Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Nov 1909, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR, _ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, HIG, . 1 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1909. SUFFERED 15 YEARS CURED IN ONE MONTH Gin Pills are wonderful. If every woman, who has Kidney or Bladder Trouble, could go to Davisville, Ont, and talk with Mrs. A. Simpson. they would do just as she did--take Gin Pills and cure themselves. Mrs. Simpson grows enthusiastic over Gin Pills. Quite naturally, for she would be draggin ,out a miserable existence, instead of being the picture of health, had she not taken these pills, ! "Wor 14 or 15 years I had Kidney and Bladder Trouble, suffering at times in- tense pain. 1 doctored continually and received srmetimes 'temporary relief, but nothing gave me permanent relicl until I was persuaded to try Gin Pills. Within a couple of days I received great relief, and after taking one box 1 was completely cured and now would not be without them, I ean highly recom- mend them to all who suffer from any form of Kidney Trouble." Mgrs. A. SIMPSON Weletyoutry Gin Pills before you buy. Write National Drug & Chemical Co, Dépt. B. Toronto, and a free sample of Gin Pills will be sent yon by return mail. B0c, a box, 6 for $2.50, at all dealers. 2 COBALTS ON MARGIN We require a deposit as follows : i ook Deposit Required. | From serine 1 DC, per share | From 60¢ 20c. per share | From 8Oc c. per share] of the | Selling #$0c, to Se to Roe to ¥1 vans Over One Dollar 30 Per Cent. s0 handle 30, 60, 90 day your : Market Price. | con- wr wire us datriarche & Co STOCK DEALERS, Patrianrche Block, | Beott and Wellington Sts., TOR- ONTO. | je Builders' Supplies || le Portland Cement, 1 le HH { Shingles, ? A:sphalt Roofing, Biitk Tile S. Anglin & Co. i « 1 | | | i Wellington St., North. | { ql' |r ' reget bbt WE ARE YERY BUSY But not i too busy to give your Electrical Work Our best attention. \ 3 W. A. Spriggs I Practical Electrician, Bagot, one door from Brook. 'Phone, 68. "defeob bao loo befell Blof fede MODERN Le n to 235 Bb eb fe t the public at 72 PRINCESS ST. A. E. Elmer ED. N. ELMER, Prop. 1 occupied by FR Bibby's Cab Stand Phone 201. DAY or NIGHT Cliff's Real Estate Agency ESTABLISHED 1882. Where you can buy or sell property. "Also Insurance written in best companies. GEO. CLIFF, 095 Clarence St. orvaionts -- pound shoveliul i 1 buy from us | a of | i | i CRAWFORD, "Phone, 9, Foot of Queen 8a, EE TR orders, | proval eg [the Payne tariff provides. {shown any |any disposition to cater or cotton to | nele Sam, any desire to ourry ter {gladly and very humbly dropped g tariff stance {who might ka better employed--send a that it be allowed to legislate in some officials were only shamming the performance of their duty. shamming seizures, created sensations in high society peals were made to Mr effect. ministration of the law | est i the THE WHIG, 76th YEAR DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 806-310 King street, at $6 per year, Editions at 2.30 and 4 o'clock a Attached . Offices in Canada; rapid, stylish, be work ; nine improved presses. 4 EDW; J: B. PENSE, Managing TORONTO OFFICE. Suite 10 and 20, Queen Oity bers, urch Ohare- 82 Ch 8t., Toronto, H. EB. Bmciindon J P.. ropreseatatives Daily Whig. HOLD THEIR DIGNITY. "Our object is to annoy, to harrass, till vote to inconvenience the government it finds it easier to give us the than to fight us further," says Mrs. Pankhurst, the distinguished suffra- gette, in an address in New York. It is an ancient doctrine, and was prac- tised in Palestine in the days of the Because of her much impor- is mentioned in secrip- apostles. tunity a judge ture as having surrendered to a cer- Mrs. Pankhurst's if the women make they will get the franchise. but only the few will abandon their dignity the sake of the franchise. tain widow, and idea is that a nuisance of themselves She may be right, for ------------------ CANADA WON'T CARE. The opposition in Ottawa is playing a curious hand 'n objecting to an ap- of the French treaty. Why? It may, affect the Taft )government, and may invite retaliation for which 1f Nr. finance minister, Lad in his policy, Fielding, as weakness fa- ivour in a spirit of fear, he would be lenounced by Mr. Borden and Yr. Fos- and all those- who have becowse listinguishdd as their achoes. When the Canadian government was wsked to show to Germany the same 'onsideration that it had assared the nother country it was predicted that awful things would happen.' Germany {id undertake to discriminate against anada, and punished itself, and very its war later, ussolicited Hy Can- yda. Why should Canada now--:t the in- of Mr. Borden or My. Foster, ommission to Washington, cringing o the powers-that-be and pleading its Who ever heard be- proposition that Canada find out what will wn interests ? ore of the first ts neighbors nust please before legislating for ts people ? No one was sent from Washington to see what the Canadian government would suggest before the Payne tariff vas projected, and with the