FAGE FOUR. THE SEAL THAT PROTECTS It would be business suicide to put a trademark on poor goods, because everyone-would know that such a trademark stood for inferior quality and would refuse to buy these goods. A trademark is a a of honor in business. SEAL on isthe only guarantee of satisfaction that anyone needs. In rand 2 pound sealed tins-- never in bulk--at your grocer's. 111 CHASE & SANBORN, Montreal. ORRINE IT TED OR MONEY RE UNDED. ORRINE treatment for the f the Drink Habit can be used hsolute confidence. It destroys re for whishy, beer or other nts. Thousands have it and bave heen 28 of sobriety and use- y Can Be Given Secretly. 1. A BOX. ORRINE COSTS ONLY §$ Guarantee in Fach Box. Write for free ORRINE Booklet mailed in plain sealed envelope) to RINE CO., 987 ( RRINE Building, Washington D.€ ORE INE is &old by leading druggists everywhere. Speci ll Agent : eee G Princess Sts. COBALTS MARGIN lire a deposit as follows : Required. ON Deposit to 60e ..1be Rie $1 lar 30 Per Cent. per share « per share per share of the Market Price. y handle 80, 60, 90 day con- phong or wire margin. *atriarche & Co, STOCK DEALERS, Patriarche. Block, us your orders, tt and Wellington Sts. ONTO. ( EANNGKDBLOY § gl le wind x turn any fiensive odor, tigate R. PARKER &CO., Dyers and 8t., TOR» Ww and you We hott Cleagers. Kingston, Ont; MODERN TONSORIAL PARLOR pen 72 Lately 'oec 69 Princess to the public at PRINCESS ST. A. E FRED. N. ELMER, Prop. ipied by Elmer. Bibby's Cab Stand Phone 20l. DAY or NIGHT of shovelful a pound avery ou' buy from us. COAL is more or when it leaves the pound is well » deliver it J CRAWFORD, 'Phone, 8, Foot of Queen Bi, W. MAHOUD, Cor. Bagot and | THE WHIG, 76th YEAR DAILY BRITISH WHIG, at 308-8, Ki street, a oningalon,, Dutatie; 4 BRITISH WHIG, 16 in parts on Monday and » 5 - « To Ww LY published day united to be best ns Canada'; rapid, {aud cheap work; nine Improved presses. | The British Whig Publishing Co., Lid. EDW: J: B. PENSE, Managing Directory TORONTO OFFICE. Suite 19° and 20, Queen City Obdm- bers, 82 Church St., - Toronto, E Smeiipele J representative. H, Daily Wibig. AID FROM THE STATES. The New York Herald does not see what Canada needs with a navy, "Sure- says. the Herald, "the dominion has no fear of attack from oversea because backeof the first aid this na- tion is able and willing to proffer, the masterful of the king's great navy await, with anxious ty," instrumentalities solicitude, any such hour of action." Mark the expression of the quotation. If Canada's peace be menaced from oversea--on either the Atlantic or, Pa- cific, of course--the first aid will come encouraging, though it is not said by - » any member of the government, on his own or in its behalf, . WILL REPORT LATER. Mr. Tatlow, ex-financier in the Mec- deal { which the premier made, will ruin the province. Sir Hibbard Tupper | the Mame thing. He says the vince has no guarantee that it not suffer {Bride cabinet, says the railway says pro- will It has assured {the bonds of the C.N.R. to the extent {of many thousands. of dollars; it has {no surety that the road may not be sold; it has t there will be any reduction or control rates, severely. no certainty of The premier has simply played into the hands of Mackenzie & Mann, for political purposes, and to the sac- rifice of two of his colleagues and of some of the best men in the conserva- tive party. The campaign will not fend om pollingg day. There will be a {continuation of the friction now ap- parent, and sooner of later the bril- kant young premier, now so heady, will have to of occasion repent his rashness, | MOST DISGRACEFUL SCENE. | John Dillon, convicted of the mur- Ider of a Montreal police officer, Shea, jyho was sent to arrest him some {months ago, was not hanged on Fri- {day because at the eleventh hour it {was declared the man was an imbe- {eile, The court will consider in what manner, short of death, he should be disposed of. In Quebee the execution of eriminals 15 still conducted in public. As many as the jail yard will accommodate are the demand for 1ickets the people smashed the doors { ndmissable, and in {of the. sherifi's office and acted, gene- rally, in a disgraceful way. lie The pub- One spectator of the tumult expressed his horror, remarking that officials were scandalized, many of our people. have "not yet recovered from the old-time thirst for the death of a | fellow-creature." ! In t ned France the criminals, are gullo- of anticipa- of | these public executions was to make and sometimes thousands for hofrs tion of the spectacle. persons watch in The idea men afraid of them and so respectful | of law and order. But one questions | vie effect of the tragedy when it attended is { by the curses of the crowd | {and the maledictions of the victims. | Rome, in Nero's days; rejoiced in the tencrifice of life in the Are the {people