YEAR 76-NO. 262. be Daily KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNERDY , NOVEMBER 10, 1009, SET ON FIRE -- By Stepping Upon a Match In Room. WAS FOUND DEAD IN HER ROOM WHERE SEE WAS TAKEN, Woman, Burned, Cut and Bruised, Found Dead--Widower, Held and Offers Explanation. Philadelphia, Nov. 10.--Horribly burned, out and bruised, the body of Mrs. Margarot Saussor, aged thirty years, was found lying in a room in tho residonee of William E. Dutton, a middle-aged widower, for whom she actod as housekeoper, Dutton's explanation of how the woman received the injuries which causes her death does not satisfy the polige, and he is under arrest to await! | tho result of the coroner's investiga- tion. HUSBAND A MURDERER. Bride Surrenders Slayer to the Police. Youngstown, Ohio, Nov. 10.-Fel- lowing the arrest of Pasquale Roman on 'a murder charge, vesterday, an hour after his marriage to Miss Eliza- beth Andrews, it developed to-day that the new mado bride betzayed her husband to the police. The man was taken from the railway station, just as the young people were boarding a train | for their futuro home near Cleveland. He was iaken to jail, on word from Brownsville, Pa., that he was wanied there under another name for a murder commitied four years ago. Today's developments show that the girl told the police that it was Roman who was wanted by the Penn sylvania courts, and that a reward of $600 was on his head. To-night the gizl Jics in teror of Roman's friends, who, sho fears, may sok revenge on | "He foroed me to marry him," she said. "He told me that he wblld kill me \f I did not." Immediately thereafter sho cmployed atiorneys to defend the man and de- clared her intention of remapning with him to the endi She said she was sorry she had betrayed him. Roman waived extradition to-night land will ga to Brownsville. Mrs. Ro- iman's parcnis aro well-to-do, and, { they have urged her stay 'with | Roman. to AWARDED 1 Disbursement of a $15,000 Reward. IN-THE WHITLA CASE GOVERNOR STUART OF PENN- SYLVANIA GAVE ORDERS. A Saloon Keeper Was Given $5,- 000 and the Police Pension Fund of Cleveland Was Added Too--Other Claimants Were Treated Generously. Cleveland, Nov. 10.--~The much de layed and long andicipated disburse mont of the $15,000 reward for the approhcusion and conviction of the kidnappers of ¢'Willie" Whitla, was an- nounced last night, by Governor Stuart, of Pennsylvania. As Governor Stuart is several hun- drech miles away ho probably will never have any firsthand knowledge of the commotion he has created among the DROWNED IN co Two Vessels Hit Each Black Island. New York, Nov, J0--Six of the crew of the barkentine Jobn S. Ben- nett, bound from New York to Hali- fax with a cargo of coal, were drowned, early Monday morning, when the vessel was sunk in collision off Block Island with a four-masted schooner, supposed to be the. Merrill (. Hart, of Thomastown, Me., bound for New York. The schooner is also GLelieved to have lost five members of her crew." Wreckage bearing the name of Merrill C. Hart floated ashore near the scene of the collision yesterday. The Bennett was owned by A. Hen- dry & Son, Liverpool, N.S. . Meagr N. ther Of e details of the disaster were brought! here, vesterday, by Capt. Bullock, of the schooner William Jones, which sicked up two Filipino sailors, mem- bers of the Bennett's crew, which num- hered eicht men in all, consistine of Capt. Jonas ith, . NS, First Mate iladley and Second Mae Obrey Geldert, both of Lockport; Dan- iel Stoutley, the cook, and two sea- men, besides the two rescued men. NINE HAVE DIPHTHERIA. Home of Sisters' Hospital a Con- tagious Ward. Watertown, N.Y.,- Nov. 10.--With nine nurses in the Sisters' hospital ill with diphtheria, and a patient like lord mayor's called that a year ago 1 clouded. IEW Wo Was Very Busy at Lord Mayor's Spread. \ CRASH. OF GLASS AND A FAR AWAY VOICE WAS Calling on Government For Votes For Women--Prime Minister Asquith Was Glad That a Clear Sky and Peaceful Times Were Apparent To-Day. London, Nov. 10.