HUNTERS' EXCURSIONS Bound trip 1 at SINGLE FARE, Cictober 13th Uth ta points in Famagimi Bruaswick, Nova¢ Se a and October 21st Nov. 6th to Muskoka Lakos Midiand Leketeld, Lindsay, Coboconk and other Hunter's resorts. All tickets good to return until cewrber 4th Local Branch Time-table. Trams will leave and arrive Ihepat ax follows GOING WEST. kets Nov, New De- | at City Arrives 12.57 a.m 4.17 aw ocal | s v.A7 t. Lantd, Mail a.m R15 a.m am 12.25 p.m. pa. 1.08 p.m Pa. . § QC ee pe p.m. Uran 5, 0, 7 and 8 rum daily, her trains daily cept Sunday. LE eh Pullpans to and from Ottawa Brockville daily, on trains 2 and 3 Pullman accommodation reserved in ay- wie and all other information furnish on application to P. HANLEY, Agent, Johnson and Ontario Sts Le IAL 7: § CONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacitic Railway HUNTERS EXCURSION Round Trip Tickets SINGLE FARE Oct. 13th Mattawa Northe fn Quebec, Heotia. Oct. 21st to 6th, to stations. Sudbury to 8S. 8. Marie. Havelock to Shearbot lake. Lindsay Branch. Sovern to North Bay. All tickets good to re- turn until Dec. 4th, 1909, Full particulars at K. & » I. Ticket Office, Onturia St. Corner to Nov. Gib, to all stations, to Port Arthur, Temiskaming Railway stations 'and points New Jrunswick and Nova Nov, and CI' "Phone, Jo } ONWAY, Gen. Pass BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. Train leaves union station, Ontaric street, 4 pan. daily (Sunday excepted) fr Lweed, "sydeubam, Napanee, Leser vate, Banuvesburn and all points north 10 secure quick despatch to Bannock burn, Maynu- th, and points on Uentra. miario, route your shipments via Bay ff Quinte Rallway. Fur further paruce tars, apply R. Wy DICKSON, Agen' Phone, No. 8 CRUISE of the "ARABIC" 10 the HOLY LAND and Sails Jam. 20, 1910, tor 78 EGYPT Days, costing $400 and up Including all necessary Expenses Star Line, or Apesis. Cru Dept White Toronto, a a COAL! The kind you are looking for the kind we sell, SCRANTON Uoal ts good coal and we altee prompt delivery. HPBooth & Co... 00T WEST STKEE1 $2 Pepin] + te koe 4 uo } 'Phone, 1 fei} 7 wooed on mete, . or Ignition Dynamos, Storage Batteries, Spark Plugs, - Carbureto: s, Etc! Tubal Electrical Mg. Co. 'Phone, 873. 273 Bagot CAs LARA LTA LARA TIIDAL LS KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE (LIMITED) HEAD OF QUEEN STREET. 'Highest Education at Lowest Cost" : Twentv-Sixth vear. Fall Term begins August 80th. Courses in « Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Tele graphy, Civil Service and English, Our Rluliuates got the best posi- 4 tions, Within a short time over sixty socured positions with of the largest railway tions in Canada. Enter any time. for information. OALFE, Principal. Fa. a i 4 i 4 { 4 <4 <4 4 4 one corpora 4 Call or write H, PF J MET 9 t Roofing Gravel and EVERYBODY Has stoves to sell, but wvobody give that value that we can. i ave all kipds; cheap for cash. | ve all kinds of House Fur BN nishings, from the lowest grades : the most beautiful Antique Furniture Don't fail wo come stock before you buy L.. Lesses, Cor, Privcess and Chatham Sts, Kingston, Ont. and ses our elsewhere "WAH LONG'S LAUNDRY REMOVED From 73 Olarencs St, to 158 We ington Sta, betwebs Brock and Clarence Bits. Best laundry In the oity. Good salisd fon avd delivered. 4 | Here is a test which proves positively that Dr. A.W. Chase's Kidney and Liver Pills do cure kidoey disease and uri- nary troubles. Capt. Wm. Smith, a British Army veteran, living in Revelstoke, B. C., had his urine tested by his phy- sician who pronounced his case a bad form of chronic kidney disease. After being cured by Dr. A. W. Chase's Kidney & Liver ills he again had an examination of the urine made and his physician stated that no trace of the old trouble re- mained. Dr. A. W. Chase's Kidney and Liver Pills are definite and certain in action and positively cure back- ache, kidney disease, Bright's dis- ease (in early stages) urinary troubles. One pill a dose, 26 cts. a box, at all dealers or nsen, | | Bates & Co., Toronto. x. A. | NEWS OF -NEGHBORS ' WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND ENTS TELL US. ! The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern . Onctario--What People AreoDoing And What They Are Saying. : Notes From Violet. i Viviet, Nov. l.