" ¢ : ¢ ' ' ¢ ¢ ' ¢ ' ¢ ' : ¢ i : ¢ + : ¢ | : : : ' ' ¢ ' ¢ i : $ 4th Week of Our Big Sal The first two weeks of our Dry @odds Sale were + record- breakers. The third was not as good as we would have liked to have it. Therefor: we are keering the bargain ball rolling. . Some people wait until the cold weather is upon them be- fore they buy underwear, etc. We want. you to buy now. will put it off from day to day util ¥ou will be shut' Snap these things now. List:n to our special for to-day. You off. Whitewear Special AH Our Whitewear Reduced Bargain No. 1, 25¢. a garment. g g Bargain No. 2, 75¢. a garment. Regular 99c¢. Regular $2. 25.up. Regular 83 up to $5. Bargain N%. 3, $1.50 a garment Bargain No. 4, $2.50 a garment. These Tines include Waists, Skirts, Chimese and Drawers. Look in the Centre Row 200 yards Fancy Taffeta and Tamaline Silks, yard. Regular 50c., FT VLLLELLTTTTLTLRLTLTLTLTLE CLV BLBBRLBBDLS VRUVVLVLVRVVLT TRL BRR at 25¢ a €60c. and 75e. . Don't forget our Suits, they're uo stairs Nr in » Crumley Bros. WVBR VTRTRLLLEALCLVVELES TAVVVLTVVTVLTLBLSAS Bed 0 BETA TVLVILTBBSLS See's » GVVVVVIRTABRAVLATAVERES ' : 4 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ¢ ¢ ¢ ' ¢ ' ' ' ¢ ' ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ' ¢ ' ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ 4 ¢ ¢ ' ' ¢ ¢ ¢ ' ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ' ¢ 4 - THE FAIR Thanksgiving Bargains at Mclintosh's. ON SALE, Rockingham Tea Pots. to '50c. ON SALE, Dinner Plates (White) Beaded Edge, 10c., for 6c. ON SALE, Dinner Plates, White and Blue, 10c., for 5¢. ON SALE, 13 Piece Berry Sets, 75c., for 30c. ON. SALE, Nappies Clover Leaf and Plain, Special, 3¢. each. ON SALE Glass Salad Bowls, 50c., for 25¢. ; 25c., for 15¢c. Just received New Tea Sets, Lamps, China Bowls, Glass Sets, Coal Skuttles and Granite Ware. Fresh supply of New Candies. Regular 25¢. to 95¢c., for Mcintosh Bros. Manager, PERCY .J HSSE. 1 emi THE BANK OF TORONTO OFFERS TO THE PEOPLE OF KINGSTON AND VICINITY. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT . Their very complete facilities for the transaction of banking business of every description, with the assurance that all business entrusted to them will receive the most careful attention. Their resources are large, and their experience in handling banking accounts covers a period of nore than a half century. b Interest is paid on Sgvings Accounts Cur- rent LETTERS OF CREDIT ISSUED. Letters of credit Issued to Travellers in America and the East. % Money loanéd to responsible people. CAPITAL ... ... .. ' "REST AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS ASSETS Accounts opened for business people on favorable terms. North $4,000,000 4,727,000 ey 43,000,000 70 BRANCHES INCORPORATED KINGSTON BRANCH IN CANADA. 1855 107 PRINCESS ST. GEO. B. McKAY, Manager. LAST WEEK We Close Out Our Ready-to-Wear Department Saturday. PRICES BELOW COST. Crawford & Walsh. 15¢. c Water II ! The Prices NA Ea { 4 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUES THE ORPHEUM THENTRE| PRESENTS A FINE BILL ALL THIS WEEK. | Comedians, Aerobats and a Play- let, Along With Moving Pie- tures--All Acts Are Good--Big Crowds Attending. {Kingston thegtre-goers are now' he- { ginning to realize that they do not have to wait until Wey are in Toron- to or Montreal to see a good vaude ville show, and as a result of this eealigntion, the new Orpheum Theatre i= paphed to the doors every *perform- ance This week an entirely newwbill lis presented, and on the opening night seats were