--Speaking at the banquet, at Guildhall, last night, Prime Minister Asquith re- the interna- Europe was somewhat He rejoiced that he was able to speak on the subject now without ional sky of any lurking apprehensions. He would not say that all possible sources disquiet of in the Balkans and in the PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. The court of appeals, at Albany, de- (idol That oral petting: wis sot Hie gal. Suffrageties made a raid on the lord mayor's banquet at the Guild hall, Loudon, Jules Kusell, stricken blind while playing at the Majestic music hall in Toronto, died in New York. The American Federation of Labor, in convention in Toronto, will debate the woman's suffrage question. Montague Guest, a close friend ol. King Edward, died, while hunting with his majesty at Sandringham. The first train of wheat over the National Transcontinental, from Win nipeg, has arrived at Fort William. At Sault Ste. Marie, Ont, a con: tract for the erection of a coke oven to cost $2,000,000, has been It is the intention of the Dominion Coal company to bank at least a half million tons of coal during the coming winter. At a meeting of the Eastern Town- ships Press Association, C. A. GC Hanson, Observer, Coaticook, was elected president. Lord Dundonald advises the towns and populoys counties of Britain to purchase estates in the colonies on which to place their unemployed. James . White, dominion geographer, Doing things best has been our Dress Goods reputa- 'tion from 'the very feat 8 | Buyers tell us repeatedly that § we always. have up-to-date j reliable lines. We knew it in} advance; but we like to be told ; and the more we're told the more we strive tot do better, near east had been removed, but he was not aware of anything that, un- der the existing circumstances, should not yield to time and tact. Referring to the relations between Greal Britain aud Germany, the premier said he knew of nothing standing in the way of a fall and friendly understanding. The banquet had a suffragette in- terlude. As the lord mayor was toast- ing the king, a crash was heard over- head ahd a shower of glass, followed Duttbn says Mrd. Sausser accident- | ally set herself on fire by stopping on | a match in the dining room. He says | that! he did not realize the sorious ture of her injuries when he ass her to bad. When ho finally informed | the 'police soveral hours later the wo | man was dead. wise ill from the same cause, the hos pital has been placed under the strict- est quarantine, no one being allowed to pass in or out. Within the hospital there are now thirty-three patients un- der westment for various causes. The nurses and patient afflicted with diph- eherin were removed to the Nurses' lome, next door, the home being turned into a contagious ward for the time being. On November lst, Raymond Coyer Cleveland claimants. | Pat O'Reilly, saloonkecper, on Vine | | par hill, who tipped off the police to Ne Boston School Committee Issues the presence. of Jinmy and Helen ' the Order. | Hole « in_is ine Fon receives dostan, Nov. 10.--The Boston school {ge'ann' w polico pension fund gets v . | 86,900, and "Princes" Humley, superin committee has handed down the ! Le ; : : {tondent. of service at the Hollenden tum that all high school pupils above jy yeh oy . ' : {hotel, is given $2,000. Other seckers the first grade, unless incapacitated, | flor slice of 4 ard . | included, ter gp Slice of the reward are honor- Latest C.N.R. Deal. ; Aart |a girls must, beginning ; next lably mentioned. The others include | anyono who did enything, from riding Toronto, Nov. 10.--D. D. Mann of [year, seek the pubic bathing places in the C. N. R., rmefusx]l either to eom- of swimming and | 4 © since (1891, has been appointed secre- tary of the comniission for the con: servation of natural resources. Fines totaling S650 were imposeti by Commissioner Farris, St. John, N.B., oh six men for selling liqior in prohibited territory along the line of the G.T.P, Bedfort, who confessed to the *Kin- rade murder, was remanded in Lon- don, Eng., uitil Thursday. The pris- on doctor says that he was insane, ALL GIRLS MUST SWIM. de- / |eare instructors, firm or deny the report 4¢hat the C. N. R. had purchased the pieco of rail way. from Kinmount Junction to Ban | croft, but a gentleman in close touch | with L. B, Hdwland, président of the | Irondale, Baneroft and Ottawa rail- way, stated that the deal was an un- | doubted fget. The figure paid is said | to be in the naighborhood of $500,- 000, The road is about fifty miles long, and, according to present plans, will give Mackenzio and Mann a lever { against the Canada Atlantic from Ot- | tawa to the upper lakes, and form a continuation of the Montreal, Ottawy | and Quahee line. | Hulk Still Under Water. | Watertown, N.Y. i Nov. 10.