TEENS | A------------------ QUEENS ME WORE, gre Bustisted For Use on the Bad B {70 ih fd, thee put uo pak 'FROM WEST ARD UP BARRE i fg og afichipe romarked a4 citizen, | "TO PRINCESS. : Curtains Furniture; TO. DEFEAT TT MGILL ~ - MONTREAL. un. account in the : | papiTs abotit 0g acting Sieargesiy Phis Will Give Better Fire Pres-| Hope That the Protest Against |". he stewes, but Be time sure--Offer to the Donnelly! Ottawa College Will Succeed--! i,c0 "they mere used. The other day, | Company For Lease of Wharf-- Queen's and R.M.C. Juniors|the magistrate fined a boy. but sta | Depot Water Service. i Play on Saturday. jd that 4. teste af lle fut ro Yesterday afternoon, J. J Druce, | Queen's rugby squad 'have { fould have served him dar better. yg ooo 0 Cony appeared before the : However os Avill bo boys, and the | - k y behalf fl covered from their hard game . rt ha os iv (water works committee on beha ot | turday and the first practice world i Hut oust he given i residents in the vicinity of the outer called for this afternoon at the Ath little scope, and if the i Frau Ball station in regard to gefting water sup- letic ground. The boys feel their de | #7 & SOK en, rar ol, sonics om. 8 ply to that point. Superintendent : 1 Le Dot : " |ience, climb np on buildings, and magy ji. rN ie 3 1 Trunk feat, but at the same time realize that . Hewitt tated Yhat the Grand Trun ' | - realize that | 4, things, is that any more than __. 0 = i . vonhicl ¢ they should. have won ile game if 1 5. HE A aman sgilway ¢ympany had not replied. to 'given a fair deal. Harve Pulford, wh all boys did when the; : © hiv comugication regirding taking | Btn a . » WhO | Real bad boys must be tamed, how- 9 re 3 1 refereed the game, stated aftr tho | i i bi on that water from the city, bovond acknow contest that Queen's wore not treatod he rood i - gested that Na. wiging it. Mr. bruce sid the - Dupot | : : he ge ki 3 school has only well' water Supply fyiand when the senior al says | police get a pnkily machine. . upp this there gust be somethin in Nn The residents ont. there had 'no fire I'he protest has been sutercd and ho Of Cittois and Wool lr Bed Comtortables ' Large sizes in Ladies" Flanpelette } Nightgowns from 50c up. 'Men's Night Shirts from 50c. Boys' Sweater Coats, 65¢ up. Boys' Fleece-Lined Underwear 25¢ ap. Children's Underwear for 15¢. Ladies"White and Grey Underwear from 25¢ ap. - Alexandre Kid Gloves LADIES' TRIMMED HATS Arriving every day.: LADIES' TAILORING AND DRESSMAKING. the clothing stolen from the store the convenience of the civic Tervices. supplied with House Furnishings| win. out. It must be ack edged | sane Zacks, Princess street. Mr. © Ald. Hoag pointed out that last | -- A m-- -- - as it is at the present time, Fur- 4." L. 'local team ob Em id Zack: stated to the Whiz that he had ring the city counell had' "stolen" | Pearl Handled Dessert niture for every room in the house' iE run this season. The first (Mmseif made inguirics around the $10,000 Qf the water works' rest fund. on of the West street main. ; in artistic designs, at a moderate with "Var«ity was onc of | | neighborhood - te find 'out if 'any per- Would it® not Be better for the wate: |, attendance at the meeting were cost. : . . haydest games of the season, aud on had noticed 'Wilyohe taking away works committee to spend its sur |Alds, Craig (chairmany, Toye, Me In selecting our Carpets for iti followall hy two games away from | the goods, but he was unable 10 gel plus in extending the svstem rather "Cann. nanley and Hoag. fa]l been very careful home. coming before the team had hit janv information. The street was 'well than allow more' 'steals.' - - secu up-to-date designs andi. stoide filled with people at the time, and it | Ald. Craig said that Mbé siberintgn- 1 25 "ol Our Brusssls, and Wil- | The iuhior seems rather strange that person dent estimated the cost of -extendiy » . have been most EReconniul A strong was noticed about. 