DISCOVER SECRET BIG CRIMES IN ean 8 = ; i Te eo Pastor and Wife Murdered By] Ee] Thug " . . 1 PREITY GIRL _ ENLISTS IN h Berlin, Oct. 19.-- wis called! E I » or itself 82 SPANISH ARMY. a few days ago to a series of murders; | a Se ! EN . w attempted murders, for th Scrofula. disfigures and rs SE robbery which haven commitied causes life-long misery. { Dons Soldier's Uniform in Order : 1 during 'the last eighteen mouths © at Chilllren become, strong to Be Near 'Lover at the German holiday resorts. Yesterday B § and lively when given small i Front. brought the news of yet another crime | od » doses of |. | Madrid, Oct, 19-Tho war in do of this order, which surpasses all its | EES rocco has produecd u remarkable ro- predecessors (in horror and mystery, if | Don't allow a few extra dollars to pre- Se . Ls only "because the assassin has claimed | 5 = ; - Scott's Emulsion maffice of true love and feminine re two victims and vanished that = A vent you from taking the perfect-cook- 8 CISS ol S. The story of how a preity Spanish leaving, so far as is known at pres- | ¥ ing, sure-baking, casily-regulated | Pan- every: 7day. The starved body . ent, a single trace that might lead 10 | girl rejoined her soidier lover at the 122 ing > ¥ ! - dora in place of a cheaper s stove, Ina is féd; the swollen glands | front has just been brought to light. bis detection, { : v : ; Wiss Shears and Scissors for all healed, and the tainted blood At the beginning of the war a regi- pe Lee o he (ragedt was gueal J season or two Pandora will pay. the Wilk oat o ai vitalized. Good food, fresh ment quartend in one of the northern | oo "0 ihe Island Pe Ruegen, the. 03 ros! difference in the fuel it will save--and : : fa always appreciated by those 1oking air and Scott's Emulsion towns of Spain belonging to this re [50 hathing ground of the inhatf® | ; : it will keep on saving until it has paid for a future home--or the site for one i oF siment was at the time cogaged to an | . scrofu ma 5 - : ants of Berlin. 1 'the north S tar 3 3 ou cam get all such information here, conquer ro la and any extremely pretty girl, who was serving suitz which a io ea of Sak : for itse 1] * oo 20 n of x i p. fs H ' rns L z 4 " : we dre experts in local Real Estate, other blood diseases. Drvgsists. iis sable 'maid jn the same town. ied thei Bishion of en @andora special flue construction makes tly well, and exchange city and couutry stretches af thickly © wooded plateau: | fuY do double duly. Wide fire Box is sn- properties, and hre in a position to ad Send 100. name of Faver and thinad. for our On the ove of the departure the sol vise the subject of Realty t all beavtiful Savings Bank and Child's Sketch. 1 is "mova" i Yise on be ul bjes a orally " a BE BaaNoooiainas Good Luck Panny. Ses alle ed aa Sis Int Fi i ne This culmipates in a magnificent chalk : : other fuel-economizer. The steel oven heats books many desirable properties that you SCOTT & BOWNE its e, pat. Was Nn i O lclifi knoWn as Stubbenkammer, which Quicker Than a cast oven, thus saving still inight like to buy. See us about them. 126 Wellington Be Wet, Toronto, Ont. | fined that Just * of hing sherolved in Trears its 'showy face a sheer 400 feet . mere=tuel. Further ccor mizing features 1 rs, ad expected, and almost : GN Ba ; : 3 fF : 5 5 $2,800 Large Brick Dwelling, 9 bed- Bim Ee 2 Sg pe Ee A Bos out of the waves of the Baltic Sea. TT be explained by the McClary Agent. rooms, dojible parlor, furnace, B. C., ped, Whe gi as tratguil, ghd, * 10 The footpaths which lead to the cliff i well situated, A bargain ee eee | all appearances, satisfied with the 'sit- | form the favorite promenade for Sas- i : s reprouche orl | or tt Nice Cottage, Brick, 4 acres of choice uation. He reprouched the girl for her | nitz's summer, guests. land, well fenced in city. | 'K 11 apparent coldness, but she only an Yesterday afternoon a party of visi e og g S i S$ a swerved, "Never mind, Jose, I know i i is 4 A tors which had taken this direction ' Row of 7 Bricks, pay 10 per cent. net what I do and why | am doing it Bow of 7 Busts, ! oy ni { was horrified to come across the life- i <P hi y d Food This separation will be much shorier | less bodies of a man and a woman ly e 1cac anaa | than op suppose : : : ing in the clearing of the woods. | ay Ihe nxt day the regiment leit for | corpses, which were separated from cach | i Melilla, and a few hours afterward jother by 57 Brock St. Kellogg's Toasted Corn Soledad, the girl, also lft the house Gasoline 16c. A GALLON Put in Your Tank | 1 | a distance of some thirty. | yards, were evidently those of people | Flakes furnish a delicacy where sho was sarving aud came 10 Fin a good position in life. Both of m-- Madrid { them were positively riddled with bul | and a Food in one lus- Nothing more had been heard of her, | lets The man's body showed five shot | - . . . when last week one of the officers who | wounds in the head and breast, and | cious combination, dis- was going down wish his reg iment to | the woman's three Lowe Ee IRNEEE | 3 | tinct from wrdinay Milla, was callel aside by the ser No signs of a strdpele were | | Cereals. ! | | | | | | A | appar . : gant at one of the stations on the feut. Neither money nor valuables of | Coal is good coal and we gua. way to Malaga, where the troops were any sort were to be found on either of | x ; antes prompt delivery. one, | K 'aia Prodi to embiark the bodies, which at once pointed to 7 ' 188, ellogg sisi're igested wong. he mex ii He Solgeant hey te : glise g wh GC ihe | ; ¥ { Booth &K CO. { ¥ > Li FO yOu 2 @ L vi 0 { CL i e SCC el el faced and timid that he thought i ueighborhood, but a few spent car | FOOT WEST STREET. builds the young, rc- ust be a woman in disguise. ridges from % Browning pistol. - were | : . § . rought up before the officer, Sole {lying some distance away | . Joreleeled ceieleiuiniajelecielbviriels freshes and sustains the dad--ior it was no other--quickly con At first the mystery was deepened by i and nutritious. It up- fresed her fdentity and begged to b the absence of. any marks. of identity at Our Dock. ". lowi aged; creates a glowing allowed to continue her journcy. De- [on the bodies. 'They have, however, { RISE OF THE health, vitality, a clear termined not to be separated from |sinee been idenuied as those of Pastor SIE I G aA r a £ Cc Jose, "she had managed by some means Vermehren and his wife. from Rets - A es S > i U it d E : Lo alists brain==the snap and fire or iy to obtain a uniform and fol ow, near Doberan, in Mecklenburg. [= 2 : Fs ~ z N 3 f : nl e mpire y Repairs to Auutomobiles and! Jowing the first regiment starting for 3oth enjoyed Che greatest popularity - rs 2 ZY " f \ ' M farine Engines promptly attended | you formerly possessed. the front she had squeezed into the [10 their parish, and were renowaed for //) | 2 7 4 ZA a An Informin Sketels of Ameri. | 3 "tation ond into wo railway carriage | theic good works They had been 4 ER . can History, Valuable for Librar« 'Kellogg s 1s sweet corn unperecived. spending their forunight's holiday at t rd . ies and Research. lb Y Id Lid. --Pgrrifi » Her timidity. however, and feminine Goehren, in Ruegen "One report men | li A : NC | By VISCOUNT PE FRONSAC. Se y & ou en, ied by Kellogg 3 appearance had rousxd the curiosity of tor witnesses who saw the pastor A fl : i p------ = ¢ +1 Price, 50c. Ontario St. Secret Method. the cfroant, and so hor, adventure |and his wile straggling with each oth- i N - l Address British Whig, Kingston. SE | wak brought to a sudden end. er, and conjectures that one of them Ah Helfer , The name on the box fhe officer reproved her mildly for [™ have killed the other and then her thoughtless escapade, byt, unable {committed Suicide. All the other cir EVERYBODY 2 must be to resist: Ber entreaties, promise 'that | nie tances fh he tragedy lover. iit | il i F it 2 Action Sale Rooms #10 EET es i ws Faoion y UrNILULE fel mes tots soni ' I Tr a aoneay C. Holl. 3 | she should be employed