--Deni¢l Page has {sold huis farm imont, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. James Ste- fvenson, Bath, visited at A. Shewell's. { Mrs. A. M. Scouten, undergoing treat- iment at Kingston General Hospital, lis recovering. Mrs. C. {was in Napanee. attending the funeral {of her father, Rev. Mr. Bvers, on Sa- {turday. Miss Florence Shewell, Belle ville, was home on Sunday. ' Notes From Perth. Perth, Oct. 29.--There are a great {many men ewployed building the !sower out to the House of Jndustry. { The home of Wesley James ®as' sad | dened, yesterday afternoon, when {their little daughter, Gladys, passed iaway, aged two years. Mr. amd {Alrs. A. Andrews spent Sunday and Monday at Althorpe. Miss Nettie | Rigney, Maberly, isiting here, [Mrs ao. Berlangeste ix visiting friends 'in Renfrew. | + ---- Donaldscn Boy Dead. Donaldson; Nov. 1.--This vicinity re ceived a great shock on Thursday, Oc tober 25th, when the sad news came that William Sproule had passed away i tor ne four months, suffering from { tuberculosis of the bone The remains 7 jeondueted by R We Are Not Tricksters We don't sleight money have to resort to of hand to earn -nor do we want We Are Plumbers Who do high who charge legitimate, honest prices and who wish to be judged by what we do. David Hall 66 Brock St. 'Phone, 335. Lo. grade work, | sn ai A Sustenant to the Worker, A Boon to the Thrifty Housewife. EP BREAKFAST SUPPER In strength delicacy of "Epps's" is unsurpassed. Children thrive on "Epps's." eli on sufferer Headache ief you Pleasant Good Weakea Palatable, Good, Never or Gripe, 10c., § Netor sold in Bulk, genuine tablet stamped CCC. Guaranteed to cure or your money back ' Potent, * Taste Do i | Sed Corsets Builders and Contractors Use Sashweights made in King ston at Angrove's Foundry Svecial prices for large quantities. The First Th Season. Myers® = } * Home: Made Pork Sausage and *Blood Fuqding, H. JX, for SATURDAY. Give us a call. MYERS", 60 Rrock Ss, 'Phoue, 570; HIGHEST _FOOD-VALUE. Epps's Cocoa is a treat to Children. | "old on November 7th, R nor ofa PS'S rr eG COCOA flavour, nutritiousness and economy in use from twenty-five until he Since he Has never entirely re » you the E. M, Indian- 985 4 ris n {were Inid cemetery to here, rest on Sunday, in the The funeral service was Sommerville, and wa inrgely attended. Deceased had {just passed his sisteenth birthday and {was loved by all who 'know him. very A Verona Social Event. Verona, Nov. 1.--The genial and 'popular pastor of the Methodist | church, Rev. D. C. Flatt, was given a {pleasant surprice on Monday evening jon returning from a thanksgiving ser {vice held in the church by the Epworth { League. Mr. Flatt found the parson | age lighted and warmed, and the ta- bles spread with a sumpwuous Thanks- | giving supper, while the house was tilled with bright, happy faces of the {many "friends. About cighty persons {were present and ecujoyed Mr. and | Miss Flatt's pléasant sud cordial en | krtainment until a late hour | i Charleston News. i Charleston, Nov. 1 i Slack is suffering from a sore arm. |A fittle. son has arvived. at T | Foster s. Me. and Mes. J. Ronan, | Athens, spent the week-end at T. Fos ter's, Mr. and' Mis. B. Flood, Tre | elvan. ware visitors at 1. on Sunday. Joseph Kelsey and Miss | Lacy Latimer drove to Athens | Wednesday and were united in mar riage by Rev. F. A. Reid. Mrs. P | Flood, Trevelyan, is spending a few | days with" her daughter, Mrs. 1. Fo. { ter. The rural telephone line is being | extended as far as. Charleston village. {John Foster, Ogdedsburg was a visi- itor at his home here last week. | ------ | Gave A Reception. ! Lflimer, Nov. l.