sesesrccscencensssnner | Cloakings," - Silks and Ribbons Are three special offerings for TUESDAY and WED- NESDAY. All Tweed Cloakings, 54 inches wide, that sold for $1.50 and $2.00 will be selling foy--7be. " Lovely Japanese Silks which make dainty creations, for aftemoon and avening wear, in Navy, Pearl, Grey, Old Rose, Mauve, Sky, Black and Brown, are selling for 50c. per yard. ~ And last, but not least, comes Ribbon. We some extra heavy, Taffeta Silk Ribbon, 4] inches in all shades. have wide, Regular 25c., for 15ec. Are these worthy of your consideration ? think so come in and see them. If you ' Crumley Bros. THE FAIR | workers among them are now organiz- Quality Is Remembered Long After Price Is Forgotten. Buy Your Xmas Gifts Here. Bxtraordinary values in Bound Books, suitable for gifts. lar $1150, all leather bound, FOR SALE, 97c. Tennyson's Poems, Milton Whittier, 1,000 Gems, Regu- Love Poems, Shakespere, Lucile Mrs. Browning, Keates, Moore, Longfellow, Scott Bryant, Byron, Hiawatha. Tennyson's Princess, V. B. Carey's Poems, tations by Bartlett, Addresses, Alice Carey Snow Bound by Whittier, Leather Bound. ON SALE 38c. Lucile, 75c. value, Prayer Books and Hymn Books at HALF PRIOE. Mcintosh Bros., M anager, PE ROY J di SR Diamonds" I' The New Sugar For The Table are the perfection of sugar addition to the tea table,. These sparkling Crystal tablets of the purest sugar are dainty and tempting in pearance--the proper accompaniment of delicate china, rich cut ass and exquisite linen. The best dealers keep "Crystal Diamonds" n attractive 5 Ib. cartons. They are sold also by the pound. Crystal Diamond Dominos 18 are larger tablets, specially for coffee. In 51bs, cartons only. The St. Lawrence Sugar Refining Co. Limited, - Moutreal Suga St. Lawrence "Crystal Diamonds" refining and a distinet a iv Soft, velvety and healthy It is the special method of knitting to the form and the secret shrinking process that makes "Ceetee™ Underclothing so comfortable. Only the finest Australian Merino Wool is used, which makes for absolute perfection in Underwear. AD sizes for men, women SDS C CEETEE > and children, Insist on your dealer showing you **Ceetee" THE C. TURNBULL CO. OF GALT, Limited, GALT, ONT, Manufacturers -- Estab. 1359 188 Familiar Quo- Representative meri by Emerson, Drummond's all THE WOMEN ORGANIZING - DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1909. JHmusements. JANUARY ELECTIONS. An Exause to Tide Some Alder- men Over the Difficulties Before Them--Must Divorce Politics and Whiskey. D. G. Laidlaw, president of the So- cial and Moral Reform League, was quite disgusted with the action of the city council on the liquor license re- duction question. 'The people won't stand for being buntoed out of a re ferendum much longer," he said, when asked what he thought of the argu- ments advanced against a referendum on what the jeague asked, "Were you not encouraged by the de- claration of Alds. Carson, Chown and Givens, that they favored a small re duction ?"' he was asked. "1 certainly was not," Mr. Laidlaw {replied. "Why didn't they telb us that before, when we waited upon them ? That's just an excuse to tide them them over the difficulties before them. If they were in favor of a reduction of three licenses, why didn't they vote for 1Ald. Craig's resolution to submit that "question to the people ?" | "1 tell you," declared Mr. Laidlaw, "politics and whiskey are too closely identified in this city, and until they {are divorced the council members be in fear to do the right thing. "I want to say that the temperance {women of the city are going to take a (hand in the January clections, and any man who voted against a referen- dum, on Monday evening, opposition. There is a very large wo- men's vote in Kingston, and the wo- men hold the Daichee of power. The ing for the election, and every woman | who has a vote will be asked to cast lit for men who will put thesfiquor {license reduction to the people. {Social and Moral Reform League mects i this evening, to consider what action {it will now take." i | CLOSE OF SESSION. { Business Before Grand Officers C. M. B. A. Was Concluded At Monday's