intention uf doing all the injury possible to for- ign trade, including that of Canada. Phe opposition at Ottawa. in suggest: ng a truckling policy is becoming very lisloyal. A CALL TO COMBAT. Loeb, collector York, is Mr New of customs at the political storm cen- TONSORIAL PARLOR nc © 'fic. nit ho aiscovered chat in And he this the that Ap- Loeb, without | let it be known that he wanted Then began to cease the raids, the exposures He stood for an honest ade He wanted Un- cle' Sam to get all in revenue or taxes that were coming to him He of many officials followed this with a suspension Of the two thou- direction scores A few men confessed their sing, at the sand men under his were suspected of wrong-doing guilty same time incriminating their fellows and immunity from gaamng prose- cution. An hundred were listed for dis misgal, including those who had been the allies and employees of the sugar trust, who had been in the pay of the great corporation and had allowed of the robbery of the country to an un- known extent, some say of many mil Worse than all, *'the that Mr. nounced are said to have been known lions of dollars. rotten conditions" Loeb de to the government, and to have been tolerated by it. the Which gives ' founda- tion for story that the treasury department will not, and dare not, prosecute the offenders. Mr. Loeb was Mr. Roosevelt's pri- | vate secretary, and has from the high- { that there is defiant does not quake authority learned nothing like béing brave and He with fear because the sugar trust and in public office. the subordinate officials would do him he invites the con- and promises to give whoever at- harm. Practically flict tacks him all he wants of fight. BATTLE OF THE GIANTS. The Standard Oil peopld® hasten to announce that the trust has not been the United Louis. It directed; savs its officials, ordered to dissolve by States court at St. has been only to account te-all the stockholders ior that the use of its earmngs, not ad 'interests must separate and be- competitors for the oil business, Rocketel COM M: the head of 'the trust and the ownér of one-third of its stocl§ knows nothing personally of the decision and affects not to be .in- fluenced by it. He has gone" out of the management, but his spirit is in it, and he is looking as keenly as ver after the baubees. The fight has been a fierce one against the trusts, and one sees in it, and in the attitude of the attorney- general's department, the feeling that the trustees generally are re garded as a memace lo the prosperity of the people. All the trusts are pro- jected by selfish men for selfish pur poses, and must, sooner or later, be- gin their oppressive work, All the mergers have dangerous tendencies, and al are aiming--the Standard chief of all-at a dictation and control of trade for capitalistic purposes. They must be suppressed--competition and freedom of trade must be restored-- the desire to see the Telephone and Telegraph merger, the Copper merger, the Sugar merger, the Cement merger, and all other mergers fail most ignominiously. The battle is one of the giants, and distance one sees the vigour with which the U, 8S. govern- ment casts itself into the conflict. It realizes that this merging by the capi- talists of their forces is a menace that must be met and disposed and the sooner the better. y and hence from a safe of, et peepee EDITORIAL NOTES. Mora men teachers are demanded in Quebec. They are demanded likewise in Ontano. ncoessary if his personality would be Everywhere the man is impressed upon our boys. -- Now it is a piano merger that ia at work--in Canada--a concern with a oipital of $1,000,000. Will it be in- vestigated ?# Tha government is after the cement merger. Can the piano deal escape attention ? Only thirty men have been killed in the football matches this year so far. A trifling tribute to the amusement of the masses, and an evidence that the rules against violence, or murder, can stand. a further revising. A A canal connecting Lakes Erie ond Michigan, cutting through part of the state of Miclagan, is proposed, at a $100,000,000 or more. It pronounced by the Buffalo Times as a cost of is crazy scheme, and the designation ap- \ pears to be correct. The Unionists of Ergland have is- sued a cordial invitation to the liber- who would like to join their "Come into- my parlor," said the spider to the fly. The liberal who into the unionist camp de- serves all he is likely to get. als party. wanders Sir Hibbert Tupper was charged with opposing the McBride government in the present election because of bis connection with the C.P.R. But he charged in an address that the C.i".R. was a consenting party to the deal and he would not do that and be the L.P.R.'s factotum. in Ottawa. There was a time when the debate on the speech from the throne went on for five weeks, This year it was over in five hours. Think of the saving in mental and physical energy; think of the saving in dollars, many, many thousands of them. i Common sense is asserling itself Toronto is losing gas bills, and is money on its wondering what it to bring 'about a Adopt the slot machine. It collects for every foot of gas burned, and does not defraud the city of a cent. There are some machines that are not poli- can do change. tical and can be trusted. The old age pensiopers of England are being placated by the unionist po- liticians on the! eve of an election. Ther y sonal'y that their punsions will be continued with a change of Still the old people are sceptical, Very naturally so. Their best friends are the people who have secured and paid the pensions and by their budget have given assurance of continuing them. are being "sought out and per- assured government. Piles Cured In 6 To 14 Days. Pazo Ointment is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in six to fourteen | days, or money refunded. 