--Attor- | ney Raymond Cornwall returned from | Aloxandria Bay, whore he spent Sun- | day. In speaking " of the Islands which was burned at ber dock at fhe | Bay sswergl weeks ago, Mr. Cornwall | said that the hulk was still lying in | front of the dock, completely under | water. A light warns approaching | vessels of the danger. All boats ave! now obliged to land at the Crossman | dock, The engine, aynamo, and shalt- | ing have been removal from the hulk, | but the main part has resisted all | efforts on the parti of wrecking crew, the i To Erect A Huge Mill. Youngstown, 0., Nov. 10.---Tha Car- negie Steel company issued official netica of iia intention to build an intmense finishing mill plant at Gir ard, O., adjoining the Ohio works "Here. The now mills will have 4 cap geity of 30,000 tons per month, and this tonnage will ultimately be fin croased to 60,000, | { New Steamers Ordered. Cleveland, 0., Nov, 10.--Four mod orn freight steamars for 1910 delivery have been ordered by the Amcrican Shipbuilding company. The beats are for southern furnace intevests. Each will be of the 9,000-ton class. One of the new ships will bo bailt in the Cleveland yards, while the others will bo distribu¥od to Lorain, Wyandotie and Superior, - | Salesman," master the art of swimming. These instructors, who will be the regular bathing roasters appointed by the city and suburbs, and, under the the city or state, will sign a certil cate provided for the purpose hy the director of hygiene in which will be accepted by the school hoard as proof of the ability of the scholar swimmer. The school board will then award one or two points as the occasion may require, which will be counted toward the final graduation marks of the pupils. schools, as a Slick Fakir. ('arleton Place, Nov. day evening. of last wee ing individual who announced himself in the press as "Martin Morrison, manager of the Australian Giveway his advance notice stating hat he had. a new and unique me thod of giving merchandise away free to obtain testimonials, stood on a street corner and under pretense that all would gain rewards took consid: erable money from the youths who gathered around him. Saying that he would appear again néxt evening, he drove on, flourishing a formilable looking dirk knife, It understood that Morrison paid a licende of x2. The people of the community ar: dignant, not so much that this mortal money under false vre tences as that he should be ailowe! to carry a weapon. Thurs- m- sik took 10 LOOK PLEASANT PRETTY BRIDESMAIDS SUP-| PLIED BY STORE. Ordered With Costumes, or With. put, They Are Sent to Wed- ding Ceremonies. london, Nov. 10.--There is a way out for despairing brides whose wo- man friends and relations hawe all been bridesmaids twice and hesitate to accept the position for the fatal and unlucky third occasion. The profession of bridesmaid is found Growing Peanuts In Hastings. Trenton, Nov. 10.--Rhat peanuts may 'be grown successfully in this country, and, further, that there is a probability that they may prove to be a profitable erop, has been demon strated this season by a young Sidney farmer, Blake Lockwood. St. Paul's Guild Tea. Will be held in the school = house, Montreal street, Thursday, Nov. llth, from 3 to 6:30 pm. Home-made and candy table. Admission 10c. DAILY MEMORANDA. Meeting of Orangemen, 8 p.m. Sale of Work opens at 8. A. B pm. Ordination Service, Church, B p.m. Court of "Revision 2.90 pim., Thursday. Bijou Theatre--""The Man Money," or "A Change of Heart Broken Hearts,"' the story of Muller. Hiustrited Songs. Barracks, Sydenham Street for Vietoria Ward, With the 1 "Two Maud ll} the carriages time These long evenings are the . athe yeading and our perfect lamps the pleasure of your books Easy on the eyes, not light or Gas We have many metal and china All kipds of lamp trimmings Rebertson like Electric shapes in glass, pretty to Bros. to be in existence in London. Good- looking girls who are in search of a light o#upation have now a chance to obtain their heart's desire. All they have to do as "professional bridesmaids" look particularly weet, wear a charming costume, carry gracefully a bouquet, be able to walk {decorously up the aisle, and be prepar- {ed