session of the grand of- ficers of the C.M.B.A., the committee lon revision of the constitution, {continued to complete its work. The Dard took up the consideration of {the investing of a portion of 'the sur- plus funds. A large number of pro- were considered, and was | finally decided to invest about $120, 000 in selected securities, A number of communications and appeals were dealt with, and the meeting then journed, was | posals it ad At The Orpheum Theatre. The bill at lerowd: on Monday evening to both performances. The bill this week is as good as any éver seen in the city, all the artists coming here from first-class houses in Canada and the United States The California trio are the head liners and their musical turn {drew great applause. The songs intro {duced were ail new ones and made gopd hits. The ~voung lady who does the dancing turn is the best scen here this year. Bean and Hamilton, barrel have a great turn. They are easily the best ever seen in the city in this line The stunts they almost im possible, yet one is done with the greatest oa and grace of move ment. The little playlet, "We, Us and Cupid," presented by Frank Rhoads & Co., made a good hit, causing many a good, hearty laugh. The moving pic ture reels were The should draw capacity houses all week jumpers, do seem every new, show A Remarkable Campaign. Enthusiastic meetings for the {men's missionary movement have held at Nelson, Revelstoke, New West (minster, Vancouver, Nanaimo, Victor ia, Kamloops, Vernon, Golden | Summerland, B.C. The speakers whe lay | presented missionary opportumties and Tharhon, | obligations were Hon. W. A. | f Toronto; T. F. Harricon, of Kings ton; Thomas Ryan, of Winnipeg; returned missionaries 450 representative banquet and at the | determined undertake larger sionary obligations, involving raising .of $30,000 per annum, age of 39.62 pe: | movement and {At Vancouver men | {attended a to mis an aver communicani Death Of William Elliott. Rabert F. and John Ellioit receivixh on message from California, Monday ovening, conveying the sad intelli- gence of tho death of their oldest brother, William, which occurred suds cenly on the 22na inst. of heart fail- usd Mr. Elliott was well .and favor- ably known in Kingston, having séry ed his apprenticeship in Chown & Cuomningham's foundry many years ago, and when this com » an ceased business he removed to Cali. fornia, where ho resided ever since. Ho is survived by a wife and two children, six brothers and threo sis- tors. Interment will take place in | California, altbough full particulars thave not as yet been received. | A.0.H. Euchre And Dance. 0000000000000 OOOO CO0VTOV00OCLO0D Hall & Parlor Heaters When you require a Base-Burrer, examine THE "ARTGARLAND" & ART "AMHERST" | Acknowledged the best Stoves made. | Sold Only at § ELLIOTT BROS," Tp OOOO 0000000 »O OOOO OCO0 FOO COO0O0000 50000000 The A.O.H. held thé last of its week {ly entertainments until after Adveut, {in its hall, on Brock street, Monday evening, and despite the inclemency of {the weather, a large crowd assembled. | The games were closely contested. Miss { E. Prior and Mrs. Collins tied for first | place, Mrs. Collins winning in the cut, and getting a beautiful china tea pot. { Louis Har¢ won the gentlemen's prize, ia pack of cards in Mather case. Mrs. | Haves won the ladies' consolidation, a china tea cup and saucer, and leo Gallagher won the gentlemen's consola ; tion, an ash tray. After refreshments, {dancing was continued until 1.30 am Frauds on merchants, £25,000, were unearthed . at Grand Falls, N.B. One Toronto hous: and in Mitchell are interested. Wil- lam A. Avoup, a Syrian, has beep ar- rested in connection with the cog Only One "BROMO QUININE, Peo O | Cares a Cold in One Day, CX amounting to one TAKE A HAND IN THE will will receive The the Orpheum drew large heen and be- | sides denominational secretaries of the close thie ¢ ' growth of (CeRaND"_ QPERAY HOUSE ) Thursday, Nov. 25th CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion lc. a word, Each con secutive insertion thereafter half cent a word, Minimum charge for one in- sertion, 25¢.; three insertions, 