Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Dec 1909, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT. ; : : =r DALY BRITIS® WHIG MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1909. an ROMANTIC DRAMA PITH OF THE NEWS. T INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. The Very Latest Culled From All J Ui OF QUEEN Newsy Paragraphs Piosked Up By Over The World. . Reporters On Their Rounds. N William Goldin, Toronto, aged} i . 'ark i risi vee WHY COUNT DID oT thirty. years, was asphyxiated. [ALMA MATER ELECTIONS a Sete , of WNarker, is 5 visitor ------ { : Mrs. Annie Haskett, ' Thames street, WERE KEEN. The Boayd of Henlth holds its last * | » | London, Ont.,, was found de ad in her regular meethne of the year to-mor- Persian Lamb | Consin Killed 25 Years Ago--Lat- hous. Tou of sosifig 4 yea rmor Bourpssa's new daily newspaper will | M. R. Bow, of Arts, Was Elected | The work of . his 2 ed at the Time watting in the pew Coats and i hind Tngag 3 Now the make its hrst appearance on December President--Aesculapian Society | | electric lights, oh St. Mary's cabher . : ot he Lac vy ho is © 15th in Montreal a = Appoints Delegates to Dinners | | eal, has been commenved. Jackets Premier's Wife. | Joba W. MacNeil, a young Toronto of Sister Colleges. 1). McFarlave, of Montreal, who Berlin, Ont, Dee 6.--~To the report man, shot himself in the hea and J : -- been here for the past three days, M that he will 'withdraw his claim to | died two hours later. Se Avia Mater elections at:Quech's | returned east this moruing : ade to Order £1400, as proferred ageinst Senator Hugh Angus, Hamiltow, Ont., was Saturday were, perhaps. the most DanicP* Ryan and company, that : B rae o . ing stable | keenly losely x : he | py x ' . | Ratz, Awvsolom Merner, son of For fined ¥20 for assaulting Constable y and closely contested in the | presented *The Fox," at the Grand, i} h, ¢ f. ¢ it stor i ps » wo . a 125 t 250 i mer Senator Samuel Merner, this] Myers at a foothall game. i wed Ya the. EI Nin hea | on Saturday night, leit for the west 0 if | morning, gave emphafic denial. The Alexander Williams, a farmer near | a mnety-hve ballots were cust, |, Sunday. i} {claim ix a peculiar onk. Mr. Merner | Port Burwell, committed suicide Ly | 8nd of these twenty only were spoiled. . ls 8p onli y . y | : a. 24 to LO inche long. . We use ave s that Senator Ratz, having re sutiing his throat with a razor. The presidency went to M. R. Bow i ' HW eco ved assurance of his appdntment to J. w. Flavelle denies the rumor that | It was not until all the returns were only best quality CROW PER? the gl company is acquiring the [received that the results were in any RIBBONS i Countless are the Gifts that can be fashioned from I - Pretty . Anothér Kingston in prospect. A movement is under way to change the name of Trinity East, Newfoundland, to the good loyal old title. IANS. Choose your ki an Samuel Merner, advised him that if | Harms Abattoir company, Toronto. jay certain. i a : Fhe nom-jury sittings of the high he induced has father to resign he (Mr A young Seote hman, named Judd, £3 ns) Dy a majority of filty-eight. Ratz) would pay him %1,400 on Maw] was drowned near Victoria Harbor fe obean, B.A, (divinity) wag thos No obligation to 1 ot, 1509, and, SL.U0N. on: each. : suo while crossing on the icc to Maple en vice president, seciring only five Lui i 'ences ure oft tbe docket ceedyne May Ist as long as Senator Island. votes more than his worthy opponent, Alderman H. Angrove is around J h M K Merner or his wife lived. Senator Mer-] M. P. Davis, Ottawa, is reported {o I~ imams, B.A. The results were again, after 'a severe cold that con- O n C ay, ner did resign and now his kon is| have been awarded tha contract for |®* rns finpd him to thet house for two days. the senate, upon the resignation of court opened at two o'clock, this ai Hing: We invite s + "i dernoon- before - Judge Sutherland. | Zz Youre t, Prof. Angus estimates the | | ity), 190; Williams (science), 485. 