Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Nov 1909, p. 11

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THE JALLY BRITISH WHC, 'WHAT ABOUT YOUR: PERSONAL "XMAS: GREETING CARDS ? SE We would advise you to place your order for the 'same { onee i at i i 3 Nb We are néw showing over 100 original' and exclusive signs for Personal Greeting 'Xmas and New ¥eai* s Cards. 'R. UGLOW & COM PANY, 141 PRINCESS STREET To Lata de- {THe HALLS OF QUEENS" 3. A Shaver, BA |THE DEAR GIRLS ANGRY AT Church Institutions--<K. J. Maedon- ald, M.A I. A Shaver, B.A, JX Ailliveas R. Mg SCIENCE "12. MoGidliveay. J. Ari STROR. Common Retigion=-f. 11, BA Supplementals---Sepior Hebrew, fl, Rev. B. Eyre Jonior Hebrew, Div. 1, A.D. Dewdney, Prince Albert; F. MacBongid. Div. HE Wo AL Chart rand, Prangiord; ASW. Neeley, | Hayea't Yet Forgiven the Nasgl .y | Boys--The Medical Dance-- | Queen's Finals Peing Play .d | Hh nee tan PERSONAL MENTION, Our Queen's Corpespondent to Stren Tout, To en of the meeting was British Whig's 8 po Special Music offer To-dey's Coupon en- | cupplied by members of the ivesh- man year. Messrs. Kahe, * Salmon, Peppeth' and Connell contributing plea. ing? numbers, stroet, wen twen's Varsity Jr. staff of the Next -- is receiving "At tid regular meeting of the Eugi {neering "Society, held Friday {noen, the commumication from Levann . Society regarding the alter- the un Tee days & Jefe, titles you to a Copy of a very Popular Waltz at Ten Cents. When the readers of to-day's Whig learn that they can secure a copy" af Hubert Nickson's great Waltz * Success "CARITA:" they will not hesitate to send for it. Mary critics claim that "CAR- ITA 'swi'l become more popular sweemly conduct members of 2, during the annual rush was cited, Phe dette mons support abd it {year "12 for dotion of year Sr re was given unani was referred taken to! to be Parish, The science dinuer this vear {doubtedly be one of the {borate events in the ¥ocial {ueen's this session, [various commit tens with lH. i. Bertram venor. wili nn most ela sphere at last evening the were appéinted general Eugene Smith] attending t! end at his. home as Prinoegs stroet, Pillaz, of the St ¢ampeny, is very ill vighty-three years of con S. S80 Cormack has been ele is ident of the political {ing club evening wi n's, 1 eontun Andrew's Church, in thé of enjoying annual Au the Alma Mater debatiag absonce his meeting of the thiz Lucan wnl some in club 0 pre efesting than the "Merry Widow Waltzy. COUPON CARITA WALTZ." WHIG'S MUSIC November 6° 7 Name Hg Street and Nwmner «€ity or Prov. * To' obtain the sheet music above, lose ten cents im stamps or coin. Addreds Music Department, British Whig, Kingston fill' out the coupon and en- HOODOO OOOD Autumn. Millinery OOH 0OOODHO . The superb and ever varying dis- & play of Autumn Millinery con- : tinues a -fource of delight to all 'heholdders The great prevalence of Willowy | Plumes, p Feathery Osprays and tHe rich Colorings of the Velvets, Ottaman and Moive Silks, make the Millinery Section a palace of delight, Costumes, Costumes second fous i the" latest Cos- in . Gey, Navy, , Black'; abo the latest styles Corsets, 50¢ to, » 50 DAVID M. SPENCE The Leading Miflinéry Store OOOO OODDOOOCO . a of | OO 00C0000000K« THE ONTARIO. CONSOLIDATED WINES; LINED AUTHORIZED CAPITAL PAR "PAR VALUE OF SHARES 25¢ EACH $350,000.00 10 Field <1 Acres prospected, ¥ Acres in the.richest part of Cobalt, the world's jest famous Silver showing 6 well defing bh Autelto: Veins Shaft 50 feet deep and all necessary buildings' on property Write for prospectus, maps and special jetter, Applic ations for filled in 'order' of receipt. rir¥G ¥ ' For further particulars, apply -- ans ged MERSON &T 0. Sinhors Qrapdadl Stock and Mining Exchange, 16 King St Canady SEL wats sod West, Tor me Lah ro, ¢ {an anndal, afta sented? ne ' ol Holy material 'on hand for discussion. Evervhody b a In Miss the tennis