60c¢.; six, $1; one monta, $3. of Alaskan Life. "Two Women and That Man" A Stirring Romance of Alaskan Life, by HENRY D. CAREY. A Play Laid in that Theatre of Tragedy and Adventure. "The Valley of the Yukon," Entire Company and Production, direct from Majestic Theatre, N.Y, $1.00. The Great Play, HELP-WANTED. SMART BELL BOY, 'American Hotel. GENERAL _svening to A HOUSE MALD, ferences Hemming, APPLY BRITISH. SERVANT. APPLY IN 129 William street. RE- Mrs. 18%. to BY DEC, required. Apply 381 hing street, SERV ANT "GIRL, TO DO GENERAL housework. Apply in the evening, be- tween four and six. Mrs. Fraser, 13 Mack street. Price, 25¢., 50c., ¥5c., - present SERVICE all infor- Box "2. MEN TO FILL GOOB CIVIL positions in Can add. or mation, address hy letter oLL" Whig office. Seats now on gale. Public Notice. Electric Car Servicesto Be Discontinued. Our contract with the City supply of power expires at mid-| night, and as the Council is not/| prepared to enter into an agroe-| ment, satisfactory to the Com- pany, permitting the further oper- | ation of the road, the car service | will be discontinued at mid-night. | We beg to thank the citizens for | LEARN THE RARDER TRADE NEW Shel pn et earuction, few Wesks. Complote Course, tools free. Graduates earn twelve to ly inconvenienced by our ceasing eighteen dollars to operate. GIRL, TO ASSIST housework Apply at Mrs. Hughes', 53 Clergy B8t., we Johnson and William Sts. 1A SMART YOUNG in general M. I tween INTEL LIGE NT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding fur newspapers. No canvassing. send for particulars. Press Syndicate, 3,96 Lockport, N.Y. RELIABLIS AND PUSHING man to represent us district, A permanent position for the right man. Stone & Wellington, Fonthill Nurseries, Toronto, Ont. AN | 1A SALF | in Kingston wu. ¢ for FURNISH aveling sales- YOUNG MEN references, to become men ; experience unne ary ; write to-day for full particulars. Bradstreet Syst Ip 619 Roches J N.X. Wil) CAN weekly. Barber "East, Toronto. TO LEARN by mail and chaffeurs and you expert in Write for by alogue. Mgler College, | 221 Queen St. + ~ nts il n t Sl Outstanding tickets will be re-| ANTED--YOUNG deemed on presentation at the automobile Office. { He: 10 All persons having accounts | against the Company will kindly render same forthwith. HUGH C. NICKLE, Gen, MEN business We ions as r men ii A ten weeks ; assist you to secure posi- Pay big; work pleasant; de- for men great ; reasonable ; for particulars and sample Empire Automobile Institute Supt. | Rochester, N.Y A FOUNTAIN WE Finder kindly i Ae 3 and receive reward A KITCHEN Namen TOP ON Toa. $10, Pt Ruck BLUE WOOLLEN HORSE BLANKET. on Thursday, in m part SF Sits | Finder will be rewarded by leaving it at Gilbert's Groeery. A SABLE MUFF, ON ne 16TH, Mk tween Johnson seat eral Hospital. Fier "kl . to General Hospital SILY ER 12RoacH, ON THURSDAY, ov, 11th, on Princess St, or in one o stores, Finder indly return to Whig office, and receive reward, LADY'S BLACK BAND-SATC HEL, containing sum of money and accounts, on Broek St. Henderson's Grocery. Tuesday after- noon. Reward for return to Ol BIRDS, BIRDS, BIRDS. IMPORTED GERMAN CANA hi IN song. Each bird a guaran select ed songster or wm refunded. \Come in and hear them. Ww. J. Driver, Cor. Queen and Barrie streets. "Phone 612. FINANCE AND INSURANCE. FOR INSURANCE THAT INSURES fiarie Godwin's Insurance Emporium. hrkat Square, Kingston, T aon . ERIN Ene i BC CORNER stock ? Avernge "$95 leaving hog city. street. TO-LET, STABL x SENT APPLY TO JA i Sy = stree DWELLINGS, FURNISHED AND UN« furnished, St Storage for Furnie ture, Brock, Oorp King street. FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT AND HEALTH. liberal policies and moderate rates in first-class companies, T. J. Boon, Agent, 159 Wellington street. GEO. BATEMAN, AGENT FOR THR Dachic Coast ¥ire ins, Hoy, he members the of underwri The 1876. The omical Mutuals, hone, Clarence St., Homies! "> LIVERPOOL, oXhoN tA GLOBE Fire Insurance © ble assets 1,187,215. pany. addin to which policyholders ve lor urity the unlimited liability of all the stockholders. Farm and cit property insured. at lowest bl a fore renewing old or giving fiew business get rates frem Strange & Strange, Agents. 