14 hr mens, A oe. J 12 5 € H 2] 18 20- | 9-155 BROCK ST Died Ti California. teatiality of Niagara Falls at 5,000,- | sod, vice-president--Kendrick (me- the dignitaries: who will go io: Oi: - 000 horsepower, | dicine), 547, Uric (arts), 362. vs on Dec, 19th astliet: i \ Special to the Whig . 3 ! Necretarv----Smith (arts), 524; Kirk tawa on Dec, 19th to assist in the EL ------ Wannipeg, Dee. 6.----Prs. Ho M. Pow- Charles W. Morse has lost his ap- | patrick (se ence) Wt, oe IX lholding of a '"triduum at the Good ell, wife 'of Manitoba's chief justice, }peal to the supreme court of the Uni- | Committee. Locki sience), G33; | Shepherd's convent in commemoration died, night, in Pasatlena, Cal, [ted States, which, refused to grant [ Moki ry ecm rs 10 Lae ence), of tha beatification of Ven. Jvan where she had gone to spent the win- his petition for a review. i (e %0 un an Ty oe) 021; Malloe h Eudes, founder of the order ter. William Golding, about forty-five I i ampbell (medicine), Archbishop Gauthier paid his trien . All; Pierce (arts), 438; ne | [ - years, was found dead in his room at (aris) 139 The first ken Bel { nial visitation to Smith's Falls patisia A AT 2 > SU, 2 $ € i AT BETHEL CHURCH. 5 Nueed sires east, Yorofite, pe Bun elected. la week ago oa the conclusion of the day night, with the gas od partly | singring a ar $ S bi : A , g ly { "Convosation hall was crowded 'Sa Anging of solemn "gh Hos s, on Ju turday evening to hear the election | {mn of Frsoven fan 6 a ti gi 4 i c o ceturns and the students thoroughly |, *¢ rament. of confirmation. h 1 {archbishop exacted 'from each candi enjoyed the many interesting hits dat ledge t bst fr 1 i ' » . ate g oo ¢ r . thrown on the canvass. After the | ake 2D i hd 5 Stain on in meeting. of Alma Mater Princess a i) rn s until they reach the age . 5 street was . paraded and' the students | 28% © PWeniy-one. at a ¢ Soe ------ celebrated in a manner quite becom- inz, The city authorities this morn-| Postal Service Of 250 B.C. ing stated that there was no obec- How the ancient Egyptians conduct | tionhble demonstrations whatever. {ed a state postal service more than Archbishop Gauthier, Kingston, and Bishop Brunault, Nicolet, are among and at our Ribbon Counter you will find most complete stocks of the best kinds and prices are lowest. Pastor Stevens Gives Two Fine [98 | . da, ------------------ D Areas Lying on a sofa in Louis Seiff's 18¢ 0" hes . The best assortment of, In hewn Guyton iona! shurshy nie Gleason, aged fifty-six years, was yvesterday, asitop : otevens geo- Bath-room Fixtures King |livered two addresses to. good con- . regations fn the: morning Mr. The ston ever had if Stevens spoke on The Resurrection {of Jesus Christ," as proving three | found dead. She had been a charwo- » trade and commerce department hax been notified that the Belfast De I 1) That Cheist holv. i velopment Association will make an T things : (1) TY wist was holy, for . ET En okiteca ind" Glass owel Racks, i he had not been sinlegs death would exhibit of Irish manufactures ai To- G ' i. Porn ronto fair next year. ve he i ¢ 2) That : : s i : : lass Shelves, a 4 held him pve aa to ia I'he cabinet has commuted to im- the regular meeting of the|tts on view at the lmperial Postal T was & RC » 2, : : ' g yy : umbler Holders, the S I of J Unitarians had lit- | Prisonment lor lle in a criminal in- lal ulapian society Friday = after | Museum in Berlin. It dates from the the Son of God 8 « sy ' 3 ¢ ira > hy Shitada Paper Racks, tle or nothing to say apout the resur- | 38° asylum, John Dillon, the Mon- noon, J. G. Bailey was chosen to (time of | tolen . I hiltde iphus, who C rection. than which there is no better treal murderer, who, the alienists {represent Queen's at the medical «vp. Teigned from 283 to 247 B.C., when ombination Soap and | : : , have pronounced mentally unbalanced BT or ho . |uer to be given by the students of postal deliveries were confined to sty- | GlassHolders. [ of the sosurrcction Unitardanism is a A relief expedition will be sent to | the Western, unigersity, Londan,, Ong. |lions along the Nile. The Py 8 2,150 years ago' is shown by a pap) i | house, 69 Agnes street, Toronto, An- | | Chititings Handkerchiefs We have received a very large assort nent of } of New Handkerchiefs for ( 'hristmas and we are anxious to have you sce just what we are offering. Ladies' Pare Linen Hemstitched, 10e, 12ic, 1be, 20, 256¢ up. delusion and a snare (3) The resur- | the Island of Tiburon in the Guli of | 3. M. 'Polson will perform similar du of the nature of a waybill and bea 5] : : wot a} f ang led { California where eight Arizonans and | ties at the annual function of Toron- the signatures of five postal offi ond All the most modern in|rection is a proof amt pledge of a fof : who | would ¢ ond th ymin judgment. In the language of | Hty Mexican soldiers are believed to [to universiy, 10 A orrespond .to the ol | style and price. Paul, *"God now commandeth all men have fallen into the hands of the . sent sorters, postmen and branch everywhere to repent, because He cannibals that infest the island. V The first inter-year basketball match perintendents The document re ads Ww A Mi II' H rdw hath appointed a day in which He Aviator [Fernandez was killed, on} was played on Saturday, When 12 Somes a¥ loflows h a, 1tche S a are will judge the world in righteousness | Monday, in the fall of his aeroplane defeated "13 by 36 to 2. 'The sophs On this, the 16th day by that man whereof he hath given]at the De Ladrague Aerodrome near | were represented ' by Frskine, Leckie, I, Alexander, received the following Kingston. wwsurance unta all men in that Hef Antibes, France. Fernandez was try- | Wilson, Vansickle and Watt, while For ! tolemy, the Ning, 1 letter pac. _ ety for Appolonius of the Exchejuer, I letter packét and 2 letters; for An hath raised him from the dendge ing a new machine and a defect in | Meek, Cormack, Sterns, Allen and | Some Marks of Inspiration In My | the mechanism caused it to fall from Soul r played for the freshmen year. ; } 0 Cret 1 letter packet > wi » 3 >» eve : ight of for foe pears "10 and '11 will play next Sa-]Rochus the retan, Lier packet; Bible," was the subject of the evening |a height of forty feet. ino pla) a hushed Pr oa o ule? Rscours he sake Aa c Several girls are reported missing n trse. The speaker, in introducing B¥ern. ¢ Po. . es Chelos, 1 letter packet, Delivered the | jis subject, said that from the many Jone man is dying and three others ---- bs + the hands. of Nicode is feared The rumor that the Ottawa Stanley (#P0OVe nto the hands of Nicodemus, h Ladies' Pure Lipen Initial Handkerchiefs, New Designs in Lac e Trimmed Handkerchiefs ORs e bel > v Bible were jured e fatally, it - reasons why he believed the Dible to | were inj ed, on ott. holders Id lav an exhit tis 'the 17th day . . . .'. Signe, | be God-inspired he would call special { as the result of a $100,000 fire in the | cup holders wou play an exhibition | (oo ; al es Sal tifay % v at Ne 7-19 | game wth Queen's in Kingston is un : wttention to five Phere werz : (1) Its | Riley and Klotz factory at .. 