unobtainable twenty min: {utes before the first show started, and when the first show was over, another large crowd was waiting to get in. Nang improvements have been made during the week in the theatre, the luew stage front being in place, and [being a work of at. The programme presented by Man- ager Melaachlin, on Monday evening, twas decidedly For réal pure lcomedy, the kind that causes a gobd {hearty laugh, and Morin, eceen- [tric comedians, @ of the best? the | ational, but still refined act, the De Vans, with their balancing act aid human ladder, ape of a high standard, for a fine little dramatic playlet, on la subject that plays will ever be writ ten on, the civil war in America, "The [Rose of Viegihig," presented. hy | Pauline Frederick and company, can- not be excelled, and the Prichardoscope [throws some fine pictures on the scend. The first turn was Boyd and Moran, {who do a comedy roldier and {they made a hit. Their songs were eood, their dances of the best, and [their dislogue was pleasing. These two responded to many encores, Following came the De Vans, and {théy are the best sensational equili- {bricts seen here in many a day. The { male half of the party, is a well-built, | beautifully developed man. His. stunt of putting a tea tabl, fully set, on {top of four chairs, st upside down, '| raising the entire load; simply by a ieantup, with both hands, and bal- jancing it on. his head, was a good one, and received unlimited applause {Then the man and womah work in the {ladder, the man holding 'it in a belt fat his waist balancing it with one hand, while his wife asvends and, ar- riving at the top, she goes through some good stunts. some amusing and some that make you wonder how 2 more times' she will do it with- i { | good. Joy aet, | | | out falling Rud breaking every bone in her body. "The Kner, . is Rose of Virginia," the head a very clever little playlet, admirably © staged, 'another one of jthose little plays. presenting another {incident of how long it took the north | and south to get acquainted after the war, then how the men of the, ndfth and the men of the south walked arm- and-arm, making brothers of each other. Miss Pauline Fielding, as "The Rose of Virginia," is all that would be desired. She is a dainty and clever little wo- man, who acts as if she really wanted to, and so, takes her audience right along with her, and when she sings, {especially one of those old southern songs, she is at her best. As an en- | core she saug, "That's What the Rose | Shid to" Me." The supporting mem- bers of the troupe are all splendid. A fine reel of pictures was shown, in- cluding a western drama and a come dy. 'Manager McLaughlin requested all the ladies to remove their hats, but only a few responded, with the result that some male members of the audi- ence suffered. However, the hat wear- ers will soon get educated to know they are in a theawe, and 'will fall in hne | LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Paid at Centres. { Montreal, Oct. 18.--~About 1,275 head {of butchers' cattle, 450 calves, 2,700 {sheep and lambs and 1,175 fat calves | were offered for sale at the Point St. {Charles stockyards this forenoon. There were 'several Tundred prima marthwest cattle on the market; which feaused a decline in the prices of good {cattle, but 'the prices of the common | stock" are unchanged. Prime beeves sold at 4c. to ' Be. per lb; pretty good ;, animals, 3}c. to 4}c." and the jcommon stock, 2. to 3c. per lb. Cal- ves sold at from $3 to $15 ea h, 'or 3. to Bye. per Ib Sheep sold dtabout