PAGE SIX. ---t i 'COLDS CURED IN ONE DAY LET GIRL PROPOSE + --- : 'F SHE WOULD LUE 0 MARRY A MAN. : ------ 1 Chicago Clergyman Says it is a Useless Conventionality to Stisk to the O)d-fashioned Way--Men Should Be m- pelled to Wed. : Chicago, Nov, 26.--"There is only one good reason for" not getting mar- ried, and that is ill-health," said the Rev. Fredetck E. Hopkips, in Pilgrim Congregational church. "The state should compel men to marry for the same reason it compels education "and in some 'countries m li-| tary scree, It ig lor the welfare of | the state that there should be the, largest number of nomes and a nor- stinate Coughs and prevents Pneumonia. mal and reular increase of popular Price 25ec. it an. : . Have Jou sti or swollen joints, no mat- | "'H after a suitable acquaintance a er how chronic? Ask your druggist for sirl would like te rey t { Munyon's Rbeumatism Remedy and sce g 58 to matey A man, out Bow quickly you will he cured. he does not ask her, then let her ask of you have any Hiduey or biadder tron- |him. Why not? If she wanis him ile get Munyon's Kidoey Remedy. she will probably give him a good Munyon's Vitallzer makes weak m : he go! strong and restores lost powers. *® |many hints anyhow, so why not speak right out and ask for what you want? It ts a useless conveniionality and a silly, custom any way we look at it, ee 110 stick to the old-fashioned way." Munyon's Cold Remedy Reiioves the head, throat and 'ungs almost Immediate x Checks Fevers, stops Discharges of nose, takes away all aches and pains caused by colds. It cures Grip and ob- TRAVELLING WHAT IT MEANS. TREE Ontario Provincial Fair Guelph. Ont., Dec. 6th to 10th, 1909 Round trip The Remarks of Lord Balfour Burleigh. Nov. 26.-- lf you win \ a will be only a temporary if you lose, you have prejudiced the posit on, power, prestige and use: fulness of the House of Lords, which, 1 believe, every one of you honors and {des'res to serve as heartily as I. do | myself." In this homely, candid fashion Lord Balfour of Burleigh told the members of the House of Lords, last eveming, his opinion of the course they were pursung with regard to the budget. | Lord Balfour's speech was the evint of yesterday's sitting of the upper chamber. It probably will have even greater influence than that of Lord) Rosebery, because Rose- | bery no longer holds the coufidence of of London, victory it one tickets will be $6.35 Good, going 3 Dec 4th, to Friday, Ne 10th inclusive, good return ing on or before Mooday, Pee. 13th. issued at Saturday, International Live Stock Exposition CHICAGO, ILL., NOV. 27TH, DEC. 10TH, 1909. | Round trip = tickets will be issued at $44.25, good gping Nev, 28th, 29th, 30th, Dec. 1st, 5th apd 6th. All tickets wid returnin . on of before Dee. 13th. any party. - Through Pulhpans to and from [Ottawa Tha Ris rola : " via Brockville daily, on trains 2 d 5. | I'he Bishop. of Hereford, who inter- Pullman accommodation reserved in ad- {vened late in the debate, said that vance and all other information furnish- | while he rosp.ct¢d the Archbishop of ed on app ication do RANLEY. Agent. 1 anterbury's de sire that the bishops Corner Johnson and Ontario Sts. 87°thin from votinz on the measure, {be claimed the right to the exerc se ~ lof independent judgment. If the bis- | hops had any function to perform tt | was, he said, to speak for the multi- | tuduious poor, therefore, he supported !the budget, which was a social wel- fare budget, Tased on sound fiance. | |He was convinced, he declared, that! {the country's answer to an appeal ol real IN CONNECTION Wiin Canadian Pacitic Railway { the ballot would be in such clear Eng- 3 - {5sh that never again. should the fun- Trains Leave Kingston | dan Suial filiortios of the people be] " " hy 4 13.01 por Eipress--For Ottawa Mon- | "anger y a privileged class. | treal, Quebe¢, St. John, N.B., Halifax, | Many others of the peers spoke but | Boston, Toronto, Chicago, Denver, Ren-!all of them along ordinary party lines. | frew, Sault Ste. Marie, Duluth, St.