'Phone, 325. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. HUB HOTEL RESTAURANT NOW open. Service A Carte, Jpen day and night, Ora Dare service, at popula: prices. Private dining rouvm. trance on Kin street, next X.P. & C. ¥1. Ry. TEACHERS WANTED. FOR No. 6, 1910. stating received hy ~Treas., Middle- { TEACHER -- THIRD - CLASS, Junior department of 8. S Lanark, (Middleville,) for y £300 Applications dnd experience will Rankin, Sec CO. he WANTED-- GENERAL. EXTRACT King's: Regulations Re! Gibson's Drug Store. Con. Haag Prop. ARCHITECTS. HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, ETC. 58 King street, "Phune, 345. ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITEOT, office and residence, 181 University ve. Crying Down Credit, : estimates on electric work, All 'kinds Attention is drawn to of work promptly done. ¥. J. Birch, Electrician, 206 Wellington street. that under the Army Act ier cannot be placed under page of pay for a private debt, and if the inhabitants suffer sold-| iers to contract debts they will do so at their own risks. COVERING, ETC, DONE day at customers' homes. For further particulars, enquiry at 28 Ontario street, or calls will be made in PespOise to letters the fact a sold- | FURNITURY by the stop- BRING THEIR made up into up- to-date suits. Price and workman ship guaranteed to please. Pressing aad repairing done on the shortest notice. Thomas Galloway, 130 Brock 8t., next Ribby's Livery. GENTLEMEN TO cloth and have It T. D. R. HEMMING, D.0.C. M. D. NO. BOARD AND ROOMS. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Matter of the Fx COMTORTATRI E FURNISHED ROOMS, with board. Well lighted and heated. Also good table board. Apply 814 tate of University Ave. Selina Nong-| LEGAL. is hereby given in that creditors' and others against the estate « Livingston, who died */th day of August, 1luvuy, on. or before the 20th day of TIecember, But wnt to de lc NNINGHAM & MUDIE, ters and Solicitors, Law Clarence St., Kingston. BARRIS. s Office, 79 hout are required on or the | NEWLANDS tects, ete. 'Phone, 608, & BON, ARCHI Office, 258 Bagot street: POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER- chant's Bank 'Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 213. DENTAL. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DENTISTS, Jao Princess St., Kingston. 'Phene, 87L 896. to] MRS. ©. rt ONE FRONT ROOM OFFICE, AT 346 King street, Centrally located. Suite able for offices. Apply J.P. Forrest, Lents' Furnisher, HOUSE, GOOD REPAIR, AT 268 UNI versity Avenue, all modern con ences, with Ap R.W, Nesbits 337 Johaton siren STORAGE, FOR rooms, alsotutely OLEAR dry rE bso! jroot, our wow Jock "Phone 8360. MEDICAL. cian and Surgeon, William streets, C enac, leeds and hours 8 to 9 am, 2 7 to 9 p.m. "Phone No. B70. HEROD, GRADUATE MAS. seuse, Swedish Movement, (the ori ginal osteopathy), including body treatment to restore the system. Also head, face and neck References from leading ppvsicians ot Kingston. Address House of Provis dence. 'Phone, 310. " MARRIAGE LICENSES. 8. KIRKPATRICOK, ISSUER 42 Clarence 8t., ingston, Qnt. "Pele~ phone, 5068. Residence, 38 street. PERSONALS. HAIR, MOLES, warts, etc, without scar. ence. Dr. BIRTHMARKS, permanent removed SO ox| Elmer J Se | DR. '0. 0: NASH, DENTIST; DR: WM. | J. Gibson, assistant, 188 Princess | street. 'Phone, 785. DR. W. R. GLOVE INTIST, D.D.O. | Certificate, ER TN floor, corner | King and Johnson Sts., opposite St. Seoige's Cathedral. 'Phone, 011. OSTEOPATHY. ROBERT GARSIDE ASHCROFT, D.O., Fdna Farle Ashcroft, D.O., gradu. ates of the American School of Osteopathy Kirksville, Missouri, 405 rincesr street. 