de. and lambs at Sic. to 53¢. per ji Good lots of fat: hogs sold at about 84e. per Ih. The offerings bf live stock at this market during the week 'consisted of 2,000 cattle, 850 {ealves, 3,200 sheep aud lambs and 220 fat" hogs. the Various Chicago Live 'Stock. Chicago, Oct. 18 --Hogs--Rees pte, 28,000; market slow and be. to 10e. dower; light, 27 to S7.65; mixed, 8 ita 37.80; heavy, $7.15 to 87.85; rough, X15 to 3735: £7.55; good to choice, $7.35 to 87.8 Cattle--Receipts, 33,000; market 10c. to I5c. lower; beeves, 4 to £3.70; Texans, $1 to $5; Western, 81.95 to i ] { ST. stockers and feeders, $3.10 tol N.2% cows and heifers, realves, $7 'to $9.50. *2 to $5.40; | lower: natives, £2.40 to 4.70: West- | ern, ¥X60 to B75; lambs. 24.95 to £7.10; Western, 54.25 to R%7.10. i East Buffalo, Live Stock. Fast Buffalo, N.Y., Oct. 1% Receipts, 5,050 head: i 13c. lower; shippi *6 } i -Cattle | slow, 106. ' to Prime steers, 88.50 to x7: ¥5 to X3.75: butchers, ¥5.50 | heifers, $3 tg 85.35. cows, | 3; bulls, $3 to 84 75; feed- to $4.50: milch cows and tspringe rs, $20 to R63. 5 i | Calves-- Receipts, 1,250 jand steady: common to jo %9.50 {Sheep and lamos--Recripts, thead: slow and lower la NT "vearlings, £5 to § (N-to $4.75: Canada lambs, $5 slow x6 head; choice, 21,000! BS 10 snecy, | to XT { | Rex eins, weak; $7.35: 17.000 Yorkers, 87.50 tq X7.70. | mixed, S750 to. 7.80: | R780 to S7T.8n roughs, 36 to 86.5%. r ater | "Physicians recommend "Catspaw" | ubber. heels, as they will relieve kid- | ney trouble, cure backache amd head: | ache. Th worn | and repaiiers { headt slow | and ings, hen tes, Tw R710; stags, t slip. 'Shoo 'dealers ERS -- TN HAmusements., TONIGHT PIXLEY & LUDERS'. Musical Master- THE BURCOMASTER HARRY HERMSEN lang same «© ly of Favorites, ri oe Bewitching Chorus of KANGAROO G Pics, 25e., BOC., Toe, $1: Seats now-on sale. 'WEDNESDAY, K OCT. 20TH. : The 'Queen of Song -literpreters, MARCHESI 'SONG RECITAL by the © Belgian Pianist BRAHM VAN DEN BERG. , Direction : J. SAUN BRS GORDON, Prices, 50c., %78¢c., 31,7 $1.50, $2. . Seats now on sale. ORPHEUM THEATRE R. MeLAUVGHLIN, Mgr, Pauline Fielding & Co. In" ""The Rose Of Virginia." The De Vans Sensational Equilibrists Ladder. Boyd & Moran Eccentric Comedians, Moving Pictures Matinen dhily, exeept Thursday, at 4.13 p.m. 'Prices 5c, and 10c, with Comedy Monday and Saturday, at 3 Evenings, at 7.45 and 9. Prices, 10c¢ and 15¢. . You can reserve your seat in advance at Box Office. "Phone, 942. SEALED TENDERS addressed to Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until Noon, on FRIDAY, 26th November, 1909, for tho ¢ofMVveyance of His Majesty's Mails, on a Contract for jour years as required tween Kingston Post Office and Street Letter Boxes, efc. be- Printed notices containing further iormatien as to conditions of Contract may be seen and blank of Tender may be obtained at the Gen- eral Post Office of ingston. Post Office Department, Mail Service Branch, Ottawa, 12th October, 1909. G. C, ANDERSON, Superintendent. NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Joha Green of the Qity of Kin n, in the County of Frontenac i of Ontario, Butcher, will a in- and Province ply to the Parliament of Canada at ti next ses- sion thereof, for a Bill of Diverce om his wife Ida Hafner Green of the said City of Kingston on the ground of adult- ery and desertion. Dated at said City of Kingston, Province of Ontario, this 31st day of July, 1909: . A. B. CUNNINGHAM, Solicitor for Applicant. Card of Thanks. FRED ICK° HEFNER, OF THE City of Kingston, thanks the Officers