} A PAGE SIX. ir 5 da A I maa mat . TOLD OF GRETNA GREEN ¢ i a ' . br How the Duke of Buccleuch Came by eerie Mature's curs for Liver His Money. : and Stomach Troubles-- [| Thre ate, oot aston thse. She founder of the wealth owned by the 49 family to-day, was a "bad Buc Tr . ' clench"; in fact, that he was pothing Figen . Ss mare | or Jog thay . siifer, who ih § ; / : eer Galt §| Sinica th er | Five Roses Appeals to Yo i t a thought of right. They vescent were stirring times in which he lived, oe LOSES : ea to ou, Er 1a ds ol Other ; Fond a : op SOLD EVERYWHERE. 38 Tt, n hundreds o r - caine Be | Madam, as Final Judge n ifices to uphold their King bri : Warlate urd obtrined rewards as bast p they could. ; This mueh saa = Aa Bor, the Do you know what they're saying t you, Mistress\Housewife ? er of the family--he never Iack-'§- a > . ed pluck and a bold front. As Sir That you don't know good stuff f . Walter Scott he carried on a preda- That price is your only guide ; that because ** Pigs is: Pigs' you tory Jreviate Afaiust Jue Ee and think flour 1s flour --* only that and nothing more." > on the conclusion of a ul ar- . . : rangement betweea Queen Elisabeth Even say . Vouidh t ay god flour if you saw it, and wouldn't a ; James he was sent to Englan e it exc t were cheap CURE EFFECTED OR MONEY RB.y | ooo "ROC po" - y the latter. hen - " Lo aaa yuNbED ovners and | | brought before the haughty Queen In short, anything labelled FLOUR " is good enough for you. sisters have given ORRINE (the Bess, she imperiously demanded of Secret treatment) to husbands, sons,| | him how he had dared to kill so many fathers an rothers, and are en- ; of her soldiers. But for once .the : i : thusiastie i got r praiss_of ORRINE proud Queen met her match, for the We deny this libel on your discrimi- Isn't that so, Madam ? of the "Liquor Habit' and thereby ready answer came, "What is there | Come ee brought hagipivess to their homes. | that 8 man dare not da?" Struck by | And appeal fo you, Madam, to. nall Just think, Mis hoi Can Be Given Secretly, the reply, she turned to a lord-in- the impeachment. dy al piu Housewife, It ORRINE COSTS ONLY Hal BOX.{ | waiting and said, "With ten thous. | Nothing short -of the very Dest is taken Twenty-one years to Write, Guateates aE Booklet] | and such men our brother of Scot- | good enongh for YOU. perfect. FIVE ROSES --to_attain THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1 009. You | just try MARRYING GROUND. i { i MEMORIES OF SCOTLAND'S GREAT | | Coming Case In Courts Where Alex, Bosville of Yorkshire Chal'enges Title of Lord Macdonald, Hinges on a Gretna Green Wedding and Re vives Old Stories -- How Earl of Westmorland Married an Heiress. : Memories of Gretna Green will b: once and you'll never drink another lager. |revived by a most remit. bie pecrag Specially brewed for family use from the purest ingredients Slats iat will be Er money can buy. Thoroughly aged and matured in wood-- | have to recount one Gi th: Salvador is the beer par excellence for health and strength. | Janie marries 700 G0 Brewed by England and Scotland, ¢na uv. |! ga REINHARDTS' OF TORONTO [5:55 bie i 2 pieces and putting it tog tier gal ». Sold at all liquor stores and hotels Tha claimunt is Mr. Alexinder bo ville of Yorkshire, and he coalleng: the right of the present Lord Meoedon > Si iin -- -- wees | ald, who is also known as the "Lora Temporary Dumbness. Spirit Of The Age. of the eles, to his » orig aa ea ' + es. . of th: daspute . New York Times Philadelphia Record. re fo Ie : . hat =p i vei : ' : : ; sre: than i ares A Commuter hired a Swodish car- "1 had always heard that New Eng or A! SP 1 ir i 1 co '0 "1 for the nineteentn ecoptury wes v3 penter to repair some blinds on the jlo ers were 'smart', a young phy- . hen taé third Lot 1 Mocdme outside of