|The debate was adjourned until M | 'aul, Winnipeg couver,' Seat ncn Vised wll Paul, innipeir, Vancouver," Seattle, |g, hen Viscount Morley, Lord Cur: | | Portland and San Franscisco. i 5.00 wh m--Local Jor Sharbot whhke, | zon and Lord Rothschild are expected | connecting with C.P.R, East and West. |i, res! . { 7.45 aun. Mited--For Renfrew and In- e Pup 8 the house. : | termediate points--Monday, Wednesday A great pro-budget demonstration tcok place, last night, in Parliament Passengers leaving Kingston at ym. arrive in Ottawa at 5 p,m. ; Peter- Pore. F 6.55 p.m. | sand persons gathered for the demon-| 4.38 p.m.; Toronto, ! : Montreal, 7.05 p.m. Moston, 7.30 am. stration and sang political songs and St. John, 12.00 noon. i cheered for David Lloyd-George, chan- tvellor of the exchequer. = Police, to and Friday. 12.01 | Square and that locality. Six thou- KINGSTON--OTTAWA Yeave' Kingston, 13:01 p.m., arrive the number of 1,590, were employed | Uttawa, 5 nm lin keeping order, but finally the crowd Jaave Ottawa 10.45 'a.m., arrive King: | became unn.anageable and 'they clear- . Fall Parties at K. & P. and UC. p. td the sjuare. There were Fome Ticket Ofte. | s'izht scuffies and several arrests were F JIONWAY, v.| made. The demonstration is seely to Gén. Pass ARN [Le repeated on a larger scale Monday | nid Tuesday. R. BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. i Train lesves udios: station, Ontario] street, 4 p.m. daily (Sunday excej ted) | for Tweed, Sydenham, Napsoes, i onto, Bannockburn and all points north. | Mo secure quick despatch to Basnock- | burn, Maynooth, and pinta on Hantens Catches on Fire. Dntario, route your shipments via ay RE pf Quints Rallway. For further particu | Kemptville, Ont., Nov. 26.--The en- tars; 'apply Wy DICKSON, . Ageat, | lire community was shocked to learn "Phone. No. 8 lof the death by burning of Miss ~ | Louisa Shaver, an aged;and respect- | RUISE Tee 9 | able resident here. Miss Shaver. re- OF THE f Jan. 20, 1910 sided with her niece, Mrs. Rutledge, | Teo Madeira, . BURNED TO DEATH. | ph | Agdl Kemiptville Lady's Clothing i {and was left alone inthe house, Wed- | { nestlay afternoon, there being a fire, in the coal stove. In some unaccount- | |able manner the aged lady's clothing ' caught fire. Her cries alarmed lal iE SHIT SHEE 1d UD dare. neighbor woman about 3:30 a.m Crulle Dept., White Star Line, Toronto, {called to Joshua or Agents. {into the house ain, Mediterranean, Orient. a She Purcell, who rushed | and found the place | une intr : FT al of smoke and the unfortunate wo- HI H : RA {man in flames. At 6:30 she passed i 8 away, still unable to tell the story of : the terrible accident which had befall- | en her. ! GASOLINE, | QUEER MAKESHIFTS. | COAL OIL, LUBRICATING OILS, FLOOR OIL, GREASE, ETC. PROMPT DELIVERY, Ww. F. KELLY Toye's Building, Clarence ahd Ontario Streets. | | {| Winnipeg Paper Printed By Use of Traction Engine. | Winnipeg, Nov. 26.--Humorous in- deed are some of the expedients re- sorted to by the users of electric pow- jer here following the comiplete tie-up {of the street railway hydro-electric {plant. The Telegram is being printed by means of a traction engine backed up near the building, while an in- genious woodworker has an automo- bile attached to his machinery as mo- tive power. : The wholesale trade, where there ie no energy for freight elevators, is about the worst predicament of all ! There is still no definite idea as to when the damage will be repaired, al- though the inrush of water at the plant is stopped. $72,500 For "An Old Jew." London, Nov. 26.--Lawrence's fam- ous portrait of the Duke of Welling- ton was sold at auction, yesterday, for 810,000. The Agnews have bought in St. Petersburg Rembrandt's por- trait of "An Old Jew." The painting | was sold to the Agnews by M. Delar- off, a private collector, for $72,500, M. Dela. bought the picture a, few years | ago for $20,000 from Countess Adler- tberg. Fo in) mn A = 'Enter any \ tor - information, CALFE, Principal: ver FIT "THE FRONTENAQ LOANAND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ' ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richard Qartwight. Monay fssusd on' Otty and ts ties. Municipal' and County Debems : Deposits tures. Mortgages . C. McGill. Mana, Director, 8 : 87 Olarence ns : Hamilton Referee' Ottawa, Nov. 26.