'the water main to the depot at over al « > v is due te : This 'hel caused. g the > >. ifm 5 : : o the ee due to| yr union This theft bie caused all th $11,000. Some time ago, the commit-, White Prophet, Hall Caine. . - ) e Over Torts ¢hahts on Princess stect to te took up the matter with the G ys . Knives and Forks mn Oak The Calling. of Dan Matthews, : . Harold Bell, Wright. and Walnut Cabinets. Happy Hawkins, These are direct Importa- Wason. g tions from England, and we \ are able to sell them at The Wheel from Tracy. $10.00 to $15.00. These goods are First-Class and 'at the above prices are genuine bargains, . all on re- Sa- was supply. : doubt will be given a 4 "TRACE _FOUND. Ald. Cenig said that lots of houses | show cutive mébting in towns "nnd cities had no. water The plasvers will. put in a hard Of Goods Stolen From gap ply. Furthermore, houses in out week's work in preparation for their | Street Store. lying scetions were built for the con- We are perfectly justified saying |..n. with Me(iill on Satur day nest in No trace whatever "has been found" venience of the owners, and not For | that Kingston was never so well | Njontreal and will make a big effort to {of Cuecn's at the ox fair Princess, : | perintendent, recommending the exten to | game herve the this to | we have GRAND OPERA HOUSE. re i from no year team this | t Queen's will and should win intercotleginte pennant. players are out to catch the team, and all are gol i *'Sweet Innisfallen" Was Produced Last Evening. | The fascinating Irish drama, 'Innisfallen," was presented a large and appreciative audignee at the Grand Opera House last evening. ly the delineation of the character of "Larry O'Donnell" Bernard Daly had a splendid opportunity to display his histrionic ability. He has all ths characteristics of an Irish comedian possessing the rich Milesian accent and the native wit of his country In the different acts he sang 'Sweet Rose of Killarney." "Hide and@geek,' "Wearing of the Green," *'Swiet In nisfallen" and 'Sweet Eyes of his Blue." Mr. Daly possesses a fine tenor voice, full of passion aud fire He ably assisted by James Mace, Squire Carlton, thé val ture," whose glevilish ingenuity te ruin 'Desmond Moore" and win the hand of his 'sister, '"'Grace Moore, was baffled at every point by 'Larry O'Connell." Carrie Lamont. as *'No ra Shannov." her part very cre a ditably aid proved herseli a phi lak HEE Irish colleen, The scenic effects were d beautiful, especially 'the Fairies' Gler CET and tie. ruined abbey. On Saturday rreat mers take of a 1 The "Sweet ary Dep ) : ; ; i ry Department is; {a place extra precautions against thefts R. company, and found that the befor etore friend rv d wh , slim : \ friends every a . o actor e a "ine . OEE { 2 ro it Venice-B . 1. Du | A number who play el one game similar character I'hey ar th coinpany's. present water supply was enice-Brusse 1 "look out' and promise to all being got much cheaper than the city 7is [with the intermediate "Seah will be r berg and Se wrt with | ineligible to play, and thi should help oficnders a' Wain tire Aire ¢ os onl ive it water for, French Tavestry, lot. The first game will on. Sn- ie, Sharman stated Velour and. Serges,; turday with Cadets II. © "mittee" would go fully and over Curtains. | -- tion again, as soon h 2 company replied to Phone 90. drew dent's communication. oe H FF. Harrison Co. | Nai Pea tughy Club, Toronto. (121 I'he Bonnelly company's offer for the io ta lease of the waterworks wharf was (The store that improves.) BL Pherson street, Toronto,) writd® . Fhe Maitland Rugby Club, pre again considered. Phis company offers o E : . . 30 #275 a year and will remove its steam- leading the senior city league of ir, SE s ill re ote steam: | $2.00, on on OHCs i give Batter g here Silks Verdu Monks Cloth, or Portiers Robert Alex. in abundance ja that the into the ques- as the G.T.R the supesinten- com res, by ------------ Xmas Pocket Moner. Aus opportiinity is now presented Ho carn enough pocke 't money with whidh to buy Christhas presents or to stag in business The Mcat. company award prizes to the winners in contest, - which closes November of Fortune, Louis Would Like To Play Here. Milligan, manager of the Open &ountry, Maurice Hewlett. Or Afige ~The Vanishing Smuggler, hen Chalmers. The Son Barker. Half Isham. The College Book Store, 260 Princess