17-1 J St . ; **This morning, the ; = E i Phoenix, junior, son of Heraclitus the Macedonian, have delivered to Amin What man ereates ; Mulberry street, Newark, N.J., to'da 25¢, 35¢, up to $3. man can exhaust, and this applies to A deputation of the South African | ' 1 Chow. BD. of MeMast Ea broidered Haridke rchie fs, { A Bd Sot OR AR 0 re dhmowr.. Bl). © Master lany and all - books that men have | Veterans' Associati on a ked th pre | unicurdity preached in 'Convocation {°M I letter packet and paid expenses 0c to 7He written How different the | mier and minister of interior for an Bel on DC hn i Fr . cation 1, Phanias the carrier 1 Amino: (IC, : ¢ oun . wll on ourvday alte mn, to , iid 4. ible ! I'he brightest minds and [extension of two years from Hecrtbes - i y Hon ' lelivered the above to Theochrestus, | keenest intellects have made it a iife { 31st, 1910, of the time in which loca ete., ete Bick Headache and relisve all the troubles ine long study and no man would dream {tion of grants in the west may be AT THE POLICE COURT. It font fo a biliow athe nf ihe system, such a4 of saving that he had exhausted this | made. The reply was sympathetic and ! Cates Before: the Masistraty T the eating, Pain in the Side, &c. While theirmost | mine of truth. (2) Its unity. The | consideration promised. RIES agis Rt 20 remarkable success has boen shown in curing | Bible < : claiming the. $1,400, shich has not huiding the subrstructure of the now oh Wh 517; Jor- Ald. Angrove leaves for Toronto, on i Ribbons been. bi T snse in likely | Quebec bridge. . Tue: p Sines | THE FUR HOUSE, been | aid. The case is likely to be a Be of 'clodtéical develop: First vice-president Dobson (divin: Tuesday, on business. § ; I" oO ts noteworthy that the time of 'S f parcels is give | 1 y 1 the ceapiich. of parcels. is given with Laidlaw's Guaranteed French Kid Gloves e-like regularity. ention ss . had sixty-six parts, written by mre Day. [further made of letter packets to the All shades. $1.25, Premier quality. { forty different persons of different cal Holleford Happenings. 1 was drunk, and I" am very sorry [chief of the elephant hunt; to Theo ] b . ings in life, and it took fifteen hun Holleford, Dec. 2.--Messrs. Richard- job it jy nes Love, on the "pro- | genes, the tax collector; to Zollos, the | $1 for Oueen Quality. # dred vears to complete it, and yet J w dertick at N bial list," made thes statement in [chief of the exchequer at Hermopoli 4 i son have put up a new derrick at No : : A artu'a Little Livwe Pilly are every part fits every other part. There 2 what Ethane mica mines here. They the police court, to-day When asked |and various other departmental chiof venting this annoying complaint, while they alse is only one reasonable way for ac are getting lots of first-class mica Is. where he had hen served with the | CP ---- aa rh Tl, athe counting for this, and that is that | 1c Solliday, New York, 'has leased liquor, he gave a name, and then the | Gives Up Command ; Dies cured the men who wrote were directed bv | jw Jedmond's mica mine and has | (28¢ Was agljousned for a week, to al- § A dramatic story of the sea war * the omnipatent -anind of Goi (3) | ctarted- work on. it. Many of the low for further investigation. told at Liverpool, recently, when the 1 t oxXes I'he fulfilment of prophecies. "No other | golleford people attended "the revival i Sear we Masoud, 1 ey ss Sree t cone Lefdamer Arho, trading between. Tunis : - . ible 4 . f y . eclioper, was charge with putting 1d the English port, arsissd ith { 4 Ache they would be almost pricelasa to those who book" but the Bible has the power of srvices, at Hartington. Rev Mr. R : : jan ie. Lnghsh