and Members of the Marine Firemen, Oilers and Watertenders Association of the Great Lakes, headquarters at Buffalo for the check of $100 that he received From them due his brother, the late Otto efner; * "Buffalo, Cleveland ang Phicago - papers INDIANS CAUSE TROUBLE. They Are Alarming Women Children. .. Mine Cenire, Rainy River, Octy 19°-- Drunken. redskins are causing trouble heres The Indians travel up 'and down the. Seine 'river, and keep women and children at the various oendres in fear, The' Indians get + their whisky * some- where near Old Mine Centre, and 'also near Mine Centre stgtion. Two wo- men, from Mine Centre, who were" out driving 'the other day. were attacked by an intoxigated brave.. He made a grab for thém: but the fore startlede by -the shouting, knoo ed the Indian down: "M¥és. Prideaux was thrown out, and Miss Brown, her companion, was hurled against the dashboard of the buggy. Both escaped with a had shaking up = and Whole Town Wiped Out. Sheridan, Wyoming, Qt. 19. -Word DAY, OCTOBER 19, 1900, "GRAND OPERAYWOUSE) A the | the | proposed | 4 From the Postmaster General's pleasure. proposed | orms | please copy.) [Fh | 5 RATES 7» ---- 5 A First insertion lc. a word. Each con- Secutive insertion thereafter half cent AN, EXPERIENCED. HOUSEMAID. AP. EY ED Tov Mrs. Hiram w ply in the ew + Gdlvin, 131 King: street. Apter toi ---- A GENERAL SERVANT, NO WASH ing. References uired, ply rs. a Carson, 278 ook Apel SMART BOY OVER 14,7 TO MAKE noise effects, also C man over 18. Apply J. Thomson, Bijou Theatre. CANVASSERS AND 'SOEICITORS TO travel. References. rgquired. Call seven p.m. E. A. Hewphill, Hotel Iroquois. 7h ELL . AT ONCE, GOOD GENERAL SER- vant. Good wages. No washing. Ap Ply 157 Sydenham St., near Queen St. 1 i | A YOUNG QIRL 710 | light housework and { children. at once. ASSIST. WIEN take care olf Apply 10 183 Montreal St, GIRLS TO OPERATE chines, steady work, Apply Kingston Hosiery King street West. = TOWER good Co., MA wages Ld. SMART BOY TO ASSIST IN MAILING Department, on Monday and THurs- day mornings and Saturday after- noons. Apply Whig office. AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly eorresponding for newspapers. No canvassing. sen particulars: Press Syndicate, Lockport, N.Y. for 3,969 RELIABLE WOMAN OR GIRI., take care of two children in the afternoon and some evenings. Mrs Chas. A. Low, Cor, . Union and A. bert streets. TO A GENERAL SERVANT, ONE WHO understands cooking. No washing For family of two. References 're- quired, Apply to Mrs. W. H. Craig, 139 William street. ILEARN THRE BARBER TRADE, NEW » constant practice, careful in- strustion. few weeks complete course, tog 3 | A TRUST-WORTIRY AGENT, EXPERI enced in canvassing, to handle a special high class line of private Christmas 'and New Year Greeting Cards ; large sales and good com- mission guaranteed. Phe G. L.Davis > WANTED---GENERAL. OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH imates on electric 'work. A i done. F. ellington GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR cloth and have it made up into up- to-date suits. Price ud workin ship guaranteed to p resting and repairing done om the "shortes notice. Thomas Galloway, 180 Broek St, next Bibby's Livery.' SITUATIONS 'WANTED. COMPETENT WOMAN WANTS TO GO out washing by day, or will do { housecleaning. Apply Box *W," Whig } office. ' THE est of work prompus. Electrician, 206 OSTEOPATHY. RORFRT GARSIDE ASHCROFT, D.O., Edna Earle Asheroft, D.O., | ates of the Ampriteh Osteopathv. Kirksville. Misaonri, 405 | Princess street. 