THE Inspect Our New Stock of Seasonable China Thanksgiving Day is not far off, a demand ror all kinds of China We cordially invite the ladies Stock of China and Glass. We est. Special reduction ing Roasters. 15-inch Regular 35¢ ow 25¢ Please remember line, Tooth Powder, Powders, Vaseline, Soaps, ete, and Glass for this ccrasion cf Kingston to ins: :ct Vent S in Patent lated, Refined Iron, Self Bas 18-inch Regular 45¢ Now 30¢ Now 35¢ tha: we handle all kinds of Toilet Goods, Talenm Powd:rs, Cold Creme , Vas: lune, Camphor Ice, Williams Shaving 'Soap, 16-inch Regular 40c¢ Vase- Mcintosh Bros.., Manager, PERCY JESSE. FAIR which means that there will be our Neon | have the best, and we ha' e the cheap- Face Toilet Ne THE SPORT Th pa AND ID COLLEGIATES IN OTTAWA, { No Fric:ln Between Williams and Queen's Management--Queen's I and RM.C. i Played This Afterucon. Queen's seniors left, at eight o'clock this morning, jor Ottawa, to play {their second game of the series with [Onawa Vollege. The boys felt confi dent of winning, despite their defeat, ton - Satorday last, by Varsity, The, ilime-up could not be ascertained, as the management were not sure just who would go on. The {ollowing play- lers went down : Campbell, Crawfoed, | Williams, Leckie, Dickson, Moran, Mox- ley, €lark, Overend, Kinsella, Galla- {gher, Melpish, Lloyd, McKay, Erskine, Flliott dnd Smith. E: O. Sliter also acvempanied the team. with trainer McMahon and Campbell. Collegiate vs. Ottawa. { The Collegiate team took in the ex- lcursion to the capital, today, and | were scheduled to play the Ottawa Col THE BANK OF TORONTO OFFERS TO THE PEOPLE OF KINGSTON | SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Their very banking business of assurance that receiye the u complete facilities for the transaction every description, with the all, business entrusted to them ¢ will 10st careful attention Their resources are large, handling banking accoun than a half century of and their -experience in ts covers a period of more : paid Accounts Interest is on savings Cu LETTERS OF CREDIT ISSUED. Trave rehit Accounts opened for Business people on favorable terms Letters of credit Issued America and the East. Money loaned to responsible people. CAPITAL REST AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS ASSETS to s ler in North $4,000,000 4,727,000 43 000,000 10 BRANCHES INCORPORATED KINGSTON BRANCH IN CANADA. 1855 107 PRINCESS ST. GEO. B.-McKAY, Manager. logiate, on Varsity oval, before the Ibig game. Jhe team was to line up las: follows : Fullback, Leo Williams; halves McNeil, Goodearle, LaRush; (quarter, McoGowan; scrimmage, Black- McCammon, Hazlett; middle wings, Millan, Stewart; outside wings, Grun- shaw, Reid ffumplaey May and E. 0. Sliter accompanied the team. For the past two years.- the locals have won in Ottawa, and they hope to «lo again 80 R.M.C. I. afternoon between II was the cause during the week. understand how Indians such a drub- did last Saturday, when il to 0. It was prin- Queen's being out of having way system, hard at 'work during the past week, amd, to-day, weve fully confident of yiving the soldiers a trimming, although they all Keew it was: practically impossible to pull down the hig lead. Frank Birch and {William Laird were agreed on' to han- dle the game. The teams were to line out as follows : Queen's © H--Full-back, Macdonnell halves, Cook. Bick, Cormack: quar { ter, Merkle; scrimmage, Ormond, Bat { tershy, Randall; inside wings, Ram Suddand; middle wings, Nelson, outside wings, Cochrane, { Queen's IT vs. | The game this Cadets and Queen's of much disenssion Many fans eouid not Cadets gave the bing as they i they won cipally due