port, arfved witheu vn fl . OR ti} Suflor from this distressing complaint; bus fortn. looking into the future and telling Py kes intends. holding ia revival hers with sign in fou of his shop, with- [her captain. A few hours .after the Hundreds of pretty Boxes, suitable nately their ~dness does notend here,and those hat is to come to pa and there i 1 out securing' the necessary permission vessel left Tunis her capts 1 nh . what is to « ass f will be a re- |© ) ] nis her captain, who wa < snclo r oifts, 7 2a( ho tneutey mm SH Sud these little Pha valor ' ther. wa to A DR for it than shes Christmas T he ha ] Nh t from the csty engineer, He was given fonly therty-eight vears of age, calle for en ! sing g ift now rea ly ' omy wavethat the pot be wil. 10 " i yA ' ception Service n p 8 . . Rh 8 © : todo wiiliout them. But after allsick head |}, the fact that the author is the ! a day to have the sign: removed, and , cnbsin 8 nic | { t church. on Sunday. Mrs Isabella BR EE EE OV the chief officer to his eabin and sai C ach 4 one who alone knows the end from the | poyoock ha returned from Ottawa I V h" lhe wished to surrender his command " will have to do is to pay the costs of |For some time past he had appearee the court. : | moody avd melancholy and apparent Une drunk was finad 85 and costs, liv felt that his reason was going. Hq w one month, and another $1 and |iaid he was too unwe'l very beginning I'he character of and will start housekeeping again. fesus and His resurrection from the | y Vanluven, who has been working the bane of so many lives that here Is where lend wer the: Inst reasons: Mr. Site Ie anlyven, a aN orang | we make our great boast. Our pills cure it while a . > her farm, mtends moving to Nang to go on witl "thers do not. ' vens advanced for believing the Bible | (oct week. William: Albertson has u Carter's Little Liver Pilla are very small and to. he divine There had never been Mill atiect cost, or ten days, { his responsibilities. He remained pa - . 1 > o the house on 8 Wery easy to talkie. One or two pills makes dose. : ' moved into ' I ive an « toative il the Ge u aff t " 1k They pos Bho vdlbisp dBi p i ii > n this world before or since Christ | (ely occupied by Charles Nicholson, {sive and uncommur icative until" th n imme : ec A 1 | {vessel was off Holyhead. Then befor purge, but by their gentle action please all who ame a character like His Jesus ho now reside in the house owned ALDERMEN RETIRING. . ase them F Chrast was the central figure in the b 3 R 3 Carslake Walker 8 | kanye could snterfere, he Je sped of Underskirts b OARTER MEDICINE 00., NEW TORE. I . : y RB : {the taffrail and sprang overboard { . Sena' . | holy viptures. Their testimony ! Messt Sills anil Grant passed | Alds. Nickle, Free and Angrove |p, Vy sea was running at the time Small BL Small Dosa, Small Prica, yout Him to the end that we ay through here, to-day, buying cattle Are Dropping Out. land 'there was also a "thick fog A Made from a good quality Taffeta, know Him as our Saviour, our Lord | yr |) Walker, narrowly esc ped ho Ald, WF. Nickle is retiring from |boat was lowered in search of the un with 13 inch tucked flounce, finished run over by an auto on Saturd: the city council, his three-vear term [happy commander, but he wag |} | . a ra . ' ! Eh Tar T Mrs. H. Babcock and daughter, Ethel, expiring at the end of the year. [lis [in the Jog, and the rescue party 1 with ruffle. This skirt is well worth English Chrysanthemum have gone to Capé Vincent for a few legislative duties teke him away from [turned to the ship : £5.50 8 r Gazette weeks. Miss Ada Martin is at home » city for three months, and hence in t Jovers may be interested tof oui after spending