semi-finals, vir eed Friday, Dob Ww on The regular meeting of the Aescula- | decided to make the faculty function visit fionds im New York. has been engag- fic visiting her uncle, W. R. The progr mie the city to-day George Darragh, yesterday, to spend a few iter, Mrs. David McQuaid. STranton Sharbot Lake Mrs. Pillar t Lanark, on Sunday, 7 Kathein: Jaquith, little five-year Wi evening | Movements Of The People--What pian Sotiety was held on Friday ai- They Are Saying And 'Doing ternoon.. The repor of the dance | br. Robert Headey, left Friday {committee wis received. It hing been ort a g S11 : Rev. Father J. O'Reilly, Enterprise this velir the most brilliant in the |; visiting i hs city io) lay. Print Alm s history. Memy's orchestra, i Miss Ethel Lee, Wellington of Ogdensburg, N.Y ed. Each of the various committees bpanto. {promises to present something + W. I. Dock korell. travelling passcager tirgly dew. agent for the CPR... waz a visitor in Leo. Millan, Earl Toronto, to sna' the foothall matche ern Crown bank Sceley's Bay. Misses Daisy ard lulu friends in Toronto. D. ., Ordoance strect, has ipone .to Torouto: to: visit' his daugh- Miss Lillie Nicholson returned Kingston, after a pleasant visit the last two weeks with Mr Mastor Collegi spend the week Mrs, William Pillar, mother of William Lawrenes leo age, A. M. Little, Que the sarvices in St the pastor, away decrdunt. © old tot presented the bouquet to Archbishop Gauthier at the Notre Dame Convent reception on Wednesday On Friday eveminz, about fricud My J. Potier,; 47 there Houderson - def 60, TH. tn the doubl (finals) Mi& Macdonnel! Hendarson will Mis Miss Chown twenty Jame s ber home and spent a pleasant evening in cards and games Dainty refreshments wore ed dar- mi the evening eck Mis and Hest and Hew tor of <trest at nice sory Western div ok [he Queens Faes A« hve 0 aa tion -------------------------- meet Joek The Games In Toronto. Royal Military College, forenoon, in Toronto, defeated sity: IT by 6 to 5 Varsity 111, tented (Queen s Arts The R.M.( arsity game they [aved h and qiarter toding atcomnt of adets" trunks i . > oF Phe thi b The annual meeting of oul 3. h [.: : Var tarts, will take place ' ternoon. 'a on Monday of de to-day, to six in Toronto, 11 eighteen | Prof nowill address the | Sox ietw Tuesday « witernoen comiiiftee the futietion Moris on \ Was oe tart of the an ut fu in t he CONCOFING | report | enquire ol uppanted Pre will on non-lelivery pect 1 bs pre Au Hotelkeeper Fined, I'he proprietor of at hotel, bt Wolo lcland, was 'charged. before Justice of the Peace George Hunter and' Justice of the Peace 3), 'W. -Bradshaw, on Sa- turday 'morning, with selling hquor, Sunday, October 24th, #Heopleaded guilty amd, a fige of fiity dokars and wosts wah imposed. } » | The msults | matricida tion Ingtiopgs in © | thin Wlernoon | Were thus David Strathcona A. Dobson, M.A. The. Dominion, Menzipgn dia, si SEN Buchiin = No. 1, value 365-FE. I | ev Walie, Sault Stes Mai Buchan 1H, sale | Burgess, Chathan v-- 1 of Gueen's University fal and supplemental exiun theology imnounced The schalarship four WOR : ton Dow, value X75 : Beaverton, RO value Of Law P Rpt li ne a Thursday. evening, ameron united tn mae lizzie Irvine and Robert the earemony' being quietly. Mr. Mawhinne resident of Brockville . for years, while his bride, nu made her home hia | cardine, Qeatl: and. : | Ernest 'H. Hartman, a machinist { fivi ing Alexandria Bay, filed a pe Jltition in voluntary bankvuptey | Brotkville on i At) a Hage Missd ( Mmwhinney', formed very has" been a twenty recently \ NO A. \ B Pass Examinations Apologetics H. Li ¢ Seriptuee: (Old aud ment)--=L. K. Sally Daniel-<3. RR" MagtDewald, Ecelesiastios--J. over adhe Bo tl New 7} 1 3h in in MA R. MacDonald, at | A MATRIMONIAL MIX-UP. ; ran Death At Chaffey"s Locks. Chafiey's Locks, Nov. B.