ISDAY, DECEMBER 7. 1909. -- PAGE'TWO." ---- TEE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. { i ' | 'q . ! ' Good Fellowship KINGSTON'S HOSPITAL .... ise. occasionally leads to overindul- i re SE heir Rotnes. y gence inthe good things of the Ther: was no scssion of the police table.® Be good to your stomach. court 0-day. : : Right it at once with English i Ported goods just arrived a ee -- Rh A GikiGe_OF El Come In and See Our Ladies' | Tussday's Court Session. | Fa n Cy Col lar § ' iat Keelevw's Bonjamid F. Detlor, father of the 200 different styles to choose frem. Prices from 18c to $2. Its Nurses in Great Demand By! T ; Harticon has returned home previoss witaess iled by Nr Outside Hospitals--Amberst from a tip Lhe Nov when cour ned thi; LADIES' JABOTS, 50 different styles. Prices from 25¢c to $150. LADIES BELTS, all styles, from 25¢ to $2. br SRR 1sland People's Generpus Do-| Wiliam >waine, piano tuner. Orders | morring ihe witness re rsed the Alexandre Kid Gloves. $1. nation eceived at McAuley's. "Phone 778. story Gf 'renting the mili, ne ¥1,- | 500: worth of stock to be put in, ana | CHILDREN'S MITTS AND GLOVES from 15¢c Up CHILDREN'S WHITE CLOUDS from 25¢ Up. Nature's Remedy, in 23c., I0cow, and of the ordering oi cars irom dilierent . The board of governors of Kingston |§1 bokes, at Micieod's drug stores. dealers, and how the ar- Ladies' Tailoring and Dressmaking. . {general hospital met, Monday after-| Give the merchants a chance, by ranged. Witness corroborated the evi- ) |uoon, with the following present: |miaking those necessary purchases James A Minpes (chairman), Dr. fearly. dence of the previous witness to the Soid Everywhere. Third, B. W. Robertson, Rev. Dr.| Keep your feet warm by using elec- |oxtent that on cars where Clancy paid Mackie, F. G. Lockett, F. Welch, J, Y, | ric insoles, 25c. a pair. McLeod's cash no commission was charged, but Parkhill, Prof. Marshall, G. Y. Chown, |drug store. when he wanted time, then he paid a | A. F. Chown, H. D. Bibby, W. M. | Just fifteen more shopping days un- |commission, and every time Clancy | knew he was to pay a certain rate, That our prices are the lowest in CANADA is shown by looking over the advertiséments of the T. EATON or ROBT. SIMPSON CO., of Toronto in the daily papers. You will see ex- actly the same goods advertised by them as we are selling and fistd that our prices are 10 per cent. less. If we are this much lower than the Department stores how much more are we - CHRISTMAS FURNITURE GIFTS laillie, W. B. Dalton, Felix Shaw, R. [til Christmas. Do not wait until the and not the invoice price. Witness | low those of Kingston stores ? tee HAS THE FINEST X-RAY MACHINE 'IN-CANADA. | (Continued from page 5.) 0 Wes of price was wa in Boxes 35 cents. Bh AA Most useful, most pleasing, buy'/J. Carson, Major Carruthers, last. brushes, etc., 8t'|said that when Clancy entered suit, he now. We will hold and deliver at' The board of management announc- | Ebony mirrors, Christmas. jod the purchase of a Scheidel Western | Keeley's. . went to him to see thc reason, and | . { X-ray machine. This machine is be | Wallace Bell, Montreal, is dead. He [Clancy told him he bad been wronged | {lieved to be equal, if not superior, to | was born in Kingston, sixty-four years | gut of considerable money. Witness | 'any X-ray machine in Canada, and |ago. said he could not see how it was, as| will be a great acquisition to the "Concentrated violet and rose per-|he did not see any of the money | equipment and effective working of fume," sold at Gibson's Red Cress|Clancy then told witness his son knew, | the hospital. : drug store. a as he had received the money. "'Isaid! A generous donation of vegetables | The windows of the merchants are |] was'yery sorry, and il he was | was received from the citizens of Am- |brighter and better dressed than ever | yronged F was willing to make it) herst Island, who heartily responded | before for the Christmas season. right. I wanted to settle it by arbi in this direction to the solicitation of {| H. Cunningham, piano tyner from | ration, but he refused, so we went to the Woman's Aid Society. Amherst | Chickering's. Leave orders at Me- Napanee to see Clancy's lawyer, Mr. | Island is always a warm friend of the | Auley's Book Store. Herrington, but could not settle. 