--A Hamilton man will be referee in the Ottawa-Varsity match at Toronto Saturday. McMas- ter, of Montreal, has-been agreed upon as umpire, and the appointment of a referce has been left with Prosident Mc- Keand, of the C.RYU., who will: like- ly name Robbins or Hayes, of Hamil ton. recaived and interest allowed, snubeeribe {fo some mighty nions to agree { "Safety corn planes." Buy them iat Gibson's Hed (rosy drug store, | | stone as sccretary of BURNED HERSELF TO DEATH. Woman Soaked Clothing in Oil - and Ignited It. Niagara Falis, N.Y., Nov. 25. Mrs. Jorence Bishop, sixty years old, com- mitted suicide #8 ber home in Coom- er's Road, a Tew miles from this city. She took her life by soaking her gar ments in coal oil and incinerating her- self. Alexander Gillies found Mrs. Bishop's body in a smoke house. It was & mass. of burned flesh and char- ved bones. A note found among the déad woman's effects told 'of the Witer's determination to end her life y fire. JOHN BURNS FOR CABINET. Labor Leader to Replace Herbert Gladstone. - : HON. JOHN BURNS. London, Nov. 25.--It is rumored, to- dav, that John Burns, the socialist labor president of the local govern: ment board, will replace Harbort Glad- stat¢ for home affairs, Finds Child After Years. Chicago, Nov. 26.--Ephriam John- son's discovery. of his daughter here after a two-year search, has resulted in the arrest of "Tom" Mitchell, known as the 'king of all the gip- sies,"" on a charge of kidnapping, and is expected to result in the charging of Mitchell's son, who is sixteen years old, with g more serious offence. The girl, thirteen years old, wa% taken from her home at Elizabeth, N.J., and her father has travelled all over the United States since in search of her. When The Stomach Stops Working Properly, Because There is Wind in it, Use Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets to Set It Going Again. A Trial Box Free. The doctors call it flatulency, but unprofessional folks know it as 'wind on the stomach," and a most distress ing state of things itis. It is a seri: ous condition of 'this great motor or- gan. Always annoying 'and painful in the extreme, at times often leading to bad and fatal results, -The stomach embarrassed and hampered with wind, cannot take care of its food properly and indigestion follows, and this has a train too appalling to enumerate. The entire system is implicated--made an active or passive factor in this trouble and life soon becomes a questionable boon. . All this is explained in doctor books; how undigested food causes gasses by fermentation and fomentation in which process some essential fluids are de stroyed--burnt up--wasted by chemical action! followed by defective nutrition and the distribution through the ali- mentary tract of chemically wrong ele- ments and a€ a consequence the stoi- ach and entire system is starved. Plen- ty of food, you see, but spoilt in pre- paration and worse than worthless. A Deranged Stomach is the epitome of evil: 'nothing too bad to emanate from it, - but the gas it génerates is probably its worst primaiy effect and the only 'way to do away with this is to remove the cause. Stuart's Dys- wpsia Tablets go fo the root of this trouble. They attack the gas making foods and render them harmless. Fla- tulency or wind on the stomach sim- ply cannot exist where these powerful and wonder-working little tablets are in evidence. They were made for this very pur pose to attack gas making foods and convert them into proper nutriment. This is their province and office. A whole book could be written about them and then not all told that might be told with profit to sufferers from this painful disease, dyspepsia. It would mention the years of patient and expensive experiment in effort to arrive at this result--of failures innu- merable and at last success, It would make mention of the different stomach correclives that enter in to this tablet and make it faithiully represent all. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are not alone intended for the sick, but well folks as well; for the person who craves hearty foods and wants to eat heartily and run no risk of bad offects, they act like a charm and make eat- ing and digestion a delight and plea- sure. They keep the stomach aciive and coergetic and able and willing to do extra work without special labor or effort. Don't forget this." Well people are often neglected, but the Stuart Dyspepsia Tablets have them in mind. A free trial package will be sent any one who wante to know just. what they are. how they look and taste. be fore beginning treatment with them. After this go to the drug store for them: everywhere, here or. at home, they are 50c. a box and by gelting them at home you will save time and postage. Your doctor will prescribe them; they say there are 40,000. doc- tors using them, but when you know what is the matter of yourself, why go to the expense of a prescription ? For free trial package address F. A. Stuart Co., 150 Stuart Building, Marshall, Michigan. c You will get quite a box P.8.--Better send to-day for samples of the 'tablet f them, Resort dodinor Cag Rev. T. E. Burke, of Kingston, Will Start Ketfle Boiling-- Good Roads Soon to Lead to . This Rideau Village. -- s A at th by-law was in at the county council and: $300,000 will. +) expended on the counly FOACS pest Sear. Part of the money will of five: 'miles, and from Newbare to: Crosby, a di tance of threw miles. Thus all lead nz to the village will be improved snd st no cot. to' the yérs as by the terms of the county law in- cornargted <uillages will not te taxed. ! 'the Steimer Edmupd and bate Colum' ia went to Kingston a couple: of weeks ago for wheat but, were une! atle yo ay aed Se titday, br cargo: of . oats from Washburn: The hots will a into winter quarters in the canal here. | Misses U. Fahey, Elgin, and, Kath- Jeen . Golden, Burridge, and Joseph Dwyry, Elgin, were hore on Saturday afterncon. B. Graham, Delta; spent | Sunday here, the guest of his broth- | er. MH. S. Fes.r returned on Mon-| day from a tri through Western Ca: | nada. Mt, and Mrs. J. T. Gallagher | were Visitors in Brockville on "Tues! day. A. McGuiggan has soctred the 1 otitien-as hostler at the now Ontario | htt); vacated by George Bishop. G. Bawden is spending this week in King: ston. + Mrs. M, DPreeze, Westport, wae tte guest of Mrs, James Stanton jon, Tuesday. A. J, Hart, Prescott, was! here on Wednesday. Preston MeUann, | brakemen on the . C.PR., Bmith's' Falls to North Bay division, is re- newing acguaintances in th's locality. An organization meeting of the lo- cal optionisis was held in the village hall on Wednesday evening and _ the following 'officers were elected : Hon. president, Rav, Mr Rondeau, Westport; president, J. T. Gallaghe. secretary tieisurer, Rev. G. E. Wood; executive committee, William Spicer, J.T, irahsm and D. D. Davidson; voters' list eommit'ee, E. G. Leech, Edward Wiight and 8. Mavety. An invitation has been' extended to Rev. T. . Burke, Kingston, to deliver al oture u-out lec. 10th. A couple of speak- ers will also ke sent by the Dominion 'Alliance before the close. of the, eam ain. The by-law will receive its first: veading at the council meeting on Dec. 6th. A large number of local parties and several from a distance are fishing for| herring in the Rideau. Since the com-| mencement of the stormy weather | large catches are reported. A. 8S. Mor- tem, Athins, was a visitor here on Tuesday evening. Miss Kate Tobin, Westport, is the guest of her sister, Miss Lena. Miss Lou Singleton, who had her arm broken a week ago, Is improving nicely. Willard Spicer i¢ able fo be out again after. a. ten weeks illness from typhoid fever. A number from here intend attending the box social in Westport to-morrow ev- ening. Local poultry raisers are pre paring for the fairs mext week. DR. COULTER"S REPORT. Australia to Withhold Her Sup+ port. Ottawa, Nov. 24.