Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Nov 1909, p. 9

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. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1909. = . 1 ' »! vears. (ne infant, who was pickal up! INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. : ME on the street, was adopted aud has LAW DOES LL -- i a wood home. The annual tea was Newsy P. aphs Picked Up By § ---- i i PRISE On Their Rounds. | ; held in April av the home of Mrs | Reporters |THE ANNUAL MEETING Macnee and $125 was raised. A most ADEQUATE PROTECTION TO! Preserving pears. 40c. peck, or Oc. meastencol | HELD ON TUESDAY. successful garden party was held at basket, at Carnovsky's. {Onywa na-da, tne of Mrs WORKINGMAN «| Miss Lena Beiney, Kingstom, is vis- I ; Phroughout year a spe- iting, friends in Lyndhurst. | 9 o8: ! i an cial cdot wus made Ly each 3 : ts--Add | i Swaine 3 iano tuner. ders I MAKE | Pr. Ros: 'is the New Physician to !mitice to raice $25. This was sue|™® Regard 'to Acciden rete} William rics Aegis i . «Tndus- | i the Home--Report of - the cessfully done' and the finances of the! By Prof Skelton on "1 "The children's favorite," Gibson's residence the Cnse. ! °c com 4 The { Home y + Stylish Coats | For Girls | Come To-morrow and bring the little girls or the older ones and let them help to se- lect t1eic new Fall or Winter Coat. You will see here over One Hundred and Fifty New Coats that bave recently been received. : GIRLS' COATS, $3.50, 3.75, 95, GIRLS' COATS, $5.50, 5. up to 11.75. High Class, Yesr's Work--The Financial home were materially benetited there: | trial Insurance and the Work- 1 4 Cross cough syrups It cures 'any | Report i by in the renova) of br. 3 H.| ingman." | cong. ' «il from the city the home los 4 T : a dF 2 annual meeting of the Infants' vglaable friend, who was I ot At Tuesday evening's meeting of the! The friends of Bins Sadie Colley will subscribers 'was Jield at the to come when his 'services were roe | alumni conlerénce, Prof. 0. DL Skelton be glad to hear that she is improving on Tuesday afternoon at quired, never thinking anything § | detivered an able address om *'Ipdus- | from iliness. : e oclock, Edward J. DB. -Pense trouble; Through Mrs. 'Ihompson's| trial Josurance and the Workingman." | Dr. Robert Hanley returncd from presiding In attendance were Mrs. and Miss Ferguson's good executive The speaker was introduced to the ' New ork to-day after a pleasant vis- W. Macnee, Mrs. C. Macpherson, Mrs. abilities we all feel the work and | large audience by Rev. H. T. Wallace, it wit friends. . 1). J. Laiilaw, Mrs. William Lesslie, management of the home has risen B.D., secretary of the association. H. Cunningbam, piano tuner from Men, Women 1 Mrs E. J. B. Pense, Mrs. Vere Hoop- beyond what even the most san-] Prof. Skelton, in dealing with his Chickering's. leave orders at Me- er. Mrs. John Gaskin, Mrs. H. Robin- guine could have hdped iow. Thanks subject, referred to the cver-increasing Auley's Book Store. Te 3 {pon Mrs W. B. Nelles, Mrs. F, Ire is returned to all our friends who | number of accidents, maintaining that Lieut.-Col. Burstall, R.( A, King- ana Children (land, Mrs. George McGowan, Dean have helped -us during the past year | the law in this sespect did not offer to | ston, the guest of Dr. Montizambert, Bidwell, Mayor Couper 'and Dr. A. E. especially at Christmas time." Yel: | he . laborer adequate protection. He | Ottawa, has returned home. Ross. The meeting was opened with The report of' Mrs. George MecGow- rcierved: to Mr. Chamberlain's intro- | Best's bronchial tonic quickly re praver by Dean Bidwell an, the treasurer, showed the finances | duction of the Laborers' Compensation | lieves soreness in the chest, hoarseness I'he report of the president, Mrs. to bein a satisfactory condition. Dur- | Bill in 1897, whereby the employer was | OF sore throat. s : W. Macnee, was as follows: ~The ing the vear $300 has been paid on |obliged to adlume all responsibility in Rev. J. Bruce Wallace will speak at BURN my Furs past year has again prospered and in the outstending debt, including $100 case of accidént to the