to take the bride's bouquet at the right moment, The bride who "feels loné- ! some without the support of others of | her sex to give her courage at the al- | tar, has only to ring up Whiteley's, and she may have promptly as many bridesmaids as though she were being married with the full approval of all her girl friends, "We do not kecp bridesmaids as a gpecial department at present," a re- presentative cof Messrs. Whiteley said | vesterday,. as it is only two or three times a year that we are asked for them. When an order comes we send some of our young women clerks {other employees "We generally charge one is to runaway or ! X | guinea per bridesmaid, if the parents of the bride lare providing her outfit and carriage. "If we to provide the costume according the fancy of the bride, are to car whon Willi was returned to the Hollenden to those who dusted his clothes. on CANADA'S PURPOSE. Navy of Seven Vessels is Plahned By Canada. Ottawa, Nov. 10.--The extent Canada's first stop toward the tion of a naval force is indicated hy the bill which the will present to parliament early in the ses of crea government sion It will provide for the construction of three second-class cruisers and four torpedo boat destroyers. - The orders for these vessels will probably be placed in Great Britain, as no yard has been yet established in Canada capable of turning out the ships. The bith will provide for Canadian training establishments for both ofli cers. and men, I'he annual cost of maintenance for the seven vessels and the expense of the naval schools is estimated at 33, OUOLOO0 a year, also Bar Fitted Up. Brockville, Nov. 10.--License Tuspee- tor Ross and Proviucial Detective Stone, of Prescott, Saturday, made call at the residence of an Elizabeth town farmer, where they found a bar fitted up and a quantity of ale and a few bottlés of whiskey on the premises. Ihe inspector had learned that sever al cases of whiskey from a Montreal firm came addressed to the man in question a few days ago, but no trace of the consignment could be found anywhere. Existing war- the inspector in lodging infor- mation under the liquor act, and the case will be aired before Police Magis- trate Deacon, in Brockville. a conditions rants A Fortune For Wronged Man. New Yoik, Nov. 101i James J. Corbett (not the pugilist), who left Boston in 1873, after he had been wrongfully accused of robbery, will make known his whereabouts, he will find a Boston attorney ready to hand over to_him a quarter of a million dol- lars, which was left him by his broth- er, William J. Corbett, who died a few days ago. Queen No Suffragette. London, Nov. 10.--Queen Helena Italy resolutely declined to ceive a body of Italian women wishing to interest her in their agitation, say- ing = "Politics inspires in me nothing but dislike, since woman has only one mission on earth=love. Women seek- jing to associate themselves with poli- tics cannot be good mothers or daugh- ters. = of has re- Good News For Workers. Reading, Pa., Nov. 10.--The Reading Iron company has posted notices that a new schedule of wages affecting near- ly 2,000 men, will go into effect No- vember 22nd. Puddlers are to be in- creased from $4 to $4.50 per ton. There will be increases in all depart- ments, especially among the laborers. Parents To Penitentiary. I~ Fort Frances; Nov. H.--The parents of Gertrude Young, a girl who gave birth to a child which she strangled and buried, were convicted of perjury in swearing to ignorance of the erime. or added to the fee. "I think one of the reasons for the of , the professional brides- maid is that some people would rather for the bridal proces than friends to other expenses are Xistence picturesque bother their {eopt the rather expensive position of | bridesmaids h sion ae Seclusion. 10.--Dr. Frederic Cook Seeks New Yark, . Nov k Cook, the Brooklyn explorer, who | from for recently returned to New York the west. "is working on his data submission at Copenhagen, at { "quiet place away from New York! Tonic Tablets will the to your cheeks. 'at Prouse's drug {town post office br aneh). i { Dr. back Loves, Blair's In 25e¢. roses Hick class teas at Gilbert's, al bring store (up- ihe judge sentenced the mother to i three vears and the father to two. The {girl was freed, as being insane -- Presents $200,000 Building. Poughkeepsie, N.Y. 'Nov. 10.