~The death of Moses Doyles on Sunday last; came | with 'a_shock to the community He® was a uidt, inoddgr, intelligent maa, of seveutyefise yours ad, his pleasa gt, precting and © familar form "and fa will Te sadly missed The call can quite suddenly My. Rove is is survived | hie wife, two Ament ers' and ns Mrs, LL Regaw, tlevrland 1} JL K. Jordan, Ledue, Mra: Capt Doyles Kingstone and . William, He "i: warviveds also by Mr William Flabing Mas Milne, ¥ Wilde, Wigston; Mrs. © ifeton dd Wally, and Mrs, j Murphy, Broo kville,. The funeral, Puesday "mornifig, Was a very raed proceeded li S12 church, "Elgin.® wat dig a - Goats Mex Made oy BER well-arped «kin | Sefour big ale & CC amphell manufacturing turriers. or by wi i. ithe * [tidekan RARE TRI apy eared cine 1730 a, Elgir home 3 NEWSPaw tors, 1 large Columban s | \ riquien high mats Bros, | Build Up A Reserve Now . Now, while your earfing power is good, why rot convert part of it into a Cash Reserve thal will, later on, yield a competence for old age ? You, can easily do it by regularly deposing a part of your ** income in > = STANDARD BAN OF CANADA One Dollar and upwards opens an accowrit, and with systematic! saving and Compound Interest, thie fund will rapadly accumulate. Be to-day. 72 KINGSTON BR ANGH, HY. E. RICHARDSON, Manager, Cor. Princess and BagSheSisetbseamme Easblished 1873 77 Branches) § New York which will be wer-Carter #ap are Cumberland apd Broadway been ving of he Hotel Bayard, venth street. At the Miss Parker. two private took n Bayard \cting "under inst: photed Mise Parker at Inngd, apd at hali-past morning she hotel, while rooms Nov. G--H the steps taken' i the Floradur de Haven matrimonial mix enliveping as those which have already" graced Ry incident Broadway will probably We' provided with a fresh supply sip So far, {two prominent the head lawyer, was his should tives court, Fai tvfourth her i street husband has the ninth in Forty insagftion detective Hoar On on as Hoor i of interesting gos roo! ninth doors leading to rooms iy hotels smashed Williain Grossman, cut open with uetions,. they tele. the Cumber- one o'clock in hurried to the Bavard by a Mite the dete i che went to her hushand's' room, aud © asked admittanes This, it 1s n 1said, was refused, and "at hep order {life of De Haven his Miss | the detectives beat dowa the door [ Parker, member of a company playing | confronted her hus band, and there lin Broadway : stormy which she ; Miss Parker turned to were in, ot an axe and | the two d h- | haujed actor, wa 22 4x bal the was dislocated; friend a i ha 11ves were arrested and and Pe Haven, an arrested "and véleased on all because of strife 1 with domest and wile She was after ri hotel sone, has been living in her to Institute; eft on Friday to | : [and Miss per Adie of | At tha NOVEMBER 8, 1008 i Leggett} iv. | SA TURDAY MIGHT AT SPANGENI AN "XMAS GIFT OPPORTUNITY. Watches, dewelry, Clocks, Silverware, Leather Goods, Opera Glasses, Umbrellas, Canes. At Prices That Will Astonish You ao i with rp ------ LATE SOCIAL NEWS. {Continued from page Mre. James Hendry, King street, {was hostess at a very large and plea- sant tea, on Wednesday, her invita tions numbering two hundred and fifty. The hostess received her guests | and after a chat with her they were {taken in charge by Miss Fdith Folger Richardson, and led tea room. Here were Mrs James Third, pouring coffee, Mrs. Ax- thur (larke making tea and Mrs, | Hondryv's daughter, Mrs, J. (, Con nt cutting Fhe girls assisting were © Miss Brownfield, Miss {Florence Conningham, Miss Frances Sullivan. Miss Hazel Massie, = Miss Florence Birch, Miss Kathleen Rich ardson, Miss Bessie Richardson, Miss = Bessie Smythe, andl Miss Marion Redden. The: tea table ywas lovely and green; a sil fvor basket, its. handie tied with a | of white satin stood upon a which turn rested upon a handsome centre of Small vases, | the corners of the centre held of the valley and the Er was wd with beautiful white chrysanthe- I'he light