | Ladies' Department--Sofa cushion, | wrong. Take heed therefore if you Vroekville on Tuesday. pm HERES TTR fshort wool ram, lamb. William Hen- {Mrs. HW. B. Card, Mys. H. B. Card, have a lame back; it is but one hint | An unusually large number from here oe ly. Frank Briovland, Frank Briceland: [Pin cushion, Mrs. James Coyle, Ed- to look after the kidneys. Peck's Kid- 'attendea Westport fair on Tuesday. ; 0 . 8é 0 Dis For TN 8 Prospective Ton ®. } ewe, having lambs 1909, William Hea- ward White: Berlin woal work, plain, [ney Pills act directly on the kidneys, R. 3. Leggett was one of the judges pr a . 8 ur Window play. ly, Frank DBriceland," Frank Brice: Mrs, H. RB. Card, Mes. J. M. Horne. [aiding them in removiig all disease. of horses. George Foley, Athens, " , land; ewe, lambs, 1908, Frank Brice: Berlin wool work, raised, Mrs. J. M.|In boxes, 25¢., at J. B. Mcleod's drug spent the week-end the guest of friends TT. Bedroom furnished plete, 1 i . ne : Horne, Mrs. James Coyle Case feath- store, corner King and Brock streets hare. Wiliam Stanton left, on Wed- | ; ; Solid Polished Oak or Mahogany Shif- Swine--Sow of 1909, William Faw-|er flowers, Fdward Brieeland, Edward (Wade's old stand), and corner Prin- nesday, for Calgary, Aha. where he 3 - 2, tt, Wallace Mosier.) tod sow. one |Briceland. Carpet. rag, handmade, cess and Montreal streets. Money back ill spend the next few months. Miss . . Dressers, Solid Polished Oak and over, Berkshire, Fdward | Mrs, James'Coyle. Rag mat, Mrs, |if not satisfactory: Lottie Elliott and little nephew, = the! La fioners, Solid Polished Oak Ladies' Wi bite, Hemlirson Horne, John Ab-[Con. Pyke, Mrs. Con. Pyke. Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shaver ape se tiie' | DOE: brood sow, Yorkshire, . Frank fmats, Mrs. J. M. Horne, Mrs, James | Suits and overcoats for the little for the past few months, returned to| {RESIS PLN Dressing Tables, Solid Polished Hriessand; sox, 1908, Besksaire, Frank | Coyle. Lamp mats, Mss. Coyle, ie fellowes; cut just like pa's. Roney & hdr home in Watertown, N.Y. on H---- he Bedroom Chairs and Rockers, riceland, enderson Horne John |J, M.. Horne. Pair' slippers, worked, Co. a ue ; Watlnesday. "Miss C. M. Sturgeon an 4 oR \ ercul rand Union Hotel Ahbott: grade, boar, Joba 'Abbott, [ Nrs. James Coyle, Mis. James Coyle. The Mexican agthoritics have issued Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Bass attended P X Brass and. Iron Beds, H es Ope. Geand Contra! Statian, New York City Yorkshire; UPerkshire hoéi¥, cone vear | | Spe imen . ladies' ornamental fancy orders cloSing TH Pa fn Mu ile end the Halladay-Snyder wedding in Elgin ih | A ' Springs and Ostes moor Mattrasses . and over, Henderson Horne: Berks ire | work, 'W. 3. MacAdoo, Mrs. H. B.'Juarez, opposite Fl Paso, from Friday on Wednesday. Miss Sturgeon played ! 280 : Bo Rooms, $1.00 a Day hoar, 1909, te tts, Mes, J. M i i 1 Students' Tables and keases. Henderson Horne, Hender- | Card. Homemade, mitts, noon, five hours bdore the arrival of the wedding march. A number from | AND UPWARD on Hor { Siaanes 10 and from Station free. 3 a : | Horne. Knitted ladies' and gents' | President Didz; until Sunday morning, here attended the farewell party giv-| ct ' ~ . wg Agricultural > depmr iment Spring | ocks, Herbert Fsiord, George A. Rat- ten hours after hw ienves. .en:to Mr. Batley, at "the "'Tdyl- | LAN JAM Seid 2 stamp for N.Y. Otty Guide Book and Mas whoat (lobe), William' Fawdett! res aw." Wreath, woollen, James Horne We are ready for the young 'men who wyld," Chafley's Locks, on Tureday ! : Ny Sprive Wheat gFjie), Thomas Faw Mount Mellick embroidery, Ms. JJ. M. waht the proper thing. - Roney & Co. evening, before the house closes = for Phone 197 for the Leading. ot Edward Briceland. Field beans, ! Home, Mrs James Covle. English Brussels: socialists have declared a. the season. R. Grothier was a visis 4 } v William Mosior," Wilham ~~ Allunt. Fiocldevelet embroidery," Mrs. JJ. M. Horne, 'boyeott against Spanish goods, tor tn Crosby on "Tuesday. ; er , Undertaker.

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