the summer at annot, attend tha winter meetings | Ww eo Only 12in the lot. that a flower from the first | po Ferry... Quite a number at- lof council. Ald. Free is also retiring May Extend Certificates > EEE OTR r God ing anthemum. ever grown in ¥ng- |i nded the funeral of Mrs. J. Cars: | after srvingt three vears if Rideau Hon. In Pyne, minister of educa . [in ny still be TM the ho callen, Hartington, on Sunday. The | ward. Ald. Angrove, it is understood, | tion; has issued.a circular permitting To~Morrow at $3.75. {arium at the British Museum "| trustees have re-engaged Miss Sigs- | will not run awain in Victorip ward. [the extension of thir ASS, city Ex one of the small yellow flower worth as teacher for the coming year. | If he does not enter thw mavoralty | board, extended third s and ex ed oS BHety, was Surging ed He the J. Babeock, Michigan, is renewing ac- [contest he' wilh retire.from the coun- [tended district teachers' certificates [in en Botanic Gardens in 176 W Bo I R. PARKER &(CO., Ryerss nnd Oleaners; 68 Prinvess 8t., Kingston, Ont; in yl quaintances here, this being thé home |cil. Ald. Hoag may possibly run in [which expire at the close of the pe famou flor ic ulturvst, Philip Mi of his bovhood. Other visitors : Mrs. | Rideau ward, leaving Dr. Ross to en- |sent year. till June 30th, It is hoped. | who himself preserved the specs King, Perth; Mrs. 1 alon, Verona, and | ter the field iv Frontenad ward. It is |by this means to obviate the difficult re. - - -- faen how in tho museum The ney Mi Sigsworth, at James Walker's; | expected that Ald. Hanley will again |in which school boards have been The iar + of Wallace H James Whain, Cobalt, at R. J. jcontest Svdenham ward Ald. Twed- [placed by the scarcity of duly quali 1 4 | After Ni death its culture wa : : ahv ¢ J. ledell. Catarasiui wan 1 r : Carslake's Miss l.eahy at J. dell, Catarayui ward, and Ald. Givens, | fied teachers. Inspectors are, how . : Hn . | ; . arslake's; ep 8 1 ' ) Hopkut v well known clubman and ne glocted, and it is only within recent O'Rielly's Mrs. «J. Medcof, at S. / St. Lawrence ward. wer, requited to do all in their power Ll" 72 IB wer swever, fuled to "eatch on Lt brok who has been on trial 1 o . : : ttained its osent . : er 1 : vears that dt has attained its presen Davey s: Misses Dora McCann, Jewel to secure properly certificated teachs Chicago charged with using tl enormous popularity rood Sigsworth and Jennie Cook at J. W ord before availing themselves "of the ret 1 1 or ---------------- ae mails to defraud, | Sl Miss Lulu McKnight at Drama Of The Pacific Coast. i -_-- 10 8 ae by! | diet of guilty Haogpling defrinded : Hans Holmer nnd Perey Selon will D. Walker's Nrs. r. Trousdale at .J The Pacific coast has a romantic petpission thus accorded, DL OCCOOOOCEORIG OO COCO 00 CUO OOO OO0RO0 0000000] cust met ou i approxima {ran a Rhee n mile race shortly at St.1o pe ep wing is at home, hav- {flavor for all Canadians and to-day Will Be Heard Friday. w---- ---------------------- million dolla ohn, } ing spent several months in Kingston. jund to-morrow they - will be able lob pa dite k |see something of life there, at The 7 ; Sm -- ero | Bijou. The play is entitled "A Fish. | o% Wellington street.soveral * nights SHOGSSSSSSIS0009400+ 844 39997994¢ SAAEAA EEE 10004 P HAAN AL III 4 44444444444 | With The Wind And The Road. |, Se pty 8 entitled, * h- | ago conticues to improve, at the a?" | rman Far And His | pros, I Dieu, and one of tl ¢ "RK indergarte evie p i nop Le Ur ong 0 ie doctors Rindergant Gg and the sun is in | Heroic Bride. I'he scene opens at | stated to the Whig to-day that £4 all the east He a and the heroine's father is seen likelihood she would be able to b - M d m i And the rond swings fo handling the immense fish--fish as big ; A ada ! Tell your Husband, Son, Brother and Father ! Then I put aside the work that you think | pear 'in court on Friday when the never shirs, that Livingston is showing the newest and most up-to-date stock of Furnishings in Kingston. girl who was assaulted' as men that are caught in those | ydjourned case of Jackson, arrested 4 . 