--That Australia, for the present at all évents, will, withhold its support from the propos- al to organize the *"All-Red Route" is the principal feature in the report of Dr. R. M. Coulter, deputy postmaster general, on his recent visit to Aus- tral'a 'anil New Zealand to interest the governments of these two coun- tries in the scheme. His negotiations with New Zealand, however, were more successful, for + he reports ~ that that country 've *'quite prepared to . join with Australia and Canada to inau- gurate such a steamship service and assume her share of the cost." Dr. Coulter had the misfortusie to 'and in Australia just at the time of\' a change of government, and in the in- terval went to' New Zealand and com: pleted 'his negotiat'ons there, On re- turnngz to . Australia in January he interviewed the new government known as the labor government, led by Hon. Mr. Fisher. They expressed their symi- pathy with the object and promised that if a conference were called by the Cansdian or . British authorities Australia would be represented. In a' long letter to Hon. Andrew Fisher, | premier of Australia, "Dr. Coulter pointed out the benefits which would accrue to the commonwealth by join- ing in the scheme. "If the All-Red were inaugurated," Dr. Coulter stated) in his letter, "Australia, although the smallest contributor, stands easily to become the greatest beneficiary as regards the large expenditure of money necessarily involved in carry- iny out the scheme. It is estimated that the expenditure of the Paeific end of the service will be somewhat over £600,000, and Australia being the terminus of the road will: necessarily receive not less than three-fourths of the amount expended. It will bring Lordon within twenty-seven days of Sydney, or four days closer than un- der the preset mail service." In spite, however, of the tempting facts and figures set forth in 'Pr. Coulter's let- ter, which covered several closely type: written pages, the Australian govero ment, whilst eXpresting "interest and sympathy" with the object of Dr. Coulfer's wisiion, 'sent a reply re! gretting that they were "precluded from entering at present into any de- finite agreement as to the subsidy to the probcsel 'service,' but added, "When the limitation imposed by the constitution on our expenditure ex: pires, as it will do shortly, we may | then be in a position to offer some practical aid towards the proposed fleet." - Ta a tater letter the Austra- ian authorities announced that should | a conference be called the Australian] government would be represented. 1} miny, however, add," the letter pro- ceeds, "that our representative would | be instructed to urge that the steam- er2 to be employed in the services| should be under the control of the several governments concefned. The main object of the enterprise being to knit {ogether more closely the sestter- ed portions of the empire we #re tne vineed .That only. by government own- crehip ean ties object be attained with | the waximum spective communities,' awl 'returned on . . CH isn't 'necessary -- it's expensive and it mcans dbubling your work. You don't have to boil clothes when you use Taylor's Borax Soap, for it dissolves 'and removes the dirt in a jiffy--yet it never harms the daintiest textures, nor shrinks woolens. 