1 hospital > The weather man has been very good | ooo willing to compensate him for One of the nurses, who has recently |to those employed on outside work. anything he bad been defrauded out completed ber term in the training | It has been fine ior the building trade. | ;5 school, has heen offered and has ac English honey and jelly pots at "Kfter this visit 1 went back and cepted a very desirable position in an | Keeley's. saw-my son, who told me there was hospital in Indianapolis: 1t is very | Parents would be wite if they kept | EF paug that it was a trumped-up gratifying to the governors and man- | their children from skating on bays | sfair and 1 would find it out when 1 agement to find that the nurses of this | till the New' Year. It's dangerous till Jcaw the papers. When he told me this institution are sought after, and that | then. I. went te Clancy and went to very many of them are now occupying | "Sweet castor Herrington. to see the papers again, | responsible , add . lucratige positions |10c. a bottle. ahd 1 Was offered a settlement, but re- both in Canada and the United States. |drug store. fused, as | was not sure what it was, | Some fine Uphol- I'he medical superintendent reported The many friends of George Deane, | nd until' I was sure there was some- stered styles, $6.50 116 patients admitted and, 108 dis- caretaker at St. Andrew's church, will | thing wrong." i $7.50 up to $50 charged : |be sorry to learn that he is very seri- Witness, in reply to Mr. Mowat, said oath | _ The committee of the Sir Oliver | ously ill. the first time he knew the invoices Mowat Memorial hospital brought -in Our 15c. were altered was when Mr. Herrington | very encouraging report and outlin- | Witch Hazel Cream and McLeod's | howed them to him. He then asked ed to the board the scheme as at pres- |tooth paste. Both good articles; nore | hic won Percy, who said he altered |ent under comsideration. A resolution |better. McLeod's drug stores. them at Clancy's request, {was passed by the hoard expressing Arthur Hora has a copy of the Lon: Witness acknowledged that before he great pleasure at the report, and ask- |don Times of 1805. It is a very small | fet went to Mr. Herrington's office, | ng that a similar report be made at |sheet. The feature in it is a descrip- {his son-in-law, George Maunds, told each monthly meeting. tion of the battle of Waterloo. him what the claim was, and that "it Visiting governors for December will English pierced sugar bowls Hooked -wrong."" Mr. Detlor also ac be Gi. Y. Chown and Prof, Martin, Keeley's. ii : knowledged that he had said at the The Roman Catholic societies of the {time that he could not see how the money could have coms in without him Ladies' and Gent's Desks, $5, $6.50 up. oe NH I RR Office Desks and Chairs to match The Suitable Child A real 'Xmas story by Nor- man Duncan. The account of | a "Xmas party on a train, and of the appearance of a most unexpected and lone- some small boy in the day coach. Mr. Duncan does some fine character drawing in the little tale, which' will not be suffered, one read, to drop out of sight. Board cover ! stamped in gold, $1.00 NICKING AND ARM CHAIRS, $1.50, $2, $3 up. we oil for children," Gibsou's Red - Cross be- HARRISON FISHER'S only contribution to lovely books is his "AMERICAN BEAUTIES' where twenty- one lovely girls strive in delicious rivalry for the apple of Venus. Printed on a heavy glossy paper in full color Boxed $3.00. the season's specialties : McLeod's The College Book Store, - The Finest Book Store in Eastern Ontarie. 260 PRINCESS ST. MUSIC CABINETS, at Parlor Cabinets, Ma- hogany finish, $4.50, $6 up to $65 HAS SERVED A NOTICE city meet on Sunday at seven o'clock and proceed in a body to St. Mary's cathedral to receive holy communion. Headquarters for tooth brushes, combs and hair brushes. McLeod's drug stores, corner King and Brock and Princess and Montreal streets. Dr. McCarter, Verona, brought to the Hotel Dieugsuffering from typhoid fever, is greatly improved and expects to be able to return home in a few davs : "English violet soap," 10c. a Sold at Gibsounjs Red Cross stare, PD. A on the streets, | | { - = PHONE 919 English Oak REDUCED IN PRICE. On Portland Road Toll-Keeper Re- garding Repairs. Reeve Rankin, of Kingston town- _ ship, on Monday, served Patrick | Judge, of No. 1 toll gate, on the Kingstorn-Portland Road, with an or der from the Ontario public works de- partment, that the road must be re paired at ance, 'or the collection of toll must cease after August lst next This order was made as a result of the visit to the road, last week, of A. J. Haliord, Outario inspector of = toll roads, on the complaint of 'a number of ratepayers of Kingston and Port Draperies, ete. land Lowaishi pa, regarding the danger- ous condition 'of the Po ) Phone 90. Yours, on