to practice, and not They have been out C adeis 5 Full-back, Meredith Carruthers, Boswell, Smith; Campbell; scrimmage, Young, Halt; inside Arnoldi; middle wings, outside wings, Gunynne, halves, quarter, Edimston, wings, Rogers, Carr, Goldie; Lewis Detroit-Pittsburg Game. Many betes 'wore 'made in the city, } | x Friday and to-day, on the deciding ball game, he played in Detroit this afternoon. Pittsburg has lots of backers in the city, tnd many good to 'IF_YOU OONSIDER STYLE _,.nermberton there is an immense 4 amount of satistaction gained by wearing a correctly shaped, sty lishly made garment. BATON clothing cun be worn by the most fastidious with the utmost feeling of assurance.. It is properly made™in every detail gnd its attractiveness incrensed by the price saving afforded. 8 | IF YOU CONSIDER PRICE _,..,cmber -- that we are price makers. Many of the lines we sell are of our own manufacture, which, assures superior material, style and workmanship and the elimination of all middle- | men's profits. Our store is known as the home of Canadian economy, ang | every money-saving opportunity we afford is placed within your' reach | through our Great Mail Order Service. THE EATON COAT SWEATER > Handsome Knitted Worsted PRICE 75 T103A. An wnusual pony coat valué of fine knitted worsted ; made with a double | edge around the neck and down the front, | has a pocket either side. The style is single breasted, closed with five large fant buttons. It has turn back cuffs nitted plain. This is a very handsome coat in oney comb stitch. Sizes are 34, 36 and 38 bust. Colorm--Grey with cardinal, also plain grey, navy 75 1 or cardinal, EATON Price I7 by mail, postage extra 22¢ WE GUARANTEE to refund your money in fall, together with all transportation charges--if yoq are not perfectly satisfied with your purchase | | --you yourself to be the judge. WE WILL SEND FREE aid to any address our Fall and | renee Winter Catalogue upon receipt of your request. It liste Paris and New | York exclusive styles at popular EATON prices In fact our values will not only surprise but delight you. WRITE FOR THIS BOOK TO-DAY. DO IT-NOW 1 _ <T.EATON CS... TORONTO DEPT. 21 CANADA ------ i -- Smith, 'New and killed h attempted kill his dan cilled himself Wo 1s stminster, 1 wife after a wi Harry shot Arrangemean ate berg made the first proposed vh- vears i + regularizing all c quarrel, ter and then e tw to a olonig me 1. to. re- big bels were put up | i WP . | There's No Friction. Queen's rugby management deny [that there is any friction between it and Williams: the university's great full-back. 1f Williams does not play to-day, it will be on account of his laving been unwell for the past week | or Last Saturday, although feel- ing a bit off celor, he kicked a superb game. Queen's students are anxious that he should play to-day <0 Curling Club. officers were clected President, H. vice-president," R. G. H. Tra- segretary, 1. M. Wilson; Wi. Robinson; executive Léonard, Mesers. J. Ham, W. C. Napanee I'he following the 34 {tor i Daly; iy nS; yobs J: {t Dr br S. | Mayhee | It was should be made to lleaghe in the {eluby decided to Join ing Association ensuing vear © commit I. Boye: Smith and U 1 resolveel that an attempt arrange a unior astean distriet. The the Ontario Cul - Donovan May Pitch. It is thought that Detroit this afternoon enouch for Donovan pitcher's box against Dati and: Schmidt will both in the game for Detroit; but Jones' in- juries are likely to keep bm off first base; although he bad a light prac- tice yesterday. - If the thermometer registers below filtd degrees the great Mullin will twirl for the Tigers, Adams will be the Pitgshurg pitcher. the