----Wil Liam W. Smith, formally - presented to the Young Men's Christian Association {of Poughkeepsie, a . and fully | equipped building, storeys with iwhite marble front, completely furnished The structure cost over S200, 000, new four and i | A Miniature Axe. {| Amberst, N.S. Nov. 10.--- Ried. of West Leicester, N.S. has' for- {warded to King Edward a unique {sample of Canadian workmanship in the form of a miniature double-bitted ilumberman's axe and handle, The to- ital length of the axe is 1 jwide of blade, 7-16 inch, 761 grains. oi anley 3-16 inches and weight, died at the hospital of diphtheria, and on November 2nd, Edgar Mount died at the institution of the same cause. The nurses caught the disease, GRAFT FROM JOY RIDERS. Charge That Police Are Offenders Slip. Now York, Nov. 10.--~Charges graft madd bribery, in a new form, are rife in tho of New York city's bicycle policomen; leading to. praeti- cally unrestrained violation of the spear) laws by automobilists, will be malo basis of wholesale transfers ancl dismissals of bicycle and motor- cycle officers, according to amnounce- ment mad: by Police Commissioner Baker to-day. Mr. Baker callod atten- tion to the fact: that during October twenty-two. persons were killed, and more then 100 injured by automobiles in New York city. SOLVED THE PROBLEM ROCK PILE FOR THE HARD- ENED CRIMINALS. Letting that rants ui Samuel A. Mann, Police Magis- trate, Spokane, Says Good Hard Work is the Best Remedy --Wrong to Keep Criminal in Idleness. Spokane, Wash., Nov. A. Mann, police magistrate of Spo- kane, formerly a newspaper writer, and theatrical performer, in the east, believes he has solved the problem of dealing with hardened criminals, ha-| bitual drunkards and hop fiends, wile- | beaters, drones, and juvenile offen ders. The panacea : "Give them work--work that tires the body and rests the mind; give them wholesome food, and frequent baths. The rock pile is a suitable place in the absence of an establish- ed workhouse." Judge Mann handles from forty-five to sixty cases daily, during the six days ao week thé court is in session, thus giving him opportunity to the result of sending prisoners to the | city jail. He says they invariably re | turn to answer some other, if not the| same charge, and the fall is from bad to worse, the climax, as a rule, being the penitentiary for life or long per- iods. He added : "Speaking from a strictly humani- tarian standpoint I believe it is wrong to keep'a criminal in absolute idleness for thirty, sixty or ninety days, while the result of incarcerating a normal human being, who has com- mitted no crime, for a' similar period will either make him a- criminal or] drive him insane. "l have watched the result of sen- tences on the rock pile. Even the @onfirmed drunkard, who comes here after a knock-out fight with John Barleycorn, goes forth a new man after thirty days' treatment as 1 have 10.--Samuel see upstairs and gettes had gained access ta the-stair- agriculture of his life. eight feet square, the only articles in cooking supplied coolic whom he employed was always by a iar-away voicé liké a wandering echo, saying, "Votes for women." olice, at once, dashed ound that twe sufira- Firemen and ase leading to the gallery, had smashed a window on the gallery, and shrieked officers approached finally scuttling they were chase. through the hole. As the the women fled, to the roof, where captured after an exciting RECLUSE IN INDIA. Lived Alone and Refused to Take Fortune. Chicago, Nov. 10.---~From Bangalore comes the strange story of a German recluse 4 named Kaspar Schiefimayer,. who lived alone in a village near St. John's hill and was found dead in his room, having succumbed to a neglect. ed attack of bronchitis. Mr. Schiefimayer went to India about thirty. years ago #8 a specialist in for ihe government of Madras, but as the climate did not suit him he resigned the appointment. Proceeding to. Bangalore, he pur- chased over forty acres, nnd never left his estate even temporarily for the rest He occupied a room about being a cot, chair and a few utensils. Hiw food consisted of milk and eggs and a loaf of bread to him daily, and the one it a sent away after sunset, A valuable stock of cows and pigs and some savage bull terriers were, in fact, all 'the companions of his life. His peculiar habits developed to suck a pitch that he gave up wearing clothes except when obliged to such rare visitors as came on business, This occentric way of life was attri- buted 'to an early love trouble which was believed ta havo turned the un- fortunate agriculturist into a mis ogyvilist and a world hater. A few months before his death a let- ter- was forwarded to him from the German consul at Madras to inform him that he had come into a consider: able fortune, but the old heniiit scorn- ed to acknowledge the communication, and died intestate. see ree THE IRISH PROBLEM. Within Few Years Irishmen Will Own Farms. New York, Nov. 10.