which they a to Friend oad, Inspector reDOTe 4 « T. FF. Harrison Co. |. "Thou aliord reported td Hon. claiming that money asked Mr. Herrington. | "1 do claim it," replied the witness Before the witness was dismissed Mr. Mowat went fully into the of frautl "mentioned = by Mr. Herrington having them expleined,. ar d 'also caw of theltsof ammunition laid against Detlow,: which came to trial befor: Judge Madden, and Petlor was honor- ably acquitted. At this point'it looked a little like a settlement, but before things brought to a focus both sides baulked nnd the examination went on. His lordship remarked that it seem- ¢d funny to him that in the first conversations between the parites with Mr. Herrington no mention of com- mission was made, and also what right had. any owe to alter an in voice increasing the price, Mr. Detlor's examination was then concluded. tieorge (Gendron was then called Mr. Mowat and swore that he was present when Mr. Clancy asked Percy Detlor to change an invoice. Under cross-examination witness said that at the mill Clancy refused a slip of pa- per, saying he wanted the true in- voice Witness Detlor change the cases Clancy said taken, Williard l.ymon, another resident oi Arden, sworn, serd he hed also had dealings with Mr. Clancy. Witness sa'd when he got the second load of grain from Clancy he told witrass he would have to charge five cents more a hundred as he had to pay Detlor a jarge commission. To Mr. Herrington said he was cousin of Percy and also admitted that Mr had to 'seize some logs he- longing to witness to satisfy his bill. William File was next called and tcld of buying grain from Ulaney, Nickel Silver «nd he was told the same story by Now $7 Clancy, about having to pay com » 1 only (Stag Horn MISSION on every that came t The early Buyer: gets. a's Qak) Dinner Gong, was $10. Mr. Detlor. better clioice; receives better Now $7. ny After this evidence Mr. Herrington attention, and is better sat- 1 only Wine Case, Oak, with called Mr. Clancy in rebuttal, Wit- isfied than the one huying in Nickel trimmin 15) ' Was $10 ness dew ed positively ever telling" any the rush and confusion of bottles), was $10. Now $7 the three witnesses that he had the late hcurs. 15 shopping These Ale only instance to pay a commission to anyone, an days till 'Xmas the values to be picked as to William lle, the last witness, he every day never bought a pound of grain it y . . Received To-Day3|§ SMITH BROS., Scarlet Overstockings™ to life from the witness, Witness by "also positively dened going down t Jewellers, Opticians. 350 King St. fit Children of all agesj Price 39¢. and up. » he might have been mis Hassocks, 85¢., $1.50. 45c., cake. drug were Caye had sold the brick house corner of Brock and Alfred owned by Miss Weller, Wel lington street, to James Hughes, Bat tensea, Manicure grs, nail Canpets, Rugs, Linoleum, Com- forters, Curtains, Window Shades, hr. Petior, ( lancy sets, cuticle knives, scis- buffers, nail files of all descriptions. McLeod's drug stores, corner King and Brock and corner Montreal and Princess streets. | Mrs. T. 6. Smith received = word, yesterday, from Sioux Uity, lowa, that..J. S. McDonald Smith is critical- Iv ill aiter an operation for appendici- tis on Sunday. Two. 25¢. bottles of silver polish at Keeley's for 2jc. ('anon Starr has gone to (Gananoque where he will Ipcture, to-night, in aid of the funds of Christ church, on re: miniscences of a roundabout route to the Pan-Anglican congress. Shaving brushes, shaving strops, mirrors, shaving cups Mcleod's drug stores, corner King and Brock and corner Montreal and Princess streets. Several people in Wonderland, last night, had an awful time dodging | Merry Widow' hats, worn by young ladies. : Girls, ii you only knew all the trouble you would take them off. Perpetual motion has since the world began. Perpetuating your salary to your family, -after your death, can be arranged for with 8S | The Prudential Insurance Company, | The judge, delivering judgnient, Newark, NJ. Write them for par- said he could not credit the ev idende ticulars the defendants, and their I'he Chatham engine, undergoing re fions for a settlement were in pairs since the fire test, two weeks serve admission that they ago, was tested, this morning, at the j overcharged Clancy The government dry dock. - The engine was called to coroborate the Detlors were given repairs at the lower very unsatisfactory, and the best of station. their evidence was not to be taken as Perfumes in boxes and bulk, sachet definite enough attach very much powders, bath powders, toilet waters weight to of all kinds. McLeod's drug stores, "1 do not believe there any corner hing and Brock and - corver agreement by Clancy to pay the Det Montreal and Princess streets, lors any commission on the purchases The barber shops are endeavoring to of the various lots of grain. 