his house. During the day | sician who had "graduated" from young when tae third LOT( BL the commuter's wife looked after | village practico remarked tho other eloped with the vanghtor of the Dy (mailed in plain sealed envelope) to land might shake the firmest throne If yor have been getting miserably our. majority 15 quay rtlling. i 7 : Gloucester. They fiad to Grete Pe = 5H in J , pe " i > You surely admit we must know things, and once or twice came out to |day, "but I hardly thought it devel of ,o URINE CU, ¥67 ( WINE Building, | | in Europe. The "brother" alluded flour, it wasn't your fault--we t kn se if the man was getting on all | oped' at such an carly age." pave Green, and were married |] washington D.0. OREINE is sold by] | to, of course, waz James VI, who, know that. how to e good flour, don't you? {oF arly ad Subsequently, the lady gave birth t leading druggists everywhere. 1 {Great And axe 1 right. i He smiled reminiscently, then con- 1 a daughter. The daught nO Apent'! on becoming James 1. of Grea Just Because didn't know about we m as good as we "lg there anything you need, Mr. ved: a son and a daughter ee dapec) ¥! {meen | pitain, Tost little time in making Bir <=, know how. 2. os gS : | tinued eventually beceme Countess of Hop! WwW. MAHRO(D, € B / for | FIVE ROSES. Swenson ?'* sho asked, on her second | **Just after 1 seitled in Dobbs Cor- y ot. op her : O(D, Cor. Bagot and | Walter Lord Scott of Buccleuch for - " FIVE ROSES, Madam, 1s the flour ; toun, and was the great-grandmother i 'When 'baking accidents' vex your trip. [ners a twelve-year-old boy called on | of the esent Marquis 'of 1 inlithgow Princess Sts. his gallant deeds. : | soul, and hubby across the break- ou should try, and all the other The carpenter gulped once or twice, fme one evening. . 1 e pre . 53] and Ludy Mre = -- This was in 1606, and it was iid fast table mutters darkly about sy housewives who want their but made no reply. The lady repeated | * 'Say, Doe, T guess I got measles' Sonotd NO DY mins Shn 1° Bet of a Jang list of titles which Poly «bread and projectiles, concrete money's worth. the question. { he remarked, 'but nobody knows it looked upon her mariage at Gre'ni mn sequently Jo oe = he. He rolls, the vileness of some (?) bak- You get it when you buy FIVE Again & gulp and no answe 'copt the folks at homd, an' they ain't | Green with suspicion, and her hus- ae 3s: by jo 0 Rn I ucleuch in ing. lunch downtown----," ROSES -- and keep on gettmg it. hy dow you any er me, sir 7 7 | the Pai that Se; if ther's any | pand, to please her, 'agreed to have Haddington Berwick, Selkirk, and Don't scold the cook: maybe she Because It Is * standard value," the said the lady indignantly good reason io keep quiet.' efe Da wl nga this : \ : As : until 4 " about FIVE ROSES same to-day as yesterday. "Why don't you answer me, sir?" | "Il was puzzled, and 1 suppose 1 He enema i n : Dutnfrics, Fai it: woe neot nuit loa didn naw . ve ya y The Swede turned and looked down | looked it. The second marriage, however. was ted a duke. The story of how . 4 von as 0» Bl her gravely. til : i "Aw, got wise, Doe," my small vis- | gaid to have rendered the first one this honor came to him makes inter- But all this is over now, You can prove them wrong, Madam, My mout is full of sgrews™ he.itor sugested. What will you give | illegal; and, consequently; it was a esting reading. In 1651 Francis of We're going to. 16il you about good woefully wrong, who say you don't said. "1 cavnot speag undil 1 svaller me to go to school en' spread 3 c 30007 i i i d flo " n ! k . Bch spread it | gon who was born after the second Buccleuch died leaving two daugh- pi appreciate goo ur, some | among all the kids in the village?" ?' | ceremony who succeeded to the title flour, so that you may be self-reliant, ters, Mary and Anna, Mary being the using your own actual knowledge and 1f you see your grocer to-day and nn i - and estates. In turn, he wes suece d- elder by four years. The latter died, SE - ee he should show you, at your request, a bast k y | J | ed by his son. 