--Within ten or fifteen years the great landlords of Ireland will have been deposed, and half a million Irishmen will be lords of their own farms, said T. P, O'Con- not, member of . parliament from Liverpool, at a meeting in aid of the nationalist cause in Ireland, at: the Lyric theatre. Michael J. Ryan, Phil-, adebphia, president of the United Irish League of America, presided, and . an enthusiastic audience contributed liberally after hearing Mr. O'Connor tell of the situation. 'After the next but is not insane now. Plans to make Montreal one of the best equipped ports on the continent have been prepared by a board of en gineers and ave before the Canadian government for approval. Thomas M. Costello, who represont- od Oswego county in the New York state assembly continmously from 1895 to 1902, died at his home at Allmar on Tuesday alter a le qr illness. He was born on Prince Eaward Island in 1845, At Gimli, Man., the quarrel over a five cent piece, which resulted in the death of Petro Bononis, had its se quel when Nikola Roditz appeared he fore Magistrate Keanstead and 'waa committed for trial on a charge of manslaughter. Messrs. Wesley and Crew, who have heen joint owners of the No#thern Ad- vanes, Barrio, for five years, havd dis- solved partnership, . Mr. Crew becom- ing proprictor, and Mr: Wesley retiz- ing that he may devote all his time to his other business intervels. At Vancouver, lying on the floor with a silk handkerchief twisted round his neck into a strangle knot, Hugo Webber, formerly interpreter .to the American legation at Pekin, was found dead. He had been brooding af- ter the loss of his position. George Noyes, a C.P.R. brakeman, of Toronto, fell from the top of the van as his train was pulling out from Tweed - station on Tuesday. He is in- jured about the ' head and is suffering from shock. The doctors think the injuries will not prove serious. THE OFFICERS HELPED ROB GERMAN GOVERN- MENT AT NAVY YARDS. Amount of the Nation's Losses Through Defalcations of Men in Charge Not Known Even Roughly--Newspaper Criticism of Government, Berlin, Nov. 10.--The German ernment's new system of navy yard bookkeeping, © made necessary by the recent revelations concerning the sale of waste materials at the Niel navy vard below the proper price, throug! the connivance of petty officers, will be devised after Vice-Admiral . Carl woodrigh has studied the English ant American systems, The defalcations at the Kiel yards appear to be considerably gruater thus early cstimates, and may amount ic several million dollars. In fact, there are no means of knowing, even rough ly, the amount of the government' losses through the selling at nom nal prices of immense guantities © copper, steel and other supplies by [the connivance of a ring of dealer; with the minor naval officers. Newspaper criticism of the govern gov election," he said, "we expect to have outlined. I have seen boys, who be- eamé desperate criminals after asso- siating with bad men in jail a similar period, and again I have known them to become respected citizens as a re sult of being segregated from the other dlasses and given work to octupy their winds. The rock 'pile solves the pro blem)" Must Support Children. Sacramento, Cal, Nov, 10:-A sen- tence of ten years in the penitentiary was imposed, yesterday, upon Claude Wood, for manslaughter for rinuing over and killing James F. Smith, but cighty-three members oi parliament. Whatever combination of parties wins in England, our eighty-three voters will mean the balance of power.' He said the Irish peo ls had won nine of ten things they had started lout to win, and expecic I' during the {next parliament to get i: addition to {national sc hools and the university; the boon pf home