weather at will be warm to take the Pittsburg Mo- be Sporting Notes. Montreal rugby clubs are trying 4e get Savage and Molson into the game ance more. - By winning Thursday's game from the New York Giants the Boston Am- ericans took the series, four games to one. Cobalt hockey promoters are making every effort to keep Herb Clarke in the silver Johnson and Ketchell will their differences at San Francisco might. Nany of the fastest American run- ning horses will be shipped to Mexico for winter racing Tdrner is to be given chance to make good on the ton rugby team to-day The. Vancouver board of trade has tandem the Minoru race track be cause the betting ewl. PhiMips, who will play outside wing Iior 'the Ottawa team, to-day, was on the Ali-Canadian team which toured England. The Montreal ruchv team is light, but "Chaucer" Rlhott says he never handled 'a squad' that played with more snap sad dash. They are in the game all the timé and never lot up The Philadelphia Americans, who ran second to Detroit in the American Haseball league, are barnstorming New York .state. I Crawford; of the Detroit Tigers, 1Gibson, of the Pittsburg Pirates, Canadian, coming | tario. Great interest mttaches to the weath- ar for the Detroit-Pittsburg game of to-day. In it warms up Jen- nings wifl undoubtedly send "Wild Bill" Donovan to the firing Hne. If it vemaint cold Mullin will probably he {sent in the fourth time since Prd settle to- another Hamil like iT a from Western On-' casa 0 al tor Jday, country. Se MONDAY, QCT. 18TH. CALDWELL offers The Deifiant | Young Irish Comedian. Bernard Daly In His Ne w Irish Play, "Sweet Innisfallen' Songs, Scenery and Play © fresh the Lakes of ey, Prices, 25¢., 50c., 75c., §1, Seats now on sale. TUESDAY, OCT 18TH. PIXLEY & LUDERS Musical piece, THE BURGOMASTER HARRY HERMSEN and the same os Company of Favorites, including Bewitching Chorus KANGAROO GIR! rr wil a Seats now on sla, WEDNESDAY, OCT. 20TH. The Queen of Song Taterpreters. Mme. BLANCHE MARCHESI (Baronne A. Catcaminiy IN Bp SONG RECITAL Assisted by he 'Belgian BRAHM VAN DEN BERG. Direction : J UNDERS GORDON. Prices, dUe., 7 a 21, $2 Seats now on sale. ORPHEU R. EB. Master- of 5c... D0e., TSe., $12 McLAU GHLIN, Mgr "50B" COMEDIAN GRACF FIELDING CO. The Clubby Classic The Rounder. MR. AND MRS. NICK HUGHES, | Comedy Entertaivera. LAMPE BROS Comedians, AL. S. WILSON, Character Singer. Matinee daily, except. Monday Thursday, at 3 p.m. Any seat, 10c. Evenings, at 7.45 and 9. Prices, and 13ec. You can reserve your seat in advance | at Box Office. 10c. | ALL GRADUATES UATES OF TH THE Frontenac Business College | Secure good positions. The first week in October two were placed in good salaried positions in Toronto. Enter now and get on the road to success, H. M__DROWN, Principal. WW, SHAW, President. r Athletic Grounds, MONDAY AT 1.30 P.M, Admission, 25c. . when -he opened the series at Pittsburg. Adams, it is virtually cortasn, will twirl fos. the Pirates. The football season at the Renssal- aer Polytechnic institute, Troy, N.Y, was brought to a sudden close, on Thursday, when President P. C. etts forbade students to take part in anv 'inter-collegiate contest under pen- alty of expulsion. Not'only are they fotbidden to take part in inter-colle giate sports, but are also excluded from the alumni athlétic field, which was recently completed at great cost. This action was taken as the. result of the painting of some of the new institute buildings, 'which have heen given by "Andrew Carnegie and Mrs, Russell Sage. The fiereeneass of the play in the closing innings of Thursday's Detroit- Pittsburg game baffles: deseription. The Virates ran bases like wild men. Wil fon ran into Tom Jones, at first, injur- ing him so severely that he may not be able to play in the closing game. A moment later Schmidt went down in the path of Abstein as he slid into the plate, sustaiging .