much better in our day ? in arena, Where is the pleasure is seeing And ratded the sherifi's office, who and the furni- mad rush for tickets, to gloat over the death of a mortal ! It is said that the applicants for favors 'represented mem {of every type." Here's a sample of | the degeneracy of the age. men «hie yet the Montreal people {who the | Smashed entrance {ture in their meant fellow | min | SCANDAL IN LAND DEALS. | The sale" of land in Quebec, crown { lands of i the government and now holds a dis- | tinguished place the legislative was announced during the It was signifi- to require the personal attention of the premier, and he an- nounced that the matter would go to the courts. by one who was a member in chamber, recent bye-election. cant enough It would he thus decided who owned the land when it was sold, and who owned it later, and whether there was anything in the case which entitled 'Mr. Lavergn¢ to charge mal- administration, In British Columbia the provincial clectiond are now in progress, and it is alleged (hat the premier, by order- in-council, has - sold 3,238 acres of land in the Okanagan reserve to the president of the Conservative Associa- sion for $2.50 per acre, when it is worth from 3300 to $400. The strange feature of the case is the secrecy with which the whole transaction has been clothed. - The made duripg the sessions of the legislature and mot to Only. when an sprung are the facts re- Mr. McBride does not say he will refer the matter to the courts and sale was made known it. | election is Ive. ld THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, abide by its dedsion. Tn this respect he differs from the premier of Quebec, and it is very remarkable. What is the eure for these frauds or scandals ? Honest government. How is it to be secured ? By the elettion of absolutely honest men. It is to the everlasting disgrace of the people that they will sometimes put politics above to office and con- with triinsactions of the most questionable. character, principle, and elect trol those who are mixed up A LOCAL LICENSE STRUGGLE. The temperance forces have been somewhat disturbed, if they have not been dismayed, by the action of the finance committee, which proposes to recommend to the council that no ac- tion be taken on the appeal for a ye- duction of licenses. Why ? Because the city *cannot get along with any less hotel accommodation than it has at the present time, ' That is the pri- mary reason, and it must be regarded as not very coherent or logical. The petitioners did not ask for the aboli- tion of the hotels, or any of them. They contended that there were too many places for the sale of liguor--in stores, in saloons and taverns--and desired 'a reduction in the number. The from the United States! That is {Fo |8veat, the hitherto all-powerful, reason promisée--of the Herald--which is very jof the council against this has been that the city cannot, under present conditions, afford to lose the revenue from licenses. That plea has, it seems, been abandoned, and now it is said that the lioénses must not go because the city cannot dispense with its ho- tel accommodation. The plain fact is that the council is disposed to affect its financial equilibrium. The problem may be as Sam Small put it, that the sum which is derived from licenses is a mere bag- atelle, than 50c. per head (thé government's share being deducted), or about $2.50 per family, and that this accbunt the average head of a family should not grumble if by di- rect taxation he had to make good the loss, if all the licenses were drop- ped and prohibition reigned supreme. But the entire population has not yet bebn educated up to Sam Small's at- titude, and there would be a serious row if this extra taxation, qr one-half not less on or one-quarter of it, were added, the cost of the pavements which the board of trade insists shall be structed, Then plus con- ® will be recalled that the members of the council are the vants of the people, and do generally There is force is sr- as they are required. in the referendum, when the issue clear-cut and the people vote directly upon it. The license question can be as well referred to the electors as. the {light or any other question, and to re- the same and not the other is in At the the aldermen are to be excused act fer one extreme inconsistent. time when they are not in a hurry to upon the demands of some organiza- tions, simce théy have not the faculty of expressing their views at the polls, Whichever party, or body, manifests the greater activity in the elections will have the fuller representation the council, and if the contest expands in into a struggle between the Temper- next ance and Moral League and the censed Vituallers in January there will be certainly something do- ing. EDITORIAL NOTES. Fancy Hon. Mr. Fielding going to Washington, cap in