--Potato digging is | about finished; goods crops, some oi them weighing three pounds piece. The potato digger does its work su- dsfactory. Quarterly service is to be by Rev: Mi Decision or rally day "held last Sunday, conducted by Ren Mr. Mullin. Mrs. Henry Darling gave reception, Thursday evening, in and Mrs their honeymoon. svening comnsisted . of music and ling. Refreshments were served, toasts drank in honor of the bride and groow, wishing them all happi | Pierce The sing wes, and prosperity At Chaffey"s Lock. Chaufiev's Locks. Get. 20 ting bees all the rage { *nrpenters Corn husk government of Ottawa have completed la new swing bridge for the lock hers {also a pair of new lock gates Mrs | P. Brady's new residence is completed and is quite an addition to the. vil age. The work. was done bv ID. " b Davidson, of Newboro. Miss Simmons has taken a position nurse at Rochester, N.Y. ill with very little hope i Miss Ethel Fleming is visit- Kingston. Henry Fleming spent Fhanksgiving holidays at' home, Mrs William Fleming has returnéd irom Kingston after spending a number of weeks with her daughter, Mrs. D Noonan. Capt. Noonan's cottage has undergone repairs. Visitors: Miss 'M. Bwyre, Mrs. €C. C. O'Brien, Elgin; Misy O'Neil. Newboro, Capt. E. Fleming, Newhboro. A little baby bov has ar- {tived at the home of Levi Fluke. w is Very recovery ihe at | Bongard's Budget. | card's. No#¥. Li--An old apd i resident of this place, in the {wrson. of Mrs. Peter C. Minaker. died { Friday 1ight, aftér. a lingering illness lof two vestry The funeral was held it Bongadd's church on Sunday and {was largely attended Interment tool [place at the Rose cemetery. Mr. and Mrée. (3. Howson, of Schoharie, spent | Sunday N. A. Lobev's, Allan Har- on Sunday, at his Mr. and Mrs. J) b. Mis David has re Fon re- spegcted at was hore randparents, i Bongawd' MN { turned from Peterboro much improved | I'n healty. Miss Florence Bongard, { Picton, = visiting her parents, Mr. j and Mrs.. Rovert Bongard oJ nD {Bongard has resigred the positicn of | pcstmaster bere. Rt is expected | rural mail delivery will soon be florce. Mrs. B. Wiiiht "is visiting Mrs IP. Thorston for a few days. Mr. and tds. Jo D {Up resuence of in Picton Yonge Mills Church Opening Yonge Mills, Oct. 30.--Mrs. B. Burn} ham. Hl with pneumonia, is progress- favorably The o cutters "of street will hold their annual sup at the of Mrs. McNish on dav eveaine Mrs. and Mee. Wil Ferguson, Ottawa, are spending a sf wrlh hi ) Miss Plan {Larpaite Brockvilk wt fimo wh this ier home | Va we and 'are spwenthing James Tr 'their parents. Mr 'and Miss Crawford, Brockyille, to H. Robson; Chau- | A. Robinson ' on October 27th, at the general hos- | pital, Kingston, where he had been il! Mrs. Charles | Foster's'| on | was | N. Spooner, on | and | Nellie | hy | Moses Doyle | {send to anyone who sends name and ad- that {dress, a free 50c. in| Bongard will shortly take { THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG., TUESDAY NOVEMBER 2, 1909. m------ Pursis', Frank Gils ligves : on Monday 'for Tofonts.~ he re'openin services at the old stone church will | be hild Nov. Tth a Duty. shire, Brockville, and Mrs. A. Mallory, g So py " : ; . 3 Sharbot 1 gke. Nov. ' 1.--News reach Mallorytown, . pent Mouday with y= here. of: the death, of "Archibald Me. and ; Mes, Edward Pare ack, of Nedra, aa, on Oct. hp Zod Vay cre Mr. Clark was the youngest som Lyn, and Me, aud Yrs. Alla Wilson, | (he late Peregrine Clark, Collins Bay. Brockville, are gwsts at J. J} i ly two days "of ickav's.. Mr. cand. Mrs. B. Herbison | eceased was il only ave dn hs] y inflammation of the o LI, ir wy "He leaves a wife "and recent . guests at Mrs. N. Gibson s. C. | three dwughters; thie Misses" Emma' and Scott, Brockville, spent the holiday |1 on, of this -pince, and. Miss Leta, with bis parents, [Collins Bay, * besides n' mother, siy Isistws and two brothers, Much sym- 'pathy * is expressed to the bereaved iriends. Interment took place at Médora.. "Rev, Me. Sith haves Shs ow to take charge ° smout! ht sco for six - months; % oh, Mr, Smart, 'St. John, Yokes; the woth here. A large party unters t here on Friday for the 'north. George was Williamson left' this morning for Whit- , 1 this | by. - Miss 'Lulu Wesley, Maberly, at'R. !section, and 'was a gehoral favorite. | Williamson's. George Jones, who i | He was unmarried and leaves his very low with Hright's disease, 'mother, brother and two sisters. De taken a turn for the better. 