'Phone, 447. Office hours, © to 12 am.,"2 5 p.m. Outside trea*ments by appointinents { | | { | } { PERSONALS. MOLES, warts, etc, remo witheut scar. Dr. Elmbr J, Nose, Throat and Specialist, 268 Baget minins HBIRTHMARKS, ved ence. eo, 2, Ear Skin Blemish street. CONDENSED ADVERTISING | Co., 902 Dovercourt Road, Toronto. at A BUNCH OF XY ret pian Whig. offies.. : ONE LONG WHIPE RID GLOVE LAST Wednesda: morning. Finder kindly y return 'to Whig office and receive re- ward. . . BROWN FEATHER HOA. ON FRIDAY evening, on St., pear St. 's . 'Reward for re turn to Whig, \ "STRAYED. A TWO-YBAR-OLD HEIFER ONTO THE REARS BEE OuTh TE vertise- FINANCE AND INSURANCE. een AND INSURANCE. FOR INSURANCE THAT INSURES, to win's Insurance BHuporium, & hFket Square, Kingston, 'Telephone, FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT AND HEALTH. Liberal policies and moderate rates in first-class companies. T. J, Boon, Agent, 139 'Wellington street. GEQ. A. BATEMAN, AGENT FOR THE Pacibe Coast. Fire ins. Coy., members Rimouaki, * Buti 1876. The York and Economical Mature, 87 Clarence St.; Kingston. "Phone, 896. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND CLOBE Fire Insurance € any. - Avaliable In addition A assets $61,187,321 which the policyholders security the ynlim the stockholders. propert, rates, ore renewing new business get rates & Strange, Agents. 'Pl le ld or giving om hose, 825. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. HUB HOTEL RESTAURANT NOW open. Service A La Carte, open day and night. Up-to-Date service, at popular prices. Private m. Entrance on Kin on Prop. SPARKS AND SPARKS, ' DENTISTS, 2804 Princess 346. St., Kingston. 'Phone, DR. 0. 0: NASH, DENTIST; DR. M J rincess Gibson, assistant, 189 P Street. 'Phone, 7865. iDR. W. R. GLOVER, DENTIST, D.D.O. Certificate office. ground floor, corner King and Johnson Sts,, opposite St. George's Cathedral. 'Phone, ' MUSIC. | MISS | CONSTANCE WILLOUGHBY. Lessons in voice production and Sing. ing, Garcia Masihesi Method. Sight singing a speciality. For terms, ap- oe 180 Division i. Kingston. I CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. COOPERING, WASH TUBS, DASH Churns; Tanks, amd repairing. J. H. Jolliffe, 102 Pine street. Prop A CARD TO CHAS. W ter Sod Builder, 255 Division TWO GAS RANGES.' IF You . "Eh ar Se ed at b 5 HORSE, : 2 RS ale DRIVER; ABSO+ S15 Street. ny gr A THR UA BUGAY, TH) Teen om JUG Siva Storage, 209 Goon She R's GROCERY--A WELL A TO-LET. 463 JOHNSON ST. APPLY AT TBE house. Sw STABLES TO RENT. APPLY TO JAS. Latumney, Carringe- Maker. 300. ag FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH Use OF room tel a ido 24. Brock Daan Anply DWELLINGS, FURNISH furnished, Stores, Nite = or ture, etc. McCann' King afro, MeCRRR', "Brock, Cor HOUSE. GOOD REPAIR, AT 263 UNI- versity ~ Avenue, all mode: conveni- mn ences, with gas. Apply R. W. Nesbit 337 Johnson street' Rewiite » ONE FRO ; - ROO! %, TI at Ramen noo ed. Suitable for offices. * Forrest, Genta" | Furnisner, 0 J STORAGE. FOR FUR CLEAN dry airy 'rooms, absolu moth roof, Sour own lock and 'es. Olty Storage, 209 Queen St. "Phone, 526b. ! -"ARGE STONE BUILDING, ON ON- tario street, known as Ontario Hotel, suitable for boarding house. to D. J. Millan, Cor, Ontario Princess Sta. A LARGE AND WELL HEATED Roast on street floor, handsomely furnis| Post Office. 