employee. This {the praye pli his eventos, an inthe yaw, dres. |, VEY the working of the Home on the mortgage. > legixlation naturally necessitated the | Sydentet, Re a. ROCHA sing and modellin hus improved. "There has been no, This was followed by the election of insyraviee of idl laborers. In Germany| ° HR ~ ill 1 ith hth was £ elling sickness of any epidemic, form, the officers, last year's * board being ~ve- this caution! has attained peculiar pre- | who has n ill with tonsthus, was them into handsome health of both adults and children be- (yrned by acclamation. "The officers eminence; ['vilien, annually, £35.000,000 | able to leave the station hospital, Garments in my workrooms SAVES enerally good. Through the ape : Honorary presiden E. J. BRB. lis collected pas policy premiums. Can- yesterday. ; : Me YOU THE MIDDLEMAN'S PROFIT '1 fifty-one children and fourteen poyse; president, Mrs. W. H. Magnee: | ada, tod, js Nast taking steps in ' this | "It cures grippe and colds in one {adults were cared for and at. present idee do ig PETS : ha : inces = al- | day," Bromo Quinine, Sold in King- there are twenty-one children a five bh presidents Mrs. J. B, Wak ny direction, several of the proving ston at | Gibson's Red Cross drug adults in the home. Four children rs . y recording-secre- | stord; LT who had been in the home since in- ! The steamer New Island Wanderer £1 v were transferred to the Orphans' brought] & number of passengers from : Hone, having reached the age of three "Cape Vincent and points beyond to- JOHN McBAY|q eci 1 "Nh FUR HOUSE i$ a '} hearinnal reception to Archbishop mincsTon, ont. Value for WRITE TO-DA 3. DAY FOR tary, Mrs. E. J CATALOG Pense: correspond- { ing secretary, Mrs. D. Phelan: treu- surer, Mrs. G. McGowan Mr. Pense stated that | ment was indebted to the city and county for their yearly grants of ®300 and $150 respectively, without | which very little could be done Hel J also said that many babies were re- the manage- by Charles Quinn, mail, ran away, on but 4.50, 4 99. 6.75, 7.00 and Gauthier, by the students of the very THE JAMES ROBERTSON 00. 'This Week this_evening. LIMITED i | A horse-- owned leeived in poor health, in fact nmin Ny NS SWASTIKA Nee nee some were so near death that brandy Montreal street, this afternoon, The Best Made had to be used to revive them. He | cnused no damage. complimented the ladies. on 'all they | "For grippe and colds," Laxative {had done, all they had accomplished & {Bromo Quinine, cures in one = day. agamst great opposition. At first |Soild in Kingston at Gibson's Red Jawnson's| the opposition = was very strong, hut | | Cross drag store. : ; make, guaranteed. the home was receiving more support. I A Portsmouth resident said to-day now. : | { that he hoped the charge against city Left "Choke Bored' Dean ' Bidwell moved 4 olf hotels for selling liquor to a minor real value ......... eine. $12.00 thanks to the management for the would have a good effect upon the 50 loaded shells great work done, saying he did not Portsmouth taverns. veal valine know as much about the working The junior members of the Salva id the home as he hoped the tion Army will drive out to Sunbury near future. This motion was second | to-night to take part in a concert $13.00 ed by Mayor Couper Thanks there. Two van loads will leave the also tendered to Dr. A. E. Ross for city at six o'clock. $10.00 his very kind offer to Took after the An elderly man was at the 'pelice that station. to-day, complaining that ans of | other man had relieved him of about ready having procured legislation of | pine dollars and left for Syracuse. All kinds for all purposes. this type, and it is anticipated that | Nothing could be done. y the Ontario assembly will soon take | W. Delaney, of the Robert Simpson active measures along this line. company, Toronto, left, to-day, tak- The speaker emphatically substanti- | ing with him six fine grey horses for ated the recent report of the English yee on the delivery waggons. The law committee dealing with the horses were procured in the country problem of the unemployed, offering 'and are fing animals. The above s remedies : company uses nothing but grey harses |. The regularization of work. Few-| jor its delivery waggons. er days and shorter hours. Miss Edna Lockett is mourning the 9. Government promotion of public|loss of her little fox terrier, "Vick." works in times of social depression, mn poisoned about a week ago. His mis- order to provide employment. tress and the veterinary did all in 2. That the government institute a their power to save the little animal's vstem of labor exchange, dovetailing fife but the poison had done Hts work ceasonable trades, and the drainage of too well. The pretty little terrier stagnant pools of labor. {had many human friends. | 4. That nationalinsurance must meet "They give you new life and energv" these demands, to the inade- | the genuine Elaud's Iron Tonic Pills. quacy of private companies. Trade Sold in Kingston only at Gibson's unionism apparently the best solution | Red Cross drug store, 100 pills for now in existence, but this'by no means | 25¢. complete. H. M. Double barrel gun, barrel vote New Fall Suits FOR GIRLS from 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 years Prices from $12.75, 13.50, 14 50 up, ac~ cording to style and material. | New Fall Skirts FOR GIRLS, sizes 30, 34, 35, 36, 37 inch lengths, from $2.25, 2.50, 2.75, 3.50 up to 6 00. There is a style and finish about these Girls' Skirts that make them equal in every way to the highest grades of ladies' skirts. 1.00 to 1 | | Value ..... were Qoniyr wit) i R[ Special for this week i PROF. 0. D. SKELTON. i home, the doctor saying in repl it gave him great pleasure to be assistance to so noble an enterprise - The meeting adjourned at four o'clock, after which the regular WA Mitchell' Hardware monthly meeting of the management Kingston. Satisfaction money refunded. guaranteed or Full stock with cur Agents, McKelvey & Birch! acy Dy committee was held. RRR CROCE A Visit To The Home. A representative of the Whig had the privilege of going through the In-!® fants' Home, on Tuesday afternoon, and if more Kingston people would make a visit to the same place, fa more would be given to this worthy institution, a place where friendless, wronged women may go and find a peaceful' home, a place where the desti tute children and foundlings under three years of age can be taken and left in capable hands, where they will be well clothed, well fed and well looked ai- ® tee. In the homé at the present time are twenty-one children, a score of little . poor u We Are Offering} owing Comfortable Underwear WhiteWool Blankets} \lade of Finest Scotch Wool (absolutely . pure) suitable for double and single beds. 1 tots of all ages, from a few weeks to two years and a half, innocent little people, quite happy and contented, { ree from every care, and always warm and comfortable. There are also in the home five adults, five women, who | would otherwise have no home, and {would be on the street, These women found a home where they would be well treated and taught to look on the {right side of life. Cunningham, of the National Prof. Skelton pointed out that the {Poultry Plant, Dayton, Ohio, a. for- | aggravated labor conditions of the mer Kingstonian, sends the Whig a old land did net exist in Canada, but scene of Dayton's greatest fire which | extensive immigration was presenting occurred on October 21st, sweeping | probiems which alone can be solved away a million doHars worth of build- by technigal education and through ings and contents. The chief {the instrumentality of (rade unions. ifell on the Dayton Computing In speaking of ndividual sdving, | company. pension funds, compulsory insurance, | litate grants, fraternal secieties, the | «peaker referred to them as being a loss Seale CASES TO BE TRIED For GIRLS of altages, from 1 to 20. Special makes that have proved a great sucoess, Vests and Drawers from 25¢ to 95¢. Combination Suits, all sizes | Could a number of women be engag od in a worthier object than this in ! saving the fives of little children from death ov girls from lives of shame? The: home is kept up by the efforts ol | about fiiteen women of the city, who | give freely 'much of