'sympathy is, felt 'for the family, as it Smith spent Sunday : at home: h lis only a fow weeks since his nephew, W. Smith, of 'Perth, 'at C. Huffman's. (Blaine Cross,' was killed while playing Mr. Culbert, Weston, . is visiting = his baseball. The funeral services were sou. The:boys. were very quiet on | under the auspices of the LO.O.F;; of Hallowe'en, no damage being done. { which the deceased was a valued mem- ber. + "al 3. Hawkey's," Sharbot Lake News. * vis, Late Enwin Cross, Lansdowne. Lansdowne, Oct. 30.~Friday after- noon, the Methodist church was filled {to overflowing with' sorrowing friends, who gathered to pay their last re spects to the late Enwin Cross, who {passed away, Thursday. in his forty- fifth year, after a brief illness with | gastric-intercolitus. | Mr. © Cross | known by everyone throughout . A Theft At Myer's Cave. | Mrs. G. 0. Redmond and family have | 'Myer's: Cave, Oct. 30--Mrs.: C. Mo- returned, after a summer's visit to Gregor and son,' Archibald, 'who have "western friends. Mes. (Dr) Shaw bas i} pen seriously ill of typhoid fever; for | returned from visiting. friends in Ro- some dime, are rapidly coavalescing. {chester, NY, W. H. "Wallis, G.T:R. | Mrs: Tsanc Dellyea is spending a few | agent, hag returned to duty, after his | dave with her daughter, Mes: A. Mar vacation. Leeds deanery meeting wes hall, Harlowe. Miss' Hannah Critche, held here, on Tuesday and Wednes- ley speiit © Thanksgiving at Harlowe, day last, in St. Jyhn's church, [the puest of Mrs. George Bradshaw. - {While on her. way: thither she visited Glenvale Crangemen To Walk. at' Lake View, the guest of Mrs. Glenvale, © Nov. 1.--The tea-meeting ¢. Mitchell. . Mr. and Mrs... Joseph in: the Methodist church, on Thanks- Perry, spend ng the past two weeks giving night, was _a success. About 'at the, parental roof: hers, during the 05 was realized The programme latter's' mother's: serious, illness, left ccosisted of songs © by View Boyce, for their home at Cushendall ou Sa- Messrs. Eva and Crumley; vecitations, turdav. Mrs. F. H. Jacke, of Point by Miss E. Binnington rand Mr. . Ro- bt. Charles, Montroal, spending the hinson, and speeches by Messrs. Me: [summer at the Cave, the guest of her Innis and Danby. A number from |<ister, Mrs. J. C. Mitchell, returned {here attended : | the "At Home" given home on the 11th inst. W. Loucks by Miss Myrtle Taylor on Friday ev- sad beother, John, left for Webbwood ening. George and' Robert Vanorder oa Tuesday, the 19th, to work in the have returned 'fepm the wet. On Sun. lawlker woods for the winter. Potato day evening next the:COrangewen will digging 8 about over and from = all j arade to the Methodist church wheri accounts © everyone . has an abundant Rev. Mr. Dany will deliver an' Orange 'crop. serthon. Amopg recent visitors are: | While Mr. and Mrs. John VanAlstine Misses 'Hatlip. and Myrtle and Master were abeelt from their home cone day it LeRby "Watts, 'Kingstoh; at! E. Clark's; last "week: some one enteped the house 1Miss BE. Elerbeck, Kingston, at J. I 'snd took a purse containing five dol: Eller) ock's; "Miss "Genge, Sydenham, at lars: from the pocket «of a pair ' of I.-C. Crser's;" Miss May Binaington, | trousers kelonging to Mr. -VanAlstine. iSvdenham, at J. C. Gitson's: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Whiteman, sr., called on Mrs. Nicol, Michigah, 'at «J. Cramer's; a few friends on Monday afternoon in Miss laa Clark; - Kingston, and Mrs" | and sround Loke View.' Mys. John : -- {Dellven spent Wednesday afternoon - at i - 4 ] tkake View. Madter. Ebbie Parry was Gains 30 Pounds ithe guest of his 'sister, Mra. R. Wood. | Harlowe, on Tuesday last. | In 30 Days DEATHS AT DESERONTO. I oi Fie a . A | Deseronto Girl Comes to Kingston | Remarkable Result = of the New| General Hospital. Tigsus Waildut i Dratutis: n Hany Deseronto, Nov. 1.