1. Ch situated near : ae. Bell, Real PFstate Agent, 1714 Well- ington street, : BOARD AND ROOMS. ONE DOUBLE AND TWO Aivore rooms, also table board. Apply 187 Colborne street. ry COMFORTABLE FURNISHED ROOMS, with ard. Well lighted and heated: Apply 314 bo Also 20d table board. University Ave. COMFORTABLE FURNISHED ROOMS, with rd, also table Ronrdets Modern conveniences, ALPly 869 A fred street, near Prin street. v ARCHITECTS. i le prices on all kinds ing," all work dome aptly. BUSINESS CHANCE, ANYONE, . ANYWHIPRE, CAN STAR? a mail grdbe business at home. ° canvassing. . Send Ey 1 free "Book MARRIAGE LICENSES. .. S. KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER, 42 Clarence St., Kingston, Ont. Tele 568. Residence, 38 Frontenac -- your own LEGAL. |CUNNINGHAM & WMUDIE, BARRIS ters and go icon, Law Office, 79 Ch St., Kingston. DRESS MAKING. DRESS MAKING OR dons at PLAIN SEWING Queen street. 228 Ray, Synopsis of Canadias™M€Elh-West Land Regulations. ANY person who 1s the sole head of'a family, or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter-section of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan - or Alberta, The Appi cant must appear im persén at the 0+ minion Lands Agency or Sub-Ageuncy for the district.' Entry 'by proxy may be made at any agency, on certain condi tions, by father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of intending Rome steader. . Duties. --Six months' residence upon snd cultivation of the land in three years. A homesteader may within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied bj him or hig father, mother, son, ughter, brother Yor sis- ter. in certain districts a bomesteader In has reached here 'of 'the destruction, jof Dillon, Yorkers, $7.45 to | | large quantity of {feared there will he } Weak women should read ny Sheep--Receipts, 45,000; market 10c. | No. 1 | veat is given at | $103,300. The population is 9.95 yesterday, of the entire mining town Wyoming, by. fire. The | the fire is not - known: A | winter supplies for was destroyed, and it is | saffering. No esti- mate of the loss can he given, hut the loss. is not a large one, cause ot the miners | i "Book | for. Women." It tells of Dr, | Shoop's Night Cure. Tells how 'these | sodthing, healing, antiseptic supposi- | tories, bring quick and certain help. | The Book is free. © Address Dr. Shoop, | Racine, Wis. All deglers: | Brockville's total assessment this 51 438,520, a gain of is i , an | wereaseé of 143 oar 1908 and tho! large® in the history of Brockville. That tired, languid feeling and dull headache is very disagreeable. Take two of Carter's Little Liver Pills be- fore retiring, and y6u will find relief. They never fail to do good. William Graham, a niicdlsaoed man, died at Belleville hospital, on Mon- day, from An attack of typhoid fever. The deccasel was a resident of Camp- linois. is in' advance ofthe Atlantic | O*her than physicians or * surgeons after [coast states in the effort to prevent the | 1t has left the hands of the manufac. bedford. : 'Your winter's reading" bard Imi library. at Cross. Drug Store avegings. ber tities Rev. W. The Gibson's Rid the jong $1.50. makes-yop a life mem- Books exchanged fn 4il Ta- shortens large H. Sparlie. Broekville, on | Monday, united oi masridge" Mrs Edelyn "Wobdworth and "¥ohn P Roton, hoth of Alexandria Bav, N.Y. | Be cure of your aim before to slap a mosaguito attempt- yof good standing may preempt a quurter- section asongside his mestead. Pries, $3.00 = mers, Dut Must reside six wonlbs in each of six rs from date of homestead entry (including the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivite fifty acres extra. A bomesteader who has gxhausted his homestead right and cahnot obtain a pre-emption may take a purchased stead in certain distriets. r. acre. Duties--Must reside six months In each of three years, cultivate @fty acres and erect a House worth $300.00 W. W. CORY, home- Price $8.00, As how. Heacock, ARTHUR {office Ave. ELLIS, ARCHITEOT, res and idence, . 