St. Step- at | 5 3 4 RL cas would - like to cloie Thanks 1900. in amounts of "one dollar cash, er Saginaw from the West street slip {giving day, October 23th, with one of ||P to seven hundred dollars, 2n cas} between May Lith and September 15th. "Ki tons etic Ruithutals atc A young man, named David Mag: Ald. Craig said that this latter offer 'willing moet Lhe ¥ best {eam iu | OF Cardinal, Ont., won a han ol not satistactory. The West street | Kingston, providing expepsés and goed deed dollar prizs in June last Fur Ppust nO he plo hed by b eel. treatment are gua antoed Hoping an can do the same Why hn Rr at : ny invorng Pe {art now? [was to get five per its nvest- . Full particulars on private postcard ment it thould get 25 a year for the ovify package of Orange Meat wharf. The deterioration would be at the rate bf 350 a year. He thought $125 a small enough rental. Superin tendent Hewitt estimated the rebuild {ing of the decaying portion of the wharf at $LS00, a8 apainst ¥2.500 by {the chairman, and' his rental] sugges. , tion would: be 3355 a year." This amount, Md, Cr accepted, view of the supefifteadent's lower oi rebuilding the whar! Ald. - Hoag remarked that [nelly 'company had Leern for Kingston, ymoney herve. jcould perhaps more liberally: Ald. Hoag moved that the (company be offered the A of Elsa Mary Bethel, SMITH BROS., Jewellers, Opticians. 350 "King St. Issuers Of Marriage Licenses, seve § . ¢ D even wa a Chance, Frederic S. as t a cent on receive a reply R425 END OF CHICKEN CASE m "Phone, 919. | | | Conviction Was Found, But Magi- | took Leaving For Lethbridge. George B. Rhodes, floor manager for the firm of J. Lawdiaw & Son, dr goods merchants, ol this city, is log ing' this week for Lethbridge, Alla. where he has accepted a more luera tive position. Mr. Rhodes has been in the employment of J. Laidlaw, since coming to Kingston. ahout four years | ago and during that time has made a host iof friends. In musical and social | dircles, where he is also popular, he ! will be patticularly inissed. His many friends wish him all snocess and pros- | petity in his vew home in the far | wost. B | } SWee' damask 3.00, $3.50 $2.50, strate Suspended Sentence. \t the lourned butcher, on the | purpose up. Mr Yeave com ia week 8: police court, to-day, the ud: of Richeed Cooper, churged with buying chickens market before 10 am., for the of reselling, was again taken Cooper recalled, + and of the same evidente he did This is the case in which claimed that he bought twen- chickens, for a celebration He | was holding at his home, on the wcéa- sion of the twenty -second anniversary ,of his marriage. Mr. Cooper again {stated that he had been asked to sell case Merce 00, $4.00, $7.00 $4.50, rize i } ized, night, at Ottawa, Myr. 'Daly was pre $6.00 4 i 1 : sented witn Murphy's shillelagh in the \.O.H., which he greatly $5 + in estimate Joe Silk 812.00 ), $8.00, $13.50 $9.00, $10.00, $15.00. prizes, wis the Don a good con and hid Spent much Therefore, the company dealt with a httle "The Burgomaster," W. P. Culien has made of Pixley and Lude s' famoos musical _comeely 'The Burgomaster,' "and will present if at the Grand night, with a large cast, headed Harry Hermsen, in the role of the ial old Peter Stuyvesant, To-Night. ; ago been a big reviva 4 Oper (y-two SUCCPsEs, Rope Portiers Made to Order be to hy Donnelly of the gen Case burgomastem | tne clrckens, R. McFAUL'S Kingston Jarpet Warehouse. { The House of Reliable Goods hut had refused. been a butcher for thirty years, doing {business at thie market, atid had néver bought poultry on the market for the purpose of reselling. | Mrs. Cooper was called, and she told ! the wedding anniversary. She glo {told of cooking all the chickens on the day of the event. "All the chicke were eaten, with the exception of six. She cooked the chickens on her own stove, twelve at oné time, and ten af: terwards "Mr. Mary Metcalic told of having i asked Mp Cooper about his chickens, band ( ooper told her they were not for He had of B. A. Hotel Arrivals. W." Wodiian, ~ South Bend, Ind; F. Edwardson, A. McPougall, R. Corley, J. A. James, Montreal; W. I, Boyce, Gananoque; F. S. Wartman, Colebrogke; Barton