in one off the | WHIG'S FASHION HINT. See Our Hall Furniture Hall Seats, . = Auction sales promptly at Wo have all kinds, cheap for cash Phe. 4 % i ; £5.50, : t 4 | nishings, from the lowest =, 7" { Mirror to match Misspon | the City Auction Ro. 8 Hr \ u ¥ All Candid foe pitals, and he paid the Rxpe nées of Hall Seat, in Oak E. E." Finish, for $5 | street. ¥y oms, hen are A I yr gatos anace la feminine outfit and of the journey | to $15; Umbrella Stands, for $1.75 to rocers to the most beautiful Antique Furniture. . x n 4 | . - 1 e 4 aw or 227 i A uc oneer out of his own private poc ket BL Oak HThed Boor Shetves. gril 5 = RE E. JONES, ti Don't fail to come and see our ' A s 4 I No Soledad isin Maolilla and near Ee : £1.25 to $6.50. The genuine Sectional too Lafare you: uy elsewhere oas e Jou, after all, and it is to' bx hoped fw ) Bookcases, best made. Bookcase, with std 3 \ v ; ' : < T glass door, for $8.50 to 325. there. nec never bo danger of another E § id L.. Lesses, Cor? Princess apd Chatham Sts. King sston, Ont. j culty agam. \ Telephone, 577. | HX Kr prosery FLtittetrriete ete © TRAVELLING, | 'WHY SUFFER FROM PILES ? - ow, oe a MAC | ' P LEAN, Nature's Remedy is Zam-Buk--Im- is 2 teettetsabtittitteneet pert attattastattesas . pressive Cures ly l Last of he Season ISDRGITTSSSER |... oso onl | " | i FRESH 'FOR SATURDAY 8 » separation. Though Soledad woukl, i | BT. Jd. REID eet i ITIS S "PERFECT Corn Flakcs {doubtics 5 find a way out of "he difli- 8 ¢ ' ROB Princess street. : § standard Cragin re : d "Ws have = piles, am-Buk should be | applied ! Rheldon: and : ' Thanksgiving Day There are lots of reascns for this, [wrving - C Builders anu ones but 4 . Monday, October ; RN pound i fall cu he i - Practically | ream Puffs . Cream ke 'Use Sashweights in 8: tickets wi yo issued at { 3 FIRST |¢ Ases of os ere 0 use Ql 4 ' APPLES S370 th. 2 good Joli. October 22nd, | Zam-Buk is persevered with, complete A AN ston at Aungrove's Foundry. Lawrencs, CalVeris Canada's IIS: [Dafoe October 2TTR 'TICKOLR sold 16 caf: | ui--nat- moroly. relict--ix. the. results Ch ] R | s¥ ee Oyaters. | HT dean that aia) righ, 55 Hi arlotte Russe Shesial yriss tut Wits aaABEtion:, cast eale sters will not be good on trains 1 ande 4 aga 'Street, Hochelaga, Montreal, § ie y says --"] sifiered from blind, itching, : . OLR ROOSTER BRAND EE and protruding piles for years. Some- ! { a OF 10BACCO . | times they were so bad that 1 could i / { \ 302 King St I D. Couper HUNTERS EXCURSIONS hardly bear to move about. The in 4 R. H. oye h * 141 : Smoking asd Chewing st forty toy a : ] Sou g 3 gy. . one sents a pound, is & tobacco. Why : Round tip tickets at ammation, the burning smarting | i rn te Andrew Macleay 241-3 Princess St hy {pain, the throbbing; the aching, the { pi rrveeye Eves debe A evEeew pay oni ve Senta. Bohoanoy a0 'row elive . SINGLE FARE reposting fee Tina s of dulness and } dbiohind . er $9 batarie . mn -- -- ar despaiv "Which ~ this athnent October: 13th to dist to points in | 4 . ais 3 wl : NY the g t LidAadaaiidiiiaddiiidad | Tamagimi, Quebec, Now Brunswick, Novia I rings, "the shooting spasms-of agony Scotia and Maine all. were so te eriblo that only; "aut a y nN CURE CONSTIP TION 4 KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE : October 21st to 3lat to Moko | TCE from. this awful ailment "can a "4 (LIMITED) Lakes, - Midland, - Lakefield, Lindsay, . . ) » 3 ' HEAD OF QUEEN STREET. Coboconk and other Hunter's resorts. Jad as this case was, Zam-Buk ti 'Highe t Education at Lowest Cost" {umphd, and Mrs. Hughes suffers no All tickets good to returd until Decems lon It only needed a little ser 4th. f te | Sv 1% esting Rheumatism and all Blood Disease. The great kidney petses Reception gown of cloth and Velvet and Liver Pill. 25¢, box at all leading drug stores, or | verance with Zam-Buk, tnd in the end ---------------- by mail from THE SCOBELL DRUG CO., St. _ Cathg Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Tele _ Kor full particulars, apply to J: P complete cure resulted. ? SENIOR GAME TIED . e ¥ . ' arines, Ontario. For sale at Best's Drug Store graphy, Civil Service and English. HANLEY, Agent, Corper Johnson aud] Mrs. E. Boxall, of Scott Street, St eee 5 Mar & 4 4 4 4 4 4 Twonty-Sixth year. Fall Term 3 4 Our graduates get the best posi- 3 Ontario streets. Thomas, says :--"For months without | Napanee Footballers on Visit 3 ) 1 4 A 4 > begins August 30th: Courses in _ 3 to tions, Within a short time over . . : ! 