& nasty cut in the leg. In the very next play Wil- son shd into third, though out by an easy margin andgashed Moriar- {tv's ankle. The crowd made a rush at the Pirate runner, but was pushed pack before anything but a hostile demonstration had occurred. s Beautiful, Indeed. It wat a bright, crisp morning, and the teacher looked down at her small, eager pupils: with an encouraging smile. "Who would Kke to tell the teacher of something. beautiful, " seen on the way to school this, morning ?"' she asked. Hali a dozenthands were raised, apd the those for first speaker little Mich- asl Donovan. "You may 'tell us most beautiful thing your way to school, said. *1 stopped 40 satd Michael, the on she what, was you saw Michael," get Timmy Nolan," hoarsely, "and he's com- ing down with the measles, and his mother showed him to me trough from o Pianist | THEATRE McLAUGHLIN| and | Queen's University Athletic sos Riok- | RATES First insertion lc. a word. Each cen secutive insertion thereafter hall cemt a word, Misimum charge for ome in- sertion, 23c.; three insertions, 50c.; six, $1; one month, $2. HELP-WANTED. GARRETT, aos SEM ALD. APPLY MRS. Johnson street. {TWO BOYS, AT KENT MICA Works, Broek street. BROS, AND VEST MABRER. , Princess street. AT ONCE, COAT Carroll & Co. A MAN TO TARE CARE OF HORSES and furnace. Apply in évening to Dr. Kilborn. HOUSEMALD. AP- Mrs. Hiram AN EXPERIENCED | ply in the evening to 1 Calvin, 131 King street. RE- Mrs {A GOOD. GENERAL SERVANT . ierences - required. Apply to ! Macgillivray, as Earl street, A GENERSL. SERV ANT. NO WASH. References fequited, Apply. Mrs. 1. Carson, 275 Brock street, and Like. Address Box office. SMALL , FARM, WANTED, oN INLAND X¥ cabs COAT, ne Fishing Phogtne &" TUNITY bellingion" weer GEN a od o-date er ou ay Catlowky, 180 St., next Bibby's Livery. LOST. A GOLD BROOCH. LARGE, SHA something like a heart, with circle of pearls. Reward office. "10 FURNISH Rh work. LE PED small for return to Mrs. Bnight, Alice street, or Whig ~ PEARL STICK PIN, Division and Gore Sts. afternoon. Return to ate Fad und receive reward. A ELEVEN DOLLARS, between King and morning. returning to 67 Earl Sts. arl street. STRAYED. BETWEEN on Thursday st, ON° MARKET, OR this Finder will be rewarded by ~ SMART BOY OVER 14, TO MAKE effects, also ticket man over 18 Boise J. Thomson, Bijou Theatre. | | ATs ONCE, GOOD GENERAL SER { vant: Good wages. No washing. Ap ply 157 Sydesham St., near Queen premises of Chas. Hay, pronerty and paying for menty A TWO-YEAR-OLD HEIFER ONTO THE Glenburnie. Owner may have same by proving advertise | FINANCE AND INSURANCE. | | MA- wages. Ltd. * POWER good Co., GIRLS TO chines Apply hing OPERATE steady work, Kingston Hostery street. West. 0 to Godwin's Insurance arket Square, Kingstom, 424, FOR INSURANCE THAT INSURES, ly A | SMART "BOY TO ASSIST IN MAILING Department, on Monday and Thurs. day mornings and Saturday after noons. Apply Whig office. { first-class companies. T. Agent, 159 Wellington street. FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT AND HEALTH. Liberal policies and moderate rates in {A G EN ERAL SERVANT, I understands Soaking. No washing For family of two. References 're quired. ApplyS 59° West street. ONE WHO {AN INTEL LIGENT PERSON e AY GEO. BATEMAN, AGENT FOR Paciiic Coast Fire, Ins. Coy. of the board Anderasitors: Rimousil, Established 1876. York Economieal Mutuals, Erk and St., Kingston. "Phone, THE The 67 8¢8. earn $100 monthly corr