over the table, with shade fringed With green, was cov with spravs "of asparagus fern effect novel and pretty o page 5. comt Agnes Ren. TOW "Ideal H. to the ices Mabel ilton number cluding s | Gibson Many ranged in white how mirror in lace. at li ilies Hece, {Gibson t He. On Astare a | troved ms cred The was very - } Mi George Hague, Earl street, (Rave a very jolly "little dances 'on! tWednesday, for her youngest dangh- | The wr, Miss Edith, and ber friends: The gqmwests were chiefly the younger set, "ond included Miss Marion Leslie, Miss | Jean Duff, Miss Gladys Burton, Miss | Helen Gordon, Miss Blanche Kent, Miss Hilda arid Miss Doads Kend, Miss [Xda Petrie, Mise TiNian - Mundell, © Mise Elsie Pirie, Miss Cweopeth' Mer- rick, Mise Jean Young, Miss Dorothy Hooper, Miss Millie Henderdon. Their partners were chiefly endets and there sprinkling of boys from - - | Cappon, Barrie isent at little bridee; vestevday after: Sunda There were four tables in play Burie lang the prizes were won by Mrs, Jdva jon. {Maktin and Miss Lily Nortab-Taylor, play was over a number of peo- ipl came in for tea, the tea tuble | héing in chavge of Miss Norton-Taw {3 'tor and Miss ce) Macnee, The de feorntions were lovely; erorkden enrysanthemums, being set off in their {roval beauty Hy miniature pink speei- mens of the same Hower m ther { Gilbert' { and, clearly How of ale. come t« was "a OWN. | ; - Mrs. James rave a {noon. street, third © lake, : farpe he I wine mend. Vases | ive a there Vo Crowe's Yitst récep! | commandant's residence | Mitilary« College "took | a very large: tea, went the bridge ta Kingston, dispensed in the visitors found Miss v chat with her Mrs. J at the the {many Thid pwas H. the Royal aspect people her tion, bat on of SO 10 len dining-room, Crowe - and ovep | cessiul \ welcome { 2A fre jter at { Montre: ner Kit nanws up ond The fi among | tario where had aa > eight Jadminton, the new military among the names 'from | town are : Dr. and Mrs, JJ. .J. Harty, | Miss Elsie Penseé. and Miss Eva Rog lors. There will be the uznal play abd | | a tea this afternoon Phere are about { the waiting {the number | people, { i : list for i some of Yacht and | noon {will - ee vik a Mr ed aud Mis: Crowe "will go-to Ottawa nexy week, for the drawmeg-room and | 1 [wilh spead the -end in the ¢ apite ak: json § : | «trong - - --- street, wil he and aiterwards fourth Mondavs of bP Colonel oe Crowe is sticks, wi - Couillard, Earl on Monday, second and 'month Mlle home a the the A nu [i mniorest Inland pes. wi at { une i nl. - Piri will Miss. Ele day, to Migs im jon return, on Mgn ition w soma re reached Dex mn Woman's of Picton. Gena Branscombe October 22nd and dence at the American Miss Marjorie Hare, in town this week, Mr. Whiteford Pell, of srandson of the late wdieen's, in town. Mrs. Bowen Vau Straubenzee and the | Misses Sraubenzee sail for oh | to-day Phe Rev. W. 1H, and Mrs. Smith are [lund here Sharbot Lake, and settling |; A 1.» jal hosy in John's rectory; Portsmouth is resi- | club Wik F'oronto al Dr. Bell, of from ~t bg tocks, Rémeniber. Circle, The King's Paughs jax he and sale, Tursdary November | quickly B. W. Folger ¥, corner King | the streets, 3 to. 6 p.m, > Charity ters' tea Oth, Mrs and West T { hurried {at the {it was John his nephew, Falls, as a native Was seventy-six time of his death ried A maskinonge weighing thirty pounds was canghit recently near Corn {Isfand by James Kirks. Another | weighing twenty-seven pounds = was taken in the vicinity of Gananoque. Miss 'Laura J. Allen has been re-en- | The gaged as teacher iof Erestonv wie pany, sthool, 1910, at a salary. of %395, Pure sweet apple mice at Gilbert's. Joynt died at the. residence Charles Joynt, Thursday last. Mr. of Ireland. Mr. Joynt | vears of age at the {broken He 'was never mar of | Smith's on Joynt The ¢ | the 1 Stuart, ipagter There was po sossion William Syaitie i reosived at M evening "Fresh cod 's Red Cross drug there. Friday iheld on Friday. as usual, The new X-R&v machine was fused ov | Friday afternoon on Charles Prevost. The machine worked perfect! or glass worth Zia The @ { coved personal, invitations to be pre Grand Opera louse T. redue- New Ls mn Red © It was ramored piorning were smuggled over sido on Friday wight, and mide a | called for 2.30 of the dedgates arcivied' in be {local clubmen, hanquet bofors the med | tashioned borehound Charles Prevost, teamer steamer the man Hell héad 1 ide of the boak, striking ithe eribkiug | He membe on fell Crew, steamer. der was | sprafued, ian church Scotch granite sardophagns erscted {0 memory INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. 2) a Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Popular music, 100. See of this morning Se Sellory to young Womanhood." ith preada to- Cunningham, piano tuner Chickering's. Anley's Book Store. The steamer Dundurn was at Swift's this morning on her to The Bay of Quinte train had a lasge leave orders at way from Montreal. of passengers in to-day a bride and groom.» s Red Cross drdg store. gigar stores and hotels wi wine, the window store. and See iron night McCann's t Stoco, .near Tweed, by fire. It 'wasn ut {Block and was a total less. | Unoeda biscuits, Tein package, anual bull avd supper. of | Prentice Boys at Amherst Island was It was well attended a great SnCCess. the wounded shouMer. can we give' a piste of Royul tea? y buy. ity Don't council members th afternoon. .to hear Rev. speak on liquor license & She's "special." Echt in all lass rate on invalids' 'tonic, I'he make -physivians See .the window ross drug store. Only on that two more Chiao: a; golaway notwithstanding | opposi ton. sh supply of Stipson's 1 and Privcess streets. anc ig and Brock strpets. rsd meeting of | the Yacht Racing [Association olalotky to-day, Club's commitge: 'rooms. the risiting brtained ond will The royally to-day. or ings ane and odds,' the coh in a pound fo 10c Crosse drug gran coughs hali tnd kind, oling axl Mission will be wm Wednes lay. "Two ho are now in t' ae Lis expected U4 nt the al I influ ratial { held in west vb Dundas { of Chinese oppression "by bs ects al tasa dissasvion and ill he up for medics saggests oa den A SAILOR INJURED At Morristurg Caaal--Brought to General Flospital. agsallo Simla, of gue € on Friday at the and: was drougin wo the n in fee pitwl for treatments When | Jirade ch was Dassing into the rescued by other and | patie «od be it + found 1} HVT mjured, to the, city. Whea hospital he found bis shoulde: and | hraise can wi. oh pod hw his Was hat Ww the - hs ongregation of Prescott, is of the late Rev. coupon on 'the police piano tuner. Orders rho "Phone 778. 'women on liver oil emulsion" the telegraph compas | {to-day to bulletin the football scores as they occurred. 1 'Beef, recommend it. physicians | wneral was des: Murphy showing with" 'each pound worry but On sale at'Gilbert's hav Kingston morning that the tha C. P. 1! bi ta Livefpool, Bac been reduged to 227.50. ** feel, iron "and Tecom- at Gibson's the 'streots this the American "me wi McLeod's Drug Stares, o Lak: in City at mambers (germ by wtlered a twisted anaduans in the worl of the China | Wirni- Kingston- | il at on Morristmirg t oviwithe | he arrived | was Sanitied and | 347 KING ST., KINGSTO SUFFER. {PRON DISEASE. Many Cases of of Malaria, Typhus and Dysentary. 3 Paris, Nov. 6.--A despatch from Oran, to tho Malin, says that in <oe- samence of heavy rains, at Melilla, tho Spanish army is suffering soveraly from malaria, typhus and dysentry. There are 1,3 cases NOW among them, and tho new cases that are be ing sent to the hospitali-average 220 a day. mor Concerned In" Scandal. Kicl, Nov. 6.