their time . and to it, throwing open their {houses and lawns for teas, garden par ties and other. entertainments, to raise {funds to buy the necessities of life for prescribed to alleviate, Ww hich object | { foundlings. And how much any little can alone be attained by kindness or,donation is appreciated by forever open wide the board of management, who, al- tunity, though thdy do all they can for the fruits | home, sometimes have apparently in- him to the surmountable obstacles to overcome, RB! vet go cheerfully on 1f one could only go through the ' thome aud see "how nicely everything is | arranged and how well the little peo ple are looked aiter, it would loose | many a purse string. In a large sunny the little and cradles arranged, for the children, and anoth er room is devoted to a Yo-day Peak {play room ior the children, from which |} ncellor's all day long the merry, happy laugh- {speaking {ter of the children echoes through the | power." {large building. The adults have their | j.) hoon to people in : ease ; of sickness | At the High Court-Sittings Next and" disease. -He pronounced the old | Week. annuity scheme as ideal. The | The following is the docpet of civil system of state aid al present | causes entered for trial at the sjttings existing in England and New Zea- lof the high court of justice, on Mon- land is admirable, but here in Can- day, Nov, 8th, before Justice Me: ada thé aim could not be one of ab- Mahon : solute elimination oi these conditions. | but rather what remedies should be PRCA) age Think What It Means HS At Special Reductions. A few of these Blankets are slightly dust soiled, but we guarantee them perfect in quality. Navy and Scarlet Wool Blankets. Splendid values at cxtra low piices. Qa 1 means Jury List. John P. Healy, "Rose Ann Healy and Elizabeth "M. 'Healy, plaintifis, and Patrick Lyons. administrator of the estate of Charles Lyons, deceas- ed. The plaintifis' claim is to have it own declared that they are heirs-at-law of {Charles Lyons and for administra Prof. Robert Laird then tendered to tion of his estate. The defendant the speaker . the appreciation of the says plaintifis are not next of kin of at time urging men said intestate. Cunningham & Mudie the ministry sealously acquaint for plaintifis. W. H. = Uivan for de- existing ecotiomic and | fendants Rev. 1 E Burke | interestingly along | COE keeping To have Fine White Unshrinka- § ble Underwear properly made, and in full sizes, right len>th of arm and proper shaping around the neck. We have it for both LADIES AND CHILDREN. the door of opper- the leave to offer to the laborer the land and then working out of hs of . salvation Lirey, meeting the same of to themselves with social problems. 'and others spoke line Ba ae ane room cots are Non-Jury List. | The Prims Machinery Co., limited, Paces the plaintifis, 'and Cereals, limited, defen- lectureship,, at. 10 a.m, dants. The plaintiffs claim is for the on "Grades of Imaginative sum of $562, amount due under an "The Problem of the Book oi agreement executed by the parties : occupied the hour before noon, 16th March, 1909. The defence claim | sleeping appartments up Owing to the great scarcity of raw Re ; . i a 1s steadk 1 Be Rev W. J. Knos, Pembroke, and A. | the agreement has not been properly cotton (on account of the floods in {here i sue is stuck with ie I. Barnard. M.A. Hamilton, being the [carried out, by the plaintiffs, as cer- \ly and neatly everything is arranged chief speakers. '"Jesus and the King- tain food f3rmulas have not been sup- the south) and the enormous advance Jud hort ol t A dom of God" was Prof. E. F. Scott's plied to the defendants by the plain- v . t-- Mos, hompson, we matron, andi oi. dusine the noon hour. At Citifis. © i y i " in the price, the manufacturers all | Miss Ferguson, her assistant, are a or a aang Eo hour._jt 8 pan. cn Ne Fisher Ho over the world are shortening the {ways kept busy looking aiter their |yrotation fife by Modern Poets," defendants. hours of work and in some instances closing down complet«ly. this nursery or | continued ni ' of charges, and to them is due great [his evening Prof. Morison