'A brother of the latter however, and Anna, who as heiress . neat cotton bag of FIVE ROSES -- After acquiring.all the knowledge he | Phe trouble is yu he w Fong SOF is the present holder of the title, Sick Headacho and Beliaveall the troubles Jpct- to the Buccleuch estate was regarded Trusting ue longef 15 ie uo Will you tell him tp" -- a lol lobster usually ge « eo stew, 1 . 8 ¥ stem, si . : imp - : end BI" pate at 2) ge - thi cs aN Meanwhile, the first son of Lady Mac- | at Eo rowslaess, Distress after as a great matrimonial prize, was Te hiv de \s mere cheap. for the sake of a Setter table ? al No ont .culs muuh ice at this soa on | donald succeeded to large estates in | eating, Pain in the Bide, &o. While their most | married to an illegitimate * son of ewer aD Madam, we know your answer al of the year. Yorkshire, and took the name of Bos- remarkable success has been shown in curing Charles I., who had created him Duke Tess mary a BES or . Jon Ta. ville. He had a son, too, #nd the | S of Monmouth. maker's ignorance of flour values. ready. H 5 a elaimant to the peerage is the grand- | ICK Immediately after the marriage the son of the disinherited Alexander Mac- King created the Duke of Monmouth ERIN MLDS ' ' donald, or Bosville. Headache, yet Carter's Little Liver Pills are Duke of Buccleuch, with the Earldom LAKE OF THE WOODS MILLING CO., LTD., MONTREAL bk What the Scottish Courts have to equally valuabloin Constipation, cafing and pio | of Dalkeith, and although he was ting thi i ) decide is whether the second marriage veuting this annoyingcomplaint ville (i306 | afterwards executed for rebellion the made the first one null and void. All Liver and regulate the bowels. ven if they only | titles were unaffected, being held Re -- . the available records of Gretna Green oured jointly by his wife, and came to her ---- are certain to be dragged into the light descendants. > A : of day, and many famous stories of It was by the marriage of Francis, Relicf in five minutes with a little Nausea, Headache, Biliousness and | aristocratic couples who preferred to Ache they would be almost priceless to those who | second Duke of Buccleuch, to the Diapepsin. |many other bad symptoms; and, be | be united by the eccentric priests who suffer trom fhisdiatregaingeunpialit itt ee daughter and heiress of the Duke of ; Tl hada i | des, vou will not need laxatives to | officiated in the little hamlet rather who oneetry them will ind these little pills vii Queensberry that the immense estatts . here would not be a ease of indi- {Keon your stomach, liver and intes- | than risk an open ceremony amidst sble in so many" ways that they will HO wil. | of Dumiries, amounting . il gestion here if readers who ave sub keep and hash. nd hid 0 EI, heard. fing to a0 without them. Bus after allsick head | ent time to 263,514 acres, were acquir- If your Rtomach is sour and full of That truth is stranger than fiction ed by the Buccloueh. family. ' Other + : eas or vour food doesn't digest abd these records prove. For instance, the acres were acquire y fortunate mar- virtue contained in Diapepsin This | B° , gest, i 8 foal : » We land family riages, until the total swelled to close as \ 1 vour meals don't seem to fit, why not story of how the Westmor : $5 the bans of #0 many lives that here {s where i i o : harm)ess hi Po Ngee a Ket a» He, case from your aeogeint became united with the famous Lon- BN ovr xo boasts Our pills cure it while on 460,000, which is the number of i wavy meal without we shghtest fuss | . Bik P ; . y g 4 sd by the