-A sensation. was ated at the navy graft %rial bore, t.rday, when Clerk Reinkens test that Lieat. Commander Haase, who rcocntly committed suicide at Cux- haven, was concorned in the scandal. | Roinkens says Hapse ipstigaied him | to notify Frankenthaly one of tho 'de: cadxl merchants, of a forthcoming auction of gutta percha at the Cux- haven artillory post. Hasse's suicido which has heen a mystery, is sapposed ta he explained by this evidinee. Fermentation and from Me 3 ore Ham- in- nt are aut Ouly In the Stomach By Charaoal, the Great Absorbent, Anti-Fer- mentative and Deodorant. Some years ago' Ur. Belloc, a roti ed surgeon of the French army, tien ed hig attention to charcoal us a re medy for dyspepsia, fermentation asd fiatulepce, or gus in the stomach and ntestines, He was himsell a suffebeg at the china an opportunity | of testing personally its therapeutic action. He decided after many tests that charcoal made of willow wood was by ar the best. He fgund that charcoal made of other ®obds Based a dis agreeable tite in the mouth--even painful excoriationsiof the mucous membrane, 'as well as thirst, and a pinching sensation in the stomach, hut not one of these symptoms, ever oc curred when willow charcoal was em- ployed. : He was in the hdbig of Prescribing from two to six teaspoonfuls for .his patients, but he himself frequenti: took as much as 000 grammes, more than fifteen ounces per day. There 'is really no such thing as tak ing too much charcoal. An excess cnnnot' be taken, for the reason that the more you take the better it is for you, as it is entirely harmless, through its use your system will be completely cleansed of all its imputi ties, the jermentétion of food and the {formation of gas in tae stomach pre fventug and the absofption of texic | roducts or poisonous material into vthe blood from the ytomac h and in. Ftostines stopped. | When a regular physician took as fifteen ounces. of charcoal ite harmlessness and beneficial as an absorbent, deodorant, destroyer and dyspepsia cure, should be apparent to all. The Academie Nationale de medi cine of Paris reported very savorably fn a memoir whith Dr! Belfoc publish i on the use of charcoal, and in "ne on E. Boe. W men suc. some orney I cor On was the: | much daily, pliects y ON Mot the over, old France it soon became a Tavotite re tx reputation spread to this and: pow we find charcoal {lozenges extensively sold, prescribed and employed as dyspepsia remedies. Dr. Delloc's charcoal was administered to hix patients in the form of a ppw- der, stirred up un water, which was very disagreeable to the taste, and its efficacy was far less than in the form of a lozenge. . Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges are a great apd © happy iniprovement upon this form of administering charcoal. They 'are made of the best willow charcoal, freshly prepared, and ren dered: exceedingly palatable by "the addition of pure honey, which gives them#a taste that is in strong con trast to that of ovdiaary powdered' charcoal. Nothing could be mors affix caciogs in ite efiects than charcoal {given in this desirable form. Two, or thie of Stua' Fre Charcoal' Lozenges takelt after meals are sufficient | to ive vomplete relief. Gal to' your drug: ist and buy a box] but imgist. on havimg Stuart's, a= there are woftiless imitations en the ma 'dot made of willow wood, ht of i poplar, bofwond, dogwood, etc. { which. are not good for 'the system, i For sale everywhere, 25 cents per box. As Sample box will he sent free by mail verely | st, Address F. A. Stuart pot | pong frequent, 3 Co., 200 Stuart mde Marshall, Mich, Ciib- thie | mae oF country shIoF the | , WHS | gener "ne thie wast ra of the | chou WAR | resin refs | ring a fine De. wha for twenty -nind years Wis in' charge, Donminien Cdld Suornge a cold storage pant, com Pigkon, is rumored wo: have pur chased the Cleveland. Seed Hipuse, Pig 1ON gs Flatulence Prevented from these symptoms, and thus had otf Eo ESS WEE Sa BOW BP We BEE BSE dee sme ae IR AER OE a i = and 4

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