5 To wash colored muslins, lin- ens or lawns, first make a strong suds with Taylor's Borax Soap and luke warm water. Wet but one piece at a time. Unless the article is very much soiled, do not rus the soap directly on the article. Rub gently with the hands until perfectly clean. Wring out the clothes, and rinse thoroughly in water of the same temperature as that previously used. Never boil colored clothes. A very little Taylor's Borax Soap added to boiled starch will prevent it from sticking, and makes the clothes iron smoother and easier. It leaves everything whiter, sweeter and clean- er than you ever dreamed possible. Try it and see. The ideal way of earning money is to make your Make your dollar work where it that will pay the The collar that earns but 2 or 3 per cent. is almost as bad as the idle $6 The Idle Dollar The dollar that is tied up in bad invest the investment We advise Taxi- cab Stock at ments--- --the dollar that is invested in (conservative) low interest bearing securities, usually sold at o high premium--- the dollar that is not invested anywhere, re- posing in the old stocking under the mattress, or in the tin teapot on the pantry shelf-- --the dollar that buys the things that you would be better. without--- --this is the idle dollar. The idle dollar gives no man comfort in hold- .ihg, keeping, owning or wasting. The Ideal Investment ¢ ---------------------------------------------- Sib Ew An industry that fillsa long felt wast, which supplies an insistent and growing demand, which has possibilities of grea Y investment. Such a one is Toronto's system capacity. t it may do in the' future, Taxicab Stock has a great SUBSCRIPTIONS will be accepted up MAIL US YOUR CHEQUE A E. A. ENGLISH tat TO Constipation. | No ofie need expect to be healthy if the powels are allowed to become clogged up. A free motion of the bowels daily should | be the rule with everyone who agpirea to perfect health, : Costiveness or constipation clogs the bowels, 'cholivs up' the natural outlet of impure. matter, ard rétais in the system the poisonous effete waste products of pature, causing bad blood, dyspepsia, headache, biliousness, foul humors, pim- ples, boils, blotches, piles, ete. Burdock Blood Bitters nas built up an unrivalled reputation as a cure for constipation and all the diseases which arise from it. Mr. Bums Wood- + Nashwaak + i J i > bb dbbbd rey" + ; $ Constipation 4 p Cured. "For over two years my wifé was troubled with censtipation. "She tried several phy- sicians, but could get no relief, but after taking three bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters shi: was completely cured and is to-day in good health. My wife snd I cannot - speak too' highly ef Burdock Blood Bitters." i $4944 ++I + For saleby all dealers. Manufactured onlv by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Out. rent advantage to our re-lpay a pound, Ontario street, OUR ROOSTER BRAND OF TOBACCO Chewing is 3 S00! Smoking and at forty«fixe tobacco." Why eighty-tive Andrew Maclean, of Taxicabs, for in barely six WHAT ARE-YOU GOING will earn the most by 'seckingfot best. ; ~ inde beste daliar-viieilil art og ammm or 25% + quarterly. The Busy Dollar BRS . "The dollar that is working for you all the time--- y --the dollar that brings you a big pescentage of returngy-- | --the dollat that is invested in cial stocks or industrial away above the ordinary bai --ithe dollar that by quick turns and clear fore: sight doubles, trebles and quadruples itoelf-- this is the busy dollar. To keep your dollar busy make jt work for Jyou and earn big returns. em i WB Xe... 3 per share, j can pay a commen sudrexrns interest-- Fase a invéstrient in Taxicab Stock Jthe. best known medium. ~s 3. * . : on, is ; months it bas proved its big camming ith an outfit increased many times, you can only surmise. » and theitime to buy/F cab Stock is now. : to 100 shares in the order received at this office. if you wish to participate before the issue is exhausted. " iti future GOING TO DO WITH YOUR FEET? { . | We a everything you cad ! think of' warm foot. covering. ! Oyershees," Rubbers, Feit Boots, Moccassis, b 0il Tanned and Moose Hide, Rubber Boots and | many lines of Heavy Soled Shoes, | in Black and Tam. | Pe | vies gy F Reid & Charles. Shoe Repairi Done at the House of Quality is satisfac. tory proof that honest trading, efficient service! eoupled with fair prices, wins the confidence of the public. WY A. E. Herod, 986 Princess St. The House of Quality. Phe ne R37