-On 1 tesday pg zy ON mochning there , passed' away, after p Women. lingering illness of nine years,, * Miss Hattie - Luella Leonard, aged twenty [Fi8 years, youngest daughter 'of Mrs. Albert Leopard, Green street. "The fun- {eral took place on Thursday 'afier noon, service being conductod by "Rev. '+.. H. Copeland, after which the | Prove' Tt ¥olrsell By Sending { Coupon Below For a 50c. Package, Free. "By George, 1 never saw anything like the effects of that new treatment, Pro- tone, for. the: building vp of weight . and | - y lost nerve force. It acted more like a mains wero placed" in {iniEacle than. a medicine," said 'a well | remetery vault nown © gentleman © yesterday in speaking dd 3 Eb i LF the ean that. ho tke Pince | On Friday evening, at her residence, {in his condition. "1 began to think that 'on' Maine street, . there passed: away there was nothing.on earth that could Mrs. George Egar, widow. of the late i "make me fat. J tried tounies,- digestives, |: i i i 8 heavy eating. diets, milk, beer, and al, JPOTEC Egar, aiter a lingering illness. | most everything else you could think of. {but without result. I" had heen thin 'for re the Deseronto | Ethel, and one son, George, both. of [Doseronto. The funeral service took {plice. on - Monday 'siternoon, to St. © | Mark's church. The sarvice was don {ducted by Rev. T. I. ("Conor-Feuton. 4 | The remains were pliced in the Deser- B jonlo cemetery. C3) N Mrs. Frank McMaster left, lust week, i A : . for Toronto, where shy will spend the 3 ) winter, Miss Ruby Stainton left, last RA Ea | week, for Kingston, to enter Kingston 4 5 jgencral hospital as a nurse-in-training. i ) iMr, and Mrs. James Buchanan, of i 4 Stirling, spent a fow days with her mother, Mrs. Bogart, Dundas street | Miss . Micholg, of Belleyille, "spent a few days with Miss Mary St. Louis SOR | Mrs. Fecteau aud. son, Roy, of Belle | {ville, were the guests of Mrs. J. St, | { Louis. Miss Clara Rbine, of Chicago, | os is the guest of her sister, Mrs. James Dunn. Mis. Bleecker, Balleville, and | eon 0 Stewart, of Halloway, attend: {ed the funeral of their niece, the late Miss Hattie Leonard. A Great Man Gone. Hamilton Herald } 1 et a mere lad he ran away from home aud travelled in foreign countries to learn the secréts of their superior ity and of Japan's backwardness. Since then his whole life was devoted to' the service of his country. He was the first to propose the abolition of feudalism, and with that end in view he 'was entrusted nearly forty years ago with a mission to obtain from the powers 'their consent to the neces: sary revision of treaties. . Later on he reconstructed the government, and: he is rightly regariled as the father of the existing. constitution of the om- pire. For many years he was premier. Iv. was he who arranged the terms of the celations between Japan and Ko- | Any Man' Or Woman' Who is Thin Can Recover Normal Weight By the Remarkable New Treat- ment, Protone. years, and began to think it was natural tor me to be that way. 'Finally I read about the remarkable. processes brought {about hy the use. of Protone, so I de- cided to try it myself. Well, when I look at myself in" the 'mirrdr now," I think it { is 'somebody else. 1 have put on just 30 IC Smith, and 'danghter, Elgiabwy, at ¢ wr. 4 Se Xi you are looking for real estate | neither town or country we can undoubtedly help you to get what you desire, where you want it, «and at the price you want to pay. We have some len. properties {in which you can invest to (your advantage, and we shall be glad ~{to show you same at any time. {We buy, sell and dithange Real Estate of ail classes. D. A.Cays 57 Brock St oe - UTRTTET hr} ar - BEANS al a al be 1 eer Le) " AES CA Ee [ATA MPERTAL OXFORD RANGE "The Nickle lifts off --Clean it with the silver" Is'nt that a great convenience? When preserving or on wash days, just * Lift" off the Nickle Parts--T will always be like new--Just a light rub keeps it bril- liant, That's hut one of the many Splendid Features you'll find in the--Imperial Oxford Range. Call on the nearest Gurney-Oxford Dealer, he can certain- ly give you convincing evidence about a practical range, the kind you want and must have. Simmons Bros., Phone 494, ~ 211.213 Princess St. "The Yellow Store. Kingsion {She is survived by one daughter, Miss | { pounds during. the last month and never {felt stronger or more 'néryy' in my life." | Protone is 'a péwerful inducer of nutri- lien, 'increases cell-growth, makes perfect jhe assimilation of food, increases the inogiber, of blood-corpuscles, and ' {necessary result builds up muscles {solid, healthy flesh, rand rounds out- {igure For women who can never stylish in anything they wear because of {their thinness; this remarkable treatment may prove a. revelation. "It is a beauty maker as wel _as a form . builder and nerve strengthener. It will cost you-nothing to prove {remarkable effects of this treatment. It | {48 absolutely non-ihjurious to the most {delicate system. The Protone Company {1818 Protone Bldg. Detroit. Mich,, will rea, and: since the Russo-Japanese war his energies have been devoted io the ! gigantic 'task of reconstruction in Ko: | rea. "At once the Bismarck and the and [Gladstone of his country. it is doubt- the Hiyl if any statesman of his time ac appear scomplished more and greater things than did Prince Ito. as . Your Opportunity. While: they last. Windsor & New: ten's paints in oil and a few water colors to be sokl at cost. We are clearing out this side the Wade's Brock 'store, corner King and package of Protone, with full instructions, to prove that it old stand, does the work. They will also send vou streets their hook on "Why You Are Thin," free | 5 of charge, giving facts which. will proh- ably astonish you. Send coupon helow to-day with your name and address. Binghampton, N.Y.. Nov. 2 Andrew ---------------------- tr. seat 3 : : FREE PROTLNE COUPON iBobsi and Michael Gastar, both eigh- This coupon is good for a free Soc. | 1e#n years, wag instantly killed by be- package, (all charges prepaid), ing struck by a Lackawamna passen- Protone; ibe remarkable Stienzige dine ger traén in this city. The boys were avery fo uilding + i people, : : : together with our free Took telling | Starting to go hunting. Their bo you are thin, if sent with ten | stood guard over the: two bodies and cehis in silver stamps to help § would not let any oue go near them. ' It was necessary to shoot and kill the posts packing and as i faith. to : ) i log before the bodies could be remov- eed, stock. McLeod's drug Dog, Faithful Unto Death. ARIZ Pro- {line and will not replenish any of thisT dog |. Expert dyes. My Valet : - - or More Bread to the Barrel Test it yourself. Count the number of loaves you buke with a bag of "Bea-er" flour. Notice the size cf the loaves, too--and the way the dough stands up in the oven. "Beaver" Flour und for pound--makes MORE bread" dud whiter, ighter, tastier bread with the flavor you never forget. It is the original Ontario Blended Flour and contains the best qualities of both Ontario and Manitoba Wheat Flours. : "Beaver" Flour saves you money. Try it. Dealers. ~write us for prices on Feed, Coarse Grains and Code The T. H. Taylor Co,, Limited, Chatham, Ont. ss Pay a Fair Price And Get the Best The grocer who gives the greatest number of pounds of granulated sugar for a "dollar, naturally won't give "the best Montreal granulated." The only way you can be sure of getting the best, is to insist on having oe Put up by the Refinery USAr iy 20 pound Cotlon Bags The analysis of Prof. Hersey, Government Analyst, shows that "St. Lawrence Granulated" contains 99--99/100 10 100 per cent. of pure cane sugar with no impurities whatever. The St. Lawrence Sugar Relining Company Limited, Montreal.