new rs. No canvass assing. sarticulars. dress Syndicate, kport, | COMPETENT PERSON, TOR GEN- eral work. Small house. Small family. Must sleep at home. Apply to Mrs Hernard Browne, 108 Pugotr St West. | 1 . semd - 3,969 | 1A MARRIED MAN WHO UNDER. stands farming and teaming. Steady work the year round for a good saber man. Apply R. H. Fair, hpgston Station P.O | i cam {LEARN THE BARBER TRADE, NEW i | i ! WANT TO CORRESPOND WITH | parties who are open to materially in- | crease their income by handling high- grade stocks and bonds,' either ex- clusively or in connection with other business. Robert Greig, Confedera- tion Life Chambers, Toronto. SITUATIONS WANTED. |A YouNa LADY HAVING A COLLEGE education and two years hospital training, would like care of one or two clfildren. Address Josephine Montgomery, Wilton, Ontario. OSTEQPATHY. ROBERT GARSIDE ASHCROFT, D.0., Edna Farle Ashorofl, D. ates of the American Ostegpathy Kirksville, Missouri, Princess street. 'Phone, 447. hours, 9. to 12 am., 2 to Outside trea*ments by appointments. t MISS LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND © Fire Insurance Company. assets $61,187,215. which the policyhol In additiol olders have the stockholders. Farm property insured at lowest LOBE Avaliable tion to for security the unlimited lability of all and city TD CON ET dition. Apply W Te TE Eo THREEQUARTER TT poo "Cay he seen at Frost's street. 209 Queen GROCERY--A WELL ; EC ood X.Y. hi ** care sats Thor wo $3,000, ALBERT ST, rooms, brick, seven hot water heating, splendid ion, Er Siw Fan TION all eon terms. Ap street. BOOTS_HIGH OLASS 27 FT. LAUNC) fit! Sti. 8 SYlindet, Toe J, IC 8 ihe *h ont Sp to-date" oo WE, 463 JOHNSON 8ST," APPLY house, aT THE DWELLING, OVER 56 PRINURSS ST Apply on premises, STABLES TO RENT. ABPLY XC TO JAS, Laturney, Carriage-Maker, Prin cess street. HOUSE, Sood RE BEAIR. ALL MODERN conv . Apply R W. Nesbitt, 387 a sat : DWELLINGS, FURNISHED AND _ UN furnished, Stores, Storage for Furni ture, etc, McCann's, Brock, Cor; King street. ONE, FRONT AND ONE-REAR ROOMI RR Fa Arie TF: rates. & Strange, Agents. 'Phone, Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from Sicange HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. AUB HOTEL RESTAURANT open. Service A La and night. Up-to-Date service, trance on Kin Gibson's Drug Prop. street. tore. on, DENTAL. poplar prices. Private dining room. next NOW Carte, open day at to » SPARKS AND SPARKS, DENTI 23) Princess St., Kingston. on, assist ant, 188 85. Te "Phone, 7: DR. W. R. Certificate, office George's Cathedral, Phone. 91 MUSIC. STS, "Phone, i -------------------------------------------- DR. 3 O: NASH, DENTIST; DR. M Gi Prin GLOVER, DENTIST, D.D.O grovnd floor, corner King' and hon oh Sts., shposits St. b CONSTANCE T.essons in voice production and ing," Garcia Marchesi singing a speciality. ply 100 Division St, For Kingston. WILLOUGHBY. sing- Method. Sight terms, ap- 3 CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. COOPERING, Churns, Jolliffe, WASH TUBS, Tanks, and repairing. 102. Pine street. DAS J H « HH : PERSONALS. | HAIR, MOLES, BIRTHMARKS, warts, ete, removed permanently without scar. T ence. Dr. Elmer Nose, Throat | Specialist YOUR FORTUNE and Skin 258 Bagot stréet. Blemish TOLD YOUR PAST and future can be revealed; my Horoscopes are wonderful deviners-- try and see--send birth date and 6c. in stamps. Alfred. Pumas, Box 67, St. Laurént, Jacques-Cartier Co., P. Que. MARRIAGE LICENSES. 