'Phone, 447. Office hours, 9 to 12 am.. 3 to 5 mm Outside trea'ments . by appointments 19089, to send hy post, prepaid, or de. liver, fo Messrs Macdonneélk & Farrell, 48 Clarence St. Kingston sclicitors for the administrate estate and effects of the said deceased their Christian and surnames the full p statement | nature of | them | And further notice such last mentioned date the * wd A ministrator will proceed ta distribute i | A Good Sign YOUR DECLARATION | y the se take assets of the deceased ag entitled thereto, having claims only of which notice and that the will not be liable for part thereof to any whose claims notice received by her at he said the » Lime of such di Kingtton ti 1900 MAUDONNFIL & Solicitors for the 22nd, day FAR RE i hal Administrator CARD OF THANKS. I DESIRE TO THANK Ee ficars of Limestone Lodge, No : U. W,, for the payment of the pe 5 nsurance on the life of my late Hus hand, inting to $2,000, and "hope far the inued success of the Society. EMMA STRAINGI 1909 {or practical and ac tual indepes ndence {the ownership of your howe Be OF-lthan paying away good money to \. O. [landlords year after year. That ! keeps the wage-carners poor all their {lives. The drag of the rent days always { holds them down trons being independent. [Let us show you ho to own your {own home easily and omiortably: rid ar rich is what cont King 20 Nov, on, Fane Dress and Masquerade Ca ial ~~ wi ROLL N | AT ROLLER RINK, in city, $7,000. FRIDAY EVENING, Nov. 26th .2 =. D.A.Cays P.W.0.R. Band Brock St £1.050 $2,850 8 rooms, Dwelling, modern, stable to each, down | Dwelling, hot this year, in attendance ton TRY BEA VER FLOUR Good for Pas plaints For cave been handling No com- ATS We hi wlerate. \Gasoling | SEngines MADE IN KINGSTON ------ Inspect them before pur-| gH chasing your new Engine. MACLEAN Ontario sti JUST RECEIVED Another gonsignment orate 00 Dry Shod Shoes The rubberlass Shoe. dian Make. Jack Johnston, 70 Brock St. Best Cana-| Mistaken For A Deer. Shertrooke, Nov. 23. Mark Ben- nett, I gonoxville, while in the woods, was mistaken for a deer and was shot in the back by one, Duford, out hunting Yortunately, only a { small portiop of the contents of the js Shotgun entered lus body. Engines from 1 1-2to 20 H.P. Selby & Youlden, Ltd.' Ontario St who was Two members of a wedding were killed in Georgia 'whe i automobile fell from a bridge. Count Loo Tolstoi has appeal thy people 'of the world to armies apd navies, party on their | to top the vil in his work, + stable water heat: ) | A Twent, . lye, Ear ose, Throat and . Skin Blemish Specialist, 258 Bagot street. J CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. A DROP A CARD TO CHAS. W. KELLAR Carpenter and Builder, 255 Division 8t., for reasonable prices on all kinds of Jobbing, all wo done promptly: BUSINESS CHANCE. RNYONE ANYWHERE, OAN STARD der business at home: No oklgt. Tulle' mow. Hoa 2,969 Lockport, N.Y: Sasorke A TIMELY TOPIC Where to buy Coal and Wood ? Try us for your (next order. Ask your neighbor about Bwift's. We 'absolutely guarantee every {delivered from our yards. | requiring a ton of thoroughly screened, dry, {coal, or some nice, dry, sou | COME to us. Prices are the load, be it large or small, Think this over and when bright nd Kindling or Hard Wood same to all. ~~ SWIFT'S, i Foo t of Johnson St, Montreal and HIGHEST GRADES | -- GASOLINE, GOAL OIL, LUBRICATING OILS, FLOOR OIL, GREASE, ETC. PROMPT DELIVERY, W. F. KELLY Toye's Building, Clarence an? Ontario Streets. COAL! Ths Kind 8 Jou are looking for ts SCRANTON oa A Se wp Booth & Co.. FOOT WEST STREET. BE Aaaaans Treble the ki Princess St. and Barrie streets, John streets. Ee Synopsis of Canadian North-West Land Regulations, ANY person who is the sole head of's family, or any male pin 18 Fears Edi Bommion 4 a Maoh avi minion in i Baskatchewan or Alberta. The oon cant must bpoar in person at the minion Lands ney or Sub-Agency for the district. Erie by a may bes made at any agency, certain Souda tions, by father, ai son, daugh brother or sister of 'lntending steader. : Duties.--Six months' Ang cultivation of ree years. A homesteader within nine miles of his bh farm of at least acres occupied him or other, son, ughter, brot! In certain districts a homesteader 00 reside HE mon each of six years from date of homestead entry (including the time required to earn homestead patent) WAH LONG LANDRY REMOVED From 783 Clarence 8%, to Welle ngton Ni, beiwe a Rrock and Clarencs Rin. Resp laundry In the city. Goods celled. for and delivered, x : Prine - ROBT. J. GARDINER, M.D. prvi. corner