T. Dodge wife. Mark" Klein, Bernard Daly, Lamont, Néw Yorls Charles N. Mor- pan, Troy; T. 8. Cameron, 3 C.F. Burnett, WwW. J William H. Tyler, C. W. Peters, 'Toronto: H. 8 Bate. Ottawa: W. F. Pa: W. R. Fish, Orser, Picton: C. Conn, 4 Kelly, oil ( Hamilton; W. Clarke, Iwharf at the rate of $300 a | proper {clear [city's claim for past repairs undone by | oy anv} Ottawa; Greenshields, | from Carter, J. C,} Clay ton | larger main storage capacity, vear, the of New Amsterdam. the gay youth ty to be kept in repair by the 4 who leads the governor around New the West strebt slip' to be kept York wuen he is reincarnated. The com of lay-up boats, andthe new {pany will number fifty people. Th to be without prejudice to the production' is an especially. handsonu The costames have heen all jx: We ave having a big season vs lyase "FOR STYLE, FIT, AND COMFORT % Wear Gourdier's Furs -|76 to 80 BROCK ST. in our Dress Goods revise . ment. Larger Depart- the dompany, previous to May Ist, ; 19090. The motion was adopted. Superintendent Hewitt recommended that a pew fourteen-inch main be laid the corner oi Wellington and West streets to Barrie street, cricket field, and up Barrie Princess street, are new {and variety and Blanche Marchesi. Blanche better values than in Mme. Mme. Marchesi, 4 Jgecital at the Grand or Wednesday Via the Fnutober 20th, promises to be ope o street Lo 4 ro ical ; so: that there may bo a | he genuine musical 'events of the pres hi . A lent season, believes firmly in instruct fing her aadiences well enter Se or : s whose ong Previous season are respon- sible for. such a wonderful output. and The «cost a as he os Toronto; {improved fire supply timated at 83,000 The superintendent said main would have to be and it might as well he decided i a x 2 "although thé work would not be dno bury, Pa.. on Monday morning, of | (ill "next spring. The fire imderwriters || Miss Florence Robinson, voungest | pressing for increased water daughter of William Robinson, former {qure. and this new in his opin ly of Toronto, to Charles. H. Aiken, lion, would suffice Torontg, =on of R. E. Aiken. -Farl| "Ald. Craig thought stecet, Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Aiken | come. to provide have taken apartments at The Marl [of water. He boro, in Jarvis street, Toronto, and jinfored concrete will make their home there after spond- a fai, figure. ing the honeymoon in New York and | © "The superintendent said that other American cities tank was to be erected, the gizesof the present one should [lienes pain in constructed. The present tadk and [and | foundation cost 315.000. One twice the | ete would cost about $30,000. He | wé reports of only two rein | conercte tanks that had been i sale f taining 'them For this reason, the > i distinguished singe: delights inter pret what is pleased to call her .. a "Historical Survey of ' In oth er words, this is an historieal ong itil. The programme oups ol gsongs, - twenty all John W. Hopkins, Prescott. We have Dress Goods, to the time and at the Mag said wt no "doubt Fthere had teen & breach of the by law There a by-law against butchers Bai on the market, even for thtiTown use. He would find that | Cooper did not buy for the purpose of Iveselling, giving him the benefit of the doubt. The by-law was simply to pro- thibit the resale of goods, but the ef- f fect of this prosecution would show wre clearly to all butchers and wuckster, that théy had no right to make a purchase the market beforw 10 Fhis would serve as a warn In strength * delicacy of flavour, |; this case, ho wold nutritiousness and economy in Use |. jjow the accused: to go on suspended " Epps's™ is unsurpassed. "ent ~ i | \ great dew] oi up in the case, istrate Farrell was taken that put in this soon, | HIGHEST 'GRADES GASOLINE, COAL "OIL, LUBRICATING OILS, FLOOR OIL, GREASE, ETC. PROMPT DELIVERY. WwW. F. KELLY Toye's Building, she HIGHEST FOOD-VALUE. Epps's Cocoa is a treat to Children. A Sustenant to the Worker, 'A Boon to tha Thrifty Housewife. FC PPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST SUPPER | hose | yard. oy Married On Monday. | Song : now, The" marviage. took place at Pitts re a RRR TW consists of Better lines, at 50x five mm numbers L 75 +" P Were pres and 75c. a yard main ---------------- And extra good, at the time had | extra storage understood that qa re [ing and vou may save life by tank could be erected | at hand hotil Sms [Liniment. It 1% vita! if «lthat- pain © injuries one dou | promptly Here Vital Importance. You are sure for an {o save needless suffc and up having | White | importance | he {rcated | dy that magical wav, | ol of a We guarantee yard & to be the very every best value on | ne w emt ! ble be is a almost bruises, re am A.0.H. Euchre And Dance. The A.O.H. held their weekly euchr land dance, in their "hall, Monday - fing, and o pleasant. time. wa \ forced Neck Pieces And Muffs. Cards were played until eleven o'clock | built Fhe mauperintendent favored a in mink, Alas | Refreshments were then served, alter | Gog ny : lamb, 'ete which dancing followed to the On notice of Ald makers of fine strains of Croshy and O'Connor's or-| Loop ala to. ---------- chosira: Mrs. © Maudson won the | end to coundl the the collegiate | ladies' prize and Edward Frasso th Hen completed and is a fine | gentlemen's: Ryder and M. connecting lobby from | Joyce were the 4 ky winners of the the main building wae | consolations. The committee expect yi last the men ave | bumper house on Thanksgiving night. | (row 1s Sh - -- aN CT, 2 | They minke was Worth, living Take one of Car- Little Liver Pills after cating ; will relieve dyspepsia, aid digestion, | tene and vigor to the svstom. company "The Burgo- Val th this evening, t 915 o'clock, this mornit and "the players are diferent hotels Kingston md Pembroke landlord' brought a number of peoplt insurance to-day, from Sharbot | vou pay 2 ard termediate rate tickling stment loosened an x You strains, the price. will be to all, and in lame backs quicker - than any other remedy know of, Large bottle, 25 econts at JJ. B. Mcleml's, to Henry | Wade, corner King anil Brock streets, and .corper Princess and Montreal cures lighted with the showing nee {size now! even- | Clarence and Ontario 'Strests. haa you CALL THIS WEEK A Swell Range of Ladies' Coats seen SNOCESEOT Children thrive on "Epps's." EET | MALT EXTRACT he Is HOW passed, AetebtetobAeteeb obl . Fresh Chocolate Almonds, Filberts Pine Walnuts, Brazils, Cherries nutd, Ginger, Raising FIGS 288 Princess St. PRICE' Rhone 525 Ignition Dynamos, Storage Batteries, Spark Plugs, Carburetors, Etc TRY OUR DRY BATTERIES Tunbud Electrical Mig. Co. "Phone, 873. '273 Bagot. -- cies: Fury our showing Persian the sable, Camp sweet | : Hanley, the com furs adopt and recom te ffl odebedob de beds bl eb Bros.' a xo Store Window Lighting. Freeman. Whig ha Lighting su: Canadian report of the hs Kingston agitation for the store windows on Princess the project ms to (ful. When the windows - Soft Hat Time |i Wim om viin's Easy Corn Curing. : fe Rect pao Got a box of Peck's Corn to The weather's gétting | tcrein are viewed hy day. Apply # as directed] and a few ARS JeTes are on the : days hence all voar corns will The new Fall Hirely remiovid. : In hig boxes, J. B. McLeod's drug store, cornur King and Broek streets. (Wade's old stant); and corner Prinecss. and . Mon treal strects new gymnasium at Apple Pea- started up of street, ry hghted up fine. bright displayed al the and nash Th | Tit building | the avm R be ve wel, the one uccesg. 4 complete Acree; and : are 1 nerion feel Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE as though life | " goods Sal cooler Save, ooler, ground, tora, bound aders and isement for movement endorsed Yer's prox as a first-class adv merchants. The Whig's a good one and is highly all classes of citizens be ¢n-! 