50c. "Shave with a Gillette razor." It saves you time and money. See the assortment at .Gibson's Red Cross drug store. The body of Edward Chase, of Fre dericton, N.B., was found in the St. John river. A guaranteed tooth brush with each tube of Na Dru"Co. tooth paste width comes out flat on the brush. In advice giving too many are care- less about the quality. ; The genuine Carter's Pills are sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Downright dishonesty is sometimes called sharp practice. Special sale of toilet paper at Feats. Five regular 10c. rolls for 25c. Good farmers' butter, prints, or boxes, 25¢c. per lb. Mullin's cery. Ii you want a thing done well, hire some one to do it who knows how. rolls, gro- POISONED BY PILLS One, Who Took Some of the Pills, Died t Immediately--All Attempts to Unravel the Mystery Have Proved Futile. Vienna, Nov. 23.--An extraordinary attempt at wholesale poisoning among military officers here has caused a sen- sation. A large number of officers, just promoted to be captains in the general staff, have received through the mails sample boxes of pills. These were accompanied by a circular re commending them for nervous debil- ity. One of the officers, Capt. Mader, took some of the pills, and died al- most immediately. An autopsy reveal ed the of cyanide of potas- sium, and that death had been caused by this poison. A further investigation showed that all the pills contained cyanide of potassium in large quantities, and also that many of ants attached to the staf, but not promoted, had not received pills. The circulars were signed "Charles Fran cis," and boro a false address. All attempts so far to unravel the mystery have failed, and it is sug gested that the poizon may have been sent out by some disappointed officer or that the poisoning is an anarchist outrage. GANANOQUE WATER POWER Will Be Now Given Five Days s Week. Gananoque, Nov. 23.--Gordon Me Donald has been summoned to appem before Police Magistrate Carroll, on a charge of assaulting Frank Naplois, and will be given a hearing at am early date. Roy Sherman, an. old of fender, was taken in charge by the lo cal_police for disorderly conduct, anc will be given a hearing to-morrow. William Gray, King street, ill, at his home, for some time past, has taken: turn for the worse and slight hope: are entertained for his recovery. The 4ananoque Water Power com pany expects to be able to furnish wa ter for the local factories for at leas' five days a week, from now on, as th water has been turned this way fron the outlet. Mrs. Herbert Moore, King street and sons, Herbert and Kenneth, wil leave for Kingston at an carly date to take up residence for the winter Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dustin, Garde: street, spending the past few week with their son, Rev. Géorge Dustin, a Combermere, have returned home. S. B. Chadsey, some years ago o the staff of Gananoque high school rencwed acquaintances here during the past few days. William Reese, Marke: street, js spending a few days in To ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Haines, of St Mary's, are visiting local relatives. Miss Muriel Britton, King street; ha gone to Toronto, to spend a few weeks with Mrs. (Col.) Pellatt. William Keyworth, Osborne street, i: spending a short time in Toronto John Paul has returded from New boro. Mrs. Thomas Paish, Montreal, spending the past few months with her daughter, Mrs, . Greenizen, River street has returned home. Mrs. John Kininmond and daugh- ters, the Misses Mary and Irene, have gone to | Portage la Prairie, having been summoned there by the seriow illness of her daughter, Miss Anni Kininmond. Mrs. and Miss Austin King street, spending the past mont} with Toronto relatives, have returged ome. TO GIVE SQUARE DEAL. Licensed in Britisk Columbia. British Columbia is the first British province to give the osteopaths a square deal. A bill passed during the March term of the legislature provided for an examining board, consisting of one osteopath, one homeopath and several allopaths. Thirty-nine: .appli- cants took the recent examicatioa, thirty-five medicos, - three osteopaths, and one homeopath, with the rceult that twelve of the medi:>s and tie homeopath failed, while the tiuve osteopaths all who tried, passed. Osteopathy now has legal recogni tion in every state