8S. KIRKEPATRICK, ISSUER, 42 Clarence St., ngston, Ont. Tele 568. Residence, 38 Frontenac went, experi- J. Sa Eye, Ear | DROP A CARD TO CHAS. Carpenter and Buijder; St., for reasomable Pr of jobbing, all worl BOARD AND ROOMS. ONE DOUBLE rooms, also table board. Appl Colborne street. y W. KELLAR 255 Division ices on all Minds done promptly. AND TWO SINGLE 137 with Also good table beard. Apply University Ave. COMFORTABLE FURNISHED ROOMS, i board. Well lighted and heated 314 COMFORTABLE with board, Modern conveniences. fred street, near also table Apply 369 Princess street. Autograph Letters and Fine Portraits Sir Walter Scott--Dickens-- Tennyson--Thackeray (most characteristic) -- Ruskin--O. W. Holmes--Chateaubriand --Disraeli--Longfellow (gen- ial, friendly message about The Mayflower)-Washing- ton Irving (his signature only)y--George Cruikshanks ~--Sir Robert Peel--William Pitt-Hume (the Historian) ~Dr, Chalmers--Huxley-- Lubbock--Stanley--Sir Noel Paton and several hundred other celebrated maxfiss.® FOR SALE Ss Williamson & Co. PUBLISHERS, TORONTO the winder, to let thev've 'come out!" -- » The marriage of Miss: Margaret, eldest daughter of man, Gananoate, was celebrated, Wednesday. wore u navy blue satin sloth and blouse of 'white satin with silk over lace and hat to match. Cheese sales : Picton, Perth, Ile; Iroquois, Tle; lle: Seamless hot. water hottles, guaran- The bride 11 1-16e.: teed for two years, at Best's. me see how good | the | Alexander Chap- | to William O'Hearn. | all- Keinptville, | Easy to Dye Tt is easy t8 dye, but only ex® perience and knowledge teach how to dye the way to satisfy particu- lar people. We clean or dye: als most everything in wearing apf | parel; We give satisfaction. R, PARKER & CO.. Dyers and "Cleaners: The Collectors of, Established 1866, FURNISHED ROOMS, boarders Al- STORAGE, FOR FURNITUR dry airy rooms, pret, ost's Phone, our ot torage, 209 52h. w= Ph JARGE STONE BUILDING, ON _ON- tario street, Ontario Hotel, suitable for boarding bouss. Apply to D. Millan, Cor. Ontarjo Princess Sts FOR SALE OR TO LET. PROPERTY INVESTMENT, KE: 44 Main street. large stone d 44 iui in parlors. House suitable for Large roomers 'or farden, barns and ouse, at 129 houses vacant. A treal ouse., ouse. ond. to 220 ARCHITECTS. ARTHUR office Ave. HENRY P. ete. Square, ELLIS, . ARCHITECT, and residence, 181 Univergiiy SMITH, ARCHITECT, Anchor Building, kot 'Phone, 5. WM. NEWLANDS & SON, tects, ete. Office, 258 Bago ARCHT. t street 'Phone, 608. POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER~ chant's Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellingtdh' streets. 'Phone, 213. PIANO TUNING. J. LOWE, PIANO. TUNER. NO CHARGE unless work is satisfactory. "All ders promptly attended to. Firsts class 'work guaranteed. Leave orders at D. J. Hay's, 126-128 Clarence Ste 'Phone, 1s. BUSINESS CHANCE. ANYONE, a mai ANYWHERE, CAN START Sree business at home: No canvassi Be your own boss. Send for free klot. i how. Heacock, 2,969 Lockport, N.Y LEGAL. CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, ters and Solicitors, SHBRLY Clarence St., Kingston -- The Grate Fire "We Guarantee 'Every Load cost. a | Synopsis of Capadian North-West Land Regulations. wally, or any male is the sole head wen br Dominion. Jad ° able in Saskatchewan or pA iberta - Duties. ~Six months" over 18 years old, quarter-section Ever try our Cannell Lumps? SWIF 8S, of's 40c per hundred, delivered. Swift's. . > . "NOT "A CENT." After a fire, it is too often heard. This is oa, when good, safe Insurance can be bad at very little "Not a cent of Insurance." PRINCESS ST. snd cultivation of rs. ho 69 Princess St:, Kingston, Ont: i : & mn miles of his, farm of ut least RO acres solely owned his father, and occupled Ly hiay or by the land in each mesteader of live ons Even if old age should fail to vone- we § sould 'veneraie the