15¢,, at ive styles o ' Jive | he masice to presiog Grand, We. are showing the prettiest Soft Hats ever made. October is here, so now you men whe] | haven't baught your Fall Hat yet should move quickly'in that direction. | | nt The oft Hat is a luxury of ri , 'uxuries for Aun, second]! not even to pumpkin pie. Soft] | Hats are here in. the popular]! Greene, Browns, Greys, Navv -- Black too in Alpines-and the low crowns that may be worn creased, dented or telescoped. Watch our windows. Every price. me Get one of our new fur catalogue, SaemaceEn and the : i 1 is hand to 126-128 Princess St. Raint Peter res ; get there irrived a the vast at the | from FO-OOOOOC RENT Wants Information * E. Sullivan, of H. VM (omitubie Home erasing, wie tes ol I i Dutch Bulbs » hille tex { The around shiy | I I | Lo vail to ake a October He Missed The Boat. Joseph Boyer not among those lost the steamer George Stone, | be | wrecked and burned on Lake Erie. "He of 'A. Boyer, River street, He was on the steamer engineer, tor to Detroit to his stay the | navigation. few minutes, yo the ty was but yfitable inv Goneern points ley ough van with Dr. Shoop'slis a No opium. uo chloro- | this harsh. Sold oiler ftp: On Boyer leit street, | clothes, Newark, | on w on @ pronb nits Belr 1 Mrs his Sister, Yinnd of who Barrctt, writes the Whig anxions mvout The Board Of Health. wl . meeting of the Monday afternoon, of the hoard engineer, At to the of a new between Princess Ion Sal to i clos in or be of 101s, wit Port; her «on aty his at as 'hat assistant het hier return the as he intended to untii the" of He missed the hoat by a is alive to-day unsate on or one Mr about I= Very We have just consignment of land, including ivad a Bulbs from i rece Fue 3 \ H 1- Frank Met widge last week . n Charles shortly am steamer gt your house wowmldn't you? it fox TIT retest starts \ on the \t health { commendation i officer ands Pity recommend construction street, for clos board re- nealth de- "pun vessel a sped \ Ve, e 101 tof 1 you on fi 'Hyacinths Narcissus Tulips and Crocus and colors tabl nd of ally wh vour payment mcrence you rent on a your can into QO 4 home O $100 REWARD, $100 The readers of - this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least \ Likelil is he city one dreaded disease that science has been ' Lhe" likelihood « that the ah able to cure in all its stages, and that licitor will submit to the city Catarrh. Hall's Satan Cure is the cil a by-law providing that only positive cute now known to o lie al ONS « medical fraternity; Catdrrh beig a con-! Vale Walks snall be con tra t : . stitutipnal disease, requires a constitu- a building to. the street walk with tional \reatment. Hall's Catarrh Cureis out a permit 'from the city engineer. | taken internally, acting directly upon the oH ve any move "trouble: blood and mucous surfaces of the system, | This will prevent any more {roulre; walks being constructed | that makes them ob} Permits For Private Walks. ------ was erty Sewer, SO cost Ve to coun { pra | : i from | is no MR. STOREKEEPER Why not get Tungsten Lamps & Holophane Shades windows.' They gn your electric 5 what I want to talk vilered fae abo oe ed you 1t Yaa CE "double 5 hese ar varieties here For» $100 rionth you can Seolife a new 7 roen ed hous B. and C Otl n like nropottion McCANN, Brock Cor, single Ovércoats. and' mixed will need heavy lean and press and get it in My Valet. 'phone 630. electric accounts are now | et and. save ten per and 812 per thereby destroying the foundation of the OVer private disease, and giving the patient strength in a manner by building up the constitution and as- sisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith fn its! jeurative powers that they offer One Hun- | dred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list 'of testimonials. ois F. J. CHENEY & CO, Sold by all Take all's pation now, those for inde be in' blossom soon coats, Planted oom, will Christmas $Dr A.P. Clown? = DRUGGIST AND QF TICIAN. You Have good shape. Gas and due: pay went a3 a an Seman wt stb Tg your store vl 4 70 per cent light bil, W. A. Spriggs + Practical Flectriciad, 235 Bagot, one door {rom Brock. 'Phone, 68. 00000000000000000000 4 EE auzaas ei iuaioin { structions i L ---------------- a ity tree trimmers wore removing a tree on Toledo, Ltn t. near vision strect jffien rom the street railway | fire department were also after their .w The to-day busy, | Union | once line- | in mind the awnk® King St. et ol | Druggists, Family Tac he on } Pills tor consti- 0 OC O0000000000OC OL 000 NOOO FOTAC000GOD0000 look