1 do not make arrangements for Christmas. As credit Percy Detlor's story of the the day falls on Saturday, the shops son for altering and mutilating will probably 'keep open late Friday invaces and other documents," night, and until one o'clock Saturday. his lordship. 'He had no right It has not been settled yet. do so : Do the screws of your eyeglasses or "His statement that it was done for spectacles loosen at times? Keeley, Clancy to show his customers Jr., is selling a pocket screw driver what he was paying for grain, was for 25¢. that will fold up or can be just an excuse put forward to his attached to your watch chain like a father to account for his changing the small pencil. papers. | cannot credit Percy's story Canadian Freeman : With | bread that it was done at Clancy's request. lower and potatoes selling at forty y "1 give judgment for the plaintiff cents per, bag, it will indeed be some with fall the accounts showing condolaffon to the working classes to the amount of the invoices and price pass away the winter mouths with of various lots of grain to be dealt 1 only large Tray (Oak with 0. Reaume, minister of the public a works department, that the above mentioned road, extending from the Sydenham Road, in Kingston town- ship, to. the Harrowsmith and Wilton Road, in Portland township, a dis- tance of ten miles, is so much out of repair through its entire length as, in his apinion, to justify an order for the ressor of the right to tolls, in respect to the whole road. The minister ap- proved the order," and the likelihood ® |i# that the company owning - the road {will abandon it, as the needed repairs S | will be costly. The townships of Port- y land and Kingston will then have to maintain the road, but will receive aid towards its rebuild- and car by of of up Shw mnvoice, William Vealey was next calla Mr. Mowat, and said that he beught some flour and his Percy feed from lor in Gendron's presence to alter a: Clancy, Clancy told Lin he * could not invoice, Mrs. Clancy was again re givd him long credit as he had to pay called dnd said she knew William File, Detlor a large commission for getting the last witness, and swore he hag the grain. To Mr. Herrington wit- (never purchased a pound of feed or nest was not very sure about what grein from her or her husband while they had been in business. This con cluded the evidence. Mr. Mowat made a defense of his .clients, taking an hour to present his case. After Mr. Mowat had completed his address, the judge said he did not require to hear Mr Herrington's address, as the case, in his mind, was quite clear without it once when the hotel or ever asking Det The t fu Issuers Of Marriage Licenses, e best present is a useful present. SEE OUR EIDERDOWN COMFORTERS Patterns specially selected, Never before have we shown such elegant designs and ,colorings in Rugs and Mats, they surpass anything we ever had tefore. Table Covers 'n endless variety. government ny iii Sashes, JUDGE MADDEN DECIDES each | Scarlet » and 50c¢ Before Scarlet and 50c¢ A choice lot of lengths, in dainty box 50¢. and up. Fancy Collars and Belts, greater variety than in any previous season, 25¢. and up Two Assessment Appeals Before Him. Judge Madden sat in the city coun- cil chamber, on Tuesday morning, 'hear assessment appeals. Only two came before him. One succeeded and the other did not. Abraham Shaw ap- pealed against on a Toques, each fine address in cause, you Waist fancy to Sheen sought assessment of $2,300 avenue property, but that confirmed. The other appeal Price against an in University figure was of negotia them had witnesses Fancy Linen Pieces, in all sizes, shapes and in dainty designs. Popular prices was by Judge assessment of $6,000 on the former Henry Folger property at the foot of Emily street. The lawn bordering the ' water, he held, should be exempt as it was unfit for. building purposes. It cost him something to H keep it up. It was a beautiful piece of sward to gaze upon, but shouldn't be assessed on that ground. Judge Madden . decided to reduce the assess- ment to $5,500. The original assess is sess actebrm-- -- "iment was $6,500, but 23500 was deduct- BEACIOR ASE AOR OIG ER | od by the court of < * FOR A NICE tle OFFICERS WERE ELECTED. TIDY HOME rooms, W, C., good an R. McFAUL Kingston Carpet Warehouse. 