in the union ex- cept-two, and in thesé its practice is not prohibited. To-day there are but two medical colleges in the United States which have as many students as the American School of Osteopathy at Kirksville, Missouri, and there are other osteopathic institutions of re cognized standing in Boston, Phila- delphia, Chicago, Kansas City, Des Moines, and Los Angeles, in which the course of study compares favorably with that of the best medical colleges in the country. Osteopaths Reaches The Bone. The value of a liniment largely de pends upon its penctrating qualities. Smith's White Liniment penetrates to the very bone. It seeks out all in- flammation and congestion and re- moves it. Stimulates the circulation and by so doing rclieves almost at once. The best cure for rheumatism, neuralgia and all strains or bruises. 250, at J. B. McLeod's, successor to Henry Wade, corner King and Brock streets, and corner Princess and Mont- toal streets. Dr. Daniel attacked the marine de- partment in the House of Commons for negligence in connection with the wreck of ** the Hestia. Hon P. Brodeur defended. Preventics--those Candy Cold Cure Tablets--will safely and quickly check all colde and the grippe. Try them once and see! 48-25c. Sold by all dealers. ' The United States is holding an armed party in readiness to despatch ito Nicaragua should the situation de- mand it. Red Ro: the first Lieuten- |" Je are hclding out some great inducements for the Men E with Fifteen Dollars to invest. 4 We aim to give our patrons | the best Suits and Overcoats at Fifteen Dollars, the price ever $ bought, : We're Daing It, Too, Handso:: Fall Fabrics in new colorings, ¥ Polen SOUVENIR. ) BASE BURNERS ( For Sale by S. J. Horsey, King- ston, Ont. Palpitation of the ~~ Heart. One of the first danger signals that announce something wrong with the heart a the irregular or violent throb. Often there is only a fluttering sensation, or an 'all gone" sinking feeling; or, again, there may be a most violent beating, with lushings of the skin, and visable pulsa- tons of the arteries. There may also be experienced a smothering sensation, gasping for breath, and feeling as though about to die. In all such cases the action of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills in quieting the aeart and restoring it to its normal beat, s, beyond all question marvellous, as sur thousands of testimcnials will show quiet or noisy styles, excellent tailoring by experts. Suits and Oversoats you can not disunguish from thei: $18 and $20 associates. . We 3 think you'll ea; at once "The Best Fifteen Dollaf Suits and Overcoats | Ever Saw." Never mind what sort of Suits and Overcoats other stores claim they sell for this popular price, come to sce our Fifteen Dollar' Suits and Overcoats before parting with your money. Seeing is prcof, much better argument than any "say so." "See Our Dressy 815 Worsted Suits. See Our Tony Melton Overccats. Blue See Our Swell $15 Brown Cheviot Suits. i; Soe Our New $15 Auto $15 Black ; Ulster with Military Collar. Mrs. Martha Mason, Marlbank, Ont.. writes:-- Just a few lines to let you know what Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills have dome for' me. I have heen troubled with weakness and palpitation of the heart, would have severe choking wells and could scarcely lie down at »il. { tried many remedies but got none to answer my case like your pillsdid. ean recommend them highly to all with heart or nerve trouble." Price, 50 cents per box, or 3 boxes for $1.25 l a dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toremto, Oat. The H. D. Bibby Co. | Kingston's Only One-Price Clothing House. : Te eA STAR BUILDING, | | | | - Builders and Contractors ! Use Sashweights made in King. ston and causing considerable The storm damaged telegraph elephote wires inconvenience, at Angrove's Foundry. Special prices for large quantities. | o FPFIFSSSIISISIISSISIY Here's an All-Round Serviceable Really worth $3.00. 2 Our Special Price 'is $2.50 ABERNETHY'S. Shoe for Men ss See the Special Values in Men's Heavy Sole Box Calf Bluchers in our window, They have double shanks and are 3 leather lined. Just the shoe for this season of the year. 50 The London, Ont., city council will Ludger Remois, for over thirty-three! Dr. L. J. Lemieux, who represen ask the lieultnant-governor to deélare 'years in the service of the Montreal |Gaspe in the Quebec legislature, will the population to be 50,000 so that a post office, was presented with an Sm- be appointed sheriff of Montreal, vote on Sunday cars may be taken. perial service medal. 3 Buy Dodd's Kidney Pills at Gibson's Thomas Cote, Canadian seéretary of; The Toronto News announces that Cross drug store. the Igternational waterways commis- owing to the necessity for larger quar- plebiscite of Toronto citizens, on remove Eon won, "has been appointed exposition, ters it will | its present the Brofiosed tube railway scheme, will be January lst. "Is Good Tea' commissioner to Belgium. s NEVER VARIES IN QUALITY, EVEYY PACKAGE IS GOOD. : e Te

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