gives an | Selby & Noulden, limited, plaintifis, spit for the Sse manner ia, which | dress upon *'John Calvin, His Place and Percy J. Johnston, defendant. things are arranged and atten ed to. |i History and His The plaintifis' claim is for $445, bal | -- . Modern' Thou : snoe due for a boiler and engine, un- Cha a A Girl And A Gold Miner. der contract in writing, dated Muy, . | Life. among the mines and moun- 1907. The defendant says that a boil- {tains of California is portrayed at or and engine according to the con the Biiou to-day and to-morrow, in a! ° tract has not been installed in the powerful drama entitled, "The Girl and "0% boat, that the boiler and engine iin- We Still Offer Sheetings, Pillow Cottons, x the Gold Miner." The play is finely Spent talled by the plaintifis were so im- to John Cou- . he od acd well worth seeing. There are LOT: sroperl y ski . White Cottons, Flannelette Blankets, ~~ § ii iv: "eau "acted comes fo John Cou BR, 20d be to sot street, that it was impossible to get = up k | dramas, by the celebrated actors of | L "Npoapahon, presided at the Shaker Flannels kinean, of Kingst steam for the purpose of .the boat, the Biograph company. They are cn- a Leo issioners _ and that he has never been able to : iitléd, "The Major and the Maid," or menting and. the. comiSst ET orcs AT OLD PRICES. vae the boat for that repson. Defen- "The Awakening," and "Wanted, a YOUR WINTER COAT dant counter-claims for. money paid { Child." Both are excellent plays, as The finest collection in Kingston. Lon sccount of said boiler and engine all products of the Biograph company ----r-- - and for damages for loss of use of are AAA Ani ; Influence Upon | License Was Transferred. | At a meeting of the board of li- ¢ommissioners held on Tuesday the license of Louis Lang- of the Brunswick hotel, Ontario Little Things Worth Knowing It's the Little Things That Count We sell Keid Heel Stocking Protectors, for Ladies' --and Gentlemen, 15¢. Saves many a pair of stockings. A Good Polishing Mit, Dauber and Box of any kind Paste, for 25¢. : . WE SELL the best Slipper Soles to be } and 30c. Ankle Supports, We also sell Day & Martins, Nugget, Whittemous, Packards 9.1 and Polo Polishes. The best to be had. Arch Supports fitted to the foot. THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE was sent were James Mallen" and Heatig. Put In A Stock. {hoat. Cunningham & Mudie for For the family. We have recently re- plaintifis. Northrup & Roberts for ceived 150 doz. tooth brushes, travel defendants. fers' samples, all kinds, shapes and siz- | es. Regular prices ranging from 20c, to| Be. We offer you your choice, asi many as desired, at 1c. each. 3 window display. Meleod's store, corner King and Bre Kingston Post Office Revenue. The annual report of the postmaster- general, just issued, shows that the Kingston post office gross révenue for {the past year was $17,000, as compar fod 10 $44.000 during the previous year, an increase of $3,000. To the activity tof Postmaster Stewart is accountable Gin no slight degree, part of this in E crease A M---------------- Ft i The cheapest place in town to stamped for pyregraphy, i Best's. Greatly reduced prices. Patrick O'Reilly, of Wolfe Island, lay, for Portage la Prairie rt Dupuis, of St. 1 of Indjctnrents. 5 List of indictments to be presented See nt the courts of Oyer and Terminer drug | and General Gaol Delivery : ek streets. The King ve. William Walker. In- rire |dietment for breaking into and steal A Diserter Surrendered. ipg irom a freight car. Donald M. Me- special despatch to the Whig from Intyre, KC, erown counsel. John dericton. N.B.. sa¥Fs 1 "Drivers Ri MacDonald Mowat, counsel for Wal Patterson. Roval Canadian Horse Ar ker. tillery, at the military de | f pot, He stated he was a bought = for 25c. for small children, with weak ankles. buy wood ------ surrendered 2 shay Earl Grav will: open the maritime } His province winter fair at Amberst, N.S. {on December 6th i Cheese sold at 11%. at Campbelliord from the Kingston force. Sis2 deserter | regimental n ugher was ous i pat

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