00D FURS MAKE GOOD GIFTS. » CANADIAN FURS Alexandre Kid Gloves, best in the land. All colors, with gnarantey and $1.25 a extensive 1 ta $1 FOR STYLE, FIT. AND COMFORT Wear Gourdier's Furs -- |76 to 80 BROCK ST. 10 |; - - - was rea- revision Anis At Young Reople's Union Bz ptist Church, I'he Young People's Union, of the First Baptist church, met, Monday evening, for the annual election of offi- cers There was a good attendance, and officers were elected as follows : Honorary president, Rev. Douglas | Laing; president, Harry Pickering; vice-president, Miss Kines: secretary. | Miss Pearl Campbell; treasurer, Thom- | as Pickering: organist, Miss Lillian First to use Sos With 7 costs, cellar A Corner Lot Where you could bui'd a store in the future You can't do better than look at Wright Convenore of committecs : Lookout, Miss Jean Kines; prayer meeting, Dr. Lake; sick mod relief, Miss Edith Friendship; Sunday school, Miss Ildas Smallridge; flower, Miss Jean Laing; music,. Miss Annie Friendship; social, Norman Huxhey. Dr Knight's official report shows that the highest temperature recorded in Kingston during November was sixty-four degrees, and the lowést four- some hope and a full stomach. All of our new soaps for Christmas on exhibition. All fresh and good and low in price. McLeod's drug stores, corner hing and Brock and corner Montrenl and. Princess streets. Prof. Fowler, who has been for over twenty-five years clerk of the session of Cooke's church, has resigned owing to the infirmities of age, apd his re tirement is regretted. A committee will draft a resolution of appreciation of past services. Prof. Fowler will Canadian Furs, such as Had- son Bay Sable, Mink, | yox, Otter, Beaver, Fishe , Bear. Ete., are amongst the finest in the world, and this store makes a specialty of Fine Canadian Furs. We have in stock to- day : with by the master. "The counter-elaim dizallowed, and the defendanis have no right in the action to make any such claim against Clancy." Ihe first case called when court was resumed was an action brought by Selby & Youlden, against Percy J. Johnson, Belleville. The plaintifis claim was for $445, balance due jor a boiler and eugine under contract in writing, dated May, 1907. The deience that the boiler and engine was were so fe For A Christmas : aS NI dase Cor. Barrie and York St. This can be bought right. continue to perform his duties as elder {of the church = a. meeking of Kingston township | Rheumatism. promptly driven from on Monday, it was decided to | the blood with Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic put a by-law to the ratepayers in| Remedy. Rub-ons never did cure rheu- January for the purchase of the Kings- matism. The blood must be reached-- | ton-Bath toll read. and Dr: Shoop's Remedy is made ex- Fhe local Anglican clergymen met, |pressly for the blood. Test it and | Monday afternoon, to arrange for |gee ! Sold bv all dealers. mission meetings in January. Contractor Michael Sullivan erected comfortable quarters for convenience of his workingmen who are employed in the erection of the re science hall on Queen's campus, 2 Days | the work of which is going on rapid rh {ly. Already the foundation appears On every |. ove the surface. A large number of , 33¢ | masons and Inborers, are employed Hudson Bay Sable Sets $200 up. Mink Sets, $50 up. Lyex Sets, $50 up. Ask for New Catalogue and Price List. imperfect and so uuskilfully constructed that it was impossible to get up steam for the purpose of the boat, and that he has never heen able to use the boat defendant R1.700 damages {or ahoat teen deghpes @ At council g Present Nothing could be able than a glasses Christmas time With our varied stock we can fit any face, giving the comfort and security of a Spec- tacle, with the style only, to be : had with a well fitted Eyeglass. We guarantee perfectly adopted lenses. + Dr A.P.Chown DRUGUINT AND OPTIOIAN. more accept pair of Geld Eye pv can be bought and fitted at HFFA Hg FAO for that reason. The for the entered a counter-claim PERFECT Le Kingston Laundry, Cor. Princess and Sydenham Sts, ~ "Phone, 22. loss of use of of Mounts ------------ has the ~ The conservative ghucus at Ottawa did not reach a conclusion on the report, recommending that the party convention be held in Winnipeg next July. The caicus will not decide un- til after Christmas. Gpers and field glasses of the best makers at Keeley's. Ae Ui McCann, Brock Cor. King St. r od 1 Makers Of Fine Furs. 126-128 Princesa St. i AANA AANA HAH SAAN AAANAAN AS HANH AK