hand, and humbly asking if Canada may favour' France The Sam in the matter of a trade treaty ? Uncle proposition would make chuckle, An alderman who is now opposed to ligense reduction was a pleader for it That before became a member of the council. Does SOME years ago. was he public life or its responsibilities change the current of some men's thoughts ? What in thunder is the United States building "battleships for ? It greater danger from attack than Can- ig in no ada, and yet its navy department is the the moved by the ambition to have biggest and fastest cruisers in world. Mr. Maclean, independent conserva- tive, refused to follow the lead of Bor- den and Foster on the French treaty. The first thing Mr. Maclean knows he will bo read out of the party. Or has that interesting ceremony aircady tak- en place ? ' It is announced, as an act of great that the industrial com- missioner of Brantford snapped up a manufacturing concern which had, been through fire. He was angling for it. With what kind of bait ? It is important to know, for it did the business, cleverness, rendered homeless Mr. Downey, M.P.P., tells the peo- ple of Guelph that they cannot have municipal government by commission a bit. The government will not change the municipal act to that ex- tent! No? The government of - On- will whatever .the people want. As soon as there is a general desire for it the law will be changed. yet tario do Fall And Winter Importatioms. Prevost, Brock street, has received all his tweeds, cheviots and vicunas for suitings; also a great variety of overcoating for his order department. His $18 suits and overcoats made to "afternoon, DEATHS IN GANANOQUE ORPHAN LAD OFF ON SUSPENDED SENTENCE. His Conduct in Future Guaranteed ~--Two Naughty Gananoque Girls Who Ran Away Have Returned. = Gananoque, Nov. 22.--Wilkam Jack- son, an aged and highly respected re sident of the town, passed to rest at his residence, Victoria street, on Fri- day evening, in the eightieth year of his age. Deceased was for many years in charge of the Red Horse and Spee- tacle Shoal light houses. He was the father of George Jackson, for many years a fruit dealer on Main street. The funeral took place Sunday after- noon to Christ church, where service was conducted by Rev. J. R. Serson, after- which the remains were interred at Willow Bank cemetery. Thomas r, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Ledger, Brock street, pas- sed to rest on Saturday, in the eigh- teenth year of his age, a victim of the white plague. funeral took place to St. John's church Monday morning where Rev, Father Kehoe celebrated a solemn requiem mass, after which the remains . were interred in the Roman Catholic burying ground. Herbert Bell, the orphan lad, com- mitted to Brookville jail by Police Ma- gistrate Carroll, a few weeks ago, to await trial for breaking into 'lown- ship Councillor W. J. Webb's residence and stealing, was, on Friday, allowed out on suspended séntence, he being unbalahced mentally, a Kingston un- cle guaranteeing to look after him. Charles Ward will conduct a skating rink this winter on the site of last vear'd Bink. Rev. J. T. Pitcher's new movement adult Bible class registered an atten- dance of 130 at the session Sunday 1x { T. W. Harper, for the past four years on the staff of the local branch of the Bank of Toronto, has been pro- moted to the chief branch in Mon- treal. The vacancy here will be filled by Mr. McMaster, of Montreal. The Misses Wallace, of Boston, who ! have spent the summer at their island | residence, Camp Iroquois, left for home the latier part of the week. The Misses Baker and Morton, for whose *Jocation ' the Kingston police were communicated with last week, arrived home safely. This is the : cond escapade of the first mentioned party, who was brought back from | Brockville a few months ago. Mrs. D. C. Cowan, Arthur street, | is spending some time in Montreal, the guest of her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) McKee, Mountain street. Rex Taylor, | Church street, has gone to Toronto. | Miss Annie Shaneman, Tanner street; | spending the .past few weeks in Cape Vincent, the guest of her sister, Mrs. Grant, has returned home. G. Rich- ardson, Arthur street, is, spending the winter at Saranac Lake, N.Y., for his health, se- Mallorytown Matters. Madorytown, Nov. Lake is very ill. Arthur Kelly and family have returned 'to the village after spending the summer at a cheese factory near Ottawa. Daniel Hollings- worth is cementing the floor of his new barn. Mr. and Mrs, Kirkley are visiting friends at Algon- quin.