181 University HENRY P. SMITH, AROHI ECT, ete, Anchor Buna hd Market Square. "Phone, 845, ---- WM. NEWLANDS & SON, AROCHT- tects, etc. Office, 258 Bagot street. "Phone, 608. ARCHITECTS, MiiR- uilding, oo: Brock and Wellington streets. , 212. PIANO TUNING, J. LOWE, PIANO TUNER. 'NO CHARGE' unless work is satisfactory. All or- ders promptly attended = to. Firgt- class work guaranteed. Leave ordérs at D. J. Hay's, 126.128 Clarence Bt. 'Phone, 145. he Grate Fire 40c Ever try our Cannell Lumps ? per hundred, delivered. Swift's. Best Tariff Companies. sale price of cocaine is $18.75 an ounce. In an ounce there are 480 grains and the stuff is Fotdiled, at 25 cents a grain, or Co Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. .--~Unauthorized publication of this be paid for. advertisement will not THE COCAINE TRAFFIC. i New York and Boston to Enforce | Laws. Chicago Tribune Indications of ap awakening to. the dangers of tl in cocaine appear in the east, New York and now Boston having" been aroused to the necessity for laws which will be effective in pre- venting the sale and diminishing the use of the drug. 'The fight against it seems to have started in the west and to have worked towards the east. ]I- victims of the fatal habit from i 1 creasing in numbers Pennsylvania, | following "in the motement, fias an ex- | welent statute which srohihits other than physicians for having ec caine in their possession y The Watch and Ward society in Bo ton has mage an Jivestigation of tl traffic, some of the results which a i set forth in The Evening Transcript that "ft was "leathed" avs | this state t of "that the whole-* city tacts; i 10 prevent the illegal drug store traffic. j ters. then physician' vr argeons $120 an ounc The profit to be gained anduces unscrupulous persons to eri gage in the trafhc. Such are the factors that- make this particular - dmg addic- ton a matter of particular concern." The possibilities of surreptitious sales of a drug which has its legimate uses mn surgery are such that only the most determined - effort can do Fittle more than to make it difficult for the victim to secure it. Add to this the deterniin- ation of the user to Ket at at all cost and you have a condition which only the bes: laws and the most thorough ad~ ministration of them ean meet. Theze is no good reason why the drug ever should be in the possession of turers, and a statute which would regu- late the manufacture and restrict the sale to practitioners. at least. would do much ---------- "Walpole" "hot ~ water bottles are patented, giatanteed for two yeans; they will last a-ldetime. Made. in one pieces of finest' rubber by the Walpole Firé Insurance Dwelling House and Fur- niture risks especially solicited. SWIFT'S, PRINCESS ST. : -~ ALL GRADUATES OF THE Frontenac Business College Securs gavd positions. The first week in October two were placed in good salaried positions in Toronto. Egter now and get on the success. W. H. SHAW, P. President. Pearsall's KINGSTON & YARKER We wohld be pleased if those who could, would call in the fore- noon, but if not convenient, 'why eall at any time. Pearsall's 228 Princess St. road to M. BROWN, Principal; + Rubber company, limited, Montreal. Sold by all dvppoicis: Note--Ostrich Feathers Colored, Our Owe Work. Cleaned and "EERE hy Row, 08% + RM A RAs mi