8 sixty secured positions: with one tne a cessation' 1 "endured great pain irom of the largest railway corporas « tions in Canada. < Enter any time. Call or write for information, i, -F.. MET- CALFE, Principal: EN EEN EE EEE EET Va Yaa VY YVAN NY VV. YY Picton. : (bleeding piles. For as many months 1 Oct? 19.-On Sat od v'} l tried everything , which 1 thought |, o0" a a atubday asi LLG {would give me ease, but in the end, : ApRnee eo) gate football cams 1 | dispirited and still suffering, I gave [IOWA 10 Picton ro play We J AILWAY jin.' [twu games. The steamer Reindeer ry |' Then it was she heard of Z Buk | wok th crowd pel, although Uk : IN CONNECTION WITH and she ds y a UE: | start was made at 7 a.m., nobody was oe nd we ad Although * I feaved | Asphalt Roofing Canadian Pacitic Railway. Zam-Bulk would he like the = ordinary loft behind ver vighty persons being remedies--useless-- | am glad it was Yon hoard [he giuntors played in the 10 It soon proved o be ve forenoon" and tho game resulted in a | . . . . Gravel and Single Fare for ThankSEIVIBG [ih on i oniie uve me Aobeh, [win of 1-10 0, in fAvor of Napanee Your outer clothing cannot look right unless -your underclothing fits well rood ; Good going Friday, -Suturday food for - sity a timo cured me completely. | In he alterpaon he = Sigrs ee I "CEETEE" Underclothing is knit to fit the form by a special process, making the gar- ay C ssn - ¢ d 29, OC C We ht » < ) Vv Were 18 & short, so C- d S t d returning until Wednesday, 'Oct. 27th. pile Dy -- SH A - ere Srom. on Srnocd a i 0 up Fhe oN ge ments comfortable from first to last--also your outer clothes will look well. "CEETEE" San ur aCe Hunters' Ec xcursionf}/ ak is." 5 Ba Ji lav-was very even throughout, and | is made from the finest Australian Merino Wool and is guaranteed against shrinking. |} Ir: F. Astridge, 3, St. P ; lof : Round trip tickets at SINGLE FARE ] 3, St. Paul Street, lat the end of the time nu goal was | All sizes jor men, women and children, Ask your dealer to show you '""Ceetee." Oct. 18th to Nov. 6th, to all stat ons, | St. Catherines, says : "For five years | scored. A high wind hampered both PURE Woor . " Mattawa to Port Arthur, Temiskaming '| suffered untold agony from piles. | games and made play very difficult. P Walsh Northern Railway stations and points! 3 am . a 15 > 8 2 ' 1877 THE C. TURNBULL CO. OF GALT, Limited, Manufacturers GALT, ONTARIO -- Established 1859 in Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova At times -the pain was so bad I could |B. Allison umpirel both games fc : y \ have screamed aloud. Ou a friend's | (he entire $atisiac Barrack St, Kingston 5 21st Nov. 6th, to. stations. 'advice [ tried 4 box of Zam-Buk. It {| ohn A. Fraser, 2 * E 1 { Sudbury , S. Marie. Haveloek to' uve me considerable ease, and I i | for pS tion of 'everyone. § who has been -ill | ack: hie hree weeks, went to Toron- Sharbot Lindsay Branch. Severn about three > 2 She h Te. All tickets good to res vevered with the treatment until I was | on Sunday to consult a specialist. THE FRONTENAC + ! turn until Dec. 4th, 1909. he : wish a vould convince every | Henry Taylor, proprietor of the Camp- sufferer trom piles. ol the ¥ LOANAND INVESIMENT SOCIELY | Low Bates to Pacific Coast Grif, [i [of the oe of th bel hous G8 Ee 5 e . I Mr. and Mrs. George E. Snider, of 5 y One way colonist tickets on sale daily. So one could ¢ i a : . + - - po 3 -} So one could go on quoting case | eseronto, leave, to-day, for \ ou- | ESTABLISHED, 1863. AR 15th ito Oct. 15th at following afte «+ case, and it 1s by working such | RC BN In a SPOKANE, WASH that Zam-Buk | for it | or ere they Wilt reside. Mit p ANE, WASH. 8 o am-Bu ws earned for it- | ~ 2 3 aiid President--Sir Richard Cartwright | VANCOUVER, B.0: $45. 