Duke of Buc- {aud ke hi +h Li 9 don banking firm, the Childs, reads | others donot. acres owned bj ) rd hie id # th Tying Leste more like fiction than fact. The head Dorters Little Livér Pilla are very small and | cleuch at the present time. The an- we can from books, many a man take postgraduate course hy marrying widow. ject to Stomach tronble knew tre mendous antisferment and digestive or discomfort, and relieve the sourest acid stomach in five minutes, besides 4 sure to follow five minutes after, and, nse them. from the English estates. from the breath, : . : ter, a girl of remarkable beauty. Ask your pharmacist to show you | Pesides, one case is sufficient to cure a | "gpe "Rarl of Westmorland fell ia CARTER MEDICINE 00., NEW TORE. tie the formula plainly printed on each | whole family of such trouble. "| Jove with her, proposed, and was ac- Small Bll Small Dosa, Small Prise, The Vogue of the Farthing. | Hc. case of Pape's Diapepsin, then you | Surely, a harmless, inexpensive pre- | cepted. All seemed well with the \ Farthings were not, at one time, re- N 4 Can be fitted here with Fall will readily understand why thi { paration like Diapepsin, which will al- | young couple, because the ear] never | =~ garded 80 contemptuously as they are and Winter Shoes, The new promptly cure Indigestion and re- | ways, either at daytime or during thought for a moment that he would THE A i R BE TSON 0 y¥ most people to-day. . Fall styles of shoes are now moves such symptoms ay Heartburn, | night, = relieve, your stomach misery be disapproved of by her father, and oy Since the Budget perturbed publi- \ in-many changes of co a feeling like a lump of "lead in the | and digest your meals," is about a | his amazement- was great when, on cans and brewers, the retailers of ) y ges OUTSe--- fomach, Belching of Gas and Erueta- | handy and valuable a thing -as you putting" his case befor the banker, LIMITED] beer in many places have experi- hy for the better. Last year 'the tions of undigested food, water brash lcould have in the house i : he received the answer, "Your blood; enced some. difficulty in levying the : my lord, is good, but money Is bet- extra farthing for the half pint on ter" " g--thi t . : poor people's drinks, because of the ¢ ejumsy---thly Your Shey. ate But the earl was not to be baulk- aversion in which the smallest coin symmeterical and shapely. ed, and he arranged an elopment. At in the realm is held by the masses n midnight the pair stepped into & of our day. +} miduight 'the pair stepped Tita, 3 ou da Ce wel | O70 df ication, Comfort, Contentment n to race to Gretna Green, the SEE pm gn London' innkeeper was compelled, by : nobleman having arranged for relays | /7ott™"sos NCH In " order of the Lord Mayor, to supply Are some of the meaning words that describe the satisfaction : eo way. SswaSTIKA Ji HU swastina farthing's-worths of drink to any cus- that our customers secure with their shoes. The longest wear of horses on the way A) The baki ] ves, At Shap he engaged all the horses Stair mB ! Stas vv we tomer who asked to be served there- and the best service, combined with the most elegant forms, e baking 1s aimost ready for (A available, so that nobody else could with, Nerth h hie fashions and beautiful appearance are other qualities of im- ' Brice . secure them. Mr. Child, however, was = John Nort ampton was the chie sortance that purchasers get with shoes bought here. the oven and, thanks to the | » Boyne heir track; and, so powerful | The Best Made magistrate who made the ordinance; I tance 4 at eT ho 'buy our Footwear, sequre the besk Reliable "Purity Flour, light, " J was his money, that he caught them and he enforced consideration for the Boots, Shoes and Slipipers that are made, and pay the least dite Bread up while they were changing horses All