rule. Within three or four vears; he predicted, Ireland might have its own parliament. At Sintaluta, Sask., the death oecur- red of John Dulmage, on October 27th. Deceased had been in ailing health for at the same time the court ordered that the commitment Be withheld and the terms of the probation is included a provision compelling, Wood to con- tribute $25 a month towards the sup- port 'of the five children he fatherless by his reckless driving. SEY acta Hand Bags At Cost. In order to reduce our stock of hand bugs, we will soll a number at cost. These are on display, asl anyone need- ing a good. solid leather bag at whole sale cost. The Best Drug Store, | You save $ $ $ by trading at Gil kert's. ' the defendant placed on probation. In made | {two vears past. He was 4 native | South Marysburgh, aged forty-eight years. His mother still "resides in { Prince Edward county, aged eighty- | SIX years. 1. There died in {7th, Annie Loretta Gorman, wife {Charles A. Lavelle. Deceased {porn in Picton in 1885. She was {daughter of Robert and Mrs. { man. | The Picton Horticultural Society elected these officers ; President, P. 1¢. Macnee; vice-president, R. Davison; | secretary-treasurer, Wo T. Ross. | The Chicago Great Western railway will expend $8,000,000 for rchabilita- tion and equipment, Picton on November of was a Gor- of ment is mopt severe. The Vossischs Zeitung likens the condition at Hx {Kiel yards, to those of the Russim navy yard. = Vice-Admiral Usedom, ing ector-general of the Kiel yards wns summoned to Berlin. Convicts Brutally Whipped. Galveston, Tex., Nov. 10. to ihe investigations of Texas penx institutions made by the legislativi committee more than fifty convict (have been killed by whippings an other cruelties within the past tnre years. More convicts have undoubt edly been tortured to death by guard but the inmates are afraid to testify knowing that they would incur th vengeance of thé penitentiary officers (ne long-term convict, with an excel lent prison record, told the commit tee he Tad witnessed three whipping which had killed the victims. He beg ed piteously rot to be forced i testify, saying the guayds would giv: (him a dog's life thereafter. The eom mittee has 'positive evidence that »40( convicts have been whipped unti their bodies weré a mass of bleedin; wounds. Twenty 'deaths from Bright" {disease and poenmonia have' Dem traced to beatings. > Just reecived, a fresh shipment Nyal's family revacdies, all reliable; a Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. - Aceording / o TO-MORROW WE OFFER Two very special lines tailored suits. (1) British Tweeds Tn hali-tone stripes, Colors Blues, Greens, Browns, ete. 44 inches wide and all wool. EXTRA SPECIAL, at Vbe. (2) A Great Line Of Homespun Tweeds, with Broadeloth finish, both Checks. and Strives, in all the new shades, 56 inches wide and all pure wool VERY SPECIAL, AT $1.15. ox DON'T FAIL TO SEE THEM, TAYLOR ~In Pieton Mr. and Mrs. I DIED. PIGION In Kingston, Richard Pigion, eighty vears. Funeral private, from his ) Fla St, Thursday Not 1009, nped v. Oth, Gardener, a residence, n ROBERT J REID The 1sading Undertaker. "Phone, 677. 227 Princess strest "New Goods Arriving Daily i New New New New New Valencia Raifins, Seeded Raisins, Sultana Raisins, Talile Raisins, Cooking Figs Table Figs, Dates, New Sweet Cider. las. Redden & Co. P.S.--~Hickory Nuts, Be. per quart, "TAKE NOTICE." It you want any heating stoves, 1 have them in all sorts and sizes. Prices reasonfble, at TURK"3, Prose, 708: Deaths At Glenvale, Glenvale, Nov, 9.--The wraul vi the ate Mrs. Uawley took place to the ; Methodist church here Friday morn. \ ng last. Deceased was a meaber of Wms ehurch and ales of the sewing #o- foty, where she will be much missed, duch sympathy, is felt for the beresv- d husband, Another sudden death oc rurred Raturday, William irvin passed away, afer an illness of meamonia. He was in his Sevenly- igh® year, and was able to work ab nost to the day of his death. uneral was condacted at his residence on on when m Monday. Rev, Mr. Danby preached to the Orangemon and also to a large ongregation, on Sunday evening. 3 A. leonard, Napanes, visiting friends here. Mr. and ire, Hirold His Burnett, Havelock, visited at 4. Cram; re, reednthy * R. 1. Bowan & Co., Yrokers, vane to, have itisse pining stock overwhelmed them, \ Aswigned