10 coll its great reputation and Mrs. E. W. Scott left; yesterday Money issudd on Clty and Farm Pro | VICTORIA, B.C. i Money laud on ORY ap Ea oe | SEARLE: WASH: Now if vou suffer, from this teiribly | 8 Toronto, Mite visting on't wait unti you ave caug taco Get a pair oO tures. Mortgages purchased. Deposits | PORTLAND, OREG painful ailment just be guided by the | © Nt M iegre Griet ids received and interest allowed. LOS ANGELES, CAL HE A ! i a SEPA, gore | £8 HERES th 147, 05 a | i George rin { Spats to-day and save trouble with coughs, colds or rheuma- naa int. SAN DIEGO, CAL x ba thorpughly soak a wad Fire At Bhilipevilie- §tism. Our stock is new and all the latest shades are hese, SA ---- particulars at K. & P. and C. P. 'made of clean but old linen. Then About midnight, Saturday night, | . Ticket office, Ontario street. apply to the part. I the piles wx. | five broke out in the saw and grist | i » Mabhdak » F 5 appa part. € piles are ex : i LPLRLPLR22222000400448 . CONWAY, Gen. Pass; Agent: 'ternal, application of Zam-Buk is | mill and cheese box factory of Reuben - ! % T J LOCKHART 2 een ede 'still more simple. Do it upon retir- Haskins, Phillip sville, wr. such | : - » . img. Next morning you Nl be wel cadway that when diseove t t was | S g Leggin dT ee }| sax or crores mamma, [EES So Sw fit Rn pats Overgaiters ns Money to Loan. Ed Train "leaves union station, Ontario | 7q.n-Buk is 9 9 ne $ | street, ¢ p.m. daily (Sunday exc ted) | i : Officer 159 Wellingion St. Nisp * for Tweed Sydenham, Napanee, del . WW SosevsIsIININIISIIIIY a cure also for cold- | flames he whole structure with its ; ' . } . . S isbres, and chapped cracked hands, ul feo ve was entirely destroyed, en Women s Black Spats, 50c Women's Overgaiters, quite | . Children's Leggins, in ) | A ; »oto, Bannockburu 'avd all pointa north: cers, festefing saves, blood-poisdning, ¢ heavy le as the owner oar and Joc, al - eather Corduro and To secure quick'~despatch to Bannoek-'....m. had tewobm. oats ol oll insurdnen The fin] large, good and wai, Leather, y : i i Ba . | Jersey Cloth, also White, ls purn, Maynocih, aud poiuts on Central | Lim I : 1 Colored Sipats, 75¢c. and $1, . ntario, route your shipments via Bay S0res, burns, stalds, and all skin dis posed: 1 JANE ginated © from 3 Browns, Blacks, Smoke col- M P. KEYS {Quinte Railway For further partious cases and fMjuries the Boil in Red, Green, Purple and . Red and Grey Corduroy, 75e: M. ars, apply R. Wa DICKSON, Agent,| | rue 8 | { Phone, No. ggists and stores sell Zam- | Brown. ors, 75¢., 885¢., 80e, Jo to $1.50. i Buk at 3k. a box, o ay be obtain- | he : ' ambassadar tool - . J Antiseptic Barber Shop Ln | : as foe bo rk Co Th bi By ar I i London Smoke 'Spats, 75¢, $1.25. ; Leather, $1.50 to $2.50. Hair Dressing - and Shaving r | h Ae parl ! 5 : ps ) : ud nto. fe ° 3 oxes jor 81.2 Sichabias alo » ce Chair. Quick Service. Your pate jront wo } box for 81.2% Buchanan, Buffalo, | po) 248 Solita CRUISE <i ORIENT 1You . are Dwatnad, howeves asa ". 'who was fatally stricken' on Sh tu the cheap dangerous mmitations some non street w i froth his wide 335 KING. STREET By the S.S. ARABIC, sailing January 20, 1919 | Limes offered 2s bey "just veyed wi is in Buffal is await { Door to Wades Drug Stork |. Mediterranean, Holy Lndasd BYR | yi. oir oe Be or ae ABERN f H Y'S. of ny : , overnment has given no under Prevent ¥ I 1 i 4 . ' rirst This Se a. Myers' H Stn Je Adu. nes. Sate free travel Yiakin t hyanoe STRO000M) § he 1g ack all olds or - Lal . : : 3 ©" i Bi ood Puddi 2 sie 0 them} > Sh nil} mals ws i en > 3 . ye Sausage an 1 carh basid of Montreal FURDAY Rive us a call, H. s i White Star Line, Tortonts : iH niren MYERS! G0 Brock St, Phone, B70, \ . 4 wounnced int "