- William Mallory has secured a position with a company at Brock- ville as traveller." The {farmers have their ploughing mostly completed. Several of the Oddfellows of the vil- lage went to Brockville to witness the degree work there on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs, Church, of Alexandria Bay, N.Y., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hollingsworth a few days last week. Miss Grace Me- Avoy is the guest of Miss Ella Jor- dan. Uric Acid Poisoning. Failure of the kidneys to throw off waste products of the system ie the cause of this damgerous condition. | Headache, backache, irritabilaty, Bright's disease, general derangement, all follow. Veck's Kidney Pills re store the kidneys to their proper con- dition, nature does the rest. In boxes' 25c., at J. B. McLeod's drug store corner King and Brock streets (Wade' old stand), and corner Princess anc Montreal streets. Money back if not satisfactory. HHH § RAH George R. Grant, Buffalo, N.Y., son! of Mr. and Mrs, George Grant, * Capo Vincent, N.Y., has received the ap- pointment of assistant sccretary of tho public service commission of the second New York district. conducted a general store for the past year, left on Thursday for Ernestéwn, | where thoy will opémup a store'on a | larger scale. > The Creck sawmill in Dalhousie, for- marly owned by Christopher. Donald- son, has been bought by John Play- fair. The new owner has moved out the machinery, DANGEROUS DANDRUFF Will Make Canada a Baldheaded Nation if Not Ghealked. M. Pasteur, the great French Phy- sician of Paris, once said: "1 believe wa shall one day rid the world of all diseases caused by germs." Dandruff is caused by germs, a fact accepted by all physicians. Dandruff is the root of all hair evils. If it were not for the little destructive germs working with a persistency wor- thy of a better cause, there would be no baldness, : Parisian Sage will kill the dandruff germs and remove dandruff in two weeks or money back. G. W. Mahood guarantees it. Tt will stop itching scalp, falling hair and make the hair grow thick and abun- dant, It puts life and lustre into the hair and prevents it from turning gray. It is the hair dressing par excel lence, dajaitily perfumed and free from grease #ickiness. It is the favorite with women of taste and culture "who know the social value of fascinating hair, . A large bottle costs only 50c. at leading - druggists everywhere, and in Kingston by G. W, Mahood. The girl order surpass anything he ever had with tho auburn hair is on every pack- G. A: Hicks & Co., Calabogie, whot% MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1909, TORONTO | ORTHOPEDIC HOSPITAL 100 WEST BLOOR STREET, TORONTO, OKT. (23 yy ol UNDERWEAR Once Worn-- Always Worn Those who wear "Ceetee" Underwear are enthusiastic over its perfect fit and com- fortable feeling and will wear no other. In all sizes for men, women and children. Ask your dealer to show you "CEETEE." ¢ 1833 The C. Turnbull Ce. of Galt, Limited Ontario i 1889 By the Use HAPPY RESULTS OBTAINED. of the New Scalp Antiseptic. It wouldn't take long to number the be th fre Sold by 90.-- Schuyler |h2irs in the heads of some people, the . reason being | number. the fault is their own. | root soon plays havoc with the most luxuriant growth and causes it to fade Delbert {and fall out. recently 'bro's Herpicide, that acts by destroy- ing the germ thay haven't many'to most instances, however, A germ at the In A remedy for this has been discovered, called New- that does the damage, sides removing all impuritics from esedlp: "Tn addition' it permits hew slife and vigor to enter the scalp, and happy results are sure to be obtained m its use. Try it. leading druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for sample to The Her- picida Co., Detroit, Mich. One dollar HEFHOF IHS BASIE, + ¥ H » AHA HEF FHI SF HAHA AAA age. bottles guaranteed. Geo. W. Mahood, {special agent. JAMMED! PACK At The Montreal Stock buying crowds on Saturday. Thousands of From the city and the friends of the wonderful bargains--and thus the swift pace kept on a-h i Therefore we REPEAT ing and Furs, come to The Don't This -- IT PAYS TO TRADE AT BIBBY'S. . = Bibby's Underwear Special 0c. Arey To-day we placed on Sale 40 dozen Men's All Wool Elastic Ribbed Underwear, Shirts and Drawers to match. All simes, 34 ' to 44. This is a line of Underwear that would sell - in mast $ stores, at 75¢., 90c. and $1.00 a garment. Our Price, 50c. | Don't Miss Seeing | Bibby's | $1000 . College Ulsters. | pna-n The H. D. Bibby Co. Kingston's Only One-Price Store. errs sats - ASAI IS / . 3 ED B % 4 Co's Selling Out Sale. The store was almost BULGED OUT by the J . People surrounding counties came--lugged home their parcels--told their if you are fond of money saving Cloth. 3 on seasonable Dry Goods, Montreal Stock Co's Selling Out Miss a Day of Cyclone Sale" The Price-tickets all over the store fairly yell the news, Come! Buy! Save! Jos. We are POSITIVELY and ABSOLUTELY goiig out of business. THE MONTREAL STOCK CO. Abramson, Manager. ISO..Princess St...1I80 Don't Miss the Place, Look for the Big Green Sign.