kinds for all purposes. farthing on the baker also, he or prices charged anywhere fox good Footwear, snowy-white bread is assured: at Hesketh, a place in a forest, be- | Full stock with our Agents, obliged to make, Tarihi Seton ® Packed in 7, 14, 24, 49, 98 pound tween Carlisle an enrith. Tn a ; . st, , ; : passion, th banker jumped out, and was not allowed to charge more than sacks, and in bamrels and half shot on, ie the is Re of the M K lve & Birch a farthing for a mass to his humble , barrels. earl's carriage. ¥ ihe lathes' C e y lock. iin 2b Cartier ware. shalt : Meanwhile, one of the latter s sel --- | able at the London Guildhall, and, e ¢ . . y.. » ' « Mie wants ran behind Mr. Child's carriage, : 3 . " More Bread and and cut the leather which attached |SCLENCE PREVENTS. BALD- furthermore, it change could wot b7 THE SHOP OF BETTER SHOES, She By of the coring to he, Springs NESS. Comes wa. prises, to ake \g/ : : : na ---- drink or his bread, and leave with- Western Canada drove on with Jue three Heroes: eay, The Fatal Germ and Its Remedy | out paying. ' one p 118 fate; \ Nad 5 Flour Mills Co. ed aT hat on gone far before Now Facts of Science. . Limited . the body of the carriage fell on the It is the rarest thing in the world What *"Consols" Are? : frame, and he was compelled to wait for a man to be necessarily bald. No Finat \ other chaise. Of course, the man whose hair is not dead 'at the Mills at Winnipeg, for anotl ] : : very easy to take. One or two pills makea dose. o 1s estates is £238,401, 3 ¢ : : | fect digestion of anything you eat is of the firm in those days wes an im- They 'ara strictly vegetable and do not gripe ox hua} rental of bis £63630 is derived overcoming all foul, Nauseous odors | > o Ba . mensely wealthy man, with one daugh- purge, but by their gentle action please all who D » 5 shoes were inclined to be Cetter Bread." The "man (or woman) in the street" often has but a hazy idea of "Con- 30¢ c eloping pair got married at Gretna |rools, need be bald if he will use New- | sols," as would be shown by the no- Co " . ® Goderich, _ Brandon, i Green long before the infuriated bank- bro's Herpicide, the new scalp anti- | tion disclosed in evidence only the m with the delicious er caught them up gain. septic. Herpicide . destroys the germ | other day #t a London police cout. It was an extraordinary coincidence that cuts the hair off at the root; and | when a thriftily-minded young persor flavor of 0X0, all ot er that the very last marriage of social cleans the scalp of dandrufi and leaves | explained that she expected that £156 . » . importance contracted at Gretna [it in a perfectly healthy condition. Mr. | invested therein would yield her 10s. . fl d b f d d Green should have had for one of its [Mannett, in 'the Maryland Block, | in the £ interest. She but erred with ul " ee 8 : are 1nsipi an principals a granddaughter of the Butte, Mont., was 'entirely bald. In | the elder Weller of immortal memory. comm la A Earl and Countess o Westiontaid Jess than a month Herpicide had re- | Dickens' lovers will well remember onp ce. t referred to above. his - was Lady | moved the enemies of hair growth, and Sam Weller's scorn upon discovering f (9).,40] of ho Adela Vilkiess, daughter of an Earl of | pature did its work by covering his | that his father supposed "reduced 0 to a cup t water ersey, who was united to Colonel |hoad with thick hair an inch long, and | counsels' to be alive. Of course, the makes > be Ibbetson in 1843. The officer surviv- lin six weeks he had a normal suit of | word "consols" is an abbreviation in an appetizing verage iy hp Raag, A batt thair. connection with Government funds. enio 0 o n the forthcoming legmt battle the | g 14 ing sists. Send | In 1751 certain varieties stock. ed b ung . , surviving registers of the famous