1 i And 1langh as I lock the door, | waters. The old man wishes to marry {for drunkenness! and also on sus "| a 3 : The finest : For 't's joy, joy, when the road is cal =| his daughter fo young Hiram Pro i cion of bing the child's a f e 5s assailant . iS ple { And oe ude are all at play ; {nty, but big John Todd objects to | will come up, : display o: Ihey may whistle and shout, as they | this and after two battles with his | buffet me about, she rival carries the girl off and makes , : ra ren : But my heart is as free as they | her 'his wife. Young Hifam hatches a on , ; ef F Sut Cases [here are secrets still of the; road be- plot to Shanghai his rival and after URI ih dui F Wa ; Ci ; ) | yond the hill | another hard fight thé young husband \ IMENTS | A Cu A : t " F heard . » vl a tr RF i] ; 4 £ 4.44 B | ' . . Bory Se, ve the a he the [18 carried out to sea on a pilot boat ie. + OA y Pi : % 3 = and B S$ Fancy Vests Suspenders House Coals, Shirts winds will have their way to be shipper on an Oriental tramp | : ! ¥1 3 ) wor 5 . . . . + ay And 'they'll tell me every steamer. The young wife discovers the Neckwear, Night Robes Dressing Gowrs Handkerchicfs FF it's joy. oy. Joy. when a day ix bie | CIEE sii i " € . d the sp oe § org vd and » o Coat Sweaiers Pyjamas Bath Robes Neck Scarfs 1 [2h he RE fe crn Soon de wha A Durst je arganiae I ane | thrilling we haveever Gloves Hosiery Underwear Umbrelias 4 Kad ad Nees ths unsesn. seen running side by side, exchanging . ' Sr : shown. All J S-------------------- | rifle shots, and at last the capture is | The Indians used to snar re snow- i fresh stock : . Sports At The Y.M.C.A. v made. There is also a fine biograph shoe Rabies with a it of soft wire : Hk us ; 3 ry We would just Hint" that you make your The junior . boys' - basketball teams |drama, "The Open Gate' and illus: |] andalewwhitemood twigafor bait, : and new k is re a 4 : 8 rated. st but they have found that it is pro- . selections for 'Xinas Gifts carly. We'll assist you have buen chosen, and the series for ed songs. ductive of more rabbits to use a styles for Xmas. $5 gets either a fine nition, The new Dominion System solid Leather Suit Case or a fine Club y L v Nes sen » the Keeley cup will commence at the | Set e------ 1 un loaded with 2 . in every way we can. Umbrellas Initialed Free. ninning. of The Rew Yeor. Pe It Now. g ed with Deminsen Ammu The city league games, on Tuesday The merchants have prepared their of inspection proves every car- Bag. night, will be St. James' vs. Eagles, {stores for the Christmas shopping tridge or shot shell perfect. Domin- s : 9 y | and Hawks vs, Vultures trade. The business mien sre doing ion Canidge Co, Lid. Montreal. A pleasure to show our goods, 1Vi ngs On S, | The intermediate teams will hold a | th ir part To make the season ahap-| { practice on Thursday night, from ¢ [py one for everyone and it is now FAES P44 4444555400355 TRT 4 5 Fret 844 | to Rf o'dlock. 'up to' the people to avail themsel- | | { ib 79 BROCK ST. {. The senior team will play a game | ves of the advantages thus given, wrsepvia Avon ith Queen it the colkige, on Fri- {them to pet th Se holiday buying done '§ FFF PFEFFER FFH HET SFE rrr eb a Heer day night. | ariy i : -

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