old 100. in by leading dren "ihe a forming part of our National Debt, ) y y y EC ; | hamlet will be produced: but the most | iia Co. Detroit, Mich. One dollar | Were consolidated Foto COV fund un- a! . EN interesting records were destroyed i} otileg raaraniecd, Geo. W. Mahood der the name of "Consolidated Annui- years ago by the daughter of the ofii- special Pat > ' | ties." The term "Consols," it may be ciating parson of that day i mentioned, has been extended for In a fit of madness, gne set the convenience to various other Govern- room which held them on fire, and ment securities. herself perished in the flames along e ish far . - : = 12 with the first amd greatest register | yeing A Miserly Parson. " Siretna knew i with Soa 1 Rev. Morgan Jones, a sadly miserly Hamlet's Politics. | Pp man, was once curate-in-charge at Blewbury. He died worth $200,000, : . Lord Esher he# rn amusing expori- ot ip ap A oe Bi pie a pre and some curious stories are given of LET US ence on one occasion while sp-axing 'tion, Used almost exclusively ia his economy. It is said he wrote his for a young politician {res from Bs gland. Yicid;fast briflibuts or sermons on pieces of pet torn irom G IV E YOU ; lege, in the South of n ' uve 3:0 CLEANLY, SAFE, Si the walls, and was obliged to lie in : y - A 'RE. candidate's speech, perhaps | wae - bed while his ong shirt was being more than judicion {ly bosptinkle Maypole Soap washed. : : This is the season of the year when you should keep your with quotations from "Famit™ Af | ae Jv 156. for Black, On one occasion, when walking in feet dry, and its a hard thing to do it unless 'you have good ter a fine peroration, it anise h i > S€. ¥ i the fields he saw an old scarecrow led: f Shoes, we recommend Shanks af Fhe play. ha ili i Frusk i. Bnet & Co. Mostveal, surmounted with a hat, the brim oi Shoes. As a result of our knowledge © y 3 at Lor isher was pro-nr { which was sound. Jones seized the swer any questions. A ma) = vy hat, and, tearing the tattered brim "1 cent quite make it 0h | from his own, replaced it by that .of N mnarked "whether he is & terifl ¢ : the scarecrow. It is doubtful if hie er or a free tradarl "Whai' ished hut was improved by the change. Hie Lord Esher. "The ma: i poe! a HARD CN CLOTHES cost, of many tatters, is still in exist about." Puzzlad, he r= in ing ' ence, and is kept in remembrance by FOR MEN OR WW OMEN what _man he meant. "af amlet? wi hE a 7 : otographs which are sold in the . > . 25s the reply. Re es at Bier al tis Bd Art Journal. ! The Royal is made in a dozen different styles and leathers, - IB keep vour clothes looking right. A ma ---- { , and you are sure to be pleased with it. Hehe These Sore Will dane When an electrical discharge oceurs } # SOLD ONLY AT it does not always mean that the con- DUNLAP MANUFACTURING CO., MONTREAL. 10 ol it. the fact remains that it is usually | R. PARKER & C0., ductor has lost its job. 3 very difficult to charge a conductor. The consumer pays the price when the & h a Nothing makes a man so sore as Dyers and Cleaners. moter works overtime, , h ar EE I having to pay his wife's board when 69 Princess ' St., Kingston, Ont A hair-brained man, .of course, is one ; J 8 gh visits hex friends, soa : so w : Buches= COMBINATIONS --Corset Cavers and Drawers --Corset Cowers and Petticoats i arg luxuries for every woman who wants 'daintiness and comfort. They do away with all fall- ness around the waist and over the hips--improve the figure--and make gowns fit better. In fine cotton, nainsook and bar check muslins,--§$1.25 up. Rvery "Duchess" garment is guaranteed by the makers as well as the dealers. If you can't obtain *' Duchess Combinations, Kimonas, Waists etc. aj your dealer's, write us. at a Eat dai idbiciimidiacatis Santini And although electricians will deny who is not bald,